16 04 2017




Many people are asking the Drumpf Administration. What is your overall endgame diplomatic, military or political strategy by dropping a $16 million- 30  foot long  “Mother of All Bombs (MOAB)” on a bunch of so-called desert Isis combatants in the mountains of Afghanistan? By the way. What did they do- blow up half of Washington DC then took a slow boat back to Afghanistan? Drumpf says that he won’t answer the question. However, take your clues from the White House, Little GoebbelsSean Spicer just before the bombing.

aaaaamoadnazipartyOut of the blue, Little Goebbels told the BIG LIE to the White House national press corps that Adolf Hitler didn’t use chemical weapons of mass destruction on his OWN PEOPLE.


Just so it is crystal clear in everybody’s mind as to what Little Goebbels was saying about Hitler, who were Hitler’s people? Basically, Hitler argued that the blue-eye, blond Aryan German race was superior to all others. It wasn’t quite a departure from other white superiority notions. Apparently, HollyWeird believe that blue-eye, blond white superiority went back to at least 10,000 BC.


Hitler was obsessed with ‘racial purity’. He used the word ‘Aryan‘ to describe his idea of a ‘pure German race’ or “Herrenvolk”. The Aryan race had a duty to control the world. The Nazis believed that the Aryans had the most “pure blood” of all the people on earth. Non-Aryans weren’t Hitler’s people. Hitler and the Nazis called non- Aryans  the Untermensch, the semi- human, sub-human, impure and the EVIL. A league table of “races” was created with the Aryans at the top and with Jews, Gypsies and black people at the bottom. These “inferior” people were seen as a threat to the purity and strength of the German nation.

Hitler’s Thule Society Mentor, Notorious Satanic Occultist Deputy Fuhrer Rudolf Hess

At a mass meeting in 1934, Nazi Deputy Party Leader Rudolf Hess stated, “National Socialism is nothing but applied biology.” As early as the publication of Mein Kampf (1924-26), “Hitler had declared the sacred racial mission of the German people to be ‘assembling and preserving the most valuable stocks of basic racial elements [and]… slowly and severely raising them to a dominant position’...” So, according to the guide of Little Goebbels, the people of  the mountains of Afghanistan weren’t their people.


Don’t like it- “Qu’ils mangent de la brioche“, LET THEM EAT CAKE!


Right now, all across America and the world, people are talking about the “Mother of All Bombs (MOAB)” like its butter spread across a piece of toast. It is being tossed around our breakfast table as easy as the day’s weather. Well, Little Goebbels didn’t misspeak the other day when he glorified Adolf Hitler as a WWII humanitarian that didn’t use chemical “Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD)” on his own people, and called Nazi-SS concentration camps “holocaust centers.” Hitler did resist using WMD’s on his own people- Anglo/Aryan Europeans and their American and British cousins. Concentration camps were holocaust (KILLING) centers.


And it seems that I also didn’t misspeak when I talked about the Nazi/SS fiend, Dr. Dr. Kurt Blome, and the “Mother of All Chemical Weapons.”


Today, I will introduce you to yet another Operation PAPERCLIP Nazi/SS fiend and his “Mother of All Bombs (MOAB)” that Little Goebbels said that Hitler resisted using on his own people. It’s SS-Oberscharführer (Nazi senior squad leader) Dr. Ing Marius (Mario) Zippermayr. SS Zippermayr is a still a top secret and suppressed history of the “Zero Point Energy Wonder Weapons” developed by the Knights of the Black Sun and Brotherhood of the Bell. 

Zero-point energy (ZPE) or ground state energy is the lowest possible energy that quantum mechanical system may have, i.e. it is the energy of the system’s ground state. Zero-point energy can have several different types of context, e.g. it may be the energy associated with the ground state of an atom, a subatomic particle or even the quantum vacuum itself. Dr. Zippermayre developed a secret atom vacuum bomb  “Death in the Air” for every plant, tree, bug, animal and the Untermenschen caught within its breath. 


That buttery spread, MOAB, that you have come to enjoy the taste of is actually the glorification of the Luciferian Workshop of Herman Goring, Heinrich Himmler, and Dr. Zippermayr. When U.S. Army Counterintelligence officers were introduced to his works in August 1945 in Salzburg, Austria, Zippermayr’s MOAB was so wicked, bizarre and outlandish that they called it, the WITCH’S CAULDRON.

On that day that Little Goebbels talked about Hitler and holocaust centers, he was gloating in sheer arrogance of what the White House had planned to use in Afghanistan  just like the Fuehrer and the SS secretly used on the Russians on the eastern front during WW IICorporate mass media news, white house, pentagon, and congresspersons will not tell you the truth about “Mother of All Bombs (MOAB).” True, it isn’t necessarily called a nuclear bomb. However, you can call it a “race (Untermensch Non Aryan) mass murder weapon” that’s the next best thing to an ATOMIC BOMB!

SS Zippermayr’s MOAB is a classified top secretWunderwaffe” for “Wonder Weapon“. Wunderwaffe was a term assigned during WWII by the Nazi German propaganda ministry (Josef Goebbels) to a few revolutionary Nazi-SS “Superweapons“.[1]


Hermann Wilhelm Göring (or Goerin)

President of the Reichstag and Vice Chancellor of Nazi Germany

The SS MOAB is a high-impulse thermobaric weapons (HITs), heat and pressure weapons, vacuum bombs, or fuel-air explosive (FAE or FAX) undertaken by the President of the Reichstag, Herman Goering, the German Luftwaffe, and SS Dr. Zippermayr.[2] Dr. Zippermayr was a coal dust explosive expert. He was a member of the Nazi Party, and joined the SS (Knights of the Black Sun) in 1933.[3] Dr. Zippermayr constructed both a huge “Wirbelwind Kanone” (Whirlwind Cannon) and “Turbulenz Kanone” (Vortex Cannon). Both had the same goal – to knock down enemy bombers through clever manipulation of air.[4]


The Whirlwind Bomb produced an artificial “hurricane of fire” developed and tested by Dr. Zippermayr at Lofer, an experimental Luftwaffe Institute in the Tyrol. The explosive was pulverized coal dust and liquid air. Its effect was sufficient to create an artificial typhoon and was intended initially as an anti-aircraft weapon able to destroy aircraft by excessive turbulence. The effective radius of action was “914 metres…” less than a mile. From a declassified US Intelligence document of the Salzburg Detachment of the US Forces Austria Counter-Intelligence Corps, Dr. Zippermayr was interrogated at Lofer on August 3, 1945. Dr. Zippermayr worked on three projects of which one was the Enzian/Schmetterling anti-aircraft rockets “charged with a coal dust explosive so strong that the concussion could break the wings of a bomber“. This item “was proved successful by August 1943, but orders for its production were not issued until March 9, 1945…”[5]


In addition to the Whirlwind Gun, an extract from BIOS (British Intelligence Objectives Sub-Committee) report states that during 1944, an explosive mixture of 60% liquid air and 40% finely powdered coal dust invented by Dr. Zippermayr was secretly tested at Döberitz explosives ground near Berlin, and was found to be very destructive over a radius of up to 600 metres.[6] Waffen-SS scientists added some kind of waxy substance to Zippermayr’s explosive. The bombs had to be filled immediately prior to the aircraft taking off. Bombs of 25 (55 pounds) and 50 kgs (110 pounds) were dropped on Starnberger. The city of Starnberg is in Bavaria, Germany, some 19 miles south-west of Munich.[7]

Photos of the destruction were taken by SS Standartenführer Dr Alfred Klemm and to Rudolf Brandt (Himmler’s Personal Administrative Officer). The intensive explosion covered an area 4 to 4.5 km (about 2 miles) radius, and the explosion was still felt on a radius 12.5 km (almost 8 miles). When the bomb was dropped on an airfield, much destruction was caused 12 km (about 8 miles) away, and all the trees on a hillside 5 to 6 km (almost 4 miles) away were flat. On a radius of 12.5 km. (about 8 miles) only the tops of the trees were destroyed.[8] The nuclear weapon detonated at Ohrdruf in March 1945 was an adaptation of Dr Ing Mario Zippermayr’s coal dust/liquid oxygen bomb for the SS as part of Operation Hexenkessel. SS Standartenfuhrer Dr. Klemm added radioactive isotopes to Zippermayer’s bomb which increased its previous blast radius by factor of ten or more. The isotopes appear to be added included Uranium dust and a pinkish waxy liquid.[9]

The SS took Zippermayr’s coal dust shells and added a reagent to the mix which could have been a Nazi Super Bomb equal in devastation to the Atomic Bomb. The reagent, mixed with LOX and coal dust would create both an initial firestorm and then a freak lightning storm at ground level. This would consume all the air and burn everything, people and all matter in a 4.5 km (almost 3 miles) radius.[10]

The Ohrdruf military training area is alleged to have been ran as a concentration camp by the Nazi SS. In other words, the Ohrdruf nuclear test may have involved human test victims. Ohrdruf, located in the south-eastern state of Thuringia, was a Soviet military base after World War II.[11]


SS Standartenführer Klemm, Kaiser Wilhelm Institute for Chemistry

On January 2, 1947, SS Standartenführer Klemm was listed as one of the 1,600 Austrian and German of the U.S. Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency (Operation PAPERCLIP) that secretly helped to develop America’s nuclear and atomic bomb.[12] However, Dr. Zippermayr remained deep-deep cover- Top Secret.

Zippermayr’s bombs caused a truly massive area of devastation caused by the relatively small 50 to 110 pound fuel-air bombs. Make the bomb larger, the area of devastation increases. Zippermayr had a similar insight to Dr. Karl Nowak’smolecular bomb“: compression of material and then rapid dispersion over an area prior to detonation. This is only one step short of a modern fuel air bomb with its chain molecules and electrical, instantaneous, rather than slower chemical, detonation.

The idea of a “Superbomb” was first patented prior to WWII in Austria, and a modification of the idea was patented in Germany in 1943. Its inventor, Dr. Karl Nowak, explained the reason for his invention as being to create a superbomb without the radioactive fallout effects that were evident from atomic and thermonuclear explosions. In other words, the NazisSS were already looking past the thermonuclear age toward the creation of second and third generation weapons systems that would give the same offensive and strategic “punch” but without the side effects. Basically, the SS idea was to create a state of matter in which, through ultra-low temperatures approaching absolute zero, matter would be super-compressed. The idea was then to detonate this material, subjecting it to sudden stress and heat, to create a sudden and massive expansion and explosion, and therewith, an enormous, H-bomb sized blast. Thus, there may have been a basis in actual German secret research for the incredible claim of the Japanese military attaché in Stockholm’s 1943 report to Tokyo that the Germans were investigating the properties of super-dense matter for weaponization.[13]

A declassified report by the National Security Agency (NSA) in 1978 entitled simply “Reports on the Atom-Splitting Bomb” covered a Japanese intelligence report that was firmly convinced that the Nazis had used a revolutionary type of weapon on the Eastern Front against the Russians as early as 1943.

This bomb is revolutionary in its results, and it will completely upset all ordinary precepts of warfare hitherto established. I am sending you, in one group, all those reports on what is called the atom-splitting bomb: It is a fact that in June of 1943 the German Army tried out an utterly new type of weapon against the Russians at a location 150 kilometers southeast of Kursk. Although it was the entire 19th Infantry Regiment of the Russians which was thus attacked, only a few bombs (each round up to 5 kilograms) sufficed to utterly wipe them out to the last man.”[14]


SS Hans Kammler & SS-1 Himmler

So in other words, regardless of whether or not the Nazis actually detonated atom bombs during WWII, they did have a secret weapon of mass destruction as powerful as an atom bomb, and one that did not have radioactive side effects and fingerprints. It is also to be noted that Zippermayr’s bomb tests took place under the direct auspices and at the very least a triple ring of security and secrecy of the SS, and Himmler’s representative. Nazi Germany’s secret Fuel-air bomb weapons were firmly developed within the ring of the secret Masonic/Satanic “blood covenant of death“, and arranged absolute jurisdiction and control of Hitler, Himmler, Bormann, and Obergruppenführer and General de Waffen-SS Hans (Heinz) Friedrich Karl Franz Kammler’s “think tank” and arsenal of Wunderwaffe weapons, technology, and SS  secret ancient Satanic/Alchemy witch expertise. The SS’  secret Wunderwaffe weapons and technology were used as bargaining chips with their wicked Anglo cousins- American, British and western forces to protect and shield them from arrest, prosecution, and execution for mass racial murder, war aggression, and crimes against humanity.

SS Kammler & Vril Maiden Maria Orsic

After May 1945 and the Fall of Nazi Germany,  Hitler, Himmler, SS Obergruppenführer Kammler, Maria Orsic and the Vril Maidens were remarkably disappeared, and literally erased from WW II history.


 Baron Otto von Bolschwing- Powerful Old Prussian Teutonic Knight Peer

One more important note, SS Zippermayr’s U.S. secret U.S. military recruitment was arranged, signed and delivered pawn through the Nazi-SS counterintelligence network of SS Hauptsturmführer Baron Otto Albert Alfred von Bolschwing. SS Bolschwing was one of Himmler’s most  aristocratic elite Prussian/German Teutonic knights, and clandestine SS and SD agents. After WW II, Baron Bolschwing became one of the U.S. military and government’s most aristocratic German elite, senior, trusted, powerful and clandestine Nazi-SS agents.

An Austrian report noted Bolschwing’s rather unique and most remarkable affiliation and infiltration of the U.S. Army Counterintelligence Corps “CC” in Salzburg, and that he did not undergo denazification because he claimed to have been a “LYING” active underground anti-Nazi fighter of the  Austrian Tyro Mountain Underground. Nevertheless, Baron Bolschwing was a  dedicated and fervent secret Nazi-SS “Werewolf”Bolschwing received certificates and clearances from various American units in Austria, including the 71st and 410th Infantry Regiments for service as early as the summer of 1945SS Bolschwing later stated that he worked with the U.S. Army’s 44th Infantry Division from April through June 1945; the 103rd Infantry Division in July and August 1945; the 84th Infantry Division until December 1945; and finally with Third US Army Intelligence through December 1946. In the Gehlen SS Spy Org, he was Chief of Base, and the Chief of Mission to Salzburg.[15]


What he did in America and California under former Bohemian Grove Governor and President Ronald Reagan, U.S. military, FBI and CIA from 1953 to 1981 when he allegedly died is U.S. National Security Top SecretDr. Zippermayr did all the theoritical as well as practical work in developing the SS fuel air weapon. It was an explosion which could be as large as one mile in diameter. Remarkably, Zippermayr’s works were kept top secret until the late 1970s and even until 1999 in which (Forschung) appealed to the Army and USAF on a FOIA request and got five files on Zippermayr. According to Forschung, the US military Intelligence invented a whole technology as a cover-story for Zippermayr. They invented the vortex cannon to mask Zippermayr’s work at Lofter, Tyrol, and their interest in it and him. The Vortex Cannon never existed at all. The fuel-air bomb is still feared today. “This is a classic example of a US cover-up and undervaluation“. [16]


The U.S. military fuel air (FAE)  MOAB is formally known as GBU-43/B Massive Ordinance Air Blast, a giant 21,600 pound bombshell filled with Composition H-6, a military explosive and an unknown Witches’ Brew ( My pure unsubstantiated speculation of DEVIL, DEMON AND WITCHES’ DEFECATION AND PISS), TNT, RDX explosive, nitrocelluose explosive, and a few other ingredients to make an explosive roughly one and a third times as powerful as TNT.

The U.S. military MOAB has an explosive force of 11 tons of TNT and has a one-mile blast radius. It’s so large it can’t be “dropped” in the way you imagine a bomb is dropped; instead it has to be shoved out of a plane at high altitude and parachuted towards its target with satellite guidance.

The U.S. military MOAB isn’t intended to hit the ground and explode. Instead, it’s what’s called a thermobaric weapon. It uses oxygen from the surrounding air to set off the blast, and the result is an explosive with an exceptionally long blast wave. It’s sometimes also called a “vacuum bomb” because the reaction sucks all the oxygen out of the surrounding air. If you’re inside a building, the blast wave “bounces” and is even more amplified, killing everyone inside and destroying the structure. A Defense Department study from 1993, obtained by Human Rights Watch, paints an ugly picture of this bomb going off:

What kills is the pressure wave, and more importantly, the subsequent rarefaction [vacuum], which ruptures the lungs…. If the fuel deflagrates but does not detonate, victims will be severely burned and will probably also inhale the burning fuel. Since the most common FAE [high-impulse thermobaric weapons (HITs), heat and pressure weapons, vacuum bombs, or fuel-air explosive (FAE or FAX)] fuels, ethylene oxide and propylene oxide, are highly toxic, undetonated FAE should prove as lethal to personnel caught within the cloud as most ‘chemical agents’.”[17]

If this sounds like Dr. Zippermayr’s top secret SS Wunderwaffe mass destruction weapon, that is exactly what it is. In 1944, the Nazis used Zippermayr’s Bomb in the eastern theater in its aggression and war crimes against the Russians, but had apparently refrained from using them on its Anglo Western Allies. In response to Zippermayr’s Bomb, the Russians said that they would be justified to use poison-gas in defense.[18] So, does that mean that America’s enemies in Afghanistan would be justified in regards to a giant Nazi fuel air “atomic bomb” being dropped on them use poison-gas in return on America and its troops? President select Donald J. Drumpf and its nest of  pentagon and White House dens of chicken war hawks need to thread very lightly with its arsenal of top secret Luciferian  SS Wunderwaffe weapons of mass murder and environmental destruction.

Contrary to corporate mass media news and the pentagon’s widespread propaganda BIG LIES,  the Nangarhar Province in Afghanistan where the MOAB was dropped is an inhabited area where the Afghan people have suffered far enough from aggression, wars, hunger. destruction and violence.  The MOAB is an indiscriminate weapon of mass human and environmental destruction that kills everything-all living matter within its fiery breath.  There was no strategic military necessity or urgency to drop an “atomic bomb” on the Afghan people.  It was used criminally, viciously and wickedly to drive the humble masses of color from their ancestral lands of happiness, peace and security, and implant great subliminal fear of the Aryan and Anglo in their hearts from the Lunatic and Luciferian Fringe of the U.S. government and White House’s “DEATH IN THE AIR“. I firmly stand with those that demand  the limits of justice against the war crimes aggressors, and racial mass murderers. And I also condemn this action as GENOCIDE, a WAR CRIME, and CRIME AGAINST DEMOCRACY, AND HUMANITY.







[6] Id.














28 09 2012


The Genius of Nicoka Tesla (July 10, 1856 – January 7, 1943) is an extremely important detail deliberately and most conveniently left out of history books.

In 1882, he was credited with discovering rotating magnetic fields. , Tesla is also credited with discovering electromagnetic energy freely flowing in the vacuum, in the form of scalar (also called longitudinal) electromagnetic wave pairs. When interacted with matter, an electromagnetic force field is created. With proper control and switching technique, this enormous, never ending free energy was free.

Tesla pioneered in ways to extract and harness electromagnetic energy for the world to use, instead of using fossil fuel as the main energy source. Tesla wanted to provide everyone in the world with free energy with his World Power System, a method of broadcasting electrical energy without wires, through the ground. Tesla is also credited with inventing the radio, the world’s wireless system.[1]

Scalar (also called longitudinal) electromagnetic wave pairs and fields are invisible to the naked eye, but it is there, enormously, all around us. Under the right conditions, it is visible. Nikola Tesla’ Coil exposes some of this massive unseen electromagnetic energy around us.

In 1938, five years before his death, he said very soon that he intended to give the world “two great discoveries.”

1. The Dynamic Theory of Gravity – which assumed a field of force which accounts for the motions of bodies in space; assumption of this field of force dispenses with the concept of space curvature (ala Einstein); the ether has an indispensable function in the phenomena (of universal gravity, inertia, momentum, and movement of heavenly bodies, as well as all atomic and molecular matter); and,
2. Environmental Energy – the Discovery of a new physical Truth: there is no energy in matter other than that received from the environment.[2]


Chances are that Tesla was murdered before his “two great discoveries” would be revealed to the world. The Genius of Nicoka Tesla didn’t go unnoticed by Reichsfuhrer SS Heinrich Himmler, the Blood Covenant SS; and its secret parallel research and development of scalar electromagnetic (VRIL) energy for all the opposite and dual- Satanic Principles to dominate the world; and Make Slaves and Monsters of Men.

As early as 1934, Sturmbannführer (Major) SS Wernher von Braun had become directly involved in Tesla Technologies at Los Alamos, New Mexico, in a secret project called “p2″. Between 1936-38, under the direction of SS von Braun on leave from Nazi Germany, who had come to New Mexico on the invitation of the American Rocket Society, the Smithsonian, and the Simon and Florence Guggenheim foundations, to work with Dr. Robert H. Goddard, at his laboratory at Mescalero, New Mexico.[3]

Dr. Robert Hutchings Goddard (October 5, 1882 – August 10, 1945) was America’s premier rocket pioneer and scientist. Dr. Goddard developed the first functional liquid rocket on March 16, 1926, in Auburn, Massachusetts.[4]

When SS Wernher von Braun and his SS V-2 arrived at Fort Bliss in El Paso, TX in January 1946, Tesla and Dr. Goddard would be conveniently dead.[5]

In 1957, a claim of patent infringement was made by Mrs. Esther Goddard on behalf of her late husband against the United States Government, specifically regarding the technologies being developed in building the Redstone and Jupiter missiles at Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, Alabama.[6]

In 1960, NASA settled the patent infringement lawsuit with Mrs. Goddard proving the direct link between the work of Dr. Robert H. Goddard in the 1930’s and 40’s and the work of Dr. Wernher Von Braun and his SS Rocket Team at Marshall Space Flight Center 20 years later.[7] From the time of the Nazi defeat in Stalingrad in 1943, the SS had planned to move their secret rocket and weapons program to America under U.S. Taxpayers. They intended to dominate and control it by whatever means necessary in exclusion to America’s interest.


SS Wernher von Braun, middle in civilian clothes, and the SS of the Third Reich were Masters of Deception. The Nazis that were clandestinely brought into this country under Operation PAPERCLIP basically were legions of the SS that served 3 (three) Masters, one more powerful than another; 1. The United States, their Sponsor and Benefactor. 2. The SS-Nazi Cult, Blood Covenant of Allegiance and Secrecy. 3. The Satanic Principle, Lucifer, the Great Deceiver and Light Bearer.

Lucifer Servant’s Workshop,  Sturmbannführer SS Wernher von Braun and SS Grand Scheme of Things in America Making Monsters and Slaves of Men


“Lucifer’s Servants [Obersturmführer (First Lieutenant) SS Otto Rahn]… is at least partly a genuine Nazi propaganda tract and several passages make a good case for the worship of Lucifer …”[8]

Making Monsters & Slaves of Men in the Grand Scheme of Things of the SS

The strategy that Wernher von Braun taught me was that first the Russians are going to be considered the enemy… Then the terrorists would be identified, and that was soon to follow…, then we were going to identify third-world country “crazies.” We now call them Nations of Concern. But he said that would be the third enemy against whom we would build space-based weapons. The next enemy was asteroids. Now, at this point he kind of chuckled the first time he said. Asteroids- against asteroids we are going to build space-based weapons. And the funniest one of all was what he called aliens, extraterrestrials.[9]


The Secret Treaty of Fort Hunt was like marching Reichsfuhrer SS Heinrich Himmler, Sturmbannführer SS Wernher von Braun, Gruppenführer SS Walter Robert Dornberger and the Knights of the Black Sun directly to the White House and the U.S. Capital.

SS Wernher von Braun’s superior Gruppenführer SS Dornberger was a real sinister and dangerous character. Dornberger was convicted as a war criminal, then later was secretly brought to the U.S. at the request of SS von Braun to High Commissioner John J. McCloy. He went to work for Bell Aircraft (Bell Textron) where he worked on the space program as director of R&D (James “Bo” Gritz, Called to Serve, p. 511). He was also a special CIA consultant (The Nazi Hunters, p. 217).

Eventually he served on the board of several aerospace companies. He helped develop a nuclear powered trans-atmospheric vehicle (TAV). These vehicles began operating out of Area 51 in Nevada, and other places. Dornberger became a boss of Bell Aerospace Corporation and had about 30 former Nazi scientists working for him.[10]

In the Torbitt Document, Nomenclature of the JFK Assassination Team, Gruppenführer Dornberger was identified as among the clandestine second layer of participants with supervisory and working assignments.[11]

Author and Researcher Dr. James R. Farrell in his series of explosive and remarkable books such as Roswell and the Reich, Nazi International, and Brotherhood of the Bell, etc., describe the secret Nazi-SS infiltration of the United States like the “Trojan Horse” of ancient mythology.[12]

The Trojan Horse is a tale from the Trojan War about the stratagem that allowed the Greeks to finally enter the city of Troy and end the conflict. In the canonical version, after a fruitless 10-year siege, the Greeks constructed a huge wooden horse, and hid a select force of men inside. The Greeks pretended to sail away, and the Trojans pulled the horse into their city as a victory trophy. That night the Greek force crept out of the horse and opened the gates for the rest of the Greek army, which had sailed back under cover of night. The Greeks entered and destroyed the city of Troy, decisively ending the war.[13]


The late Carl Oglseby (1935-2011) and Hitler’s General Reinhard Gehlen

From the remarkable courageous work and dedication of Tim White, Viet Nam Vet (USAF) Concerned Citizen, Researcher, Investigator, and Whistleblower, I learned about the late Carl Oglseby’s landmark article on the worldwide internet, THE SECRET TREATY OF FORT HUNT.[14] It is an extremely important article that must be read, processed and mastered to connect the dots.

After a long and contracted FOIA federal court battle with the U.S. Army, State Department, CIA, FBI, etc. over the release of public documents surrounding their relationships to Nazi War Criminal General Reinhart Gehlen, Oglesby received approximately 6,000 declassified documents.[15]

In the declassified documents subsequently to be reclassified back to Top Secret, Oglesby founded the existence of a secret 1945 literal treaty developed by the U.S. Government with General Reinhart Gehlen at Fort Hunt, Virginia.[16]

The documents disclosed that the secret treaty employed and essentially placed Hitler’s General at the head of forming the CIA and U.S. Foreign Intelligence Service for Eastern Europe. It was America’s secret version of Heinrich Himmler’s RSHA-Reichssicherheitshauptamt (Reich Main Security Office). It allowed General Gehlen exclusive rights to hire former Nazis and the SS as his staff and put them on U.S. Taxpayer’s rolls. The secret treaty, shockingly, allowed General Gehlen and the SS to work separately and independently from and parallel to the CIA, FBI and the U.S. Government in the interest of National Security. [17]

In other words, the documents showed that the United States became the new secret playground and workshop of Lucifer Servant’s.

The Enigma of Heinrich Rupp, Operation PAPERCLIP,  Hitler, the Berlin Führerbunker and VRIL Spaceships

For me, Heinrich Rupp has always been an enigma. During the 1980s Iran-Contra CIA Cocaine Scandal, this ardent Nazi was discovered part of Former California Governor and U.S. Presidential Candidate Ronald Reagan’s Secret Team; and the CIA. Rupp is commonly accepted as a Project PAPERCLIP Nazi. Yet, he was not a scientist. It’s generally accepted that Rupp was a Nazi Luftwaffe (air force) pilot under Reich Minister Hermann Goering. However, it still would not explain his presence in the country under Project PAPERCIP flying around with CIA Directors (George H.W. Bush, William Casey),  the upcoming president and his secret espionage and assassination team; and defrauding the government and U.S. Taxpayers of millions.

Concerned Citizen and Research Tim White lived in Denver, he said he found out  about the legendary Nazi in the flesh, Heinrich Rupp, living openly in Aurora, CO. Tim said that he went to see Rupp at his home that was publicly listed. Tim said that when Rupp answered the door, he was instantly struck by Rupp’s size. He said Rupp was slightly built and no more than 5’ 5”. That was a key clue. Then, Tim told me that he had learned that Rupp was one of the pilots in Hitter’s Bunker (Führerbunker) in Berlin in April-May 1945 before the fall. At that time, the only people in that bunker had been the Blood-Covenant SS.

So, Rupp had to have been SS to be inside the Führerbunker. Tim also said Rupp was no more than 18 years old at the time. Due to war casualties and lack of able pilots, it is assumed that the Luftwaffe had to enlist post- adolescents as pilots. That’s one very plausible theory. Yet, it would not explain to me Rupp’s presence in Hitler’s secret Führerbunker with the SS.

I think Rupp was Lebensborn (Chosen Ones), one of Himmler’s Children. If Lebensborn and I believe he was, Rupp must have been raised from birth to blindly serve the THIRD REICH. He had been trained from an early age to pilot, and it wasn’t conventional aircraft. I think Rupp’s unique size is a big clue to understanding his very special presence in Hitler’s Secret Bunker; and being linked to Project PAPERCLIP.

In the last days of April and May 1,1945, some extremely powerful and heavy Nazis officials were in the Führerbunker when Hitler and Eva Braun allegedly committed suicide on April 30, it included head of the Party Chancellery and private secretary to Adolf Hitler, SS Martin Ludwig Bormann, Gruppenführer SS Heinrich (Gestapo Müller) Mueller, and Reich Minister of Propaganda, Josef Goebbels.


The Nazi pilots in the Führerbunker were Hitler’s pilot Gruppenfuhrer  (General) SS Hans Baur, and Waffen-SS Sturmbannführer (Major) commanding Sonderluftkommando Hanna Reitsch. That is damn exclusive company for a teenaged pilot!


SS Hanna Reitsch was part of SS Wernher von Braun’s secret Peenemunde VRIL Spaceship Project Team. Reitsch had been the Third Reich’s celebrated woman test pilot who had flown SS von Braun’s V-1 rocket ships, above, in sub orbital flight 80,000 feet up in the early 1940s. She also flew the above V-2 rocket ships. Reitsch may have been one of history’s first astronauts. She would have been one of flew Nazi pilots quantified and trained to operate secret VRIL Flying Discs and other experimental aircraft.


During the Russian seize of Berlin, SS Reitsch was flying in and out of Führerbunker almost at will, but it can’t be any conventional aircraft, because of the location of the bunker. There aren’t any airstrips near or adjacent to the Führerbunker. Some speculate  that she was landing and taking off from the streets of Berlin. Well, what sense does that make with surrounding Russians troops shooting at her plane so she said they were. That Dog Won’t Hunt.  She had to have been flying in and out of the Führerbunker with a  VRIL experimental and secret vertical landing aircraft.

Spaceship Jockeys


All of SS Wernher von Braun’s NASA astronauts were slight and  little guys, rather short- 5’ 5” and less to fit inside the limited space of his spacecraft cockpits.

Rupp was no bigger in height and size then SS Hanna Reitsch who had been described as a short and slight woman. Rupp and Reitsch would have been about the size of  SS von Braun’s NASA space jockey astronauts; and the alleged occupants of the Roswell Flying Disc.


Rupp would in fact be valuable and protected Operation PAPERCLIP material if he had been like SS Reitsch, a test pilot with SS Wernher von Braun’s secret Peenemunde VRIL Spaceship Project Team. I believe that he was. Rupp was in the Führerbunker with Hitler, Bormann, Mueller, Goebbels, Baur, and Reitsch to help fly them in and out of the Führerbunker with unconventional VRIL vertical landing aircraft.

The Nazis had at least 3 (three) vertical takeoff-landing aircraft capable of carrying out an escape plan in the middle of Berlin. The most likely aircraft used in the Führerbunker SS Escape Plan was Weserflug P. 1003/1, below, because whatever landed near Hitler’s Secret Bunker reportedly had wings. There are lot of talk that the Weserflug was only experimental and never left the drawing board, yet concede the paramount policy and practice of secrecy of the SS in the design and development of aircraft.  Compare the Weserflug with its American cousin, the Bell (Gruppenführer SS Walter Robert Dornberger)-Boeing V-22 Osprey, which is an American multi-mission military aircraft, then judge for yourself whether or not the Weserflug never left the drawing board.


The Nazis also had the Triebfugel-Tail Sitter.


They also had the Focke-Achgelis Fa 223 Drache (“Dragon”).


Add Rupp as a factor in the SS clandestine escape and evacuation plan from the Führerbunker than one or more vertical takeoff-landing aircrafts could have been used.  I think that Rupp flew Martin Bormann, Gestapo Müller and Goebbels out of Berlin.

SS Obergruppenführer Dr. Ing. Hans Kammler was the Nazi official overseeing SS Dornenberg, Wernher von Braun, Reitsch and Rupp. In April 1945, SS Kammler cleared out Peenemunde. The Horton Brothers, flying wings, V-1 and V-2 rockets, secret VRIL Discs, plans; and the whole nine yards of Peenemunde were taken underground.  SS Kammler’s evacuation and flight was arranged through a secret deal with the Allies brokered by Martin Bormann. Rupp flew Bormann and Gestapo Müller most likely to Spain to meet up with Kammler with the Peenemunde secret VRIL Technologies and Wonder Weapons for a trip to a secret underground location in Argentina, South America.


SS Hanna Reitsch, above, most likely flew Hitler and Eva Braun from the Führerbunker. In the bunker, the Russiams found two dead bodies that the Blood-Covenant SS said was Hitler. Just pick one. That Dog Won’t Hunt.

Bormann, Gestapo Müller and SS Reitsch were gone. Goebbels’ alleged body, according to SS, was burned beyond recognition than buried in a secret location. It is a burial ground that remains secret as we speak.


How did SS Sturmbannführer Hanna Reitsch and SS Heinrich Rupp, Blood Covenant Knights of the Black Sun,  get so close and get access to America’s Highest Governmental Officials?  They can spend billions to take the America people to Mars to explore whether or not a distant planet ever had life, but when it comes to the POWER and INFLUENCE of the UNDERGROUND THIRD REICH over the affairs of the U.S. Government that affect and impact our everyday lives for generations, its that familiar song and dance routine of MC Hammer, “U CANT TOUCH THIS.”

That is the unseen reality and clandestine power of the UNDERGROUND THRID REICH.

The Underground Third Reich and Spaceships

We also learn from Dr. Joseph P. Farrell explosive theme theory in Nazi International that the Nazi-SS, Knights of the Black Sun, and their secret VRIL Technologies and Space Age Rockets and Wonder Weapon Programs remained virtually intact underground in the Americas after WWII, and became far more secret, independent, and deadly than ever before.[18]


June 24, 1947, Pilot Kenneth Arnold sighted a series of unidentified flying objects near Washington’s Mt. Rainier. It’s the first widely reported UFO sighting in the United States, and, thanks to Arnold’s description of what he saw, leads the press to coin the term flying saucer.


Above, Arnold’s sketch of the UFOs that he saw was extremely similar to the secret wing aircrafts designed by the SS Horton Brothers. After the war, the Horton Brothers along with their experimental aircraft disappeared from the Army Rocket Center at Peenemünde, but it appears that they were still developing, testing and flying secret SS aircraft in U.S. airspace from an unknown location.

In other words, SS Wernher von Braun and the SS ran one space research and development program, NASA, for his U.S. sponsor, and another far more clandestine, deadly and expansive space, weapons and mind control research and development programs for Lucifer’s Servants, the Blood Covenant SS-Knights of the Black Sun, the World’s Greatest Racial Mass Murder Cult in history.

The Making of a Luciferian TERRORIST, From Maintenance Man to CEO in One Big Leap


In America, we celebrate a lot of individuals that climb the ladder to success, but a maintenance man to leaf in one big jump to CEO of a multi-million dollar corporation. That Dog Won’t Hunt.  Even SS Wernher von Braun would chuckle a little about that too in the grand scene of things in Lucifer Servants’ Workshop in America.

He was no more than 19 (nineteen) years old. He has no more than a high school proficiency diploma; questionable intellect, and a 5 (five) second- no more than a 2 (two) sentence resume.

With no more than a high school diploma and a 5 (five) second resume, he was allowed to take over a multi-million dollar Black enterprise with over 200 employees as its Spiritual Leader-CEO/President with forged documents. Even U.S. Congressman Barbara Lee and a U.S. Bankruptcy Court Judge recognized him as the head of Your Black Muslim Bakery (YBMB) in Oakland; in lieu of substantial evidence provided to the contrary.[19]

“It’s a question of methods. Everybody wants results, but nobody wants to do what they have to do to get them done.”-Dirty Harry, Sudden Impact[20]

The 19 year old terrorist had an Oakland Police Department (OPD) Officer as a guiding guardian angel, but it wasn’t just some ordinary officer. Sergeant Detective Derwin Longmire was a powerful high level intelligence detective. He was an OPD liaison detective on the FBI’s Post-9-11 Patriot Act-Homeland Security Joint Terrorism Task Force, Squad 13, Lucifer’s Squad.[21]

Judas Iscariot was the 13th person at the Last Supper, and he betrayed Jesus Christ, and was thought to be possessed by Satan himself.[22]

Lucifer’s Squad sent Det. Longmire into YBMB to bring it down and destroy it. YBMB was a symbol of Black Independence, Strength, Wealth and Power. Det. Longmire mission was to mentor and develop their young prospects along a counter-intelligence-False Flag Legend, but also to deceivingly place him right dead square in the middle of that Legend. 13 is Lucifer’s number and represents the Image of the Beast,

“And I stood upon the sand of the sea, and saw a beast rise up out of the sea, having seven heads and ten horns, and upon his horns ten crowns, and upon his heads the name of blasphemy.” .-Revelation 13


On the street, Detective Longmire was your Hollywood classic Clint Eastwood black “Dirty Harry” Callahan in the flesh.  He was hardnosed, tough, rough and ready; no nonsense crime crusading detective that did whatever required for getting the job done for the State (Gestapo) against criminals and dissidents that included warrantless surveillance, detentions, assaults,[23] deception and human torture.[24]


After Chauncey Bailey’s assassination, OPD cleared out the crime scene and then informed Det. Longmire that he was the lead investigative detective. He suddenly found himself in a puzzle wrapped inside an enigma. He had become part of the False Flag Legend that created the Luciferian Terrorist. It was too late to watch and protect his back.  In the grand scheme of things of Lucifer’s Workshop, Longmire’s colleagues turned against him and accused him of shielding the young black YBMB CEO terrorist from over a dozen criminal charges including felonies; and Chauncey Bailey’s Murder.[25]

In an investigation of Det. Longmire’s questionable conduct with the so-called terrorist, OPD’s high brass found that there “was not sufficient evidence to prove or disprove”whether Longmire’s aided and abetted the terrorist.[26] But, the False Flag Legend had been set, and he was caught right in the middle of it like a Lee Harvey Oswald.


From rock solid, rough and ready “Dirty Derwin” to a Frighten Man. Det. Longmire was late in the game in discovering the powerful, veiled and demonic nature of SQUAD 13, minions of Lucifer.


According to the False Flag Legend that was allowed to be developed, 19 year old Yusuf Bey IV,CEO/President of YBMB, was branded a home grown TERRORIST that will make your blood tingle and your toes wiggle and curl. The Alameda County District Attorney called him the “DEVIL.”

Yusuf Bey IV was “the DEVIL,” deputy district attorney Melissa Krum said in her closing argument to convict Bey VI of at least 3 (three) murders. Krum acknowledged that Devaughdre Broussard (the DEMON), her star witness, was a coldblooded killer, yet said his testimony was vital to convict Bey IV (the DEVIL), the former leader of YBMB who she said had “TERRORIZED” Oakland.[27]

In the June 2011 murder conviction of Yusuf Bey IV, the Chauncey Bailey Project blew its horn all over the world that Jurors took the ‘demon’ over the ‘devil’ in Bailey murder trial.”[28]


Of DEVILS and DEMONS in an American Courtroom, you literally have to go back to the Salem Witch Trials of colonial Massachusetts to find a more prejudicial, occulted and poisoned criminal proceeding in history. In 17th century colonial North America, the supernatural was part of everyday life, for there was a strong belief that Satan was present and active on Earth.[29]

Of DEVILS, DEMONS and the OCCULT in an American Courtroom, the Alameda County trial of Yusuf Bey was an exorcism that was allowed to happen like something out of an occulted SS Tribunal in Nazi Germany.

SATAN, the DEVIL was present and active on Earth alright, but it wasn’t a 19 year old with questionable intellect-character, and a high school proficiency diploma. Some powerful and veiled entity made him, took good care of him. They made him one of their minions of a Luciferian UFO Creed. 

YUSUF BEY IV, Spaceships & Smoked Mirrors

The Spaceship is Born


Do you realize what we accomplished today? Today the spaceship was born.— Dr. Walter Robert Dornberger, spoken to Wernher von Braun, after the first successful flight of the A-4 rocket to the edge of space, 3 October 1942[30]

Above, General Erich Fellgiebel, head of the German Army Information Service during World War II, congratulates members of the SS Wernher von Braun rocket team from Peenemunde for their October 3, 1942 A4 flight. Pictured front center is General Erich Fellgiebel. Shaking hands are General Walter Dornberger (left) and General Janssen, commanding officer of Peenemuende with Rudolph Hermarn to their right. Picture left to right in the back row are Wernher von Braun, Captain Stoelzel, Luftwaffe, and Dr. Gerhard Reisig

In the Black Community, “Spaceships and Aliens” have traditionally been confined to Star Trek on TV, SyFy Channel, Hollywood B Movies and comic books.

Normally, when brothers see and claim contact with Spaceships we automatically overlook them as crazy. However, in some instances, we need to take another look. Particularly, we need to study brothers that have claimed relationships with Spaceships with body counts and associated with agent provocateur False Flag  Legends and operations.

It was the Chauncey Bailey Project that reported that Yusuf Bey IV was a DEVIL, and believed that a mothership” orbits the earth – one with which he maintains contact.”[31] It is no laughing matter to be dismissed. It is an extremely important detail and clue to the true forces behind him, the secret to Yusuf Bey IV’s Secret Spaceship Command and Control Center.

From the 1930s, an eerie and haunting picture of VRIL Maiden and Psychic Maria Orsic with a manned VRIL Flying Disc in the background. A picture is a thousand words because it is subliminal dialogue with the brain. Instantly, this picture challenges conventional wisdom- everything you have come to know. And in fact, he may even TRAUMATIZE. Some believe that this picture also contains a hidden mathematic formula of Unconventional Physics.

Yusuf Bey IV is no conspiracy theory. He is associated with a serious body count. Whether or not he is a Black Manchurian Candidate, patsy or a criminal accomplice, Yusuf Bey IV is associated with a Legend in the assassinations of popular black journalist Chauncey Bailey and YBMB President and CEO Waajid Aljawwaad Bey; deadly assault and ambush on experienced YBMB businessman John Bey; the death of more than two men, and is the primary agent provocateur essential to the clandestine destruction of one of the Bay Area’s last independent multi-million dollar Black Enterprises, YBMB.

If Yusuf Bey IV claims that he had contact and associated with “Spaceships,” then we need to take closer look at him, because it isn’t just by random, happenstance, a stroke of luck that this particular agent of the Strategy of Tension claims belief and contact with a “Mothership” orbiting the earth.

The Strategy of Tension is a theory that describes how to divide, manipulate, and control public opinion using fear, propaganda, disinformation, psychological warfare, agents provocateurs, and false flag terrorist actions.[32]

Some powerful and veiled entity linked to “Spaceships” that makes mindless minions (slaves) of men in grand schemes- made him, and it wasn’t extraterrestrials.

Minister Louis Farrakhan, Spaceships, Scientology & ILLUSIONARY Liberation of Black People

Only recently, I discovered that Minister Louis Farrakhan of the Nation of Islam (NOI) also claims serious contact with Spaceships and Motherships orbiting the Earth. It wasn’t random, a stroke of luck or happenstance. The NOI was another symbol of Black Independence, Strength, Wealth and Power.

Minister Farrakhan says that contacts with a Mothership (WHEEL) started in September 1985 during the U. S. Presidency and Administration of Ronald Reagan and the Star War Initiative. Minister Farrakhan received a vision during which he was beamed up on board a Spacecraft that he believes was the Mothership.[33]

President Reagan’s infamous Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) better known as the “Star War Initiative” was nothing more than a repackaged development and expansion of Reichsfuhrer SS Heinrich Himmler and Sturmbannführer SS Wernher von Braun’s Above Top Secret SS VRIL Space and Weapons Technologies bankrolled by U.S. Taxpayers.[34]

The Nazi’s secret VRIL Technologies explore and master extremely complex free energy (Tesla) sources and forces that involve revolutionary electromagnetic fields and reduced mass principles and theories claimed channeled from an alien civilization in the Aldebaran solar system.

The Nazi’s VRIL Technology scientists planned to develop among other things space based weapons, and anti-gravity Spaceships (Motherships) that could make physical contact with the ancient extraterrestrial Aryan civilization there.[35]

Minister Farrakhan has ordered all members of the NOI to submit to Dianetics and Scientology.[36] Scientology is nothing more than a veiled SSARYAN BASED UFO RELIGION.[37]

It is also shrouded Nazi VRIL Technologies allegedly channeled from Xenu, the dictator of the “Galactic Confederacy” who, 75 million years ago, brought billions of his people to Earth in a DC-8 like spacecraft, stacked them around volcanoes and killed them using hydrogen bombs. [38]

According to Nick Cook, The Hunt for Zero Point, the Nazis-SS very possibly may well have succeeded in developing and testing atom bombs prior to the end of WWII, and may even have used them or some other weapon of mass destruction on the Eastern Front. “For example, in Professor Lahner’s allegation, the Nazis were interested in the atom bomb as mere fuses for the far more destructive hydrogen bomb.”[39]

Minister Farrakhan claims that Scientology & Dianetics are modern equipment, “which will help in the salvation and liberation of Black people in America and others who are poor, downtrodden and oppressed.”[40]

In other words, Scientology & Dianetics offers Black and oppressed people of the world an ILLUSIONARY FREEDOM turning them into perpetual Modern Slaves to a UFO Based Religion in a New World Order as envisioned by Lucifer’s Servants,

“What will the social order of the future be like? Comrade, I will tell you. There will be a class of overlords, after them the rank and file of the party members in hierarchical order, and then the great mass of anonymous followers, servants and workers in perpetuity, and beneath them again all the conquered foreign races, the modern slaves. And over and above all these will reign a new and exalted nobility of whom I cannot speak. But of all these plans the militant members will know nothing. The new man is living amongst us now! He is here. Isn’t that enough for you? I will tell you a secret. I have seen the new man [Anti-Christ]. He is intrepid and cruel. I was afraid of him” Adolf Hitler[41]

Spaceships, Electromagnetic Fields and Mind Control, the Making of Black Manchurian Candidates and MONSTERS


I first became aware of Black Manchurian Candidate & Spaceships in the case of a young brother, Ronnie Flenaugh. Ronnie was a member of a covert counter intelligence –agent provocateur pseudo Muslim group, El Constran. I actually saw the brother members of El Constran. They wore long black capes and black turbans. I saw Ronnie Flenaugh, a bodybuilder in TRANCE, at the head of the legion before they confronted, challenged and clashed with recently freed Huey P. Newton at Merritt Jr. College.

El Contran termed by the Alameda County District Attorney (D. Lowell Jensen), was a cult of Black Manchurian Candidate Death Angels-Agents of the Strategy of Tension with a serious body count across the State of California.

El Contran was created to polarize the races, and undermine and discredit Black Nationalism that had become an International Symbol of Independence, Strength, Struggle and Power.

In May 1974, San Francisco Mayor Joseph Alioto said that Death Angels had committed at least 73 racial murders and mutilations all across the State of California since 1970.[42]

One of the first Death Angel “slashing” killings of whites occurred in 1970 at 2410 6th Street in Berkeley, CA just about approximately three blocks from the home of Sebron Flenaugh, Jr., Ronnie’s brother.

I am certain that Ronnie was involved in the early 1970s “Death Angel” false flag-terrorist operations against whites in the Oakland-Berkeley Area. All of the Oakland-Berkeley Area random machete-shooting “Death Angel” assaults, mutilations and homicides against whites are unsolved crimes. The Oakland Police Department (OPD), FBI, and the Bay Area MOCKING BIRD press aren’t really interested in solving the crimes.

Ronnie was murdered in Oakland in November 1971. He was shot in the back going for a gun in his briefcase that also contained a large machete. Ronnie’s machete deliberately wasn’t checked for blood residue that may have linked it to Oakland-Berkeley random attacks against whites by two black males with machetes. Ronnie’s joined at the hip partner in El Contran, Billy Mapp, had a murder conviction body count of two known.

I didn’t know Ronnie, but I was well familiar with Billy Mapp. He was my sister’s friend. I had come to idolize the young man. The Billy Mapp I knew was a young and handsome intellectual.  Billy also had been taken off the street by OPD and programmed. I actually saw Ronnie, Billy and El Constran. The scene was so bizarre, surreal and unnatural that it scared the SHIT out of me.  They had been turned into KILLERS. and I knew it.  Billy’s killing weapon was a steel plated pearl handled 45 semi-automatic. At Ronnie’s final call, he had a 38 revolver and large machete. I had heard on the street about these brothers carrying machetes. These young men had been turned into literal MONSTERS among us. They had a license to KILL.


Ronnie was the first Black Manchurian Candidate that I am aware of to directly claim an association with “Spaceships”. Ronnie’s spaceship encounter began in 1967 when he was taken off the street of Berkeley, and it wasn’t random, a stroke of luck or happenstance.

Dr. Isidore Weiss was a Stockton, California psychiatrist born August 20, 1906 in Kalnyk, Ukraine, and died Jun 8, 1984 in Stockton, California. He emigrated to the U.S. in 1913. Dr. Weiss went to medical school in Scotland.[43] During WWII, Dr. Weiss had been an Army Psychiatrist Major.[44]

Dr. Malcolm A. Sowers of Castro Valley, CA graduated from UC-San Francisco School of Medicine in 1946. In 1950, he completed his residency at Langley Porter Psychiatric Institute of San Francisco, CA.[45]

In regards in Langley Porter in SF, the following is interesting to note:

In a recent interview with this author, Dr. Sukhdeo confirmed that [Jim] Jones had been treated at the Langley-Porter Neuropsychiatric Institute in San Francisco during the 1960s. According to Sukhdeo, he has repeatedly asked to see Jones’s medical file from the Institute, but to no avail. “I have asked (Langley-Porter’s Dr.) Chris Hatcher to see the file several times,” Sukhdeo told this writer. “But, each time, he has refused. I don’t know why. He won’t say. It’s very peculiar. Jones has been dead for more than 20 years.”

“The nation’s leading center for brain research,” Langley-Porter is noted for its hospitality to anti-cult activists such as Dr. Margaret Singer <who worked for MK-UILTRA> and, also, for experiments that it conducts on behalf of the Defense Department’s Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA). While much of that research is classified, the Institute has experimented with behavioral modification techniques involving a wide variety of stimuli — including hypnosis-from-a-distance. Virtually every survivor of the Jonestown massacre was treated <de-briefed?> at Langley-Porter. This occurred as a consequence of San Francisco Mayor George Moscone’s request that Dr. Hatcher “undertake a study” of the Peoples Temple while counseling its survivors.[46]

According to Dr. Sukhdeo, “The nation’s leading center for brain research,” Langley-Porter is noted for its hospitality to anti-cult activists such as Dr. Margaret Singer and, also, for experiments that it conducts on behalf of the Defense Department’s Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA). While much of that research is classified, the Institute has experimented with electromagnetic effects and behavioral modification techniques involving a wide variety of stimuli—including hypnosis-from-a-distance.[47]

Interestingly, Dr. Hardat Sukhdeo, a psychiatrist, is, or perhaps was, “an anti-cult activist” whose professional interests (according to an autobiographical note) were “homicide, suicide, and the behavior of animals in electro-magnetic fields.”[48]

Langley Porter was also involved with sponsoring Stanford Research Institute’s SRI) CIA remote (temporal lobe) viewing experiments led by Scientologists.[49]


It was Dr. Isidore Weiss that in September 1967 recorded Ronnie’s initial resistance to being unwittingly drugged with hallucinogenic drugs and forcibly programmed, “he says he is going to try to stop the people from exploring the universe. They are going to do this by psychological warfare. The whole population will blow up if they have their way. They keep messing with me…I told them I wanted to get on a space ship. They are coming to pick me up.”[50]

Including Ronnie’s statement regarding a covert psychological warfare project, he reportedly said, “I wouldn’t die, I wouldn’t join their religious group. Also, I wouldn’t commit treason, that’s why I’m in jail.” Ronnie told the doctor that people have been putting drugs in his veins and into his food.” [51]

Undoubtedly, Ronnie had been taken off the streets for a clandestine mind control Black Manchurian Candidate psychological warfare project and experiment, but again it wasn’t by happenstance.


Ronnie’s brother, Sebron Flenaugh, Jr., above, was the Jedi Knight-Star War Assassin. For no apparent known reason in June 1988 at the California U.S. Presidential Primary Election of Republican George H. W. Bush, Flenaugh working as a security guard, but off duty, suddenly went off and murdered two people, wounded and maimed 5 others in TRANCE at Micropure Inc. in Concord, CA.[52]

When arrested, Sebron had an AMNESIA BLOCK-BARRIER; he couldn’t recall any details of the shootings. He told the arresting officers, MAY THE FORCE BE WITH YOU.”

The expression “May the Force be with You has achieved cult status and is symbolic of George Lucas’ Star Wars Movie legacy.[53]


At the time of Ronnie’s death, former U.S. Air Force Sergeant Sebron Flenaugh had been sequestered at a secret location in Alaska that I believe was related to clandestine H.A.A.R.P- electromagnetic field (EMF) mind control experiments.[54]

High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) is an ionsopheric research program jointly funded by NASA, the U.S. Air Force, the U.S. Navy, the University of Alaska, and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). [55]

I believe that in 1967, Ronnie had been recruited for a clandestine operation pursuant to a multi-generational family relationship with covert and top secret governmental operations.

When Ronnie refused clandestine recruitment for reason of possible of rightfully committing TREASON, he knew too much. He was snatched off the street, jailed, drugged and sent off to a state mental institution.

In the Berkeley City Jail, Ronnie was poisoned with hallucinogen drugs, traumatized and implanted with some type of initial “starship command” programming.

Nevertheless, Drs. Weiss and Somers didn’t object or help, but certified Ronnie “insane.” There is no evidence that either Drs. Weiss or Somers were connected with CIA-MK ULTRA, but I am certain they cooperated with the Agency to pass Ronnie down the pipe to Agnews State Mental Hospital in San Jose, CA.

Down the pipe at Agnews, Dr. Valerie Hunt of UCLA-Sturmbannführer SS Wernher von Braun’s NASA, Richard Price and Julian Silverman of Esalen Institute were waiting under the veil of studying “Rolfing.”[56]


Stanford graduate Richard Price, co-founder of Esalen, was ab imitate of the British Godfathers of CIA-MK ULTRA, Dr. Aldous Huxley and Gregory Bateson.[57]


Julian Silverman was a Mystic of the Occult out of the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH).[58] The NIMH was a funding front for CIA-MK ULTRA.[59]

However, the real person of interest in “Black Manchurian Candidates & Spaceships” is Dr. Valerie Hunt of NASA.

Dr. Valerie V. Hunt & Secret VRIL Electromagnetic Energy Fields


With broad degrees in the fields of biology, physiological psychology, science education, and physical therapy, for over fifty years, Dr. Valerie Hunt has been a pioneer in every area of research she has undertaken. In the 1950′s, she established the neuromuscular patterns of anxiety and anger at a time when the only physiological research of emotions was chemical and behavioral. In the 1960′s, she added to the field of behavioral psychology with her discovery of neuromuscular nerve stimulation patterns related to nonverbal communication of individuals and cultures. In the 1970′s, while a professor at the University of California at Los Angeles, she developed a high frequency device known as the AuraMeter(TM), which is capable of recording the electrical energy (the human aura) from the body’s surface. In the process, she discovered that the energy radiating from the body’s atoms emit frequencies one thousand times faster than any other known electrical activity of the body. During the 1980′s and 90′s, using fractal mathematics, her energy field data produced the first dramatic chaos patterns ever discovered in human biological systems.

Today, Dr. Hunt is actively involved in research that is uncovering the various dimensions involved in the bioenergetic transactions between humans and the environment as they relate to human behaviors, emotions, health, illness, and disease, as well as scientifically quantifying the human aura and the levels of consciousness it contains.[60]

Dr. Valerie Hunt is a UCLA neurophysiologist and an occulted mystic. From the early 1960s, according to Dr. Hunt herself, she has had an unexplained direct line to SS von Braun’s NASA. She said that she had enough unknown secret power and juice to call NASA (SS von Braun?) to instruct its scientists to make electromagnetic measurement instruments on demand for her.[61]

“… I had him [NASA Scientist] build for me the first telemetry electromyography instrument. This meant I could test a person using an FM frequency, a radio frequency, process the data through my instrumentation and record it. And when I did this I found the electromagnetic energy field.”[62]

According to Dr. Hunt’s resume, she has been with NASA Space Biology since 1958.[63] On July 29, 1958, President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed Public Law 85-568 that established the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). It became operational in October 1958.[64]

NASA opened with about 8,000 employees, but SS von Braun and his SS cliché of fellow Project PAPERCLIP Peenemunde V-2 team were the dominant force clandestinely behind NASA research and development since its beginning.

She admittedly had been with NASA since its inception with Operation PAPERCLIP Nazis and SS Wernher von Braun. When she was calling NASA with apparent juice and power in the 1960s, SS Wernher von Braun (NASA Director) and Lucifer’s Servants were clearly in charge.

Agnews State Mental Hospital, the home of the INSANE, was a strange place for an eminent, clandestinely powerful and well connected doctor-NASA scientist to explore Rolfing, holistic system of soft tissue manipulation and movement.[65]

Behind the veil and tangle of dancing, mysticism, auras, psychics, clairvoyants, Rolfing, and tip-toe through the tulips, Dr. Hunt was an extremely dangerous scientist. She was a serious student of VRIL FORCES (Free Scalar-Electromagnetic Fields); and leading expert and pioneer in Behavioral Psychology and ELF electromagnet wave brain entrainment (mind control) at UCLA, one of the CIA’s Secret MK-ULTRA Handmaidens.

Behind her holist and benevolent veil, Dr. Hunt developed a “mathematic chaos formula.” At UCLA, she had developed something like CIA Military Intelligence Opportuntist Dr. Andriija Puharich’s specially constructed sheet metal- copper-shielded Faraday Cage. Dr. Pubarich built the cage from a grant from military intelligence and NASA to control, study and measure electromagnetic waves and their effect on the human brain (ELF entrainment).[66]

At UCLA,. she built what she called a “Mu Room” in conjunction with NASA.[67] The Mu Room was a seven foot square shielded room located in the Physics department, where the electromagnetic energy of the air could be altered without reducing its breathability (oxygen content).

Similar to Dr. Puharich’s Faraday Cage experiment, she experimented at different electromagnetic frequencies in the air to observe how ELF affected the human energy field. By increasing electromagnetic wave frequencies or reducing the frequencies of the air in the room, the researchers could measure what frequencies would terrify and traumatize subjects.

Extremely low electromagnetic frequencies in air made subjects break down sobbing wildly, and becoming confused and disorientated, thus she developed an electromagnetic field “mathematic formula for human chaos” for the military industrial complex.

A person concerned about the potential misuse of this science observed, “…if science becomes skilled in the use of tools like the Mu room, no government would need to beat and batter prisoners to torture them…no one would have to have their fingernails pulled out, for example…all that would be needed could be found in a room in which all electromagnetism is removed, or manipulated, in whatever way the torturers wish. Heaven help us all.”[68]

In 1988, Dr. Hunt revealed that she also had an electromagnetic psychotropic (mind machine) that could induce the human Chaos of the Mu Room.

Valerie Hunt, presentation to the U.S. Psychotronics Associations Annual Symposium, Bergamo Center, Ohio, 1988. Hunt presented epochal work showing chaos—and thus hidden order—in recorded ELF electromagnetic radiation from human bodies. Hunt split the received EM signals into two identical channels, time-delayed one channel by a very slight amount, then recombined (mixed) the nondelayed and delayed signals. The result was that attractors precisely indicative of chaos appeared. This positively proves that human systems produce ordered time-structuring of EM.” [69]

I certainly can’t prove that Ronnie was part of a clandestine NASA electromagnetic field mind control program at Agnews. Ronnie is dead. But, recall what Ronnie told Dr. Weiss at Santa Rita County Jail in September 1967, “… I wouldn’t commit treasonI told them I wanted to get on a space ship. They are coming to pick me up.”

Treason & Spaceships, they are coming to pick me up! Ronnie’s had to have been talking about NASA and SS Wernher von Braun. Remember, according to Dr. Walter Robert Dornberger of the SS, when you talk about Spaceships, that’s their baby, they gave it “BIRTH.”


This is another yet glaring consistent coincidence. Ronnie and Sebron’s father, Sebron Flenaugh Sr. (br. 1911-Arkansas), was a retired merchant marine. When Sebron Sr. left California, he settled in El Paso, TX, home to Ft. Bliss. Ft. Bliss and El Paso had been home to SS Wernher von Braun’s Operation PAPERCLIP secret VRIL Technology SS rocket team.[70]

There was one set of Project PAPERCLIP SS Rocket Team at Fort Bliss in El Paso, TX; and another set of Project PAPERCLIP SS Rocket Team at Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, OH.

From SS Wernher von Braun SS Rocket Team brought to the U.S, Siegfried Knemeyer, former Third Reich Luftwaffe Pilot and RLM Director, Dr. Hans Amtmann and Dr. Alexander Lippisch of the Nazi RLM had been assigned to the AMC (Air Material Command) Foreign Technology Division at Wright Patterson Field, OH.[71] The RLM (Reichsluftfahrtministerium), the Third Reich’s German Air Ministry, created the various planes, like the Messerschmitt, Junker, and may have influenced the V-1 and V-2 rockets at Peenemunde.[72]

Dr. Hans Amtmann was an expert in vertical takeoff aircraft. Dr. Alexander Lippisch became well known and a pioneer in tailless (SS Horton Brothers) aircraft, the US Delta wing fighter, the F-102A Delta Dagger and an advanced design of a ground effect flying boat.[73]

The blood oath SS Rocket group at Wright Field also included the Nazi war criminal Dr. Rudolph Hermann, Heinz Schmitt, Helmut Heinrich, Fritz Doblhoff and Ernst Zundel. Dr. Hermann had been attached to the Peenemunde Research Station for Aerodynamics where Germany’s V-2 rockets were hatched and launched against England.

Dr. Herman was a specialist in supersonics in charge of the supersonic wind tunnel at Kochel in the Bavarian Alps. He was also a member of the group entrusted with Hitler’s futuristic plans to establish a space-station rocket-refueling bases revolving as a satellite about the Earth at a distance of 4,000 miles – a scheme which he and certain high ranking Army Air Force (AAF) officers in 1947 still believed possible.[74]


More importantly, Dr. Lippisch, above with a Horton Brothers collaborated designed winged aircraft, had completed designs for an orbiting space station capable of dropping nuclear bombs on any target on earth.[75]


It other words, since 1947, Lippisch, Hermann and SS at Wright Patterson were secretly planning and developing that Mothership (WHEEL) that both Yusuf Bey IV and Minister Louis Farrakhan were so fixated and possessed about. It’s called, “Von Braun’s Space Station.”

Ft. Bliss and Wright Patterson Field were the first and second secret homes of the infamous 1947 Roswell flying disc wreckage and its alleged extraterrestrial occupants. SS Wernher von Braun and his rocket team at Ft. Bliss, Lippisch and his rocket team at Wright Patterson had Top Secret Clearances to whatever was found at Roswell, NM.

Dr. Lippisch and SS von Braun were interrogated or consulted regarding the Roswell incident, and there is speculation that Lippisch and his team was involved in secret back engineering the Roswell Flying Disc at Wright Patterson.[76]

There are even persistent rumors that, sometime in the mid-1950s, presumably after an alleged viewing by President Eisenhower of the Roswell crash material and bodies at Edwards Air Force Base, they were reunited under one roof inside a structure referred to only as “Building 18-A, Area B” at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. Ufologists requests to Wright-Patterson for information about the contents of Building 18-A are usually answered by the reply that there is no Building 18-A.[77]

Reportedly, Republican U.S. Senator Barry Goldwater complained that the Air Force had denied him access to a “Blue Room” at Wright-Patterson where Roswell UFO artifacts were supposedly stored.[78]

Whatever Dr. Lippisch and Wernher von Braun were doing with the Roswell Flying Disc and its alleged Alien occupants, it took place in an Above Top Secret “Blue Room” facilities at Wright Patterson, and the “Blue Room” that was most likely in Building 18-A, Area B. Building 18-A, Area B was like Area 51, it was a restricted and Above Top Secret area of the base.


But, according to FBI records, there is a Building 18-A, Area B linked to secret mind control and assassination programs of SS Wernher von Braun and the Blood Covenant SS.

Black Manchurian Candidates, Roswell and Building 18-A, Area B


One of the last FOIA requests that I have been able to get out of the U.S. Government/FBI involved MARCUS WAYNE CHENAULT and the ASSASSINATION OF MRS. MARTIN LUTHER (ALBERTA) KING, SR.

On June 30, 1974, as Mrs. (Alberta) Martin Luther King sat at the organ of the Ebenezer Baptist Church during a Sunday service in Atlanta, GA. Less than 5 (feet) tall 23 year old Marcus Wayne Chenault of Dayton, OH shot and killed her and Deacon Edward Boykin 69 and wounded one other person.


Chenault told the police that his mission had been to kill Rev. Martin Luther King Sr., but he shot Mrs. King instead because she was close to him. In fact, Chenault had a list of 10 prominent Christian ministers to KILL including Rev. King, Sr. that were involved in the Black Civil Rights and Liberation Struggle in America.

Chenault, plain and simple, had been programmed to KILL ONLY. Chenault did in fact KILL leaving a body count of 2 (two), the precious, sacred and grieving Mrs. Martin Luther King and Deacon Boykin DEAD.

As far as I know, Chenault didn’t claim any relationships with Spaceships, but by FBI documents, he was connected to Building 18-A, Area B at Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, OH.

Chenault and a group of Black mind controlled/programmed black assassins called, The Troop, led by Walter E. Brooks, Jr. was being ran out of Building 18, Area B.

Brooks told the local press that Chenault had been a member on a mission, and the Troop’s objectives and mission had been to KILL Black Civil Rights Christian Ministers. At the time of the Assassination of Mrs. King, Walter E. Brooks, Jr. had been the maintenance man for the “Blue Room” and Building 18, Area B containing the Roswell Flying Disk under control of Operation PAPERCLIP Nazis, SS Werhner von Braun, Dr. Alexander Lippisch and the Blood Covenant SS in the Interest of National Security.[79]

FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover worked directly with and under SS Wernher von Braun in connection with NASA’s security and it was Lyndon Johnson who, as Vice President of the United States, served as chairman of NASA.[80]

On June 7, 1973, President Richard M. Nixon, the best patsy that the Nazis would buy and influence, nominated Clarence M. Kelley to be Director of the FBI. Kelley was the director of the FBI at the time and during the investigation of the Assassination of Mrs. Alberta King. He was also a hands off NASA and Spaceship man.

On October 25, 1973, Kelley admitted, UFOs are not and never has been a matter that is within the investigative jurisdiction of the FBI.”

In America, SS Werhner von Braun was an extremely powerful man with friends and influences in very high places. SS Werhner von Braun also had his own armies, one seen; and one unseen and underground that was far more deadly, diabolical and unforgiving than the former.

Subsequently shortly thereatter, the FBI closed the murder case on the “lone nut” assassin Marcus Wayne Chenault; and dismissed and cleared Brooks and the Troop at Wright Patterson Base as conspirators in the Assassination of Mrs. King.

At the age of 44, Marcus Wayne Chenault died in at a hospital in the Atlanta suburb of Riverdale from a heart stroke while serving a life sentence at State Prison in Jackson, GA.[81]

From the time of conviction, Chenault had been held for over 20 (twenty) years in strict solitary confinement. It was ironic that he died just before he had been ordered released to the general prison population. Ironic or again a most Convenient Death to the PURSUIT OF TRUTH!

Lucifer’s TERRORIST and his Nation Reawakens from Behind Bars


Yusuf Bey, IV, now 26 years old, is serving a life sentence without the possibility of parole at Salinas Valley State Prison. Just recently, he has been used again as a “Bogey Man” by PycOps to whip up fear that the DEVIL is coming back to reestablish Your Black Muslim Bakery (YBMB) from a website, Your Black Resurrected Nation,, that was setup by some unknown entity and parties. It wasn’t Yusuf Bey IV.

Fox News KTVU, Channel 2 says that Yusuf Bey IV has reached out to his followers in an attempt to rebuild his empire from behind bars. It says that “YBMB has gone through a high-tech resurrection online under a new name, Your Black Resurrected Nation.”[82]

KTVU, Channel 2 claims that “fear … still permeates those familiar with bakery…”[83] It implies that out of “fear” it is obviously trying to engender among the people, it reached out to the Alameda County District Attorney concerned about Yusuf Bey IV’s actions from behind bars.[84]

KTVU, Channel 2 knows very well that Yusuf Bey IV has no access to the internet from behind bars. It knows that Yusuf Bey IV does not have the knowhow, resources, educational background or opportunity to create what they say is a “high-tech resurrection” internet web site. Even SS Werhner von Braun if he was alive would also chuckle a little about that too.

Just what ill described and unidentified “Nation” or “Empire” does KTVU imply that Yusuf Bey IV has?

Surely, with its power, resources and wealth, it can easily flush out the “Nation” and “Empire” truly behind Your Black Resurrected Nation, That would be a real good story, except that the MOCKINGBIRD Press in the Bay Area like KPFA, Fox News KTVU, the Chauncey Bailey Project, and the Center for Investigative Reporting knows that, “U CAN’T TOUCH THIS!”







[7] Id.


[9] Farrell, Joseph P, Nazi International, Adventures Unlimited Press, Kempton, ILL (2008), p. 41









[18] Farrell, Joseph P, Nazi International, The Nazi’s Postwar Plan to Control Finance, Conflict, Physics and Space, Adventures Unlimited Press, Kempton, ILL (2008),





[23] Id. At footnote 9





[28] Id.










[38] Id.












[50] I got access to Ronnie Flenaugh’s insanity proceedings (State v. Flenaugh) that are now confidential documents.

[51] Id.











[62] Id.










[72] Id.

[73] Id.


[75] Parrell, Joseph P., Brotherhood of the Bell, page 28

[76] See Farrell, Joseph P., Roswell and the Reich, The Nazi Connection, Adventures Unlimited Press, Kempton, IL (2010)








[84] Id.


31 07 2011


In a few days on August 2, 2011, it will be the sad fourth anniversary of the heinous Assassination of Chauncey Bailey. In June 2011, Yusuf Bey VI and Antoine Mackey were found guilty of first degree murder in a jury trial, but the creditability of the state’s star witness, Devaughndre Broussard, that they recklessly labeled a “DEMON” is rapidly falling apart.


Broussard’s attorney, LeRue Grim, admitted in mass media BLACK and WHITE that Broussard fabricated evidence on the witness stand. On August 8, 2011, the trial judge has scheduled a special evidential hearing on that issue.


Recently, Sgt. Derwin Longmire, the lead detective in the Chauncey Bailey murder investigation admits publicly on mass media television that he was not unlike Lee Harvey Oswald, a betrayed confederate, caught in the middle of a deadly covert state counterintelligence-terrorist (COINTELPRO) web to discredit, disrupt, neutralize and destroy Your Black Muslim Bakery (YBMB).

Now, there is evidence of an OPD ballistic test that proves by physical evidence that Broussard lied on the stand when he said that he shot Chauncey ‘THREE TIMES” but only “TWO SPENT SHELLS” found at the murder scene match the alleged murder weapon.

THERE WAS A SECOND GUNMAN; and the Chauncey Bailey Project (CBP) is shockingly in the middle of the web of a mockery of justice.

Oh man, why don’t you fuckin’ stop it? Shit, this is too fuckin’ big for you, you know that? Who did the president, who killed Kennedy, fuck man! It’s a mystery! It’s a mystery wrapped in a riddle inside an enigma! The fuckin’ shooters don’t even know! Don’t you get it? –David Ferrie, JFK movie

RUSH TO JUDGMENT: A Second Gun in Chauncey Bailey’s Assassination


In Devaughndre Broussard’s fabricated confession, he said that he ran up “within an arm’s reach” of Bailey and shot him in the chest area. Broussard said after Bailey fell to the ground he shot him in the torso. Broussard said he started to run away and then came back and shot Bailey a third time, this time in the face.[1]  “Three times would have made it for certain,” Broussard said.[2]

Eleven hours after Chauncey’s assassination, Oakland Police Department (OPD) lead investigator, Sgt. Derwin Longmire, was told that a ballistic test found that two spent 12-gauge shells recovered next to Bailey’s body were fired from a shotgun [Mossberg] used in a Dec. 6, 2006, of a car belonging to a man who had a dispute with his YBMB co-religionist and minion, Yusuf Bey IV.[3] This same Mossberg shotgun was allegedly Broussard’s murder weapon.

It is all in BLACK and WHITE. This particular key evidence ballistic test report was exposed in an October 28, 2008 news article by Thomas Peele, Bob Butler and Mary Fricker of the CBP entitled “Evidence Ignored in Chauncey Bailey Case”.[4]

This ballistic test is without doubt extremely important and explosive evidence. It is further proof that Devaughndre Broussard had been implanted with a fabricated storyline. From the beginning, Broussard’s story was wrong and inconsistent with the physical evidence at the scene in regards to the BRIEFCASE. There is no physical evidence at the scene that Chauncey tried to strike Broussard with a BRIEFCASE. There was no BRIEFCASE found at the murder scene and Broussard didn’t take that BRIEFCASE.

Now, if there is a ballistic report showing that only two spent shells matched his alleged murder weapon? Broussard’s trial testimony would be absolutely inconsistent with physical evidence found at the scene that he fired “three times”; and direct evidence of a SECOND GUN and major cover up and frame-up.

According to the CBP, the ballistic report was evidence supposedly Sgt. Longmire had ignored directly linking Chauncey Bailey’s murder to Yusuf Bey VI and YBMB. Yet, it appears that when this evidence happened to turn exculpatory, the CBP is all of a sudden silent and a seemingly witting partner in cover up.

CBP is now further implicated in the cover up of substantial and key evidence in the Chauncey Bailey Murder Case. Who in the OPD exposed CBP to the ballistic report that matched only two (2) bullets out of (3) three spent shells at the murder scene to Broussard’s alleged Mossberg Shotgun murder weapon? Where is the ballistic report?

Did the Alameda County District Attorney know about the ballistic report, investigate it; and was the information turned over to the defense? The existence of that ballistic test would have made a great deal of difference in developing a case theory, and justify employment of a defense forensic criminalist and or a ballistic expert.

In all fairness to CBP, in their risky RUSH TO JUDGMENT, they may have been unwittingly used by police intelligence to leak key evidence as part of a broader right wing racial propaganda agenda and campaign of fear mongering and Muslim Demonization? It would have adversely affected Bey VI and Mackey’s constitutional right to a fair and impartial tribunal and forum. Nevertheless, they aren’t talking and I wonder if they will talk on August 8, 2011 at an Alameda County Superior Court hearing, particularly, to address Broussard’s fabrication of jury trial evidence.

Undoubtedly within eleven hours of Chauncey’s assassination, police had direct evidence that there was a SECOND GUN and has deliberately suppressed the evidence with the complicity of CBP. I contend that the third non-matching spent shotgun shell found at the murder scene was the last headshot from a SECOND GUNMAN that Broussard falsely said that he had ran back to the murder scene to deliver.

The physical evidence and the location of spent shell No. 3 does not support Broussard’s assertion of the head shot coming from the direction of 14th Street, but from an assailant concealed among the cars, bushes and trees of the adjoining 13th Street parking lot.

PATRIOT FUN AND GAMES: OPD Intelligence Division, FBI (COINTELPRO) & Atrocity and Crimes against Democracy and Humanity against Judi Bari and Darryl Cherney and YBMB

In January 2002, OPD Chief Richard Word assigned Sgt. Longmire to replace retiring Detective Sgt. Robert Chenault on the OPD Intelligence Division. Sgt. Chenault is interesting and proven PATRIOT.


Chenault, OPD Intelligence Division and the FBI were found liable by a federal court jury of conspiring to violate the constitutional rights of Judi Bari- Darryl Cherney in a COINTELPRO terrorist May 24, 1990 car bombing in Oakland.

The car bomb had been secretly planted by a U.S. counterintelligence team in an attempt to silence Earth First leaders, Bari and Cherney; and discredit, disrupt and intimidate the Earth First! movement.[5]


In May 1991, Bari and Cherney launched their suit against the FBI and OPD for violating their civil rights. The suit especially targeted the FBI’s San Francisco Station and its agent in charge, Richard W. Held, who headed the car bombing investigation. Held was an infamous and notorious counterintelligence “dirty tricks” predator. He led criminal campaigns against the Black Panthers (Geronimo ji Jaga), American Indian Movement and Puerto Rican independence struggle. The discovery process in the suit proved and exposed that the FBI and OPD Intelligence Division were COINTELPRO dirty tricks-criminal conspirators.[6]

The OPD Intelligence Division is part of a U.S. “Terrorist Squad”, called Squad 13. The evidence in the Bari-Cherney case pointed to criminal collusion between FBI agents, OPD Intelligence Division and the actual perpetrators of the bombing. [7]


Defendant FBI Special Agent Frank Doyle was the agent in charge of the Oakland bomb scene and the relief supervisor of Squad 13. This joint terrorism squad secretly collects extensive files on political and alleged subversive groups for surveillance and illegal neutralization (COINTELPRO) in the Bay Area.[8]

Doyle was also a FBI bomb instructor and had one month earlier led a “bomb school” on a Louisiana Pacific clear-cut in Eureka, where they practiced detonating and investigating car bombs. On videotape, FBI instructor Frank Doyle told other agents at the Oakland bomb site, “This is the final exam.”[9]

In the Bari-Cherney Case, Sgt. Chenault prepared an affidavit relying on fabricated evidence and omitting exculpatory evidence so as to obtain the search warrants for the May 25, 1990 searches of Bari’s and Cherney’s homes which a federal court jury found unlawful and Fourth Amendment violations. Sgt. Chenault was held liable for $72,000 or 1.6 percent of total damages. He was liable for 30 percent of Bari’s damages for unlawful search and 30 percent of Cherney’s for the same offense.[10]


In January 2002, Sgt. Longmire replaced Chenault on the counterintelligence dirty tricks-terrorist collaborators, Squad 13. Sgt. Longmire, “I had one guy assigned to the joint terrorism task force for the FBI, one guy assigned to the Secret Service. I had Andre Rachel who was doing subversive groups in the City of Oakland, and particularly the Black Muslim Bakery.”[11]

According to Longmire’s Federal Court Deposition, Your Black Muslim Bakery (YBMB) had been under covert surveillance and a target of neutralization by the FBI (COINTELPRO) and the U.S.-OPD Joint Terrorism Task Force, Squad 13, since 2002.[12]


In the 1990 car bombing, Bari and Cherney had been severely injured and nearly killed. They somehow survived the bomb that had been sadistically wrapped with nails for shrapnel effect and clandestinely placed under the driver side front seat.

To add to the state’s crimes against democracy, an atrocity and a crime against humanity, Bari and Cherney was falsely arrested as domestic terrorist and criminally charged with the transportation of explosives. The Bari-Cherney Federal Civil Jury Trial ended June 11, 2002, with a stunning vindication of Judi and Darryl, and a $4.4 million award of damages against collaborators, FBI, OPD and Sgt. Robert Chenault of Dirty Tricks Squad 13.[13]

From 2002 to 2007, the death toll of YBMB is 6 dead and at dozens arrested and imprisoned. Most of all, one of Oakland’s last primary independent Black Enterprises, its economic-political resources, real estate investments and landmarks, have been lost and COINTELPRO destroyed.

Interestingly, Squad 13’s surveillance reports of Judi and Darryl for the months leading up to and following the bombing—but those for the month of bombing were mysteriously and conveniently “missing.”[14] In the days and hours leading to Chauncey Bailey, Squad 13 and OPD’s surveillance reports of YBMB is also mysteriously silent and missing.

Unfortunately, Judi Bari passed to the other side on March 2, 1997. If Judi had lived, she wouldn’t have been afraid to continue to confront power for Truth. The battle to discover how deep the PATRIOT rabbit hole went in the Bari-Cherney government terrorism (COINTELPRO) case is still being fought by Cherney with the spirit of Judi Bari.

HOW DEEP DOES THE RABBIT HOLE GO in the YBMB government terrorism and the Chauncey Bailey Murder Case? In the final analysis, even Sgt. Longmire did realize how deep it went. According to Longmire’s federal deposition, Sgt. Chenault had planted the seeds in OPD that he wasn’t right to head the intelligence division, “… I couldn’t be trusted.”[15] Longmire wasn’t a pedigree or proven and tested PATRIOT.

By the way, retired PATRIOT, Sgt. Robert Chenault, resurfaced in the Chauncey Bailey Murder Investigation as an Alameda County Inspector. Reportedly, “Bey IV told county Inspector Robert Chenault that ‘the person who works at the Post’ told his sister that the story “was gonna be a problem.”[16]

Chauncey’s forthcoming Post article on YBMB’s financial woes had been the sole pretext and ruse for his assassination. Chenault appearance in the case behind Sgt. Longmire back to help covertly paint him inside a corner as a “patsy”, “false flag” and “diversion” in Chauncey’s murder investigation is extremely troubling and then again, most telling counterintelligence PATRIOT fun and games, more of their Crimes against Democracy.

“They don’t give a damn about Black life…” -Mamia Adul-Jamal


The Bay Area’s bandwagon black activist, white progressives and investigative journalists seem to lack the guts and heart of a Judi Bari or Darryl Cherney to confront power for Truth and Justice. They are afraid to find out HOW DEEP THE RABBIT HOLE GO in the YBMB government terrorism and the Chauncey Bailey Murder Case? Are their blindfolds to justice racial? Could it be that YBMB and Chauncey Bailey are BLACK victims?

Crossfire: Chauncey Bailey and Dr. Marcus A. Foster Caught in a Military Intelligence Assassination Maneuver


PATRIOTS & Embezzlement of OUSD General Funds and MK ULTRA Mind Control Experiments

On November 6, 1973, the day of Dr. Foster assassination, the Oakland Unified School District (OUSD) was broke. OUSD’s entire general fund was missing. Under cover of the Oakland City Council, FBI agent and OPD Chief Charles Gain posing and acting as City Manager forced the city council to pour approximately $500,000 of city funds into the OUSD general fund to avert a public outcry and criminal investigation of the massive thief and embezzlement of hundreds of millions of the school `general funds.[17]

At the time of Dr. Foster’s assassination, OUSD’s entire financial structure was the computerized creature of a major U.S. Defense Department contractor and war monger, Honeywell, Inc.

On September 15, 1971, the Monclarion newspaper revealed that the OUSD was about to spend $372,000 so the district can stop farming out its data processing and do the work at leased facilities. The proposed leased facilities were “Honeywell, Inc.” Honeywell at that time was a major PATRIOT contractor developing Vietnam War anti-personnel weapons such as land mines for the Department of Defense. They also had a “mind control” contract with the CIA. Honeywell also merged with another giant defense and CIA contractor G.E. about the time of the proposal.

Furthermore, OUSD was the only metropolitan school system in the nation under Planning, Programming and Budgeting System (PPBS). PPBS was the budgeting system of the U.S. Pentagon and Defense Department developed by PATRIOT and war monger, U.S. Defense Secretary Robert S. McNamara.[18]

Dr. Foster was also in the middle of exposing the OUSD’s collaboration in PATRIOT CIA Director Richard Helms’ secret MK ULTRA mind control experiments and testing on Black and Brown students at the UCLA Center for the Study and Reduction of Violence led by the CIA’s Maestro of Mind Control, Dr. Louis Jolyon West.[19]

The stakes were high and PATRIOT fun and games surrounding Dr. Foster’s assassination were heavy, involving some of the most dangerous and covert counterintelligence and international terrorist elements on earth.

The Oakland-French Connection, Jerry Brown & The Big Tuna: At the Tip of a RABBIT HOLE


At the time of his assassination, Chauncey was also looking into the going-on and corruption of the administration of Oakland Mayor Jerry Brown. To the Moroccan Big Tuna, Maurice Himy, Oakland was the “Moneytown” to the organized crime underworld. Facing Oakland City Hall from his tailor shop in the city hall square mall, the Big Tuna was running a secret parallel underground city government and massive extortion racket. The Big Tuna was running a vast “pay to play” with Oakland’s city treasury, contracts and resources.[20]

“The tailor became a fixture in the Oakland political scene soon after Brown moved into City Hall in 1999. A networker, Himy schmoozed at parties and lunched regularly with top city officials, including Brown’s former longtime adviser Jacques Barzaghi. In May 2004, Himy was tapped to join an official city delegation to North Africa to sign a sister-city agreement with Agadir in his native Morocco. The delegation included Brown, his soon-to-be-wife Anne Gust, Barzaghi, De La Fuente, Port Commissioner John Protopappas, and developer Phil Tagami.”[21]


Under a February 8, 2008 plea deal in lieu of Hobbs Act extortion charges, Himy admitted that he lied to FBI agents. Along with agreeing to one year of probation and $250 fine, he also admitted that he violated Oakland law and should have registered as a lobbyist.[22]

The Feds leading witness against Himy, Black Oakland car dealer Donald Cooper, suddenly died of natural causes which led to the Big Tuna’s sweet heart deal.[23] By the way, Chauncey was also dead. The Big Tuna happily took the deal and left the country on the “Road Back to Morocco” with his public money hoard from Oakland’s secret parallel government while the city’s infrastructure is virtually being shut down due to the lack of public funds.

The Big Tuna had only been the tip of the RABBIT HOLE of Jerry Brown mayoral administration’s crime and corruption in Oakland. I suspect that the Big Tuna was running more than a massive extortion racket in Oakland, but involved in a Moroccan drug trafficking ring. Drug trafficking in Morocco from the old French (Corsican Mafia Network) Connection generates $12.5 Billion in revenue, according to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). The main revenue generating drug trafficked in Morocco is marijuana.[24]

Recall, the National Security Council staffer Lt. Col. Oliver North’s crack cocaine trafficking in the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Area exposed in “Dark Alliance” by the Late Great Journalist Gary Webb was sadistic and genocidal PATRIOT crimes against humanity and democracy that continues today in the Black and Brown communities.[25]


Brown’s alter ego was bizarre character, Jacques Barzaghi. He was a PATRIOT of the French Foreign Legion in Algeria-Morocco, North Africa during the Algerian Conflict. During the 1960s, Barzaghi entered the U.S. during French President Charles de Gaulle’s crackdown on the right wing Secret Army Organization (OAS). At first, Barzaghi had been denied entry into the country because of his secret French background which I suspect was OAS sentiments and activities.

The French OAS leads back DOWN THE RABBIT HOLE to Carlo Gambino, Sam Giancana, Carlos Marcello, Santos Trafficante, French agent Michel-Victor Mertz, Jack Rudy, Clay Shaw, Lee Harvey Oswald, William Harvey and the JFK Assassination.[26]

Whatever Chauncey was really working on the stakes were high. Regarding crime and corruption in Oakland, it was BIG, really BIG and dangerous. If he was looking at Mayor Jerry Brown, he was indeed isolated at the tip of a deep RABBIT HOLE  leading to international drug trafficking, major underworld corruption and CIA-PATRIOT networks all deeply embedded in Oakland politics involving some of the most dangerous and covert counterintelligence and international terrorist elements on the planet.

Jerry Brown has always been a secret PATRIOT. Brown sits on the Advisory Board of the Manhattan Institute. “The Manhattan Institute was chosen to be the lead organization for George W. Bush’s Faith-Based Initiative to give taxpayer money to religious organizations. It is widely believed to be a CIA front. However, many persons associated with the organization also have ties to the Jesuits and thus to the Nazis, the UN and Freemasonry.”[27]

Chauncey Bailey in the Crossfire


On August 2, 2007, Chauncey Bailey was killed in a sophisticated military intelligence assassination maneuver called, “Crossfire.” A crossfire (also known as interlocking fire) is a military term for the sitting of weapons so that their arcs of fire overlap. It is designed to trap the victim in an interlocking fire, and allows for diversion and confusion, which provides opportunities for escape by assailants.[28]

The location of Chauncey Bailey’s assault had been carefully planned and laid out. It wasn’t the result of the luck, draw and whim of a young crack cocaine induced assailant. Chauncey’s assassination took place near the corner of Alice and 14th Street which offered escape routes east and west on 14th Street, and north-south on Alice. West on 14th Street and south on Alice Street leads to freeways.


The location also provided ground cover of bushes and trees bordering a open ground level parking lot with a clear escape route to Alice going south and north and through to 13th Street running east. Chauncey’s crime scene and physical evidence and spent shotgun shells found show a crossfire maneuver and pattern.

Dr. Marcus A. Foster in the Crossfire

On November 6, 1973 at approximately 7:00 p.m., OUSD Superintendent Dr. Marcus A. Foster’s location of assassination had also been carefully planned and layed out. It took place near the corner of East 11nd Street and 2nd Avenue near a narrow alley leading from the school board meeting room in the school district building at 1025 2nd Avenue.

Dr. Foster was gunned down in a small open ground level parking area behind a portable building facing East 11nd Street bordered by a raised lawn on one side with trees to the south and west.

E. 11nd Street escapes to a dead-end to traffic west into Peralta Park with heavy ground cover bushes and trees into a large open ground level parking lot adjoining the Oakland Municipal (Henry J. Kaiser) Auditorium that opens to East 10th Street east and west, and East 12nd Street, a large thoroughfare also moving east and west. Both west and east on 12nd Street leads to a freeway.

Each location had been carefully planned by sophisticated and experienced assassins for its open ground level assault positions most suitable for crossfire interlocking gunfire, ground cover of trees and bushes to conceal assassins and block the victim’s escape routes; and for the assassins’ easy escape routes to streets and freeways.

The successful planning and execution of the assassinations of Dr. Marcus A. Foster and Chauncey Bailey were well beyond the capability of young drugged out radicals of the SLA; and a young crack head and the bumbling YBMB post adolescence gang that couldn’t seem to be able to get away with anything particularly under the watchful supervision of Sgt. Derwin Longmire; and constant 21st Century Squad 13 surveillance.

The Art of Overkill


Dr. Foster was assassinated in a triangular crossfire of interlocking weapons, a 38 revolver, 380 Walter automatic and a Mossberg Shotgun. Foster was shot eight times. Foster’s autopsy revealed that five cyanide-tipped slugs had entered his body in the back, two in front, and one in the leg. He was killed instantly by a shotgun blast that had punctured his heart. It wasn’t necessary to pump 5 cyanide-tipped bullets into his body.[29]

Chauncey was assassinated in an interlocking fire of two shotguns from assassins from 14th Street and from the open ground level parking lot concealed by cars, bushes and trees. Chauncey should have been killed instantly by a shotgun blast to the chest and heart like Dr. Foster. It wasn’t necessary to blow off Chauncey’s face and his brains out.


It takes a certain type of trained predictable behavior to execute an Overkill in the cold blooded manner and fashion that Dr. Foster and Chauncey were Overkilled. As an example, I do not subscribe to the supposition that the SS-Knights of the Black Sun, the Greatness Racial Mass Murder Cult in history, were just ordinary guys following orders and doing things to move up in rank.


From the beginning, the SS were carefully profiled, chosen then psychologically conditioned and crafted to be desensitized to human suffering, to kill and Overkill with reckless abandonment of human compassion pursuant to a twisted governmental (Nazism) strategy and justification.


Police (BART) officers like military soldiers are now being carefully profiled, chosen and psychologically conditioned and crafted as the SS to be desensitized to human suffering, to kill and Overkill with to a twisted governmental (Fascism, Racism) strategy and justification.

The people that killed Chauncey and Dr. Foster were men or women of that same extreme caliber of trained soldiers. They execute and then Overkill with the same reckless abandonment of human compassion pursuant to some twisted justification, ideology or objective.


The people that killed Chauncey and Dr. Foster weren’t a bunch of burned-out college student radicals or any group of crack cocaine addicted post- adolescences. They were highly trained and (ARTICOKE-MK ULTRA) mind control and psychologically conditioned professional killers.

Devaughndre Broussard & the LONE WOLF Chronicles and Political Assassinations


Finally, the LONE WOLF, Devaughndre Broussard, virtually sit in the same position as other alleged lone wolf political assassins, Lee Harvey Oswald, Jack Ruby, James Earl Ray and Sirhan Sirhan. Lee Harvey Oswald was assassinated by Jack Ruby before he could prove that by the physical evidence at the scene of JKF’s assassination that it was impossible for him, alone, to have killed the President of the United States. Even Ruby wouldn’t be left alive to question or challenge his alleged LONE WOLF assassination of President John F. Kennedy.

Chief Justice WARREN: The President will know everything that you have said, everything that you have said.

Mr. RUBY: But I won’t be around, Chief Justice. I won’t be around to verify these things you are going to tell the President.

Mr. TONAHILL: Who do you think is going to eliminate you, Jack?

Mr. RUBY: I have been used for a purpose, and there will be a certain tragic occurrence happening if you don’t take my testimony and somehow vindicate me so my people don’t suffer because of what I have done.

Chief Justice WARREN: But we have taken your testimony. We have it here. It will be in permanent form for the President of the United States and for the Congress of the United States, and for the courts of the United States, and for the people of the entire world. It is there. It will be recorded for all to see. That is the purpose of our coming here today. We feel that you are entitled to have your story told.

Mr. RUBY: You have lost me though. You have lost me, Chief Justice Warren.

Chief Justice WARREN: Lost you in what sense?

Mr. RUBY: I won’t be around for you to come and question me again.[30]

In 1964, Jack Ruby was brought to trial for the murder of Lee Harvey Oswald. In that same year, he was convicted and sentenced to death. In 1966, the judgment of death was reversed by the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals, and he was granted a second trial. On January 3, 1967, Jack Ruby died from the effects of galloping lung cancer before his second trial could begin. He claimed that he had been injected with cancer.[31]


The Bay Area RABBIT HOLE: Ruby’s trial attorney had been Melvin Belli of San Francisco, but not Ruby’s record attorney on appeal. Belli was also the attorney for Emmy Goering, second wife of the President of the Reichstag Herman Wilhelm Goering.

Chief Justice Earl Warren had been an Alameda County’s District Attorney. Ruby wasn’t around to question again or talk about the conspiracy to kill the President of the United States.

In the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., LONE WOLF James Earl Ray, never had a trial. A few days after he was coerced into pleading guilty, he withdrew his guilty plea. Tennessee law provides Ray with the right to a trial, but his eight requests for a trial had all been denied before his death in April 1998.[32]

On March 3, 1969, in a Los Angeles courtroom, Sirhan’s Defense Attorney Grant Cooper asked Sirhan point blank if he had indeed shot Senator Kennedy. Sirhan replied immediately: “Yes, sir.”[33] Sirhan’s defense never questioned the physical evidence or ballistic tests to show a SECOND GUNMAN, and that it had been impossible for him to have killed U.S. Senator Robert F. Kennedy.[34] All of Sirhan’s appeals for a new trial based primarily on his counsel’s gross negligence have been denied.[35] Recent forensic analysis of magnetic media recordings on the night that RFK was killed prove that there was in fact a SECOND GUNMAN that assassinated RFK.[36]

Broussard basically sit in Sirhan’s position as a LONE WOLF mind controlled assassin. He has confessed to killing Chauncey without questioning the physical evidence or police ballistic tests to show a SECOND GUNMAN.

In regards to that key evidence OPD crime scene ballistics report, CBP has also painted themselves inside a corner. If they say that the ballistic report was misstated, then the public is entitled to a retraction. In addition, we need to know why it took them so long to retract the report. Who gave them the information; and why it was exposed to them should also be answered, then verify the truth of the parties involved?

If they remain silent on the ballistic report, then they stand on the veraciously of the OPD ballistic report that matched only two of three spent shotgun shells to Chauncey’s murder, which would be unconvertible physical evidence and substantial proof of a SECOND GUNMAN. We should be entitled to know why the TRUTH was suppressed in their RUSH FOR JUDGMENT or COLLUSION IN MISJUSTICE.

Where is the ballistic test report and Chauncey’s BRIEFCASE? Ask the District Attorney:

Alameda County Courthouse 1225 Fallon Street Oakland, CA 94612 (510) 891-6000

Did the Defense know about the ballistic report? Ask the defense:

Law Offices of Gene Peretti (Yusuf Bey VI)

1325 High Street

Alameda, CA 94501-3125

Phone: work (510) 521-2230

Fax: fax (510) 521-0174

Law Offices of Gary Sirbu (Antoine Mackey)

1999 Harrison Street, Suite 1650

Oakland, CA 94612

Phones (510) 834-5020. Faxes (510) 839-8305

Does the U.S. Justice Department aware of the FUN and GAMES in Oakland regarding Judi Bari, Darryl Cherney, YBMB, Chauncey Bailey, and persistent widespread corruption? Ask them:

U.S. Department of Justice, 450 Golden Gate Ave, #4640, San Francisco, CA 94102 (415) 436-6660

Finally until this matter of CBP’s suppression of evidence and their active collusion with COINTELPRO forces in the Black Community is resolved, the Bay Area Black Journalist Association (BABJA) needs to reconsider its 2009 Community Service Award to CBP, or in lieu of these circumstance it should be explained to the community.


1714 Franklin Street, #100-260 Oakland, CA 94612

(510) 464-1000


[2] Id.




[6] Id.

[7] Id.

[8] Id.

[9] Id.


[11] Longmire Deposition, pg. 40, Longmire v. Oakland, U.S. Federal Court, Case No. C-10-01465 JSW

[12] Id. Page 41


[14] Id.

[15] Longmire Deposition, pg. 41, Longmire v. Oakland, U.S. Federal Court, Case No. C-10-01465 JSW


[17] Madsen v. Oakland, Unified Sch. Dist., 45 CA3rd 574 (1975)




[21] Id.

[22] United States v. Maurice Himy, United States District Court for the Northern District of California, Case No. CR 06-00664 CW












[34] Id.

[35] Id.



29 06 2011

BUNGA BUNGA, The Rise of Lucifer, Ruling Oligarchies & the Imperium, Genocide and Terrorism

To most Black Folk of conventional wisdom that have absolutely no idea what or how important the Imperium may be historically, I will call them by another name that most commonly identifies the Imperium, the ILLUMINATI.

It may have slid under the radar of the free press and investigative journalism if there still is such a thing, but Italian Prime Minister Silivo Berlusconi and this BUNGA BUNGA stuff is worth exploring. It leads down the “Rabbit Hole”to the Libyan Aggression.

“THE GRAND ILLUSION” The Libyan Terrorism

Billioniare Italian Prime Minister Sivilo Berlusconi, along with President Barack Obama and French President Nicolas Sarkozy, has been one of the prime movers behind National Atlantic Treaty Organization’s (NATO) unholy war of aggression and terrorism against the African People’s Republic of Libya under the grand illusion that it was due to a “Humanitarian Threat” to save innocent civilians.[1]

NATO has carried out about 12,000 terrorist missions over Libya. One air strike hit a Libyan Down’s Syndrome Society for children of whom western press has been silent on and government’s commission for children. The school was home to children with Down’s Syndrome up to the age of 6 teaching them to go to normal schools, giving speech therapy, handicrafts and sports sessions and teaching them to read and write. It handled 50 to 60 children a day.[2]

Within the week of June 19, 2011, NATO air strikes deliberately targeted civilians. They slaughtered at least 5 Libyan children and 24 adult civilians.[3] 

The unholy alliance, Obama, Sarkozy and Berlusconi,  have demonstrated an incredible ungodly indifference and an absolute sick reckless disregard for soveriegn independence, and the lives and humanity of Africans and People of Color.

“THE ILLUSION DESTROYED” The Libyan Aggression

On Friday, June 25, 2011, the U.S. House of Representatives destroyed the illusion that the war crimes and terrorism perpetrated against the Libyan people was in our name. The House delivered a rare rebuke of President over his involvement in the Libyan aggression by rejecting a resolution to authorise his war of aggression and terrorism in Libya in “OUR NAME.”[4]

To carry on this senseless racial and blatant illegal war of terrorism against the Libyian people, President Obama rejected the advise of his own key advisors that he needed to win congressional approval for the American involvement in the NATO-Libyan air assault.[5]

If this terrible waste of America’s valuable resources to murder and slaughter Africans is “NOT IN OUR NAME”, then the veil has been lifted that the Libyan Agresssion is in realty in the name of the racialist Sadomasochistic ILLUMINATI that created Barack Hussein Obama.

Lust’s Passions will be Served. –Marquis de Sade, the Illuminati

The passionate boyish clowning around of U.S. President Barack Obama, PM Berlusconi, and Nicolas Sarkozi of France appears as illusions of harmlessness. PM Berlusconi and President Sarkozi are very dangerous and little vain men.

They may appear to be passionate and playful with President Obama and First Lady Michele Obama, but be very careful of what it is that you perceive. It may very well be “mockery” of the President and First Lady and the American People and its form of government.

SARKOZI and Berlusconi, they are real LUCIFERIANS and ILLUMINATI, Masters of Illusions. 

“I bring greetings from a man, what’s his name? Some tanned guy—Barack Obama… You won’t believe it, but the two of them sunbathe together because even his wife is tanned.” PM Berlusconi, 2008. [6]

The name Lucifer actually means Morning Star or The Illuminated One. Thus, the various Mystery Religions taught that it is Lucifer (or Satan) who gives us light and shows us that we are God and have no need of repentance, but that we need only realize the “God within” and bring it to its full potential.[7]

Various Secret Societies throughout the Ages have taught this Babylonian Mysticism, because they knew that these Mysteries were based upon the doctrine of Luciferianism. They were known for centuries as “The Illuminati“. Their name was derived from Lucifer’s name: “The Illuminated One”.[8]

The “The Illuminated Ones” maintain an exalted status over ordinary mortals, a place closer to GOD in the “Hierarchy of the Universe.” 

Lust’s passion will be served; it demands, it militates, “IT TYRANNIZES” –Marquis de Sade, the Illuminati

In 1777, the Illuminati began to cooperate with all Masonic lodges in order to infiltrate them. Adam Weishaupt became a member of the Grand Orient; the lodge was backed financially by Mayer Amschel Rothschild to conspire against the establishment.[9]


It is also believed that Weishaupt formed an inner council of members (the “law of five”), which included: himself, Sir Francis Dashwood (Hellfire Club), Kolmer, Alphonse Donatien De Sade (Marquis de Sade) and Mayer Amschel Rothschild.[10] Keep a mental note of MARQUIS de SADA and MAYER AMSCHEL ROTHSCHILD. 


“I [PM Berlusconi] told the president that [Obama] has everything needed in order to reach deals with him: He’s young, handsome and even tanned….”[11]

In other words, Obama was a wonderful ILLUMINATI-MK ULTRA male sex toy. Within elite circles, Berlusconi is often compared to the Roman Emperor Tiberius.[12] Tiberius is a code word for an “elite” sadistic ILLUMINATI pedophile.

“When he went for a swim, gangs of little boys (his ‘minnows’, as he used to call them) would join him in the water; they had been trained to chase him and nibble between his legs. On other occasions, the elderly emperor preferred the pleasures of voyeurism. According to his Roman biographer Suetonius, ‘Bevies of girls and young men, collected from all over the place, used to have sex in threesomes in front of him, to excite his waning appetites.’”[13]

Tiberius was a not only a notorious “elite” pedophile that took intense pleasure in having sex with children under 10 years of age, but he also enjoying throwing them to their death off a sea cliff during his private escapades.

Sadism is the sexual or social pleasure of gratification in the infliction of pain and suffering upon another person. The world is derived from the name of the Marquis de Sade of the ILLUMINATI, a French nobleman philosopher-writer; and serial sadistic criminal and pedophile.

Marquis de Sade is famous for writing novels and plays of “Sadomasochism.” De Sade championed the inception and reception of extreme pain as an art form that to him was both sublime and beautiful.[14] 

Berlusconi’s waning sadistic appetite is for underage girls, trauma based-multiple personality disordered (MPD) ILLUMINATI-MK ULTRA-MONARCH “butterflies” consciously and unconsciously immune to pain.

PM Berlusconi’s former wife, Veronica Lario, told the world of Berlusconi and the ILLUMINATI that, “Many parents are willing to close their eyes and offer their virgins to the dragon.”[15]

In the New Testament, Lucifer-Satan has many names. In the Book of Revelation, he is known as the “great dragon” (Rev. 12:9). Don’t tell me that there is no such thing as the ILLUMINATI or LUCIFERIANS.

Recently as of April 2011, Berlusconi has been embroiled in a national scandal and criminal trial involving the sadistic sexual exploitation of underage girls.[16]

At the heart of the scandal is the African-Moroccan-born Karima El Mahroug AKA Ruby the Heart Stealer. Obviously, Karima also has a disturbing MK ULTRA-MONARCH ritual child sexual abuse background and history.

“When I was nine years old, I was raped by two of my uncles – my father’s brothers.” -Karima El Mahroug [17] 

Above, Ms. Mahroug in classic MK-ULTRA SEX KITTEN animal pattern blouse flashing Baphomet  hand symbol.

Here, Ms. Mahroug in the classic SEX KITTEN leopard spots and wild animal posture.

Here, Ms. Mahroug (SEX KITTEN alter) is centrally sexually exploited by a group including men muzzled like k-9’s. Karima first coined the secret group LUCIFERIAN-ILLUMINATI sex rituals, the BUNGA BUNGA. Below, no speculation is necessary. Ms. Mahroug in objectification SEX KITTEN alter.

“All the girls were naked during the bunga bunga and I had the feeling that they were competing with each other to make Berlusconi notice them by performing more and more daring sexual acts.”-Karima Mahroug [18] 

BUNGA BUNGA, “The sound of it is crude and infantile. It is almost like a racist Africanism – some kind of colonial imagined tribal ritual of sexual abandon. It has a racist, imperialist quality to it – like a phoney African word, like ‘wonga’”.[19]

As for PM Berlusconi, he hasn’t denied the existence of BUNGA BUNGA. In true sadistic arrogance, he reportedly said that ‘bunga bunga’ parties where merely civilized [Illuminati Ones] dinner parties.[20] In other words, it is within a domain of an exalted status over ordinary mortals. Suck my you know what!



The illusionary playful Silivo Berlusconi is/was a member of P2. Propaganda Due (P2) is a 2400 member secret neo fascist Masonic Lodge in Italythat caters only to the elite. It was led by Luicio Gelli.[21]

During WWII, Oberleutnant (Italian) SS Licio Gelli was said to have derived his wealth from his presence in the Italian town of Cattaro, where the seized national treasures of Yugoslavia stolen by the Croatian Ustashi fascist were hidden.[22]

A significant portion of these hidden treasures were never recovered and returned to Yugoslavia “but were stolen by Gelli”. Furthermore, as the war ended, and with the help of the Vatican, he helped organize the “Rat-lines” to get Nazi war criminals to South America for a fee of 40%. In collaboration with notorious pro-Nazi Catholic priest from Croatia, Father Krujoslav Dragonovic, Gelli, for example, helped Klaus Barbie, the “Butcher of Lyon” escape, with his costs borne by the US taxpyers, the U.S. Army Counter Intelligence Corps.[23]

In 1998, Gelli was charged and convicted for fraud linked to the 1982 collapse of Banco Ambrosiano. During the arrest, police found gold bars, valued at more than $1.76 million, buried in terra-cotta pots brimming with flowers that decorated the terrace of Gelli’s mansion in Tuscany.  Reports said some of the gold might come from a cache that Italian fascists stole from Yugoslavi aduring World War II.[24] 

Gelli, the ILLUMINATI KING, of Himmler’s SS was also a CIA asset. As part of Reinhard Gehlen’s CIA/Nazi Intelligence team (Gehlen Org), Gelli was the go between for the CIA and the Vatican through his P2 Lodge. Gelli and P2 are further connected to an ultra shadow figure, Heinrich Rupp. Rupp was part of the Martin Bormann secret post WWII Nazi ODESSA network.[25] Below, Bormann and Hitler within days of the fall of Berlin.

Rupp was part of Operation PAPERCLIP Nazis secretly brought into the United States to either work clandestinely in the new Military-Industrial Complex or work for US intelligence and Special Forces. Even today little is still known or exposed about Heinrich Rupp, but Rupp suddenly popped up in the “October Surprise” that propelled Ronald Reagan into the White House.

In 1980, Rupp surfaced as a longtime pilot for the CIA, including Air America. Rupp flew Reagan-Bush campaign manager and former CIA director, William Casey, from Washington National Airport to Le Bourget in Paris for secret meetings with Iranian officials. At three meetings on October 19 and 20, 1980 with representatives of Khomeini’s government at the Waldorf Florida and Crillon Hotels in Paris, it became the basis for the “October Surprise” that deliberately delayed the release of 52 Americans being held hostage in Iran since November 4, 1979 until after the election of Republican Ronald Reagan over incumbent President Jimmy Carter.[26] In fact, Gelli was a guest
of honor at the 1981 inauguration of President Ronald Reagan.[27] Up you’ll you know what!

Rupp of the Bormann Org along with Reinhard Gehlen, General Walter Dornberger, General Walter Schreiber, Otto Skorzeny, Klaus Barbie, Franz Six, Emil Augsburg, Willi Krichbaum, Walter Rauff, Kurt Blome, Prince Valerio Borghese, Stephano Delle Chiaie, and many others were ultimately controlled and connected by the aristocratic and fascist CEPIC/Cercle des Nations leadership (Opus Dei and SMOM-linked).[28]

P2’s membership is totally secret and not even available to its Mother Lodge in England. He was a double agent for the CIA and the KGB. Gelli also had close ties with the Italian Mafia. Gelli was a close associate of Benito Mussolini’s fascist elite. He was also closely affiliated with Roberto Calvi, head of the scandal-ridden Vatican Bank.[29]

The P-2 operated beyond democratic control, like the SS, a “state within a state secret”. They were the most powerful Italians, including high-ranking officers of the secret services and the army, influential industrialists and bankers, incumbent and former ministers.[30]

Berlusconi, P2, CIA and SMOM 


PM Berlusconi’s relationship with the Bush Crime Family is opposite to the personal and public relationship with President Obama and First Lady Michele Obama. It is a matter of race, blood, power, noble pedigree of the “elite” and the aristocracy of the ILLUMINATI. Part of this world of blood, power and pedigree is the hierarchy of the SMOM. President Obama and Michele Obama operate outside of that hierarchy.

The SMOM (Sovereign Military Order of Malta) of the New World Order is a military order of the aristocratic ruling “elite” based on the Middle Age crusader Knights Hospitaller of Jerusalem and is most interwoven with Freemasonry. The Jesuit Order rules SMOM, and the Papacy. SMOM governs the CIA. It rules the secret Luciferian Masonic orders such as the P2. It heavily influenced and collaborated with Reichsfuhrer SS Heinrich Himmler and his Middle Age crusader SS Teutonic Knights.[31] 

Himmler had been a high-ranking member of SMOM along with the head of the U.S. Office of Strategic Services (OSS), Bill Donovan. SMOM members of the CIA were Allen Dulles, James Jesus Angelton, John McCone, George H.W Bush, William Casey, General Vernon A. Walters, and William F. Buckley, Jr.[32]

FBI SMOM members were J. Edgar Hoover and Cartha DeLoach. Nazis SMOM members included Himmler, Reinhard Gehlen, Fritz Thyssen, Licio Gelli, Kurt Waldheim, and Franz von Papen.[33]

SMOM members also included Former Prime Minister of Great Britain Tony Blair; Elmer Bobst; George W. Bush; Jeb Bush, Prescott Bush, Jr., Frank Charles Carlucci III; Former President Bill Clinton; and so many others including Henry Kissinger. It also included Italian PM Berlusconi.[34]   

NATO, The Secret Arm of P2

In addition, Gelli and P-2 were linked to a covert CIA operation in Italy code-named, Gladio. Project Gladio ran under cover of NATO by the Italian military secret service, SIFAR. NATO secretly provided Gladio operatives with SS training, weapons and explosives, storage.

Obersturmbannführer ( Lieutenant Colonel) SS Otto Skorzeny trained Gladio specialists carried out covert domestic and international false flag operations (9-11), counterintelligence and terrorist actions including bombings, murders and assassinations.[35]



“The more we do to you, the less you seem to believe we are doing it.” -Hauptsturmführer SS Dr. Josef Mengele

MK-ULTRA was another secret umbrella mind control project that was spawned from the secret network and spider web of Operation PAPERCLIP nazis that escaped Germany through Nazi-Vatican Ratlines, ODESSA.

InItaly, P2’s Heinrich Rupp worked with Martin Bormann’s right hand man and former chief of the German Nazi intelligence in Northern Italy, Standartenführer (Colonel) SS Walter Rauff, Father Krunoslav Draganovic and Monsignor Karlo Petranović, based in Genoa to smuggle secret ODESSA SS war criminals and collaborators on ships out of Europe for South America.

Reichsleiter Martin Bormann, the Third Reich Genius of Finance and Administration, was one of the Nazi Germany’s most powerful men behind Hitler and Himmer. Bormann was Party Chancellery (Parteikanzlei) and the private secretary to Adolf Hitler.[36]

During the fall of Berlin in May 1945, Bormann most likely escaped from the Salzburg airport into Spain and then to South America. Bormann was the Reichsleiter in exile. He did not consider himself a war criminal, but a legally appointed head of state that kept the loyal strings of Nazi Party and Blood Covenant SS together in exile as Hitler, Himmler and Bormann had planned all along since the Nazi defeat at Stalingrad in 1942.[37] 

From 1945 to 1949, the Bormann Nazi-Vatican Ratline helped approximately 5,000 SS war criminals and collaborators escape through Rauff’s secret emigration bureau in Genoa. Bormann’s Blood Covenant SS ODESSA network includes one of the world’s most wanted sadistic SS doctors of WWII, Hauptsturmführer (Captain) SS Dr. Josef Mengele, the Angel of Death of Auschwitz-Birkenau.[38]

SS Mengele has to be one of the world’s greatest sadomasochist of all time. At Auschwitz, Dr. Mengele conducted some of the most inhumane, barbaric, and savage experiments on human beings with that crazy Satanic grin.

Dr. Mengele reportedly developed a drug to keep a victim/subject conscious to deliberately inflict far greater pain than the human body and mind could normally endure. He was responsible for the deaths of thousands which earned him the name, “The Angel of Death”. Mengele was personally responsible for the death of about 400,000 people. He may well have been the “World’s Greatest Mass Murderer.”

On paper, MK-ULTRA had been designed to defeat the “enemy” in its brain-washing techniques. Clandestinely, MK ULTRA was Hauptsturmführer SS Dr. Mengele’s blood covenanted trauma-based mind control research and development.

One of the most important and well published projects of MK-ULTRA was a secret laboratory established and funded by CIA director, Allen Dulles, in Montreal, Canada at McGill University in the Allen Memorial Institute headed by ILLUMINTI network psychiatrist, Dr. Ewen Cameron. Dr. Cameron had served as a member of the Nuremberg tribunal that heard and studied secret case study experiments of the Nazi-SS doctors.

Dr. Cameron, Director of the Allan Memorial Institute in Montreal from 1943 to 1967, and Head of the World Psychiatry Association, participated in a psychiatric evaluation of the occultist Deputy Fuhrer Rudolf Walter Richard Hess, Hitler’s Second in Command, on behalf of the Nuremberg Prosecution team.

Dr. Cameron also participated in discussions being held at the time (believed to have occurred at Columbia University), in the US, regarding the “social reintegration of Operation PAPERCLIP Nazis”.[39]

From 1956 to 1962, numerous eye witnesses reported Dr. Mengele’s presence AKA Father Joseph in Montreal and at Allan Memorial Institute eventually leading to the 1985 Deschene’s Commission: A Commission of Inquiry on Nazi War Criminals in Canada.[40]

It is generally believed that in Canada, Dr. Mengele and Cameron worked in secret setting up MK ULTRA MIND CONTROL experiments and protocols at the Alan Memorial branch of McGill University in Canada.[41]

Under Dr. Mengele, MK ULTRA became an umbrella for Project ARTICHOKE (Unconscious Manchurian Candidate-Mind Control Assassins), MK SEARCH (Dr. James A. Hamilton’s Stanford/Vacaville Prison Mind Control/Black Assassins), MK DELTA (Dr. Alton Ochsner-New Orleans) and the MONARCH Program (Sex Kitten Mind Control Programming).[42] 

Dr. Cameron AKA Dr. White and Dr. Mengele AKA Dr. Green were the master ILLUMINTI mind control MONARCH programmers. The testimony of a U.S. MK ULTRA test subject linked Dr. Mengele to electo-shock, LSD, radiation, rape, dislocation of joints, chemical and drug experimentation of children.[43]

Dr. Mengele’s MONARCHS were sent to special schools with many other children and taught how to sexually (Sex Kitten) please men and women as ILLUMINATI assets, spies, counterintelligence operatives, assassins and sexual whtemailers. According to one of the children, Monarch Sex Kitten children were used to entrap and whitemail politicians in order for Richard Helms, Sidney Gottlieb, Martin Orne, L. Wilson Green, and others to secure permanent funding for MK ULTRA, experiments and operations that continue to this day.[44]

Dr. Mengele’s ritually abused- trauma based Monarch Children are also at the disposable of sadistic wanings of Sivilo Berlusconi and ILLUMINITIBUNGA BUNGA  

Nicolas Sarkozy, Lucky Luciana, French Connection & the BUNGA BUNGA

Sarkozy has his genesis in the Charles Lucky Luciana, Allen Dulles and Frank Wisner, Sr. underworld Mafia-CIA network going back to WWII. The Office of Strategic Services (OSS-Dulles) and the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI-Wisner) clandestinely recruited heavily from New York and Chicago underworlds to help U.S. intelligence keep in touch with Sicilian Mafia leaders exiled by Italian dictator Benito Mussolini. It included America’s most notorious and criminal syndicates and figures, Charles ‘Lucky’ Luciano, Meyer Lansky, Joe Adonis and Frank Costello.[45]

The public aim of this most unholy alliance was to prevent sabotage on East Coast ports and gain intelligence on Sicily prior to secret allied army invasions. It was also designed covertly to suppress the Italian Communist Party. While in prison, Luciano earned a pardon for his wartime U.S.intelligence collaboration. He was deported back to Italy where the secret collaborations with U.S. Intelligence continued in the international drug trade. In Italy, Luciano built an international heroin empire, while the OSS and ONI worked with Chinese triads to control opium, morphine and heroin of the Golden Triangle.[46] Luciana’s Corsican Ambassador was Frenchman Erienne Leandri.

Nicolas Sarkozy is the son of Catholic Hungarian Nobleman Pal Sarkösy of Nagi-Bosca and Andree Mallah, Jewish commoner from Thessalonica, Greece. Sarkosy is a descendant of the noble Corsican (Italian) House of Charles (Carlo) Bonaparte, the father of Napolean.

Ahead of the Russian Red Army invading Hungry, Sarkösy fled into France. Pal Sarkösy was part of the fleeing Nazi collaborator Arrow Cross Party. He played a prominent part in deporting the Jews of Budapest between May and October of 1944.  Sarkösy subsequently divorced Mallah and married a French aristocrat, Christine de Ganay. [47] 

In France after WWII, infamous General and President Charles de Gaulle betrayed and angered the New World Order (NWO) by freeing Algeria and its other African colonial states.[48]

De Gaulle refused to be a pawn of the secret international ring of Luciferians after the fall of the Nazi war state. He opposed the entry of the United Kingdom into the European common market (1961 and 1967); refused the deployment of UN helmets into Congo (1961); encouraged the Latin American states to become free of US imperialism (speech of Mexico, 1964); kicked NATO out of France and withdrew from the Atlantic Alliance’s integrated command (1966); he condemned Israeli expansionism during the Six Day war (1967); and supported independence of Quebec (Speech of Montreal 1967).[49]

The Luciferians of the CIA and NATO initiated and supported about 40 unsuccessful attempts to assassinate President de Gaulle. De Gaulle had a superior and dedicated intelligence apparatus around him. SAC (Civic action services), a militia also formed around de Gaulle for additional protection. The militia was led by Charles Pasqua and Achille Peretti, one of de Gaulle’s bodyguards.[50]

Pasqua and Peretti were Corsicans linked to the underworld of Lucky Luciana’s Mafia-CIA network. In fact, Pasqua had secretly turned to Luciana’s Ambassador, Étienne Léandri, to recruit forces to constitute the Gaullist militia.[51]

Pasqua became a principal of Ricard Company, a liquor society of Canada. He subsequently married a daughter of the Canadian bootlegger that started Ricard. Peretti became an influential and powerful French politician. Pal Sarkosy’s second wife, Christine de Ganay, became Peretti’s secretary.[52] 

In 1972, Time Magazine revealed the existence of a secret criminal organization, the Corsican Union, which controlled a large part of the drug trade between Europeand America, the infamous French Connection.[53]

Time named the Mafia boss of French Connection, Jean Venturi. He had been arrested a few years earlier in Canada. Venturi was Charles Pasqua’s commercial delegate at Ricard. The names of several families headed by the “Corsican Union” were also cited by Time; among them was Achille Peretti’s Family.[54]

The Wisners, father like son, CIA-New World Order Mass Mind Control, Assassinations, Covert Operations and Secret International Terrorism. In 1977, Pal Sarkösy separated from Christine de Ganay. Christine then marries the infamous FRANK WISNER, JR., right, of the CIA and U.S. Department. Nicolas, who remained close to his mother in law “benefits” from special training programs of the U.S. State Department courtesy and influence of Wisner, Jr.[55]

In France, Nicolas joined the leadership of the Gaullist party with Charles Pasqua as a party national leader. In 1982, Nicolas finished law school and joined the French Bar Association then marries the niece of Achille Peretti, the French Connection Mafia Family. Nicolas’ best man was none other than Charles Pasqua also of the French Connection. As a lawyer, Sarkozy defended the interests of his mentor Corsican Mafia friends and benefactors. He bought a property on the Island of Beauty, in Vico, and went as far as envisaging making his name more “Corsican” of “Mafia”, he replaced the “y” in his surname by an “i” becoming Nicolas Sarkozi.[56]

In 1993, Charles Pasqua became the French Interior Minister. Pasqua controlled the Moroccan marijuana trade and used his position of power to legalize his other activities taking control of casinos, gambling and horse races in francophone (French-speaking) Africa. Pasqua wove ties with Saudi Arabiaand Israeland became an officer of honour to the Mossad. Nicolas Sarkozy on his part in the mob ring became French Minister of Budget and spokesman for the government.[57]

In WashingtonD.C., another of Sarkozy’s god-fathers, Big Frank, also quietly moved in more position of power and influence. Wisner became the successor of Paul Wolfowitz as head of the Political Planning department of the U.S. Department of Defense.[58] 

The rest is history. The CIA and the Mafia got the Luciferian French President that they created. Sarkozi’s half brother of Christine de Ganay, Pierre Olivier, under the American name of Oliver, was named by SMOM Frank Carlucci as the director of the new investment fund of the Carlyle Group (common investment firm of the Bush and Ben Laden Families). Oliver handles the main assets of the sovereign funds of Kuwait and Singapore.[59]

French President Sarkozy is an infamous Luciferian womanizer involved in the international “Objectification” and exploitation of women.

In his third marriage, he was rewarded with a former top BUNGA BUNGAPresidential Model” MK ULTRA Monarch Sex Slave model, Carla Bruni.[60]

Garla Bruni. From the excellent work of Pseudo-Occult Media: “This would be a good point to cover some of Carla Bruni’s programming as it seems obvious she is a Monarch programmed kitten (sex-slave), the epitome of a ‘Presidential Model’ as she is currently “married” to the French President (an award for his work as an “elite” pawn serving the global Illuminists’ agenda); and previously being used by countless wealthy/connected individuals. Here are a few images of Carla to illustrate her Monarch sex-slave kitten programming (and usual symbolic ones [split mind/checkerboards/mirrors/bird-cage veil/dollhouse/masks/etc]).”[61] Sadly below, Carla Bruni in SEX KITTEN alter.

Carla Bruni in MK ULTRA Mindless Barbie Doll Alter.

Carla Bruni in Masonic Checkerboard Pattern Alter.

Carla Bruni with Dr. Mengele’s signature MK ULTRA MONARCH BUTTERFLY tag.

Carla Bruni in PUSSY CAT ALTER.

Carla Bruni, below, at bottom roll of a classic Dr. Mengele “Presidental Model” SEX KITTEN TWINNING.

Finally, Carla Bruni dressed and primed for the ILLUMINATI Luciferian Sex Magkic Ritual, BUNGA BUNGA.

BUNGA BUNGA & Eyes Wide Shut

Prosecutors described the BUNGA BUNGA parties in a three-phase sequence. “The first phase consisted of a dinner; the second was the ‘bunga bunga’ phase which took place in a room used as a discotheque, where the participants appeared in masks, performing striptease and erotic dances … and being touched on their intimate parts by Mr Berlusconi.” In the third phase, “one or more young women spend the night with Berlusconi for payments above those received by the other participants”.[62] 

Yes, it sounds just like the infamous Satanic-Luciferian “elite” sex magkic ritual in Stanley Kubrick’s “Eyes Wide Shut.” It wasn’t just “nonfiction” stuff after all.

Stanley Kubrick & The House of Harlan

Eyes Wide Shut is a 1999 drama film based upon the 1926 novella Traumnovelle (Dream Story), which was written by Arthur Schnitzler. The film was directed, produced and co-written by Stanley Kubrick; and was his last film before his sudden death. The story, set in and around New York City, follows the sexually charged adventures of Dr. Bill Harford, who is shocked when his wife, Alice, reveals that she had contemplated an affair a year earlier. He embarks on a night-long, sexually charged adventure, during which he infiltrates a massive masked orgy of an underground cult.[63]

During the Third Reich, Josef Goebbels’ top director and favorite filmmaker was Veit Harlan. In 1957, Stanley Kubrick went to Munich, Germanyto film Paths of Glory. In Munich, he met and eventually married a German actress Susanne Christian. She was in fact, Christiane Harlan, from the Third Reich’s infamous House of Harlan.[64]

As a girl, she had been a member of the Bund deutscher Mädel, the Nazi organization for girls that paralleled the Hitler Youth for boys. She liked parading about in her uniform. She had worked as members of the Hitler Youth in the fields alongside French prisoners of war and Ukrainian slave laborers.[65]

In 1957, Kubrick also met Christiane’s uncle, Goebbel’s favorite filmmaker, Veit Harlan (1899-1964) and wanted to make a film about him and, in Christiane’s words, “the absolutely normal life under the protection of Joseph Goebbels”.[66] Right.

Veit Harlan made JUD SUSS, “The most successful anti-Semitic film the Nazi’s ever made.”[67] On September 30, 1940, Reichsfuhrer SS Heinrich Himmler ordered all SS and police members to see the film. It was shown to SS units, and Einsatzgruppen about to be sent east on their murderous assignment, and was also sent to non-Jewish populations of areas where Jews were about to be deported, by 1943 viewer ship of the film was reported as over 20.3 million people.[68]

Veit Harlan received the 1943 Universum Film Archiv award. Harlan was the only film director of the Third Reich to be tried for crimes against humanity. The prosecutors focused on his use of the SS to recruit (persuade) ghetto Jews to perform as extras.[69]

However, Goebbels and Harlan produced and released Third Reich propaganda films to the very last weeks of WWII. On January 30, 1945, Goebbels and Harlan released the film, Kolberg. It offered propaganda to fight Nazi Germany’s enemies until the very end.[70] At Nuremberg, Harlan was later acquitted on all counts.[71]

It appears that Harlan was an ardent Nazi that lived in close secret collaboration with the Nazi cultural and political elite, [72] the Thule, SS and the ODESSA.

I suspect that Kubrick’s infamous orgy scene in Eyes Wide Shut was not based on Schnitzler’s obscure 1926 novella Traumnovelle as the ILLUMINATI would like you to believe. Stanley Kubrick risked his life and deliberately publicly exposed from the House of Harlan current secret “elite” Luciferian-SS sex magkic, the ILLUMINATI BUNGA BUNGA rituals.

Furthermore, Kubrick’s sex magkic ritual was filmed in England at the Mentmore Towers, Mentmore, Buckinghamshire near London.

Mentmore and the Castle was built between 1852-1854 in reality by the High Sheriff of Buckinghamshire, Baron Mayer Amschel de Rothschild.[73] Baron Rothschild is a direct descendent of the ILLUMINATI, Mayer Amschel Rothschild.[74]


I believe that there is convincing argument that Adolf Hitler was also a descendant of the Rothschilds, Salomon Mayer Rothschild of Vienna.[75]

Salomon Mayer von Rothschild (September 9, 1774, Frankfurt/Main – July 28, 1855, Paris) was a German born banker in the Austrian Empire and the founder of the Viennese branch of the prominent Mayer Amschel Rothschild family. He was the second son of Mayer Amschel Rothschild of the ILLUMINATI.[76]  

Finally, lets bring it home to Brother MYSTIKAL & the ILLUMINATI.


Brother Mystikal (Michael Lawrence Tyler) with the sign of Baphomet. Mystikal was someone that I immediately took notice of. Mystikal’s work of art is not just rhymes and raps, but a cool blend of African shouts, hollers, and work songs, jazz, rhythm & blues and spirituals. I feared that his unique art form wouldn’t last because it wasn’t the direction the ILLUMINATI music industry was moving toward, but I am certain that Mystikal entered the Luciferian Blood Covenant for Fame and Fortune.

When I first saw Mystikal’s video version of “Shake It Fast“, I was divided. I was mesmerized by the music with an interesting blend of jazz, rhythm and African shouts, but it was the theme that disturbed me, Stanley Kubrick’s secret Satanic Sex Magkic Ritual in Eyes Wide Shut” featuring the “Objectification” of Black Women and it appears underage sisters.

Above, Mystikal with ILLUMINATI Pyramid hand symbol. Pseudo-Occult Media did a small thing on its ILLUMINATI-occulted links, but nothing really deep. It deserves more critical attention and detail, which I reserve for a latter more detailed post.

Shake Ya Ass“, also known by its clean title, “Shake It Fast“, is the second single released from Mystikal’s fourth album, Let’s Get Ready. It also featured Pharrell. It was released on July 18, 2000 and was produced by The Neptunes. The single was a huge success for Mystikal, peaking at number 13 on the Billboard Hot 100, number three on the Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Singles & Tracks and number seven on the Hot Rap Singles. Both the song and music video (directed by Little X) received heavy airplay and it has arguably become Mystikal’s most well-known song.[77]

There is little and why a Black imitation of a secret ILLUMINATI Luciferian Sex Magkic Ritual was necessary and appropriate for mass media youth consumption, but according to Mystikal, he got a call from Little X (Julien Christian Lutz of Toronto), a music video director, to check out “Eyes Wide Shut” as a possible music video theme production. Mystikal saw the movie and liked the idea. Little X set everything up.[78]  End of story. I don’t believe so.

Eric Dubay’s Famous Freemasons Exposed, author of the “Atlantean Conspiracy”, follows the Michelangelo Mystery at the Vatican’s Sistine Chapel which may have been built in the same proportions to Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem. Dubay argues convincingly to follow the hands to unleash Michelangelo’s Freemason and ILLUMINATI secrets hidden in his art at the Sistine Chapel.


“Take careful notice of the way God and Adam’s hands are positioned. The middle and ring fingers are held together while the pointer and pinky fingers are separated. This makes an “M” and as you will see represents Masonry – the oldest, most wide spread secret society in existence, operating in almost every country in the world with 5+ million members. For centuries, the Vatican and world Royalty have conspired using the vehicle of Freemasonry to place initiates into key power positions of politics, business, banking,and media in an effort to control populations.”

 Follow the HANDS, Queen Elizabeth I, King James of England, and Christopher Columbus.

Follow the HANDS, King Ferdnand, Queen Isabella I, and Lorenzo de Medici, Ruler of Florentine Republic.

 The HANDS of Francois I, King of France, Catherine de Medici, Queen of France, and Mary Queen of Scots.

Aleister Crowley, The Great Beast 666.
HANDS  of First Lady Michelle Obama, Director of the Rockefeller Bloodline Chicago Council of Foreign Relations. Follow Mystikal’s HANDS, he’ll shows what he was working with when he made an imitation of a secret ILLUMINATI Luciferian Sex Magkic Ritual featuring the continued “objectification” and exploitation of Black Women.
Below, Mystikal’s video producer, Little X, with ILLUMINATI Masonic Pyramid Hand Symbol. Even his studio chair displays the sacred masonic pyramid. He features a New Age Metal for Jesus “Sacred Warrior” uniform with patches of a pair of white wings and red sword. Their Jesus is a Michelangleo FREEMASON/ILLUMINATI re-imaging.

Not too after Mystikal’s Luciferian sex ritual video, he was arrested and charged with a sadistic gang rape and extortion of a female acquaintance. In theDeltaState, rape can be punishable by life in prison. In the case, Mystikal reached a deal and pleaded guilty to sexual battery. He was sentenced to 6 years in prison and did every moment of it with 5 years parole to boot. What is really odd about Mystikal’s sex case is that the victim, his 40 year old hairdresser, has never been identified or surfaced in 6 years.

It’s hard to say what happened. Whether Mystikal grew to believe that he was among the elite “Do What Thou Wilt” ILLUMINATI-Luciferian, free beyond the law, to sadistically sexual exploit and brutalize Black women, I can’t say for sure. Did Mystikal get away with his life unlike Stanley Kubrick for mass public exposure and publicizing secret Luciferian Sex Magkic Rituals? I believe that it may have been a factor.  

Nevertheless, Negroes in the rap game seem to come to believe that a little money and fame entitles them to real Luciferian-ILLUMINATI unnatural and ungodly power and privilege which is by its very nature historically have been restricted to race, blood, nobility and pedigree.  

“War is not the Answer!”- Marvin Gaye

In conclusion, I am lost in the musical genius and poetic justice and of Marvin Gaye left 40 years ago,

What’s Going On, Brother?

War is hell, when will it end,
When will people start gettin’ together again
Are things really gettin’ better, like the newspaper said
What else is new my friend, besides what I read
Can’t find no work, can’t find no job my friend
Money is tighter than it’s ever been
Say man, I just don’t understand

What’s going on across this land!

The United States has no legitimate governmental interest or congressional mandate across this land to assault and mass murder the Libyan people, yet in Libya, the U.S.military continues to be NATO’s primary force and the U.S. Taxpayers its chief financial benefactor.

Military operations in Libya have already cost U.S. taxpayers $664M as of May. It  is costing U.S. taxpayers $2M a day and $60M to carry on NATO’s illegal war of aggression in Libya.

The “IN OUR NAME” veil has been lifted from the Libyan Aggression. Through President Obama, the ILLUMINATI of  NATO  continue to plunge the U.S. government and people into moral, political, constitutional, financial collapse. ILLUMINATI puppet masters control President Obama, and across this land he is rapidly becoming an absolute mind controlled little tyrannical dictator of American democracy.

Yet across this land, most of the so-called peace activists, white liberal progressive communities and reactionary Black Folk and so-call Hip Hop Generation continue to act as the ILLUMINATI’s “MOCKINGBIRDS”.

They continue to yap on KPFA with the exception of “Guns and Butter” and Democracy Now, etc., the false and insidious storyline that Muammar Gaddafi is some kind of a demented brutal dictator killing his own people as a “justification” for the ILLUMINATI’s senseless, racial, costly and inhumane war of aggression against a sovereign and independent African nation on the other side of midnight.

The little ugly creepy sadistic-terrorist ogres, Berlusconi and Sarkozi, know very well what Obama really is, a Cyborg-part human-part machine. They created him. They pull his strings and push the buttons. He is a virtual cyber puppet at the absolute disposal of the puppet masters, the ILLUMINATI, not the American people.

When NATO attacked Libya, I went into a state of depression and reflection for a couple of weeks. I lamented over and over, how was it possible that this small African nation going to defend themselves against the might and power of the U.S. military. As I reflected back, I was reminded of profound wisdom from Brother Huey P. Newton before “Clockwork Orange”, Huey often said, “The Will of the People will Defeat the Man’s Technology.”   



[13] Id.       

[15] Id. At footnote 10


[24]Orlando Sentinel,September 11, 1998

[28]Id. At footnote 5





[40] Id.


[46] Id.














[65] Id.

[66] Id.

[68] Id. At footnote 1

[69] id.

[71] Id. At footnote 1

[72] Id.


9 11 2010

Double Bind is a communicative situation where a person receives different or contradictory messages that cannot be explained. The term, coined by CIA/MK ULTRA anthropologist Gregory Bateson, attempts to account for the onset of (mass population) schizophrenia without simply assuming an organic brain dysfunction.[1]

At times, I often refuse to believe my lying eyes. It is not easy for anyone to believe that this government would target innocent children for ritual sexual/physical abuse to turn them into military intelligence zombies. How could anyone in their right mind believe such a thing of a much touted land of freedom and justice?

As Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. once pointed out, we might understand it if we lived in China or Russian, a totalitarian country, countries not committed to freedom and justice for all. How do you explain it happening in America without seemingly being “off your rocker?”  That’s the double bind, mass population schizophrenia without brain disease.

Of all the people on earth that is trusting, good, kind and gentle is my wife. About two weeks ago, she brought home a DVD movie that she described briefly as a good spy movie with a lot of exciting twists and turns. I really wasn’t interested. It sat inside the DVD player for a couple of weeks. Finally, I said to myself. My wife has always been patient with me and my various books, theories, lawsuits and movies of Crimes Against Democracy (CAD). I sat down to watch a spy thriller that my wife recommended that I really wasn’t interested in. 

At the beginning of the movie, my interest peaked when I realized something was happening in North Korea involving torture, brainwashing and interrogation (Manchurian Candidate). I sat up straight with my eyes wide open when a Russian defector referred to Lee Harvey Oswald (JFK Assassination); and children mind controlled since infancy (MK ULTRA/MONARCH) as KGB military intelligence tools. The CIA interrogator dismissed the defector and concluded that he was basically “off his rocker.”   

How is that about being bizarre, a movie with a central plot about an underground army of sleeper Cyborg MPD traumatized blue-eye, blond haired mind controlled children used as military intelligence tools. Where did such a notion come from? It certainly didn’t come from me.

Left, Willow Smith, nine (9) year old daughter of Will and Jada Smith in trance with her demonic role model Rihanna on right, left eye veiled in a rite of initiation into Jay-Z’s underground Black Hollywood Satanic Coven.

In the classic battle in antiquity between Good (Horus-Isis-Osiris) and Evil (Set-Seth), Horus lost his left eye. The left eye of Horus was later recreated by Thoth. After the reattachment Horus made a gift of the eye to Osiris. Osiris (because of the Eye) then went on to rule the underworld with his power as a solar deity.[2]

In 2010, Willow signed a (blood sacrifice for fame) contract with Jay-Z’s Roc Nation.[3] Notice also that the hand veiling Willow’s left eye is not hers.  Willow should be a typical 2nd to 3rd grade student learning math, reading and english skills, but she represents the “Secret Educational Paradigm Shift” pushing children of color to be NWO controls than the GOD’S CHILDREN bringing love, peace, justice and happiness to the earth.  

The Veiled Merchants of Terror: North Korea and the Soviet Union

How do you explain secret North Korean brainwashing and Russian assassin programs being threats to global peace and turn a blind eye to and living daily side by side with certain unspeakable Crimes Against Democracy and Humanity: CIA’s clandestine Operation PAPERCLIP & Nazis; Assassinations of JFK, RFK and Dr. King; MK ULTRA/MONARCH Manchurian Candidates, sex slaves; the 9-11 Deception, inhumane torture and renditions at GITMO (Guantanamo Bay Naval Base); war crimes aggression of Cheney, Rumsfeld and Bush; extrajudicial assassinations of innocent people by secret teams and unmanned drones; unjust wars and genocide against the people of Palestine, Iraq and Afghanistan; and secret renditions, torture cells around the world and the inhumane racist prison industrial systems in this country. It is by its nature, insanity.  

Columbia Pictures (the Columbians) have the DOUBLE BIND (insanity without brain disease) wrapped up in the subliminal plot of the movie SALT starring the human rights crusader and Goodwill Ambassador of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), Angelina Jolie.[4] Jolie plays a blue eyed blond haired CIA double agent named EVELYN SALT that has iatrogenic multiple personality disorder (MPD) implanted since infancy by the KGB.

In this Hollywood production, only the Russians and North Koreans are the veiled threats to democracy delving into unspeakable horrors of humanity, inhumane torture, brainwashing, assassinations and turning ritually traumatized innocent children into mind controlled military intelligence tools of espionage and murder. In just about every fiction, it exploits a certain amount of truth.  

EVELYN SALT, Russian Programmed MPD Child Assassin

In 1995, Dr. Ralph B. Allison, a Bateson-Jay Haley Group S-Factor (Stanford University) psychiatrist [5] produced a very interesting and key abstract in understanding the complexity of iatrogenic (psychiatrist created) MPD disorders [6] in children and why it is almost impossible to break by torture. He projected that if the first dissociation (sufficient trauma to dissociate) was before the age of seven, a condition that should be called MPD will be created. “MPD should be reserved for those dissociators who suffer their first major psycho-sexual-physical assault before their seventh birthday…They feel too immature or untrained to defend themselves with physical means, so they resort to making defenders of their bodies within their minds.”[7]

Dr. Allison further explains the role of the Inter Self Helper in the mind of MPD children, “In the younger group, which I call MPD multiples, the first entity to dissociate from the Birth Personality (BP) is the Inter Self Helper (ISH). The ‘Mind’ that is left I shall call the Original Personality (OP). The ISH is then the creator of all subsequent alter-personalities, no matter what type. The ISH creates them to assure the physical survival of the child, who is known to the ISH as his/her “charge”.[8] In the case of MPD, torture only break off more programmable alters from the BP by the ISH which may explain the constant and sudden switching of roles (rogue to hero, hero to rogue) of the movie’s protagonist. 

SALT is an interesting choice for the surname of the leading protagonist. SALT also stands for the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT I, SALT II) which refers to two rounds of bilateral talks and corresponding international treaties involving the United States and the Soviet Union – the Cold War superpowers – on the issue of armament control.[9]

 At the beginning of the movie, SALT is held captive in North Korea as a spy. Even under extreme and inhumane torture, her MPD alters are impossible to break by her captors. She cries, “I am not a spy.” She maintains interesting enough that she’s an executive with a petroleum company. Eventually she’s released from imprisonment in a spy exchange. The spy exchange is unexplainably due to the heroic efforts of her German boyfriend, an Arachnologist, Mike Krause.

Mike Krause is played by German actor, August Diehl. Interestingly, Diehl was casted as Gestapo Strumbannfuhrer SS Dieter Hellstrom in Inglourious Basterds.[10] At one point of the film, SALT drew a paralyzing toxin from one of Krause’s spiders for an operation like an Operation Paperclip Nazi, for instance, Himmler’s top biological warfare expert, Dr. Erick Traub.[11] 

The film then move ahead two years, when a Russian KGB defector named Orlov (Daniel Olbrychski) surrender to CIA at Langley and exposes the existence of a secret underground army, going back to the days of Lee Harvey Oswald, of mind controlled sleeper agents and assassins in America. They had been programmed from infancy as military intelligence tools. All of the sleepers are waiting to strike by secret triggers and keys. Orlov expose EVELYN SALT, the agent who’s interrogating him, as one of those secret KGB mind controlled sleepers.

To clear her name, revenge the death of her German boyfriend by the KGB, throughout the movie, she becomes “faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound” a super Cyborg. A Cyborg (cybernetic organism) can be as defined and developed by CIA/MK ULTRA as a person whose psychology and physiological functioning is programmed by ELF (Extremely Low Electrical Frequencies) brain entrainment.

Declassified Cyborg-Mind Control Programs

Project MK-ULTRA, 1953, CIA:
Drugs, electronics and electroshock
Targeting: Short range
Frequencies: VHF HF UHF modulated at ELF
Transmission and Reception: Local production
Purpose: Programming behavior, creation of “Cyborg” mentalities
Effects: narcoleptic trance, programming by suggestion
Subprojects: Many.
Pseudonym: Project Artichoke
Functional Basis: Electronic Dissolution of Memory, E.D.O.M.[12]  

Richard Helms, Director of Central Intelligence (DCI) from 1966 to 1973 and covert operations chief for the CIA since 1947, clandestinely advanced the use of high-frequencies to affect memory and automata (cybernetics) theory. In a memo to the Warren Commission, he made mention of “biological radio communication.”[13]

As indicated above, MK ULTRA and Cybernetic Theory have been developed, refined and perfected by the military-industrial complex for over 50 years. Cyborgs are no more individuals programmed by military-industry complex with predictable (machine like) behaviors.

Unspeakable: CIA & Programmed MPD Child Assassins & Black Cyborgs

It was somewhere around 1958-1960 that the CIA through MK ULTRA/MONARCH programs began to concentrate on turning children into mind control slaves for clandestine operations. Children proved far more susceptible to mind control as future assets and military intelligence tools. By the late 1960s, the creation of children as military intelligence mind control moles, sleepers and assassins were relatively scientifically established.

During the late 1950s and 1960s, the CIA was training children of all ages, teenagers and also young adults for future operational assets. One program was a Top Secret 1958 MK ULTRA subproject 74 called “Imaginative Research.”

Subproject 74 was headed by renowned imminent Psychologist Carl Rogers (January 8, 1902 – February 4, 1987). He taught psychology at the University of Wisconsin, Madison (1957–63).[14] 

One of Rogers’ CIA contact agents and understudies was Dr. William Thetford (April 25, 1923–July 4, 1988).[15] Under Rogers, Thetford’s studies centered on personality development in childhood. [16] The Thetford CIA Studies, fantasy projections in children,[17] cumulated in and is covertly linked to Oprah Winfrey’s lauded “A Course in Miracles.”[18] Oprah was a resident of Milwaukee, Wisconsin from 1960-1968 near the operation of subproject 74 at University of Wisconsin. MK ULTRA Project 74 and the CIA may explain her unprecedented rise in the mega-entertainment industry to subliminally perpetrate mass population mind control through mass media.[19]   

“…I was taught to talk to older men and encouraged to become friendly with older men and eventually, when I was old enough, I was sent out into what they called the operational field, and I would be photographed with government and agency officials (CIA), doctors who were consulted, heads of universities and private foundations — all under the chance that if the government funds started dwindling, they wanted to be able to blackmail or coerce the men into making sure the projects continued. That was the ultimate goal. The projects had to continue at all costs. They had to train a certain amount of young females to go around, and I was sent to a camp in Maryland for three weeks when I was nine years old, and that was my first training on how to sexually please men. I was through a training course, like a seminar.” –Claudia Mullen- [20]

Claudia Mullen of New Orleans was a ritually sexual abused child sex slave of the CIA from 1958 to 1988. [21] According to Mullen, the lead CIA children mind control programmer was Dr. Luther Wilson Greene. Dr. Greene had collaborated with the mind control research and experiments of Nazi Angel (demon) of Death, Hauptsturmführer SS Dr. Josef Mengele. [22] 

It appears that the CIA/MK ULTRA had funded a large scale ongoing children trauma based mind control operation in New Orleans revolving around Tulane University involving some of the most infamous CIA mind benders, Dr. Robert Health of Tulane University. Dr. Greene, Dr. Stephen Aldrich, Morris “Morse” Allen, Dr. Ewen Cameron, Dr. Robert A. Cleghorn, Dr. John Gittinger, Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, Dr. James Alexander Hamilton, Dr. Robert G. Heath, Dr. Martin T. Orne, Dr Otto Menninger, Col. George White, and Jewish Dr. Luther Wilson Greene.[23]

The New Orleans Jewish Community Center where Terry Perry’s mother worked for decades when he was a child and adolescent (1969-1988) [24] was only blocks from Tulane University and Dr. Robert G. Heath; both were uptown on St. Charles Street. Perry recalls that he had to see a doctor every Tuesday for allergy shots.[25]

I can only speculate that he was being seen at Tulane, and it wasn’t for allergies. MK ULTRA and the CIA may explain his ritualized sexual abuse and MPD; and his unprecedented rise in the mega-entertainment industry to subliminally perpetrate the worldview of the death of the Myth of the Black Messiah Complex; and reduce the international worthiness of Black People through the worldwide spread of Black Buffoonery (Mr. Brown and the Paines) and demonization of Black Males (Precious and For Colored Girls) through the NWO mass media complex.[26]  

In this dominate alter personality; Terry Perry became the mother that was unable to protect him from ritual physical and sexual abuse, and probable Cyborg mind control programming.   

Tom Cruise, Edwin A. Salt & Scientology


According to Variety, Tom Cruise had expressed interest in Kurt Wimmer’s spy thriller project as Edwin A. Salt, but backed out for whatever reasons. Cruise started in Stanley Kubrick’s masterpiece, Eyes Wide Shut, exposing an unspeakable, secret ceremonies and functions of satanic cults of America’s power elite. It was Kubrick’s last mega media exposure of the secrets of the illuminati.[27] SALT is yet another propagandized unspeakable; ritually traumatized mind controlled children created by dark cold war bogeymen as tools of military intelligence.

Tom Cruise, also starred as the hero in the movie “Valkyrie” as Col. Claus von Stauffenberg, the aristocrat turned officer who came close to assassinating Hitler in 1944 by sneaking a bomb into his private conference room.[28] Valkyrie was about another propagandized unspeakable secret American financed evil; Adolf Hitler, that needed a Hollywood hero.

The German Protestant Church compared Tom Cruise to the Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels and claimed the actor was using his celebrity status to publicize the controversial Church of Scientology, of which he is a prominent member.[29]

After Cruise backed out of the project, Angelina Jolie stepped in and the movie became, SALT. Tom Cruise is member of L. Ron Hubbard’s Scientology. He has reached the level of Operating Thetan (OT) VI-VII,[30] a new breed of man, Homo novis.[31] There are eight (8) OT levels.[32]

Nazis, NASA, Scientology & HIMMLER’S GUINEA KIDS

“Our Germans were better than their Germans.”Gordon LeRoy Cooper, Jr., NASA

Above, Strumbannfuhrer SS Dr. Werner von Braun in dark colored suit with all the “better” Nazis. By his own account, NASA Astronaut Gordon LeRoy Cooper, Jr., was among the inner circle of Dr. von Braun’s, NASA’s Marshall Space Center Director, den of Nazi war criminal comrades and collaborators out of the Peenemunde Missile Base that included SS Scharfuhrer (platoon or section leader) Dr. Kurt H. Debus,[33] Jack Keutner alias Dr Joachim Küttner,[34] Herman Oberth,[35] and Walther Riedel.[36] Cooper even asserted fallaciously that SS von Braun was not a member of the Nazi Party.[37]

SS von Braun was not only a member of the Nazi Party,[38] and Mystic SS-Knight of Black Sun,[39] he was an “ardent Nazi and a security risk.”[40]


It is noted that XXX made statements to the effect that von Braun was, in his opinion, an avowed Nazi party member and that his opinion is based on von Braun’s actions and talk and the personal impression he gained from conversation with von Braun. He also stated that he had learned from British Intelligence that von Braun held a commission in the SS and was personally decorated by Hitler for his work on the V-2. 

El Paso Division, FBI[41]

These NASA Nazis were secretly creating MPD mind controlled children called “Space Kids” as future military intelligence tools like Himmler’s Guinea Kids (Lebensborn) for the clandestine 1000 Year Reich of Aryan World Domination.

According to Cooper,” The space kids were children with exceptional mental abilities [Star Kids] run through a kind of MK [MKUltra CIA mental programming] program, like the things that are coming out now.” He went on to describe how NASA’s mind-control program, which emphasized cultivation of the children’s psychic abilities, involved such things as telepathy, remote viewing, and out-of-body-experiences (OBE’s).”[42] Cooper was in position to know.

In his book, Leap of Faith, Cooper admitted knowingly befriending the DIA/CIA-Military Intelligence Mind Control Merchant, Dr. Andrija Puharich.[43]  Dr. Puharich ran the secret STAR GATE-NASA Space-Star Kids program out of his Turkey Farm just outside of New York. Dr. Puharich put together a cult of “Space Kids” called the (Uri Geller) “Gellerings” twenty adolescents from seven countries that were subjected to intensive hypnosis and trauma based mind control technologies such as electrical magnetic frequencies (EMF) to supposedly develop iatrogenic (laboratory) cybernetic paranormal abilities as military intelligence tools.[44]

The psychic abilities (ESP, remote viewing, Astra travel) abilities of Dr. Puharich’s experimental Space Kids were subjected to experiment, measurement, testing and analysis by Stanford Research Institute (SRI) in Menlo Park, CA.[45]

Many of SRI’s empaths-researchers were Operating Thetans (OT) from L. Ron Hubbard’s Church of Scientology. Harold Puthoff, the Institute’s senior researcher, was a leading Scientologist. Two remote viewers from SRI have also held rank in the Church: Ingo Swann, Class VII OT, a founder of the Scientology Center in Los Angeles, and the late Pat Price. Puthoff and Targ’s lab assistant was a Scientologist married to a minister of the church.[46] 

When Swann joined SRI, he stated openly, “Fourteen Clears participated in the experiments, more than I would suspect.” At the time he denied CIA involvement, but now acknowledges, “it was rather common knowledge all along who the sponsor was, although in documents the identity of the Agency was concealed behind the sobriquet of an east-coast scientist,”[47] Dr. Puharich.

Puthoff joined the Church of Scientology in the late 1960s and reached the top OT VII level by 1971. Puthoff was once a United States Navy officer who was assigned to the National Security Agency (NSA), later becoming a civilian employee. Following a sabbatical at Stanford University to obtain his Ph.D., he joined SRI International where in 1972, together with Targ, were involved in “remote viewing” program called Project SCANATE, then STAR GATE which was funded by the CIA, Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), and various military organizations. [48]

“I remember the astronauts…” Barack Obama

Barack Obama Jr. is essentially a product of a Hawaii University (HU)-East West Center (EWC) love triangle and liaison between students, Barack Obama Sr. and Stanley Ann Dunham. Barack Obama Sr. was airlifted from Kenya to HU-EWC as a future CIA asset.[49] The Dunhams, Stanley Armour, Madelyn and Stanley Ann were most likely FBI/CIA assets.[50] HU-EWC was a confirmed CIA/MK ULTRA institution.[51] Obama was employed by a CIA front corporation, Business International Corporation (BIC).[52] 

During his most impressionistic years, Little Obama on the beach with a man claimed to have been Gramps.  However, Barack Obama has fuzzy personal reflections and recall of memories from his most impressionistic years (? to 6 years) of NASA’s astronauts, aviator glasses, Apollo flights, splashdowns, U.S. Air Force Bases, and isolation chambers.[53]

These memories are unprecedented, unqualified and unexplained if you accept his base fact that his gramps, Stanley Armour Dunham, that gave him liberty access to NASA was just a furniture salesman. If Stanley Armour Dunham was just a salesman, then something else allowed Obama and Gramps DoD security clearances and unrestricted access to NASA facilities. If Obama was an early experimental Cyborg “Space Kid,” it would best explain his unprecedented access to NASA, astronauts, DoD/NASA space capsule splashdowns, isolation chambers, air force bases; and repressed memories.

On January 5, 1995, Dr. Andrija Puharich, 76, died suddenly after falling down a flight of stairs.[54] Dr. Puharich ran the secret CIA/DIA Space Kids program out of his farm outside of New York. In July 1995, Obama released his book, “Dreams from my Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance, then in August filed to run for the U.S. Senate from Illinois. Dr. Puharich was known by CIA/Military Intelligence to have had a loose tongue about his secret ELF/EFM experiments creating Cyborg “Space Kids” as military intelligence tools.  

If the kid on the beach is Barack Obama and the man on the right is NASA Astronaut Gus Grissom, who is the man on the beach with Little Obama? It looks more like Gus Grissom than Gramps in the middle.

Oprah & Obama, Cyborg Brother and Sister of MK ULTRA?

Additionally, guess who was at the CIA station in Beirut, Lebanon in the early 1950s with Stanley Armour, Madelyn, and Stanley Ann Dunham, Dr. William Thetford,[55] the CIA/MK ULTRA child fantasy expert and author of Oprah Winfrey’s “A Course in Miracles.”[56] 

What brough Dr. Thetford and Stanley Armour (Gramps) together in Beirut, Lebanon? In 1953, MK ULTRA became official CIA business. I suspect that Beirut was a secret MK ULTRA briefing and planning station.  At the root of MK ULTRA were the Operation PAPERCIP Nazi mind control-psychological warfare scientists in the United States, and some of the world’s most wanted Nazi war criminal that the CIA could not openly bring into the country, such as SS Dr. Josef Mengele, the Demon of Death. During the early 1950s, Dr. Mengele was the CIA’s most foremost authority on developing satanic-trauma based multiple personality disorders (MPD) in children.

This would explain why President Barack Obama chose to spend his 8/4/10 birthday in private with Oprah Winfrey and company in Chicago then with his family. I imagine that’s what drove Michelle Obama to suddenly take off for her much criticized sudden junket to Spain.

In June 2010, President Barack Obama placed Lt. Gen. James R. Clapper as the National Director of Intelligence serving as the prinpical advisor to the President, National Security Council (NSC) and Homeland Security Council. Lt. Gen. Clapper headed the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) which helped fund secret SRI’s ELF/EMF experiments, and Dr. Andrija Puharich’s Cyborg NASA Sky Kids Program.

In 1995, Clapper retired from the DIA the same year Dr. Puharich fell down the stairs and died; and the sudden blooming of Obama as an Illinois U.S. Senate Candidate. 

Will Smith & the New Christ of Scientology

In 2008, Will Smith’s shocking gift to the film crew after wrapping up a comedy action movie; “Hancock” was a card good for a personality test at your local Scientology center. Smith is good friend with Scientology booster Tom Cruise. Smith and his wife Jada have never confirmed that they joined the Church of Scientology. But Will Smith told “Access Hollywood, “I was introduced to it by Tom (Cruise), and I’m a student of world religion. I was raised in a Baptist household. I went to a Catholic school, but the ideas of the Bible are 98% the same ideas of Scientology, 98% the same ideas of Hinduism and Buddhism.”[57] 

Around some circles in the church, Cruise has been hailed as the New Christ of Scientology.[58] According to a new book by biographer Andrew Morton, Tom Cruise has also become the de-facto second-in-command of the Church of Scientology and is consulted on every aspect of the controversial group’s planning and policy.[59]

Undoubtedly, Tom Cruise is held to a very high esteem by Will and Jada Smith. Over the years, Will and Jada have contributed over a million dollars to Scientology and its front organizations. In 2008, Will and Jada laid out over a million dollars opening a private elementary school, New Village Academy, in Calabasas, CA.[60]

According to The Mail on Sunday, Cruise’s 3 year old daughter, Suri, will attend New Village Academy at $8,810 a year.[61] The school utilizes a teaching methodology called Study Technology, which was developed by Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard. Study Technology is promoted through Applied Scholastics, a Scientology-associated organization founded in 1972.[62]

L. Ron Hubbard, the Magician and the GREAT BEAST 666  

“…the ideas of the Bible are 98% the same ideas of Scientology…” –Will Smith 

“When Aleister Crowley died in 1947 that’s when Dad decided he would take over the mantle of the Beast and that is the seed and the beginning of Dianetics and Scientology.” — L.R. Hubbard Jr. [63] 

L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology, considered himself an heir to Aleister Crowley’s satanic empire. Hubbard’s fascination with Crowley goes back to when he was sixteen living in Washington D.C. He got hold of Crowley’s The Book of Law. He was particularly interested in Crowley’s invention, the Moon Child, the miraculous conception by Satan. The movie, Rosemary’s Baby, is an extension of Crowley’s Moon Child.  

Crowley’s disciple, Wilfred Smith, founded an OTO Lodge in Pasadena, California, the Agape Lodge, which was part of Crowley’s Church of Thelema. The OTO Lodge was soon taken over by a rocket engineer, Jack Parsons. A U.S. Naval Intelligence officer “young magician”, L. Ron Hubbard, founder of Scientology, joined Parsons. 

During the 1940’s, Crowley’s rent in London was paid by the Parsons-Hubbard Pasadena sect. Crowley, Parsons and Hubbard worshipped Satan; practiced Sex Magick, and sadistic fantasies. Crowley, an ardent racist, had a habit of relieving his bowels on people’s carpets. Among other things, Crowley conducted secret black masses, and also practiced human and animal sacrifices. Among Crowley’s papers, there was a description of tying a Negro to a tree, cutting a hole in his stomach, then inserting his penis.[64]

Satanic implanted nine (9) year old Willow Smith and Scientology Godfather, the Great BEAST 666 Aleister Crowley, channeling Osiris as the Lord of the Underworld. Notice Willow’s fingers spread-skull and bones?  

L. Ron Hubbard & Ahnenerbe SS

“As an interesting sidelight, the same individual that transmitted the various Magick tech to Adolf Hitler as a young man also transmitted them to Dad. And like Dad, Hitler, when he came to power, promptly had his teachers and the occult field in general wiped out. This might answer for you in some small way the similarities of the Sea Org and the Guardian’s Office to the S.S. and Gestapo.” [65]

The key to understanding L. Ron Hubbard, Scientology and STAR GATE is Nazi secret Occult practices that included clairvoyance, ESP (extrasensory perception), mysticism, paganism and anti-gravity, astral (remote viewing) and time travel.  Reichsfurhrer Heinrich Himmler’s Ahnenerbe SS (college of scientist), which had a group of financiers called the Circle of Friends, led by Wilhelm Keppler was “to harness, not only natural, but also supernatural forces. All intellectual, natural, and supernatural sources of power- from modern technology to medieval black magic, and from the teachings of Pythagoras to the Faustian pentagram incantation – were to be employed in the interests of final victory.”[66]

During WWII, U.S. military intelligence found it was light years away from the Nazis in bridging the gap between natural, scientific and supernatural sources of power as military tools. Hubbard was part of U.S. military intelligence secret twisted sister to Himmler’s Ahnenerbe SS to try to bridge that gap between science and science fiction.[67]  John W. Campbell, Jr., Science Fiction Writer of the RKO Film Studio infamous thriller “The Thing” (1953) was also part of the secret science fiction group.[68] Campbell was also an early board member of the Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation in 1950.[69]

The leader of the U.S. Naval Intelligence science fiction group was Naval Lt. Robert A. Heinlein, one of the most famed and respected writers of science fiction’s “Golden Age,” which occurred from the 1940s to the 1950s. Heinlein’s recruits worked out of the Naval Air Experiment Center in Philadelphia, PA.[70] The science fiction group also included George O. Smith, Murray Leinster (Will F. Jenkins), L. Sprague de Camp, and Fletcher Pratt.[71]

America’s twisted sister secret charge was to explore all of Ahnenerbe SS’s intellectual, natural, and supernatural sources of power- from modern technology to medieval black magic and from the teachings of Pythagoras to the Faustian pentagram incantation- that that Office of U.S. Naval Intelligence could obtain. Some of their key discoveries of Himmler’s Ahnenerbe SS that were exploited by Heinlein’s group were the otherworld technologies of the SS Brotherhood of the Bell,[72] the Atomic Bomb,[73] and antigravity time travel (Philadelphia Experiment).[74] 

As part of U.S. Naval Intelligence, Hubbard was also involved in early MK ULTRA mind control experiments, research and development. [75]

L. Ron Hubbard, Nazi Occult, Messianism & Genocide

The selection of the new Fuhrer class is what my struggle for power means. Whoever proclaims his allegiance to me is, by this very proclamation and by the manner in which it is made, one of the chosen. This is great significance of our long, dogged struggle for power, that in it will be born a new master class, chosen to guide the fortunes not only of the German people but of the world. –Adolf Hitler[76]

Another area of Ahnenerbe SS studies undoubtedly found and exploited by Hubbard’s science fiction group was Occult, Messianism and population control that was fruitfully and brutally exploited by Hitler, Himmler and Reichsminister of Propaganda and Public Enlightenment, Paul Josef Goebbels.

“We will of course not let them know about Wotan.” –Reichsminister Paul Josef Goebbels- [77]

Allegedly, one of Hubbard’s primary role models had been the little evil genius Goebbels,[78] who had been largely responsible for brilliantly creating the Nazi propaganda machine to control public opinion; spin the rise of the occulted mythic Fuehrer, paganism, and the global genocide of Jews and People of Color.

The basic principle of most religions is to behave unto others as we wish to be treated…The basis of these religions than is a principle of justice…[In contrast] the occultist …is lured by his vanity to seek a type of knowledge that sets him apart from others, maintaining that it is the preserved of the elite.”[79]

The Nazis universally proclaimed to be” enlightened and chosen ones” of the” new Fuhrer class.” The primary aim of the occult science of Goebbels was to empower a worldly aristocratic ad infinitum. The Nazi revolution…aimed to turn things around, but instead of a class struggle, it was concerned with a racial struggle. A new class would be brought to power, not the old aristocracy, but a new aristocracy, based on the inherent nobility of the Aryan blood. The master race was to be the culmination of a biological evolution. If “interior” races prevented these goals, the master race would be justified, by the “natural law” of Darwinism, in doing whatever it needed to survive the harsh struggle of existence.”[80]

The secret ritual Magick of Nazis (telepathic powers, divination, innate magical abilities) enables its followers to walk once more with the great ancient Germanic pagan gods, Thor, Frigga and Odin-Wotan. [81]

Before his death, L. Ron Hubbard like his Nazi tutors wrote extensively about the importance of the genocide of lesser humans, “clearing the planet.” First, they had to establish a new race of “enlightened and chosen ones,” called “clears,” the Homo novis.  Clears were Scientologists who have taken enough courses to become Homo novises and had freed their bodies of thetans.

“It is not necessary to produce a world of clears in order to have a reasonable and worthwhile social order; it is only necessary to delete those individuals who range from 2.0 down, either by processing them enough to get their tone level above the 2.0 line…or simply quarantining them from the society.” (L. Ron Hubbard, The Science of Survival, p. 157) People who are “low on the tone scale” – which includes people who are not Scientologists – should be handled. “There are only two answers for the handling of people from 2.0 down on the tone scale, neither one of which has anything to do with reasoning with them or listening to their justification of their acts. The first is to raise them on the tone scale by un-enturbulating some of their theta by any one of the three valid processes. The other is to dispose of them quietly and without sorrow….The sudden and abrupt deletion of all individuals occupying the lower bands of the tone scale from the social order would result in an almost instant rise in the cultural tone and would interrupt the dwindling spiral into which any society may have entered.” (L. Ron Hubbard, The Science of Survival, p. 157)[82]

Ten (10) year old Willow Smith at Jay-Z’s Roc Nation music studio mimicking the Crossbones and Skull of the Luciferian Brotherhood of Death. Has she been programmed since infancy as part of some wicked Cyborg modern slavery experiment by keys and triggers like EVELYN SALT to quietly and without sorrow exterminate individuals occupying the lower bands of Scientology’s tone scale?   

Hubbard’s tone scale is a chart that claims to plot “emotions in an exact ascending and descending sequence.” The tone scale starts with “Body Death” in its lower end and ascends to “Serenity of Beingness” in its highest end. Scientologists use the tone scale to identify the emotional tone during auditing. The tone scale is also said to be used to predict human behavior.[83] Hubbard’s tone scale was inherently scaled to the “Serenity of Beingness” of Aryans.

You shouldn’t be scrubbing the floor on your hands and knees. Get yourself a nigger; that’s what they’re born for. –L. Ron Hubbard, in a letter to first wife, Polly Grubb[84]

By the way, does Hubbard’s rant of human extermination sound familiar? “We will unremittingly fulfill our task…We shall take care that never more in Germany, the heart of Europe, can the Jewish-Bolshevik revolution of subhumans be kindled internally or by emissaries from abroad. Pitilessly we shall be a merciless executioner’s sword for all these forces whose existence and doings we know…whether it for today, or in decades, or in centuries.” –Reichsfurhrer Heinrich Himmler[85]

Ten (10) year old Willow Smith was initiated not only into Hollywood’s Black Satanic-Illuminati coven, but the Brotherhood of the Death as envisioned by the Thule, Himmler, L. Ron Hubbard, Music Industry and Hollywood.

In the final analysis, will the modern slaves and NWO black cyborgs Barack Obama, Oprah, Terry Perry, Jay-Z, Beyonce, Kanye West, Rihanna, Will and Jada Smith blinded by fame and fortune ever hope to slant the tone scale beyond 2.0 to become the new man, Homo novis, or make the grade to become the new superman from the Blue-eyed Blond Bloodlines of Wotan to avoid extermination?  What do you think?

[6] Ross, Colin A., Bluebird-Deliberate Creation of Multiple Personality By Psychiatrist, Manitou Communications, Inc., Richardson, TX (2000) pg. 255

[8] Id.

[13] Constantine, Alex, Psychic Dictatorship U.S.A., Feral Press (1995) pg. 7

[14] Ross, Colin A, Bluebird, Deliberate Creation of Multiple Personality By Psychiatrists, Manitou Communications, Inc., Richardson, TX (2000), pg. 324


[22] Id.

[33] Cooper, Gordon, Leap of Faith, HarperCollins Publishers, NY (2000)  pg. 153

[34] Id.

[35] Id. Pg. 155

[36] Id.

[37] Id. Pg. 150

[43] Id. At footnote 21, pgs. 219-220

[50] Id.

[51] Id.

[55] http://

[56] Id. At footnotes 17 and 18

[64] Wilson, Colin, Aleister Crowley, The Nature of the Beast, The Aquarian Press, Wellingborough, Northhamptonshire,

[65] Id.

[66] Sklar, Dusty, The Nazis and the Occult, Dorset Press, NY (41977) pg. 103

[71] Id. At Footnote 10

[73] Id. At footnote 10

[76] Sklar, Dusty, The Nazis and the Occult, Dorset Press, NY (1977) 93

[80] Sklar, Dusty, The Nazis and the Occult, Dorset Press, NY (1977) 94-95

[81] Levenda, Peter, Unholy Alliance, A History of the Nazi Involvement with the Occult, Continuum, NY (2006), pg. 53

[85] Id. Sklar, pg. 95-96