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Pulling the Veil Over Your Eyes

The Magic and Mesmerism of Queen Diva WHITNEY HOUSTON brought to the U.S. Armed Forces by the Department of Defense, Pentagon and Commander and Chief of Armed Forces, Luciferian President GEORGE H.W. BUSH as an ILLUSION to  pull the veil over the eyes of U.S. Military Forces that illegally invaded Iraq in a WAR OF AGGRESSION and GENOCIDE (Violation of Human Rights) in 1991.


Philly Sound, Michael William Masser & Linda Creed

I believe the children are our future
Teach them well and let them lead the way

Michael Masser and Linda Creed wrote the lyrics and music to “The Greatest Love of All” for the HollyWeird movie about the life of the Great Muhammad Ali called, “The Greatest (1977)”. Masser was a blond Ashkenazi Jew, while Creed was often described as a “French Jew“, maybe because you can see the African in her.

What is important is that Masser said that he returned to Israel (Holy Land) to find some divine inspiration to help master the song. Divine inspiration is often closely tied to the concept of revelation, the belief in information being revealed or disclosed through communication with a deity or other supernatural entity or entities. While Creed that had developed the “lyrics” to the song had been so imbedded within the Black Music Philly Sound scene, culture and community, she was generally considered- just one of the sisters.

The Holy Lands was the Land of (Milk & Honey) Canaan when the Ashkenazi Nomads invaded the country. Canaan was a colony of the people of the Kingdoms of Kush and Kemet. A lot of what is supernaturally revealed in Israel isn’t necessarily Judaism.

The true mystery of Israel was once again revealed when they uncovered the Sphinx of the Great Pharaoh Menkaure of the 4th Dynasty of the Pyramid and Golden Ages of Kemet in the temple complex of Tel Hazor in Northern Israel. And, the name “Israel” may be derived from a combination of the names “Isis,” “RA” and “El.”

It is generally understood that HollyWeird global mass media projects like “The Greatest” are always implanted with subliminal demonic spells. However, one of the most important words included in the song revealed to Masser and Creed out of Canaan was “DIGNITY.”

“No matter what they take from me, They can’t take away my DIGNITY [Godliness]. Black Children in playful dance (twerking) …


The Horned Goat God’s Twerk & Kiss of Shame (Osculum Infame)  

or spirit possession honoring SATAN (twerking)? Can you be really, really be sure? Demonic Spirit Possession– that’s the way they roll, in particular, for the Future of Black Children!



“Among the earliest records of human beliefs, the early goddesses of the Egyptian pantheon carried a sun above their head as a Symbol of DIGNITY (as daughters of Ra).”


Sun Embodied in the golden sun which is His Symbol, RA is Netjer of light, life, and heat, and the power inherent in the sun which warms our planet. A special symbol of Ra via their connection to the Ben-ben, a pyramidal-shaped stone from which Ra as a Bennu (a white heron, called “Phoenix” by the Greeks) rose from Nun and sang the song of creation) in His honor.


The beautiful thing about DIGNITY is that it is a principle of MAAT. Maat has been described as ‘the key idea in the traditional African approach to life’ which today ‘recurs in most African societies as the influence of right and righteousness, justice and harmony, balance, respect and HUMAN DIGNITY.’(Asante and Abarray, 1996, p. 59)

DIGNITY just happens to be a very powerful and mysterious cosmic word in world civilized history that resonates on his own. Just that word alone has the tendency to counteract and destroy any Satanic/Demonic spells implanted in the song and music. DIGNITY has many names and faces like the Goddess Hathor. DIGNITY takes us back to RA, to the very Dawn of Creation.

Unveiled, DIGNITY is the Divine Breath of Life of God (Gods). The 1977 movie version song was performed by George Benson. In February 1985, Whitney released the song in her debut album. The Columbian Masonic/Demonic Clive Davis was initially against her recording the song, but backed down. The Greatest Love of All was released as the B-side to the single “You Give Good Love.” The song was eventually released as a single in its own right. Stephen Holden of NY Times wrote that “Houston sings it with a forceful directness that gives its message of self-worth an astounding resonance and conviction” and called the song a compelling assertion of spiritual devotion, black pride, and family loyalty, all at once.”

Another critic fearing the song and Whitney’s latent power wrote, “[w]e had laughed at that song during the seventies as a mawkish ode to self-involvement, not dreaming it would ever be taken seriously.” But it did move and inspired the MASSES. This was not at all what the Luciferians intended or dreamed would happen. This is not the Luciferian/ILLUMINATI Global Agenda for the Masses- A …



By April 1986, Linda Creed was dead at the age of 37. Whitney most likely began to be DRUGGED soon thereafter with CIA CRACK COCAINE, then placed under U.S. military jurisdiction for covert Psychological Warfare projects.

“Teach them well and let them lead the way. Show them all the beauty they possess inside …” Twerking is not an option.


What you are about to read may and very well should alarm, upset and disturb many. It is as it is. It is the offensive, profane and vile truth as ancient mysteries have been created it to be passed down throughout the generations of Sethians (Satanist) and those that serve Satan (witches and warlocks) to 21st Century Knights, z, Satanist, Witches and Warlocks and the ILLUMINATI. Such mysteries manifest itself today. It is silently behind the Satanic Booty Cult, and Satan’s Twerk.


Goddess Hathor, giving the Divine Breath of Life to the Pharaoh, SETI, the Great

TWERK: Breath of the Dragon & Serpentine Life Force


The Devilish/Satanic Twerk

Even today as it was when it was first created, this type of erotic art (Hans Baldung Grien or Grün’s Witch and the Dragon) wasn’t intended to be viewed or studied by the general public or the masses. Art critics say that they don’t necessary know what’s going on in the woodcut. That isn’t the truth. It is a medieval Sethian illustrated secret doctrine, and a blueprint for today. By the way, the children in the woodcut are human sacrifices.


The divine breath of life from God that all of us have entered through the nostrils. So, it stands to reason in duality that the DEVIL in the form of a dragon may breathe its Satanic Life Force  through the ASS/ANUS. Those with the Breath of the Dragon and Serpentine Life Force intend to create EVIL and bring destruction to mankind.

Revelation 12:9 states: “And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world. ” The drac (dragon) was a term synonymous with doing as much EVIL as the DEVIL himself could be supposed to desire. The Drac is also designated a demon and a malevolent spirit.[1]

“The dragon whose nature sulphur shares is often spoken of as the ‘dragon of Babel or, more accurately, the ‘dragon’s head’ (caput draconic) , which is a ‘most pernicious poison,’ a poisonous vapour breathed out by the flying dragon. The dragon’s head ‘comes with great swiftness from Babylon.’ However, the ‘winged dragon’ that stands for quicksilver becomes a poison-breathing monster only after its union with the ‘wingless dragon,’ which corresponds to sulphur. Sulphur here plays an evil role that accords well with the sinful ‘Babel.’ (Mysterium Coniunctionis, p. 117)[2]

When we get into the subject of the Dragon’s Breath of Burning Sulfur and the anus- it involves very complex and complicated issues involving theology, metaphysics, esotericism, and alchemy spanning Christianity, the Gnostics of the Knights Templars, Cathars and Rosicrucians (Order of the Dragons), and witchcraft.

Hell is said to smell like burning sulfur. It is often referred to in the Bible as “brimstone.” It is a symbol of perpetual torment and destruction.[3] However, among the Greeks, sulfur and brimstone has the same meaning as theios. Theios (thi’-os) Definition: godlike (neuter as noun, divinity)” Translated: divine, godhead“.[4] In religious terms, divinity or godhead is the state of things that come from a supernatural power or deity, such as a god, supreme being, Creator-God or spirits and are therefore regarded as sacred and holy.[5]


That means that the Dragon (Satan) has the godhead power to create another face or alter Satanic personality in witches through the anus by its creation breath and Serpentine Life Force. The DEVIL has two faces, one where the mouth is – also the anus, and the devil’s tail second tongue. Luciferians have been serving SATAN (Seth) for thousands of years. We could be a thousand years behind knowing their true secrets, because their real mysteries are revealed to only an elite select few throughout the ages.


Dürer and Baldung, The Secret Claw Hand

Hans Baldung Grien or Grün (1484 – September 1545) that created the Witch and the Dragon may have been one of that elite few. He was a German artist of an elite and noble family. Baldung was a painter and printmaking who was considered the most gifted student of Albrecht Dürer (1471-1528). It has been suggested that “Grien” came from “grienhals”, a German word for WITCH.[6]


The High Priestess of the ancient European Satanic Booty Cult in popular society is entrusted to Kim Kardashian.


She is a witch under the spell of the Breath of the Dragon and Serpentine Life Force. She intends to create EVIL and bring about the DESTRUCTION to mankind.


Another Booty Priestess’ under the spell of the Breath of the Dragon is Miley Cyrus.


Another Booty Priestess’ under the spell of the Breath of the Dragon is Jennifer Lopez.


Of course, Rihanna is a Booty Priestess under the spell of the Breath of the Dragon.


Then last but none the least is the CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH- Multiple Personality Disordered Sex Kitten, Nicki Minaj.


Dürer and Baldung’s secret Satanic lessons and doctrines were exposed in their paintings and woodcuts that most likely weren’t intended for the world to see nor understand. Elite European Satanists like Baldung and Durer believed that women and their private parts including their asses/anuses were possessed by the DEVIL or could be spiritual possessed by him by the Serpent’s fierily breath and the “OSCULUM INFAME”Shameful Kiss.


Even at that time, witches had gained the knowledge and power of mesmerism and hypnotic trance formations (hypnotic sleep) as illustrated in Baldung’s 1544 woodcut, “The Groom Bewitched.[7] 16th Century French Franciscan theologian Jean Benedicti and French jurist and political philosopher Jean Bodin (1530–1596) named the nun’s “parties honteuses” [private parts] as the devil’s favorite entry point. Bodin elaborated, explaining that “evil spirits possess women from ‘down there’ [la-bas] and speak through their shameful body parts [parties honsteuses].”[8] In that age, they believed the DEVIL primary used women to serve him as sexual enslaved witches that recruit men and convert the world over to the DEVIL’s reign on earth.


“I [DEVIL] show Englishmen how to buy and sell slaves. And I teach their women how to be witches.” The Devil and Tom Walker, by Washington Irving [9]


Freemason (32 or 33rd Degree), clandestine Knights Templar and 1st Baronet (the holder of a rank of honor of the British Empire below a baron and above a knight) Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832),[10] once observed to author, essayist, biographer, historian and Demonologist Washington Irving (1783-1859),[11] Ah! cats are a mysterious kind of folk. There is more passing in their minds than we are aware of. It comes no doubt from their being so familiar with warlocks and witches.”[12] Or warlocks and witches being so familiar with cats. Cats were sent by the DEVIL to help witches with their evil workings. Using a cat in your magic will double any spell’s power.[13]  Undoubtedly, Scott and Irving were among Lucifer’s Servants. Dürer and Baldung were high ranking witches, sorcerers and dragonologists part of a secret powerful German Satanic Cabal (Hungarian Order of the Dragon) most likely part of the Rosicrucian Circle that survived through the generations in secret, and still exist this moment.[14],[15]


Satanist Annie Besant (1847-1933), 33rd Degree Scottish Rite Mason with Devil’s Claw Hand Sign.[16]


Antonio “L.A.” Reid of “The X Factor” television show gesture “The DEVIL’S CLAW” in the current music entertainment industry. He is in the Cult.


Hallie Berry, SS Walter Schellenberg and Will Smith are part of the secret Dragon Cult.


This is one of Baldung’s Naked Witches (Woman with the Cat) that show you that the Satanic Conspiracy have used music and entertainment  along with Satan’s Spell Book for generations to lure men, women and children to SATAN. Recall that the Cat is sent by SATAN to double any spell’s power.


Izzy Azalea and Jennifer Lopez Bearing the Cross of the Satanic Booty Religion

As you see, the Booty Cult is being pushed and promoted among the masses to religious proportions by CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH  Occult Bureau Witches and Sorceresses of America’s Luciferian Music and Entertainment Industry.


The Booty, the ASS is the other FACE of SATAN.


They (Sethians) believe that the Booty, the ASS is the other MOUTH of SATAN.



The “TWERK“, the blog AfroCentricQueen woke me up,

“Modern day twerking is very similar to Mapouka, a dance from Côte d’Ivoire. The dance has existed for centuries and consists of a series of movements emphasizing the buttocks. Mapouka was a celebratory dance for festivals by Africans and was widely accepted because people believed that this dance led to encounters with their Gods!!! Twerking also is typically a Bantu dance style. The African try to replicate these relics each time they came together… If you go into Cameroon where the dance actually started, you will see a couple of African Mystic tribes who dance merely by twerking. Gyrating with the waist is just an African dance that in almost every tribe in Cameroon most of them dance only with the waists and buttocks like the Bassa Assiko dancers.”[17]

Mapouka is a traditional dance from the Dabou area of southeast Cote d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast) that originated with the Aizi, Alladian and Avika people. It is also known as “la danse du fessier” or “The Dance of the Behind”.[18] Isolated from its whole, I didn’t recognize it as a form of ancient sacred ritual benevolent “Spirit Possession.” AfroCentricQueen woke me up, I saw it, the benevolent and positive twerk in Brazil within its proper spiritual context and order of things.


I have an Associated Bachelor degree in Anthropology. For my own enlightenment and enrichment, I had often traveled across the U.S. and across the sea to study Black Culture wherever it existed. During the late 1980’s, I traveled to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil alone on an independent backpack search and study of Rio and Black Orpheus.[19] Black Orpheus has an infamous de la Macumba scene.

In Rio, Macumba pretty much have become commercialized and bastardized for tourists that I stayed clear of. For a couple of days, I stayed in a beautiful and peaceful small town of overwhelmingly people of color. It was about a five to six hour bus ride outside Rio. The town sat beside a 16th Century Wooden Spanish Colonial Fort still occupied by the Brazilian Army. I sat in the public park in the town’s square.  To my utter amazement, people went about their calm daily business while sharing common park space with a donkey, chickens, roosters, dogs, cats and a giant 1,500 to 2,000 old world longhorn bull that stood almost 7 feet at the shoulders with horns that spanned over 15 feet. I didn’t tell anyone, but I was very nervous and virtually terrified until I calmed down and followed the flow of the people, but I was still nervous. I prayed that my true nervous vibrations weren’t picked up by the animals, particularly that Big Bull. Oh, crazy Americano.


My time in this small town had to have been one of my life’s most remarkable human experiences. It was one of most peaceful and serene places among men that I had ever experienced. It was at a café across the square that I had become enchanted by a pair of extraordinary dark eyes. She was a beautiful Brazilian waitress. Each time she drew near me, it was as if we were breathing from the same nostrils. I was drifting off into a dream. I had feelings of being complete. I had to snap out of it. I was only passing through. I was committed to do what was right and just and not disrupt anyone’s path or course not even my own along my way. Back in the states, I had a lovely fiancé and small family that I promised to grow with. I returned home with a peaceful conscious, no secrets, regrets or drama.

In town, I was granted special permission by the high priestess to attend a totally authentic and sacred Macumba ritual ceremony. Macumba is the “umbrella” term used for two principle forms of African Spirit Worship: Candomble and Umbanda.[20] Candomblé is a Dance in Honor of the Gods. Music and dance are important parts of Candomblé ceremonies. It is a religion, practiced mainly in Brazil. Candomblé developed in a creolization and genius of traditional Yoruba, Fon, and Bantu beliefs of the kidnapped and enslaved from West Africa by the Portuguese. Between 1549 and 1888, the religion developed in Brazil, influenced by the knowledge of African priests who continued to teach their mythology, culture, language and spiritual religious belief systems.[21]

Practitioners of Candomblé believe in a Supreme Creator called, Oludumaré (Zambi by the Kongo and Nana Buluku by the Fon) who is served by benevolent lesser deities, which are called Orishas. The Orishas and similar figures form a link between the SPIRITUAL WORLD and the world of humans. Candomblé practitioners believe that every person has their own tutelary deity which controls his or her destiny and acts as a protector. [22]

During the ritual, the high priestess was dressed in a white suit with a white top hat instead of black. She carried a white cane. She smoked a cigar while sipping from a bottle of Bud as she moved around the temple. She called me, Oh Americano, and laughed each time she passed me during the ceremony, because she knew like a long lost child, I understood very little of what I was witnessing of an ancient African past.

As the group and initiates danced to the hypnotic rhythm of the drums, she would approach mostly young females then select one by the tap of the white cane on the floor in front of her to celebrate the fertility and motherhood rite. At the tap of the cane, each female would enter and literally drop down into spirit possession of their deity. The ritual scene in the 1999 movie, Eyes Wide Shut, is similar, but the women are under SATANIC SPIRIT POSSESSION.

Watched and supervised closely by the priestess, each began to remarkably roll and gyrate their waist, hips, the muscles of their buttocks to the drums totally independent of the movement of her other body parts and muscles. It only lasted moments, but it was as if they had unique and total control over each and every individual muscle of their lower extremities between and waist and their legs. I knew enough to know that I had never seen that type of control over the muscles and movements over that part of the body before.


My first impression was that they had practiced, trained and perfected the control over their muscles and tissues. Actual “Spirit Possession” hadn’t entered my mind. I knew very little about it. I had seen uncontrollable “Spirit Possession” and “Talking in Tongues” through the “Holy Ghost” in Black Churches most of the days of life. But this was a priestess controlled and invoked manifestation by a sacred deity that was unknown to me. It was no wonder that the high priestess continued to chuckle at me throughout the ritual. I had no idea of the lost African wonders, mysteries and experiences that I was witnessing.

The “Bounce” as Marketed/Sponsored by Corporate America & Mass Media

It is very true that “twerking” and New Orleans “bounce” dance or display removed from the context of collective African Spiritual Consciousness incorporates many of the same movements of traditional West African Sacred Dance including the emphasis on the hips and buttocks that may be an evolution of our ancient traditions.


Throughout the decades, we have often borrowed dance movements from traditional African Ceremonial Dance and popularized it. However, taking and mass popularizing a movement that directly involves sacred African Spiritual Consciousness and Possession without any spiritual guidance, supervision and controls is deeply troubling.


“Inverted twerking” also pose a serious health risk – exploding head syndrome, dizziness and vertigo. “It makes blood pool in your head, risking clot forming and raising local blood pressure since the brain isn’t equipped to pump the blood back to the heart like the legs are.  This could cause a brain hemorrhage if the pressure rises too much.  Some even claim pooling of blood in the lung can be the consequence of hanging upside down.  So usually you won’t die of it, but it can cause serious medical problems.”[23]

Isolated from its whole, the sacred moment and “Encounter with the Benevolent God(s) of Fertility” that is a mystery has been turned into an institutional Satanic Booty Cult/Spirit Worship that opens a portal for alien demonic spirits and gods to invade the sacred African Collective Spiritual Consciousness.


through the back country of Brazil, and old city of Rio, I have seen with my own eyes the remarkable strange power of ancient African spirit worship and possession. It involves entering streams of complicated hierarchies of benevolent and demonic spirits that ordinary and unknowing people can’t navigate through, replicate, invoke or control without an experience and learned African Priest or Priestess.

Twerking is out of place, order and balance. Its mystery is deliberately being manipulated covertly to initiate Satanic Booty Worship to release those ancient demonic spirits controlled by Luciferians to run amok among us. It is being used primarily by the ILLUMINATI to invoke and honor Lucifer (CHAOS) by dance and music through covert hypnotic and subliminal suggestions of Demonic/Satanic Spirit Possession.


“To the Satanist, he is his own God. SATAN is a symbol of Man living as his prideful, carnal nature dictates.”[24] Universally, Carnal relates to the physical and especially sexual appetites; worldly or earthly; of or relating to the body or flesh.[25]


The Greek God Pan is a ravenous, insatiable phallic god, whose worshipers would celebrate him with offerings and massive drunken orgies in caves and forests. He’s a god specifically of PRIMAL/CARNAL male sexuality. He loves sex, the joys of the body, and wine. He’s a bringer of panic (hence the name). He is a war god. He is also a musician and singer.[26] He was a rapist.


For generations, Satan has been known as the Lord of CHAOS.[27] The Greek God Pan brings about CHAOS in the rules of orderly societies. Pan disintegrates established orders back into CHAOS. One of the primary ancient Demonic entities directly linked to the Devil’s Other Face (ASS, ANUS) Cult known for generations to enter the unconscious and conscious portals of the mind through dance and music is the Greek God Pan.


Pan‘ is the pagan god of sexual fertility, lust, homosexuality, rape and pedophilia. Many statues of Pan display him with an erection. Wiccans adore Pan more than all the other false gods that they worship.”[28]  “Medieval legends say that the DEVIL CREATED THE GOAT. Satan himself often appeared with goat’s horns, and sometimes changed his shape completely into a goat.” – (Encyclopedia Mythica).”[29]  In the woodcut, PAN leads a woman to SATAN and his BOOTYSATAN’S ANUS excrement in the cauldron appears to have importance in imposing and gaining some type of mind control over initiates and people.


Claude Gillot’s Ancient Ritual Dance Booty-Twerking for the Goat God Pan

The GOAT was sacred to the Temple of Pan.[30] The Cult of Pan is linked to a temple site in city of Banyas (Panias) dated to about 200 BC located at the foot of Mt. Hermon in Northern Israel.[31] During the crusades, Knight Templars invaded, occupied and fortified Panias.[32]



CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH Occult Bureau Demonic Rihanna Booty-Twerking for the Goat God


Not every much is known or told about Frenchman Claude Gillot (1673-1722). He was a weird and strange man, and one of France’s elite leading painters of the era. Like Dürer and Baldung, he undoubtedly was a secret elite society Satanist, Sorcerer and Witch.


Gillot was credited with creating the “HOMEAGE TO THE DEVIL”, and the Kiss of Shame (ocsulum infame). Gillot’s Sabbath took place in a dark cave, the DEVIL being shown on the right in the form of a large goat (PAN). There are two cats and a snake in the lower left corner. The snake is associated with the DEVIL and their presence at the Sabbath identify the gatherers with the evil night gatherings to worship SATAN. It also seems to show an act of shameful sodomy by a demon on a gatherer while he reads from the DEVIL’s Spell Book.


The Kiss of ShameOsculum Infame (PAN) is a recurring theme in European DEVIL’S Sabbath.


The infamous Confederate General, Knights of the Golden Circle and KKK leader, Scottish Rite Freemason, Albert Pike, also clearly associated Pan with SATAN, “… Satan is not a black god, but negation of God … this is not a Person, but a Force, created for good, but which may represent evil. It is the instrument of Liberty or Free Will.  They represent this Force; under the mythologic and horned form of the God Pan; thence came the he-goat of the Sabbat, brother of the Ancient Serpent, and the Light-bearer.” [Albert PikeMorals and Dogma, p. 102]


PAN was also one of the favorite Satanic Gods of the Great BEAST 666, Aleister Crowley. Reportedly, Crowley raised the horned god in a secret all night Satanic ritual in Paris. It drove him insane and killed another.[33] Crowley also created a Satanic homosexual rite devoted to Pan in which he was ceremonially sodomized by the god.[34]


The origin of PAN dates at least back to 6th Century BC Thebes, Greece.[35] Walpurgis Night (Walpurgisnacht) is a traditional spring festival celebrated on April 30 or May 1 in large parts of Central and Northern Europe. In Germanic folklore, Walpurgisnacht, also called Hexennacht literally “Witches’ Night“. It is believed to be the night of a witches’ meeting on the Brocken, the highest peak in the Harz Mountains, a range of wooded hills in central Germany between the rivers Weser and Elbe. The first known written occurrence of the English translation “Walpurgis Night” is from the 19th century.[36]


Walpurgis Night- Witches Sabbath & Booty/Ass Satanic Worship

Well, that is a rather placid description of the “Witches’ Night” or the Witches’ Sabbath. Walpurgis Night is another ancient pagan ritual beside Beltane that celebrate April 30- day of the arrival of spring.[37]  These spring festivals and rituals originate in the worship of the God Pan. Pan was evoked in the springtime to ensure the fertility of both the crops and the people.[38]


PAN’s direct connection to Walpurgis Night and the Witches’ Sabbath is certainly verified by Demonologist Johannes Praetorius’ Witches’ Sabbath woodcut that dates back to around 1668 from his infamous tract, Blockes-Berges [Brocken] Verrichtung, Leipzig, Germany.[39]


However, Witches’ Night had been recorded taking place in the Harz Mountains as early as the 15th Century AD.[40] It was Praetorius’ woodcut that told us more than anyone else seem to have been willing to expose about what was really going on- revels and orgies with and for the DEVILJohann Richter or Johannes Praetorius (1537 – October, 27, 1616) was a Bohemian German mathematician and astronomer.[41] He was certainly a celebrated witness of his time. Praetorius, according to one authority, “had an open eye and a sharp ear for all wonder stories, witch tales, and accounts of ghosts and sorcery current among the people.”[42]And, he certainly was aware of who the Greek God Pan was and how he factored into the 16th Century Walpurgis Night and the Witches’ Sabbath as a very important and central Satanic figure.


The PAN Ass/Anus Worship is unbelievable, but it was/is very-very real.


The Horned God Ass/Anus Worship is unbelievable, but it was very-very real. It still exists, today …


no matter how profane, lewd, malevolent, and unworldly (anti-DIGNIFIED) it may be.


And PAN’s forbidden Ass/Anus  vulgar backward DANCE to honor SATAN that dehumanize the people; degrade and demean sacred feminine and motherhood is also unbelievable, but also was/is very-very real.


Praetorius was also very vocal about the dances that served the DEVIL (Pan) involving the touching of shameful places that he accused Satanic magicians out of Italy of inventing and spreading. One dance was the La Volta, he described it as “a new galliard… a foreign dance in which they seize each other in lewd places … a whirling dance full of scandalous, beastly gestures and immodest movements. [The volta] is responsible for the misfortune that innumerable murders and miscarriages are brought about by it. [43]


Queen Elizabeth I’s “pleasure aka ‘The Betty Hop’: The lavolta was the ‘dirty dancing’ of the Renaissance. The music was characterized by dotted-rhythms, and the dance itself was deemed quite lewd and lascivious, if not downright immoral and dangerous. The man embraces the woman, places his thigh between her buttocks, one hand on her back and the other alternately near her crotch and bust, and she leaps into the air, the flying skirts revealing glimpses of undergarments and leg. It was denounced as shamelessly obscene and suggestive.”[44]



The Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons of Scotland is the governing body of Freemasonry in Scotland. It was founded in 1736. The oldest records held within the Grand Lodge are meeting minutes of the Lodge of Edinburgh (Mary’s Chapel) No. 1 which date from 1599.[45]


Decades before those first minutes of Freemasonry were set to ink, witches on the peaks of Harz Mountains were “Riding the Goat” to each year at the pagan spring festival to the Witch’s Sabbath.


Spanish painter Francisco Goya (1746- 1828) “Witches’ Sabbath”, which depicts a crowd of “hoary old hags” listening intently while a black goat preaches to them, and “The Great He-Goat”.[46]


In 1854, Eliphas Lévi published Dogma et Rituele de la Haute Magie, in which he described the Knight Templars’ BAPHOMET as the “Sabbatic Goat”. This is the popular image of Baphomet as the Satanic Black goat, or “Goat of Mendes” as Lévi calls it.[47]


In The Last Test, apocalyptic horror author H.P. Lovecraft makes first mention of Shub-Niggurath, “The Black Goat of the Woods with a Thousand Young”. Though later descriptions of Shub-Niggurath are not terribly goat-like, its designation as a goat creates a tie between the animal and dark natural forces beyond man’s control.[48] Pan is Patron God of the Witches’ Sabbath and BLACK MASS [Eyes Wide Shut]. He is the BAPHOMET of the Knights Templar, Masons, and the ILLUMINATI. It is a Satanic force far beyond original man’s control.



Witch Beyonce’s Twerk- Feeling the Hot Sulphur  Breath of SATAN

“The owner of the ARCADIA GROUP … the star [Beyonce] on a new athletic street-wear brand. It had been reported that the global venture would launch this year.”[49] Beyonce’s direct ancestor was Joseph Broussard (1702–1765). He is also known as Beausoleil, was a leader of the Acadian people in ACADIA (Colony of New France), Canada.[50]


She admits very freely that she is under Sasha Fierce demonic “SPIRIT POSSESSION.”


Beyonce Ride the Goat to the Witch’s Sabbath and Black Mass


ACADIA is French for ARCADIA which is the Greek land of peace and harmony. It was in fact, “where God PAN was BORN“.[51]



It was no coincidence that Fuhrer Adolf Hitler chose Walpurgis Night and the Witches’ Sabbath on April 30 to fake his suicide. In Spear of Destiny, Trevor Ravenscroft stated that the Nuremberg Trials had totally failed to identify the real nature of evil which lay behind the “outer facade of National Socialism”; indeed, “initiation rites and black magic practices [lay at] the inner core of the Nazi leadership”. (Page xiii). From 1909-1913, “Hitler attained higher levels of consciousness by means of drugs and made a penetrating study of medieval occultism and ritual magic …” (Page xxi). Hitler was a “WITCH.”

After his faked death in Berlin in 1945, U.S. Allied Forces followed his reported secret location in the Black Forest on the top of the Harz Mountains (Alpine Redoubt)– the ancient site of the Pan-Germanic Witches’ Sabbath where they (Hitler, Baron Otto von Bolschwing, Otto “Scarface” Skorzeny, Wernher von Braun and top SS Knights of Black Sun) were to be transformed into “WEREWOLVES.”



Blacks in America once were a glowing example and vanguard for revolutionary struggle for the global masses of color. Across the great divide of the Atlantic Ocean on the other side of the midnight, I was surprised and deeply humbled when beautiful little sisters told me that their greatest inspiration for strength and human dignity came from America.

Even though most of them were handicapped by no more than a 2nd grade education, pictures were worth a thousand words to them. They collected and cherished such small things as Jet, Ebony, and Essence magazines that showcased Black Women in America on literally all pages in power, strength, respect and exceptional BEAUTY.

In their world of constant racial oppression, struggle, poverty, lack of equal education and employment opportunities, they clinked to the images of strong, dignified and beautiful Black women in America to inspire them and envision far greater things and opportunities for themselves and their families.


In America, World’s Greatness, the Powerful and Beautiful Florence Griffith Joyner (FloJo) Just Dropped DEAD/MURDERED.


In America, the Beautiful and Queenly Phyllis Hyman was Phased Out/Murdered (Columbian Clyde Davis) with DRUGS.


In America, the Beautiful QUEEN DIVA Whitney Houston was Phased Out/Murdered (Columbian Clyde Davis) with CIA CRACK COCAINE.

Don’t you see the sick pattern? Brothers Huey and Bobby often said that with our backs up against the wall and cornered, we had the right of the natural law of self defense and preservation to strike back with the deadly lightning fast fury of a BLACK PANTHER. However, when we are under constant direct and subliminal suggestions, influences and by deception by the ILLUMINATI, elite Global Satanic Cabals and this racialist society to turn our backs to our enemies, bend over out of the natural order of things, and TWERK,


and our women and children get down on all fours, crawl, twerk their booty muscles and behind for the enemies’ amusement and exploitation …


you can’t see what’s coming. You can’t see what the government is not doing or doing- false flags and WARS OF GLOBAL AGGRESSIONS. You can’t see who is being shot down in the streets by police or what’s happening to your schools and community, or GENOCIDE. You can’t see the enemy or strike back. Offering your ASS to your enemies is an ancient form of submission, surrender and human humiliation, and AN OLD WORLD HONOR TO SATAN. First Line of Defense- MAAT (Establish ORDER) & DIGNITY (Establish Worthiness of GOD).








[7] Schroder, Willy, A Rosicrucian Notebook: The Secret Sciences Used by Members of the Order, Red Wheel/Weiser, LLC, York Beach, ME (1992), pgs. 115-116















[22] Id.










[32] Id.















[47] Id.




[51] Stutz, Bruce, Chasing Spring, Scibner, NY, NY (2006), pg. 35


23 03 2015

Riding the GOAT, the Black Music Entertainment Industry


“The devil, the originator of sorrowful anxieties and restless troubles, flees before the sound of music almost as much as before the Word of God… Music is a gift and grace of God, not an invention of men. Thus it drives out the devil and makes people cheerful. Then one forgets all wrath, impurity, and other devices.” – Martin Luther (1483 – 1546)[5]

They have known for generations that music is a highway to the soul. Black Music was universal, spiritual, healing and a key to the universe and peace. In the darkest hours, our music brought light to our hearts and lessen the heavy burdens over the roads. For generations to the eyes of the world, whether in the form of Spirituals, Blues, Jazz, Gospels, Rhythm and Blues, Poetic Rap, it humanized the Black Experience.

Now, it is turning into an avenue for SATAN. It is be filled with EVIL, inclinations and spells to ENSLAVE the masses. In Old Europe, they often called on and appealed to SATAN for Power, Wealth and Fortune through secret Roman Catholic Satanic Human Blood Sacrifice Rituals. These ancient Black Mass/Satanic Cults of the Blood Sacrifice have continued underground throughout the generations. In the late 20th Century, these Satanic Blood Oath Secrecy Syndicates have moved in to control the illegal drug industry, and now seek the total takeover of the Black Entertainment and Music Industry to dedicate it to Chaos and glorify the Goat God. It isn’t any coincidence that one of the Black Music Industry’s biggest proponent of riding the Goat God, the BAPHOMET (discussed below), is Beyonce.


It is not just the Jesuits as some would argue. It is much more deeper. The satanic murder cults among European royalty, nobility and the Knights Templar preceded the formations of the Jesuits in 1531.[1] It is certain because Knights Templar, French Nobleman Gilles de Montmorency-Laval aka Baron Giles de Rais, the lord of 15 princely domains and Duke of Brittany (England), was executed for secret Roman Catholic Black Mass Blood Sacrifices on October 26, 1440, almost a hundred years before the Jesuits were formed.[2]

Henriet and Poitou told tales of how he delighted in bathing in the boys’ blood and cutting off their heads himself so that he could wash his face and beard in the gore. They said he often had his servants stab a boy in the jugular so he could shower in the spurting blood. He sat on their chests and cut across part of their throats so they bled slowly to death. Others he hanged until they were nearly dead and then cut their throats. Still others had all their limbs cut off, or were ripped open so he could see their hearts and entrails. After death, all the bodies and their clothes were burned in the castle’s great kitchen furnaces. The servants spoke of obscene torture and blood-splattered walls in each of his castles. When Gilles returned to the court, dressed from head to toe in white to indicate his repentance.”


The precise number of Baron Gilles Roman Catholic Coven victims is not known, as most of the bodies were burned or buried just as in the case of Lady Baroness Marie Delphine Macarty-LaLaurie in French New Orleans. However, the number of the Gilles’ Coven murders is generally placed between 80 and 200; a few have conjectured numbers upwards of 600. The victims ranged in age from six to eighteen and included both sexes.[3]


We are also quite certain about what the Knights Templar’s supreme Satanic Goat God had been, the BAPHOMET. It also seems certain that during Baron Gilles de Rais’ era around the 15th Century that the Knights Templar human sacrifices had been dedicated to a god or demon in the form of a Goat, below. In the case of Lady Baroness LaLaurie’s New Orleans Coven, we aren’t sure of their idol.  They allowed Baroness Lalaurie to escape prosecution and a proper investigation because her victims were Africans subjected to human bondage. It  is more probable than not that she sailed to France until the scandal of ritualistic mass murder, torture and mayhem of Africans discovered at her mansion died down.  However, throughout the history of the European Order of Knights, their one consistent Demon and God had been the ram goat– the Baphomet.


So, it is more probable then not to begin with the secret blood covenant Knights Templar, then the Jesuits, Freemasons and Mafia as currently secretly involved in the 21st Century continuation of the Black Mass/Satanic Blood Sacrifice Circles.[4]

However, we face a serious dilemma in challenging the crimes of Satanic cults, because society and our system of laws does not recognize ritualized and spiritual crimes without a Corpus Delicti (“body of crime“). It is also extremely difficult to prove ritualistic crimes because of ultra blood oath secrecy of its religious doctrines and among its members. There are also over 2 million Masons in North America and nearly 5 million worldwide. Freemasonry is made up of many individuals in the legislative national and state branches of the government. They are in the national and state judicial  branches. They are in the all branches of the military and local law enforcement agencies.  They are in schools, universities and corporations. They are in the music, television and movie industry,  all subordinate and obedient to the Masonic Grand Lodges and the Baphomet-  SATAN. They all, “Ride the GOAT” to carry on a vast global campaign of ritualized spiritual warfare, and a criminal enterprise to cover-up and veil their crimes.


Baroness Lalaurie and French New Orleans are closely related to Bobbie Kristina Brown and Nick Gordon, because one of them, Rosie Perez, close to the Jesuits and the Roman Catholic Church let it slip that the crimes committed against them were ritualistic and spiritual. For only a moment, she pointed the finger directly at Angela Bassett and her made for TV Whitney Houston biopic for Bobbi Kristina’s current fate. Additionally, Bobbi Kristina publicly exposed Angela Bassett as a secret transgender that violated Blood Oath Secrecy of the cult. The EVIL and SPIRIT that possess and empowers her demonic motivations is that of the same of the ancient French Satanic Blood Sacrifice Cults of Baron Giles de Rais and Baroness Lady Marie Delphine LaLaurie of French New Orleans.


The EVIL and Demonic Spirit of Roman Catholic French Creole Madame Marie Laveau possess Angela Bassett. In the popular television series, An American Horror Story, the Coven, the TV show resurrected the Roman Catholic racial mass murderer Baroness LaLaurie for a global audience played by HollyWeird’s Actress Cathy Bates. In 1440, when Baron Giles de Rais  was only partly burned, some ladies and damsels of his family requested his remains of the Duke of Brittany, that they might be interred in holy ground (immortality), which was granted.


The staggering prevalence of Satanic Mythological Themes deeply embedded in the Black Entertainment and Music Industry is absolutely unprecedented in African American World History. It also isn’t any coincidence that one of the Black Music Industry’s biggest proponent of SATANISM is the Luciferian Black Queen, Rihanna.

In the Coven, Madame Laveau decapitated Baroness LaLaurie, then buried the body. Before decapitation,  Madame Marie Laveau gave her an  immortality magick potion that granted her soul and head (the Medusa Head) IMMORTALITY and renewed life to haunt Africans and People of Color into the 21St Century. Whether you choose to believe or not, Whitney Houston rode the GOAT, Little sister, Bobbi Kristina Brown, was Whitney Houston’s first born Satanic Blood Sacrifice to the BAPHOMET of the powerful global ultra secret Ninth Satanic Circle Cabal, the bastard child of the Medieval French Murder Cults.


” … Houston had been planning a return trip to the Holy Land as a follow up to the time she spent there with her then-husband Bobby Brown. She apparently wanted to be baptized again in the Jordan River by the African Israelites (Black Hebrews). ‘The Insider” showed Houston’s goddaughter Brandi Burnside saying, “We planned to go to Israel together. She said to me, ‘We need to get into the holy waters, so that nothing can harm us.’”[6]

For Whitney Houston, there was no turning back from her pact with the DEVIL for her genius, soul and destiny. Even returning to Israel to wash herself clean and anew in River Jordan to get her off the GOAT to save her and Bobbi Kristina wouldn’t have been successful. At the very least, the Freemasons of the Mossad were involved in assassinating her before her return.[7] Both Michael Jackson and Whitney Houston’s name, images, music portfolios and their “souls” after death are equivalent to goldmine commodities viciously removed from the pools of Black Enterprise and Genius by the secret Global Satanic Blood Sacrifice Cabals.

From the formation of this country, whether it was Knights Templar/Rosicrucian’s ARCADIA, or the Satanic Elizabethan’s NEW ATLANTIS, they believe that theirs is a Divine right by God to clandestinely create and build “Utopias” from the genius, bodies, hearts, minds, soul, inheritances and “Destiny” of Africans, Native Americans and the People of Color ruled by the Hand of SATAN .

The Bobbi Kristina & Nick Gordon Play, the DEVIL in the Details


Don’t get it twisted by Dr. Phil’s national/international sensationalized FALSE FLAG Negro drama with Nick Gorgon and the Brown family. Nick is a just a pawn in the game. Nick Gordon can be turned in and out of a balling/babbling 10 year old with the flick of the switch. It is a big ILLUMINATI drama and play designed to distract, divide and confuse the masses.

Dr. Phil blew into Atlanta like a deputized commando of the police state to seize Nick even if it was under the power of the state of Georgia. Nick was going in- interned and reprogrammed whether he had the power to resist or not.

Nick’s commitment/disappearance behind the veil is very suspicious. Who is reprogramming Nick- CIA and the Mossad? Nick may come out like the young Boston Bombing suspect Manchurian Candidate Dzhokhar Tsarnaev- helpless, SOLD OUT- Guilty of First Degree Murder.[8]


Dzhokhar Tsarnaev’s lawyer is Judy Clarke that represented high profile CIA Manchurian Candidates Theodore Kaczynski (an underage MKULTRA volunteer in his Harvard years), Eric Rudolph, Jared Lee Loughner, and none other than Zacarias Moussaoui. All of them were found guilty. Clarke, an intelligence asset, sold Tsarnaev down the drain. She told his Boston criminal trial jury- Yea, he did it! Almost 2 years behind the veil in state prison, Tsarnaev appears mentally helpless to protest being railroaded.[9]

The assassination of Whitney Houston and drowning of Bobbi Kristina are international intelligence operations- way over the head of a hapless- mind controlled drugged out Nick Gordon.


International Interviewer & Producer Daphne Barak Opened a Wide Window into the Lives of Bobbi Kristina and Nick Gordon


In September 2009, lawyers representing 16 Palestinians asked a London court to issue a “War Crimes” arrest warrant for its then Zionist defense minister, Ehud Barak, who was visiting Britain.[10]


Israeli Freemasons, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu served under Barak in one of his special elite Israel Defense Force’s units in the early 1970s.[11]


“The Illuminist/Masonic meaning of the X is simply this: It is the sign of Osiris, the great (Egyptian) sun God…” —Texe Marrs, Dark Majesty[12]

Ehud Barak, a Freemason chosen Prime Minister of Israel in 1999, with his wife, Nava. This is a very staged “X.” Also significant is Nava’s earring, which has the emblem of the Masonic double-headed eagle. (Photo: Time magazine, May 31, 1999, p. 64)[13] The sign, or letter X, has a long history of use in the Ancient Mystery Religions, in apostate Judaism, in Freemasonry, and in the occult. The Illuminati elite use it to this day to symbolize key phenomena and mark significant events.[14]


Daphne Barak in Bani Gala, IslamabadExposed Internationally as a secret Israeli agent, the Sister of Israeli Freemason Defense Minister Ehud Barak- Former Israeli Mossad Chief [15] For about 15 months, Nick and Bobbi Kristina had been behind the wing of Daphne Barak under the cover of an independent producer under the ruse to have Bobbi Kristina narrate a film concentrating on her late mother.[16] For over a year prior to Bobbi Kristina’s drug induced-drowning, the DEVIL in the DETAILS, Daphne Barak, kept them under her false confidence while behind the scene producing the play, writing the script and directing the players. She had been their secret Israeli Freemason Mossad Case Officer.


“To me, Bobbi Kristina is sweet, intelligent and compassionate. But she is a little girl lost without the mother she adored – and probably copied.”Daphne Barak [17]

Yea, Bobbi Kristina and Nick Gordon just like Dzhokhar Tsarnaev did it to themselves. That was the objective of the play- deceive the masses. One thing is clear is as a player acting out the script, Bobbi Kristina had been exposed to Iatrogenic Multiple Personality Disorder Programming and Reprogramming.

 In 2012, the Enquirer claimed that Whitney Houston paid $49,000 for Bobbi Kristina to enter an outpatient program at Talbott Recovery in Atlanta. The paper claimed that the teen was allegedly admitted previously to a psychiatric ward at Peachford Hospital in Atlanta.[18] At least one victim of “Ritual Satanic Abuse” claimed in a lawsuit that Peachford was a related covert CIA MK-ULTRA mind control and brainwashing center.[19] Undoubtedly, Nick is also a CIA/MONARCH/MK ULTRA multiple personality dissociated player through secret multi- generational programming of Whitney Houston’s direct family associates.

The stage for the Bobbi Kristina and Nick Gordon Play takes place on the grounds of Rowell, 20 miles north of Atlanta. Roswell is the sixth largest city in Georgia. In 2010, Roswell had a population of 88,346. The racial and ethnic composition of the population was 74.7% White, 11.7% Black. [20] Bobbie Kristina and Nick Gordon moved into the high security Ellard townhouse complex in Roswell sometime after June 2013.[21] Roswell is where the DEVIL and Knight Templars/Freemasons have ruled since human bondage in America.

American Slavery: Where SATAN Rules

In regards to Slavery in America, my ancestors speak. My father’s blood was in the Deep South, Marion and Pike County, Mississippi. There, they toiled the black earth along one of the branches of the mighty Mississippi River on the plantation of Hugh Bullock. Their faith was tied to the designs of King Charles I of England (1629-1649). Charles was the 2nd son of James VI of Scotland (James 1 of England) and Anne of Denmark. Charles believed in his “Divine Right as King and “Absolute Rule.” In 1629, he abolished parliament and ruled England, Scotland and Ireland by himself. [22]

King Charles I was in the House of Stuart (Stewart). He was a descendant of Robert, the Bruce.[23] Hugh Bullock of Mississippi was the descendant of Captain Hugh Bullock,

Hugh Bullock was a planter, merchant councilor and man of considerable importance. He was the owner of the Ship “Endeavor” in March 29, 1628 … Hugh appears in the official records of Virginia as a member of the Kings [Charles I] Council as early as December 1631, where the records indicate he was a Burgess and Member of the Assembly for the Colony of Virginia from York County (Colonial Virginia … [H]e was an influential man with considerable property in England and Virginia. On March 12,
1634, at James City Virginia, Hugh was granted 2,550 acres of land on Pocosin, “Southeast of Otter Pond,” in York County … “[24]


Get Behind Me, SATAN

For whatever reasons, my father’s family remained particularly respectfully close to the family of Hugh Bullock from bondage, Civil War through Reconstruction to the early 20th Century. My father’s blood remained primarily African “Regal Black.” My great grandfather was the “Notorious Jake Bullock.” They spoke of him as being regal black with long straight black hair like a raven.

My great-great grandfather was “Big John Bullock.” In 1870, he and his younger brother James was living next door to plantation owner Hugh Bullock. What was particularly strange about Big John was a “white child” was listed residing with him and my great-great grandmother Ellen Bullock.  An experienced genealogist say this was extremely unusual and an extraordinary event in that in the Deep South, a census taker was unusually a local that was extremely familiar with the families and customs of a rural agrarian society like Marion-Pike County. During that time, if the census taker found a white child with a black family, the local would always not fail to identify the child’s rightful family and list that child with his family. That’s why I call him, Big John. He had to have been a “Man of Great Respect.”

As of this date, I have found no family folklore or legends passed down about Big John. I have no information when he or Ellen may have died. He appears in the 1870 and 1880 U.S. Censuses then vanquish from the records of the State of Mississippi. However, my father passed down to my sister the legend that had been passed down from his father, Big Papa- John Bullock, that his ancestors ruled the destiny of their people through a “Council of Elders.” Any problems that developed between the races, the whites appealed through the council, they acted to exact punishment or revenge in all the righteousness they knew. My father also passed down the legend from his father that there were certain parts of the swamp where “no white man” could trespass no matter the circumstances.

In other worlds, a Dr. Phil and his posse couldn’t ride into my father’ father domain behind the Hand of SATAN to seize anyone. He had to appeal to the elders. If it was appropriate, right and just, the elders would deliver the subject for specialized help, and watch over the situation. Who is watching over Nick Gordon?


I was raised within my mother’s inner family. While an infant, the U.S. Navy through Project CHATTER fried my father’s brain from repetitive electrical shocks that had once reduced him to a virtual vegetable state. Growing up, I wasn’t very close to him.  During the 1960s, his father, John Bullock, made a rare visit to the California Bay Area from Arkansas/Louisiana. It hadn’t really occurred to me that my father had a father. I knew most all of his brothers and sisters, but his father and family history in his birthplace, Mississippi, was a big mystery to me. One day, my mother told me that Big John, my grandfather was in town not far away from home. She said most respectfully, “you ought to go see him.”

My mother seemed to have had a great deal of respect for him. So, I was mostly curious about the man. One day, I went to meet him. It turned into a surprising opportunity, one on one, sit down and talk with Big Papa John Bullock in this late sixties born in the 19th Century. He stood about 6 foot 3 or 4. He wasn’t quite the “Regal Black” that folklore said his father had been, but was still silky smooth black. He was still lean, mean and muscle. Big Papa had a left glass eye. His hands were huge with one or two missing fingers on each hand that he said he lost at a saw mill. Legend and family folklore had it that you didn’t mess with his particular man either, “papa didn’t take no messno mess.” My aunt, his second eldest daughter, told me about Big Papa and his Shotgun. You could also tell that he once had been a rock of a man. It was like reading a part of my human blueprint out of another era and dimension that I wasn’t sure what it all meant during that time in my life.

My mother’s blood was also in the Deep South, Morehouse Parish, Louisiana. The Hutchinson(s) were mixed of African, Native American and maybe Irish blood- life forces. They appeared to have shared absolutely no family relations, ties or folklore to their former enslavers after the abolishment of slavery. Morehouse Parish was a brutal place of indescribable horror and unspeakable human suffering and terror for African folk. It was Ku Klux Klan (Dragon) lynching ground. Like reliving a terrorizing event that permanently spook her life, my mother once talked about living through a lynching as a little girl as if the earth shook- it opened up and she felt the fire and the breathe from HELL.

From my mother’s paternal blood- after the abolishment of Slavery, the Blueford(s), migrated someplace out of Alabama or GEORGIA. Things were so bad there that even today they still can’t talk about the HELL they came out of.

Some of that fear out of the HELL, the Deep South, and my father’s secret faith in Oakland, CA with Project CHATTER shaped my early life from almost infancy. Due to my mother’s deep fear, I couldn’t enter the Deep South until my beloved passed to the other side. Passed down from my ancestors on the side of the Hutchinson(s), they spoke of Slavery as “Living in the Other World,” that I say was the “World Ruled by SATAN.”


Our elders out of Deep South always taught us, when it goes to SATAN and the DEVIL. Turn from him, run and don’t look back. After sitting down with Big Papa, I met Brother Huey P. Newton. I began to understand what Big Papa represented to me, and Huey and Brother Bobby’s Black Panther Party TenPoint Program in a world filled with fanatical Unforgivable Blackness. We Want Freedom. We Want POWER To Determine The DESTINY Of Our Black Community. Brother Huey said that “POWER” grows out of the “BARREL OF A GUN.” As a Man-Child, I suddenly stopped running- Get Behind Me, SATAN.

State of GEORGIA & Roswell, Where SATAN Rules


The state of GEORGIA is named after United England and Ireland, King George II, out of Germany.[25] The city of Roswell has it own unique signature in American History and HELL on earth. It was founded by Revolutionary War veteran, Roswell King. He was born in 1765 in New England, Windsor, Connecticut. Windsor was the first English settlement in the state.[26]

Roswell King & the Institution of Africa Bondage


Roswell King was an American businessman, industrialist and planter- an African enslaver. Behind Roswell King delves a complex of the world’s ultra secret societies, and some of history’s greatness purveyors of EVIL, violence and inhumanity (African Bondage) that continues even today to threaten the order and peace of the universe.

King had been the manager of Major Pierce Butler’s rice and cotton plantations on Butler and St. Simon islands, Georgia, where he worked until 1820. The plantations covered hundreds of acres on each island. A total of 500 Africans was forced to labor on the two plantations. King also owned a plantation and numerous Africans worked it in Darien, where he became a major manager of the Bank of Darien.[27]

Major Pierce Butler, African Bondage & the Knights Templar


Major Pierce Butler (July 11, 1744 – February 15, 1822) was a soldier, planter, and statesman, recognized as one of United States’ Founding Fathers. He represented South Carolina in the Continental Congress, the 1787 Constitutional Convention and the U.S. Senate.[28]

Major Pierce Butler was born at Ballintemple (Town of the Church (Temple))in Ireland. Lewis’s Topographical Dictionary of Ireland states that, in 1837, there was at Ballintemple the ruins of an old church, beautifully situated on the margin of the River Slaney”. All the signs suggest that the original temple at Ballintemple belonged to the Knights Templar.[29]


Ballintemple had been a Knights Templar sanctuary since about 1169. During King Philip and the Pope Clement V’s inquisition of the Knights Templar, many fled underground or joined the army of Robert the Bruce in Scotland where they would go on to play a pivotal role in securing an epic victory for the Scots over the English at Bannockburn in 1315.[30]

Roswell King, Thomas Spaulding, African Bondage


Rowell’s Bank of Darien in Georgia was founded by Thomas Spaulding. Spaulding is a place name in the fens of south Lincolnshire, derived originally from the Spalding tribe (clan) who lived there.  Spalding appeared as a place name as Spallinge in the Domesday book of 1086 and Spalding is in the Lincolnshire survey of 1115 and as a surname as Spalding in 1273. There was a Spalding clan in Scotland, taking its name from the Lincolnshire village of Spalding. The first of this clan was the Peter de Spalding who helped the Scottish supporters of Robert the Bruce take Berwick from the English in 1318.  As a reward, he was granted lands in Forfarshire (now Angus). Prominent in later generations were the Spaldings of Ashintully in Perthshire.  However, in the 1700’s this family followed the Jacobite (Stuart) cause, lost their lands, and dispersed.  Some of these Spaldings ended up in Georgia and Jamaica.  Others had earlier departed for Sweden and Pomerania in Germany.[31]

The Scots Spalding connection in America began in 1760 when James Spalding came over to the new colony of Georgia and set up a trading post.  He had an eventful Revolutionary War. “When war broke out he was jailed for a week by the patriots who made him pay a large sum of money to let him go and promise not to return to Georgia.  He fled to St. Augustine in Florida but returned to Georgia once the British retook Savannah.”

His son, Thomas, who settled on Sapelo island is related to the ROMAN CATHOLIC Spauldings of St. Mary’s County, Maryland. Rowell’s Scottish cousin and benefactor at Bank of Darien, Thomas Spaulding, was also a large scale African enslaver that operated large cotton plantations and was active in Georgia local politics between 1800 and 1850.[32]

Robert the Bruce, Knights Templar& Freemasons


In America, the King/Butler/Spaulding Clans were directly associated with powerful wealthy covert combinations of Irish/Scottish Clans directly associated with Robert the Bruce and the hidden Orders of Knights Templar and Freemasons. These Clans were deeply imbedded in the roots of colonial states of the east, and the antebellum slavery states of the south.

Robert the Bruce (1274 –1329), had been excommunicated by the Roman Catholic Church and papal authority did not apply in Scotland. This meant that the Knights Templar had sanctuary from the reaches of the Pope in Scotland.[33] Robert the Bruce was at war with England and was pleased to have the expertise of such battle qualified, powerful, wealthy and secret knights in his army and it is believed that the Knights Templar were integral in the defeat of the English at the battle of Bannockburn. Robert the Bruce is often credited with forming the FREEMASONS as a means to hide the fact that there were Knights Templar present in his army.[34]

In The Temple and The Lodge, by Michael Baigent and Richard Leigh, Robert the Bruce upon his death requested that his heart be removed and taken to Jerusalem to be buried in the Knights Templar Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Robert the Bruce’s heart was transported by the Grand Master of the Scottish Templars, Sir William Sinclair, to Jerusalem.  In Spain, Robert the Bruce’s heart was thrown into a battle against the Moors.[35]

According to The Temple and The Lodge and other Masonic literature, Robert the Bruce was also well-connected to the Satanic Merovingian Bloodline.[36]

Robert the Bruce, Antichrist & the Blood Sacrifice


Today, the secret Satanic Merovingian Bloodline circles play an important part in the secret Anti-Christ conspiracy and movement to return the Satanic Merovingian Bloodlines to world domination. Their belief system will be partly based on Celtic religion which Robert the Bruce’s descendants and JACOBITES are seeking to restore includes Satanic Ritual Human Blood Sacrifice that some believe brought Robert the Bruce to power.[37] In Europe, Ritual Human Blood Sacrifice for Luciferian power, fortune and wealth never ended. It went underground as the Roman Catholic Black Mass ultimately becoming an important part of ILLUMINATI secret ritual ceremonies, and the Ninth Satanic Circle.

Roswell King & Ancestral Links to Sir Francis Bacon, Rosicrucians and ARCADIA


Together with his son, Barrington King, above, Roswell founded Roswell Manufacturing Company in the Georgia Piedmont, establishing a cotton mill and industrial complex. They co-founded the town of Roswell, Georgia, inviting friends to be part of its community and the mill’s development in the 1830s.[38]


Roswell’s 1800s Presbyterian Church has no Crosses. It’s Column Tower Match the Style of Knight Templar’s Church Column Towers and Structures of Ancient Europe.

He brought in a Master Freemason, Willis Ball, out of Windsor to design and build their homes and Presbyterian Church in the Gothic (Knights Templar)- Greek classical architectural tradition.[39] In 1839, Roswell brought in Scottish Freemasons to build cotton mill workers’ brick housing structures.[40]


Rowell’s father, Captain Timothy King (1727-1812), had been an early New England/Windsor settler on a land grant to the son or nephew of a contemporary of Rosicrucian Sir Francis Bacon (Shakespeare) in London, Elizabethan Lord Mayor of London and Knight, Sir Richard Saltonstall (1586-1661).[41 Elizabethan Knights like Sir Saltonstall were used to accomplish conspiracies and schemes in distant countries and foreign lands. However, their main job was to lead armies on wars and protect their fellow countrymen.[42]


Sun King Louis XIV

King’s grandfather, Captain John King of Roscommon, Ireland, founded Northampton, Mass in 1655. Captain John King was a key military commanding officer of Northampton involved in the 1689 French- Indian wars against Sun King Louis XIV of France (1638- 1715) for ARCADIA and the supremacy of New England.[43]

King Louis XIV & the Holy Grail of the Knights Templar


Nicolas Poussin (1594 –1665) was the leading painter of the classical French Baroque style. He spent most of his working life in Rome. Poussin’s genius was recognized only by small circles of collectors. In the two decades following his death, a particularly large collection of his works was amassed by Louis XIV.[44]


Poussin’s The Arcadian Shepherds was commissioned in 1638 by Giulio Rospigliosi (the future Pope Clement IX). The Arcadian Shepherds was acquired by Louis XIV in 1685, and has remained in Paris ever since.[45] Poussin is said to have been a member of the Priory of Sion, an Order of the Knights Templar and The Arcadian Shepherds is said to hold secrets about Knights Templar’s  hidden treasures, the Holy Grail and Arc of the Covenant, taken by the Knights from the Holy Land.[46]

Pope Clement IX & the Holy Grail of the Knights Templar


Search for the Holy Grail- Popes Clement IX & Clement V

Often the new pontiff’s choice of name upon being elected to the papacy is seen as a signal to the world of who the new pope will emulate, what policies he will seek to enact. One of his most important predecessors in this case had been Pope Clement V that arrested and prosecuted the Knights Templars in 1307, but also failed to discover the Holy Grail or their troves of holy treasures like the Arc of the Covenant out of the East.[47] The Satanic European Royalty, Knights Temple, Rosicrucians, Freemasons, Holy Roman Catholics and their elite oligarchies are all secretly related to their implanted unholy cousins in America that even reached all the way into Antebellum Roswell.

Roswell, Civil War & France


During the Civil War, Roswell Mills were best known for their role in producing supplies for the Confederacy. They made “Roswell Gray” fabric to be sewed into Confederate military uniforms.[48]


In June 1864, during General William Tecumseh Sherman and Union forces’ infamous march to the sea, they descended on the Rowell Confederate Slave Cotton Enclave. A French National named Thepohile Roche raised FRENCH FLAGS of neutrality over Roswell. He was no employee of Barrington King. Roche was  a secret Knights Templar and or a French attaché- international espionage agent of Napoleon III or the Vatican brought to Roswell by Barrington King.[49]

General Sherman wasn’t going for that. He ordered the arrest of everyone associated with the Roswell Ivy Cotton Mill complex for TREASON including Theophile la Roche. He was somehow liberated from Union Forces and escaped to Paris, FRANCE before he could be fully interrogated and became an international incident.[50]

Barrington King and most all of the King Clan of Roswell escaped capture, because most all of them were behind enemy lines part of the Confederate Army in active combat against U.S. Union Forces opposing the abolition of African Slavery. Oran’s Dictionary of the Law (1983) defines treason as “…[a]… citizen’s actions to help a foreign government overthrow … or seriously injure the [parent nation].”[51] Nobody in the Roswell international incident was prosecuted for TREASON. [52]

The ROSWELL BUNCH, Bobbi Kristina, Nick Gordon, MK ULTRA, Drugs, Mossad & Murder


If you have lived in the South, it doesn’t take long to realize that blood runs thick there over generations. Bobbi Kristina and Nick’sRoswell Bunch” circle of Southern drug pushers, MK ULTRA handlers, enforcers and script actors are by and large local white second amendment neo-confederates most likely secretly tied to local multi- generational Confederates, freemasons and law enforcement officials.

These are some of the “Roswell Bunch” cast of characters in the Deadly Bobbie Kristina and Nick Gordon Play.

James Russell “Rusty” Grant, Roswell Chief of Police


Roswell’s Good Ole Boy Police Chief Rusty

Rusty is no lame back woods Georgia country boy. He is a retired Georgia Bureau of Investigations (GBI) special drug enforcement agent that supervised over 60 agents. He is a member of the FBI National Academy Associates. He is the executive board secretary of the National Alliance of State Drug Enforcement Agencies. He was instrumental in development and implementation of the Intelligence Operation Center for the 2004 G-8 Summit. He developed and led implementation of executive protection details for the 1988 Democratic National Convention, cooperating with the Secret Service to maintain optimal security and provide protection.[53]

The 1988 National Convention of the U.S. Democratic Party was held at The Omni in Atlanta, Georgia from July 18–July 21, 1988 that nominated Greek Orthodox Church Governor Mike Dukakis of Massachusetts and Senator Lloyd Bentsen as President and Vice President to run against former Bohemian Luciferian Pagan CIA Chief George Hebert Walker Bush.[54]

The G8 is an unofficial forum which brings together the heads of major world powers: Germany, FRANCE, the United Kingdom, Italy, Japan, the United States, and Canada (all since 1976) the EU Commission (since 1981) and Russia (until March 2014). When the other seven countries decided to hold the 40th such meeting without Russia, the media dubbed it the 40th G7 summit.[55]

The European royalty- who are all related to each other are the vertex of the global oligarchy. Currently, the Bilderberg group is the main European royalty main organizational hub for coordinating their global government agenda and most powerful organization on earth. The G8 Summit was founded by members of the Rhodes Round Table groups and the Nazi/SS Bilderberg Group. Cecil Rhodes’ goal was to create a world ruled by the British Crown.[56] That’s some extremely deep stuff for a local Georgia boy to be involved in if you know what I mean! Under the veil in Roswell, Chief “Rusty” is part of the ultra secret international Luciferian guardian security network. In the case of Bobbi Kristina, someone is bound to hoist the French Flag to the Ninth Satanic Circle then everything is going to shut down.


MASON WHITAKER, Calvinist, Neo Confederate Second Amendment Gun Advocate, Drug Pusher


“We are gun collectors. We live in the South. We have the right to Bare Arms.”

 MASON WHITAKER of the “Roswell Bunch” plays the part as a MK ULTRA handler and drug pusher. I don’t think that it is a coincidence that he is the “MASON” of the bunch.


Mason’s posted assault weapon.

He was with Bobbi Kristina, Nick and Max the morning before they found Bobbi Kristina drowned from most likely a drug overdose. He is a gun and weapons collector. He is most likely a multi-generational freemason, neo-confederate, second amendment rights right advocate. Mason Whitaker calls himself Bobbi Kristina and Nick Gordon’s BFF (Best Friend). He has posted several photos of himself with Bobbi Kristina during her drug-addicted past few years. The 23-year-old pleaded guilty in 2010 for possession of marijuana and other narcotics with intent to distribute. He was Gordon’s passenger last year when he lost control of and crashed his BMW in Roswell.[57]

MAX LOMAS, Gun Collector and Drug Pusher


Lomas’ Assault Rifle and Guns

MAX LOMAS of the “Roswell Bunch” also plays the part as a MK ULTRA handler and drug pusher. There appears to be little to no public background information available about this character even though he is a central figure in the Bobbi Kristina case. He is also most likely a multi-generational freemason neo-confederate second amendment rights right advocate. He was an ex of Bobbi Kristina’s and was with Gordon when he found her in the tub on Jan. 31. Weeks earlier, Lomas was in jail on multiple charges after allegedly drugging and holding his girlfriend hostage. In 2011, he got into a wild fight with Gordon and Bobbi Kristina – who was just 18 at the time. He repeatedly punched her friend, Justin Walls, in the face, while Gordon waved a Glock 9 mm handgun in the air.[58]



CORY BEN-HANANIA of the “Roswell Bunch” is a MK ULTRA Enforcer. He is an ISRAELI AGENT. The name Ben-Hanania is associated with the ancient 1st Century High Priest of the Judea Temple in Jerusalem.[59] Cory deposed of Bobbi Kristina’s Black school friend ,Chelsea, by injecting her with pure heroin.[60] After killing his so-called “best friendChelsea, he stashed the heroin syringes in her shirt and car. An agency aided him to flee U.S. justice inside Israel.[61] Cory was a publicly known misfit and incorrigible youth since 16 years old.[62] He had no job or known source of income. Even his parents, Robert and Sandra Ben-Hanania don’t appear to have any publicly listed jobs or source of income, but appear to have enough money to purchase homes, [63] fly across country and pay for youth intervention programs.[64]

The normal procedure to enter Israel from the U.S. is that you get a valid passport to stay for up to three months without a vista.[65] As a fugitive from justice, who had the power to arrange his passport, airline bookings, and passage through Israeli customs? Who financed Cory’s round-trip flight and at least a three-month stay in Israel? The Mossad. Inside Israel, I suspect that he was aided by a Zionist IDF Soldier, Dani Margolis of Eco Tours in Irsael.[66]

Cory’s defense attorney, J. Thomas Salata, is an Eastern European multi-generational ROMAN CATHOLIC that attends Saint Brendan’s the Navigator Catholic Church in Cummings, GA.[67] Cory may or may not be currently in prison in Georgia for a pled bargained involuntary manslaughter/reckless conduct for slaying Chelsea.


His accomplice, Sebastian Andrade, not sure what hole or country he crawled out of.  He looks like no 20 year old. Andrade arranged the purchase of the deadly heroin through his drug criminal connections. He pled guilty to a single count of Concealing the Death of Another and was sentenced to JUST FIVE YEARS PROBATION.[68]



PAIGE THOMPSON & ALEXIS NORWOOD of the “Roswell Bunch” are most likely also MK ULTRA multi-generational freemason neo-confederate drug addict Watchers. Paige Thompson, 43 or 44 years old, loved to post photos of her BFFs Gordon and Bobbi Kristina, until police raided her home and found heroin. Paige has been disposed of. She is currently in prison in Texas for possession of heroin with intent to distribute.


Alexis Norwood, Paige’s daughter with Bobbi Kristina (Devil Horns), was also busted in 2013 for heroin possession. A nurse who was treating her injuries related to a car accident called the cops after finding a bag of suspected heroin in her bra.[69]

SHEBLY DERRINGTON, Bobbi Kristina’s Friend Mysterious Death


SHEBLY DERRINGTON, 20 years old, of the “Roswell Bunch” maybe a “Watcher?” Her mother, Debbie Derrington, told a news source that her daughter was allegedly another one of Bobbie Kristina’s BFF. She said that Shelby returned home from college to befriend Bobbie Kristina after the death of Whitney Houston. Debbie said that her daughter reported that in 2014 that Bobbi Kristina kept a “bedroom shrine” to her late mother in their old Atlanta townhouse. Shelby mysteriously died August 2014 due to bleeding on her brain. Doctors didn’t find drugs in her system, but linked her death to a concussion she suffered in a traumatic car accident a year before. She may have been a true friend that wasn’t part of the script, and saw and knew too much truth about Bobbi Kristina and Nick to be allowed to live.[70]

CHELSEA IVANNA BENNETT, Bobbi Kristina’s Childhood Friend- MURDERED


Chelsea Ivanna Bennett, 20 years old, definitely didn’t have a part in the Daphne Barak’s play and script. Right now pending the fate of Bobbi Kristina, she is the only outright murder victim tied directly to the Roswell Bunch. Chelsea had been Bobbi Kristina’s friend since childhood. She lived in Johns Creek. Johns Creek is bounded by Roswell to the west and south, Alpharetta to the northwest, Forsyth County.[71]


Mason, Nick and Chelsea

Contrary to media reports, Chelsea was not a drug abuser. She was from a stable, loving and supportive Christian family and local Baptist church. Chelsea was a beautiful upstanding young lady with a bright future. On March 3, 2014, she was removed from the Bobbie Kristina and Nick Gorgon play by cold blood homicide. She was assassinated by a heroin overdose. Heroin was also used to deliberately injure and taint her reputation in the community. Chelsea was not a heroin addict.[72]

Chelsea had been taken or lured to the “Roswell Bunch” home of Cory Ben-Hanania in Alpharetta, then viciously injected with a lethal dose of pure heroin by Hanania and Sebastian Andrade. They deliberately left her on the floor of one of the bedrooms of the home for about 10 hours to make sure she didn’t recover.[73]Contrary to media reports, it was neither Hanania nor Andrade that called 9-11. It was Hanania’s brother that found the body and called police after Chelsea‘s family called the home searching for her. Hanania and Andrade, both 20 years old at the time, fled the state. They weren’t arrested until July, 2014 when both returned to Georgia. In other words, they were allowed enough time to be debriefed and reprogrammed, then given a script about Chelsea‘s death to shield them from first degree murder.[74]

Chelsea was slain- murdered in cold blood. She had been Bobbi Kristina’s long closest special and true friend from childhood. Chelsea possessed too much inside forbidden knowledge about the Bobbi Kristina and Nick Gordon play and Roswell Bunch to be allowed to live.


If Bobbie Kristina suffered a seizure in the bathtub from a drug overdose, they had their main suspect there at the scene, Maxwell Lomas, above, that should’ve been arrested then and there. Two weeks before the incident, Maxwell Lomas had been busted by Roswell PD for possession of marijuana and alprazolam (better known as addictive prescription drug Xanax) with intent to distribute, and possession of a firearm.[75] Marijuana and Xanax are two drugs that Bobbie Kristina was alleged to be abusing. It was this alleged drug pusher, Maxwell Lomas, that found Bobbie Kristina unconscious in her bathtub.[76] Yet, neither the Brown or Houston family members dare to mention his name. Even, LEOLA BROWN, too.[77]


J. Tom Morgan, Georgia’s SUPER Lawyer

Figure this out. Lomas is represented by two very powerful Georgia defense lawyers. They are J. Tom Morgan, the former Dekalb County District Attorney for about a dozen years, and his right-hand man, John Petrey, former Dekalb County Assistant District Attorney for 26 years. That’s quite a team of SUPER, expensive, top notch- hard hitting attorneys for an alleged small town gun touting drug pusher.[78]


Mr. Nice Guy- Public Citizen, Max Lomas and Former 26 yr. Dekalb Asst. DA John Petrey

These Super lawyers are re-imaging Lomas as the public’s  friendly innocent white bystander while Gordon is the “Big Black Brute.” If Lomas was so “devastated” about his friend Bobbi Kristina’s tragedy as his Super lawyers seem will attest to the masses, why is Max so happy and smiling about it?  The Super lawyers are working on getting Max Lomas immunity to put Nick Gordon behind bars. Reportedly, Lomas has already told the police that he saw Nick Gordon wiping up blood. 79


Earlier, Mr. Nice Guy- Public Citizen expressed his opinion about what he generally thought about his so-called best friends, Bobbi Kristina and Nick Gordon. The neo-confederate wasn’t so devastated, caring or NICE!


What is strange about Bobbi Kristina’s case is that the entertainment industry would usually rally behind a young innocent 22 year old young sister struggling to survive in the limelight of a recently departed musical industry icon and superstar like Whitney Houston. But, there seems to be unnaturally so little support for Bobbi Kristina in the entertainment industry even on the fridge of death. For instance, LL Cool J won’t comment at all on Bobbi Kristina, but he publicly admires Cultist Pop Star MADONA raising her black adopted kids in world of Angels, DEMONS and fallen Angels, Jewish Mysticism– KABBALISM.[80]


Whitney’s TV Biopic director, Angela Bassett confesses, “I do try to keep my ear open to what some of the developments are.”[81] Other than that, she/he is completely dissociated from Bobbie Kristina.[82] Bobbi Kristina exposed Angela Bassett as a secret transgender, but it was after Bassett said some very unnecessary and unkind things about her young acting career in a national publication.


Early Very Strange Photo of Angela Bassett with a Man’s Adam Apple Equipment and MK ULTRA Sex Kitten Pattern

Another notable public disassociation from Bobbie Kristina comes from Beyonce and Jay-Z. They seem to have no concern or comment at all about the tragedy and fate of Bobbie Kristina. Of course, a legitimate question exists- what does of this have to do with now, and the 21st Century music industry. I say that it’s all related to same clandestine ILLUMINATI/Satanic blood covenant circles as above. Let’s start with Jay Z and Beyonce.

Where SATAN Rules: Jay Z & the Holy Grail/Magna Carta


Jay Z & the Magna Carta, Holy Grail

Just about (2) two years ago on July 10, 2013, Jay-Z released the strange album Magna Carta/ HOLY GRAIL.[83]The Holy Grail is a dish, plate, stone, or cup that is part of an important theme of English [King] Arthurian literature. Stories claim that the Grail is buried beneath the Knights Temple’s Rosslyn Chapel. Other stories claim that a secret line of hereditary protectors related to the Knights Templar keep the Grail, or that it was hidden by the Templars in ARCADIA, Oak Island, Nova Scotia’s (New Scotland) famous “Money Pit.”[84]

Basically, the Knights Templar were behind the Barons and King John signing the Magna Carta in 1215, thanks to the efforts of Aymeric de St Maur, the Templar’s Grand Master in England and King John’s closest advisor. The Magna Carta curtailed many powers of the monarchy to increase the Templar’s secret agenda of European/North American expansion and domination.[85]

Recall, it was South Carolina U.S. Senator Major Pierce Butler out of Ireland that Roswell King first worked in African Human Bondage apprenticeship in the state of Georgia. Butler‘s ancestor was Sir (Knight) Pierce Butler, who succeeded, in 1516, as eighth Earl of Ormond, lord high treasurer of Ireland in 1524. He was a descendant of the rich Knights Templar Barons that forced the hand of King John to sign the Magna Carta.[86] At least since the 12th Century, the Earls of Ormond were establishments of the Butlers, the Knights Templars and then to the Knights Hospitallers.[87]

On March 24, 1787, Major Pierce Butler was certainly associated with Master Masons Charles Pinckney and John Rutledge of the Ancient Masons of South Carolina.[88] It was Pinckney and Butler that introduced the Fugitive Slave Clause to the U.S. Constitution. In 1779, the High Knights Templar of Ireland Lodge, Kilwinning, obtained a charter from Lodge Mother Kilwinning in Scotland. This lodge began to grant dispensations to other lodges to confer the Knights Templar Degree.[89] The Rutledge and the Pinckney families were multi- generational Master Masters of the Union Kilwinning Lodge, No. 4 in Charleston, SC that is directly related to the Knights Templar of Ireland.[90]

Major Pierce Butler was one of the secret Knights Templar in the 1791 Constitutional Congress that inserted the Magna Carta into the Bill of Rights of the U.S. ConstitutionAlso, I don’t believe it was any coincidence that (Baron) Butler joined the British Army for a tour of duty in ARCADIANova Scotia (New Scotland) to serve in the French-Indian Wars to take control of ARCADIA from the French in 1758.[91]


In 1758, the magnificently fortified French Fort Louisburg in ARCADIA was overtaken by 10,000 troops of the British Army led by Lord Jeffrey Amherst.  The funds to build Fort Louisbourg some link to Knights Temple treasures. Many also believe that the fort maintained Oak Island as a repository of Knights Templar and Scottish Roman Catholic treasures and artifacts out of the holy land.


Port Royal, ARCADIA Up from Oak Island Plays an Important Role in Beyonce’ French Bloodline

Butler‘s father, Sir Richard Butler, 5th Baronet of Cloughgrenan, and a member of the Irish parliament purchased Pierce a commission in His Majesty’s 22th Foot Regiment of the British Army that invaded French ARCADIA and Nova Scotia. In 1758, Butler and the 22nd Foot formed part of Lord Jeffrey Amherst’s expedition against the fortress of Louisbourg. Lord Amherst was a Master Mason of the Irish Grand Lodge linked directly to William St. Clair of Roslyn. Lord Amherst chartered the first Masonic lodge in America. When the British forces led by Scottish and Irish Freemasons took Fort Louisbourg, the Irish/Scottish  Knights Templar and Freemasons secretly removed whatever treasure left at the fort in ARCADIA that had not been removed to Oak Island. Now, you can understand how Major Pierce Butler suddenly became wealthy enough to expand African Human Bondage into Georgia.

ARCADIA, Goat God Pan & Knights of Malta


This image is solely my creation identifying and associating Jay Z with the Greek God PAN. Above, Pan teaches his eromenos, the Shepherd Daphinis, to play the pipes. The statute is a 100 BC copy of a Greek original found at Pompeii.[92] Pederasty in ancient Greece was a socially acknowledged erotic relationship between an adult male (the erastes) and a younger male (the eromenos) usually in his teens.[93] The Worship of Pan began in ARCADIA which was always the principal seat of his worship.[94]


The source image, above, for Jay Z‘s Magna Carta, Holy Grail is the sculpture Alpheus and Arethusa by Battista di Domenico Lorenzi (Italian, ca. 1527/28–1594) at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York.[95] Lorenzi known as the Baptist of the Knight was a student of Michelangelo’s chief competitor, Baccio Bandinelli. Bandinelli had been awarded Knight of Saint James by Holy Roman Emperor Charles V (1500-1558) . The Knights Templar Order of St. James of the Sword , also known as the Knights Templar Order of Saint James of Compostela, as well as the Knights Templar Order of Santiago (Santiaguista) was born in the year 1175 in the Kingdom of Leon Spain. The Order of Santiago was a military and religious order with the original dual purpose to fight and drive back the Moors (Muslims) from the Iberian Peninsula as well as to protect the pilgrims on the Camino de Santiago on their ways to the sanctuary of Compostella.


2nd from the Left, Order of Saint James is one of the Military Orders of Knights Templar

According to the museum, the 16th century sculpture is a depiction of a Greek myth about the nymph Arethusa who is pursued by the river  god Alpheus. In attempt to escape her pursuer, Diana [Goddess Artemis] transforms Arethusa into a stream [or a well ]. The fair nymph, Arethusa, was surprised while bathing in the river Alpheius in the Knights Templar/Rosicrucian Utopia- ARCADIA Ruled by God Pan. [96]

The statue stood above a fountain in the (Baroncelli) villa Il Paradiso at Pian di Ripoli, near Florence, which belonged to Alamanno Bandini, Knight of Malta, Order of the Knights of Saint John, also known as Order of Saint John, Order of Hospitallers- Knights Templars of the crusades.[97] Bandini was a brother or close relative of Pierantonio Bandini, contemporary of Leonardo di Vinci, one of the wealthiest bankers of the Pazzi Bank in Florence tied to Vatican financing and the First Crusade. The Pazzi Bank were competitors to the infamous Medici Bank of Italy, the wealthiest Medici banking family of all Europe during that period. In fact , this rivalry came to a head on April 26, 1478 when the Pazzi, with the help of the Pope and Archbishop attempted to assassinate its rivals. The so-called PAZZI CONSPIRACY, most likely Knights Templar, failed assassination of the Medici brothers resulted in the death of another of Pierantonio’s relations – Bernardo di Bandino Baroncelli. And apparently, the 1471 hanging made a very special impression on Leonardo da Vinci, Grand Master of the Priory of Sion.


However, Pierantonio Bandini  and Alamanno Bandini succeeded to manage the Medici Bank in Belgium Bruges, the  capital of of the province of West Flanders, Flemish Region of Belgium.


Pierantonio Bandini and Wife Maria in “‘St. Catherine [DOMINICAN MYSTIC] of Bologna with Three Donors’ by the Baroncelli [Bandini]Master of Bruges

I am quite sure that you are dumbfounded why Jay Z would be indoctrinating the Hip Hop Generation with ancient secret Luciferian Knights Temple/Rosicrucian occult riddles straight out of 16th Century Europe. Jay Z’s Magna Carta, Holy Grail is deep stuff and hard to follow without some background in European history, but he continues to subliminally slip into his so-called music the secret history, religious beliefs, folklore, myths and legends of the Knights Templar that have only meant Exploitation, Human Bondage and Death for Africans and the Masses . One thing is clear, Jay Z Ride the GOAT.


However, Jay Z’s persistent public indoctrination of the Baphomet and the secret Satanic Religious Beliefs, Myths and Symbolism of the Knights Templar lead me to suspect that he has been given some type of license by the order. Jay Z also may have been initiated into the Knights of Malta, or one of the masonic  higher secret levels. Nevertheless, Jay Z is certainly on a mission for the secret order.  They intend to emerge from the underground the “baddest and Maddest of the Bad and Mad” to rule the unknowing world in widespread bloodshed and destruction just like ancient times, and institute global “Modern Slavery” with LUCIFER as their god. In other words, you will ride the GOAT or DIE.

These people aren’t playing any games. They intend to slaughter and enslave- many, many among the masses. Jay Z  and Beyonce is preparing you for what they plan to come. If it is too much, too confused, stop here. Do some background research, then return.

Beyonce, Blood Sacrifice & the Roman Catholics Mystery Schools


Lets go to Beyonce, the DOMINICAN Witch and Mystic. Beyonce Knowles attended  St. Mary of the Purification Catholic Montessori School in Houston, TX. As a footnote, Sean “P. Diddy” Combs attended Mount Vernon Montessori School.[98]The Montessori Schools are basically “MYSTERY SCHOOLS.” The ultimate purpose of mystery schools is the evolution of the elite among man into superman via demonic possession along with the seduction that he will become omniscient.[99]

“The pioneer of the altered attitude to education was Maria Montessori…whose vision of a race of Super children bordered on the apocalyptic. ‘The outcome…is the New Child [DESTINY CHILD], a superior being, giving promise of a New Humanity, with powers of mind and spirit hither to unsuspected.'”[100]


St. Mary of the Purification Catholic Montessori School is run by the Cult of the Sisters in the Spirit of St. Mary of the Purification.[101] The Purification of the Virgin Mary is a BLOOD SACRIFICE event described in the Gospel of Luke (Luke 2:22-40).  According to the gospel, Mary and Joseph took the Infant Jesus to the Temple in Jerusalem forty days (inclusive) after his birth to complete Mary’s Ritual Purification after childbirth, and to perform the redemption of the firstborn son, in obedience to the Torah (Leviticus 12, Exodus 13:12-15, etc.). Luke explicitly says that Joseph and Mary take the option provided for poor people (those who could not afford a lamb) (Leviticus 12:8), sacrificing “a pair of  turtledoves, or two young pigeons.”  (Leviticus 12:1) -indicates that this event should take place forty days after birth for a male child, hence the Presentation is celebrated forty days after Christmas.[102]The other traditional names of the Feast of the Purification of the Virgin include Candlemas, and the Meeting of the Lord.[103]


In the occult, the celebration of the end of Purification of Mary is part of a Babylonian/Roman Lupercalia festival called, Oimbolc. Oimbolc celebrates mid-winter (the midpoint between the winter solstice and the spring equinox) and the return of the Sun. Beginning February 2nd candles were lit to welcome the sun and the women began their purification process for the upcoming fertility rites of spring. The Roman Catholic Church adopted this custom from Irish pagans who served the “goddess” whom they called “Brigit“.[104]


LUPERCALIA [the feast of Lupercus, the mighty wolf hunter] is an ancient Roman BLOOD SACRIFICE (human- highest sacrifice) celebration of Lupercalia held in honor of Lupercus, the deified great hunter of Rome.  This celebration also included worship of the goddess of fertility, Venus.[105] Lupercus is the god of shepherds. The Greeks called Lupercus by the name of “PAN.” In the Middle East, Pan was called “Baal“.[106] PAN is the guardian god of ARCADIA.

Where SATAN Rules, Beyonce, Tina Knowles & New Orleans

Agnèz Deréon, Delcambre & the Broussards

Beyonce’s family roots lies about 2 hours just outside of New Orleans among French ROMAN CATHOLICS. Her mother, Tina Knowles, recalls that her mother made altar boy robes and other garments for the church so that she and her siblings could attend Catholic schools.[107]

Cajun is Short for ARCADIAN[108]


Tina’s mother, Agnèz Deréon (1909- 1984), was a dressmaker married to Lumis Albert Beyincé.  Agnèz was born in Delcambre, a town near the city of New Iberia, LA. Agnèz was the daughter of Eugène Gustave “Eugenie” DeRouen and Odilia BROUSSARD, daughter of Josephine Lesser (Creole ancestry, who was quarter African American) and Eloni Rosemond “Rene” BROUSSARD (white French CAJUN).[109]

Tina Knowles, Stolen Spirits, the Dominican Order & ARCADIA


Beyonce’s mother, Tina Knowles, recalled her experience as a 5 (five) year old ” indigent servant” in a Roman Catholic Church that she said tried to take her “spirit.”[110] “The nuns picked on us a lot, my family. I didn’t understand at the time but I did the altar clothes. She [mother] did the altar boys’ uniforms. She worked for the nuns. My dad chauffeured the nuns around. My brothers cleaned the school yard.”[111]


Tina and her family attended the Holy Rosary Catholic Church and School in Galveston, TX. The nuns that she speak of that mistreated and tried to take her “spirit” were the Cult of Sisters of the Dominican Order.[112]

Saint Dominic, Cathars & the Knights Templar


The founder of the Dominican Order was a Roman Catholic religious fanatic, Saint Domingo Félix de Guzmán (1170 – August 6, 1221).[113] In 1215, when the Magna Carta was sealed by King John of England, the Bishop of Toulouse offered the use of a house and church in Toulouse to Domingo Félix de Guzmán, and it was there that the original Dominican order was founded.[114] Saint Dominic had a great to do with the tales of the Knights Templars, Magna Carta and the Holy Grail. He was one of the leaders that brutally persecuted and mass murdered the Cathars, the “Pure Ones” in Southern France with the king armies, and Knights Templar loyal to Roman Catholic Church.[115]


The Cathars was a popular Gnostic Christian Religious Sect that claimed a higher and “Pure” Christian knowledge than the materialistic Vatican and Roman Catholics. Saint Dominic had numerous debates with Cathars. He burned their books along with the  Roman Catholic books. Myth is their books burned while his works were delivered from the fire. Over at least 100 years earlier, the Cathars had been the driving force behind the original formation of the Knights Templar.[116] Many of the leaders of the Cathars had been Knights Templar during the early crusades. They were suspected of possessing secret troves of treasures and valuable artifacts from the East. One of the artifacts that they possessed was believed to be the HOLY GRAIL, and maybe even the Arc of the Covenant.[117]


Saint Dominic was the Vatican’s first inquisitor-general of the 20-year military Albigensian Crusade or Cathar Crusade (1209–1229) initiated by Pope Innocent III to eliminate Catharism in the Languedoc district of France. The fanatical Saint Dominic along with the Magna Carta Roman Catholic Knights Templar led the torture and slaughter of the Cathars throughout old Europe, but failed to discover the location of their treasures and Christian ancient relics, and the HOLY GRAIL.[118]


Saint Dominic had the Cathars gathered together wherever they were found, and burned to death and mass murdered them by the tens of thousands. If these Roman Catholic fanatics slaughtered and mass murdered their own people over religious doctrine, what more would they do to Africans and African descendants that they considered to be “inferior creatures”. In French New Orleans and Louisiana, the first bishop of New Orleans and the brother of a French Master Freemason, Bishop Louis-Guillaume-Valentin Dubourg, enslaved Africans. The Jesuits, Capuchins, Uruslines, and the DOMINICAN Sisters openly exploited and enslaved Africans.

Tina Knowles, MK ULTRA & the Occult


Tina Knowles & MK ULTRA Sex Kitten Design

Decades of CIA MK/ULTRA research have established that ritual traumatic/sexual abuse creates true Multiple Personality Disorders (MPD) in children between infancy and (5) five years old. So, it’s hard to say if Tina Knowles’ could recall if or if not her original “spirit” had actually been taken by the Cult of Sisters of the Dominican Order. However, Tina knows very well that it wasn’t her “spirit” – breathe or fire that the Dominicans wanted. It was her immortal “SOUL” that they took for the GOAT.


Tina Knowles Either Passed Down the Path of the GOAT to Beyonce or Initiated to “Ride the GOAT” with Beyonce

SOUL, in religion and philosophy, the immaterial aspect or essence of a human being, that which confers individuality and humanity, often considered to be synonymous with the mind or the self (I AM). In theology, the soul is further defined as that part of the individual which partakes of divinity and often is considered to survive the death of the body. What we know is that Tina Knowles is fairly comfortably delving on the fringe of the Occult. On or about March 30, 2012, Tina Knowles was observed wearing a Jewish Mystical Red Bead KABALLAH STRING on her wrist to protect her against the EVIL EYE, DEMONS, and FALLEN ANGELS.[119]


Currently, Tina Knowles with her new significant one, Richard Lawson, are exploring L. Ron Hubbard’s SCIENTOLOGY that is nothing more than pseudo/occult sciences of the Vril Society, the Great BEAST 666- Aleister Crowley, and Himmler’s SS brought to earth by XENU, the dictator of the “Galactic Confederacy“.[120]


Beyonce is certainly possessed by a “Spirit”or an “Alternative Personality” that we haven’t seen before in public or on stage. It is possible that Tina Knowles lost not only her spirit but her “Soul” to the DEVIL through the Roman Catholic Satanic Ritual Traumatic/Sexual Abuse of the Black Mass. She certainty sold Beyonce off at a young age to the DEVIL for Fame, Wealth and Fortune.

Beyonce, Tina Knowles, Madame Laveau & Saint Louis Cathedral


On January 11, 2014, Solange and Beyonce Knowles sponsored Tina’s 60th Birthday “Old Fashioned  Masquerade Party” at Muriel’s Jackson Square, New Orleans.

“While Dining at Muriel’s Jackson Square you will uncover the rich history and the past while celebrating the life of today. Indulge in the SPIRITS of our Courtyard Bar while Sir Antoine and the SPIRITS of yesteryear dine alongside of you.” The grounds of Muriel’s is linked to Claude Trepagnier  who was awarded this piece of land for his assistance in the French Knights of Saint Louis expedition that founded New Orleans.


His daughter, Barbe de Claude Trepagnier, married Jean Jacques Macarty, Knight of Saint Louis, and one of Baroness Marie Delphine Macarty-Lalaurie’s French great or great-great uncles. The current site of Muriel was built by  Jean Baptiste Destrehan. Jean married Genevieve Bienville bring the Destrehan to the Macarty by marriage. Jean’s daughter, Elandore Destrehan married Edouard Macarty, Marie Delphine Macarty’s second cousin. Baroness Marie Lalaurie’s Spirit and Bloodline runs throughout the history of Muriel’s at Jackson Square. It is something that Tina, Beyonce, Solange and Jay Z are very well aware of.

What is Jackson Square?


Jackson Square, is a historic park in the French Quarter that stands in front of the Roman Catholic Saint Louis Cathedral designed and built by Knights Templar/Freemasons. This is the cathedral attended zealously by Roman Catholics Madams’ Marie Catherine Laveau and Marie Delphine Macarty- Lalaurie.


This is the place where the ghosts and “SPIRITS” of “Secret High Level FREEMASONCapuchin Friar Pere Antoine, Madame Marie Laveau and the “tortured souls of  thousands of Africans” are said to inhabit. It is the grounds of Madame Laveau’s secret Satanic Black  Mass, and not far from French Knight of Saint Louis descendant Baroness Lalaurie’s Mansion of Satanic Blood Sacrifice of Black People. Lest you ever bound to forget the Horror and EVIL just down the street from Jackson Square and Saint Louis Cathedral at Baroness Lalaurie’s Mansion on Royal Street in the French Quarter.


 I’ll remind you of some horrific details:

“According to rumor, over a dozen disfigured and maimed slaves were manacled to the walls or floor. Several had allegedly been the subject of gruesome medical experiments.The exact details are unclear; owing to the horrific nature of the crime, many details were either swept under the rug or embellished. Perhaps the most gruesome of Mme. LaLaurie’s killings was discovered by a young pickpocket by the name of Christopher Knowles. Knowles had broken into the LaLaurie residence with intention of stealing jewelry and other valuables. He broke in through the window and on the floor he discovered a bucket filled with mutilated human genitalia. Next to the bucket was a body. The body appeared to have been force fed the contents of the bucket until he eventually died from choking. LaLaurie was even reported to have tortured and killed local activist Adam Wescount, reportedly gouging out his eyes and letting crows devour his remains. One man looked as though he had been victim of some bizarre makeshift sex change. Another one had a hole in his head where a stick had been inserted to “stir his brains”. A woman was trapped inside a small cage where her arms and legs had been badly broken and then reset at odd angles, making her appear as some sort of “human crab.” Another woman had her arms and legs removed and patches of her flesh had been sliced off in a circular motion to make her appear as a giant caterpillar. Some had their mouths stuffed with animal excrements, sewn shut, and had then starved to death. Others had their hands sewn to different parts of their bodies. One woman had her entrails pulled out and was secured to the floor by her own intestines. A small boy of about twelve had the flesh on half of his face peeled back, revealing muscle, veins, and so forth. The wound had since been infested with disease and insects. Two men were found to have had their tongues sewed together. One girl wore a suit made from the skin of several skinned slaves, the limbs of which were hacked and use to decorate the grand gore chamber. Most disturbing of all was an elderly man whose penis was cut into 5 equal strands, each of which was attached to a hook and the body hoist to the ceiling, with two candles placed in his eye sockets to form a macabre chandelier. Most of the victims were found dead. Those who were still alive begged to be put out of their misery and died shortly after. Also discovered in the attic were teacups and saucers, encrusted with a “red substance.” There were several bottles lying about with what was assumed to be the same red substance, later identified as blood. Actually some press accounts from early 1834 are marginally more explicit than the Bee, though their reliability is difficult to ascertain. For example, the Religious Intelligencer of 10 May 1834 reports the discovery of Seven poor unfortunate slaves… some chained to the floor, others with chains around their necks fastened to the ceiling, and one poor man upwards of sixty years of age chained hand and foot and made fast to the floor in a kneeling position. His head bore the appearance of having been beaten until it was broken, and the worms were actually seen to be making a feast of his brains!! A woman had her back literally cooked (if the expression may be used), with the lash; the very bones might be seen projecting through her skin! Cited by Courtney Barker, Misrecognized: Looking at Images of Black Suffering and Death, unpublished PhD dissertation, Duke University, 2008, p.32. There seems little doubt that even abuse of this sort would have been more than enough to cause Lalaurie to be described as “a demon, in the shape of a woman” by the New Orleans press.”

What went on at the Lalaurie Mansion in the French Quarter is no different than what went on at the 15th Century French Castle of Baron Giles de Rais. It was the secret Roman Catholic Black Mass Blood Sacrifice raising the favor of SATAN. Jackson Square and the Saint Louis Cathedral is filled with paramount ancient EVIL spirits of the past like Friar Pere Antoine, Madame Marie Laveau, and the Black Mass “Blood Sacrifices” straight out of Medieval France. In the sheer and utter EVIL that they are- Tina, Beyonce, Solange and Jay Z basted among the Spirits of the DEAD and the Tortured SOULS of our African Ancestors.


In New Orleans, Beyonce, Solange and Tina on a checker board floor between two columns like in a Masonic Temple dressed just like Knights Templar Baron Gilles de Rais’ almost 500 years before them , “… from head to toe in white to indicate his repentance.”


The site of Solange’s November 2014 wedding was an old Gothic Temple, the deconsecrated Gothic Holy Trinity Church, founded in 1847 for Roman Catholic Germans. They seem to have been dissociated from New Orleans’ Black Past, Legacy and Struggle.

What is an “old fashioned masquerade party” in New Orleans?


First, Tina, Beyonce and Solange are LUCIFERIANS, Masters of Deception, deliberately deceiving their fans and the masses. Second, New Orleans’ masquerade balls are old world pagan occult rituals that had been restricted to white French secret societies- Bloodline ILLUMINATI of the New World Order. Third, old fashioned masquerade balls had been going on for almost 200 years before Blacks were allowed to participate.[121]


Fourth, the three secret founders that established the Mardi Gras/Masquerade Balls in New Orleans on a stable basis were Luciferians ALBERT PIKE (Freemason, Knights of the Golden Circle, Ku Klux Klan) , Judah Benjamin (Confederate Secretary of State) and John Slidell (Confederate States of America’s commissioner to FRANCE). Judah Benjamin was an agent of the House of Rothschild living in New Orleans in 1857.[122]


Fifth, old fashioned New Orleans’ Mardi Gras/Masquerade Balls are based on Roman occult rituals of Lupercalia linked to the Knights Templar/Rosicrucian utopia ARCADIA with PAN as god.

Beyonce, Tina, Old Bloodlines of the Anti-Christ

Historically, the area that became known as DELCAMBRE, birthplace of Agnèz Beyincé, Tina’s mother and Beyonce’s grandmother, was first settled by ARCANDIANS who were expelled from Nova Scotia (New Scotland) by the Major Pierce Butler and the British in the mid-18th century.[123] Tina and Beyonce Knowles‘ bloodline is ARCADIAN linked to the coming False Prophets and the Anti-Christ of the New World Order.


Leader of the ARCADIANS, Joseph Broussard- Beausoleil with Sword and Rosary Beads

Tina’s fifth great grandfather, and Beyonce’s sixth great grandfather was the infamous fanatical ROMAN CATHOLIC Joseph Broussard (1702–1765) born in Port Royal, ARCADIA, a Guardian of the Knights Templar/Rosicrucian Mythical Utopia- ARCADIA RULED BY GREEK GOD PAN (SATAN).[124]


“The enemy has only images and illusions behind which he hides his true motives. Destroy the image and you will break the enemy.” Shaolin Abbot to Bruce Lee, Enter the Dragon (1973)

Right this moment when you reflect back on Bobbi Kristina and Nick Gordon, you don’t see the enemies gathered around them. You stare into a Looking Glass and a Smoked Mirror by design and see only Reflections, IMAGES and ILLUSIONS staring back at you that say, “they were weak and backsliding. they did it to themselves- they did it to themselves- you did it to yourself” Destroy the Images and Illusions, Break the Looking Glass and Smoked Mirrors. 










[9] Id.




[13] Id.

[14] Id.



[17] Id.













[30] Id.


[32] Id.


[34] Id.


[36] Id.




















[56] Redford, James, The Physics of God and the Quantum Gravity Theory of Everything, Social Science Research Network (2011), pg. 87


[58] Id.






































[96] Id.

[97] Id.






[103] Id.



[106] Id.











[117] Id.









13 02 2014


The January 26, 2014 56th Grammy Awards was far more flagrantly Satanic then I had envisioned. Katy Perry’s Grammy “Dark Horse” performance is widely recognized as a Satanic Rite and Open Witchcraft and Satanism on Display.”[1]


I watched Pops Golden Boy Bruno Mars halftime 2014 Super Bowl performance. Satanists identify and connect the color gold to “royal” bloodlines. Gold is called the metal and skin (God RA) [2] of the gods, but to the Anunnaki, menstrual blood was the “gold of the gods.”[3]


LiL Wanye and Bruno Mars, Mirror on the Wall, A Ceremony of Blood

Nevertheless watching Mars’ Super bowl halftime performance, I couldn’t understand or make out much of the words of his songs, particularly Locked Out of Heaven.”


“Never had much faith in love or miracles
But swimming in your water is something spiritual
I’m born again every time you spend the night

Cause your sex takes me to paradise
Cause you make me feel like, I’ve been locked out of heaven
For too long …

Open up your gates cause I can’t wait to see the light…”[4]
Locked Out of Heaven is a veiled reference to a “Fallen Angel” locked out of Heaven- Lucifer.

“How you have fallen from heaven, morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations! You said in your heart, ‘I will ascend to the heavens; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of Mount Zaphon. I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.” Translation of Isaiah 14: 12-17 [5]


Bruno Mars, Classic MK UTRA Mind Control Animal (Sex Kitten) Pattern (BEAST)

Even though, I didn’t consciously understand the names or words of his songs, Bruno’s halftime performance had been implanted in my “subconscious”. “Your sex takes me to paradise has been properly exposed to be another veiled Satanic reference and implant. It is a reference to British Satanist Aleister Crowley, the Great BEAST 666, and exposed as a flagrant subliminal “Sex Magick Promotion.”[6]  Beta Sex Kitten Programmed Beyonce and RosicrucianSatanic Jay opened the 56th Grammy Awards with a performance of “Drunk in Love.” Their performance wasn’t so blatantly understood by most people to be open witchcraft and Satanism on display.


“Rose, my dear, you filthy whore, would you be ever so nice as to do a magick ritual with me today?”the BEAST, Aleister Crowley[7]


“Drunk in Love” introduced Beyonce’s new MK ULTRA Sex Kitten alter personality “Yoncé”, above, that is far more “FILTHY”, erotic, perverse and lustful than Demotic Sasha Fierce.

“I’ve been drinking, I’ve been drinking
I get FILTHY when that liquor get into me …”[8]


You must not ever forget that Beyonce and Jay Z are dedicated Advanced Crowley(es), demonologists and vehement occultists. Almost everything they do is deeply steeped in secrecy, rooted and embedded in hidden ILLUMINATI/Satanic and Rosicrucian symbolism. “Drunk in Love” like Bruno Mars Locked Out of Heaven is a veiled subliminal reference to “Fallen Angels,” Aleister Crowley, and another flagrant “Sex Magick Promotion.”

Satanic Jay- Beholden to the British Empire and Grand Lodge of England


There should be little to no doubt that Satanic Jay Z is a Prince Hall Freemason placed in a higher classic “House Negro- Scottish Rite” secret hierarchy like Dr. Conrad Murray than most lost brothers of the false craft.


These certain House Negroes are exposed to a selective amount of privileges, and so-called secrets of the craft than most Prince Hall Negro members. But again, it is a very secret selective amount of their “truths.”


Prince Hall Freemasons are subservient members of the Grand Lodge of England.[9] Queen Elizabeth’s first cousin, Prince Edward, Duke of Kent, above, is the 10th Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England, the governing body of Freemasonry in England and Wales. He has served in that office since 1967, thus being the longest lasting Grand Master.[10] Satanic Jay’s blood covenant with the ILLUMINATI is layered by the deadly Masonic Blood Oath of Secrecy sealed by a secret allegiance to the British Crown, and the Grand Lodge of EnglandPrince Edward, Duke of Kent . Satanic Jay Z’s loyalty is not to the so-called Hip Hop Generation, or any People’s struggle. He is a secret pawn to the Britain Empire’s racial genocidal policies (Caliban Agenda), Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and the queen’s cousin. Prince Edward, Duke of Kent is a ruling member of the ILLUMANTI and the Committee of 300.[11]

Satanic Jay & Olympians


The Story of the Committee of 300 (1992) by John Coleman, describes the Committee – also known as the Olympians [Greek Gods]– as a secret society of aristocratic Satanists, and identifies them with the Bavarian Illuminati, and Dionysian mysteries.[12] The transmigration [Divinity] of the soul is largely believed to have been inherited by Pythagoras from the Orphic and Dionysian mystery cults that had long preceded the Pythagorean Brotherhood.[13]


The ancient Greek historian Plutarch (46 BC- 120 AD) states, “Osiris is identical with Dionysus,” and the Cult of Osiris/Dionysus that began in Greece is believed to have had its origins with the Theban Hercules,[14] the Great Sen-Wos-Ret, “Son of Wosret [Hathor],”[15] (1971 BC to 1926 BC), the second Pharaoh of the Twelfth Dynasty.[16]


the Great Sen-Wos-Ret- Sesostris I

The central secret ruling ideology of the oligarchy’s “Divine Order” ordained by the Gods to rule the world is shrouded in mysteries, and the mythology of Osiris/Isis/Horus. The British Empire has maintained global power within the royal families for generations by ILLUSIONS, deception; and veiled perversion of the Theban royal “Divine” ruling dynasties’ secrets, sciences, ideologies, mythologies and cosmologies. Throughout the ages, they are still known by Justice, Balance, Order and Peace, their Splendor, good works to Civilization and MANKIND.[17]


One of the Olympians’ most reverenced High Priests of the Dionysian Mysteries had been British Secret Agent 666 Aleister Crowley, the Great BEAST that was used by British intelligence as a spy, for experiments in mind altering drugs, behavior modification and (CIA/MK ULTRA) mind control.[18]

The Committee of 300 was founded by British aristocracy in 1727. It is an international council that organizes politics, commerce, banking, media, and the military for centralized global efforts- the New World Order.[19] The  is an important and controlled part of the Committee of 300.[20]

Beyonce, Queen Elizabeth I & the Bilderberg Group

Beyonce Knowles and Satanic Jay Z’s secret alliance with the British Crown apparently has been extended by the ILLUMINATI much further than random fanaticism with the British Empire, and Satanic Jay’s British Masonic blood covenant.


They have been rewarded and inducted into the ILLUMINATI to create the ILLUSION of British “Divineness through its European French royal bloodlines. Researchers claim that their issue, Blue Ivy, to be a 23rd cousin twice- removed from the ancestry of Queen Elizabeth II.[21]

Furthermore on November 5, 2011, during the MTV Voices Dinner during the MTV (MTV Networks Europe) Europe Music Awards 2011 at the Merchant Hotel in Belfast, Northern Ireland, Beyonce was reanimated by the ILLUMINATI in the image and spirit of Queen Elizabeth I.[22]

MTV Networks Europe is a division of MTV Networks International, a subsidiary of Viacom. Sumner Redstone aka Sumner Rothstein aka ILLUMINATI is the CEO of Viacom. He is a principal member of the Bilderberg Group or BBG controlled by the Duke of Kent and the Committee of 300.[23]

Beyoncé’s Queen Elizabeth I’s alter was not random. It was created, implanted and fostered by the MK ULTRA/ILLUMINATI.


Re-imaging Beyonce in the persona of the Great Witch Queen of Maafa (African Holocaust, Holocaust of Enslavement) wasn’t enough to insult the masses of color. They went further to turn her into a Dr. John Dee and Edward Kelley Satanic Talisman of Fallen Angels on a national/international stage, the 2014 Grammy Awards.

Queen Elizabeth I- Arthurian Elvenfolk (half human- Devil) Witch

John 8:44-45

King James Version (KJV)

44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the LUSTS of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

45 And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.

Contrary to romanticized versions of the so-called “Virgin Queen,” Queen Elizabeth I was a racialist demoness, witch and Luciferian in her very own right whose court was a den of the occult filled with sorcerers, witches, and conjurers of devils, fallen angels and demons like Dr. John Dee and Edward Kelley.

The House of Tudor claims direct descent from King Arthur. Queen Elizabeth I continued the Arthurian tradition in the family. The Arthurian ancestry of Elizabeth was given especial emphasis at the time of her coronation.” When Elizabeth visited Kenilworth in 1575, an Arthurian costume party and masque were held. Upon the Queen’s arrival, she was met by a woman dressed as Morgan le Fay, who greeted and ritually initiated the queen as King Arthur’s heir.[24]

Morgan le Fay was King Arthur’s half sister, a powerful sorceress  and infamous Elvenfolk Witch in the Arthurian legend. [25] She is also known as a Druid Priestess, Dark Magician, Enchantress, Sea Goddess, and a Shape-Changer.[26]


Shape-Changer- BeyonceSasha Fierce (reanimated MK ULTRA Morgan le Fay/Queen Elizabeth I)

She was one of the foremost recognized witches of all time. Morgan le Fay literally translates “the morning fairy.”[27]

“How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!” Isaiah 14:12 (KJV)

In both myth and legend, Morgan le Fay is associated with Lucifer- her right hand man. she is a willing and willful subject for the Lucifer who celebrates her evil: “A will, a horne, a wish, a longing … I never saw a more perfect specimen. Such evil! Such beauty!”


Morgan le Fay invokes Lucifer in ceremonies of veiled deception- duality of the demonic and the divine, the classic Satanic Principle,

Emperor Lucifer, prays Morgan Ie Fay, down on her knees in the chapel of the convent of the Flaming Heart, ‘ master and prince of rebellious spirits, I adjure thee to leave thine abode, in whatsoever quarter of the world it may be situated, and come hither to communicate with me. I command and I conjure thee in the name of the mighty living God (Father, Son, and Holy Ghost) to appear without noise and without any evil smell, to respond in a clear and intelligible voice, point by point, to all that I ask thee …'”[28]

In Morgan le Fay’s and King Arthur’s Legendary Court of Knights, Lucifer, demons and fallen angels were invoked to walk among humans to shape the power of the British Crown, and the New World Order.

Queen Elizabeth I’s Coronation in 1559 had been a revival of the secret and mysterious Old Druid Religion of the Prytani (Picti)- Painted People of King Arthur, and secretly a Luciferian Rite of Initiation and Passage.

The Great BEAST 666, Queen Elizabeth I, Dr. John Dee, Edward Kelley & Enochian (Fallen Angel) Sex Magick

Aleister Crowley’s Satanic Ritual Sex Magick is a secret Enochian “Angelic” Ritual Ceremony.[29] The Enochian system of magic as practiced today is primarily the product of researches and workings by four men: Dr. John Dee, Edward Kelley of Queen Elizabeth I’s Court, Samuel Liddell MacGregor Mathers (British Founder of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn); and the Great BEAST 666 Aleister Crowley.[30]

Dr. John Dee is important. Dee (July 13, 1527–1608 or 1609) was a Welch mathematician, astronomer, astrologer, occultist, navigator, imperialist, and chief consultant to Witch Queen Elizabeth I. He devoted much of his life to the study of alchemy, divination and Hermetic philosophy.[31]

“Enochian” is described as “Angelical”, the “Celestial Speech”, the” Language of Angels”, the “First Language of God-Christ”, the“Holy Language”, or Adamical” because, according to Dee’s Angels, it was used by Adam in Paradise to name all things. The term“Enochian” comes from Dee’s assertion that the Biblical Patriarch Enoch had been the last human to know the language below the Great Fall.[32]


In 1582, Dr. Dee hired Edward Kelley as a medium to help him communicate and consult with spirits. The Great BEAST considered Kelley one of his prior incarnations.[33]


Dee and Kelley used crystal balls and a black obsidian scying (seeing) mirror [34] taken from the Mayans and other civilizations of great antiquity to communicate with fallen angels, spirits and demons.[35] Through their contact with fallen angels, Dee and Kelley were given instructions to create a magical talisman to make contact with them more easily.[36]

According to the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn, a talisman is “a magical figure charged with the force which it is intended to represent. In the construction of a talisman, care should be taken to make it, as far as possible, so to represent the universal forces that it should be in exact harmony with those you wish to attract, and the more exact the symbolism, the easier it is to attract the force”.[37]

With the help of several angels, Dee and Kelley were able to compose four elemental tablets containing a hierarchy of specialized angels which could be summoned to the service of the magician.[38]

Enochian Sex Magick involves invoking erotic-occulted paranormal experiences per instructions from Fallen Angels. “Sex Magick” can be done with a Demon/ess.” “Sexual fluids, both semen and vaginal secretions and also menstrual blood have the power of Life Forces.” Joy of Satan Ministries, U.S. Library of Congress[39]

“Crowley’s sex rituals involving the consumption of blood, semen, or feces were allegedly intended to achieve a higher consciousness to empower a talisman, or to simply empower ones self. Intense focuses on the intended result during the ritual, especially during orgasm, were paramount to achieving the desired goal in Sex Magick. Crowley saw in orgasm (as in drug experience) a means to create ‘breakage of consciousness’ by pushing the mind to a point of extreme exhaustion and so opening it the “supersensual.’ The technique… was that of excess; through pain or pleasure, sex or intoxication, it was necessary to attain a condition of exhaustion taken to the extreme limit.”[40]

Yoncé– the 2014 Grammy’s Sex Magick Show & the Scarlet Woman


Lucifer’s Color is BLUE [41]

Babalon (also known as the Scarlet Woman, Great Mother or Mother of Abominations) is a goddess found in Aleister Crowley, the Great BEAST 666’s mystical system of Thelema. In her most abstract form, she represents the female sexual impulse and the liberated woman; she is also identified with MOTHER EARTH, in her most fertile sense.[42]

At the Grammy’s, Yoncé and Satanic Jay performed an erotic piece co-written by Beyonce called “Drunk in Love.” Its lyrics express “UNBRIDLED LUST” [43] and ancient phallic-Masonic worship,[44]

I’ve been drinking, I’ve been drinking
I get filthy when that liquor get into me
I’ve been thinking, I’ve been thinking
Why can’t I keep my fingers off it, baby?

“We be all night, and everything alright
No complaints for my body, so fluorescent under these lights Boy, I’m drinking, walking in my l’assemblage …
If you scared, call that reverend

Boy, I’m drinking, INNA bring it right…”[46]



INNA generally means EARTH. It is a name associated with the Indian God/Goddess Venkateswara.[47] Lord Venkateswara is an incarnation of Lord Vishnu.[48] The attributes and traits of Enki is synonymous with Lord Vishnu. For instance,


“As the Fish Avatar and Lord of Wisdom, Vishnu must be considered synonymous with Lord Enki. And in fact, one of the incarnations of Vishnu, the Matsya or Fish Avatar is identical with Sumerian Enki.”[49]


Compare Nin-imma Symbol with Hathor’s Symbolic Wig

Nin-imma(Earth Mother) is a Sumerian, Babylonian, and Akkadian fertility goddess and deification of the female sex organs. Her parents are ENKI and Ninkurra. Her name derives from the Sumerian words nin – goddess, and immawater that created everything. [50]


ENKI- Sumerian Deity of Creation, Water and Intelligence


Inanna is the Sumerian Goddess of love, fertility, and warfare. Inanna’s name derives from Queen of Heaven (Sumerian: Nin-anna).[51] In Sumerian Mythology, Nin-anna, Nin-imma, and Enki, a son of Anu, represent the Anunnaki that landed on Earth from a distance solar system called Nibiru in far great antiquity.[52]

In Great Antiquity, Nin-imma is known by many names and spellings mainly Ninhursag (Earth Mother),[53] Ninmah (“Great Queen”) and Nintu (“Lady of Birth”). Both Nin-imma and Nin-anna traits are similar to the Kemet Goddess WORSET (Hathor).[54]


“Properly understood, Hathor should be viewed as the Egyptian counterpart of the Sumerian Inanna, the latter goddess being explicitly identified with Venus in the earliest written sources. The fundamental identity of the two goddesses is clearly revealed upon consideration of their respective epithets and characteristics. As Inanna/Venus was invoked as the ‘Lady of the Evening’ or as the ‘Evening Star,’ so too is Hathor invoked as ‘Lady of the Evening.” As Inanna/Venus is said to ‘rise’ from the horizon, so too is it said that ‘Hathor rises within the horizon.’ As Inanna was depicted ‘rising’ between the two gates of heaven, so too was it said of the Egyptian goddess: ‘[The gates?] of the horizon [are thrown open(?)] for Hathor.’ As Inanna was said to reside on the mountain of heaven, so too does Hathor live upon the ‘mountain of the west,’ the latter described as a celestial mount on which the ancient sun-god was wont to retire at night. Early illustrations of Hathor on the ‘mountain of the west’ from the Book of the Dead show the cow-headed goddess with her familiar menat-symbol (see figure one), the latter of which shows an eight-pointed star set on a disc, a striking analogue to Inanna’s star … Like Hathor, Inanna was likened to a cow in early Sumerian literature, one hymn invoking her as ‘the great cow among the gods of heaven and earth.’ As Inanna inspired terror as a fire-spewing dragon, so too did Hathor in the form of the uraeus serpent. Thus, a hymn at Philae invokes Hathor as ‘the Great One shining on the brow of her father, the glorious one who causes fear of her father.’ Other hymns describe the Egyptian goddess as a fiery serpent raging in the sky …”[55]

In Kemetic mythology, the Goddess Wosret [Hathor] (Het-Heru“the House of Horus”) is a Great Queen of antiquity. She was known as “the Great One of Many Names” and her titles and attributes are so numerous that she was important in every area of the life and death of the people of Kemet.[56] Hathor personifies the principles of love, beauty, music, dance, motherhood and joy.[57]

Goddess Hathor (Earth Mother)[58] is an extremely important and popular fertility goddess, associated with the cow. Her name refers to her position as the celestial cow which encircles the sky and hawk god, Horus. She was also a goddess of royalty and since the pharaohs were seen as related to Horus, she was seen as the divine mother of the reigning pharaoh.[59]

In the Great BEAST’S poetic work, Tannhauser, she is one of the characters that is of the “World of the Gods.” Therein she has merely one line: “Light, Truth, arise, arise!” In this work she is seen as being synonymous with Aphrodite and Mary. Venus is seen as being the “Evil and Averse HATHOOR of the “World of Demons.”[60]

Whether it is Nin-imma or Nin-anna, Yoncé’s Inna– Satanic patron goddess is associated with the Sumerian Creation God ENKI and both goddesses are synonymous with WORSET [Hathor], the Great BEAST’s Hathoor. In Yoncé and Satanic Jay’s Drunk in Love, Inna-NIN-IMMA/NIN-ANNA- HATHOOR bring it right.

Reverend Boy– the Great BEAST 666, Aleister Crowley

Drunk in Love: “If you scared, call that reverend Boy…”


“Do What Thou Wilt” – Aleister Crowley

Reverend Boy- unlike being an ordained minister, for instance, a Reverend of the Church of Satan is who is revered by the believers or Satanists- while a priest or minister is one who dedicates their life to preaching religion to others.[61] Basically, Drunk in Love, recounts one of the Great BEAST’s continuous Satanic Tantra-Sex Magick Ritual sometimes referred to as the Babalon Workings that involves Crowley‘s satanic philosophies, and Demoness Scarlet Women.[62]

The sex ritual may involve days or weeks at a time fueled by drugs, alcohol and altered states of consciousness. “Most of Crowley’s adult life was dedicated to indulging in everything he believed God would hate: performing sex magic, taking heroin, opium, hashish, peyote and cocaine, invoking spirits, and even once offering himself to the Russian authorities to help destroy Christianity. He wrote volumes of books that he believed were dictated to him by a spirit from ancient Egypt called Aiwass.

To worship me take wine and strange drugs,” the spirit conveniently told him. “LUST, enjoy all things of sense and rapture. Fear not that any God shall deny thee for this.” [63]

Beyonce’s lyrics in the song, “We be all night, and everything alright … No complaints for my body…” supports the notion that it involves the Great BEAST’s Sex Magick Ritualistic extreme practice of LUST and pushing the human body to its extreme maximum point of exhaustion to reach higher a level of alter consciousness in tune with demonic spirits and deities such as NIN-IMMA- HATHOOR..

“Crowley’s sex rituals involving the consumption of blood, semen, or feces were allegedly intended to achieve a higher consciousness to empower a talisman, or to simply empower ones self. Intense focuses on the intended result during the ritual, especially during orgasm, were paramount to achieving the desired goal in Sex Magick. Crowley saw in orgasm (as in drug experience) a means to create ‘breakage of consciousness’ by pushing the mind to a point of extreme exhaustion and so opening it the “supersensual.’ The technique… was that of excess; through pain or pleasure, sex or intoxication, it was necessary to attain a condition of exhaustion taken to the extreme limit.”[64]



In about 1586, Dr. John Dee translated a secret satanic book of antiquity from Greek called Necronomicon. The original Arabic title of the work was “Kitab al Azif” which can roughly translated as “The Book of the Howlings of the Desert Jinn [Demons]. The Latin version of the name, “Necronomicon” retains to the customs, practices, or laws of the dead.[65]

To the believers, the Necronomicon is a very powerful textbook that is recognized by Satan and Demons as an allegorical guide that reveals secret, ancient and powerful knowledge from antiquity. It is a work that is denied by many and claimed not to exist. The true purpose of the Necronomicon is to serve as a textbook of magic for the opening the soul. “Leviathan”/ “Cthulhu,” are names for the Serpent Kundalini “who lies sleeping and dreaming.” “Narayana” probably one of the most ancient names for Cthulhu is also seen in the East Indian Hindu “Mahabharata” which is thousands of years old.[66]

Aleister Crowley was a direct, vivid and remarkable student of Dr. Dee and Edward Kelley incarnated. Crowley is associated with authoring a Latin version of Necronomicon, it would have been naturally a secret translation of Dr. Dee’s 1586 original version from Greek. The 21st Century version of the Necronomicon Kundalini experience is the awakening and release of the sleeping coiled snake within.


The “serpent power”, once awakened, is coaxed up the central channel of the spine, entering the chakras (psychic energy centres) until it reaches the Crown chakra- and yogi achieves “ILLUMINATION”.[67]


Crowley‘s secret Sex Magick Rituals (Cosmic Fallen Angelic Sex Practices) awakens and release the sleeping snake (Secret Fire) within that is the Necronomicon Kundalini Experience taken from the Ancient Necronomicon- The Book of the Howlings of the Desert Demons. Crowley states that the 24th Path is attributed to the Goddess Kundalini in 777.[68]


And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.

Necronomicon Kundalini Experience – Release the Sleeping Snake, the Secret Fire


Necronomicon Kundalini Experience- Beyonce, the Secret Fire & the Coiled Snake 


Necronomicon Kundalini- Worship of Snakes- Stylized Inanna Star Symbol


One of the Great BEAST’s Scarlet Women


Drunk in Love & the Mysterious Watermelon Reference

Watermelons Fit for Kings


“Never tired, never tired
I been sippin’, that’s the only thing
That’s keeping me on fire, me on fire …
I’ve been drinking, WATERMELON …”

Yoncé and Satanic Jay’s Drunk in Love has a very curious reference to drinking WATERMELON, above, as part of ritual ceremonies of the Sex Magick/Babalon Workings.


Needless to say, Watermelons have become an offensive stereotypical object of ridicule and humiliation to the Black masses. My first inclination was to just dismiss it as random. However, if it part of the secret ritual revealed by them, then the veil over it has to lifted to expose its secret history, its magical, mystical and sacred properties.

Watermelon is mentioned in the Bible as a food eaten by the ancient Israelites while they were in Kemet. By the 10th century, watermelons were being cultivated in China. By the 13th Century, the Moors introduced the fruit to Europe; according to John Mariani’s Dictionary of American Food and Drink, “watermelon” made its first appearance in an English dictionary in 1615.[70] Technically, the watermelon is actually not a true melon, but an rather unique berry of the genus Citrullus. It is an old and very ancient fruit. On the basis of chloroplast DNA investigations that the cultivated and wild watermelon diverged independently from a common ancestor, possibly C. ecirrhosus from Namibia.[71]

Evidence of its cultivation in the Nile Valley can be traced back to its pre- dynastic period and throughout the Great Pyramid Age, Twelfth Dynasty of the Great Sen-Wos-Ret to the tomb of Pharaoh Tutankhamun, and thereafter.[72] The Citrullus was indeed a sacred plant. During the Twentieth Dynasty of the Ramseside Age (1187 to 1064 BC), the Great Rameses II’s High Priest Nibsoni was discovered buried with the leaves of the Citrullus scattered between his mummy and the sides of his coffin.[73]

Undoubtedly, King Tut and many pharaohs, queens and high priests believed that the Citrullus held some unseen-unknown secret mystical and sacred properties for use of it even in the afterlife.[74] There appears to have been a sacred tradition among the pharaohs and high priests of Kemet that the Citrullus plant and seeds had been necessary to aid the soul and the spirit in transition to the stars.

Watermelons are 80-90% water, their element. The watermelon is associated with many properties related to the liquid element, including purification, healing and changes. Bewitching secret, “Watermelons are a change oriented magical plant, lying somewhere between a vegetable and a fruit and can help you cross boundaries by cleansing your body and soul to prepare you for what’s to come.”[75]

In the great land of tens of thousands of years, Citrullus plant and its seeds possessed spiritual/mystical properties necessary to aid the soul and the spirit in the transition to the stars. Throughout the ages, covens of witches, sorcerers, magicians and Satanists have stolen the legacy of the people of Kemet and perverted its secrets and sacred sciences for their own pride, good, glory; and the cult of deception.

In Conclusion

John 8:44

King James Version (KJV)

44 Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.

As pointed out above, Beyonce, Satanic Jay, Lil Wayne, Bruno Mars and most of the current black entertainment industry don’t sing songs for you. The ILLUMINATI promotes things like Satanism, sexual freedom- Tantric Sex Magick, drugs, homosexuality, feminism and other “anti-family” values as diversions, and interfere and destroy critical thinking among the masses. It is also designed to destroy and compound the traditional and religious values of the masses to make it easier to control them; and discourage real dissent, opposition and resistance to the global rule of an all- powerful self-appointed Olympians (Divine Gods), and the New World Order.

Ephesians 6:12

King James Version (KJV)

12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

About a decade or more ago, I was informed by a black female CIA/FBI secret informant that the Black Expo in Oakland was beginning a workshop in Tantric Sex for Black people, and offered that I might want to attend. I had known her for years, but I had recently finally figured out who she really was. I asked her what patron demons or spirits that they planned to conjure up for Black folk. She looked at me for a moment in silence, than changed the subject until she could just ease away. Infiltration of the Black Community with Aleister Crowley’s Satanic Tantric-Sex Magick as a diversion and opium for the masses has been on the ILLUMINATI’S agenda for quite sometime.

The music and movie industries have been ordered to do their part by promoting the ILLUMINATI’s mass population control agenda as well. In addition to promoting evil versus good values, they also implant and dominate the popular and black entertainment industry with complex Satanic and ILLUMINATI symbolism to confuse the masses.

Stolen Legacy, by George G. M. James, [1954]

Among mankind and history of civilization, the earliest theory of salvation is the Egyptian theory. The Egyptian [Kemetic] Mystery System had as its most important object, the deification of man, and taught that the soul of man if liberated from its bodily fetters, could enable him to become godlike and see the Gods in this life and attain the beatific vision and hold communion with the Immortals (Ancient Mysteries, C. H. Vail, P. 25).[1]

They don’t sing songs for us. The Kemetic theory of “Music (or Harmony) meant the living practice of philosophy i.e., the adjustment of human life into harmony with God, until the personal soul became identified with God, when it would hear and participate in the music of the spheres. It was therapeutic, and was used by the Egyptian Priests in the cure of diseases. Such was the Egyptian theory of salvation, through which the individual was trained to become godlike while on earth, and at the same time qualified for everlasting happiness. This was accomplished through the efforts of the individual, through the cultivation of the Arts and Sciences on the one hand, and a life of virtue on the other. There was no mediator between man and his salvation, as we find in the Christian theory.”

The adjustment of our lives into harmony with God, until the personal soul becomes identified with God doesn’t need the mediation of the Great BEAST. Reaching Human Perfection and Illumination through Satan/LUCIFERSex Magick, drugs, alcohol, talisman and a scarlet woman is a deception and diversion.


There is no doubt that both Michael Jackson and Whitney Houston’s had become ILLUMINATI and a slave to their father, LUCIFER.

However, I sincerely believe that Donny Hathaway fought and resisted the ILLUMINATI until he was thrown from the window of his 15th story hotel room to his death to stop his melodies and harmonies to the masses. When Michael Jackson and Whitney Houston found the power and courage to resist, they were also murdered. During her struggles with CIA/MK ULTRA electronic harassment, drugging and mind control, she found the inspiration to resist if only for a moment to sing Donny’s spiritual and therapeutic-soothing melody to the world, “A Song for You.” I sincerely believe like many other artists this is what she started out to do and what she really wanted do with her life and career.

















































[49] Pinkham, Mark Amaru, Guardians of the Holy Grail, The Knights Templar, John the Baptist and Water of Life, Adventures Unlimited (2004), pg. 159
























[73] Lockyer, Sir Norman, Nature: International Journal of Science, Vol. 28, Nebu Press (2012), pg. 113





3 01 2014


You should be baffled by the representation of Jay Z as the Ancient Greek God Pan. The Satanic Bible lists Pan as one of the Infernal Names of Satan.[1]


Pan “… Satan is not a black god, but negation of God … this is not a Person, but a Force, created for good, but which may represent evil. It is the instrument of Liberty or Free Will. They represent this Force … under the mythologic and horned form of the God Pan; thence came the he-goat of the Sabbat, brother of the Ancient Serpent, and the Light-bearer [Lucifer]…” [Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma, p. 102] [2]

You should equally be puzzled by Jay Z’s album, Magna Carta, Holy Grail, and what it really means or its implication representing a significant Satanic paradigm shift in the control of the masses of color, and the deliberate manipulation for demonic designs of the Black Entertainment Industry by the New World Order to prepare the masses to bow down to the Coming of Lucifer’s Messiah, the Anti-Christ of the Book of Revelation. They intend to kill over half the people of the planet. According to America’s highness elected official, President Richard Milhous Nixon, they intend to exterminate the black masses within the next 500 years.

Don’t be fooled or dumb down by false images and ILLUSIONS. These people aren’t playing with anyone. They’re weren’t playing in the Atlantic Slave Trade and at Austerlitz. Magna Carta, Holy Grail  is the mind altering song and music that Satanic JayPan plays to the masses for the New World Order, ILLUMINATI, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and the Coming Anti-Christ, Magna Carta, Holy Grail, Heaven by Jay Z, Druid Prince Justin Timberland: “Have you ever?… Have you ever been to Heaven? Have you seen the gates? Have you bow down to your highness? Live among the Serpents Turn areas into churches…”[3]

We’re through the looking-glass here, people… white is black and black is white.” JFK, the Movie[4]

2013 New World Order ILLUMINATI Entertainment Awards

The year 2013 has turned into a banner virtual takeover of the multi-million dollar Black Entertainment Industry by the ILLUMINATI, New World Order and Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Her Majesty’s film industry, 12 Years a Slave, continue to rack up awards. Recently, the 19th annual Critics’ Choice Movie Awards, 12 Years a Slave, received nods for Best Picture, Best Actor for British Subject- film, television, and theatre actor Chiwetel Ejiofor,[5] Best Supporting Actor for German-Irish Michael Fassbender of Heidelberg, Baden- Württemberg, Germany;[6] Best Supporting Actress for Kenyan Lupita Nyong’o of Mexico City, Mexico,[7]

Best Acting Ensemble, Best Director for Steve McQueen, Best Adapted Screenplay, Best Cinematography, Best Art Direction, Best Editing, Best Costume Design, Best Makeup and Best Score.[8] 12 Years a Slave also received seven bids/nominations for the 71st annual Golden Globe Awards including best film drama, Chiwetel Ejiofor for best actor in a drama and Her Majesty British Secret Agent Steve McQueen for best director.[9] Also in music industry for 2013,

Her Majesty’s Satanic Jay Z leads the nominations for ILLUMINATI/New World Order Demonic Rap Grammy awards. Magna Carta, Holy Grail received nods in almost every rap category. Stranger even, Nirvana benefited from Satanic Jay’s nine Grammy nominations: the track Holy Grail borrows racist lyrics from Smells Like Teen Spirit, so Demonic Kurt Cobain, the Satanist Nirvana, and the “Spirit of Lucifer” are listed among the songwriters for best rap song.[10]

Kurt Cobain admitted that his life’s goal was to “get stoned and worship Satan.” Cobain was obsessed with Luciferian Anton LeVay, founder of the Church of Satan, Cobain even wanted LeVay to record a song with him. Cobain was known to desecrate churches and Christianity by writing “God is gay” and other blasphemies. It was reported that he was also involved in witchcraft. Indeed he did channel demons as Cobain is described as “stumbling on melodies by means he himself didn’t fully understand.[11] If you happen to believe that Jay Z’s work in the entertainment industry is art for art’s sake, then you are badly informed.

UNHOLY ALLIANCES: Samsung, Wallenbergs & Satanic Jay


Electronic Corporate Giant Samsung of South Korea surprisingly partnered with Satanic Jay to purchase 1 million copies of his “Magna Carta, Holy Grail,” to push a satanic- ILLUMINATI agenda on the masses, and its Samsung Galaxy smart phone users.[12] Samsung is the world’s largest private conglomerate by revenue; in 2009 the group earned US$172.5 billion.[13] South Korea, Samsung, NWO & the Wallenberg Family

The Republic of South Korea (ROK) is a product of the racialist imperialistic policies of Teutonic Knights of the Black Sun, Hitler’s General Reinhard Gelhen,  Allen, and John Foster Dulles, the OSS (Office of Strategic Services) and the CIA. After WWII, the Korean people were exuberant in August 1945 with their new freedom after being subjected to a brutal 40-year Japanese occupation of their historically undivided Peninsula. At the February 1945 Yalta conference, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt suggested to Josef Stalin of Russia, without consulting the Koreans, that Korea should be placed under joint trusteeship following the war before being granted her independence. U.S. intelligence went through with its unilateral intention to place the Korean people under its occupation, and divided Korea into South and North at the 38th parallel, placing the historic capital city of Seoul and 70 percent, or 21 of Korea’s 30 million people in the “American” Southern Zone. On August 15, 1945, the United States Army Military Government in Korea (USAMGIK) was formed and on September 8, 72,000 U.S. troops began arriving to enforce the formal occupation of the south. South Korea was turned into a brutal mass murder “Police State.” Estimates of murdered civilians range anywhere from 200,000 to 800,000 by the time the hot war broke out in June 1950.[14] Since South Korea‘s creation at the 38th parallel, it has been a creature and patsy of U.S. shadow government and intelligence policies. Samsung is a collaborative creature of Korean and U.S. shadow government policy. Its sudden rise in the global electronic industry is also due to its secret collaboration with ILLUMANTI global players and markets.

The Wallenberg Family Motto is “Esse no Videri” (Latin for “To be, not to be seen”)[15]

Marcus Wallenberg, Grandson of Dr. Marcus Wallenberg (1899- 1982)- prominent member of the Trilateral Commission.[16] In 2003, Samsung Group Chairman Lee Kun-hee visited the Wallenberg Family in Sweden, expressing interest in the Swedish model of business governance and corporate citizenship. A collaboration between South Korea and the Martin Bormann’s Nazi financed American and Northern European companies was established then or at some time earlier.[17] The Wallenberg Family, Martin Bormann & the Rise of the Fourth Reich


The Swedish Wallenberg’s are like the equivalent to the U.S. Rockefellers or the Europe‘s Rothschilds. During WWII, Swedish companies grew rich collaborating with the Nazis. One was Enskilda Bank owned by the Wallenberg Family. Project SAFEHAVEN was a secret operation designed to root out and neutralize Nazi industrial and commercial power wherever it might be found. The origins of SAFEHAVEN are to be found in two memorandums sent from the U.S. Foreign Economic Administration (FEA), to the Departments of State and Treasury on May 5 and 17 1944, proposing an interagency program to track down and block German assets in neutral and nonbelligerent countries throughout Europe and the Americas.[18]



documents reveal that the US government had been tracking the pro-Nazi activities of the Wallenberg brothers, Marcus and Jacob, for some time.[19] In February of 1945, the Secretary of the US Treasury, Henry Morgenthau Jr., wrote to Secretary of State Edward Stettinius outlining the Wallenbergs’ activities.[20] These included making “substantial” loans to German industry during the War without collateral and making covert investments for German capitalists in US industries. The Enskilda Bank, Morgenthau reported, was “repeatedly connected with large black [white] market operations”.[21] Morgenthau identified Jacob Wallenberg as “strongly pro-German” and rebutted the view, probably fostered by Wallenberg interests themselves, that Marcus was “pro-Allied”.[22] One of the most tantalizing of the SAFEHAVEN documents is a 1944 account of a secret meeting in the French city of Strasbourg, at which Nazi Party leaders (Bormann, Heinrich Himmler)- Knights of the Black Sun told top German industrialists that the war was lost and called on them to finance an underground network aimed at eventually restoring fascism to power in Germany.[23] US Mil­i­tary Intel­li­gence report EW-Pa 128 described as the Red House Report, is a detailed account of a secret meet­ing at the Mai­son Rouge Hotel in Stras­bourg on August 10, 1944. There, NSDAP´s leader Martin Bormann, ordered an elite group of Ger­man indus­tri­al­ists to plan for Germany’s post-war recovery, pre­pare for the Nazis’ return to power from the underground and work for a ‘strong Ger­man empire’. In other words: the Fourth Reich.[24]

The Wallenberg Family, NWO Bilderberg Group & the Occult

Among this elite group of secret Nazi industrialists at Strasbourg planning the Rise of the Fourth Reich from the underground was the Wallenberg Family. One thing is for sure is that Marcus and Jacob Wallenberg were key members of the Bilderberg Group. [25]


One of the principal founders of the Bilderberg Group was Dutch Royal Prince Bernhard of Lippe-Biesterfeld.[26] Prince Bernhard wasn’t just an ordinary card carrying National Socialist Workers Party member under Martin Bormann. Prince Bernhard had been Sturmabteilung (SA), a member of the Storm Detachment or Assault Division, or the Brownshirts under Sabschet Ernst Rohm that functioned as the original paramilitary wing of the Nazi Party. [27] Prince Bernhard had also been a blood covenant Schutzstaffel (SS) member, a GENOCIDIST, under Reichsfuhrer SS Heinrich Himmler since April 22, 1933. He specifically was a member of the SS- Fliegerstürm.[28] SS-Fliegersturm was a flying unit of the Allgemeine-SS that was formed Nov 1931 in Munich and was absorbed by the Deutscher Luftsport Verband (DLV) Sept. 1933. A special variant of the pilot wings (the SS-SA Fliegerabzeichen, an early SS eagle flanked by the SS and SA logos) was worn by qualified members of this unit.[29]

The fifth generation has taken over the Wallenberg sphere, Marcus Wallenberg, son of Marc Wallenberg, Jacob Wallenberg,  above, and Peter Wallenberg (junior) both sons of Peter Wallenberg (senior). For the ILLUMINATI Wallenberg Family, the names, demonic viciousness, racism, and the game (FASCISM) remains the same.

Prince Bernhard & the Johannites (I AM)

“And a certain Jew named Apollos, born at Alexandria, an eloquent man, and mighty in the scriptures, came to Ephesus. This man was instructed in the way of the Lord; and being fervent in the spirit, he spake and taught diligently the things of the Lord, knowing only the baptism of John. Acts 18: 24-25

In addition to his Bilderberg role, Prince Bernhard was head of the Dutch Johannite Orde of Nederland, one of four orders that make up the Chivalric Alliance of Orders of Saint John [John the Baptist] (Alliance de Chevalerie des Hospitaliers de Saint Jean de Jerusalem). The stated purpose of these four, known as “the Alliance”–which is composed of northern European nations Germany, The Netherlands, Sweden and Great Britain, the latter being an ancient order known as “the Most Venerable Order”–is “to reduce to silence the enemies of Christ”. The headquarters of the Alliance are located in Switzerland. [30]

In reality, “the Alliance was a group of elite Holy Grail Bloodlines, ILLUMINATI want-to-be’s, and that set themselves aside from the masses as the ILLUMINATED ones endowed with the “Right Knowledge” to rule the world. They believe that Christ was only a Disciple of John the Baptist, and that John’s religious teachings were secretly that of the Kemetic mystery schools of Isis-Osiris-Horus.[31] “These are Protestant orders rather than Catholic, but it is of significance that, on 26 November 1963, the Alliance was “consolidated with the signing of a joint declaration between the Sovereign Military Order of Malta and the Most Venerable Order, at St John’s Gate, London, by the Grand Chancellor of the SMOM, the Prince of Resuttano, and Lord Wakehurst, Lord Prior of the Most Venerable Order”. [32]


Leonardo da Vinci covertly inserted the John Gesture by Thomas to challenge Jesus’ claim as the Messiah in the infamous painting, The Last Supper. Interestingly, it has been suggested that the Knights Templar were “infected” with the Johannite or Mandaean heresy that denounced Jesus as a “false prophet” and in his place recognized John the Baptist as the true Messiah. Meanwhile, two early Grand Masters of the Priory of Sion are said to have had Johannite tendencies: Leonardo da Vinci and Sir Isaac Newton. Notwithstanding that, the famous founder of the Knights Templars, Hughes de Payens, has been accused by the Vatican of being a Johannite. [33]

The Wallenberg Family, Occult & the Royal Order of Seraphim

Wallenberg Founder and Patriarch- Knights of the Royal Order of the Seraphim,  André Oscar Wallenberg, (1816 -1886) and Marcus Wallenberg (1864-1943)

The Knights of the Royal Order of the Seraphim is a secret Hebrew/Kabbalistic occult group connected to the Wallenbergs since it founding by Patriarch André Oscar Wallenberg.[34]


This Order is exclusive to Sweden and Seraphim is Hebrew for a class of angels (the highest one). Marcus Wallenberg (1899-1964) was also publicly identified as a Knight of the Order of Seraphim. The Order is linked to the 16th Century Sorcerer/Mystic of Queen Elizabeth I- Hebrew/Kabbalistic John Dee, Tubal-Cain (Freemasonry) and the Rune of the Original Language.[35]


Winged SeraphimSt. John the Baptist

On February 23, 1748, Frederick I instituted the three Swedish royal orders of the Seraphim, of the Sword, and of the North Star, the three principal Swedish orders of chivalry.[36] Frederick I was in an ILLUMINATI bloodline closely linked with Rothschild Family.[37]


The Order of Seraphim court of arms has three crowns and four Crosses of Lorraine. Samsung’s logo also has “three” stars. The North Star is actually a triple star system.[38] Notable among the Order of Seraphim was the 10th President of South Korea, Lee Myung-bak from 2/25/2008 to 2/25/2013.[39]

“My vision is cleared, my heart is in its proper place, my uraeus (cobra) is with me every day. I am Re, who himself protects himself, and nothing can harm me.” (Book of [the Dead] Coming Forth by Day, Faulkner p. 58) Uraeus- Tutkhamón– The ancient Kemetic Kings had a long tradition- tens of thousands of years of flaming winged uraeus serpents that guarded and protected the Pharaohs. “For from the serpent’s root a viper will come out, And its fruit will be a flying serpent. [lit ‘a flying saraph’]” –Isaiah 14:29

The earliest usages of the term, Seraphim, refer to serpent demons. Lucifer is often identified as one of the Seraphim.[40]


One of the key members of the Luciferian Royal Order of Seraphim- winged serpents, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.[41] Whereas, you understand why Samsung could be commanded as an ILLUMINATI puppet to partner with and fund Jay Z in a secret satanic agenda to deceive and control the masses.


John the Baptist, the Secret Sethian Christianity


Halos & the Secret “John Gesture” (I AM) Saint John the Baptist of the 1st Century (circa 5 B.C.) with Shepherd’s Staff (Cross of Lorraine), Satanic Jay

The secret ancient” magical finger rituals” are known through “Masonic handshakes.” In “Hermetic Finger Magic,” the index finger is associated with fire. As such, in Hermetic magic, the left index finger is associated with “negative chaos”. Among secret societies, it is called the “John (the Baptist) Gesture.”[42] During the 1st Century AD of the Roman occupation of Kemet, there was a sect of Samaritan Christian Jews out of Israel that founded a secret mystery school in Alexandria, Egypt in the shadows of the Alexandria Library that practiced a form of Christian Sethian Gnosticism.[43]

Seth (the old God Set) was adopted again by foreign invaders and interlopers [Hyksos] that re-imaged him into a character of Sethian Gnosticism that represented a savior figure and third (spiritual) son of Adam, founder of the Gnostic Bloodline Race (Johannites). The leader of the school was John the Baptist and after his execution, his supporters formed secret societies and alliances, and among those were Simon Magus, Apollos of Alexandria,[44] Philip, Dositheos, Matthias and Jesus.[45]

Beyonce’s infamous Satanic alter personality, Sasha Fierce is I AMBaphomet.  Early Knights Templar confessions in the 14th Century led to the legend that the severed head of the St. John the Baptist was one of the secret treasures recovered from Palestine by knights during the Crusades and that the Head of John the Baptist  is the true origin of the Baphomet.  


I AM most notable reference is a biblical reference to God, And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you. Exodus 3:14 (KJV) I AM Baphomet (Lucifer), and the ILLUMINATI thus  hath sent Satanic Jay and Beyonce upon you. It is highly significant to keep in mind that Moses (Ramses or Osarseph ) was a former renegade Kemetic High Priest expelled the country along with the Shepherd Kings, the HYKSOS.

Satanic Jay & the 16th Century Greek Myth of Alpheus and Arethusa


The source image for Satanic Jay‘s new  album, Magna Carta, Holy Grail, and his so-called artwork premiere at Salisbury Cathedral in England is the sculpture Alpheus and Arethusa by Battista di Domenico Lorenzi (Italian, ca. 1527/28–1594) at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. [46] According to the museum, the 16th century sculpture is a depiction of a Greek myth about the nymph Arethusa who is pursued by the river  god Alpheus. In attempt to escape her pursuer, Diana [Goddess Artemis] transforms Arethusa into a stream [or a well ].[47] In Roman Mythology, Diana (lt. “heavenly” or “divine”) was the goddess of the hunt, the moon and birthing, being associated with wild animals and woodland, and having the power to talk to and control animals. She was equated with the Greek Goddess Artemis though she had an independent origin in Italy.[48]

Arethusa is not a nymph, but a Nereidfemale spirit of sea waters, the daughter of Nereus.[49] In Greek mythology, Nereus was the eldest son of Pontus (the Sea) and Gaia (the Earth), a Titan who with Doris fathered the Nereids and Nerites.[50] Alpheus is a river god, he is a son of Titans Oceanus and Tethys (oceans and rivers).[51] Satanic Jay, Druids, Knights Templar and Salisbury Cathedral


Jay Z’s album Magna Carta, Holy Grail and its cover with Alpheus and Arethusa and his so-called art show at the 800 year old Salisbury Cathedral (formally known as the Cathedral Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary)[52] in England have a lot of people scratching her heads, rightfully so – the reaction that the story in fact was intended to provoke.

“And all shall be well and All manner of thing shall be well When the tongues of flame are infolded Into the crowned knot of fire And the fire [St. John the Baptist] and the rose [Knights Templar] are one.” — T.S. Elliot (From an engraved window at Salisbury Cathedral, England)[53]


The Salisbury stone cathedral was built by a mysterious architect “Master Stone Mason” called Elias de Dereham (1167-1245). Elias was born in West Dereham in Norfolk. In Dereham, a certain powerful Knight Templar, Hubert Walter, became his mentor.[54] Hubert was a key player in the third crusade to the Holy Land of 1190-92 with King Richard, the Lionheart. Hubert was an important fundraiser of Third Crusade and King Richard. It was Hubert that negotiated the infamous truce between King Richard and King Saladin (the ASSASSINS) in Palestine. Hubert was appointed to the Archbishopric of Canterbury in 1193, and a Papal Legatcy in 1195.[55] Under the tutorage of Hubert, Elias of Dereham became an influential and trusted official of the king’s court, and almost certainly was a key figure in the entire Magna Carta rite. Only thirteen copies of the document were ever produced, seven from Runingmede and six a few weeks later from Oxford. Elias of Dereham is known to have delivered ten of these, four from Runingmede and all from Oxford.[56] The Salisbury Cathedral hold one of four of the original surviving 1215 Magna Carta documents that was undoubtedly held by Elias of Dereham. Also, Elias designed Salisbury cathedral that was a specific distance in alignment with other major landscape features, including Druid scared sites Old Sarum, Stonehenge; and the old Roman Fortress Clarendon that was built on a Iron Age mound or structure. Like Old Sarum and Stonehenge, Elias’ temple was built according to complex geometrical and mathematical principles- “Sacred Geometry”, and like Stonehenge it both contains symbolic alignments of architecture, date and sunlight, and also subtends them into the surrounding landscape, with the spire as the gnomon of a giant sundial.[57]


Elias of Dereham secretly incorporated St. John the Baptist’s Cross of Lorraine and Knights Templar’s Rose into Salisbury Cathedral. The Cross of Lorraine consists of one vertical and two evenly spaced horizontal bars. It is a heraldic cross, used by the Dukes of Lorraine (previously known as the Dukes of Anjou). The Lorraine cross was carried to the Crusades by the original Knights Templar, granted to them for their use by the Patriarch of Jerusalem. Hermetic alchemists of the Renaissance used the emblem as a symbol of earth and spirit by combining the square earth cross with the cross of Christ. It is safe to assume that the Salisbury Cathedral is a direct product and influence of the Druids, and the Baphometic Knights Templar. It is also safe to assume that Satanic Jay’s unprecedented access to one of England’s oldest and most prestigious cathedral had been arranged and sponsored by some of the highest levels of freemasonry, Knights Templar, and the ILLUMINATI.


In England, the highest level (Grand Patroness/Order of the Garter) of Freemason and the ILLUMINATI is held by a Magna Carta- Holy Grail BloodlineHer Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.[58]


The Knights of the Garter are the inner-sanctum, the elite of the elite of Her Majesty’s Most Venerable Order of St. John  [John the Baptist] of Jerusalem. The Knights of the Order of the Garter are the leaders of the Illuminati hierarchy, and Queen Elizabeth II’s most trusted “Privy Council.”[59]


You can clearly see the origin of the John Gesture (I AM). Pythagoras “the altar of Pythia” (570 BC – c. 495 BC) of Samos was an Ionian Greek philosopher, mathematician, and founder of the movement called Pythagoreanism. [60]  Pythagoras’ mother was Pythais, decedent of Argonaut Ancaeus, founder of Samos. Ancaeus was a son of Lycurgus of ARCADIA.[61]


Titans Tethys & Oceanus

Pythais’ mother was Eurynom. In the epic tradition, Eurynome was one of the elder Oceanides [Nereidfemale spirit of sea waters] that is, another daughter of Titans, Oceanus and Tethys.[62] Pythagoras entered Kemet during the reign of Pharaoh Amasis of the 26th Dynasty with letters of introduction from Tyrant Polycrates of Samos. Samos is a Greek island in the eastern Aegean Sea off the coast of Asia Minor.[63] Polycrates of Samos was in its modern English usage of “Tyrant”, a ruler of a cruel and oppressive character of Samos (538 BC to 522 BC), who in league with Amasis II was an absolute ruler unrestrained by law or constitution, and one who had usurped legitimate sovereignty. Polycrates had been a devotee to God Apollo of Delos and of Delphi. [64]

It is remarkable that throughout numerous and continuous invasions by cruel and oppressive hordes, armies, false kings, prophets and priests, that by the 7th Century BC, Pythagoras became the first westerner to be initiated by force into Kemet’s temples and mystery schools.[65] Yet, the priests of Kemet were wise and bounced the interloper of tyrants and false pharaohs from temple to temple, and one mystery school to another. Even during Pythagoras’ time, it was still virtually impossible for any mortal to master the knowledge of one temple or Kemetic mystery school of tens of thousands of years. The Roman historian, Plutarch (c. 46 – 120 AD), asserted in his book On Isis and Osiris that during his journeyman in Kemet, Pythagoras received instruction from the Egyptian priest Oenuphis of Heliopolis (ON)- City of the Sun,[66] and for 22 years, he tried to absorb all the knowledge about mathematics, medicine, music, hieroglyphics, cosmology, astronomy, etc. that time would allow him.[67]

When Cambyses II, the King of Persia invaded Kemet in 525 BC, Pythagoras and priests of Kemet were taken to Babylon as prisoners in an attempt to control and limit Kemet’s mystery schools and temples. For whatever reasons, he was released and initiated into the Chaldean/Magi Mysteries.[68] Around 530 BC, Pythagoras moved to Croton in Southern Italy (Magna Graecia). In Croton, he established a school of followers- a select brotherhood or club for the purpose of pursuing the religious, ascetic practices, arcane, scientific and medical knowledge taken out of Kemet by the understanding of their master, Pythagoras.[69] The accounts agree that what was done and taught among the members was kept a profound secret (blood oath) among them. The esoteric teachings may have concerned science and mathematics, or the secret religious doctrines and usages which were undoubtedly prominent in the Pythagorean system that had been connected with the worship of Apollo[70] (Kemetic Horus).[71]


Greek Sun God- Apollo or Helios 

In myth, Pythagoras was the son Apollo and the Pythian (Serpent-Dragon) Priestess of Delphi.[72] The Pythia known as the Oracle of Delphi, was the priestess at the Temple of Apollo at the city of Delphi, Greece located on the slopes of Mount Parnassus in Greece beneath the Castalian Spring.[73] In Greek Mythology, Python was a dragon or serpent that was the tutelary demon of the oracular cult at Delphi until killed and expropriated by Apollo-Horus.[74] Sir Francis Bacon of the 16th Century Elizabethan Court referred to himself as Apollo and it is the Rosicrucian Manifesto that the text describes a character called Apollo (Pythagoras) who sets up a society of men famous for their wisdom and virtue. The “Fama Fraternitis” echoes Bacon and his “Great Inspiration” saying that the aim of the Rosicrucians were to promote, “the universal and general reformation of the Whole World[75] – the New World Order.

“Fama Fraternitis” & the Acadia Imagery

ET IN ARCADIA EGO is an esoteric reference to Arcadia, a Greek city which symbolizes the Rosicrucian’s envisioned Paradise on earth.ARCADIA was one of the primary mystery names given to the state of the world in a Golden Age, and the whole Arcadian imagery and allegory is that of a Utopia or Paradise on earth that might be achieved… The world is on the threshold of that achievement now, according to the way the evolutionary cycles of divine law work. Jesus Christ and the Buddha prepared us for it in an outstanding way; Francis Bacon…and the Rosicrucian Brotherhood have inaugurated it … All have used Arcadian imagery, the meaning of which pierces deep, right to the heart of all mysteries.”


Knight Templar/Grand Master of Priory of Sion Painter Nicolas PoussinShepherds of Arcadia (1629), the elusive River God Alpheus Sitting

Poussin’s infamous painting, above, have puzzled generations as to its secret meaning. It shows three shepherds searching a tomb for clues to either Knights Templar sacred knowledge or treasure hidden in Arcadia. The tomb inscription is “Et in Arcadia Ego,” often consistently translated “Even in Arcadia I AM.”

The sacred river Alpheus, which flows from Arcadia to the underworld, represents a demonic bloodline.Arcadia…is frequently denoted by a fountain or a tombstone, both of which are associated with an underground stream. This stream is usually equated with the river Alpheus-the central river in the actual geographical Arcadia in Greece, which flows underground and is said to surface again at the Fountain of Arethusa in Sicily…


From the remotest antiquity to Coleridge’s ‘Kubla Khan’ the river Alpheus has been deemed sacred. Its very name derives from the same root as the Greek word alpha, meaning ‘first’ or ‘source.’… “…the underground stream…might connote an unacknowledged and thus ‘subterranean’ bloodline…” “… the [Pierre] Plantard family–lineal descendants of Dagobert II and the Merovingian dynasty.

In 1548, the ‘Prieuré documents’ state, Jean des Plantard had married Marie de Saint-Clair–thus forging another link between his family and that of the Saint-Clair/Gisors…” romantic paradise of the pastoral poets and artists like Poussin. 1637-38 “…the specific phrase in Poussin’s painting—‘Et in Arcadia Ego’…appeared in an earlier painting by Poussin, in which the tomb is surmounted by a skull and does not constitute an edifice of its own, but is embedded in the side of a cliff. In the foreground of this painting a bearded water deity reposes in an attitude of brooding moroseness—the river god Alpheus, lord of the underground stream…”[76]


In Greek Mythology, Pan is the principal god of Arcadia. He is the god of the wild, shepherds and flocks, nature of mountain wilds, hunting and rustic music, and companion of the nymphs. He has the hindquarters, legs, and horns of a goat, in the same manner as a faun or satyr. With his homeland in rustic Arcadia, he is recognized as the god of fields, groves, and wooded glens.[77] Pan was also Saturn or Satan.


In Arcadian Imagery, Pan is “man himself” who falls as Lucifer from the heavens onto the world of matter. Saturn or Satan means adversary but also intelligence.  Therefore, it is Intelligences which will test the spirit to see whether is good. Pan therefore actually represents our path to enlightenment.[78] Pan, the lusty god,  was also called Pallas, whom Laurence Gardner identified in Bloodline of the Holy Grail as the Progenitor of the Merovingian Race of Grail Kings.[79]


Many in main stream media have declared that the above Pierre Plantard de Saint-Clair’s Priory of Sion is a popular hoax. [80] Yet, I believe that all of Plantard’s claims are not all smoked mirrors and ILLUSIONS. According to the the book, The Holy Blood and the Holy Grail [1982], 15th Century French King Rene of Anjou  (1409- 1480) of Naples, Italy, who contributed to the formation of the Western Esoteric Tradition, used the theme of an “underground river” that was  equated with the Alfeios  (Alpheus) River to represent a subculture of Arcadian esotericism, which was seen as an alternative to the mainstream spiritual and religious traditions of Christendom.

The book also supports the notion that the Myth of Arcadia and its underground river became a prominent cultural fashion among western secret societies of the “Right Knowledge” that inspired various artistic works beginning in 16th and 17th Centuries that also produced Jay Z’s album cover of the 16th Century sculpture of Alpheus and Arethusa, and  Nicolas Poussin’s coded works containing Knights Templar secrets in his Arcadia Imagery paintings. The book speculates that the “underground stream” might also have connoted an unacknowledged and thus “subterranean” Bloodline of Jesus [John the Baptist] [81] in the ‘underground’ esoteric tradition of Pythagorism and Sethian Christian Gnosticism.


Queen Eleanor with an early form of the John Gesture and Dragon’s Claw

Additionally, Eleanor of Aquitaine (1122 or 1124 – April 1, 1204) was the Queen of France and England. She has been described as one of the wealthiest and most  powerful women in Western Europe during the High Middle Ages. As the Queen of France, she was directly involved as one of the leaders in the Second Crusades  (1144-1150). She married King Henry II of England. She was the mother of King Richard, the Lionheart, and King John I of the Magna Carta.[82] Eleanor of Aquitaine, was descended from Charlemagne and therefore Clovis, one of the first Merovingian Kings of France. The Plantagenets (background family of Jay Z’s Magna Carta) established their Merovingian heritage through Eleanor of Aquitaine.[83] She had a great deal to do with implanting secret Pythagoreanism and the Sethian Christianity among the Plantagenet Clan.


The above Wilton Diptych: Plantagenet King Richard II (January 6, 1367 – February 14, 1400) of England, Great-Great-Great Grandson of Queen Eleanor, adores the Virgin and Child in the company of his past patron saints: Saint John the Baptist, Saint Edmund and Saint Edmund, circa 1395-1399 In the picture above, Anglo-Saxon King Edmund of (about 841-869) holds the arrow which killed him. King Edward of England, the Confessor (between 1003 and 1005 – January 4 or 5 1066) holds the ring which he is supposed to have given to a pilgrim who turned out to be Saint John the Evangelist (Baptist). Richard was particularly devoted to Edward and prayed at his shrine in times of crisis. John the Baptist, holding the Lamb of God, touches the king’s shoulder. This quite plainly illustrates that John the Baptist had been a foremost “patron saint” and a major secret ancient influence on the early Anglo- Saxon ruling elites Kings and Queens of England before the crusades.


Queen Eleanor- The John Gesture

There are some suggestions that Queen Eleanor was also an acute member of a Pythagorean “Fama Fraternitis” that developed into the Merovingian – Rex Deus (Latin for “King God”) bloodline. Pythagoreanism and the Pythagorean methodology in a secret-satanic One World Order of global governance seemed to have been discussed back then in the queen’s court.[84] What this all basically leads to is that Ogenus, the Ocean was the most ancient name of the River Nile in Kemet;whence the Grecians borrowed their Oceanus alluded to by Phenecydes. [85] 

16 LEONARDO DA VINCI ST JOHN THE BAPTIST.jpg - 16 Leonardo Da Vinci St John the Baptist1513-16Oil on panel, 69 x 57 cmMusée du Louvre, Paris St John the Baptist is looking at the observer impressively and declaring his identity by means of gestures and gazes. The picture is probably one of the three works which Antonio de Beads saw in Leonardo's studio in Clos-Lucé in 1517. It is the last painting to be produced by Leonardo himself, and was probably already completed in Rome. (The attribution is without any doubts since the X-ray investigation carried out in 1952.)The Pinacoteca Ambrosiana in Milan owns a further version that depicts St John in a landscape, which is related to the painting of the Madonna and Child with St Anne in the Louvre.  ....Web Gallery Of  Art

Leonardo Da Vinci-  St John the Baptist 1513-16

Phenecydes was a 6th Century BC pre-Socratic philosopher and author from the island of Syros- Greek island in the Cyclades of the Aegean Sea, that some believed to have been the teacher and mentor of Pythagoras.[86] Then, you have the Italian sculpture of Alpheus and Arethusa out of the 16th Century as material evidence of a conspiracy among a secret elite Luciferian European Cult or Fama Fraternitis” with roots to the 6th Century BC Pythagoras Cult of elitists, the mystery school of Samaritan (Israel) John the Baptist clandestinely dedicated to manipulating stolen knowledge primarily from the mystery schools of Kemet (Osiris-Isis-Horus) to establish a New World Order. Alpha– the beginning, the Alpheus River of Greek Mythology flows from the River Nile (Kemet– original Knowledge of tens of thousands of years). Arethusa the Nereidfemale spirit of sea waters had eluded the Greeks until she joined them with the Nile River Valley Mysteries and Splendors. If Jay Z don’t know by now, there will be no Black people or people of color among the pagan-satanic forests, people, white nymphs, flocks and pastures of the ILLUMINATI’s visionary Arcadia.



Satanic Jay’s Logo for Magna Carta & Logo for Society of Ormus 

Satanic Jay ‘s logo for “Magna Carta, Holy Grail” give us yet another clue as to how far back and deep the ILLUMINATI conspiracy goes to falsely re-image Africans as Devils from the days of Antiquity that influenced and provoked the evil of Europe. Among the many imitators, imposers and interlopers of the Mysteries of Kemet was an ancient group called the Society of Ormus.[87] The founder of the order in antiquity during the Greek and Persian invasion of Kemet was a seraphic priest of Alexandria, a Magus of Egypt named Ormeslus or Ormus.[88] Ormus combined Kemetic mystical doctrines with new Christian teachings. The philosophical legacy that he carried was preserved and latter allegedly passed to the Knights Templar: “About the same time [46AD] the Essences and other Jews founded a school of science according to Solomon’s teachings and Ormus. The followers of Ormus, up to 1118 AD, were the only trustees of the ancient doctrine of Egypt, purified, of course, by Christianity and the teachings of Solomon. These doctrines they communicated to the Templars. They were in consequence known under the name of ‘Knights of Palestine‘ or ‘Brethren of the Rosy Cross of the Orient.’ The ‘Rite of Memphis‘ claims these Brethren as its immediate founders.”[89] The ancient secret Society of Ormus is believed and asserted to be the founder of both Rosicrucianism and the Priory of Sion. Both orders are related to the Knights Templar through their use of the Red Cross as their emblem. And both are said in one way or another to continue the tradition of Gnosis Ormus from the First Century AD.[90]

However, proof and evidence of the Society of Ormus remains elusive, and maybe another possible false lead. The Society of Ormus wasn’t the beginning or end of Western secret societies manipulating Kemetic mystical doctrines and Sethian Christian dogmas to pass down to the Knights Templar false Imperium ruling families trying to establish a New World Order.

Samaria (Kingdom of Israel), Pythagoras and the Underground Stream out of Kemet


In the analysis of misinformation and disinformation, as a general rule up to 80% of it may be based on true facts. If the Society of Ormus proves to be disinformation and misinformation, King Omri and Ahab’s secret Samarian mystery schools are established by evidence, and predate Pythagoras by about 200 years, and the Society of Ormus by at least 800 years. [91] Sheshonk I is frequently identified with the Egyptian king “Shishaq” referred to in the Old Testament at 1st Kings 11:40, 14:25, and 2 Chronicles 12:2-9.

Hedjkheperre Setepenre  reigned Kemet from 943 to 922 BC. He was a Meshwesh (Ancient Libyan), and founder of the Twenty-Second Dynasty.[92] According to the Bible, Sheshonk I invaded Judah, mostly the area of the Tribe of Benjamin, during the fifth year of the reign of King Rehoboam, taking with him most of the treasures of the temple created by King Solomon. This is corroborated with a stele discovered at Megiddo.[93] Rehoboam, a son of Solomon and a grandson of David, was initially king of the United Monarchy of Israel but after the ten northern tribes of Israel rebelled in 932/931 BC to form the independent northern Kingdom of Israel (Samaria), he was king of the Kingdom of Judah or southern kingdom.[94] King Omri, the father of King Ahab, reigned over the Kingdom of Israel (Samaria) from about 876–869 or c. 884–c. 872 BC. Ahab was the seventh king of the northern kingdom of Israel reigning from 874 to 853 bc. Kings Omri and Ahab ruled Samaria during Kemet’s Third Intermediate Period. Omri and Ahab’s rule corresponded to the Kemetic dynasty of Meshwesh– Libyan invaders.[95]


Usermaatre Setepenamun Osorkon II (872 to 837 BC) was another 22nd Dynasty Meshwesh that ruled over Kemet. Israel was a key ally of Osorkon. In a coalition with Israel and Byblos, they fought the army of Shalmaneser III at the Battle of Qarqar to temporarily halt Assyrian expansion in Canaan, the Gateway to Kemet.[96] Under Kings Omri, Ahab and 22nd Dynasty of Kemet, the Kingdom of Israel became wealthy and a major center of power, commerce, trade and influence in the Middle East. Under the power shifting alliance of Meshwesh Dynasty, the House of Omri also setup marriageable alliances with the old orders of the land, the ancient Canaanites (SidoniansTyrrhenians). The Canaanites and the people of Kemet were first cousins of great antiquity.[97] King Ethbaal who reigned over the city-states of Canaan, Tyre, and Carthage gave his daughter in marriage to King Omri’s son, Ahab. She became the infamous perennial “evil” queen of the bible, Jezebel.[98] Even though Queen Jezebel has been popularly characterized as a high priestess of Baal-Moloch,[99] her official seal tell a totally different story. From her official seal, it is clear that Queen Jezebel was connected to the ancient bloodlines of the Theban/Osiris- Isis-Horus royal houses. Her winged sphinx/lioness has the Isis/Hathor Crown, and holds the ancient Ankh, a sign of life and the Pathway into the Mystery Systems.”[100]


Queen Jezebel’s seal  a winged sphinx similar to the Great Theban Hero Queen Tyre. Queen Jezebel has a winged sun– a symbol associated with Kemetic divinity, royalty and power.[101]

It also has the classic falcon (Horus) bordered by two cobras (uraeus) another extremely important symbol of Kemetic royalty. The falcon sits atop of a lotus symbol- water lily, an ancient death and resurrection symbol of God Osiris.[102] King Ahab’s arranged marriage with Queen Jezebel didn’t just seal a political alliance between the Kingdom of Israel and the Canaanites. It was a secret backdoor “Pathway to the Mysteries”; and a clandestine bloodline between the Royal Houses of Kemet and the foreboding ancient and classical enemies of Kemet- the Habiru.


Kings Omri, Ahab & the Hebrew/Habiru

The Habiru were the nomadic or semi-nomadic invaders, rebels, outlaws, raiders, and mercenaries that had plagued the peace and security of the region, outposts and trade routes of Kemet for generations.[103] From artifacts discovered from Omri and Ahab’s palace in Samaria, it can be established that they were in privities with Kemet’s Osiris-Isis-Horus Mystery Schools.[104] Omri and Ahab’s Palace of Ivories, “Evidence more significant comes from a construction of Samaria identified by its excavators as Ahab’s Palace of Ivories.


This is an odd ivory plague found at the ivory palace plainly illustrates that King Ahab had indeed been initiated secretly into a Kemetic Mystery School. The plague depicts a subject, most likely King Ahab,  being born or re-born as the infant God Horus holding a flail (Kemetic Symbol of Royal Power) on a lotus flower out of  watery “Chaos”. He is flanked by twin winged pharaohs giving him the breath of life from sacred lotus flowers, and protecting him adored with the double crown, Deshref– Red Crown of Lower Kemet, and Hedjet- White Crown of Upper Kemet.


King Abijah of Judea (913-911 AD), above, the forth king of the House of David  along with the House of Omri , was also deeply involved in getting the upper hand in secret Kemetic mysteries (Ankh) and the occult around the winged serpent (Wedjet).


Wedjet, “the Risen One”, is the symbol of royal power, vested in the sun on the cosmic plane and in the Kemetic sovereign in the mundane world; hence uraei encircle the solar disk atop the heads of deities channeling the solar potency and adorn the pharaoh’s headdress.


 Ivory Palace, King Ahab- Kemetic Sphinx 

Many of the artistic designs are Egyptian, and some of the symbolism involves the uraeus, sometimes winged. A representation of the divine child Horus was there with erect uraei in his crown. Uraei crowned with solar disks came to light, and a representation of a human brow was uncovered donned with a standing uraeus. As in Egypt, uraei are erected on the top of a wall, a door, or a piece of furniture. A uraeus with one wing raised and one lowered was standing on a papyrus blossom. An ivory handle in the form of a winged uraeus wearing the double crown came from the floor of Ahab’s courtyard. In summary, Israel was acquainted  with the symbol of the winged serpent and, apparently incorporated it into its royal symbolism.” WINGED SERPENTS IN ISAIAH’S INAUGURAL VISION, Karen Randolph Joines [105]

The winged serpents (Seraphim) are Kemetic symbols of sacral and regal sovereignty. A pyramid text states that the pharaoh is guarded by the uraeus-serpent, “the living,” which comes from the head of Re.”[106] In “The Prophecy of Nefer-Rohu” it is said of the Pharaoh, “The uraeus-serpent which is on his brow stills for him the treacherous of heart.” The Kemetic word for uraeus is the hieroglyphic determinative of “KING.”[107]


King Ahab’s Ivory Palace also had  a djed, top above. The djed symbol is one of the more ancient and commonly found symbols in Kemetic mythology. It is a pillar-like symbol in hieroglyphics representing stability. It is associated with God Osiris. It is commonly understood to represent his spine protected by Goddesses Isis and Nephtys.

During the reign of the Meshwesh – Libyans in Kemet,  Omri and Ahab, the Kings and High Priests of Samaria, clearly gained unprecedented access to Kemetic Temples, libraries and Schools of Mysteries; and bloodlines. In the analyses of misinformation and disinformation, as a general rule up to 80% of it may be based on true facts. If the Society of Ormus proves to be disinformation and misinformation, King Omri and Ahab’s secret Samarian mystery schools predates Pythagoras by about 200 years, and the Society of Ormus by at least 800 years. [108]

The teachings of Pythagoras indicate that he was thoroughly conversant with the precepts of New World Oriental and Occidental esotericism out of Kemet developed by King Solomon and the Samarian House of Omri He traveled among the Jews and was instructed by the Rabbis concerning the secret traditions of Moses out of Kemet, the lawgiver of Israel. [109] The House of Omri of the 10th Century BC wasn’t completely exterminated as the bible teaches. It went underground. It became another steady secret stream of sacred knowledge out of Kemet led by one of its born Tyrrhenian partners, Pythagoras. Before he went into Kemet, Pythagoras went to Sidon, where he was initiated into the mysteries of Tyre and Byblos.[110]

Pythagoras along with clandestine-underground high priests and prophets of Samaria filtered a perverted form of the Osiris-Isis-Horus Mystery Schools into Europe- particularly France and Old Briton that formed the basis of the Plantagenet/Merovingian ILLUMINATI bloodlines.

Satanic Jay’s MAGNA CARTA: the House of Plantagenet, and the Demonic Puppets of the ILLUMINATI

Now that you have some uncommon background details and information behind the Magna Carta and Holy Grail, take another look at Satanic Jay’s Magna Carta, Holy Grail through another perceptive. Satanic Jay and his new album “Magna Carta, Holy Grail”, as well as his mysterious mentors’, Markus Rodrique De Richmond and Tata Engo‘s mass disinformation campaign and ILLUSIONS chose, in particular, to began with Henry II and the House of Plantagenet.


“Bow Down [black] Bitches”, Demonic Beyonce channels One of the World’s Greatest Racial Mass Murderer, the Satanic Witch Queen Elizabeth I

It isn’t an coincidence or the draw of the cards that out of all the subjects in the world that Jay Z like Demonic Beyonce go all the way back to Old Briton to choose his specific subject “Magna Carta Holy Grail” and the House of Plantagenet to create disinformation and ILLUSIONS around. Basically, the House of Plantagenet can generally be identified as four distinct Royal Houses: Angevins, Plantagenet, Lancaster and York. Henry II became the first Plantagenet King of England.[111]


Plantagenet was not a family surname per se. The origin of the name is shrouded in mystery. It was first asserted as a nick name for Henry II’s father, a red-headed warlord named Geffrey, Count of Anjou of France. The count became known as Geffrey Plante Genest (1113-1151 AD) when he married Empress Matilda daughter of Henry I, King of England.[112] Geffrey’s father was Fulk the Younger, born 1092—died November 1143, Acre, Palestine [now ʿAkko, Israel, Count of Anjou and Maine as Fulk V (1109–31) and King of Jerusalem (1131–43) under the Knights Templar.[113]

In 1247, Emperor Baldwin II (who helped establish the Templars in Jerusalem) exchanged pieces of the Shroud of Turin with the Abbey of Vizelay for the purported body of Mary Magdalene. A secret tradition states that the Magdalene was Jesus’ wife and bore Jesus‘ offspring to Southern France. There she revered as a medium of occult revelation. –Graham Hancock, the Sign and the Seal

The true origin of Plantagenet is rather simple, Plant. As the King of Jerusalem, warlord Fulk V, above , married Melisende, Heir of Baldwin II– former King of Jerusalem, then set her aside when he became the possessor of  Emperor Baldwin II’s keys to the secret Israeli- Osiris-Isis-Horus Mystery Schools created by King Solomon and King Omri of Samaria. In the Kemetic Mystery Schools, Osiris was the god of the ivy Plant that became symbolic and sacred of him because of the fertility issue and he was immortal. When his jealous brother, God  Set, cut him in pieces and hid his body parts all over the world, Goddess Isis found all but one of the body parts by following a trail of the ivy plant. Wherever Osiris’ body parts  touched the earth, the ivy grew that probably led to the myth that all the places Osiris visited, he planted ivy. [114]

The ivy is known as a “shooting vine.” It shoots in all directions.[115] Geffrey planted (generative powers of the hairy shoot- abundance, fertile) the seed of the Plantagenet Royal Dynasty of England starting with King Henry II, father of John I of the Magna  Carta moment.[116]



King John I and the John Gesture

According the infamous former Prime Minister of England, Winston Churchill, he said in A History of the English-Speaking Peoples; “[w]hen the long tally is added, it will be seen that the British nation and the English-speaking world owe far more to the vices of John than to the labours of virtuous sovereigns”.[117] Historians have concluded that the “Magna Carta” revolutionized  England from a country ruled by Druidism, feudal tributes and warfare to a sophisticated justice system that defined and underpinned the King’s power, duties and prerogatives.[118] However, the House of Plantagenet power and fortunes were deeply rooted, interwoven and intertwined with founding bloodlines of the Knights Templar that were particularly beneficiaries of the “Magna Carta” moment. Magna Carta (Latin for Great Charter) was basically the first document forced onto a King of England by a group of powerful subjects, the feudal barons- Knights Templar, in an attempt to limit the king’s powers, to protect and preserve the Knights’ power, belief system (Baphomet), monetary  interests, spiritual and embolden their political rights.[119]

From that point of view, the Holy Grail, some have reason to believe that the true meaning of the Grail legends: the Holy Grail, in French Saint Graal, was in fact the Sang Réal, which in Medieval French means “Holy Blood”, i.e. the blood of Jesus Christ [John the Baptist] himself flows in the veins of the Merovingians.[120] When we discuss the House of Plantagenet and Merovingian bloodlines of the ILLUMINATI it is the original Grail Knights of the Templar that invaded Palestine to re-establish its original mystery schools and temples.

As a side note, I understand now why the late career criminal  Jean Genet, 12 Years a Slave Director Steve McQueen’s major influence, fit in the picture and why it was so important for the Grand Master of the Priory of Sion, Jean Cocteau, to literally pluck him out of prison. Jean Genet is a bloodline out of the original  House of Planta(Genet)- Genetics.[121] Another curious note is that all the Presidents of the United States except Martin Van Buren, and including  Barrack Hussein Obama are linked to Plantagenet/Merovingian ILLUMINATI bloodlines (vines) of King Henry II , Queen Eleanor and King John I.[122]


Tato Engo Signed a Blood Covenant with Lucifer

Satanic Jay and absurd and unknown revisionists- ILLUMINATI puppets, Markus Rodrique De Richmond, and Tata Engo (Voodoo Black Magick Wizard), above, formed the philosophical background of “Magna Carta, Holy Grail”. Incidentally, Tata Engo says that he signed a contract with Lucifer to obtain his Satanic Powers. [123]

The ILLUMINATI setup Jay Z, De Richmond and Tata Engo to indoctrinate and deceive the so-called Hip Hop Generation in believing that medieval models of Lucifer and Evil are connected exclusive with the “Ethiopian”, the Black Knight or “The Black Man.[124] Their references for this idiotic proposition is De Richmond’s book, Kimbiza Santo Cristo: Return Of The Holy Grail, Knights Templar, And Grand Dragon” that contend that as a descendant of the House of Plantagenet- he has the “right information.” The right information according to Satanic Jay, De Richmond and Engo is that the ruling English monarchs and King John I were under the secret spell, influence and duress of Satanic Ethiopian West African Dynasties when the blameless Barons-Baphometic Knights Templar had to protect, assert and free their rights from the Luciferians through the Magna  Carta.[125]


In Satanic Jay Zs video presentation of “Magna Carta, Holy Grail,” Justin Timberlake represents “Justice” and a poor soul tortured and held spellbound by the universal Black N***er DevilJay Z; and the coming of the savior of the world out of the Holy Grail- the underground stream of the Druids, Knights Templar, and the Plantagenet/Merovingian ILLUMINATI bloodlines through a new Magna Carta.

Justin Timberlake: “You take the clothes off my back And I let you You steal the food right out of my mouth And I watch you eat it I still don’t know why Why our love is so much … You curse my name In spite to put me to shame Air all my laundry in the streets Dirty or clean Give it up for fame But I still don’t know why Why I love it so much … It’s amazing I’m in this maze with you I just can’t crack the code One day you screaming you love me loud The next day you’re so cold One day you here, one day you there, one day you care You’re so unfair sipping from the cup Till it runneth over, Holy Grail…”

Satanic Jay tells the world what he is made out to be, The N***er- West African Dynasty black man- manifestations of Lucifer on Earth that have failed to Ascend, at the beginning of the video that is plaguing the rise of freedom, justice; and the messiah among the blameless and defenseless Anglo Saxons.[126]

Justin Timberlake, the Secret Druid Prince


Justin Timberlake- Secret Disneyland CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH PUPPET 

Satanic Jay’s seemingly blameless and helpless cohort , Justin Randall Timberland, out of Nashville, TN is remarkably coy and elusive about his extensively detailed prepared genealogical chart. It seems as though all of the ILLUMINATI entertainers draw up detailed “Bloodline Charts” to determine their ancient “Fama Fraternitis” hierarchical order and rank. He openly admits to being English and Scottish. He is linked with Barack Obama’s ancient white Irish-Scottish bloodlines and the grandson of John Denham Timberlake. Denham is another name for DerehamElias de Dereham, England (Salisbury Cathedral).


Robert “King” Carter with the John Gesture and Hidden Hand

Timberlake is linked to an early colonial 17th Century bloodline of (Francis-Richard) Timberlakes of Lancaster County, Virginia connected to the old Christ Church built by a wealthy enslaver of Africans,  Robert “King” Carter. The church like Salisbury Cathedral is built with old Knights Templar/Stonehenge “sacred geometry.”  During the early 17th Century, Francis Timberland married Judith Lawson, the daughter of BARON EPAPHRODITUS LAWSON out of Yorkshire, England, grandson of Sir Ralph LawsonKing James I Knight was given over 6,000 acres to settle in Virginia. Richard Timberlake was the son of Francis and Judith Lawson, the direct descendant of Justin Timberland. The Lawson and the [Richard] de Richmond Clans of Yorkshire England are related bedfellows and interconnected secret “Holy Grail”  families according to Markus Rodrique de Richmond’s ‘Kimbiza Santo Cristo’. Coincidence, I don’t believe that it is. Old King Carter out of England is entombed in a courtyard beside the church with the “Skull and Bones” – the Sidonian Knights Templar. Another coincidence, I don’t believe that it is.


Justin ‘s cross is referred to as a “Celtic Cross”. It is also a pagan “Druid Cross” very similar to the Fortingall Cross. The cross was found in the ancient village of Fortingall, Scotland. Fortngall is shrouded in ancient history, stones and great trees. standing stones, stone circles, earth mounds dating back before 2000 BC.[127] It is an ancient Druid ceremonial site- possibly linked to an early universal electro- magnetic grid system; early 15th Century BC Kemetic cross sea Influences; and Egyptian Priests presence during the Greek and Persian occupation of Kemet.[128] Fortingall is also said to be the birthplace of Pontius Pilatus (Pilate).[129] Pontius Pilate was the fifth Prefect (Roman magisterial title) of the Roman province of Judea (Ancient Canaan) from 26-36 AD. He is best known as the judge at the trial of Jesus and the man who authorized the crucifixion of Christ. As Prefect, he served under Emperor Tiberius.[130]


Secret Vulcan Hand Sign- Satanic Negro Rap Star Pharrell  Williams and Justin Timberlake

VULCAN was/is a sun deity who was associated with fire, thunderbolts, and light. The festival in honour of him was called the Vulcania in which human sacrifices were offered. “According to Diel, he bears a family relationship to the Christian devil.’ It is fascinating to know that he married Venus, another name for Lucifer or the devil. What is even more interesting is that Vulcan is adored in Masonry under the name of Tubal Cain. In the Masonic Quiz Book the question is asked: “Who was Tubal Cain?” The answer is: “He is the Vulcan of the pagans.” In Masonry, Tubal Cain is the name of the password for the Master Mason (or third) degree.[131]


Justin Timberlake’s innocent and boyish features are designed as an  ILLUSION and Image to Confuse, Deceive and Dumb Down the reality of Satanic Wickedness and Evil from Remote Times and Great Antiquity.


Recall that Justin Timberlake was responsible for the worldwide condemnation and demonization of Black Women in a Satanic Babylonian ritual on February 1, 2004 that deliberately disrobed and exposed  Janet Jackson during the Super Bowl halftime performance. At this point, we should be very clear about how Justin Randall Timberland really stack up in the ancient Satanic/ILLUMINATI “Fama Fraternitis” hierarchy. Satanic Jay’s “Magna Carta, Holy Grail” is a very sophisticated and wicked ILLUMINATI mass population disinformation and mind control operation to deliberately dumb the public down, demonize,  falsely revise and re-image the historical significance of Black People from antiquity- and particularly distance the Ethiopian contribution from the splendors of Kemet and its Osiris-Isis-Horus Mystery Schools.



In other worlds, eliminate the Black Bloodlines of Osiris-Isis-Horus, open the door for the Coming of New Arcadia, the New False Anglo Saxon Messiah– the Anti-Christ of Revelation, Queen Elizabeth II’s Grandson, PRINCE WILLIAM.

Ethiopians- Loved by the Gods[132]


The first Europeans to employ the term Ethiopia were the ancient Greeks, who used the word to designate all dark-skinned people south of Kemet.[133] Homer, in the 9th. century BC, wrote in the Odyssey of the Ethiopians as Eschatoi Andron, or the most remote of men. In Book I of the Iliad he makes Zeus, the King of the Gods, leave heaven for twelve days, with all the other gods, to visit the “Blameless Ethiopians”, while the goddess Iris goes to their country to participate in sacrificial rites to the immortal gods. In the Odyssey, the Sea God Poseidon is likewise said to have “lingered delighted” at one of the Feasts of the Ethiopians.[134] Later again, in the 1st Century BC, the Greek historian Diodorus Siculus observed that the Greek hero Hercules and the Greek god of wine Bacchus [Dionysus-Apollo [135]] were both “awed by the piety of the EthiopiansLoved by the Gods.”[136] Furthermore, modern scholars such as W.E.B. DuBois, Chancellor Williams, Cheikh Anta Diop, John G. Jackson, Ivan van Sertima, Martin Bernal, Segun Magbagbeola and Ashra Kwesi wouldn’t have any problem disagreeing with the French Egyptologist Gaston Maspero (1846-1916) who said that by the almost unanimous testimony of ancient [Greek] historians, they [Ancient Egyptians] belonged to the African race, which settled in Ethiopia.”[137]


From the Tomb of Seti I, Four Peoples of the World, Syrian, Nubian, Libyan, Egyptian[138]

They wouldn’t disagree with the Greek Historian Diodorus Siculus (between 60-30 BC) that mentioned that the Ethiopians considered the Egyptians a colony.[139] Africans have had a long and complicated history throughout the history of Europe for at least the last 50,000 years. Sure enough, the Africans and Black Islamic Moors and Saracens invaded Europe and Old Briton. However, in most cases, they are known to have carried and spread civilization among the European hordes that brought them out of the dark ages and perpetual war, barbarism, paganism– devil worship, human sacrifices and superstitions. The state of Black History among Anglo Saxon nations is presently something like what the late Dr. Ivan Van Sertima talked about Black People being similar to a great shattered star with pieces all over the planet, but whose history is persistently stolen, hidden, denied and scandalized.



From the days of the Hyksos invasion of Kemet during the 11th Dynasty, there has been a constant struggle to secretly upset mankind’s gentle universal natural balance (MAAT) by the forces of God Set-Seth (EVIL), the evil slayer brother of Osiris (GOOD), the enemy of Horus– the patron god adopted by the Hyksos.[140]


History does not support putting Global Satanism and Black Devils menacing mankind on the doorstep of the Black Masses. This is the case with the ILLUMINATI black goon Satanic Jay’s “Magna Carta, Holy Grail.” It recognizes the presence of black influences in Early Western Europe, but totally scandalizes, distort, re-write and re-image their true contributions to mankind to veil a secret Imperium/ILLUMINATI policy and campaign of global GENOCIDE against People of Color.

Queen Elizabeth II said, “This dragon gives you your power, your throne and your own authority.”


Plantagenet King Henry II and Mother of the Plantagenets, Queen Eleanor, clearly demonstrate the source of their power with the infamous John Gesture I AM (DRAGON- SATAN). It is the DRAGON below that the Plantagenet/Merovingian ILLUMINATI bloodlines draw their power, throne and authority that has absolutely nothing to do West African Dynasties or Ethiopians.


 Let’s straighten up the Plantagenet winged dragon up on two feet- From a series of secret English Satanic 16th Century wood carvings, mcqueendevilIn this carving, English subjects secretly turn over their Christian book of salvation to Satan for a book of Demonology/Spells.  mcqueendevil3 Satan commands them to trample on Christ’s Cross. mcqueendevil2They literally eat Satan’s shit and lick his Ass. mcqueensatancelebrationThis starling 16th Century German wood carving details a secret pagan satanic rite to a winged dragon that looks as if it is decaying on an altar. Now, let’s put Satan back on all fours again in 21st Century England.

mcqueenreddragonIn 1959, Queen Elizabeth II  made the red dragon on a green (on earth) as it is today the official flag for Wales.

Throughout the ages, The secret Samarian/Plantagenet/Merovingian ILLUMINATI bloodlines have persistently fought and conspired against the “Divine Ancient Theban Houses of Kemet” to capture all of the treasures and “Splendor of Kemet” that still fascinates the world without the tens of thousands of years of the divine balance and knowledge of the gods, universe and sciences.

The source of the “Splendor and World Wonder of Kemet” still elude them, deceptions, re-imaging, ILLUSIONS and the attempted wholesale slaughter and GENOCIDE of the Bloodlines of Horus  (Ethiopians) will lift the Veil of Aset (Isis) to give them the THRONE.


For it was written on her Temple at Sais: “I AM- everything that has been, that is, and that shall be: and my veil no man hath raised.”

[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9],0,4163377.story#axzz2nf5MWIrd [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] Id. [20] Id. [21] Id. [22] Id. [23] [24] [25] [26] [27] [28] [29] Id. [30] [31] [32] [33] [34] [35] [36] [37] [38] [39] [40] [41] [42] [43] [44] [45] [46] [47] [48] [49] [50] [51] [52] [53] [54] [55] [56] [57] Id. [58] [59] Id. [60] [61] [62] [63] [64] [65] [66] [67] [68] [69] [70] [71] [72] [73] [74] [75]–the-lsquorsquorsquolsquoaarsquo.html [76] [77] [78]–the-lsquorsquorsquolsquoaarsquo.html [79] [80] [81] [82] [83] [84] [85] [86] [87] [88] Id. [89] Id. [90] Id. [91] [92] [93] [94] [95] [96] [97] [98] [99] [100] [101] [102] [103] [104] [105] [106] Id. [107] Id. [108] [109] [110] [111] [112],_Count_of_Anjou [113] [114] [115] [116] [117] [118] [119] [120] [121] [122] [123] [124] [125] [126] [127] [128] [129] [130] [131] [132] [133] [134] [135] [136] [137] [138] [139] [140] [141] [142]


3 11 2011

Closing arguments began today in the ILLUMINATI v. Dr. Conrad Murray. In a matter of days, the window will close on Dr. Conrad Murray, the Most Worshipful Secret Servant of the Scottish Rite. If he is convicted, he is subject at most  4 (four) years of imprisonment. For the most part, Dr. Murray has honored his vow of Fidelity and Secrecy to the Brotherhood. For the masses, we have no Dog in the Hunt in the Fate of Dr. Conrad Murray. The Masters behind Michael’s Assassination weren’t called to answer. Philip Anschutz and AEG weren’t called to answer. We weren’t told the true cause of Michael’s death. Propofol! The ILLUMINATI’s  Propofol expert, Dr. Steven Shafer, was drinking Propofol for breakfast. That’s how much of a danger that was. Dr. Murray doesn’t belong to us. He sold his soul to the Luciferian Brotherhood.

We have lost, forever, the continued musical genius and humanity of Michael Jackson. He was not only an icon; he was an industry in himself. We grew up with Michael and loved him as a brother. He was loved by millions around the world that kind of understood what he been through, and the torture, perils, troubles and tribulations that he survived with some sense of love and commitment to Humanity, Fairness, Peace, Justice and TRUTH.

Remember, Michael Jackson wasn’t afraid to call them by their NAMES-DEVILS. Behind the ILLUSIONS and SMOKED MIRRORS of the case against Dr. Conrad Murray, Michael’s enemies are busy dismantling all that he represented to World. They were not only after his valuable Beatles-Music Catalogue.  They wanted his soul. They wanted to control his spirit, musical genius and capture his MESSAGE.  

In a way, Michael Jackson was like Donny Hathaway. They wanted to take his soul. They wanted to control his spirit, musical genius and capture the MESSAGE of his music. Donnie told us in no uncertain terms that they were trying to get inside his head to steal and capture the chemistry of his musical genius. Donnie RESISTED. On January 22, 1979, Donnie was thrown to his death from his 15th-floor room window at the Essex House Hotel in New York City.

In H.P. Albarelli’s, A Terrible Mistake, The Murder of Frank Olson and the CIA’s Secret Cold Experiments, we learn that the CIA and the Project Underworld maintained as a regular basis in New York  hotel employee assets and assassins with keys to rooms. It was an accepted CIA practice to liquidate people by tossing them from windows to their deaths. So, it didn’t matter much if Donny or Olson’s hotel room door had been locked from the inside. They had keys.  

The battle wages on with the forces that slew Michael Jackson and his genius. Michael told us in no uncertain terms that they were going to kill him. Their quest is to enslave the soul, spirit and chemistry of people through music. We battle a more evil, violent and ruthless then ever before Luciferian New Babylonian Pseudo Kingship over the World.  Janet Jackson is its MK ULTRA Cyborg ILLUMINATI High Priestess Poster Child; and WHORE OF BABYLON.             



Attending Day 2 of the Illuminati v. Dr. Conrad Murray trial in Los Angeles for the Assassination of Michael Jackson (MJ), Janet Jackson created a little buzz on the internet wearing v-neck dress and an ILLUMINATI-Luciferian symbol on her necklace, the All-Seeing Eye of Horus.[1] Janet Jackson was implanting a deliberate statement of Fidelity and Submission to Forces of Baphomet that slew MJ. She is also saying, WE’RE WATCHING YOU.


Janet’s inverted pyramid with the All-Seeing Eye is no accident. It suggests a Masonic Luciferian  hierarchical order from the bottom few elite up. It is the same inverted hierarchical order used by Albert Pike’s Scottish Rite Knights of Golden Circle (KGC). 


Above, Janet bonds with the waxing crescent moon of the KGC as shown above in a rare secret KGC ritual from the late 19th Century. The crescent waxing moon opens to a New Moon. It represents an initiation of the initiate to a higher NEW degree of revealed  wisdom, knowledge and secrets in the inverted pyramid hierarchical order. Don’t fool yourself. Janet Jackson’s plaything with the Occult is by far no passing fantasy. The ILLUMINATI  play no games.


It shouldn’t be of any surprise to those who have eyes that see and ears that hear. Under CIA/MK ULTRA-MONARCH, MJ and Janet Jackson since their most impressionistic years were early research trauma based mind control victims  by some of the Old Luciferian Masters. They were subjects of MK ULTRA when research, development and experimentation was still governmental Top Secret.

Since the late 1960s, Janet like MJ have been locked into a blood oath of secrecy inside an underground music industry Scottish Rite-Luciferian Cult. For some reason, MJ recovered WILL and RESISTED in ways that we yet fully understand. He had seen and heard it all. He had been among and knew the ways of the Old Masters of Mind Control.  Below, MJ’s interesting and coded tribute to one of his Old Luciferian Knight-Priest “Handlers, “You Were There.”

Michael Jackson’s Tribute to the Old Luciferian Master, Sammy Davis, Jr.

Notice a form of the Masonic Blazing Star or Star of Ishtar opening Michael’s performance, then look at the top stage spotlights forming the outline IMAGE of the HEAD of BAPHOMET. 

MJ tried to speak out, but was subjected to strict control under Demerol and other experimental hallucinogenic drugs until they liquidated him under deep cover of a Scottish Rite black Patsy, Dr. Conrad Murray. Janet has never developed the WILL to RESIST the Controllers.


Janet’s “Hand on Heart” is a secret Masonic Luciferian gesture as exhibited by a youthful Great BEAST 666, Aleister Crowley. It has several meanings mainly, depending on the exact location of the hand and positioning of the fingers, while the left hand on the heart, indicates relations with the occultism. The thumb extended upwards leaving the hand to square in the signals of position “L” the fidelity to the elite or the organization. The thumb upwards symbolizes the subjection to a group of powers superiors.


Above, Janet in a Baphomet Pose. Unlike MJ, Janet has found no inner strength or will to RESIST or SPEAK TRUTH TO POWER. She won’t talk about the people, forces and Wizard-Knights of the ILLUMINATI behind MJ’s death, Philip Anschutz of AEG, Al Malnik of the Mob (Project Underworld) and Gordon Novel of the CIA.


Philip Anschutz, left in a high level Scottish Rite gesture, you won’t hear his name mentioned in the Dr. Conrad Murray Case and the Assassination of Michael Jackson. He is one of the Richest Men in the World. He is one of those One (1) Percent-ers that intend to turn the World’s Sport and Entertainment industry into an “One World Government” domain for the ILLUMINATI. 


Janet Jackson, Lady GA GA and Nicki Minaj in BAPHOMET Trance Position

Out of the Luciferian Abyss, Anschutz has arisen among the world’s most powerful “Knight Protectors.” Circumstantial evidence in a prior post suggests that Philip Anschutz is the Wizard that lies at the apex of the Janet’s inverted pyramid of power that points to HELL. The 21st Century KGC has exchanged their crude costumes for Brook Brothers suits and ties. They have re-organized more powerful, deadly and secretive, and more demonic, dangerous and ruthless then its 19th Century twisted sister.


Philip Anschutz may count among his disciples of his New Age Christian fraud that you should be careful of, Prince, above with the Sign of ILLUMINATI-Masonic Heart Sign of the Left Hand Path of the Occult with complete submission.[2] 


The ILLUMINATIMasonic Heart Sign and Left Hand Sign of Path of the Occult is very real and old. It dates as far back as the Middle Ages. Left, Christopher Columbus (1451-1506) linked to the Knights of Christ (Knights Templar) gestures the Heart Sign with has hidden meaning even in the position of the fingers. Right, Jesuit Founder, Ignatius de Loyola, (1491-1556) before joining the Vatican, he led an Occult Group, “Alumbrados”, meaning the ILLUMINATI.

Baphomet’s High Priestesses, Janet Jackson  and Halle Berry, Sex Kittens & the Multiple Personality Disorder Deception

In 2004, Janet Jackson revealed that she has Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) as if it was no more serious than having a bag of popcorn. She acknowledged it to mass media that she was a Multiple Personality with different programmed alters.[3] Undoubtedly, she was referencing to CIA iatrogenic (psychiatrist) mind control programming. MPD is a not a bag of popcorn. It is an extraordinary serious ILLUMINATI/MK ULTRA mind control mental disorder.

Janet Jackson & Halle Berry, Off to See the Wizards of the Golden Circle

We’re off to see the Wizard
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
We hear he is a Whiz of a Wiz
If ever a Wiz there was
If ever, oh ever, a Wiz there was
The Wizard of Oz is one because
Because, because, because, because, because
Because of the wonderful things he does
We’re off to see the wizard
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz!


Halle Berry AKA Halle Maria Berry, above in a classic MK ULTRA Animal Occulted-Gothic Implant Theme, was born August 14, 1966 in Cleveland, Ohio about four months after the birth of Janet Jackson in Gary, Indiana. She is a child of mixed parents. For whatever reasons, she is currently voluntarily estranged from her father’s humble Black family roots.[4]

Ms. Berry had the earmarks of a young lady driven by blind ambition to be a showcase. In fact, she was named after a downtown Cleveland store, Halle Brothers Department Store. In high school, she was president of the class, lead cheerleader and prom queen. She was a persistent showcase beauty pageant contestant.[5] In 1985, she won the Miss Teen All-American Beauty Pageant. In 1986, she was first runner-up in a national-international showcase, Miss U.S.A.[6]


For all of the Wonderful Things that the Wizard Does, she gave everything. She bore everything, holding nothing back and be washed (brainwashed) clean of human dignity. Monster Ball, I won’t go there.


Above, Masonic secret Heart and Fidelity Hand Symbol and Signal. It should be little surprise that the first acting role ever credited to Ms. Berry is a 1989 television series, “Living Dolls”.[7]

In NWO Luciferian MONARCH Iatrogenic (laboratory) Multiple Personality Disorders (MPD),[8] one of the popular alter personalities for women are the “Barbie Doll Complex.” It was supposed to be named after Klaus Barbie.” Like Barbie doll? MIND CONTROL SLAVERY & The NEW WORLD ORDER – by Uri Dowbenko [9] It is also rather iconic that “Living Dolls” was a spin-off of “Who’s the Boss”,[10] the Wizards.


Above, Halle Berry and Janet Jackson gesture the ILUMINATI/Masonic Heart Sign or Sign of Fidelity. Again, Janet gestures with left hand Occulted path.


Above, Popular Hollywood Movie Actor of the infamous classic movie ”Deer Hunter”, Christopher Walken, gestures the Masonic Sign of the Left Hand Path of the Occult.


Above, Popular Hollywood Movie Actor of the infamous movie series ‘”Da Vinci Code”, The Bloodline of the Holy Grail, Tom Hanks, gestures the Sign of the Left Hand Path of the Occult.


Rihanna, also, as we should be well aware of on the Left Hand Path of the Occult. According to the book, “Freemasonic signals in the press” written by Johannes Rothkranz, there are 12 main gestures used by public celebrity figures pertaining to the masonry, of which the hand in the chest or hand on chest or sometimes called “Hand on Heart” is one of them.

The UNSEEN, the Wizards behind the Curtains

During the late 1960s, a young lady entered behind the lines of RESISTANCE of the Black Panther Party for Self Defense. Her mother was the product of an illicit black-white sexual encounter in the Deep Old South. Her mother ran away out of the south during her early teens and found refuge in the San Francisco Bay Area. On the outside, Sheryl was a remarkably attractive and desirable young lady. She had also been high school head cheerleader, class president and prom queen. Since her early teens, the mother had persistently showcased her in bourgeois social clubs, debutante balls, modeling and beauty pageants. Mother wanted her among the bourgeois, rich and powerful no matter whom they had to step over and whatever she had to bare.

On the inside, Sheryl was honest, modest and a remarkable humble caring human being that was caught in a DOUBLE BIND. She was on the fringe of insanity and suicide. I was extremely young and didn’t understand what she talked about when she described the UNSEEN of blind ambition and a secret human flesh trade behind the Blink-Blink of the spotlight, clamor and pageantry.


She told me about that that was among the UNSEEN. She talked about rich and powerful men, Wizards, behind the curtains. She talked about how Black beauty pageant venues were selected to setup UNSEEN and restricted areas, mostly upstairs, for rich and powerful men-SPONSORS that if chosen by one of them, they would do Wonderful Things for Them such as secretly finance their education, create, control; and oversee careers and their bodies. It was a secret west coast form of a Plaçage.[11]

Plaçage, the term comes from the French placer meaning “to place with”. The women were not legally recognized as wives, but were known as placées; their relationships were recognized among the free people of color as mariages de la main gauche or left-handed marriages.[12] Sheryl’s time had come. She had been pre-chosen to win the big national Black “Miss Bronze” beauty showcase peagant. Her time had come to be among the UNSEEN “to place with”. She was going insane becoming fearful, nervous, paranoid and suicidal because of the secret Wizards behind the Curtains, and the Wonderful Things They Do.

One day, she stepped up to me at Merritt Jr. College in North Oakland. She said that she didn’t care what people among the bourgeois and powerful thought. She had developed an inner strength to finally determine and fight for her own destiny. She no longer cared what people whispered behind her back about being associated with a Panther. She stepped across the lines to protection and open RESISTANCE. She survived with dignity; free though, fruitfulness and independence.

Years later, I discovered that many of Oakland’s young Black (Miss Bronze [13]) beauty pageant winners went to Hollywood not as upcoming stars and models as promised among the SEEN; but to be among the UNSEEN, high level drug addicted (MK ULTRA) call girls, sex slaves to the rich, famous and powerful.

Northern California Miss Bronze Beauty Pageants in Oakland was created by Black Journalist Belva Davis.[14] Davis came out of Dr. Carlton Goodlett’s camp of journalists at Sun Publishing Group [15] along with Chauncey Bailey and U.S. Congressperson Barbara Lee.

Dr. Carlton Goodlett was Jim Jones’ personal San Francisco physician and CIA contact out of Jonestown, Guyana,[16] a CIA/MK ULTRA medical mind control experiment.[17] In fact, Davis had been among the Peoples Temple-Jonestown’s inner circle. Davis’ housekeeper was even suspected of being a secret Peoples Temple mind controlled member.[18]

During the late 1960s, as faith would have it, I had a long heated public classroom run-in with the well-respected Dr. Goodlett at Merritt College on social issues. At the time, I had no idea who he was. After class, I recalled a few students chased after me outside asking if I knew or understood who he was and what he actually presented. From the serious tone of the exchange with Dr. Goodlett, they expressed some concern over my future and personal safety. I tried to comfort their fears which were real. I wasn’t in denial. Being a Panther, my life and safety was always in peril. My fate and future had pretty much already been set in stone, DEATH or PRISON. The bottom line, we speak TRUTH TO POWER.

Halle Berry & the Frankie & Alice  MPD ILLUMINATI Mass Deception


Above, Halle Barry, SS-Brotherhood of Death-Walter Schellenberg and Will Smith gesture the Scottish Rite Masonic-ILLUMINATI DEVIL’S CLAW. Halle Berry will do their biddings no matter the Injustice.


Berry is complicit in a 2008 mass media movie fraud, “Frankie and Alice”, in a conspiracy to bastardize MPD from the ILLUMINATI and CIA/MK ULTRA. That Dog Won’t Hunt. The movie storyline is centered on a young Black woman “Frankie” in the early 1970s that developed MPD by random circumstances versus iatrogenic (psychiatrist-laboratory) from an auto accident in the1960s that killed her baby and white male lover in the Deep Old South.[19]


Above, Janet and Halle in a racial charged MK ULTRA Mind Control Sex Kitten Crawl, prone and submission position to the OZ.  However, Janet’s picture is covertly seethed in Scottish Rite Masonic Occultism, the figure in her background is MARBUK, the Winged State God of Babylon that will be discussed in detail later.

In “Frankie and Alice”, one of Berry’s alters is developed as a racist white woman personality to enforce the  implant, the N*GGER Complex, Alice. Berry’s movie psychiatrist just happens to be “Dr. OZ” out of the CIA/MK ULTRA LSD mind control research and experiments of the 1950s and 1960s.[20]

One of the most important and popular Hollywood theme scripts for trauma-based MONARCH mind control programming is “The Wizard of OZ” which is loosely based on Western conceptions of the Osiris Mysteries of Kemet.

The OZ also incorporates mysteries in Masonic (Scottish Rite) freemasonry and Chivalry of the Middle Ages, the Most Worshipful Master and Priest-Knight (Wizard). The author of the “OZ”, L. Frank Baum, was a Luciferian Occultist out of racialist Madame H. P. Blavatsky’s Theosophical Society.[21] “Frankie and Alice” alleged to be based on the true story of “Frankie Murdoch” a young black woman of Los Angeles, was and is absolutely FALSE. It is a BAPHOMET Project of Polarization, Divide and Conjure.


“Frankie and Alice” is actually a story developed by Dr. Oscar Janiger of Beverly Hills, above, a real Wizard and “Dr. OZ” of experimental LSD.[22] The exposure of Dr. Janiger blows the foot soldiers of the Forces of Baphomet, DR. GREGORY BATESON, Aldous Huxley, etc.., Project UNDERWORLD and CIA MK ULTRA right out of the woodwork.


The character Frankie is actually the white male bipolar and alcoholic 1960-70s artist named Frank Murdoch, above. Murdoch had been one of Dr. Janiger’s experimental LSD human guinea pigs of an alleged drug creativity study.[23]


Dr. Janiger’s supplier of the drug was the legendary Captain Albert M. Hubbard, above, the Johnny Appleseed of LSD. According to Janiger, “We waited for him like a little old lady for the Sears-Roebuck catalog. Waited for him to unlock his ever-present leather satchel loaded with pharmaceutically-pure psilocybin, mescaline or his personal favorite, Sandoz LSD-25.”[24]

During the early 1950s, Hubbard, a former OSS Officer, was receiving large shipments of LSD directly from Sandoz in Switzerland with CIA approval. Whatever Dr. Janiger was doing in the early LSD creativity studies, he followed in his close friend Dr. Aldous Huxley’s footsteps and the CIA was always around the corner.

Psychiatric reports suggested that LSD could break down familiar behavior patterns, for this raised the possibility of reprogramming or brainwashing.[25] In other words, MK ULTRA. During the 1950s, Dr. Huxley was instrumental in introducing the Luciferian Isis Cults into Los Angeles. Dr. Huxley was a British intelligence contact with the Great BEAST 666, Aleister Crowley.


Frankie is an ILLUSION and pure DECEPTION, but the important moral of the story is that the ILLUMINATI would like Black Women to begin and end as the Wizard’s “trophies” (objects), mindless split-personality Sex Kitten toys for the rich and powerful, submissive prototypes just like Janet Jackson and Halle Berry above. It is a BAPHOMET Project to subdue and control Womanhood, particularly bring Black Women under CONTROL.

Janet Jackson, MPD & MK ULTRA Mind Control


One of Janet Jackson’s alters, she called Strawberry. She said Strawberry expresses her more grown-up urges. Janet said, “She’s the most sexual of them all, the wildest.”


The other alter personality living inside her is Damita Jo, which is her middle name and the title of her latest album. Damita Jo, she says, is “a lot harsher, and quick to put you in your place”[26] and willing to do the WILL (killing) of the Controllers. Damita Jo sounds like a Beyonce’s MPD alter satanic personality, SASHA FIERCE.

Interestingly before Janet Jackson’s starling MPD revelation, Hollywood Television and Film Star Roseanne Barr claimed to have known that MJ also suffered from an iatrogenic mental disorder, Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID).[27] DID is the clinical name for MPD.

In 2001, Barr appeared on the Larry King show and spoke about DID/MPD and CIA trauma based mind control programs. Barr had reason to believe that she also had been a CIA/MK ULTRA/MONARCH child mind controlled victim.[28] She also exposed Joe Jackson as a MK ULTRA programmer.

Barr blogged:

“joe jackson is an mk ultra operative who’s abuse of his own children was used to profit the CIA’s programs that follow and study the effects of child abuse on the young, and how their minds can be controlled to such an extent, and with such abuse, that they can be forced to develop talent. jesus said ‘the truth will confound you in that day’. joe jackson is a child abuser, and catherine looked the other way while he beat their kids and tortured michael mentally. keep them both away from michael’s kids.”[29]


Joe Jackson, the Old Master “Handler” and Hip Hop Rapper Flo Rida gesture the Masonic Luciferian “Hand Pyramid Sign.”


The “Hand Pyramid Signs” aren’t accidents. Above, Ex-President of Egypt, Hosni Mubarak, One of the Ruling Classes’ (ILLUMINATI) Richest Men in the World send the same signal to the World. He is believed to be a Mason. However, Mubarak holds the “RANK of KNIGHT” (Military Medal Honor Knight).

Roseanne Barr is not the only person to link the Jacksons to MK ULTRA/MONARCH mind control programs. Former CIA Sex Slave, Susan Ford AKA Brice Taylor, claimed to have witnessed the Jacksons offered up by his father to be abused by powerful pedophiles and CIA sex slave handlers such as Bob Hope and Ed Sullivan in exchange for the Jacksons getting a chance at stardom.[30]

The late Capt. Gunther Russbacher, a highly substantiated CIA/Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) operative known for his role as a whistleblower in the October Surprise intrigue that facilitated Ronald Reagan and George Bush ascending to office,[31] had told his wife Rayelan that MJ’s father had done something awful to Michael in his childhood and that Michael was later recruited as an adult to assist in a covert sting operation to nab a ring of international pedophiles.[32]


Janet Damito Jo Jackson with MK ULTRA victim and old  master black “Handler” in the Bob Hope-Frank Sinatra, Ed Sullivan Hollywood Mind Control Network. Sammy Davis, Jr. was a notorious Satanist and KNIGHT of Malta. Janet was born May 16, 1966 in Gary, Indiana at a time when MK ULTRA was TOP SECRET operating governmental business.


Janet was three (3) years old, when the Jackson Five appeared on nationally television on the December 14, 1969 Ed Sullivan Show.


Above, Sammy Davis, Jr. with two of America’s most renowned Luciferians, MK ULTRA Satanic Specialist U.S. Army Col. Anthony Aquino and Anton Lavey. By that time the Jackson 5 appeared on the Ed Sullivan Show, the Jacksons were assumed to have been under MK ULTRA trauma based mind control of the Luciferian elite which would help explain Janet’s MPD according to Dr. Ralph B. Allison’s contemporary formula to create Cyborgs out of children as ILLUMINATI playthings and military intelligence tools. Dr. Allison is a man that should know how to create MPD and DID in innocent and unwitting children.


Dr. Allison is an S factor (Stanford University) psychiatrist trained by,  one of the above DR. GREGORY BATESON’s Luciferian protégés, Dr. Jay Haley (1923-2007), at CIA funded Mental Health Research Institute (MHRI) of Menlo Park, CA. DR. BATESON along with Aldous Huxley was one of the British Godfathers of MK ULTRA. Since the beginning of MK ULTRA in 1953,  DR. BATESON had run with an exclusive and very high level clandestine and powerful Company association. One associate was James Jesus Angleton, below, chief of the CIA counterintelligence (CI) staff from 1954 to 1975.[33]


Angleton’s official position within the Company was “Associate Deputy Director of Operations for Counterintelligence” (ADDOCI).[34]


Angleton also headed the Company’s Vatican and Israeli Desk. Angleton was also a Knight of Malta (SMON) along with the OSS/Nazi key co-founders of the CIA, William “Wild Bill” Donovan, Allen Dulles, William Casey, SS Walter Schellenberg and Adolf Hitler’s Spy Chief Reinhard Gehlen., above.[35] Sammy Davis, Jr. was also one of their contemporary KNIGHTS.


George Hunter White was another early BATESON MK ULTRA associate.[36] Bateson, White and Angleton went back to the Office of Strategic Service (OSS) during World War II.

In Rome, Italy, Angleton was chief of X2, the counterintelligence arm of the OSS.[37] In 1942, White was Branch Chief of Schools and Training for the OSS Counter-Espionage Division in Washington D.C, X2.[38] Among White’s OSS students that became prominent CIA officials were: Richard Helms, Frank Wisner, Jr., Angleton, Lyman B. Kirkpatrick, Jr., Thomas Karmessines and William Colby. Also among his espionage students had been Dr. James A. Hamilton, DR. BATESON  and Alfred M. Hubbard.[39]


Above, Frankie “One Ear” Fratto of the Chicago Outfit tortures Sammy Davis, Jr. with a trauma based MK ULTRA “Russian Roulette” terror tactic featured in the popular movie “Deer Hunter.” 


During WWII, White helped setup Fratto and his Chicago Mafia Outfit in Project UNDERWORLD led by Charlie “Lucky” Luciana as Top Secret OSS/CIA assets and agents in New York and Italy. in exchange, Mafia Rackets (Drug Trafficking, Prostitution, Loan Sharking, Murder, Inc., etc.) was shielded with U.S. government protection and cover-up.

White was a notorious lunatic U.S. Narcotic official and CIA assassin. On January 22, 1949, while shielding Mob drug smuggling and domestic trafficking, White kicked down the door of Lady Day, the Late Great Billie Holliday, to arrest her in San Francisco for opium possession.


Above, Lady Day Caught in a Luciferian Abyss with and her attorney, Jake Ehrlich, answering White’s drug possession charges in a court proceeding. The same Jack Ehrlich just happened to be Alvin Malnik’s mentor. Jake’s close friend was Mob lawyer and Australian drug cartel figure Harry Wainwright who was deeply involved in the Hugan Hand CIA Bank scandal and expanding international Mob drug struggling and trafficking  in San Francisco-Bay Area. Wainwright had been a confident of West Coast Mobster AladenaJimmy the Weasel” Fratianno.

In that much nationally publicized drug bust of Lady Day, White created a diversion to underhandedly implant a Black Face on national drug addiction and abuse. For reasons yet to be uncovered, White and Dr. Hamilton combined to oversee her drug treatment or torture. I doubt if  it had anything to do with their human Compassion as some have suggested. They hadn’t shown any  Compassion for their other victims. Lady Day would have been a key “Sex Kitten” and asset to conspire to introduce widespread drug use and addiction among people of color in the  blossoming Jazz & Blues music industry.  

As far as Compassion is concerned, White and Dr. Hamilton had capriciously tested hallucinogenic mind control/behavior modification experimental drugs, Mescaline and LSD, on dozens if not hundreds of unwitting citizens and friends driving some insane. White along with Dr. Hamilton operated among others MK ULTRA Operation Midnight Climax, a joint CIA/FBI blackmail project along with among others, Sidney Gottlieb, in which unwitting “johns” and subjects were given drinks spiked with LSD and other dangerous drugs by CIA-managed prostitutes, and whose sexual exploits and practices were then videotaped from behind two-way mirrors at posh hotels and safe houses in both New York and San Francisco. In fact, since WW II, Dr. Hamilton had developed a nasty habit in developing and using mind controlled “Sex Kittens” , in particular, for covert counterintelligence operations. (See H.P. Alberelli, Jr.,  A Terrible Mistake, The Murder of Frank Olson and the CIA’s Secret Cold War Experiments, Trine Day, Walterville, OR (2009))

Al Hubbard’s name “appeared in connection with the bizarre illegal activities of Gottlieb, Hamilton and White’s MK ULTRA operations, but the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) material was heavily redacted.[40] According to White, “It was fun, fun, fun.” White said, “Where else could a red-blooded American lie, kill, cheat, and rape with the sanction of the all-highest?”[41]


Dr. James Alexander Hamilton, above, in an extremely rare photograph. Dr. Hamilton of Stanford Medical School and U.C. Berkeley had been another early BATESON MK ULTRA associate.[42] Dr. Hamilton was the infamous psychologist and CIA Station Chief at the Little Prison of Horrors, Vacaville’s California Men Medical Facility. Dr. Hamilton was the CIA “Dr. Frankenstein” behind the Black mind control experiments at Vacaville, the Black Cultural Association (Black Assassins), Symbionese Liberation Army and Donald David Defreeze (Cinque) during the early 1970s.[43]

In fact, during the late 1960s and early 1970s, I had met and befriended several of Dr. Hamilton’s key Black “Sex Kittens” , so-called outside tutors, used to entice and lure Black Inmates into the Black Cultural Association (BCA) CIA behavior modification experiments at Vacaville. One of them married  and got one of Dr. Hamilton’s Boys out of Vacaville. What I had been told by them was that Dr. Hamilton’s Boys were to be the upcoming Black Revolutionaries to lead the struggle in our stead; like after they knocked us out. They said Dr. Hamilton Boys were the Real Revolutionaries. However, this one particular young lady that I had befriended discovered that this Hamilton Boy that she gotten out of prison and married suffered severe and uncontrollable MPD. At this time, MPD had been a clinically extremely rare and acknowledged occurrence.

On one hand, he was an upcoming Black Messiah of the Revolution, then the next moment, a woman. She often found him in bed dressed in her sexy lingerie going through personality changes. I saw the young man maybe once or twice. I checked for any public records of the marriage, dissolution and restraining orders that I knew some records had existed at the time, but I couldn’t find anything. It seemed the records  had been wiped clean.

In a round and about way, I had recently asked her about her activity in general with Dr. Hamilton’s BCA project at Vacaville for a personal study of the time.  She must have immediately concluded that I was after more than what I said. Subsequently to that question about BCA, our decades long friendship and contact suddenly ended. Generally, I stayed clear of anything coming out of Vacaville like a plague even before I heard that his “Sex Kittens” were covertly planning my “Revolutionary” funeral.  

DR. BATESON’s associate, Dr. Haley, was also a Stanford Research Institute (SRI) renowned Master Hypnotist at Stanford Medical School along with Dr. Hamilton.[44] Dr. Allison appeared in Santa Cruz at the same time that the city became the Deranged/Satanic Mass Murder Capital of the United States; [45] and Neuro-linguistic Programming was being developed commercially for mass consumption at the University of Santa Cruz by Dr. BATESON, Richard Bandler and John Grinder.[46]

If you believe your lying eyes, Dr. Allison just happened to be in the right position to diagnose and treat a sudden appearance of females suffering MPD and satanic possession in Santa Cruz. Dr. Allison expertise and specialties are DSM-IV MPD, DID, and Psychological (SATANIC-LUCIFERIAN) Exorcism.[47]

In 1995, Dr. Allison produced a very interesting and suspect abstract for several reasons. One, Dr. Allison admitted that dissociates such as what were being created by stress-trauma were usually “highly hypnotizable individuals”. Second, he proposed that if the first dissociation (sufficient trauma to dissociate) was before the age of seven, a condition that should be called MPD will be created. “MPD should be reserved for those dissociators who suffer their first major psycho-sexual-physical assault (emphasis. mine) before their seventh birthday…They feel too immature or untrained to defend themselves with physical means, so they resort to making defenders of their bodies within their minds.”[48]

Dr. Allison continued, “If the first dissociation occurred after the seventh birthday, a condition that should be called Dissociate Identity Disorder (DID) will be created…DID should be reserved for those who suffer the first assault to which they respond by a defensive dissociative after their seventh birthday.”[49]

Dr. Allison then made the following important observation, “Child development specialists have long considered that it takes an average of seven years for any child to develop the personality that will be theirs for life. The personality of a child less than seven is too fragile to absorb life threatening trauma without reacting in some fashion. Obviously not all children react to early trauma by dissociating, but those who do develop psychological entities which are different than those created at an older age.” [50]

Dr. Allison further explains of the role of the Inter Self Helper in the mind of a MPD, “In the younger group, which I call MPD multiples, the first entity to dissociate from the Birth Personality (BP) is the Inter Self Helper (ISH). The ‘Mind’ that is left I shall call the Original Personality (OP). The ISH is then the creator of all subsequent alter-personalities, no matter what type. The ISH creates them to assure the physical survival of the child, who is known to the ISH as his/her “charge”.[51]

Prior to the-this first source of inspiration, the “still small voice within” which I prefer to call the Essence of the patient. The ISH role is only a temporary “job assignment” for the essence, which desires to return to an original state of unity within the multiple’s mind. In the case of the MPD multiple, the second dissociate entity to form would be the False-Front alter personality. This must be created by the ISH to replace the (OP) which has been deemed by the ISH to be too inadequate to stay in social control of the body. This first False-Front is designed and manufactured by the ISH to present an image to the abusive parent which will assure survival. It may be made completely compliant, cooperative without crying, and able to absorb abuse without responding angrily. This will be the child the abusive parent can continue to abuse without any adverse reactions being created.”[52]

In other words, if a child’s first major psycho-sexual-physical assault take place before seven (7) years old (impressionistic stage), the Birth Personality (ISH) act as a monitor/conductor to split off alterative front personalities (dissociates) according to additional programmed stresses with sufficient trauma to dissociate, each of which are highly hypnotizable.

Whereas, Janet Jackson if her mind control traumas began before she was five (5) and I assume that to have been the case, then she may have a number of alternative alter dissociated personalities split off her ISH. One of the dissociated alter personalities is undoubtedly a SATANIC layer alter.

Janet Jackson & the Super Bowl Whore of Babylon Luciferian Ritual


I am not the only person that believe that Janet Jackson’s alleged wardrobe malfunction during the halftime performance of the February 1, 2004 NFL Super Bowl was linked to a clandestine occulted SATANIC RITE exposing her left breast adorned with a sun disk of Pagan Goddess ISHTAR, the Whore of Babylon.[53]


Above, Janet’s breast piece is undoubtedly ISHTAR’s Eight Pointed Star. Also, ISTHAR is shown identified with the very Crescent/Waxing Moon, below, adored by Janet and worshipped by the Scottish Rite KGC (Knights of the Golden Circle).


Super Bowl Sunday, February 1st, was also the traditional Pagan/Satanic holiday of Candlemass or Imboloc. The rites traditionally called for young women to parade around town naked invoking the spirit of Pagan saint Brighid or Brigit (pronounced BREE) in an effort to bring on lactation in farm animals. Brigit was also revered as the goddess of spring and represented by the sun. A close examination of the footage shows a bare breasted Janet Jackson with a strange sun ornament piercing her nipple, both clear references to this Satanic Occult ceremony. The public outcry seems to have largely missed the point. This act was not just about sex, it was about the Luciferian Doctrine, SATANISM.[54]


Above,  Luciferian J.K. Rowling, the author and creator of  the popular “Harry Potter” series gesture the ILLUMINATII-MASONIC “Sign of the Left Hand Path of the Occult”  and clutch an Old World winged “Horned God-Gargoyle” from a 13th Century Roman Catholic Church which from its origins can be identified with the “Legend of La Gargouille”  Dragon and Biblical Book of Revelation Dragon Devil-Lucifer.  A 10-Point (Number of MARDUK) Star of ISHTAR is symbolically prominent in Rowling’s background. Rowling was heavily influenced by Anschutz’s Golden Dawn C. S. Lewis and the Chronicles of Narnia.    


“Our work is therefore historically authentic; the rediscovery of the Sumerian Tradition” –Aleister Crowley


Above, Janet Jackson paying tribute to the winged bull body god of Babylon, MARDUK. MARDUK (Sumerian for “solar calf”; Biblical Merodach) is the name of a late generation god from ancient Mesopotamia and patron deity of the city of BABYLON. MARDUK is no idle FANATICISM. MARDUK is the Grand Wizard of MAGIC. It also isn’t a matter to be taken lightly. Janet is making another but a more extraordinary and powerful statement from her Controllers that may begin and end here. What is the crucial difference between Janet, Michael and Halle Berry?


People like Rosanne Barr, above,  dressed as a NAZI, are major mass media disinformation specialist. About 80% of what she say may be the TRUTH, but 20% is pure public disinformation. If she told 100% TRUTH, she would lose favor among the Controllers and be in fear of her life as Michael was. After circulating in and around Mind Control TRUTH circles gathering inside movement information, Rosanne is back at top of television and the mass media spotlight with her estimated net worth of $80 million talking about “Occupy Wall Street” and the “Fat Cats” Capitalist that control America.That Dog Won’t Hunt.

In mass media, she singled out a Black man, Joe Jackson, as a MK ULTRA operative, but she won’t talk about the elite CIA-MK ULTRA operatives like Richard Helms, Dr. Josef Mengele ,Dr. Louis Jolyon West, Dr. Aldous Huxley or DR. GREGORY BATESON, etc., or the core and inner  group of government scientific programmers.

MK ULTRA programming is the domain of elite executive office and congressional policy makers, scientists, psychiatrists and specialists. Joe Jackson is none of the above but one of their bottom feeders, a “Handler.” Barr’s statement was clear deception to lead you away and distract from the TRUTH and the real CIA operatives not unlike the trial of the black Patsy, Dr. Conrad Murray.

In this day and age, a computer comes from the factory already set with programs. A computer consumer handles the computer. The consumer do not build it or program it. A consumer turns it off and on, and is taught to handle programs. Joe Jackson to Michael and Janet Jackson is like Earl Woods to Tiger Woods, Frank Marshal Davis to Barack Obama, they are “Handlers”  of human cybernetic computer systems that come already made and programmed directly out of MK ULTRA laboratories and hospitals.

According to one MK ULTRA psychiatrist, Dr. Allison, Janet should be a true MPD Cyborg. Janet’s MK ULTRA programming took place before the age of SEVEN. Tiger Woods and Barack Obama would also be true MPD Cyborgs. True MPD Cyborgs are more reliable, malleable and manageable than DID human cybernetic computer systems. 

Rosanne Barr’s 20% TRUTH confirms that MJ was a DID meaning according to Dr. Allison, his MK ULTRA programming took place after the age of SEVEN as could be the case for Halle Berry as well. Michael started as the lead signer of the Jackson Five in Gary, Indiana at (5) Five. He was (11) eleven in 1969 when they signed their major recording contract with MOTOWN and appeared on the nationally televised Ed Sullivan Show.

The major difference between Janet, Michael and Halle Berry is that Janet is a true MK ULTRA MPD Cyborg. It would explain why Michael was so more unstable than Janet and found the WILL to RESIST.


Be commanded by MARDUK, the Great Magician (OZ) of the Gods!

Aleister Crowley, The Necronomicon Spell Book

In the case of MK ULTRA programming, the road never begin or end with the “Handlers”,  it always leads to a very select, dangerous and secretive ELITE GROUP that I call the BATESON Inner Circle of MK ULTRA programmers and social engineers. The cybernetic  human programmed systems developed by the BATESON Inner Circle are anchored and rooted in BLOOD OATH SECRECY of FREEMASONRY and the NEW BABYLON OCCULT.

BATESON, the Cult of Isis, Dionysus & MARDUK

The Biggest Secret, the ANUNNAKI


The Ancient WadjetAldous Huxley & Michael Jackson, An ancient myth of Kemet describes a battle between Horus and Set in which Horus’ Left Eye is torn out. The myth relates to the waxing and waning (crescent) of the moon during which the moon appears to have been torn out of the sky before being restored once every lunar month.


The Wadjet, Prince & Willow Smith.

According to the Isis Institute, Dr. BATESON was a leading adept of Ancient-Egyptian wisdom and Coptic tradition. BATESON was a principal apostil of Aldous Huxley. He was a leading principal in Huxley’s British Secret ISIS Occult Cult Circle in California. BATESON established his own core of “initiates” into the “psychedelic” ISIS Cult that included among others Timothy Leary and Alan Watts.


Halle Berry, the Wadjet & Right Eye, the Eye of Ra

Aldous Huxley, the grandson of Thomas H. Huxley, a founder of the Rhodes Roundtable group and a lifelong collaborator of Arnold Toynbee. Toynbee’s “theory” of history was that its determining culture has always been the rise and decline of grand imperial dynasties like BABYLON. Toynbee argued that this decline could be abated if the ruling oligarchy (like that of the British Roundtable) would devote itself to the recruitment and training of an ever-expanding PRIESTHOOD dedicated to the principles of imperial rule.

Trained at Toynbee’s Oxford University in London, Aldous Huxley was one of the initiates in the “Children of the Sun,” a DIONYSIAN CULT comprised of the children of Britain’s Roundtable elite. Among the other initiates were T.S. Eliot, W.H. Auden, Sir Oswald Mosley, and D.H. Lawrence, Huxley’s homosexual lover.


The Wadjet, Tyra Banks & Chris Brown

Aldous Huxley was tutored at Oxford by H.G. Wells, the head of British foreign intelligence during World War I… Under Wells’ tutelage, Huxley was first introduced to the Great BEAST 666, ALEISTER CROWLEY. CROWLEY was a product of the cultist circle that developed in Britain from the 1860s under the guiding influence of Edward Bulwer-Lytton whose racialist writings and books had an impact on the pseudo racial theories of the VRIL, NAZIS & ADOLF HITLER.

In 1886, Crowley, William Butler Yeats, and several other Bulwer-Lytton protégés formed the Isis-Urania Temple of Hermetic Students of the Golden Dawn that allegedly included C.S. Lewis, The Chronicles of Narnia, and J. R. Tolkien, The Lords of the Ring.

The ISIS Cult was organized around the 1877 manuscript Isis Unveiled by Madame Helena Blavatsky, in which the occultist called for the British aristocracy to organize itself into an ISIS PRIESTHOOD. Huxley founded a nest of secret elite ISIS Cults in Southern California and in San Francisco that consisted exclusively of several hundred worshipers of ISIS and other cult gods.

According to their Secret Doctrine, the Cult of ISIS of Kemet is the Cult of ISHTAR of Babylon and ISHTAR original name is INANNA of Sumer. INANNA is a member of the ANUNNAKI Pantheon.

According to their Secret Doctrine, HORUS translates as the “House of HATHOR.” HATHOR is INANNA, an ANUNNAKI.

W. H. D. Rouse in 1940 wrote an end note to Book 40 of his edition of Nonnus’ Dionysiaca about a hymn sung by Dionysus to Tyrian Heracles, Ba‘al Melqart whom DIONYSUS identifies with Belus on the Euphrates who is most likely MARDUK of the ANUNNAKI Pantheon.

The Mysteries of MARDUK & the ILLUMINATI


MARDUK (Hand Sign of Fidelity) Five Point Star & Horned Dragon (Satan-Lucifer Symbol)

MARDUK is very ancient and a complex mysterious deity from a race of beings that came to Planet Earth called the ANUNNAKI and mated with earth-women that date back to the ancient Land of Sumer. The ANUNNAKI  (Those Who From Heaven To Earth Came) is the subject of much serious debate and contention that have cost the lives of millions.

The Sumerians describe the ANUNNAKI  as being the founders of their civilization who brought them great knowledge and technology from a planet called NIBIRU. Mating with earth-women, the ANUNNAKI  created a hybrid race of humans.

MARDUK is the first born son of ENKI (Lord of Heaven and Sky) and the GODDESS DAMKINA. ENKI is the son of ANU (Supreme Lord of the Sky) of the ANUNNAKI. ENKI was the first to venture to Planet Earth. From a biblical perspective, ENKI and his half sister, NINKI created Adam and Eve. ENKI was the serpent in the Garden of Eden.

In Babylonian Mythology, TIAMAT is a sea serpent or dragon that represents CHAOS, a primordial goddess of the ocean. APUS (God of Fresh Water) brought forth with TIAMAT a set of younger gods and filled the cosmic abyss with primeval waters that created all things. ENKI learned of APUS’s conspiracy to kill his younger set of deities and imprisoned APUS beneath his temple where he died. The arrest and imprisonment of APUS angered his son, KINGU. KINGU took his case to TIAMAT that fashioned and assembled sea monsters to avenge the arrest and death of APUS.

MARDUK & The Battle of  ELDER GODS  for the Planet

“Ordo ab Chao, Order Out of Chaos”

The battle between the forces of ENKI and KINGU was described in “The Necronomicon Spell Book as a battle between the forces of “light” and “darkness” that took place long before man was created, before even the cosmos as we know it existed. It involved the Ancient Ones, led by the Serpent MUMMU-TIAMAT and her male counterpart APSU, against the ELDER GODS led by the Warrior MARDUK, son of the Sea God ENKI, Lord of Magicians of this Side. MARDUK won this battle – in much the same way that later St. George and St. Michael would defeat the Serpent again – the cosmos was created from the body of the slain Serpent, and man was created from the blood of the slain commander of the Ancient Army, KINGU, thereby making man a descendent of the Blood of the Enemy, as well as the “breath” of the Elder Gods; a close parallel to the “sons of God and daughters of men” reference in the Old Testament.

ANNUNAKI & Freemasonry

MARDUK is a central figure in Masonry and Religion. According to Freemasonry, the ruling god of BABYLON was MARDUK also known as Bel or Baal. In the Chaldean language, Bel or Baal, from the Akkadian root belu, means “he who possesses, subdues or rules,” and always refers to MARDUK, the state-god of Babylon. Bel is the Mesopotamian equivalent of the Canaanitish God, Baal, was the principal god of the indigenous Palestinians at the time of rebuilding the Temple of Yahweh. Due to religious and social connotations, the secret of MARDUK is unspoken. [56]

According to some Freemasonry beliefs, the original priesthood was founded by  MARDUK Ra in ancient times,  MARDUK being of the Merovingian/Frankish Bloodline, the “Bloodline of the Holy Grail”, which goes back to the time before the Sumerian era. The Holy Grail bloodlines descended from the Sumerian  ANUNNAKI, the originators of the secret societies on Earth in ancient time. [57]

ANUNNAKI & The Lords of the Ring

From around 4000 BC, the Ring was a primary device of the ANUNNAKI overlords, who were recorded as having been responsible for the establishment of municipal government and Kingly Practice in ancient Mesopotamia. In 1967, when Professor Tolkien was asked about the Middle-Earth environment of The Lord of the Rings, he wrote that he perceived its setting to be about 4000 BC. In this respect, the root of Tolkien’s popular tale was extracted directly from Saxon folklore and was not actually new in concept. Indeed, the early Saxon god WOTAN (the equivalent of the Sumerian Lord, ANU) was said to have ruled the Nine Worlds of the Rings – having the Ninth Ring (the One Ring) to govern eight others.

ANUNNAKI & The Bloodlines of WOTAN, the Nazis

The German researcher, Jan van Helsing, writes in his book, Secret Societies of the 20th Century, of how the Vril and Thule societies believed they were corresponding with extraterrestrials through two mediums known as Maria Orsic and Sigrun in a lodge near Berchtesgaden in December 1919.

According to Vril documents, he says, these channelings were transmitted from a solar system called ALDERBARN, light years away in the constellation of Taurus where two inhabited planets formed the Sumerian Empire.

The population of ALDEBARN is divided into a master race of blond-haired, blue-eyed, Aryans, known as Light God People and several other human-like races which had mutated to a lower genetic form due to climatic changes, the channelings said.

In excess of 500 million years the sun began ALDEBARN to expand so creating a tremendous increase in heat. The ‘lower’ races were evacuated and taken to other inhabitable planets. Then the Aryan Light God People began to colonize Earth-like planets after theirs became uninhabitable. In our solar system it was said that they first occupied the planet, Mallona, also known as MARDUK.

The Vril Society believed that later this race of blond-haired, blue-eyed colonized ALDEBARNS of Mars before landing on the Earth and starting the Sumerian civilization. The Vril channelers said that the Sumerian language was identical to that of the ALDEBARNS and sounded like “unintelligible German”. The language frequency of German and Sumerian- were almost ALDEBARNIANS identical, they believed.

The blond-haired, blue-eyed master race of extraterrestrials landed on the Earth from Mars and become the gods of ancient legend. They become the inspiration behind the advanced Sumerian culture and spawned the purest genetic stream on the planet. These same gods control the planet ever since from their underground cities.



MARDUK’S Temple Winged Lion God & Narnia’s Lion God

It is interesting that Philip Anschutz’s late guru, C.S. Lewis and his Chronicles of Narnia, displace Jesus Christ in the end-time as the Lion God named Aslan. Aslan is Salan, a name for Satan that leads the boys and girls in end time rituals that is best described as an ancient pagan Babylonian New Style Worship.[55]


MARDUK, the Winged Lion God

This New Style Babylon Worship of the ANUNNAKI and MARDUK, Sons and Daughters of Gods, is veiled all around us. It’s veiled in Halle Berry’s “Frankie and Alice”, Frankie MURDOCH=MARDUK.

ANUNNAKI Bloodlines & The Princess and the Frog

Above, poor, sad and hapless Tianna in Walt Disney’s The Princess and the Frog is subjected to miserable subservience to the privileges of a blond blue-eyed white girl.

How are Black Children supposed to feel time after time being implanted with subservient existence and 2nd class citizenship by mass media? Walt Disney Productions have been doing that covertly for a long time, yet parents continue to traumatize their children with its racialist and occulted layered productions.

In Princess and the Frog, millions have traumatized their children forcing them to be tricked by illusions and glaze into the smoked mirrors of the Occult. Eli La Bouff (EA/ENKI-BULL), a Perennial King, invites Prince Naveen (NABU-SON) of Maldonia (Mallonia-MARDUK) to the Mardi Gras (AKITU-Babylonian New Year Festival). An encounter takes place between Naveen and Dr. Faciller (APUS-God of Fresh Water) for ENKI’s Throne. APUS transform Naveen into a Fresh Water Frog. Naveen meets Tianna (TIAMAT-Chaos Monster). She deceives Naveen that she is of royal bloodline (ANUNNAKI). He kisses Tianna to break Dr. Faciller’s spell, but Tianna is exposed and also turns into a Fresh Water Frog. Tianna doesn’t have a drop of New Babylonian Royalty-MARDUK blood. To be restored, Naveen must kiss the Princess of EA/ENKI-BULL, the blond blue-eyed white girl.


Dr. Faciller, above, has the color purple which is the color of MARDUK and ISHTAR. The purple sphere is Planet-Earth under domain of ENKI and MARDUK. Also, he shares the Baphomet Pose, one hand down and the other in the sky. He wears the Skull and Bones on his hat like the Brotherhood of Death, the SS.. He has a deck of Tarot Cards. Tarot Cards are associated with mysticism and magic. During the 18th Century, the symbolism of the tarot cards lies in the Mysteries of ISIS and Thoth and the Royal Road to Wisdom.

The term Black Sun (German Schwarze Sonne), also referred to as the Sonnenrad (the German for “Sun Wheel”), is a symbol of esoteric or occult significance. Its design bases on a sun wheel incorporated in a floor of Wewelsburg Castle of Reichsfuhrer Heinrich Himmler’s SS. Today, it may also be used in occult currents of Germanic neopaganism, and in Irminenschaft or Armanenschaft-inspired esotericism.


In the end, Naveen miss the midnight deadline to kiss the Princess of the  Royal Bloodline. The two frogs, Naveen and Tianna, are married by Mama Odie, a Voodoo Priestess/Seer of the Bayou. Mama Odie’s “All Seeing Eye” of the ILLUMINATI is a Serpent called JUJU. Naveen and Tianna kiss and magically, they become hold. I suppose that Tiana has become a Princess of the UnderworldHELL, an heir to the Throne of 197 year old Mama Odie.


Tianna, Princess of the Moon, Dark Forces and Clouds with a Masonic Blazing Star in the background. Even Tianna’s Crown is Occulted. It has no jewels. It is made up of a waning crescent moon with Three Pyramids arising. Three represents the Pagan Trinity. The three pyramids conceal the numbers 333.

It is said that occultists often use the triple numbers 333 as a secret number representing the dreaded 666. But we have heard that the real reason is that this number, 333, is an occult symbol for Choronzon, the dreaded spirit of chaos. This entity also is known as the spirit of dissolution and Lord of Hallucinations. Everyone who comes in contact with Choronzon falls into ruin. The demon is said to create confusion of thought and turn people insane.

The ANUNNAKI Bloodlines & Scientology 

At about the same time in 1967 that Tolkien was forming Lords of the Rings, L. Ron Hubbard developed Church of Scientology based upon extraterrestrial LORD XENU. XENU was the dictator of the “Galactic Confederacy” who, 75 million years ago, brought billions of his overpopulated people to Earth. He dumped them around volcanoes and blew the people up with nitrogen bombs then trapped their spirits in electronic traps. The gathered spirits were assembled in cinemas than implanted with false realities. Million years later after human beings began to inhabit the earth, these “Galactic Confederacy” spirits and false realities attached themselves to humans.

The Loyal Officers of MARCAB overthrew LORD XENU and hold him captive in a mountain on one of the planets of “Galactic Confederacy”. The MARCABIAN Federation ruled Planet Earth until it lost control due to “losses in war and other things.” Well, isn’t this the very same MARDUK and the ancient battle with KINGU to rule Planet-Earth.

The Church of Scientology has an E-Meter to measure the amount of false realities from these extraterrestrial spirits that are attached to the body to become “Clear.” As far as Black people were concerned with “Galactic Confederacy” ancient extraterrestrial spirits, H.R. Hubbard said, Negroes don’t register on simple wheatstone bridges (that is, the Ohm meter the company sells as an E-Meter) because they’re too unintelligent.

Hubbard said that the purpose of the Theta Universe is “the conquest, change and ordering of MEST” (our physical universe). Hubbard felt that Black people had a tendency to personify the MEST universe by giving objects personalities. “Actually, have you notice how a Negro, in particular, down south, where they’re pretty close to the soil, personifies MEST? The gate post and the wagon and the whip and anything around there. A hat –they talk to ‘em you know. ‘Wassa madda wit you, hat?’ They imbue them with personality.”janet32

Finally, we come back to Janet Jackson prone and crawling on all four on the ground behind the OZMARDUK of the ANUNNAKI, personifying, An Animal! The elite ILLUMINATI claim to be direct descendants of MARDUK and the ANUNNAKI. Their claim to rule earth and over mankind is through the “Everlasting Kingship” of MARDUK called an imperial dynasty (Imperium) BABYLON. In the Imperium, Janet Jackson is a Woman of Color, a BEAST OF BURDEN and the WHORE OF NEW BABYLON.






[6] Id.


[8] Ross, Colin A., Bluebird, Deliberate Creation of Multiple Personality By Psychiatrists, Manitou Communications, Inc., Richardson, TX (2000) pgs. 255-261


[10] Id.


[12] Id.


[14] Id.






[20] Id.






[26] Id. At footnote 2







[33] Albarelli, H.P. Jr., A Terrible Mistake, The Murder of Frank Olson and the CIA’s Secret Cold War Experiments, Trine Day, Walterville, OR (2009) p. 801



[36] Id at footnote 9

[37] 238 terrible

[38] 398 terrible

[39] 399 terrible



[42] Id at footnote 9







[49] Id.

[50] Id.

[51] Id.

[52] Id.







17 05 2011

“The enemy has only images and illusions behind which he hides his true motives. Destroy the image and you will break the enemy. ”Shaolin Abbot to Bruce Lee, Enter the Dragon (1973)

Black Folk and the entire planet had a great deal of hope in President Barack Hussein Obama when he was elected in 2008 as the 44th President of the United States. There were great misplaced expectations that a Black President could exercise the power and authority of his office independently with free will, compassion, wisdom and justice. America just doesn’t work that way anymore since the Assassination of 35th President of the United States, John F. Kennedy.

What we see and interpret as power is an illusion…Blacks are now elevated to “Head Nigger in Charge” only when a situation has become so hopeless officials don’t want to risk putting one of their own in charge. It is often a token put there to rescue a situation grown hopeless. Don’t be deceived by those moves and think they come about by rightness and righteousness. They are motivated by institutional racism… What we see and interpret as power is an illusion…” Dr. Marcus A. Foster, First Black OaklandUnified School DistrictSuperintendent, 8 Months before Being Assassinated on November 6, 1973[1]

This was Luciferian Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex 20th Century state of art mind control of the 42nd President of the United States (1993-2001), Bill Clinton.  


21st Century Cyborgs, Human Soft Machines: Part Free, Part Robot.[2]

When President Barack Obama was elected and sworn in, he showed little human emotion or compassion for the Palestinians (People of Color) as Israel unmercifully and inhumanly bombed, attacked, and assaulted defenseless Gaza for three weeks (December 27, 2008 (2008-12-27) – January 18, 2009) slaughtering almost 1,500 people.[3]

President Barack Obama has shown no compassion or symphony for the poor, elderly, middle class and people of color victimized by the banking mortgage scandals and shams. With utter cold preset indifference to the criminal and fraudulent banking industry that caused the mortgage meltdown, the Obama Presidential administration has rewarded the perpetrators with trillions in taxpayer bailouts without any meaningful oversight by Congress.[4]  

President Obama mechanically escalates the “Bush Empire” wars of aggression and drone “robot assassination” policies that have shamefully, unmercifully and illegally slaughtered hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians (People of Color) in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan, Yemen and now Libya.[5]  Under President Obama, the CIA sought and obtained virtually unlimited freedom to carry out extrajudicial kidnappings, targeted assassinations; clandestine wars of aggression and drone strikes in secrecy without any meaningful oversight by Congress.

President Obama, the Pentagon and U.S. National Security State has embraced the idea of the ‘long war’– a twenty-year strategy envisioning deployment of U.S. troops in dozens of countries, and the Army adopted the idea of  “the era of persistent warfare.”[6]

On March 19, 2011, President Obama, an African Descendent, left a “Bitter Taste” in Brazil, a nation of color, by launching an unjust unilateral aerial assault against the African sovereign nation of Libya [7] solely in the interest of Africa’s former white supremacist murderous colonists responsible for plunder of the mother country’s resources and slaughter of millions. President Obama’s justification to attack Libya because of an imminent “humanitarian threat” to innocent civilians was and remains a cold hearted vicious and outrageous fabrication, deception and war crime.[8]  

On April 30, 2011, President Obama with utter programmed indifference to human rights and steer barbarism showed absolutely no compassion for lives of Gaddafi’s youngest son, Saif al-Arab Gaddafi, 29 years old, or the three children slaughtered by a NATO missile, Saif Mohammed Muammar Gaddafi was one year and 3 months (born on 30 January 2010), Carthage Hannibal Muammar Gaddafi was 2 years and 9 months old (born on 2 August 2008) and Mastura Humaid was 4 months and half (she was born on 15 December 2010).[9]

President Obama and NATO’s war of aggression against the people of color of Libyais causing a humanitarian crisis among Africans trying to flee constant aerial bombings and assaults. Witnesses say NATO and the U.S. deliberately ignores mayday calls from boats in distress carrying Africans fleeing Libyaby sea.[10]

A Libyan boat carrying up to 600 people trying to flee the country under NATO and “O’Bomb-Em” siege has reportedly sunk off the coast of North Africa. It follows an earlier report of 61 migrants from Libya dying from thirst and hunger on another vessel which had been left adrift in the Mediterraneanfor over two weeks.[11]

On Sunday, May 1, 2011, President Obama commandeered the global airways with a cold hearted mechanical straight face and announced the liquidation and extrajudicial murder of an unarmed and defenseless Bogey-Straw Man of Osama Bin Laden and yet another mindless brutal and deadly assault against people of color in the sovereign nation of Pakistan. After the onslaught on what appeared to have been a defenseless family, Pakistan authorities found at least 3 bodies of men in pools of blood slain at the scene.[12]

For Pagans, May 1st (May Day) is symbolic for several reasons. May Day is the night when witches emerge into the open to wreak revenge on God-fearing people.  May Day was a SS Holiday favored by Reichsfuhrer Heinrich Himmler. It was great Celtic solar festival and was celebrated in early times with bonfires and dancing around maypoles etc., which were believed to help bring fertility to crops, homes and livestock. It also happens to be the day that Adolf  Hitler’s death was announced to the world,

“The Dark Initiate had remained true to his black creed to the very last, had arranged his affairs so that even his suicide should be a sacrificial tribute to the Powers of Darkness. April 30 is the ancient Feast of Beltane, the day which blends into Walpurgis Night. It is perhaps the most important date in the whole calendar of Satanism.”[13]

The name ‘May’ is from the ancient belief in MAIA, the Greek goddess of spring/growth. In Greek mythology, Maia is one of the Pleiades and the mother of Hermes. Maia is one of the four yearly ‘Sabbaths’ as they are called, and Beltane is a rite of spring/ birth/fertility considered as the blossoming of life, personified by the union of the goddess and the sun god. Beltane is an Irish term meaning ‘great fire’. [14]

President Obama’s first daughter, born July 4, 1998, is named Malia. Coincidence? I don’t believe it is. Obama’s second daughter born, June 10, 2001, also has special pagan significance. This name is especially common in Europe where it is used primarily by males as a diminutive of Alexander, although females may also use it as a diminutive of Alexandra.[15]

Etymologically, Alexander is derived from the Greek “Αλέξανδρος”  (Aléxandros), meaning  “defending men”  or  “protector of men.”  The name was one of the titles (“epithets”) given to the Greek goddess HERA and as such is usually taken to mean “one who comes to save warriors”. In the Iliad, the character Paris is known also as Alexander. The name’s popularity was spread throughout the Greek world by the military conquests of King Alexander II, commonly known as “Alexander the Great”. Later, Alexanders in various countries were directly or indirectly named for him.[16]

In 2008, Beyonce adopted “SASHA” Fierce, Vehicle of Baphomet, as an alter personality symbolic representation of a Luciferian Blood Scarifice for Fame, Fortune and Power.[17] Another coincidence, I really don’t believe so.

Sasha is in trouble!

Sasha is in extreme trouble with MK ULTRA themes, the “Aminal Imprint” for young Black females; and with Demonologist/Luciferian Rihanna as an inspiration for anything.  



For almost a couple of  weeks with almost reckless computerized abandonment of human decency and compassion for his fellow man, President Obama has rallied a global lynch mob atmosphere in the cold-blooded mafia styled liquidation and extra judicial slaughter of an innocent man of faith and color. It wasn’t Osama Bin Laden. Bin Laden has been dead for almost 10 years.

Fox News Report,December 26, 2001

Usama bin Laden has died a peaceful death due to an untreated lung complication, the Pakistan Observer reported, citing a Taliban leader who allegedly attended the funeral of the Al Qaeda Leader.[18]

Bin Laden’s funeral had been announced worldwide on December 26, 2001; and U.S. intelligence gathering agencies and operatives monitoring his radio transmissions and cables haven’t heard from him since December 2001.[19]  Additional, just months before her assassination, former Pakistan Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto in a 2007 televised interview publicly exposed the fact that Osama Bin Laden was DEAD![20]

As late as June 8, 2006, the FBI page stated: “Usama Bin Laden is wanted in connection with the August 7, 1998, bombings of the United States Embassies in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and Nairobi, Kenya. These attacks killed over 200 people. In addition, Bin Laden is a suspect in other terrorist attacks throughout the world.” When asked why there is no mention of 9/11 on the FBI’s web page, Rex Tomb, the FBI’s Chief of Investigative Publicity, is reported to have said, “The reason why 9/11 is not mentioned on Usama Bin Laden’s Most Wanted page is because the FBI has no hard evidence connecting Bin Laden to 9/11.” Additionally Vice President Dick Cheney said, “We’ve never made the case, or argued the case, that somehow Osama Bin Laden was directly involved in 9/11.”[21]

The photo reportedly showing a slain Osama bin Laden that made its way around the world is a Photoshop hoax.[22] The White House refuses to release any photos of the innocent Bogeyman-Straw man Bin Laden that was slain.[23]

The Bin Laden global televised capture and murder is a hoax, a false-flag operation; an old lame psychological warfare tactic.[24]  Murder, mayhem and lynch mob mentality, it is all fun, games, celebration, glee, and inhumane degrading jokes in America against Muslim Bogey Men and People of Color.

Below, Jay Leno of the Tonight Show and former President Bill Clinton with the same Illuminati/Luciferian “Triangle” hand symbol, “I AM AMONG YOU.” I won’t patronize Jay Leno and the U.S. Entertainment Luciferian Brotherhood any longer.  

I really don’t believe that Black Folk or the World has really seen anything quite like “Barack Hussein Obama II” formed August 4,1961 on Oahu Island, Honolulu, Hawaii, or the First Lady, Michelle Obama.

Barack Obama had been shaped, formed and molded by the Luciferian Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex since birth. President of  the United States, Barack Obama is only an illusion. Obama is part human-part robot, a damn Cyborg reeking mindless and robotic warfare, death and destruction across the globe.  

 Above, Barack Obama appears about 9-10 years old displays around his neck the strange symbol of the stick man with inverted arms turned downwards. It is the “Man Rune.” The figure encircled is an ancient and powerful symbol of the “Anti-Christ.”  For one to wear or display this symbol is to announce either knowingly or unknowingly that you have rejected Christ. Symbolism is a picture language, and a picture is worth a thousand words. With the arms of the cross raised in an upright position, it is a Pythagorean emblem of the course of life, in the form of a rising path with fork roads to good and evil. It also signifies fertility, but with arms pointing downward, it denotes evil and death.[25]

Above, Michelle Obama wears the abnormal Pagan Cross with broken arms also known as the “Cross of Nero”, “Crow’s Foot”, and “Witches Foot.” The Nero’s cross has also been recognized as a “mockery” of Christianity, as it is thought to represent a broken, upside down cross, within a circle representing “Nero’s vision”. It is thought that Nero believed that the destruction of Christianity and all Christians would bring peace; thousands of Christians were martyred under the rule of Nero. The Cross with broken arms is also called the “Dead Man Rune” and “todersrune” and “death rune.” The Germanic tribes who used it attributed strange and mystical properties to the sign. Such a “rune” is said to have been used by “black magicians” in pagan incantations and condemnations.  It appears on the tombstones of some of Hitler’s SS troops as a sign of pagan mysticism.[26]

Malia Obama adorning the Pagan “broken crow”, “crow or witches’ foot” and “dead man’s rune.”


Declassified Cyborg-Mind Control Programs

Project MK-ULTRA, 1953, CIA:
Drugs, electronics and electroshock
Targeting: Short range
Frequencies: VHF HF UHF modulated at ELF
Transmission and Reception: Local production
Purpose: Programming behavior, creation of “Cyborg” mentalities
Effects: narcoleptic trance, programming by suggestion
Subprojects: Many.
Pseudonym: Project Artichoke
Functional Basis: Electronic Dissolution of Memory, E.D.O.M.[27] 

A Cyborg is essentially a man-machine system in which the control mechanisms of the human portion are modified externally by drugs, electronics and electroshock or regulatory devices.[28] The CIA and military-industrial system has been clandestinely perfecting the demarcations between cybernetic mechanism and the biological organism for over 50 years.

Barack Obama wasn’t raised within any village of African or African American Culture or Thought. According to Obama, his biological parents, Obama, Sr. and Ann Stanley Dunham, met at a Russian language class at East-West Center (EWC) at Hawaii University (HU) in 1959 or 1960.[29]

Recent FOIA releases of Barack Obama Sr.’s immigration records disclose that he was not co-habituating with Stanley Ann Dunham after the marriage and birth of Obama. In fact, the U.S. Immigration Department had been investigating if the Obama-Dunham marriage was “bona fide.”[30]

The Obama-Dunham marriage was only a cover for something like out of the annals of science fiction like “One Step Beyond” or the “Other Limits” of normal human understanding. EWC-HU was the backdrop of an experiment in human engineering so insidious that you will never if at all believe your liar eyes.  
EWC at HU was the bastard child of the U.S. State Department directors John Foster Dulles, Christian Herter; and CIA Director of Plans Richard Helms in 1959. It was established by Congress in 1960 as a veil “to strengthen relations and understanding among the peoples and nations of Asia, the Pacific and the [CIA] interest of the United States.”[31] 


ALLEN DULLES, RICHARD HELMS, Carmel Office and FRANK WISNER were the grand masters. If you were in a room with them you were in a room full of people that you had to believe would deservedly end up in HELL. I guess I will see them there soon.”  –James Angleton, CIA Chief of Counter Intelligence [32]

MK ULTRA project was started on the order of CIA director Allen Dulles on April 13, 1953.[33]  Under Dulles, MK ULTRA had been Richard Helm’s Baby.[34]  Former CIA Director, Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, testified before Congress that MK ULTRA’s purpose was “to investigate whether and how it was possible to modify an individual’s behavior by covert means”.[35]

MK ULTRA was much more. It was a far reaching vast clandestine mind control and assassination program involving the government, all branches of the military, and some ofAmerica’s leading universities, hospitals and scientific professionals.

MK ULTRA is still classified and Above Top Secret. In 1973, Helms ordered that all CIA-MK ULTRA files be destroyed. As a result, what the public have discovered about MK ULTRA is only a tip of the colossal iceberg.

 MK ULTRA’s experiments on children are not well publicly documented or known, but at least 4 (four) programs are known to have particularly targeted “CHILDREN” for mind control experiments in the interest of the CIA and the Military-Industrial-Congressional Complex.


Barack Obama’s Biological Links to the Birth of  MK ULTRA

“Well, if they were choosing the best and brightest, maybe they figured these kids would one day rise to important positions in the society, and they wanted to gain long-term control over them, so they would be under their thumb, so they could tap them at will — a way of controlling the future society.”  Testimony of MK ULTRA  Child Victim, March 15, 1995, in Washington, D.C., before the President’s Committee on Radiation [36]

In 1953, Government Psychologist, Dr. William Thetford, was a Research Consultant to the Foreign Service Institute (FSI), State Department, at AmericanUniversity, Beirut, Lebanon.[37]

The FSI is the U.S. Federal Government’s primary training institution for employees of the U.S.foreign affairs community (CIA); preparing American diplomats and other professionals to, again, advance U.S.foreign affairs [CIA] interests overseas and in Washington.[38] FSI was initially authorized in Title VII of the Foreign Service Act. On March 13, 1947, Secretary of State, General George Marshall (Germany’s Forth Reich Marshall Plan), formally announced the establishment of the FSI.[39] 

With the help of America’s cold war warrior and Nazi collaborator, George F. Kennan,[40] of the State Department under General Marshall, the Office of Special Projects (OSP) was created in 1948 under an ultra CIA counterintelligence expert, Frank Gardiner Wisner, Sr.  Soon afterwards it was renamed the Office of Policy Coordination (OPC) which became the espionage, assassination and counter-intelligence branch of the CIA [41] within the U.S. State Department.

In 1953, Wisner became CIA head Directorate of Plans, with Richard Helms as his chief of operations. Wisner and Helms controlled approximately 75% of the CIA’s clandestine (MK ULTRA) budget.[42] 

In 1951, Dr. Thetford had become a senior CIA assessment psychologist on Dr. John Gittinger’s Assessment and Evaluation Staff in the Office of Training.[43]  Dr. Gittinger and Vacaville’s Men’s Medical Facility CIA Station Chief, Dr. James A. Hamilton of Stanford University, were leading principals in MK ULTRA/MONARCH research, development; and clandestine Manchurian Candidate assassination operations.[44]

In 1960, Dr. William Thetford along with a David Saunders headed Helm’s MK-ULTRA Subproject 130: Personality Theory at Columbia University. Dr. Thetford conducted among other things TOP SECRET Personality Theory of Conversion Hysterics experiments.[45]

“The more we do to you, the less you seem to believe we are doing it.”   – Dr. Josef Mengele, the Angel (Demon) of Death-

Conversion Hysterics is often referred to as “disorder of imagination.” It is a mental disorder characterized by the conversion of mental conflict into somatic forms (into paralysis or anesthesia having no apparent cause). Conversion Hysterics usually occur in people subject to traumatic stresses such as battle fatigue. Patients develop mysterious subjective maladies and disabling illness.[46] Conversion Hysterics involves normal human reactions to ritual trauma abuse and torture.  

Dr. Thetford’s mastery in “Conversion Hysterics” has the hallmark touch of the research and development of the “Mengele Method.”

Nazis-SS psychiatrists determined that “absolute” mind control could be realized through specific tortures of the intended trans-generational victims from the moment of birth.  Hauptsturmfuhrer SS Dr. Josef Mengele created one certain drug developed at Auschwitzt hat was used on children to induce severe pain and torture. Where the child would normally black out, and become unconscious from severe pain, the doctor would administer or inject the drug and it would keep the child from blacking out, and thus the doctor could than inflict greater pain, going far beyond the threshold of human endurance, which in turn would allow the mind of the child to became totally wiped clean, a total blank so that the child forgot their own personal identity, forgot how to add or subject, or carry on a conversation. 

The natural response to this extraordinary level of pain and torture Dr. Mengele had perfected was dissociation of the conscious mind. In that state, victims can be subjected and programmed with secret alternative personalities with keys and triggers.

During the war, Dr. Mengele had been cautious in revealing and discussing the details of his research. Mengele’s caution and secrecy made him indispensable to anyone seeking the data, reports and results of his research, “Mengele never discussed his research with anybody else. He kept it secret. This was to be the basis for his dissertation and he did not want to share the information with anyone.” (See Gerald Astor, The Last Nazi, The life and times of Dr. Joseph Mengele, Donald I. Fine, Inc., N.Y., 1974)

One of the countries seeking Mengele’s secret data and research was the United States. The Nazi’s top secret research was originally considered to be a significant bonus by product of the U.S. Department of Defense’s Project 63 also known as Project National Interest. Project 63 was dedicated to the secret importation and protection of a group of Nazi and Fascist scientists.           

In direct collaboration with Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy, the United States slipped Mengele out of Germany to a Roman Catholic convent inRome, and then he was shipped to Juan Peron’s Argentina under the name of Dr. Helmut Gregor. Mengele moved freely inSouth America. He resided inBrazil, Paraguay,Chile and the U.S.  Mengele bought a pharmaceutical company in Buenos Aires to continue his drug experiments and research.

Mengele also tested drugs that were the direct experimental subjects of the US Navy’s Project CHATTER. Project CHATTER was a Navy program that began in the fall of 1947. Allegedly, responding to reports of “amazing results” achieved by the Soviets in using “truth drugs,” the program focused on the identification and testing of drugs for use in interrogations and in the recruitment of agents. The research included laboratory experiments on animals and unwitting human subjects involving Anabasis aphylla, scopolamine, and mescaline in order to determine their speech-inducing qualities. 

Mengele also tested drugs that were the direct experimental subjects of the US Navy’s Project CHATTER. Project CHATTER was a Navy program that began in the fall of 1947. Allegedly, responding to reports of “amazing results” achieved by the Soviets in using “truth drugs,” the program focused on the identification and testing of drugs for use in interrogations and in the recruitment of agents. The research included laboratory experiments on animals and unwitting human subjects involving Anabasis aphylla, scopolamine, and mescaline in order to determine their speech-inducing qualities.

During the 1950s, Mengele moved freely around the world and the U.S.  As late as 1956, he boldly obtained a passport in his name. He traveled to Zurich, Switzerland to visit his family and married his brother’s widow. Mengele’s trauma-torture based mind control data, research, and methodology were incorporated in America’s experimental behavior manipulation programs later incorporated into the CIA’s projects Bluebird and Artichoke which, in 1953, became Helm’s MKULTRA Program.

Mengele’s trauma-torture based mind control research was reborn as the “Monarch Project”. The Monarch Project was a subsection of projects Bluebird, Artichoke, and Helms’ MK ULTRA. I suspect that Dr. Mengele had been Dr. Thetford’s master in Beiruit.  

CIA Psychologist Dr. Thetford is also relevant in that he may have been involved in the personality development of Oprah Winfrey as a child, but he in fact developed Oprah’s most celebrated and publicized covert satanic mass mind control program, A Course in Miracles (ACIM).”[47]

Helen Schucman co-authored ACIM with Dr. Thetford. Schucman went into drug induced trances and purported to have received messages directly from Jesus Christ. The person that transcribed the messages from Christ was the CIA, Dr. Thetford. This is Oprah’s ACIM, direct messages from a New Age Jesus Christ.[48] In Christianity, there is no other name so powerful by which man can be saved other than through the name of Jesus Christ.

“Nor is there salvation in any other; for there is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be saved.” Acts 4:12

“For there is one God, and one Mediator between God and men, the Man Christ Jesus…” 1 Timothy 2:5

“He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and he believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him.” John 3:36

That is pretty powerful testimony to receive direct messages from Jesus Christ. There are estimated to be approximately 2.1 billion Christians in the world, about one third of the total population of the planet.[49] The implication is that in this new POST-HUMAN RENAISSANCE, man shall receive salvation and live by a New Age Religion and Christ, all programmed through the CIA and the New World Order. 

Oprah and her mass media alphabet OWN, (NWO) New World Order backwards, is global. This may explain why Obama and Oprah is so “buddy-buddy”, “brother-sister” on the Chicago quiet tip. They both may have come out of Dr. Thetford’s 1960 Subproject 130 of which is still highly classified and CIA-Above Top Secret stuff.  

Above, recently discovered family photograph of the Dunhams during the early 1950s in Beirut, Lebanon. In 1953, Stanley Armour, Madelyn Dunham along with Ann Stanley was stationed in Beirut with Dr. Thetford, most likely than not as deep cover CIA agents.[50] Dr. Thetford’s primary research from 1950-1953 had centered on the personality development and fantasy projections of children.[51]  Most likely than not, they had been clandestinely MK ULTRA briefed and trained on ultra secret projects involved in the development of cybernetic children through Wisner and Helm’s OPC of the U.S. State Department.

By 1958, Wisner had been eased out as CIA Directoriate of Plans.[52] Richard Helms took over. Helms oversaw military-oriented EMR (electromagnetic-response) research. “Cybernetics [the science of communication and control theory that is concerned with the study of automatic control systems, such as the brain and mechanical-electrical communications],” Helms admitted, Cybernetics “can be used in molding of a child’s character, the inculcation of knowledge and techniques, the amassing of experience, the establishment of social behavior patterns … all functions which can be summarized as control of the growth processes of the individual.”[53] 


Lurking behind the scenes at the EWC-UH all along with Stanley Armour, Madelyn, Ann Dunham and Obama Jr. during his most impressionistic years was one of Helm’s Cyberneticist Boys, the infamous MK ULTRA British Godfather and Mind Control Expert, Dr. Gregory Bateson.

Dr. Bateson of Stanford Research Institute’s (SRI) Mental Health Research Institute (MHRI) in Menlo Park, CAwas considered one of the Godfathers of Cybernetics.[54] Dr. Bateson had also been a secret principal developer of secret Nazi (LEBENSBORN) multigenerational mind control methodologies after WWII.

In 1963, Dr. Bateson was allegedly invited by Taylor Pryor to work under cover of the Oceanic Foundation in Hawaiion cetacean and other problems of animal and human communication. Bateson remained in Hawaii working with the Culture Institute of the EWC. It was during the EWC-HU period that Bateson developed the fourth period – the new epistemology – that stems from systems and ecology.[55] Human “ecology” is a CIA code-word for behavior modification and mind control.[56]   

While at EWC-UH, Bateson was also working on secret cybernetic research for the U.S. National Institute of Mental Health, a covert MK ULTRA funding institution [57] and the Wenner-Gren Foundation (Viking Fund).[58] Axel Wenner-Gren was a Swedish Nazi financier, Eugenicist (Pseudo-Race Science) and close associate of the Reichsstatthatter of Prussia, Hermann Goering.[59]  

When Ann Dunham left Hawaii for Indonesia in 1965, she entered the country with Lobo Soetoro under a veil of an anthropologist. She was a math student at the HU. She earned her PhD in anthropology from HU in 1992, but posed as a trained anthropologist from 1965-1992 in Indonesia, Java, Pakistan,[60] Ghana, Nepal, Bangladesh, India, and Thailand.[61] So, who trained Ann Dunham as an anthropologist at HU or EWC prior to 1965? Dr. Gregory Bateson![62]

Additionally, Ann Dunham was an operational cyberneticist like Dr. Bateson. She was involved in helping setup microeconomic (micro financing) systems in Pakistan, India and New York for the Ford Foundation.[63] Microeconomics and microeconomic systems are forms of cybernetics.[64] Economic Cybernetics can be covertly used by old colonial powers, ruling classes, oligarchies, and the NWO to centrally control and rule nations and populations. 

In fact, the EWC may have all along been the brainchild of Dr. Bateson. Among the inventory of papers he left after his death in 1980, he had maintained a file on the EWC dating back 10 (ten) years before it was officially funded by the U.S. State Department and Congress in 1959-60.[65]

During his most formative years from birth to 6 years old, Obama, Jr.’s character was essentially shaped and molded within the CIA-MK ULTRA web of his grandparents, Stanley Armour and Madelyn Dunham and HU-EWC. During Obama’s formative period, Ann Dunham had been an anthropology asset at HU-EWC. HU has been confirmed as one of Helms’ secret CIA/MK ULTRA/Cybernetic Research institutions.[66]


The Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA and DARPA) is an agency of the U.S. Department of Defense responsible for the development of new technology for use by the military. During the 1960’s, DARPA was led by behavioral psychologist, Joseph C.R. Licklier. He was among the core group of Macy Conference cyberneticists with Dr. Bateson that developed cybernetics for military-industrial applications.[67]

While heading the Command and Control Research division of ARPA in 1960, he wrote an explosive and revealing paper titled, Man-Computer Symbiosis:   

“The hope is that, in not too many years, human brains and computing machines will be coupled together very tightly, and that the resulting partnership will think as no human brain has ever thought and process data in a way not approached by the information-handling machines we know today…That hope would take form in such later projects as DARPA’s Augmented Cognition to create soldier-computer “dyads [twofold],” and the sterile vision for a “Posthuman Renaissance,” where “there are no demarcations between bodily existence and computer simulation, between cybernetic mechanism and biological organism.” [68]

Under Licklier, ARPA disbursed millions of dollars to a wide range of computer and Artificial Intelligence research centers. APRA and NASA have been locked in partnership since the inception of NASA under SS-Sturmbannfuhrer Werner von Brun.[69]  One of its secret intelligence research centers was HU.[70] 

So, it should be no surprise the area of secret research and development of APRA/NASA at HU, to create a “soldier-computer dyad where is little or no noticeable “demarcations between bodily existence and computer simulation, between cybernetic mechanism and biological organism”, a Barack Hussein Obama Cyborg. 

If Stanley Armour, Madelyn and Stanley Ann Dunham were deep cover CIA agents involved in the early development stages of secret projects for MK ULTRA/ Cyborg-Mind Control Programs at HU with Psychologist Dr. William Thetford (Fantasy Perceptions in Children Studies),[71] then Obama’s admitted bizarre childhood mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, cannot simply be dismissed as his “real father” or a “KGB handler.”  


The storyline is Stanley Armour turned Obama over to Davis at age 10 or 11 because he believed it would help his alienated grandson identify with being of mixed heritage. For seven years, Obama had a “father-son” relationship with Davis, who confessed to being an underground pedophile practicing a wide array of deviant sexual activities; voyeurism (paraphilia), exhibitionism, bisexuality, rape, sadomasochism, and bondage.[72] Davis’ most likely role in Obama’s preteen years (9-13) was as a special “MONARCH” handler and programmer most likely with specialized knowledge of Mengele and Thetford’s “Conversion Hysterics”.  Davis may have been a FBI/CIA asset since 1948 in Seattle, WA starting with the Navy’s ulta secret Project CHATTER.

“MONARCH programming was a government funded mind control experiment included under the larger CIA operation MK ULTRA. Operation Monarch involved using severe electro-shock trauma, sexual abuse, and other sadistic methods designed to split the subject’s mind into alternate personalities. The methods were conducted primarily on children because they are easier to break down psychologically, due to their primitive stage of emotional and cognitive development.”[73]

Frank Davis was a MONARCH trauma abuse multiple personality disorder (MPD) layering expert in control of amassing traumatic and ritual sexual abuse experiences to overwhelm Obama’s preteen growth alternative personalities, and then program the alters with layers of Satanism and perversion.

Barack Hussein Obama II is unlike any African American that you have never seen. He was born a MK ULTRA mold within the secret National Security State. He is an ILLUSION, a CYBORG, designed to advance its clandestine interests overseas and in the U.S of the CIA whether you want to see or not. The demarcations between those things that are human and those that are robotic and automatic programmed behavior have been carefully crafted and masked to deceive you.  


FIRST STAGE, Formative Years (From birth to 6 or 7 years old)


Above, StanleyArmour Dunham (SAD) and Barack Hussein Obama, Sr. at Hickman Air Force Base in Hawaii. It demonstrates that SAD was slated from the very beginning to be a clandestine caretaker of an experiment, a Cyborg Human Seed. 

In 1959, SAD was part of the EWC-HU’s Africa Airlift welcoming team that greeted Barack Obama, Sr. at Hawaii Airport. Beyond doubt, SAD was directly connected to the CIA’s EWC-HU Africa Airlift project.[74]

August 4, 1961, Stanley Ann Dunham (SAD1) was residing with SAD and Madelyn Dunham (MD) when Barack Hussein Obama (BHO) was born.

From 1961 until 1968, very little is known about this period other than BHO is reared in Hawaii with SAD, MD and SADI centering on EWC-HU. During this period, SAD1 becomes associated with Dr. Gregory Bateson’s expertise and cover, Anthropology (Study of Culture).

BHO recorded repressed memories, Dreams From My Father, of astronauts observed from an isolation chamber from a successful NASA Apollo splash down that couldn’t have taken place at Hickman Air Force Base in Hawaii.[75] NASA’s Apollo Pacific Ocean splashdowns began in December 1968 (Apollo 8),[76] a year after Obama moved to Jakarta, Indonesia with SAD1.

Above, BHO on the shoulders of the man with a distinctive military crew cut and a very characteristic (spaded) nose that clearly is not SAD. The mystery man has an uncanny likeness of NASA Astronaut Air Force Captain Virgil (Gus) Grissom, Master Mason, Member of Mitchell Lodge 228 of Mitchell, Indiana.[77]

If the picture was taken when Obama was three (3) years old as it has been represented between August 4, 1964-August 4, 1965, [78] the picture could have been taken within a couple months after or before Grissom’s Gemini 3 flight, March 23 -25, 1965. It was the first spacecraft to maneuver in orbit, and first manned flight of Gemini spacecraft. Gemini 3 splashdown was in the Atlantic Ocean near the Turks and Calicos Islands (UK).[79]

Gus Grissom and NASA Astronaut U.S. Navy Captain LeRoy Gordon Cooper, Jr. (33rd Degree Mason) were directly involved in a secret MK ULTRA-NASA mind control program, SPACE KIDS.[80] 

On January 27, 1967, Grissom was killed in a suspicious space capsule fire. Before his body was cold, federal agents invaded his home and seized Grissom’s personal records and diary.[81] 

The logical conclusion is that BHO was early top secret experimental NASA “SPACE KID” during his most formative years, and Gus Grissom had been his secret MK ULTRA handler. 

SECOND STAGE: Formative Years (7-10 years old) 


January 1, 1968, SAD1 (anthropologist) relocated to Jakarta, Indonesia with a new CIA asset husband trained at EWC-HU with BHO at 6 years old, 5-6 months enrolled in school.[82]

Above, the pagan mystic and occulted mass murderer General Suharto of Indonesia. In March 1968, CIA backed general took power and instituted a “New Order” in Indonesia.[83]  The killing led by General Suharto began in October 1965 when tens of thousands of Communist Party of Indonesia (PKI) cadre and supporters were rounded up at night, detained, and executed.[84]

Anti-communist youth groups were supplied with weapons by General Suharto forces and sent out to murder PKI members and supporters in thousands of towns and villages. In one area of Central Javaknown as a stronghold of the party, one-third of the population died in the massacre.[85] 

In the 1990s, details of the U.S. hand in the massacre became known as several former State Department officials admitted their role publicly. Political officers at the U.S. Embassy in Jakarta handed the Indonesian army lists of PKI leaders in unions, peasant and student organizations that it had compiled. From this, Indonesian army intelligence was able to create a “shooting list” of 5,000 PKI leaders. In the weeks and months that followed, the U.S. embassy and the CIA’s intelligence directorate, Richard Helms, in Washington D.C. checked off the names as they were “eliminated.” How many people were killed by General Suharto and his butchers? Two to three million citizens were slaughtered.[86]

SAD1 Indonesian husband, Lolo Soetoro Mangunharjo, was an army colonel in General Suharto’s CIA-backed rank of killers.[87]

Under cover and deception of a benign anthropologist, SAD1 infiltrated indigenous groups and tribes in the countryside and islands of Indonesia to clandestinely single out and identify PKI leaders and sympathizers to be detained and liquidated (Human Terrain System).[88]   

It should be crystal clear why BHO with Soetoro and SAD1 adorns the “Dead Man Rune.” During BHO’s second stage formative years in Indonesia, BHO had been conditioned and desensitized to human rights and ritualized mass murder by one of General Suharto’s butchers, his stepfather Col. Soetoro. BHO had been initiated into an Indonesian pagan ritual “DEATH CULT” with a historical human rights violation “BODY COUNT” and record of genocide.


THIRD STAGE, Preteen and Teen Years (10-17 years old)


In about 1971, BHO returned to Hawaii to live with SAD and MD. At ten years old, SAD turned BHO over to CIA pedophile, rapist, and exhibitionist, bisexual sadomasochist Frank Marshall Davis (FMD)[89] for satanic ritualized sexual abuse and dissociated conditioning and programming (MPD). MPD conditioning is a regimen of physical and psychological beatings, rapes and sexual molestations that give birth to a cluster of alter personalities.[90]

Above, BHO with one of his Occidental College gay rich dope fiend Pakistan roommates that he was assigned to spy on and accommodate for whatever.  FMD turned BHO into a CIA MPD bisexual “honey pot” and “slave sex” manly for Middle Eastern perverts.

So, it should be no surprise that BHO has no significant background, history or relationships with women,[91] and has been linked to reports of deviant sexual activities involving: Larry Sinclair alleges drug and sex encounter with BHO in November 1998; Donald Young, gay choir director at Trinity United Church of Christ, who was murdered; Stuart Levine, Prominent GOP Fundraiser, drug and homosexual parties; Actor Kal Penn, White House Office of Public Engagement, and Rahm Emanuel & Man’s Country, a Chicago gay bath house.[92]

Obama’s obvious exaggerated African “mannish” cultural swagger is a Cyborg programmed illusion and hoax to make him appear as a real “brother.” At 28 years old, it appears that BHO’s only real relationship with a woman was Michelle LaVaughn Robinson.

Strangely enough to add this crazy mix, Michelle’s mother, Marian Robinson, is reportedly a Pagan “Handmaiden of Santeria” in the White House.[93] In some cases, Santeria has been turned into a “Blood Oath” Cult of Satanism, human sacrifice and occulted secrecy.[94] I wonder if Michelle Robinson’s marriage to BHO was a result of a Luciferian “Blood Oath Covenant for Fame, Fortune and Power.” Who did Marian and Michelle sacrifice to Lucifer?

Fraser Robinson. In March 1991, Michelle’s father died at the age of 56 of complications from multiple sclerosis. In July 1991, Michelle leaves law firm Sidley Austin and goes to work for Chicago Mayor Richard Daley’s machine. October 18, 1992, Michelle weds BHO at Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicagoon the way to the White House.[95]

This is part of the Buzz on the internet, “According to Atkinson, Marian Robinson became increasingly frustrated as her husband, Fraser Robinson, was hobbled by multiple sclerosis in the late 1980s, and turned to “Santeria in a desperate hope” to cure him. “Michelle put her foot down when she heard that her mother took her dad to ceremonies where they did spells and trances, and sacrificed animals, chickens and goats I think. But Marian was desperate and kept going anyway, even when her husband was to sick to go with her.”[96]

On election night, November 4, 2008, Michelle Obama turned a lot of heads when she made, so to say, a fashion statement, a very scary and ominous statement at Grant Park in Chicago. Michelle’s fashion statement upset a lot of people.[97]

Michelle had what appeared to be symbolic blood at her breast (Wisdom) and womb (Rebirth), a Luciferian “Blood Feast Sacrifice” out of something like the Horror Classic, “Carrie”. Below, Malia is dressed in a pool of red, the Blood Sacrifice. Sasha (Alexandra the Great) was dressed in black for a funeral, the Luciferian sacrifice.

The story is strange and unverified, but is consistent in Luciferian-Satanic MK ULTRA/MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE themes, and BHO and Michelle Obama’s timeline to the White House.

The World can see through Barack Hussein Obama. They can understand the demarcations between bodily existence and computer simulation, between cybernetic mechanism and the biological organism. They can clearly see what is part free godly human compassion and part programmed Luciferian “robotic” behavior. Why can’t you?

  Destroy the image and you will break the enemy.”     

[1] SF Chronicle,March 21, 1973, Black Educator’s Angry Speech, March 21, 1973, pg. 4, see also Oakland Tribune,March 21, 1973 for a water downed version of his message

[5]Id. At footnote 2



[26] Id.

[32]Id. At Footnote 34, pg. 370


[43]Id. At Footnote 31

[45] Ross, Colin, BLUEBIRD, Deliberate Creation of Multiple Personality By Psychiatrists, (2000) Manitou Communications, Inc., page 329

[61]Id. At footnote 8



[96]Id. At footnote 78


28 12 2010


As the case of Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston has become more valuable to the ILLUMINATI dead than alive. It has been widely reported this evening on Saturday, February 11, 2012 that at 48 years old, our Beautiful Black Songbird Whitney Houston is Dead as reported by publicist Kristen Foster. As of the the time this evening, it has not been reported when, where, how or why she died, and I hope that it is untrue and false. Already, the press is spreading a widespread illusion and image that her biggest DEVIL was herself.  “The biggest devil is me. I’m either my best friend or my worst enemy,” Houston told ABC’s Diane Sawyer in an infamous 2002 interview with then-husband Brown by her side. It is an illusion, image implanation and smoked mirror to focus the public and mold world opinion that the DEVIL in Whitney Houston was solely responsible for her  fall from grace instead of the hands of racism and the ILLUMINATI CONSPIRCY.
Michael Jackson was murdered by the ILLUMINATI by whatever name to control, manipulate and dominate the worldwide infinite phenomenon, spirituality and influence of Black Music that cannot be duplicated, because it involves the wisdom and mystery of GOD and the ages.  The death of our beloved Whitney Houston is added to a long list of shocking widespread suspect sudden deaths of America’s Rhythm and Blues (R&B)  industry artists. Whitney’s untimely death come on the eve of the 54th Annual Grammy Awards that cut R&B  awards in half to four. Male, female, and group R&B Vocal Performance awards are now only one.
Romancing the Image of the Black Mammy, The 21st Century ILLUMINATI CONSPIRACY,
Whitney Houston’s death also come on the eve of the 84th annual Academy Awards and its annual shameful Celebration of “Romancing the Black Female Misfit and Mammy” in mass media. The 2012 Academy Awards nominated “The Help” for four Oscar nominations.  “The Help” earned Oscar nods for Viola Davis (Best Actress), Octavia Spencer (Best Supporting Actress), Jessica Chastain (Best Supporting Actres), as well as Best Picture. The film is a shocking compilation and perpetuation of Old  Southern Mammy  Tales and Stereotypes and a trivialization of the Civil Rights Mass Movement of 1960s through the eyes and consciousness of a white heroine intended to crush the world image, mysticism and influence of the “Black Diva” that Whitney Houston once dominated with grace and beauty. The Association of Black Women Historiansurged in statement about the film to fans of both the best-selling novel and the feature film to reconsider their attitude towards this tale of African American maids in 1960s Jackson, Mississippi.

“During the 1960s, the era covered in The Help, legal segregation and economic inequalities limited black women’s employment opportunities. Up to 90 per cent of working black women in the South labored as domestic servants in white homes. The Help’s representation of these women is a disappointing resurrection of Mammy—a mythical stereotype of black women who were compelled, either by slavery or segregation, to serve white families. Portrayed as asexual, loyal, and contented caretakers of whites, the caricature of Mammy allowed mainstream America to ignore the systemic racism that bound black women to back-breaking, low paying jobs where employers routinely exploited them. The popularity of this most recent iteration is troubling because it reveals a contemporary nostalgia for the days when a black woman could only hope to clean the White House rather than reside in it.”

Michael Coard recently wrote in the Philly Post  “Oscar is a Racist” about the Oscars historically “Romancing the Black Mammy” and Black Female Social Misfits. In regards to Hallie McDaniel’s 1939 Oscar for Best Supporting Actress for her role in Gone with the Wind, “She … was the daughter of formerly enslaved parents, and her father Henry fought in the Civil War as a member of the U.S. Colored Troops. Her life itself is worthy of an Oscar! But the Oscar she won wasn’t for the dignified person who she was. Instead, it was for her demeaning role as Mammy, an enslaved maid.”

He wrote of the Illuminati’s High Priestess Halle Berry’s 2001 Oscar for “Best Actress”, “Halle Berry for her portrayal as Leticia Moore [Musgrove] in Monster’s Ball. You mean to tell me that the first African-American actress in history to receive the Best Actress nod had to be an alcoholic, poverty-stricken, willing sex toy of a racist prison guard, spouse of an accused cop killer, and mother of a lazy and shiftless son.” Then of Mo’Nigue (Another High Priestess of the Illuminati) he wrote,  “And what was up in 2009 with that Best Supporting Actress award given to Mo’Nique in Precious for her portrayal of Mary Lee Johnson, the vile, child-abusing, welfare-cheating mother of an illiterate, incest-victimized, HIV-positive, “dark-skinned” daughter?”

WHITNEY HOUSTON, Our Beautiful Black Songbird, RIP


The Divine Queen Mothers and Sacred Sons of Kemet (Egypt)

“The events which transpired five thousand years ago;
Five years ago or five minutes ago, have determined
what will happen five minutes from now; five years
From now or five thousand years from now.
All history is a current event.”
  –Dr. John Henrik Clarke -–

Since the dawn of history, Divine Queen Mothers and her Sacred Sons of Kemet have played an essential and fundamental role in maintaining balance for order, justice, peace and harmony on earth over and against the constant clash of the God of Evil and Chaos, Set-Seth; and his conspirators, the Guardians of Darkness.

The Ausar-Aset-Heru (Osiris-Isis-Horus) Religious Triad is man’s oldest and most time-honored religious systems on earth, bar none. How old it is nobody knows for sure. Whether it is from 10,000 B.C. or 100,000 B.C., it is not clear, but developed over centuries; it is an extremely complex universal religious order. (See Ra Un Nefer Amen, Metu Neter, Khamit Corp., Brooklyn, NY)

In Kemet, it’s Divine Queen Mothers and her Sacred Sons since time immortal have been the earthy embodiment (Righteous Rulers), Avatars, of the Gods on earth. In this sense, an avatar is a human incarnation of the Divine who functions as a mediator of humans and God.[1]

Hawk headed-Heru (Horus), the Hero and the promised “Redeemer”[2] is the world’s orginial “BLACKMESSIAH”,[3] and “the deliverer of the justified”[4] of most ancient. Heru’s mother Aset (Isis) meaning “THRONE” is Queen of Heaven, Earth and the Underworld, the maker and sustainer of kings.[5]

Royal God Par Excellence Heru, “Mighty Bull and Beloved of Truth” is the protector and guide to the Pharaoh (Sons of the Queen Mothers) and later Pharaohs were believed to be his avatar on earth. Horus was also the patron of young men and the ideal of the dutiful son who grows up to become a just man.[6]

Ausar (Osiris), son of Earth God Geb and Sky Goddess Nut, was the mythological father of the god Heru-Horus, whose conception is described in the Myth of Ausar and Aset, a central myth in ancient Kemet belief systems.

“Osiris is said, forsook the realm of the gods and became an earthly king; he found the Egyptians savages and conferred upon them the blessings of civilization; since the inhabitants of the Nile-land had been cannibals before the earthy pilgrimage of Osiris. Queen Isis found barley and wheat growing wild on the banks of the great river, and King Osiris introduced the cultivation of these grains among the people, who then give up cannibalism and accommodated themselves to a diet of corn. Osiris was the original gatherer of fruit from the trees; he trained the creeping vines to twine themselves around poles, and was the first to tread the grapes. The good king then turned over the government of Egypt to his wife, Isis; while he traveled the world distributing the blessing of civilization and agriculture to all mankind. In lands where the soil and climate did not permit the culture of the vine. Osiris taught the people to brew beer from barley. On returning to Egypt, the benevolent monarch, on account of the blessings he had diffused among men, was recognized as a god, and thus worshiped by a grateful people.”[7]

The myth described Ausar as having been killed by his jackal-headed brother Set (Seth) who wanted Ausar’s throne. Aset briefly brought Ausar back to life by use of a spell that she learned from her father, RA. This spell gave her time to become pregnant by Ausar before he died again. Aset later gave birth to Heru.

Aset hid him among the papyri, lotus and marshes on the floating Island of Chemmis near Buto to stop Set and the Guardians of Darkness from murdering him.[8] With the help of Aset and the Goddesses of Kemet, Heru grew to maturity and entered a long and protracted battle with Set and his army to redeem Kemet and the world. Neith, Goddess of Wisdom and War, one the oldest gods of Kemet, interceded in the battle between the gods.

Goddess Neith of the most ancient awarded Heru the throne. As such, since Heru was born after Ausar’s resurrection, Heru-Horus became thought of as a representation of new beginnings and the vanquisher of the evil Set (Seth).[9]

Divine Queen Mothers and Sacred Sons Battle with Evil on Earth

The Divine Great Warrior Queen Ahhotep I of the 17th Dynasty

During Kemet’s Great War with the Hyksos (Seth Worshippers), Divine Queen Ahhotep I (1560- 1530 BCE), Peace of the Moon, was the daughter of Queen Tetisheri (known as Teti the Small) and Senakhtenre Tao I.

Martyred Sacred Heru Son of the 17th Dynasty, Pharoah Senakhtenre Tao I "Perpetuated like Re"

The Divine One was likely the sister, as well as the wife, of pharaoh Seqenenre Tao II who was violently slaughtered along with his father, Seqenenre Tao I in a battle with the Hyksos.

17th Dynasty Martyred Sacred Heru-Son, Senakhtenre Tao II, Mortal Head Wounds from Hyksos' Mace Axes

Her titles include Great Royal Wife and “The associate of the White Crown brearer” (khnemet nefer hedjet).  The title King’s Mother (mwt niswt) was found on the Deir el Bahari coffin.

Ahhotep was likely the mother of the Great Heru (Hero) of Kemet, Pharaoh Ahmose I. Her exact relation to Pharaoh Kamose, also killed in battle with the Hyksos, is not known, but he may have been her brother-in-law (brother of Tao II) or her son.[10]

Queen Mother Ahhotep I was a Divine “BLACK MESSIAH” warrior queen, she was buried with, among other things, three flies of honor medals (awarded in ancient Egypt for exceptional military service) and ceremonial daggers. She also was presented with the Order of Valour. She was honored with a stela, commissioned by Ahmose I, in the temple of Amun-Re that praises her military accomplishments.[11]

Records indicate that the Divine Ahhotep led troops into battle against the Hyksos. Evidence such as the weaponry and jewelry found in her tomb, along with the following sentence on a stela devoted to her, indicates that she was a warrior queen who championed liberation of Kemet from Set-Seth Worshipers and rallied its resistance and troops:

She is the one who has accomplished the rites and taken care of Egypt… She has looked after her soldiers, she has guarded her, she has brought back her fugitives and collected together her deserters, she has pacified Upper Egypt and expelled her rebels.[12] 

Other children of Queen Ahhotep I include the Great Divine One Ahmose-Nefertari who was married to her brother Ahmose I.[13] They were the historic BLACK MESSIAHS,  Heros and Heroines, redeemers and saviors of Kemet from Seth Worshippers that had ruled Kemet in chaos for almost a century.

The Divine Queen Ahmose-Nefertari "The Most Beautiful"

The Beloved Divine Queen Mother Ahmose-Nefertari (1562-1495 BC)-had many titles, including those of hereditary princess, “Most Beautiful,””Great of Praises,””King’s Mother,””Royal Daughter,” “Royal Sister,” “Great Royal Wife,” “Royal Mother,” “Great Ruler, “Mistress of Both Lands.”[14] After her brother, King Kamose was killed in battle with Seth Worshippers. Ahhotep I and Nefertari  may have been two of the most wanted renegade Queen Mothers of all antiquity. Martin Bernal in Black Athena suggested that the Queens may have formed the resistance and liberation campaign from the Greek Island, Crete.[15]

The Great Heru-Pharaoh Ahmose of the 17th Dynasty Defeated the Set-Seth Worshippers

During the 12th Dynasty, Pharaohs Sestrosis I and Setrosis II of Kemet and their cousins, the Canaanites, had established military outposts on the Greek mainland (Thebes) and the island of Crete, the fifth largest island in the Mediterranean Sea.[16]  Nevertheless, due to pressure Bernal backed down that the Divine Ones reigned in Crete. However, there is some admitted evidence that Pharaoh Ahmose I considered the Aegean to be part of Kemet’s empire.[17]

In an interesting twist, James Cameron, director of the Terminator films, Aliens, the Abyss,True Lies, Titanic and Avatar produced a 2006 made-for-TV documentary film, The Exodus Decoded, which basically “Re-Image” the Biblical Exodus. Cameron’s uncorroborated claim and mass confusion and chaos production claims that Ahmose I was the pharaoh that expelled the Jews out of Egypt in Exodus. In Cameron’s 2009 $400 million fantasy production, Avatar, princess Neytiri name strikingly resembles the Divine One, Ahmose-Nefertari. Neytiri’s mother name Mo’at bares a reflection of Kemet’s Goddess of Justice, Ma’at as if the age old concept of righteousness and justice could be characterized and controlled. Keep a mental note that James Cameron is an alleged, among other connections, a 33rd Degree Freemason.

The Divine Queen Ahmose-Nefertari and Heroic Pharaoh Ahmose Bringing Forth the Glorious 18th Dynasty of Kemet

Queen Mother Nefertari was the first Queen of the magnificent 18th Dynasty. During King Ahmose I and Queen Nefertari’s reign, the Hyksos (Seth Worshippers) were defeated in battle and expelled out of Kemet. Queen Nefertari is the great grand mother of Kemet’s greatest Queen-Pharaohs, Hatshepsut.

The Divine and Lovely Queen Tiye "Mistress of All Lands"

During the glorious and peaceful 18th Dynasty of Kemet, Divine Queen Mother Tiye (1398 – 1338 BC) became the Great Royal Wife of the Pharaoh Amenhotep III (King Memmon of Ethiopia of Ancient Greek Mythology)[18] and matriarch of the Amarna family from which many members of the royal family of Ancient Kemet were born.

The Great Amenhotep III- Memmon of the Greeks & The Divine One, Queen Tiye

She was the mother of “BLACK MESSIAH” religious savior, Pharoah Akhenaten, and grandmother of King Tut. Amenhotep III so loved the Divine One that he devoted a number of shrines to her and constructed a temple dedicated to her in Sedeinga in Nubia where she was worshipped as a form of the goddess Hathor-Tefnut. He also had an artificial lake built for her in his Year 12.[19]

The Divine One & Infamous Grandson Pharaoh Tutankhamen

King Tut so loved the Divine One, he left a lock of her hair among his most sacred funeral artifacts for his journey into the other world.[20]

The Divine One, Queen Tiye, was of Great Influence in the Court of her Heroic Son Pharaoh Akhenaten, World's First and Greatest Monotheist

In Ancient Mycenae (Mukana), about 90 miles from Athens, Greece, the Divine Queen Mother Tiye’s scarab was discovered in a temple among a room of idols.[21] Queen Mother Tiye’s sphinx was also distributed across the ancient world. Queen Mother “BLACK MESSIAH” the Divine One was one of the most powerful and influential women of antiquity, and her reign was known for its era of world peace, justice and harmony among nations, religious awaking, literature and its great works of art.


“Oh man, why don’t you fuckin’ stop it? Shit, this is too fuckin’ big for you, you know that? Who did the president, who killed Kennedy, fuck man! It’s a mystery! It’s a mystery wrapped in a riddle inside an enigma! The fuckin’ shooters don’t even know! Don’t you get it?” (David Ferrie, JFK, the Movie)

I do not subscribe to any fashion that the racialist military industrial system does not fully understand the mysterious significance of the intricate Kemetic Ausar-Aset-Heru Triad Mythology and the Ancient African Divine Queen Motherhood and Sacred Son Complex to the spiritual and moral wholeness of Black People against Set-Seth (Evil-Chaos) and the Guardians of Darkness for world domination. (See Ra Un Nefer Amen, Metu Neter, Khamit Corp., Brooklyn, NY)

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) under the U.S. Department of Justice initated a secret wide spread domestic terrorism counter-intelligence program with its wicked sister, CIA, called COINTELPRO to continue to perpetuate the ancient spiritual warfare between good and evil for world domination.

COINTELPRO (an acronym for Counter Intelligence Program) was a series of covert, and often illegal, projects conducted by the FBI aimed at surveilling, infiltrating, discrediting, and disrupting domestic policial  organizations.[22]

COINTELPRO tactics included discrediting targets through psychological warfare, planting false reports in the media, smearing through forged letters, harassment, wrongful imprisonment, extralegal violence and assassination.[23]

J. Edgar Hoover, Director of the FBI, was among an inner circle Knight of Malta. Knights of Malta is generally synonymous with the medieval Order of Knights of Malta also known as Knights Hospitaller or, among other names, Order of St. John.[24] Knights of Malta is also a Masonic order closely associated with the Masonic Knights Templar.[25] Knights Templar is the forerunner of Euporean Freemasonry. Opus Dei is a subordinate organization to the Pope in Vatican City, who controls the Order of Knights.  

Hoover was also a “devoted” Freemason, again, among an inner secret circle of super elite masons directly connected to the racialist world domination agenda of Albert Pike. During the Civil War, Pike was a confederate general, and one of the founders of the Ku Klux Klan Post-Civil War. Pike was also a conspirator in the assassination of U.S. President Abraham Lincoln.

Hoover  had been raised a Master Mason on November 9, 1920, in Federal Lodge No. 1, Washington, DC, just two months before his 26th birthday. During his 52 years with the Masons, he received many medals, awards and decorations. Eventually in 1955, he was coroneted a Thirty-Third Degree Inspector General Honorary in Albert Pike’s Southern Scottish Rite Jurisdiction. He was also awarded the Scottish Rite’s highest recognition, the Grand Cross of Honour, in 1965.[26]

Both Knights of Malta and Scottish Rite Freemasonry are branches of the Vatican Confirmed Knights Templar and Knights Hospitaller of the Middle Ages, both stressed the supremacy of gnosis, or direct knowledge, over faith. They were persecuted, outlawed and suppressed by King Philip IV (April–June 1268 – November 29, 1314) of France [27] and the Pope for heresy, infidelity, and sexual misconduct. Many were burned alive, but most were driven underground along with the treasures of wealth and hidden knowledge from the Land of Canaan.

The Templars, whose full name was “Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon”, were founded in 1119 by knights sworn to protecting Christian pilgrims visiting the Holy Land after the Crusaders captured Jerusalem in 1099.[28]

A secret elite inner circle of Knights amassed enormous power stolen from the hidden treasure troves of wealth and knowledge from Solomon’s Temple in Palestine, Israel (Biblical Canaan) and helped finance wars of some European monarchs. They also dwelled deeply into the Canaanite-Osirian Mysteries of Kemet and took bits and pieces back to Europe to exploit.

A circle of  knights brought the divine and sacred Aset-Heru (Black Madonna ) worship to Europe. The knights also secretly identified with and worshipped the Kemetic God Set and followed the Guardians of Dark for world domination of the “Throne.” Legends of their hidden treasures, secret rituals and power have been popularized for mass media consumption over the years in films and bestsellers such as “The Da Vinci Code”.[29]

Baphomet is a pagan deity revived in the 19th century as a figure of Satanism. It is a term for a secret pagan idol revealed in trial transcripts of the Heresy-Inquisition of the Knights Templar in the early 14th century.

The name Baphomet then became associated with a “Sabbatic Goat” image drawn and created by Eliphas Lévi. The Baphomet of Lévi was to become an important figure within the cosmology of Thelema, the mystical system established by the Great Beast 666, Aleister Crowley, the Godfather of Modern Satanism. Baphomet features in the Creed of the Gnostic Catholic Church recited by the congregation in The Gnostic Mass, in the sentence: “And I believe in the Serpent and the Lion, Mystery of Mystery, in His name BAPHOMET.”[30] Set-Seth.

The ancient God of Evil, Set, and conspirators of antiquity (Guardians of Darkness), the Sons and Daughters of Seth, were adopted by the Knights Templar,[31] Freemasons [32] and the Illuminati, as plans for the creation of a Totalitarian One-World[33] under SET-Lucifer as god.

As just in the days of old, SET-LUCIFER seeks to destroy the balance of order, justice, peace and harmony on earth; and rein Evil and Chaos. Once again, Set-Seth and the Guardians of Dark are searching the earth to assassinate the Sons and Daughters of the Divine Order.

Kanye West’s Secret Luciferian Agenda, Cut Off the Head of the Black Messiah (Black Motherhood) with a Knight Templar Sword through the Temple-Womb of the Great Goddess Mother U.S. GOVERNMENT OFFICIAL POLICY TARGET MEMORANDUM, STOP THE RISE OF THE DIVINE HERU, THE “BLACK MESSIAH”Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., America's First and Foremost Martyed Moral Leader and Hero

On March 4, 1968, Knight of Malta and Master Mason Luciferian Edgar Hoover issued a target memorandum expanding its COINTELPRO activities against “Black Nationalist–Hate Groups,” and warning that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., among others, could emerge as a “Black Messiah’ who could unify and electrify the black nationalist movement.” The target memorandum called for the use of “imaginative” techniques, and required a report on accomplishments within 30 days. Exactly 30 days later, on April 4, Dr. King was assassinated. Hoover’s cooperation with military intelligence units conducting surveillance and more U.S. Government deadly operations against King has been documented in Dr. William Pepper’s book Orders to Kill.[34]

It is also clearly unqualifed documentation and undisputable evidence that COINTELPRO was a major veiled Luciferian program initiated to suppress the rise of the mysterious “BLACK MESSIAH” that would unity the world in universal peace, justice and harmony. The FBI target memo is totally arbitrarily. It targets anyone, both heros and heronines who could unify and electrify the masses. The target memo is broad enough to include even targeting the “Divine” of the entertainment industry. That is what it says on official government business records. The covert war against the “DIVINE” and “BLACK MESSIAH” was and remains secret U.S. Government policy.

 “Let justice be done though the heavens fall.” (Jim Garrison, JFK, the Movie) 

On April 4, 1968, Master Mason J. Edgar Hoover assisted the Guardians of Darkness, the Set/Seth-Luciferians, to openly strike down and assassinate Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. (KING) in fear that he was a “BLACKMessiah” that would unity the world in universal peace, justice and harmony. Within hours of the KING’s death, almost every major metropolian area in United States was in flames including its masonic capital seat, Washington D.C. The sky turned “red.” I saw it! America was at the brink of collapse from within for the first time in its history since the Civil War.

The DIVINE King Mother, Murder by An Enigma, A Black Proxy

The Martyed Mrs. Alberta King & Marcus Chenault, The Riddle of the Murder of the Divine King Mother

On June 30, 1974, a 21 year old black man, Marcus Wayne Chenault, assassinated the KING’s mother, Mrs. Alberta Christine Williams King, inside the family church, Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, during prayer service.[35]

Even Set (Seth) and the Guardians of the Dark were not foolish enough to directly attack Aset(Isis), the  “THRONE” and Queen of Heaven, or “Mother of All Living Things”, and “Water of Life and Fertility”[36] for fear of the wrath of the gods and the fall of heaven.

In fear, Luciferians would not openly attack Black Motherhood Water of Life and Fertility” to destroy heroes. Heaven would fall. In the 20th and 21st centuries, the fall of the Black Divas and attack on Black Motherhood and her sacred sons is a veiled psychological war campaign, mysteries wrapped in riddles inside an enigma. Marcus Chenault was a Luciferian Assassination by Black Man Proxy of the KING mother. The KING Mother’s only surviving son, Albert Daniel Williams (A.D) was also killed on July 21, 1969, almost a year within the murder of his brother. A.D’s death was a riddle wrapped inside an enigma, he drowned alone in a home swimming pool. Chenault committed the crime in a mind controlled trance that the public still don’t fully understand the riddle or enigma used (CIA-MK ULTRA Mind Control) behind attacking Black Motherhood globally.[37]

Margaret Sanger, Founder of Planned Parenthood- “We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities. The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal. We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.”

— Margaret Sanger’s December 19, 1939 letter to Dr. Clarence Gamble, 255 Adams Street, Milton, Massachusetts. Original source: Sophia Smith Collection, Smith College, North Hampton, Massachusetts. Also described inLinda Gordon’s Woman’s Body, Woman’s Right: A Social History of Birth Control in America . New York: Grossman Publishers, 1976.[38]

Luciferians also use cutting edge scientific “imaginative” technologies covertly programmed as riddles wrapped inside enigmas to re-image sacred Black Motherhood and Heru-Hero complexes for self destruction.


If at all that you may believe that I am wagging the dog by the tail, above, Demonologist Kanye West of the BEAST 666 Re-Imaging the Divine Queen Mother Tiye’s great-grandson, Pharaoh Tutankhamen. Kanye West is packaged for mass confusion and chaos as a riddle inside an enigma.

Here is the Lucifer’s Servant Kanye West, a fraud and imposter to the Righteous “Throne,” Re-Imaging an “Avatar” of Heru-Horus.

Here is the Demonic Kanye West in a Heru-Horus Complex standing next to the golden coffin of the Divine Queen Mother Tuya, the mother of the Beloved Divine One, Queen Tiye, fraudulently Re-Imaging the bloodline of the Divine One and her seeds, Pharaohs Akhenaton and Tutankhamen of Kemet’s Glorious 18th Dynasty.

Everybody know I’m a muthafucking monster…

And my eyes more red than the devil is,
And I’m bout to take it to another level bitch….

Have you ever had sex with a pharaoh?
I put the pussy in a sarcophagus.  -Kanye West’s Rap Lyrics

Why has Mega Hollywood Movie Producer- Master Mason James Cameron and this satanist and self confessed “monster” singled out the Pharaohs of Kemet for particular NWO consecration?  It is a covert agenda for a New World Order-New Age Religion that will attempt to cut subconscious strings to the ancient Sacred-Divine Queen/King ruler based religious systems to enter into a new era of mass population mind control.

Tyler Perry’s Precious, the movie, is also a covert Luciferian Project designed to demean, denigrate worldwide the sacredness and divineness of the “BLACK MOTHERHOOD” by black proxy.

The ‘Crown’ hovering above the head of Precious is a Masonic phallic emblem, it being the first emanation of the Cabalistic Sephiroth …” [C.F. McQuaig, “The Masonic Report”, Norcross, Georgia, Answer Books and Tapes, 1976, p. 34]

Keter (“Crown” in Hebrew: כתר) also known as Kether, is the topmost of the Sephirot of the Tree of Life in Kabbalah. Since its meaning is “crown”, it is interpreted as both the “topmost” of the Sephirot and the “regal crown” of the Sephirot.[39] The first Sephirah is called the Crown, since a crown is worn above the head. The Crown therefore refers to things that are above the mind’s abilities of comprehension.[40]

This first Sephirah represents the primal stirrings of intent in the Ein Soph, or the arousal of desire to come forth into the varied life of being. But in this sense, although it contains all the potential for content, it contains no content itself, and is therefore called ‘Nothing’, ‘The Hidden Light’, ‘The air that cannot be grasped’. Being desire to bring the world into being, Keter is absolute compassion.[41]

From this eternal and ancient androgyne–Kether–come forth Chochmah (Son), the great Father, and Binah, the great Mother (Ashur-Asset-Neru Triad). In this later arrangement, Wisdom, which is the attribute of the Son, becomes the creator of the lower spheres. The symbol of Binah is the dove, a proper emblem for the brooding maternal instinct of the Universal Mother.[42]

Precious’ butterfly wings are indicative of CIA-MK ULTRA/MONARCH mind control. “One of the primary reasons that the Monarch mind-control programming was named Monarch programming was because of the Monarch butterfly. The Monarch butterfly learns where it was born (its roots) and it passes this knowledge via genetics on to its offspring (from generation to generation). This was one of the key animals that tipped scientists off, that knowledge can be passed genetically.”[43]

Get the picture. The “Crown” represents the NWO Luciferian phallic (patriarch) domination over primal subconscious “Matri” (Black Motherhood), the Black Triad (Ashur-Aset-Heru), particularly the son, Heru-Horus.

The Monarch Butterfly wings represent the methodology and technology of domination, multi-generational MONARCH MIND CONTROL, and, among others, by deception “RE-IMAGING BLACK MOTHERHOOD” and the Son, “BLACK MESSIAH.” It is of utmost importance to determine whether or not Tyler Perry is a MONARCH child would seem to strongly indicate by his past and continuing program in the denigration of Black People for mass confusion and Chaos.

Sacred Aztec Birth Goddess Tlazolteotl, Beyonce, Lit’ Kim, Nicki Minaj, Amber Rose in the Luciferian Hip Hop Primal Squat.

The Denigration of Black Motherhood. The Luciferian Hip Hop Primal Squat (LHPS). Female stripping, it’s the “Money Shot”. LHPS is, by deception and re-imaging, the deliberate denigration, mockerly and covert control of  “Sacred childbirth.”

The Squating Woman and Kemetic “Sacred Childbirth.” Here, during the squating childbirth, the mother and child is under the sacred protection of the Goddess Taweret.[44] Taweret” means, “She Who is Great” or simply, “Great One”.[45] Pre-dynastic, Taweret is the mother of Ashur (Osiris) and the grandmother of Heru (Horus).[46]

A Primary Example of Re-imaging Heru for the 21st Century. This is , J. Alexander, an American Model, Television Personality. He represents the Perfect NWO Luciferian Antithesis Heru-Hero and Re-imaged Black Male for daily mass public confusion and Chaos. This is also an example of the classic military intelligence complex DOUBLE BIND (insanity without disease). There is something extremely disturbing about this picture, yet we are bound to respect his constitutional right to be whatever he chose and be silent, a DOUBLE BIND.

While I was working on this project, my seven (7) year old grand daughter wandered into the office, she noticed J. Alexander on my monitor. She sat down next to me at the desk with a pencil and box of canyons. She picked up a piece of copy paper and began to draw. She said, “That’s Miss J on America’s Next Top Model.” She started drawing, then looked up at me and paused, “You know Miss J is a man,” she said.  Then she told me in utter conviction, “He can’t be a Miss if he is a man.”  She looked at me for a moment then began to color her drawing. This is an illustration that even children have an innate courage and heroism to confront and struggle with CHAOS.

J. Alexander (Miss J) is featured daily on national-international television as a runway coach and talent fashion judge on America’s Next Top Model (ANTM). ANTM is the showcase of CIA/MK ULTRA-MONARCH’s infamous American model, media personality, actress, and businesswoman, Tyra Lynne Banks.[47]

Tyra Banks,Guardian of the Dark, Flying on the Wings of Pazuzu (King of the Demons).

Bank’s arms in position of the Ancient Kemet, Ka (Resting Place of the Soul). Here, Tyra appears to represents a vessel of the Fallen Angel-Lucifer.

J. Alexander, the Infamous MK ULTRA Gaze and an Re-Imaged Antithesis Heru-Hero.

Tyra Banks “Thor’s Battle” is most likely a MONARCH child. Left, Tyra in cat skin print (primal nature) that is used persistently by the NWO to denigrate Black Women. Right, Tyra, needless to say here with this image, the mind controlled sex (pussycat) kitten.

J. Alexander, Paul McCarthy of the Beatles, Beyonce, Madonna and Lit’ Wayne Flashing the covert Satanic 666 hand sign.

“Westerner’s know it as the “okay” (or “OK”) sign. It’s done with the fingers and thumb of right or left hands (usually the right). Simply touch the index finger to the thumb, creating a circle. The other three fingers then spiral off and there you have it—the well-known symbol for OK. Universally, this sign means alright, acceptable, good, right-on, you bet!, A-OK, satisfactory…

But to occultists, the OK sign takes on darker significance. First, we have the circle, indicating the sun deity and the Mason’s never-ending quest for more light. To Freemasonry, the circle also represents the female genitalia, or yoni. In the Hindu religion, the OK sign is a revered mudra (sacred gesture) meaning “infinity” or perfection. It is associated with the female genitalia — thumb and forefinger pressed together at the tips with the other three fingers extended.

In the practice of tantric yoga (sex rituals), the OK sign is a token of ecstasy, spiritual and physical. In ancient Sumeria and Persia, charms and amulets have been discovered of fingers and hands in the modern OK position, joined along with horns implying fertility. The three fingers extended outward are symbolic of ecstatic union with the Goddess, the third member of the pagan trinity.

In Satanism, when making this sign the three fingers not used to make the circle are considered symbolic of the unholy trinity — horned God, Goddess, and offspring (antichrist). Some go so far as to adopt the view that the bent three fingers are shaped as three number six’s, or 666. Thus, we have 666, the sun deity (Lucifer), the Goddess (Mystery, Babylon the Great, Mother of Harlots), and the beast (antichrist, 666), all in one unitary hand sign. Oh what a web of evil wicked men can weave around something seemingly so ordinary and mundane.

In the Illuminist philosophy, the OK sign becomes a sign indicating approval of the Divine King, their coming Lord of Light, whom we as Christians know as antichrist. To them it means, “He approves our undertaking.” This meaning is roughly equivalent to the words in Latin atop the all-seeing eye of Osiris on our U.S. one dollar bill—Annuit Coeptus” – Texe Marrs, Codex Magica[48]

If you have any doubts whether or not J. Alexander is flashing the hand sign of Great BEAST 666 above, left,  J. Alexander, The Horns of Great BEAST, middle, Devil from the Codex Gigas (Devil’s Bible), and right, Tyra Banks, The Horns of the Great BEAST.

In NWO Luciferian MONARCH Iatrogenic (laboratory) Multiple Personality Disorders (MPD),[49] one of the alter personalities is the “Barbie Doll Complex.” It was supposed to be named after Klaus Barbie.” Like Barbie doll? MIND CONTROL SLAVERY & The NEW WORLD ORDER – by Uri Dowbenko [50]

“Here I Am” Sick Nick Minja, Womb-less and Mindless ready for the NWO.

This is an extremely disturbing image of Nicki in a MPD “Barbie Doll Complex.” She appears to be in trance, an alter state of consciousness. Nicki admits she has at least three (3) alter personalities like tattoos. She just don’t seem to understand that MPD is not a fashion statement. It is a mental illness. It is a “trauma based” deliberate creation of multiple personality disorder. It is a mind control tool of the military industrial complex.

Believe or not, Tyra Banks stared in the movie, Life-Size. It is a 2000 made-for-TV Walt Disney film. It is a tale of a young white girl’s Eve Doll (Similar to the Barbie Doll) being conjured and resurrected into a living Perfect Luciferian (Antithesis Motherhood) Black Woman without a womb from a satanic spell from a Book of the Dead.[51] (See Pseudo-Occult Media

I totally underestimated what Kanye West knew about mind control techniques. Amber Rose’s pose in the “Barbie Doll Complex is an exercise in the an art of dissociation and trance. “The premise of trauma-based mind control (a version of which was known as the MK Ultra program) is to compartmentalize the brain, and then use techniques to access the different sections of the brain while the subject is hypnotized. Entire systems can be embedded into a person’s mind, each with its own theme, access codes and trigger words. Some of the most common and popular symbolisms and themes in use are Alice in Wonderland, Peter Pan and The Wizard of Oz, mirrors, porcelain/harlequin masks, the phoenix/phoenix rising, rainbows, butterflies, owls, keys, carousels, puppets/marionettes and dolls.”[52]

Amber’s photo shoot was directed by Kanye West. Doll symbolism often appears in fashion shoots to reinforce the mind-controlled nature of a model, who can be posed and commanded at will.[53] It appears that Demonologist Kanye West has been promoted to a CIA-MK ULTRA/MONARCH sex slave handler and programmer. Maybe, a upcoming black “Aleister Crowley?”

Tyra Banks, Alicia Keys, the Great BEAST 666 Aleister Crowley Channeling Baphomet.

The Last Rite of Black Female Cyborg, Tyra Banks, Alicia Keys in An Occulted Initiation Rite Trance, the Large Metal Medallions Above the Eyes Impede or Control the Pineal Gland (Third Eye). The Third Eye, Eye of Heru, it is also called the ‘Third Eye’ which in reality, is the Pineal Gland.  It is the Spiritual Third Eye, our Inner Vision, and it is considered the Seat of the Soul.  It is located in the geometric center of the cranium.[54]

Finally, there is a partial lineup of the black entertainment personalities primed to act as Luciferian Guardians of Dark and black Proxies to destroy then Re-Image worldwide for the NWO: Black Motherhood-Black Messiah Complexes; and the beloved Universal Language of Black People, music.



“Whitney is our Barbra Streisand…It takes us three generations to build a WHITNEY HOUSTON – ARETHA FRANKLIN, CISSY HOUSTON,DIONNE WARWICK, on up to our Whitney.” –Internationally Respected American R&B Vocalist-songwriter, Anita Baker [55]

DIVA: From Italian diva’ “diva, goddess”, from Latin diva “goddess”, female of divus “divine, divine one; notably a deified mortal.[56]

The word “diva” gets thrown around a lot when describing female songstresses, but there can only be one true commanding prima donna that upstages them all. Using categories such as “Taking The Listener On An Emotional Journey”, “Iconic Song/Moment”, and “Hand Gestures”, The Awl got all scientific in their quest to identify music’s greatest diva. It was a close race, but Whitney Houston nabbed the all-time top honor, besting Aretha Franklin by a Super Bowl performance.[57] 

Whitney Houston’s celebrated musical career is dually phased; Pre-Bodyguard and Post-Bodyguard. The Bodyguard is a 1992 American romantic-thriller film starring Whitney Houston and Kevin Costner. In the film, Costner stars as a former Secret Service Agent turned bodyguard who is hired to protect Houston’s character, a music star, from an unknown stalker.[58]

The Bodyguard presented a powerful subliminal reversal of traditional-historical mass media roles for a Black actress. In the movie, Ms. Houston was a beautiful powerful-affluent Black woman on the top, the Black Queen Complex. It was much more than a controversial interracial romance. Instead of being of subjected by a powerful white male, the subordinate white male (Kevin Costner) is under the spell of the Divine One.

As a side note, the film project was originally proposed in 1976 with white actor Steve McQueen and Diana Ross of Motown fame in the leads. McQueen refused to play second bill to Diana Ross. The film project failed.[59]

In a television interview with Oprah, Ms. Houston admitted the backdrop of her fall was the release of The Bodyguard. Ms. Houston’s movie soundtrack was overwhelmingly successful. It became the best-selling soundtrack of all time. It has been certified diamond in the US (sales of at least ten million) with shipments of over 17 million copies.  Worldwide, the sales are at a staggering 42 million copies. In addition, Houston’s “I Will Always Love You” sold 12 million units worldwide.[60] However behind the scenes, Dolly Parton was enriched. She pulled in the royalties on the song.[61]

Post-Bodyguard, Bobby Brown and Whitney Houston were married on July 18, 1992 on the grounds of her home in Mendham, New Jersey.[62]The Bodyguard opened nationwide on Thanksgiving Day, November 25, 1992.[63]


“Guide me, O Thou great Redeemer…Thou didst conquer, Thou didst conquer, Sin, and Satan…”[65]With the best of intentions, Whitney Houston was enrolled in a Roman Catholic all-girl high school, Mount Saint Dominic Academy. The academy was officially founded in 1892 by the Sisters of St. Dominic. The Dominican congregation was initially based in Jersey City with its roots tracing back to the Convent of the Holy Cross in Regensberg, Bavaria, Germany.[66]An impressionable Ms. Houston was dropped right into the hands of the Vatican, Illuminati Conspires and its collective moral crisis of mass pedophilia (child molestation). For the last decade, thousands of cases of pedophilia have come to be known to law enforcement authorities that represent only a small fraction of the true number of children that had been sexually abused, because many Catholic priest and nun pedophiles have been veiled by the Vatican.[67] On October 7, 2004, the Archdiocese over Mount Saint Dominic Academy agreed to pay $1.1 million to nine people who sued it over alleged sexual abuse by priests at its schools.[68]Rare Photo of Whitney Houston’s Former Soulmate, Robyn Crawford “]

According to Bobby Brown, Ms. Houston saw marriage and kids as the only way to dispell persistent rumours she was in a lesbian relationship with Robyn Crawford.[70] Nevertheless, the Houston-Crawford relationship allowed enough of a slither in the Houston-Warwick family armour for the Guardians of Darkness to crawl through.

Nevertheless, I wonder if their marriage was a way also to veil the perception that Ms. Houston was asserting her innate Ancient African Queenship just as high or supreme to the sacred white mother.


“Being Bobby Brown…He was my drug” –Whitney Houston”

Whitney Houston’s so-called “Tell All” interview on the Oprah Winfrey Show in September 2010 was covertly veiled for mass consumption all about that ANTIHESIS HERU, Bobby Brown.[71] According to Whitney Houston, Bobby Brown, “He was my drug.”[72] If Bobby Brown was her drug, who was Bobby’s drug, the Luciferian branch of the CIA?

Houston said the drug use got so bad at one point that her mother, Cissy Houston, showed up at the couple’s Atlanta home with a court injunction and asked police to help force Whitney into rehab. “She said, ‘I’m not losing you to the world. I’m not losing you to Satan. I want my daughter back.’ “[73]


At one point in her tell all of that ANTITHESIS HERO interview on the Oprah Winfrey Show, Houston said that Bobby started painting eyes, “just eyes” in the bedroom. “Evil eyes that were looking at every point in the room included Brown spray-painting “evil eyes” on the walls, carpets and closet doors of their home. Whitney Houston, “If I opened the closet doors…there will be one picture…and I close the doors, there will be another picture…there be eyes and faces…that he (Bobby Brown) spray painted.”[74]

Houston said she was attracted to Bobby Brown because he took control of their relationship. “He was very much in control. I liked that. When he said something, I listened. I was very interested in having someone have that kind of control over me.”[75] If Bobby Brown was controlling Whitney Houston, then who was controlling that antithesis hero, Bobby Brown and the “ALL SEEING EYES AND FACES?

It is highly unlikely and improbable that Bobby Brown would be painting eyes, changing faces and images on the walls, carpets and closet doors with a stray paint, possible but not hardly likely. Who was responsible? It wasn’t Bobby Brown. The answer lies someplace else.

This picture is a clue to Bobby Brown’s controllers and the entities responsible for the Whitney Houston’s harassing changing faces, pictures and ALL SEEING EYES. Brown’s extremely abnormal shirt is full of occulted illuminati symbolism.

Compare Bobby Brown and Baphomet's Cross, Baphomet's Cross Appear to Have a Rose in the Center

Brown’s background dark blue cross resembles the German Iron Cross, most particularly the Balkenkreuz, the emblem of the German Wehrmacht Army.[76] The Red Cross in the foreground inside the heart is an extreme occulted emblem of the Illuminati, the Rose-Croix of the Knights Templar, Knights Hospitaller, and the Illuminati.[77]

According to Dr. Leonard Horowitz, the author of the groundbreaking and best selling extraordinary book, Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola-Nature, Accident or Intentional, the Rose-Croix is also an Luciferian symbol, “Beginning with the Ordre de la Rose-Croix Veritas, more commonly known as the Rose-Croix, or Rosicrucians, the red (or rose) cross was adopted as an identifying symbol of the Masonic tradition. According to authors Baigent, Leigh and Lincoln in Holy Blood Holy Grail, themselves Freemasons, this practice began in 1188 when the Prieur? de Sion accepted the ceremonies of Ormus, said to have been an Egyptian sage, mystic, and “a Gnostic ‘adept’ in Alexandria”-a “hotbed of mystical activity” during the first century A. D. Here Ormus is believed to have exchanged theosophies with Judaic, Zoroastrian, Mithraic, Hermetic, neo-Platonic and Pythagorean scholars. The name “Ormus” was synonymous with “the principle of light” in Zoroastrian and Gnostic history. Thus, Ormus was not only the originator of the Red Cross symbol, but he apparently helped propagate the term “Illuminati.” Over time, “Illuminati” has come to mean the few powerfully illumined, or en-light-ened souls, who are said to draw their power from “Lucifer.” Illuminati, in fact, according to Webster’s Dictionary; is derived from the French word “Lucifer” meaning “light bearing.” Webster also cross references Lucifer to the word “light.”[78]

The extremely ancient occulted symbol of the Red Cross is usually within a circle, a “sacred loop.”[79] Bobby’s Rose Croix is within a heart. In Rose Croix folklore, the Heart is the “Seat of the Soul.”[80] The “Third Eye” (ALL SEEING EYE) was called by ancient philosophers the “Gateway to the Soul”.[81]

All together, the symbols on Brown’s strange shirt loosely translates to, “In the NWO, my heart and soul is with Illuminati with Lucifer as my God.” At the heart and soul of Bobby Brown is the mysticism of the German/Nazi-SS branch of Luciferians.  Undoubtedly, Brown sold his soul in a Luciferian Blood Sacrifice Covenant for Fame and Fortune, and all the cocaine and crack that he could consume to commit suicide. Undoubtedly, Bobby Brown joined the Guardians of Darkness as one of Lucifer’s hapless servants, and a black Luciferian conspiring proxy to destroy the Divine One. What did Bobby Brown offer in sacrifice for the Luciferian Blood Covenant for Fame and Fortune, Whitney Houston and Ancient Black Motherhood.


Oprah Winfrey's So-Called "Tell All" with Whitney Houston Didn't Publicly Reveal that She Had Been Harassed not only by "All Seeing Eyes" but "DEMONS"

Bobby Brown may be able to stray paint “ALL SEEING EYES,” but he doesn’t have the technical ability to produce stalking “DEMONS.”

According to Tina Brown, Bobby Brown’s sister, that shared cocaine and crack sprees with the couple at their home, “Whitney hallucinates and sees demons when she’s high; she bites and beats herself black-and-blue but blames the devil for the injuries.” [82] Tina says that Houston sees ‘demons’ everywhere she goes, and beats herself up while saying “The Devil be hitting me.”[83] 

Tina claimed that drugs have made Whitney so paranoid she sees evil apparitions and once drilled a spy-hole in her bathroom to look for “demons.” She said: “She’ll point to the floor and say, ‘See that demon. I’m telling you somebody’s messing with Bobby.’ She always thinks it’s something to do with Bobby.” She added: “She breaks everything – mirrors, phones, cabinets, appliances.”[84]

Whitney Houston’s “Tell All” interview with Oprah in September 2010 didn’t mention that she was not only harassed with images of faces and the “ALL SEEING EYE”, but she was harassed with stalking “DEMONS.”

Oprah, the High Priestess of the Color Purple Luciferian Coven, didn’t really tell all in the Whitney Houston television interview for mass confusion and chaos, because that terrible Black man, Bobby Brown, couldn’t produce Whitney Houston’s stalking and harassing “DEMONS.”


Decades ago, the military industrial complex studied and perfected the Russian LIDA machine (U.S. Patent 3773049). LIDA is a 1950s brain entrainment device used for “remote control” drugless sedation and mind control. The LIDA device about the size of a breadbox could be used to control subjects from a room in an apartment building.[85]

From LIDA, the U.S. military industrial complex has developed advanced Voice-To-Skull (V2K) technologies. V2K is used to taunt, mock and torture targeted people. Targets of V2K have reported doors slamming, voices, degradation of a religion, screaming, etc.[86]

The state of art of “Artificial Telepathy” in the 21st Century is not extraordinary military industrial complex science. “It’s as simple as receiving a cell-phone call in one’s head.”[87]

“Indeed, most of the technology involved is exactly identical to that of cell-phone technology. Satellites link the sender and the receiver. A computer “multiplexer” routes the voice signal of the sender through microwave towers to a very specifically defined location or cell. The “receiver” is located and tracked with pinpoint accuracy, to within a few feet of actual location. But the receiver is not a cell phone. It’s a human brain.”[88]

“Out of nowhere, a voice suddenly blooms in the mind of the target. The human skull has no “firewall” and therefore cannot shut the voice out. The receiver can hear the sender’s verbal thoughts. The sender, in turn, can hear all of the target’s thoughts, exactly as if the target’s verbal thoughts had been spoken or broadcast. For this reason, the experience could be called “hearing voices” but is more properly described as ‘artificial telepathy’”.[89]

“The problem is that artificial telepathy provides the perfect weapon for mental torture and information theft. It provides an extremely powerful means for exploiting, harassing, controlling, and raping the mind of any person on earth. It opens the window to quasi-demonic possession of another person’s soul.”[90]

Artificial Telepathy used as a “non-lethal” weapons system becomes an ideal means for the military industrial complex to target a subject for harassing DEMONS to discredit, neutralize, or simply “mind rape” the target insane.[91]

A hologram is a projected three-dimensional representation of a person or object, normally used in communication or entertainment. Holograms were used mostly in telecommunications as an alternative to screens. A holocamera of any recorder or receiver would acquire the dimensions, form and movements of an object by means of ray scanning. This vision then could be transmitted simultaneously somewhere else, or stored and reproduced on a holoprojector at a later time.[92]

Artificial Telepathy Hologram manipulations would explain how Whitney Houston could see faces, images and All-Seeing Eyes on the walls, carpets, doors, and inside and outside of her closets; and be harassed 24 hrs a day with holographic DEMONS.

A secretly coded “Holy See” Project was also publicly exposed two decades ago. The Holy See Project was a collaborative of the CIA, Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) and the Vatican in the use of holograms to create visions of Angels, Light Beings, and DEMONS, etc. to mind control populations.[93]

Two decades ago, the military industry complexes were developing out-of-this world non-hertzian scalar electromagnetic surveillance, and manipulation and alteration of DNA/RNA to conform to with mind control hologram optical protocols.[94]

Many artificial telepathy electromagnetic victims report dream manipulation, sleep deprivation, or induced sleep at inappropriate time, memory input and control, subliminal control, visual hallucinations, holograms, hearing distortions, sense of touch distortions, microwave burns, involuntary muscle movement, voice and speech input, control of emotions and personality overlay.[95]

Artificial telepathy electromagnetic weapons used at lower levels of amplification can cause extreme forms of physical discomfort, debilitation and confusion, men and women are assaulted on sexual organs which cause extreme discomfort and pain, total control of body functions such as manipulation of breathing and heart beats. Many become ill with migraines, cataracts, burns, digestive tract health conditions with massive rectal bleeding, skin cancer, leukemia, breast cancers, brain lesions and tumors, various cancers, various diseases, chronic fatigue syndrome, various teeth problems, Alzheimer’s disease, Epstein Barr virus, heart attacks, heart disease, brain tumors, brain aneurysm, & death.[96]

Artificial Telepathy electromagnetic amplification can also explain the persistent rumors of the death and severe illnesses that plague both Bobby Brown [97] and Whitney Houston. [98]

Electromagnetic radiation might also explain Tina Brown’s claim that most of Whitney Houston’s have fell out her of mouth.[99]

CNN recently broke ground in television holographic technology when it beamed into its Atlanta studios holographic images of Will. I. am of Black Eye Peas. The holographic project was the decade long work of eerie vice president and the Washington bureau chief for CNN, David Bohrman. It is unknown if David Bohrman is related to escaped Nazi war criminal, Martin Bormann, head of the Nazi Party Chancellery (Parteikanzlei) and private secretary to Adolf Hitler.[100]

At one point, Wolf Blitzer and Bohrman revealed that Artificial Telepathy Technology is being developed and perfected off shore in Israel. In December 2003, Whitney and Bobby entered Israel under the guise of a “spiritual retreat.” They met with former general and war criminal (Sabra and Shatila Massacre) Ariel Sharon, Israel’s 11th Prime Minister.[101]

Meeting with Sharon, both Whitney and Bobby are dressed in symbolic blood red.

“And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.” Revelation 11:12

In the occult, the color red symbolizes fire, primal symbolism-HELL. Set (Seth) of Kemetic (Egyptian) Mythology, the slayer of Ashur, symbolic color was red. While tradition holds him to have been red-headed, the use of red in association with magick, from an Islamic perspective, is an innovation based on the deification of Prophet Seth.[102]

What’s going on here? I don’t believe that Whitney can see the two-finger “devil horns” symbol that Bobby Brown is flashing toward Sharon.  I truly don’t  believe that Whitney understands that Bobby has sold her out and scarificed her to an international elite coven of Luciferians.  Sharon is alleged to be a master mason connected to Knight Templar’s secrets in House of Holy, Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem.

Whitney and Bobby entered Israel under the subterfuge of spiritual healing with the Black Hebrews, but after the trip little or nothing has become of their spiritual or religious awaking among the Black Hebrews.[103] It was a ruse. They most likely entered Israel as CNN’s Bohrman did as part of secret Holographic technology protocols and for medical examinations to study the effects of long term exposure to electromagnetic radiation.   Bohrman was the chief executive officer (CEO) of Pseudo Programs founded by internet genius and entrepreneur Josh Harris. Harris confessed that Pseudo was a fake corporation,[104] most likely a CIA front.

In 1999, Harris and Bohrman conducted human experiments called “Quiet,” which tested the effects of media, surveillance and technology on the development of personal identity. In New York, they invited New Yorkers to live in pods in a six-storey Broadway warehouse and be subjected to 24-hr total surveillance, in the shower, in the bathroom, etc. Everything was free: food, alcohol, drugs, a firing range, and shelter. Pseudo called in a spook CIA psychiatrist to maximum overload the subjects with intensive Project CHATTER-MK ULTRA type interrogations and harassment. The experiment is captured in a film, “We live in the Public”.[105]

In 2000, after exposing himself and a girlfriend to the “Quiet” experiment, Harris suddenly took off for refuge in Ethiopia, [106] the ancestral land of Ashur-Aset-Heru Mysteries, the Ancient Land of Kush. Even in the ancient Land of Kush under the protection of the most ancient Heru (Horus) and Aset (Isis), Harris believes that he had been shadowed by the Guardians of the Dark, the FBI.[107] Then, Harris have been in Kush developing secret Avatar protocols to re-image the Ashur-Aset-Heru Mythology as a backdrop of James Cameron’s blockbuster movie, Avatar. It’s only a thought or FEAR?

For decades the military industrial complex has been developing a new scientific discipline, Neurotheology (spiritual neuroscience). The Neurotheology theory is that man’s religious belief systems is neurological (MK ULTRA’s Aldous Huxley’s Island).[108]

Decades ago, Dr. Michael Persinger of Canada, developed a “God Hemet” to feedback recorded EEG brain wave frequencies recorded from “spiritual states” and fed the frequencies back into subjects by VLF and ELF to the temporal lobes to reconstruct religious experiences.[109]

Current Neurotheology studies use neuroimaging to localize brain regions that are active, or differentially active, during experiences that subjects associate with “spiritual” feelings or images. David Wulf, a psychologist at Wheaton College, Massachusetts, suggests that current brain imaging studies, along with the consistency of spiritual experiences across cultures, history, and religions, “suggest a common core that is likely a reflection of structures and processes in the human brain.”[110]

Some Neurotheology scientists working in the field hypothesize that the basis of spiritual experiences arises in neurological physiology. Suggestions have been made that an increase of N-Dimethyltryptamine levels in the pineal gland (Third Eye) or stimulation of the temporal lobe by psychoactive ingredients of magic mushrooms mimics religious experiences.[111]

The NWO Luciferians are busy at break neck pace developing neurotheological sciences with holographic technologies with an agenda to mind control world populations to minic the worship of LUCIFER as GOD, Project Blue Beam.[112]


There is still hope that Whitney Houston can be Free from Military Industrial Complex Mind Rape

Don’t help the Luciferian Military Industrial Complex mind rape and kill the Divine One, Whitney Houston. Take a good and long look at what has happened to her. Ask yourself, why if the world has known for the last decade that she is a cocaine freak, why has she not been busted for drugs?

Bobby Brown may be a terrible individual, but he doesn’t have the power or technology to produce “Stalking Demons” which is electromagnetic state of art military intelligence mind control and harassment weaponry. There is still time. Take a moment of silence, just think about it. Stop laughing about and at her. Let us hope and pray that she get the help she needs before it’s too late.

Gone too soon are too many of  God’s beautiful musical songbirds and messiahs, John William Coltrane (September 23, 1926 – July 17, 1967), Minnie Riperton (November 8, 1947-July 12, 1979), Phyllis Hyman (July 6, 1949 — June 30, 1995), Curtis Lee Mayfield (June 3, 1942-December 26, 1999), Luther Vandross (April 20, 1951 – July 1, 2005), Theodore DeReese “Teddy” Pendergrass (March 26, 1950– January 13, 2010), Michael Joseph Jackson (August 29, 1958 – June 25, 2009), Gerald Levert (July 13, 1966 – November 10, 2006), Sean Levert (September 28, 1968 – March 30, 2008), Marvin Pentz Gay, Jr. (April 2, 1939 – April 1, 1984), Eddie Kendricks (December 17, 1939 – October 5, 1992), Davis Eli “David” Ruffin (January 18, 1941 – June 1, 1991), Paul Williams (July 2, 1939 – August 17, 1973), David Melvin English (October 12, 1942 – February 23, 1995), Harold Melvin (born June 25, 1939 – March 24, 1997), James Joseph Brown, Jr. (May 5, 1933- December 25, 2006), Tupac Amaru Shakur (June 16, 1971- September 13, 1996), Christopher George Latore Wallace (May 21, 1972 – March 9, 1997), Lisa Nicole Lopes (May 27, 1971 – April 25, 2002),Aaliyah Dana Haughton (January 16, 1979 – August 25, 2001), the list goes on and on, and its just a partial list of mostly Black Rhythm and Blues stars, a disappearing world-wide respected independent musical genre of America’s Black Folk. There is something wrong with this picture.


Donny Hathaway (October 18, 1945 – January 13, 1979) was a brilliant musician, arranger, songwriter and vocalist. At the height of his musical career, he spoke about transcending, creating and conducting a concerto with the Boston Pops Symphony. [113] He was exploring melodies, soft and elegant voices.[114] He talked about exploring classicials [115] and “melodic” patterns and motions, repetitive patterns that can be used with any scale. It is used primarily for use in solos because, when practiced enough, it can be extremely useful when improvising.[116]

“Donny Hathaway was a genius of music theory, a master pianist and songwriter, and possibly had the most beautiful male voice in soul music-EVER!”[117]

Needless to say, we dearly loved Donny as much as he loved God and us. According to fellow musican James Mtume at the recording studio, Hathaway said that “white people” were trying to kill him and had connected his brain to a machine, for the purpose of stealing his music. Because of Hathaway’s mental state, the recording session was aborted and all of the musicians went home.[118]

Hours later, Hathaway was found dead on the sidewalk below the window of his 15th-floor room in New York’s Essex House hotel. The glass had been neatly removed from the window and there were no signs of struggle, leading investigators to rule Hathaway’s death a suicide.[119]

Frank Olson (July 17, 1910 – November 28, 1953) was a U.S. Army biological warfare specialist employed at Fort Detrick in Maryland, who was at first said to have taken his own life (suicide) due to depression. Later it came out, in the 1970s, that he had been given LSD without his knowledge at a joint meeting between CIA spies and US Army biowarfare experts, who cooperated on biological weapons, toxins and drugs with the collaboration of Operation Paperclip war criminal Nazi, Kurt Blome, [120] under the umbrella of MKNAOMI and MKULTRA. This was said to have driven him to leap out of a 13th floor window ten days later at the Statler Hotel in New York.

The CIA maintained that Olson had leapt through the closed window to his death. However, an autopsy conducted forty years later revealed an injury to the skull most likely caused by a blow to the head and no evidence of any cuts to the body from broken glass. It seems that Olson, exactly as recommeneded in CIA assassination manual, was struck on the head (possible while drugged) and thrown from the window to his death thirteen floors below.[121]

Allegations pointed to the CIA having assassinated Frank Olson over fears that he would reveal the entire illegal Nazi-U.S. biological warfare and mind control program, as well as the chemical interrogation program, to the press.[122]

It would seem that Donny’s death could also fit the CIA assassination manual recommendation, drugged and thrown from the 15th floor window. In 1979, Donny’s statement that “white folks” had connected his brain to a machine would seem quite paranoid in lieu of the state of art of psychotronic and the CIA’s secret development and covert MK ULTRA/MONARCH experiments on citizens at that time, and just as schizophrenic as Frank Olson describing covert hallucinogenic poisoning by LSD in 1953.

Donny & Psychotronics (NWO Mind Machines) 

In 1977, the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) declassified a report describing how vast advances in Soviet psychotronic technology can create the ultimate big brother society, by using electronic mind control against populations to implant ideals and thoughts into the heads of unsuspecting victims: “sounds and possibly even words, which appear to be originating intracranial (within one’s head) can be induced by signal modification at very low average power densities” (VLF & ELF).[123]

Ron McRae’s 1984 book, MIND WARS, described research in the 1970’s at Stanford Research Institute (SRI) on the subject of ELF and mind control which demonstrated that the brain could mistake an outside signal for its own, and mimic it (a process known as Bioelectric entrainment), and respond when it changes.”[124]

In 1979, before his death, Donny was describing (brain connected to a machine to steal his music) bioelectric-brain entrainment experiments. In other words, EEG electrodes were attached to his head measuring and recording brain wave electromagnic impluses to let say creatively developing melodies and melodic patterns and motions and then playing back the recorded electromagnic impluses in very low electromagnic frequencies (VLF) or extremely low electromagnic frequencies to fool the brain to the mimic the same creative thought processes creating the same melodies and melodic patterns and motions which was the state of the art science in 1979, Psychotronics (brain machines) and Bioelectric-Brain Entrainment.

Just as in the case of Frank Olson, Donny was openly resisting and complaining about secret bioelectric-brain entrainment experiments that he was being subjected to. Over fears that he would expose the mind control experiments to a public that dearly loved him, he was thrown out of a 15th story window as recommened by the CIA assassination manual.

The last studio album that Donny recorded was “Extensions Of A Man in 1973. The album contained the single Someday We’ll All Be Free“, which was written by Edward Howard about the mental anguish and suffering (paranoid schizophrenia) that Hathaway was plagued with. After Hathaway recorded the song, he listened to the play back of the studio cut. Hathaway cried as he listened to the song for the first time. After Hathaway’s death, Howard added in the liner notes of the song: “Donny is no longer here, but the song [Someday We’ll All Be Free] gathers momentum as part of his legacy… Donny literally sat in the studio and cried when he heard the playback of his final mix. It’s pretty special when an artist can create something that wipes them out.”[125]

Howard also added: “It was a spiritual thing for me… What was going through my mind at the time was Donny, because Donny was a very troubled person. I hoped that at some point he would be released from all that he was going through. There was nothing I could do but write something that might be encouraging for him.'”[126] 
Today, there are support groups like Freedom from Covert Harassment and Surveilance (FFCHS) and Mind Justice that may be able help to save lives, families and mental sanity. They offer support, information and help for victims of illegal U.S. government and private artificial telepathy electromagnetic weapon harassment and surveillance whether they are being stalked, hearing voices, seeing apparitions, or demons and suffering paranoia like Sister Whitney Houston, or believe that their brains are attached to machines like my dear late Brother Donny Hathaway.there is still a window of hope to save Whitney.

“Guide me, O Thou great Redeemer…Thou didst conquer, Thou didst conquer, Sin, and Satan…” 

From another world (Heaven), DONNY,  the Black Messiah of Music, still offer people of conscious spiritual hope, encouragement and strength to fight these BASTARDS, and defeat LUCIFER, LUCIFER’s Servants, and his Guardians of Darkness and their Idols for all time.  Donny’s  “Someday We’ll All Be Free” should be an international and national anthem for psychotronic, artificial telepathy electromagnetic weapons, and mind control victims.

[4] At footnote 14

[7] Jackson, John G., Introduction to African Civilizations, The Citadel Press, Secaucus, New Jersey (1970) pg. 127

[12] Id.

[15] Bernal, Martin.  Black Athena–The Afroasiatic Roots of Classical Civilization: Vol. II: The Archaeological and Documentary Evidence. New Brunswick: Rutgers University Press, 1991.

[23] Id.

[25] Id.

[29] Id.

[36] Ra Un Nefer Amen, Metu Neter, Vol. 1, Khamit Corp., Brooklyn, NY (1990) pg. 234

[40] Id.

[41] Id.

[45] Id.

[49] Ross, Colin A., Bluebird, Deliberate Creation of Multiple Personality By Psychiatrists, Manitou Communications, Inc., Richardson, TX (2000) pgs. 255-261

[59] Id.

[60] Id.

[63] Id.

[75] Id.

[80] Id.

[81] Id.

[86] Id.

[88] Id.

[89] Id.

[90] Id.

[91] Id.

[94] Id.

[96] Id.

[107] Id.

[109] Id.

[110] Id.

[111] Id.

[115] Id.

[119] Id.

[121] Id.

[124] Id.

[126] Id.


22 11 2010

Award Winning Performer Alicia Keys "Giving the Victory to LUCIFER"


Alicia Keys giving the victory to LUCIFER; I confess that I had hoped and prayed that Alicia Keys would be a refreshing breath of air to young brothers and sisters of the hip hop generation. She could actually sing. She was remarkably musically trained and gifted. I thought that she was independently minded and not afraid to speak truth to power especially when she spoke out against Ganstra Rap being a tool of genocide for Black males.[1]

She added that, in her opinion, the feud between rappers Tupac Shakur and Notorious B.I.G. was fueled “by the government and the media, to stop another great black leader from existing”. Alicia expressed her desire to write more political songs in the future and added that if leaders such as Black Panther co-founder and Huey Newton “had the outlets our musicians have today, it’d be global. I have to figure out a way to do it myself”.[2]

She later backtracked on her statements.[3] However, I still admired her courage because it had to be said that Gangstra Rap is a tool of racial genocide and the possibility that Tupac and Biggie were assassinated CIA Project CHAOS-FBI Cointelpro style, and that in the 21st Century, the racialist Luciferian and military industry complex is still frighten of a Black Messiah and a Huey P. Newton rising among the people. 

“Perhaps Alicia Keys will earn her place along side Paul Robeson, Harry Belafonte, Bob Marley, Min. Louis Farrakhan and a host of musicians and entertainers, including Dick Gregory who are among the many enlightened Blacks that have influenced our minds. Are you absolutely sure that Alicia Keys has not struck a cord?” By Harry R. Davidson, Ph.D. Apr 30, 2008 [4]

Alicia Keys had definitely struck a cord and a heart string in many of us. Her statements were extremely revolutionary to put out in global mass media among the youth. I wasn’t the only one tremendously impressed and touched by the courage of the young sister to speak truth to power.[5]

She’s the very definition of my kind of woman. The wraiths of the Apocalypse may have dispatched their horsemen – but I’m in love … AC (Alex Constantine)[6]

If left in her nature stage of revolutionary progression, I sincerely believe that Alicia Keys would have taken her place among the enlightened Blacks that have influenced our minds, but something radically switched in the young sister.

The Big Switch. Alicia Keys in Mind Control/MPD Trance Channeling the Great BEAST 666 Aliester Crowley

Something triggered strikingly and incredibly fast in Alicia Keys in all but a couple of years. In 2008, we extolled her revolutionary courage. In 2010, she has become “BAPHOMET’S NEW HIP HOP MISTRESS.”

The Big Switch. Alicia Keys-Conscious Sister to Baby Doll

Not only has Alicia Key’s revolutionary ideology switched radically, but her appearance also drastically switched. 

The Big Switch. Alicia Keys & the Occulted Crossed Out Cross

The Big Switch. Alicia Keys wear the Occulted Crossed Out Cross, Sun Burst Cross also called the Rose and (Rosy) Cross.[7] It’s almost identical with Scientology’s logo, the Crossed Out Cross.[8] In Scientology’s Class 8 course, lecture 10, (3 October 1968) Hubbard taught, “Somebody somewhere on this planet, back about 600 B.C. found some pieces of R6, and I don’t know how they found it, either by watching madman or something. But since that time they have used it and it became what is known as Christianity. The man on the cross. There was no Christ” (Corydon and Hubbard, L. Ron Hubbard, Messiah or Madman? p. 362).[9] The symbol of the rosy cross played a substantial role within the system of Thelema as developed by the Great BEAST 666 Aleister Crowley.[10] Crowley’s Satanic cross is also similar to and most likely the granddaddy to Scientology’s Crossed Out Cross.[11]

The Crossed-Out Cross, Scientology Logo  


Children make especially good subjects, given that they “are notoriously easy to hypnotize.” CIA Consultant Hypnotist, Dr. George H. Estabrooks[12]

The secret use of traumatized mind controlled children as military intelligence tools is an unspeakable in America. In SALT released July 2010 featured Angelina Jolie as the star. Hollywood told a one-sided story in a grand construction threatening America; Russia’s army of sleeper mind controlled since infancy agent provocateurs cued to act blindly (murder, etc.) by triggers or keys.[13]

However, it’s an old ugly story of secret government abuse in America involving the CIA and the U.S. military intelligence complex. A CIA-connected psychiatrist/hypnotist named Paul Verdier wrote a book, entitled Brainwashing and the Cults: An Expose on Capturing the Human Mind.” According to Verdier and mind controlling children as military intelligences tools, he coaches, “Brainwashing can be slow, insidious and sure when applied to children early in life.” He further added that: “It is likely that there is a short period of time following corporal punishment when the child is in a state of decortication [removal of outer coat]- hypnosis, so to speak. This is the ideal time to plant the positive instructions for better behavior in the future.”[14]

“The vulnerability of children is one of the reasons that the CIA and other intelligence agencies have played a key role in the creation of ‘mainstream’ satanic groups such as the OTO and the Temple of Set, as well as in denying the existence of underground satanic cults and satanic crime. These satanic groups have frequently served as agency fronts for mind control operations. The ugly reality is that, when it comes to severely traumatizing children, nothing compares to the stories told by those who have survived what has been termed satanic ritual abuse.”[15]

March 28, 1985, Bill Cosby and Alicia Keys at an Impressionistic Age Four (4) Year Old on The Cosby Show.


EVELYN SALT from Columbia Pictures during her impressionistic age before seven (7) years old. She was separated from her family during infancy. Traumatized enough during her impressionistic age to suffer Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) and continued be traumatized enough to split off programmable-hypnotizable alter personalities from her Inter Self Helper (ISH) as sleeper agent military intelligence tools. That’s not coming from me, it’s from the Hollywood Columbian s (Columbia Pictures).[16] SALT (2010) has grossed over a half billon dollars.[17]

The New Christ of Scientologist, Hollywood actor Tom Cruise, was orginally to be the Columbian star of the film, EDWIN A. SALT.[18]    

Alicia Keys’ occulted and satanic conversion appeared so suddenly that it must have implanted in infancy or during her impressionistic years before 5 years of age for future use; then triggered, switched on to act on cue just like EVELYN SALT

Columbian Recording Artist Alicia Keys, Silence is Golden, Entering the Gates of Hell

Silence is Golden, One of Lucifer’s Nine Gates of Hell from Roman Polanski’s Satanic Initiation Rite Movie, The Ninth Gate[19] & Alicia Keys. We have to try to figure out the “BIG SWITCH” in the infamous words of Marvin Gaye, What’s going on?


Columbian Recording Stars Beyonce and Alicia Keys Twinning "Godless Baby Dolls" under the "All Seeing Eye"

I first noticed something radically bizarre about Ms. Keys in a photo, twinning (twin programming), with Beyonce next to and under a painted occulted “all-seeing-eye” in Brazil.


beyonce & Alicia Keys- Lucifer Twinning "Devil Horns"

In mind control and programming, two or more victims are joined together in a like minded cause, making a “twinning”.[20]

Columbian Baby Dolls Beyonce & Alicia Keys Under Twinning Trance or Mind Control Stupor

Twinning. Beyonce and Keys appear to be in trance. 


Columbian Alicia Keys' Hands Symbol, "LUCIFER CALLING UPON YOU"

“…Jesus can’t save you life starts when the church ends…” Empire State of Mind, Jay Z & Alicia Keys [21]

Alicia Keys is also musically collaborating with demonologist-Satanist Jay-Z. They collaborated on Empire of State of Mind on Jay Z’s Blueprint 3 album.[22]  

“Lights is blinding,
girls need blinders
so they can step out of bounds quick,
the side lines is blind with casualties,
who sip the lite casually, then gradually become worse,
don’t bite the apple Eve,
caught up in the in crowd,
now you’re in-style,
and in the winter gets cold en vogue with your skin out,
the city of sin is a pity on a whim.
good girls gone bad, the city’s filled with them,
Mommy took a bus trip and now she got her bust out,
everybody ride her, just like a bus route,
Hail Mary to the city your a Virgin,
and Jesus can’t save you life starts when the church ends

came here for school, graduated to the high life,
ball players, rap stars, addicted to the limelight,
MDMA got you feeling like a champion,
the city never sleeps better slip you a Ambien.” 

Empire State of Mind, Jay Z & Alicia Keys [23]

Is Satanist Jay Z actually bragging about the turn of, and being the handler of Alicia Keys? I believe that Jay Z is mocking and taunting the public with the worldly power of Lucifer with Alicia Keys as the example and prize of their worldly power over the mind.

[Alicia Keys]
New York!!!!
Concrete jungle where dreams are made of,
There’s nothing you can’t do,
Now you’re in
New York!!!
These streets will make you feel brand new,
the lights will inspire you,
Let’s hear it for New York, New York, New York
come on, come, yeah. [24]

[Alicia Keys]
One hand in the air for the big city,
Street lights, big dreams all looking pretty,
no place in the World that can compare,
Put your lighters in the air, everybody say yeaaahh. 

“There’s nothing you can’t do…These streets will make you feel brand new, the lights will inspire you…”

With an implant of a false sense of helplessness aided with blinding and flashing lights that inspire (mind control) you, Alicia Keys was born Alicia Augello Cook on January 25, 1981, in the Hell’s Kitchen area of Manhattan, in New York City, New York.[25]

Columbian Alicia Keys & The Veil of Eye Satanic Initiation Rite

Ms. Keys graduated high school from Manhattan’s Professional Performance Arts School in New York; attended Columbia University, New York before dropping out to pursue her music career. Keys released her debut album with J Records (Sony BMG) New York, NY,[26] having had previous record deals first with Columbia Records, NY, NY [27]and then Arista Records, NY, NY.[28]

Columbia Records is owned by Sony.[29]Some notable owners of Sony include JP Morgan Chase Bank, Japan Trustee Bank and State Street Bank [30] JP Morgan Chase Bank connects up with the most dangerous families of Illuminates-Olympians-Luciferians that ever existed on earth, Dulles, Rockefeller, Harriman, and Bush. All confirmed links to funding one of the most evil and demonic regimes in history, the Third Reich of Nazi Germany and its flight capital, blood money and gold after WWII.

Rockefeller’s Chase bank was among Hitler’s biggest U.S. supporters before and during WWII. The Rockefeller families’ Standard Oil of NJ was half owner of IG Farben – the industrial base of the entire Third Reich. President Barack Obama’s predecessor George Walker Bush’s grandfather, Prescott Bush and Prescott’s father-in-law George Herbert Walker were Wall Street bankers whose fortune was made operating and financing shipping companies, banks and steel foundries for the Nazi regime.[31] 

Alicia Keys & Beyonce MPD Evil Alter Personalities Under the Columbian (CBS) "All Seeing Eye"

Keys and Beyonce are both under the “all-seeing-eye” of Columbia Broadcasting Company.[32] Alicia Keys twinning Beyonce’s wicked satanic alter multiple personality, Columbia Records’ Sasha Fierce.

The Luciferian Columbians aren’t interested in the artistic and creative qualities of Alicia Key’s musical genius, the vibrations of the universe. They want absolute control of it in a New World Order with Lucifer as god. They control the music. They control the mind and soul of the masses.


Empire State of Mind, Jay Z "...Right Next to De Nior..."

Out of all the actors and historical public figures in America, Jay Z singled out Frank Sinatra and Robert De Niro in Empire State of Mind. It isn’t at all coincidental references. It is a cue.

“Yeah, Imma up at Brooklyn Now I’m down in Tribeca, Right next to De Niro…”

In 1987, I was attracted to the Hollywood film, Angel Heart, primarily because it was Lisa Bonet’s maiden movie appearance. Lisa was one of the child stars of the popular Cosby Show (1984-1992).

The Cosby Show modeled and featured the Huxtable family, an affluent African-American family living in Brooklyn, New York. It became one of the most popular television shows of the 1980s. The family patriarch was Heathcliff “Cliff” Huxtable (Bill Cosby), an obsterician.

Lisa Bonet was featured as Denise Huxtable. The Cosby Show is one of only three American programs that have been #1 in the Nielsen ratings for at least five consecutive seasons.[33]

I really didn’t have any notion about the theme of the movie. Subconsciously, my desire had been to offer positive support for young Ms. Bonet as a budding movie actress; continue the positive messages and successful role modeling for African Americans in cinema. Unbeknown to me, the film had been adapted from the novel Falling Angel by William Hjortsberg of New York.[34]

I would be disappointed and mentally hurt by what I saw. In the movie, Lisa had been casted as Epiphany Proudfoot, a poor Louisiana backwood daughter of a voodoo priestess.

Lisa Bonet & The Big Switch, From Charming/Loving Cosby Kid to Luciferian Blood Thirsty Voodoo High Priestess

Her movie debut was a voodoo ritual and one of the most racialist homicidal, depraved sadistic and vicious rapes in cinema history.

It wasn’t just me. In fact, the homicial blood-drenched horrendous rape of Lisa Bonet was so depraved and graphic it had to be trimmed in order to secure the film at least an ‘R’ rating on initial release.[35]

Lisa Bonet rape in Angel Heart closely resembles Aleister Crowley’s secret ritualized sex magick practices of satanic “Eroticism.”[36]  In Unleshing the BEAST, “Eroticism…is assenting to life up to the point of death…Although erotic activity is in the first place  an exuberance of life, the object of this psychological quest…is not alien to death. Erotic activity, by dissolving the separate beings that participate in it, reveals their fundamental continuity, like the waves of a stormy sea.”[37]

I couldn’t believe my lying eyes. I had patronized Angel Heart with good and positive intentions but I got mind f**ked so severely that I have post traumatic stress (PTS). For over twenty years, I could not watch Angel Heart. I have become leery and fearful of young sisters of color cast in interracial movies. I still feel a sense of helplessness to protect them compounded by America’s historical inhumane sexual abuse of Black women.

In Angel Heart, Robert DeNiro was Louis Cyphere. Louis Cyhere is an anagram for “Lucifer”. The true objective of Louis Cyphere was strongly depicted by the “egg”-scene, in which DeNiro ate an egg, representing according to Louis Cyphere, the soul in many cultures.[38]

Epiphany Proudfoot (Lisa Bonet) had been Lucifer’s Servant, Louis Cyphere’s (Robert DeNiro) black female demonic sex slave that even in the religious Deep South JESUS couldn’t save.  

After I walked out of Angel Heart from the rape scene, a question lingered and burdened my heart. If Bill Cosby was such a prosperous, accountable and influential positive role model in America, why didn’t he look out for and protect the young sister, or even speak out against what they did to Lisa? It turned out that the young sister had along been on shaky and very dangerous ground on The Cosby Show with a very shaky individual, the Jell-O Man.     


“I’m the new Sinatra…” Empire State of Mind, Jay & Alicia Keys


Frank Sinatra & New Bride Nia Farrow, LUCIFER'S MISTRESS in 1968 Horror Classic Rosemary's Baby


Jay Z proclaiming to being the new Francis Albert “Frank” Sinatra (1915-98)[39] is another extremely interesting reference and statement to make. It is an important clue to the programming of Alicia Keys.

Frank Sinatra, the greatest popular singer of the 20th century, whose ties to organized crime were “woven into the fabric of his life and career…”[40] Sinatra is credited with deliberately pairing mob mistress Judith Campbell Exner (whose other lovers included Sinatra, Johnny Roselli and Chicago godfather Sam Giancana) with presidential candidate John F. Kennedy (JFK).  Sinatra also introduced JFK to Marilyn Monroe. [41]

After President Kennedy was forced to dump Judith Exner and stop associating with Sinatra by his vigilant and faithful brother, Robert F. Kennedy. Frank hooked up with the biggest politician in the Mafia’s pocket, U.S. President Richard Milhouse Nixon.   He hung around with President Nixon and Vice President Spiro Agnew so much he even acquired a Secret Service code name, “Napoleon.”[42]

Sam Giancana, the organized crime boss of Chicago, was so tight with Sinatra he always wore a star sapphire pinky ring, a gift from the Mafia’s favorite entertainer, Frank Sinatra.  Sinatra had such great affection for the mobster, he would end every personal performance with a tribute to Sam Giancana, “My Kind of Town, Chicago is.”[43]

By 1960, Giancana had had been arrested some 70 times and had reportedly ordered some 200 torture-murders of men who had done him wrong.  Sinatra’s friend, movie actor Peter Lawford (President Kennedy’s brother-in-law), told Sinatra biographer Kitty Kelley that “when the word got out around (Hollywood) that Frank was a pal of Sam Giancana, nobody but nobody ever messed with Frank Sinatra.  They were too scared.  Concrete boots were no joke with (Giancana).  He was a killer.”[44]

In the 1962 classic film “Manchurian Candidate”, Sinatra played the leading role of an American Army sergeant, who was captured during the Korean War (1950-53) and programmed with Chinese-Korean Brainwashing (mind control) techniques in a communist plot to assassinate a promising U.S. presidential candidate on the cue/trigger of a queen of diamonds of a deck of cards. Sinatra bought the movie rights, and suppressed further release of the film after the assassination of President John F. Kennedy.[45]

Sinatra’s mob friends, Sam Giancana and Johnny Roselli, were implicated in the November 22, 1963 assassination of JFK.[46]  Sinatra’s wife, Mia Farrow, starred in Roman Polanski’s Luciferian 1968 Rosemary’s Baby, the Great BEAST Aleister Crowley’s Moonchild.[47]

Frank Sinatra is alleged to have been a CIA/MK ULTRA (Marilyn Monroe, Judith Exner) sex slave handler. He has handled Bob Hope’s slaves, when Bob Hope has lent them to the Rat Pack which consisted of Dean Martin, Frank, Peter Lawford & Joey Bishop,[48]  and his friend, Sammy Davis, Jr.[49]


During World War II, Sammy Davis, Jr. served from 1943 to 1945 in U.S. Army Special Services of which little is known. Soon after leaving the military, Davis landed a tour with Mickey Rooney and appeared with Bob Hope in a benefit show. The three performers appeared together at Circo’s in Hollywood and on the NBC television network variety show Colgate Comedy Hour (1950-1955).[50] With the help of Frank Sinatra, Davis appeared solo at the Copacabana in New York, and was discovered by Decca Records in 1954. He released two albums with Decca Records: Starring Sammy Davis, Jr. and Just for Lovers.[51]

In 1958, Davis was forced from death threats by Columbia Pictures (Harry Cohn)[52] and the Mafia (Mickey Cohen)[53] to abandon romantically pursuing upcoming white actress Kim Novak and marry a Black Las Vegas chorus girl, Loray White.[54] Reportedly, Davis had been kidnapped by the mob and forced to marry a woman of his race.[55] He became so distraught from marrying Loray White that he attempted to commit suicide.[56]

The joke around entertainment industry circles was that Sammy didn’t start walking until he was two, and the first person he walked toward was a White woman. For much of his life, Sammy Davis, Jr. did so crave to be white. His first love, Helen Gallagher, said that everyone who knew him said the same.[57]

One of Bill Cosby’s best friends had been Sinatra’s friend, Sammy Davis, Jr., America’s Greatest Black Entertainer.[58] Cosby had been his friend or secret handler. The late legendary Hollywood actor and singer, Sammy Davis, Jr. (1925-1990), had been a confirmed Satanist and a member of Anton Salazar LeVay’s Church of Satan.

LeVay had been part of Sinatra’s inner circle of Hollywood Luciferians. LeVay was Roman Polanski’s Rosemary’s Baby technical advisor and starred along side Sinatra’s wife, Mia Farrow, as LUCIFER.[59]

Davis had been invited to accept an honorary membership in the Church of Satan by Army Lt. Col. Michael Aquino. After Davis sent Aquino his acceptance on March 17, 1973, he was presented with the honorary membership on April 13, 1973 by Aquino and Karla LaVey, daughter of Anton LeVay.[60] The fact that Army Lt. Col. Aquino officially lured Davis into the Church of Satan is significant. “Aquino, alleged to have recently retired from an active military role, was long the leader of an Army psychological warfare section which drew on his expertise and personal practices in brainwashing, Satanism, Nazism, homosexual pedophilia and murder.”[61]

Even as Aquino was being investigated by Army Criminal Investigation Division officers for involvement in pedophile cases of hundreds of children around the country, he retained the Pentagon’s highest-level security clearances, and was involved in pioneering work in military psychological operations (“psy-ops”).[62]

On October 10, 1983, while traveling in West Germany on “official NATO business,” Aquino had staged a Satanic “working” at the Wewelsburg Castle in Bavaria. Aquino wrote a lengthy account of the ritual, in which he invoked Nazi SS chief Heinrich Himmler: “As the Wewelsburg was conceived by Heinrich Himmler to be the ‘Mittelpunkt der Welt’ (‘Middle of the World’), and as the focus of the Hall of the Dead was to be the Gate of that Center, to summon the Powers of Darkness at their most powerful locus.”[63]

In John DeCamp’s classic and heroic investigation of the Franklin Cover-up Scandal, Lt. Col. Aquino stood at the pinnacle of U.S. military intelligence CIA/MK ULTRA-MONARCH involvement in mind control programming of children.[64]  

After Davis’s death, Jell-O Man always wore a label pin on the Cosby Show with Davis’ initials on his infamous sweaters, shirts or jackets in tribute.[65] 

Davis had also been openly friendly with the Mafia, Dean Martin, Frank Sinatra, Charles “Lucky” Luciano, Meyer Lansky, Albert “The Mad Hatter” Anastasia and Carlo Gambino.[66] Davis also had the blessings of New York Mobster Joseph Colombo, head of one of New York’s Cosa Nostra families of organized crime.[67]

Davis was also associated with Chicago Mafia Hitman, Frankie “One Ear” Fratto. Frankie was the brother of Chicago and Des Moines, IA Mobster, Louis Fratto, The Invisible Man.[68]

Above, THIS PICTURE IS NOT A JOKE. Sammy Davis, Jr. and “One Ear” Fratto sometime prior to November 1954 when Davis allegedly lost his eye in an auto accident outside of Las Vegas. Fratto has what appears to be an assassin’s close quarter weapon, a 22 caliber revolver, aimed a little below Davis’ right temple. Davis is stripped with his entertainment attire hanging on a nail above him.

Undoubtedly, Fratto is unmercifully and graphically torturing and traumatizing Davis by mock execution with a game of Russian roulette (threat of imminent death) splitting off early experimental Project BLUEBIRD/ARTICHOKE Dissociate Identity Disorder (DID) programmable alters which may lie at the basis of Davis’ future mental confusion and instability. Project BLUEBIRD/ARTICHOKE included a great of work on the creation of amnesia, hypnotic couriers and Manchurian Candidates.[69] Russian roulette is an illegal and criminal mind control or brainwashing technique practiced currently by the U.S. government on Guantanamo Bay Naval Base (Gitmo) detainees.[70]

Samuel George Davis, Jr. was born in New York City, New York, to Sammy Davis, Sr. (1900–1988), an African-American entertainer, and his wife Elvera Sanchez (1905–2000) a tap dancer.[71] When he was three, his parents separated and his father took him under his wing. Davis learned to dance from his father and his “uncle” Will Mastin, who led the dance troupe his father worked for. Davis joined the act as a child and they became the Will Mastin Trio. Throughout his career, Davis included the Will Mastin Trio in his billing. Mastin and his father as part of a strong traditional Black Christian family background protected, shielded and strengthened him as long as they could.[72]

They lost him when Sammy Davis Jr. was drafted into the U.S. Army Forces during WWII. He was assigned to U.S. Special Forces [73] and the door of racism swung open exposing him to a world unlike anything he had ever known. Will Mastin and his father surrounded and shielded him from racism so electively, it was not until he was in the Army during World War II that he realized the world was not just “one color”.[74]

The WWII U.S. Special Forces were specially trained troops of the “hunter class, who can develop a reign of terror down the enemy coast.”[75]  Special Force missions were under the control of OSS (Office of Strategic Services), led by NY Wall Street Lawyers William J. Donovan,[76] and Allen Welsh Dulles,[77] the granddaddy’s of the Empire State of Mind.  

Faith brought Sammy Davis, Jr. into the jaws of some of history’s most racist, dangerous and treacherous men on the face of the planet. Whatever he went through with Special Forces deeply affected him. Will and his father couldn’t be there to protect him from ritualized torture-trauma, mayhem and most likely rape. By the end of his life, he was a sad and still very much confused little man, a “Poor Devil” that even LUCIFER found difficult to use.

But that is really the crucial difference between DID and Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD), a strong Black traditional Christian background will battle and constantly conflict with DID satanic alter personalities throughout the life of the victim, while MPD alter personalities can be altogether completely separate, independant and distinct (persons) personalities.      



Bill Cosby & High Level LUCIFERIAN/ILLUMINATI HAND SYMBOL- Notice the Suffering and Subjected Black Female in Background (Lisa Bonet)


Most people have come to associate Bill Cosby with intellect, civil responsibility, clean old fashion humor, and child like affection. Cosby is a world renowned comedian, actor, author, television producer, educator, musician, humantarian, and activist.[78] Cosby is a living legend, trailbrazer in Black Entertainment, multiple Emmy and Grammy winner.[79] He has been awarded numerous honorary degrees from Yale University to Sisseton Wahpeton College on the Lake Traverse Reservation in South Dakota.[80]

On October 27, 2009, Cosby was presented with the 12th annual Mark Twain Prize for American Humor. In a British 2005 poll to find The Comedian’s Comedian, he was voted among the top 50 comedy acts ever by fellow comedians and comedy insiders. He received Kennedy Center Honors in 1998. He was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2002 for his contributions to television. He won the 2003 Bob Hope Humanitarian Award.[81]

Bill Cosby that you have become accustomed to is an illusion. There is another secret side of Cosby, William Henry Cosby, Jr., that you won’t like.  

MK ULTRA & Jell-O Man, Don’t Let Him Near Your Daughters!

Bill Cosby, the Jell-O man, was enlisted as a hospital corpsman in the U.S. Navy from 1956 to 1961 during Operation Paperclip and CIA/MK ULTRA. He had been assigned to extremely sensitive and secret notorious Operation Paperclip, CIA/ARTICHOKEMK ULTRA-MONARCH and U.S. Biological/Genetic warfare sites, among others, the Naval Medical Center Bethesda in Maryland, Marine Corps Base Quantico, Virginia, U.S. Naval bases in Newfoundland and Argentina.

Needless to say, Argentina under the influence of totalitarian and fascist Juan and Eva Peron was a safe haven for the CIA Operation PAPERCLIP’s most notorious war criminal Nazis and SS like Hauptsturmfuhrers SS Dr. Josef Mengele, the Demon of Death and Klaus Barbie, the Butcher of Lyon.[82]   

In 1951, Erich Traub, Heinrich Himmler’s biological warfare expert, was secretly harbored at U.S. Naval Medical Center in Bethesda.[83] Alfred Hellman was also working out of the Naval Medical Center in Bethesda developing and experimenting with (Traub)`biological warfare oncogenic (AIDS) viruses for the Navy.[84]

From 1951, the Naval Medical Center in Bethesda had also been the site of the CIA’s Project Bluebird-Artichoke Assassination programs, former Korean War POWs were subjected to various behavioral modification programs, including the use of experimental drugs, special interrogation methods; and hypnotism all for what the CIA deemed “offensive objectives.”[85]

From 1953, the Naval Medical Center in Bethesda had additional been the site of the secret CIA/MK ULTRA mind control programs using mind controlling drugs on servicemen, and programming mind controlled slaves for Project MONARCH.[86]

Reportedly, Cosby worked with an extremely sensitive class of soldiers that had been involved in the Korean Conflict (1950-53),[87] which may have involved Korean/Chinese Brainwashing Techniques, CIA Projects Bluebird-Artichoke, and Frank Sinatra’s type of Manchurian Candidates.   

Whatever Cosby learned from the U.S. Navy and MK ULTRA, he applied unmercifully for whatever covert purposes in the mega movie-television industry. The Jell-O man is accused of being a hush-hush psycho-narco mind bender and serial rapist.[88]

From 2004 to 2006, at least 13 women have come forward to accuse Jell-O man of covert narco drugging and sexual assault. These women are said to currently reside in California, New Mexico, Florida, Nevada, Colorado, Ohio, and Arizona. Of nine “Jane Doe witnesses,”scheduled to testify against Jell-O man in a civil sexual assault case, six were represented by Pennsylvania lawyer Joyce Dale, executive director of Delaware County Women Against Rape.[89]

Two other women, according to civil filing, are believed to be seeking to retain counsel to pursue civil claims against Jell-O man. In addition to the other women claims, civil  lawyers also sought New York police and prosecution records relating to a 2000 abuse claim reportedly lodged against Jell-O man by a “Cosby Show” cast member named Lachele Covington.[90] Cosby has denied all abuse allegations, none of which have resulted in criminal charges of rich, powerful and famous Luciferians with the power of the Empire State of Mind.

What other thing does Anton LeVay, Sammy Davis, Jr., Bill Cosby and Robert De Niro all have in common? They all have played the Devil or Lucifer in major Hollywood television and film productions.



Frank Sinatra & Sex Slave Marilyn Monroe- Jay Z "The New Sinatra" & Alicia Keys


Jay Z has been annoited head of a Hip Hop Satanic Coven and a Black female sex slave handler by a circle of hidden and powerful international Luciferians linked to the Nazis, Wall Street, Mafia, and CIA. Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis, Jr., Bill Cosby and Robert De Niro are some of the secret Hollywood links to the greater circle.

I suspect that during the 1980s, Alicia Keys had been recruited in her impressionate years before or at the age of four (4) years old through a relative or agent for CIA/MK ULTRA trauma based programming during her casting for The Cosby Show. From the lesson of Lisa Bonet, Bill Cosby had been using The Cosby Show as a mind bending sex slave programming site.

LUCIFER Bill Cosby in Walt Disney's 1981 "The Devil and Matt Devlin" testing the waters for a LUCIFERIAN BIG SWITCH and AGENDA

Additionally, as early as 1981, Bill Cosby was staring in and associated with Walt Disney productions, and as late as 1993, he had been raising money for Walt Disney charities.[91]  Reportedly, Walt Disney worked closely with the FBI and CIA to PROCURE CHILDREN for mind-control programming purposes.[92]

Late NASA astronaut LeRoy Gordon Cooper, Jr. was involved in a clandestine MK ULTRA space kids program secretly turning children into military intelligence tools through among other things, hypnotism, trauma and ELF (extremely low frequencies) brain entrainment for NASA, CIA and the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA).[93] Cooper worked for Walter Disney & Associates.[94]

After making controversial statements about Gangstra Rap, Black Panther Party, Huey P. Newton and becoming a future advocate for Black Nationalist ideologies in 2008, the CIA called in Alicia Keys cards and triggered some of her multiple personality alters. One or more were satanic implants. The satanic implant alters were assigned to Jay Z’s Black Hollywood Satanic Coven for CIA cover in a plot to control the Hip Hop music industry; and as an experiment to test the waters; and lure the HIP HOP generation into the New World Order with LUCIFER as god to create what Hitler envisioned as “Modern Day Slaves.”  

The Luciferians may very well been in secret control of Alicia Key’s remarkable musical background and career since the 1985 The Cosby Show just like the career and development of sleeper agent EVELYN SALT .

Again, my hope and prayers is with Alicia Keys and thousands of innocent children godlessly mentally traumatized and sexually abused to turn them into an army of godless zombies for the military intelligence complex.

The BIG SWITCH. The New Luciferian Cyborg, Alicia Keys

Somewhere in her heart and mind dwells the truth that the LUCIFERIANS  are truly afriad of JFKs, Robert Kennedys, Dr. Kings, and Huey P. Newtons rising among the masses, and mostly JESUS CHRIST.


For now, the love affair with Alicia Keys is over. It’s far too dangerous and part of LUCIFER’S (Jay Z) BLUEPRINT 3.


[5] Id.

[6] Id.

[10] Id.

[15] Id.

[17] Id.

[22] Id.

[23] Id.

[24] Id.

[41] Id.

[42] Id.

[43] Id.

[44] Id.

[56] Id. At footnote

[63] Id.

[69] Ross, Colin, Bluebird, Deliberate Creation of Multiple Personality, Manitou Communications, Inc. (2000) pg. 23

[72] Id.

[73] Id.

[76] Id.

[79] Id.

[80] Id.

[81] Id.

[83] Horowitz, Leonard, Emerging Viruses: AIDS and Ebola, Tetrahedron, Sandpoint, IA (1999), pg. 335

[84] Id. At page 463

[89] Id.

[90] Id.

[94] Cooper, L. Gordon, Leap of Faith, HARPERTORCH, NY, NY (2000)