22 02 2017


Public discussions of what really goes on behind the veil of Satanism and Satanic Cults are NOT PERMITTED by the blood oath of secrecy not for any concern for the public. Christopher Lee’s British Satanic tutor, Dennis Wheatley, also denied up and down that he  knew anything about what was behind the veil of Satanism. They were both lying. Lee worked for British (SIS) Secret Intelligence Services alleged to have been an assassin. Wheatley was a serious student of the Great BEAST 666, Aleister CrowleyWheatley was MI6. Lee and Wheatley were most likely MI6 or MI5 or both, on a mission to penetrate, infiltrate and inundate popular mass public entertainment with Satanism They were  secret initiates of the blood rites of the SATANIC DARK CIRCLE. 

Behind the veil of PIZZAGATE, an extremely rare video has been leaked to the public working tirelessly to lift the veil of blood oath secrecy surrounding the Shadow Government and PIZZAGATE. When I was 1 or 2 years old, I saw something terrible, horrible and traumatic involving my father and the Nazi-SS BLACK CIRCLE’s  still highly classified U.S. Naval Project CHATTER. My sister said that I fell into a comatose state. My family thought that I wouldn’t return to the conscious world. I returned, but as a duplicate copy of my original personality with no memory of my father or the traumatic event.

aaamaccobycallmefagan Please review “This is definitely John Podesta!” with extreme caution. I believe that this is an actual CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH traumatic ritual abuse rite with flashing lights designed to split off alternative personalities. The idea age of the child behind the shower doors being tortured would be 5, 6 to 7 years old.





Dr. Strangelove- Michael Maccoby & James Achilles Alefantis

James Achilles Alefantis has a very unusual great friend and mentor in the strange world of international intelligence. He is an elite old school Washington insider. He is a vehement defender of James Alefantis and Comet Ping Pong Pizza. His name is Dr. Michael Maccoby– the head of the Maccoby Group.


The Maccoby Group in Washington, D.C. offers consulting, cultural audits, coaching, research and leadership workshops. On strategic intelligence, they offer “A workshop based on more than 35 years of applied research, teaching and consulting with leaders in business, government, unions, universities and non-profit organizations in the United States, Canada, Western Europe, Africa, Asia, and Latin America.”[1] They also coach leaders at Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos, homes for orphaned and abandoned children, an orphanage (A Field of Cabbage) in Mexico, Honduras, Haiti, Nicaragua, Guatemala, El Salvador, the Dominican Republic, Bolivia and Peru.[2]


Dr. Michael Maccoby’s rabbit hole in Reinhard Gehlen SS/CIA international intelligence webs runs so deep that you have to begin in HELL shoveling up fire, brimstone and sulfur.


In 2008 at an Advisory Neighborhood Commission meeting and hearing on Comet Ping Pong’s application to extend its business hours until midnight, Commissioner Frank Winstead accused Comet Ping Pong owner (James Alefantis) of wishing to turn the area into a haven for rape and murder. That is an extremely unusual allegation to make for a predominately white, affluent and exclusively elite and intelligence residential area of Washington DC.


In fact, the scary cold blood Goat-Rider U.S. Vice President Mike Pence (Phi Gamma Delta) recently moved into the immediate Comet Ping Pong Pizza neighborhood.[3] In the hearing, Winstead’s opposition was drowned out by an aggressive and vehement crowd of Comet Ping Pong Pizza fans led by Alefantis and Maccoby. In the recording of the rowdy meeting, Dr. Maccoby was recorded shouting violently, “I will personally remove anyone who opposes Comet Ping Pong!”[4] The Alefantis family is within the inner circle of the secret web of the Masonic Fraternal Order of AHEPA, American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association. They are an extremely serious and zealous Hellenic Secret Society.


Alefantis’ implanted secret alternative Greek shade, nature, persona or personality is the Greek Trojan War Hero, ACHILLES. Achilles worshiped the old Greek Gods. He practiced HUMAN SACRIFICE to the Old Gods as they did in Greek Antiquity.


During the Trojan War, Polyxena was a daughter of Priam and Hecabe (Apollod. 3.12.5). She was beloved by Achilles, and when the Greeks, on their voyage home, were still lingering on the coast of Thrace, the shade (ghost) of Achilles appeared to them demanding that Polyxena should be sacrificed to him.


Neoptolemus accordingly sacrificed her on the tomb of his father. (Eur. Hec. 40; Ov. Mct. 13.448, &c.) James “Achilles” is also great friends with Dr. Maccoby’s family.



Attorney Max Maccoby
Dr. Maccoby’s son, Max, is also a defender of Alefantis. Max Maccoby is a friend of Alefantis and former boyfriend, David Brock. Max: ”He is on the board of directors for the nonprofit charity Friends of the Orphans and is an advocate for their cause.


David Brock & James Alefantis
Max, represented Alefantis and Brock for a mysterious $850,000 blackmail case.[5]


In Haiti, the Friends of the Orphans (Field of Cabbages) was caught criminally turning over 33 black children to convicted child trafficker, Laura Silsby.[6]



Izzette Maccoby & James Alefantis

Dr. Michael Maccoby’s daughter is Izzette Maccoby Folger. She is a longtime Washington DC friend of Alefantis. They are connected to the DC nonprofit art group, Transformer. Izzette is married to DC financial advisor Neil Folger. Along with Tony Podesta and Alefantis, Neil is expressly in the Transformer’s Visionary Leaders’ Circle.[7]


Neil & Izette Folger

The Folgers are a secret power elite family since at least the administration of President Dwight D. Eisenhower. Lee’s mother is Barbara Sue (Bitsy) McElroy.[8] She was the daughter of Harvard’s Neil H. McElroy, former president of the multi-million dollar corporation, Procter & Gamble, and October 9, 1957, appointed President Eisenhower’s Secretary of Defense. Neil’s grandmother was Mary Camilla Fry of England- baroness, suspected British Knighthood bloodline lineage.[9]


Neil’s father is financial advisor Lee Merritt Folger– a child sacrifice (Moloch, also spelled Molech) pagan member of the Bohemian Grove.[10] Lee’s father was investment banker, John Clifford Folger (1893-1981), U.S. Ambassador to Belgium (1957-59)- Alfalfa Club.[11] The Folgers are descendants of Peter Folger. Peter was an early 17th century English settler of Martha’s Vineyard. He was the grandfather of human sacrifice Master Mason, Benjamin Franklin.[12]



Dr. Michael Maccoby’s other daughter is Nora Maccoby -Hathaway, a DC based Writer, Director, and film Producer. She co-wrote the film Bongwater (2000) and the film, Buffalo Soldiers (2003), which won the Evening Standard British Film Award in 2004. She also directed of the award-winning short film, Dropping the Bomb on My Street (1994). Nora is a Clean Energy Activist, and co-founder the Green Salon. She received her BA in Theater from Oberlin College and her MFA in Directing from the American Film Institute.[13] Nora is also a close friend of Alefantis/Comet Ping Pong Pizza, and a patron of Transformer.


” … I grew up in DC, in a neighborhood that was pretty much 80% CIA operatives.” Nora Maccoby [14]

Well, her father, Dr. Michael Maccoby, also lives near Ping Pong Pizza. So, she is talking about her father’s neighborhood and Ping Pong Pizza. Dr. Maccoby resides in northern DC, the Chevy Chase neighborhood. Chevy Chase is about 12.3 miles outside CIA headquarters in McLean, Maryland.

In this rare video above, Nora Maccoby told the world that she was born in Mexico. She told the world about the CIA, her upbringing and neighborhood of the CIA. NOT I!




In June 1960, Dr. Maccoby received a PhD from Harvard in Social Relations. Dr. Henry Alexander Murray was a central figure in Harvard’s interdisciplinary Department of Social Relations. He retired from Harvard in 1962.[15] Who is Dr. Henry Murray? Psychologist Dr. Henry Alexander Murray (May 13, 1893 – June 23, 1988) of Harvard University was the CIA’s preeminent elder statesman. During World War II, he left Harvard as the director of the Harvard Psychological Clinic to join the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) as a lieutenant colonel. For Allied Forces, particular America and Britain, Dr. Murray developed special psychological assessment tests to recruit and select secret agents.[16] He joined with the Schools and Training Branch of the OSS to write an entire book about the recruitment of special agents called Assessment of Men. The title was later changed to Selection of Personnel for Clandestine Operations: Assessment of Men.[17]


In 1943, Dr. Murray was commissioned by OSS boss, U.S. Major General William “Wild Bill” Donovan (Phi Kappa Psi, Catholic Knight of Malta), to help complete an infamous “Analysis of the Personality of Adolph Hitler.” The groundbreaking study was the pioneer of Offender profiling and political psychology, today commonly used by many countries as part of assessing international relations.[18] Dr. John W. Gittinger’s CIA Personality Assessment System (PAS) expanded and refined Dr. Murray’s models in the selection, recruitment, assessment, training and hiring of CIA agents, clandestine operatives, and government department heads.[19]


Sidney Gottlieb, MK ULTRA- CIA Technical Services

As chairman of the Department of Social Relations at Harvard, Dr. Murray became an internal part of CIA MK ULTRA‘s clandestine efforts to continue and expand experiments in mind control conducted by Nazi doctors in the concentration camps. The overall program was under the control of the Sidney Gottlieb, head of the CIA’s technical services division. Harvard students, prisoners and many other others became unwitting guinea pigs for inhuman medical and mind control experimentations. They were secretly fed doses of LSD, psilocybin and other drugs of interest to CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH mind control programs.[20]

“Murray was indeed a Cold War warrior—not, perhaps, as prominent a player as some, but a player nonetheless. He received steady funding from the Rockefeller Foundation, which had served as cover for his trip with Cantril to the Soviet Union for the CIA in 1958, and from the National Institute of Mental Health, also known to be a covert funding conduit. He apparently worked for HumRRo. He served as an adviser on army-sponsored steroid experiments. He helped found Harvard’s Social Relations Department, which had been generously funded by covert intelligence agencies. He served the U.S. Army Surgeon General’s Clinical Psychology Advisory Board and the National Committee for Mental Hygiene with the CIA’s propagator of LSD, Frank Fremont-Smith. Along with Fremont-Smith, Abramson, and Leary, he occupied a spot on the agency’s LSD pyramid.”[21]

At Harvard University, Dr. Michael Maccoby was just like Dr. Murray, “Murray was so surrounded by agency [CIA] people he couldn’t have moved without bumping into one.”[22] So, I assume Dr. Maccoby bumped into Dr. Murray. “The Dr. Murray”- one of the most powerful, influential and wicked men in the Harvard’s Social Relations Department.


Jerome Seymour Bruner

At Harvard at the Social Relations school, Dr. Maccoby said that he bumped into and started working with psychologist Jerome Seymour Bruner (October 1, 1915 – June 5, 2016).[23] During World War II, Bruner served on the Psychological Warfare Division of the Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force committee under General Dwight D. Eisenhower, researching social psychological phenomena.[24]


At Harvard at the Social Relations school, Dr. Maccoby said that he also bumped into and started working with psychologist, behaviorist, author, inventor, and social philosopher Burrhus Frederic Skinner (March 20, 1904 – August 18, 1990), commonly known as B. F. Skinner.[25] And, he taught the shadow government and the CIA and the ILLUMINATI how to shape children into anything they want- MK ULTRA ritual trauma abused sexual slaves and espionage agents.


B. K. Skinner, Harvard’s Mad Behavior Modification Scientist

One of the most seemingly preposterous military programs of all time occurred during WWII, when famed behavioral psychologist B.F. Skinner was enlisted by the government to try and train pigeons for use in a missile guidance system caged inside missiles with an interactive video screen. At the time, Skinner was known as one of the major practitioners of operant conditioning, a system that used reward and punishment as a means of controlling behavior. It was eventually shut down, because it was what it was- absolutely preposterous, but Skinner pocketed at least $25,000 in the deal.[26]

Nevertheless his mad scientist experiments, B.F. Skinner was one of the CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH’s top behavior modification/control consultants and specialists. In a 1956 debate between MK ULTRA consultant  Dr. Carl Rogers and Skinner on “the control of human behavior,” Rogers warned that without careful scrutiny of the ends, goals, and values that lie outside our particular scientific endeavors, we are all much more likely to serve whatever individual or group has the power.[27]


At Harvard at the Social Relations school, Dr. Maccoby said that he also bumped into and started working with one of world’s most dangerous and ruthless bloodline Satanic ILLUMINATI globalist on earth, McGeorge Bundy.[28] Antony C. Sutton does an excellent job as usual in his book on the Skull & Bones Order in describing how McGeorge Bundy received preferential treatment all through his life. Consistently, McGeorge Bundy got jobs for which there were thousands of better candidates. McGeorge Bundy went to Yale where he was initiated into the Skull & Bones in 1940. McGeorge then went to Harvard. After this McGeorge joined the army as a private. Very few privates ever achieve the rate of promotion that McGeorge received. Within a year after joining as a private, 23 year old McGeorge was promoted to captain. Not only was he made a captain he was placed on staff to plan the logistics and other details of the invasion of Sicily and the Normandy Invasion.[29]

The Bundy Family is one of the world’s most powerful elite Satanic ILLUMINATI bloodline families. During the 20th century, two Bundy brothers held the key positions that controlled most of the information that was fed to U.S. Presidents during the Kennedy and Johnson administrations. When Johnson took over after J.F. Kennedy was assassinated, McGeorge Bundy was in the key position as National Security Advisor to determine what the President did and didn’t hear. His brother was in a key U.S. State Department position. Both Bundy brothers were also fraternal brothers of the ILLUMINATI Order of the Skull and Bones.[30]

During the 19th century, Jonas Mills Bundy (1835-1891) was a key adviser to President Ulysses Grant after the Civil War, President Garfield, and President Chester A. Arthur. At the turn of the 19th century, their grandfather, Harvey Hollister Bundy, Sr., was a lawyer and a Congressman, and his father was a lawyer. Harvey also became a lawyer. But he didn’t stop there. Harvey was initiated in the Skull & Bones in 1909. Harvey became Assistant Secretary of State under Skull & Bones Henry Lewis Stimson.[31]


William P. Bundy

McGeorge Bundy and his brother William P. Bundy, above, held important Rhodes Roundtable CFR and important Bilderberger positions. McGeorge Bundy sat on MJ-12, which is the council of wise men that rules the United States. (See Be Wise As Serpents chptr. 2.13 for an explanation about what MJ-12 is and documentation).[32] That’s enough to make anyone cry for the children and the masses of the people.




Erich Fromm

From 1960 to 1970, I was Fromm’s student, analysand, apprentice, and colleague …” Dr. Michael Maccoby [33]

Dr. Maccoby also worked under Psychologist Erich Fromm. Erich Seligmann Fromm (March 23, 1900 – March 18, 1980) was born in Frankfurt, Germany, the only child of Orthodox Jewish parents. Fromm was a social psychologist, psychoanalyst, humanistic philosopher, and democratic socialist. He was associated with the Frankfort School of critical theory.[34] Fromm’s Jewish background had an influence on his approach. Fromm studied the Talmud at an early age and was profoundly influenced by the ethical and humanistic implications of the writings as well as the mystical revelations found throughout.[35] However, he was a propound neo-Freudian. Extremely Covert and Mysterious! Fromm had been recommended as a consultant to the OSS Psychology Division by E.Y. Hartshorne, the Division’s Central European specialists because of Fromm’s written works on Nazi Psychology. But, there is no record to verify that he joined the OSS.[36]

Erich Fromm, Harvard University & the OSS


Harvard’s Social Scientist Edward Y. Hartshorne

Edward Yarnall Hartshorne, Jr. (1912 – August 30, 1946 in Germany) was a Harvard sociology professor. He joined the OSS as an analyst, then was assigned to Psychological Warfare Branch of the Office of War Information. By the beginning of 1945 he was attached to the Psychological Warfare Division of General Eisenhower’s Supreme Headquarters along with Dr. Maccoby’s Harvard mentor, Jerome Seymour Bruner.[37] Hartshorne was the principal education officer in the American Military Government responsible for the reopening of the German universities in the U.S. occupation after WWII. In the spring of 1946 reports had appeared of incomplete de-nazification of Bavarian universities in the U.S. press.


Operation PAPERCLIP collaborator, General Lucius Clay, above,  sent (setup Hartshorne) him to investigate. On this assignment, he was shot in the evening of August 28 while driving north on the Autobahn to Nuremberg. Hartshorne never regained consciousness until he died two days later. In just fifteen months, he had de-Nazified and reopened the three German universities of Heidelberg, Marburg, and Frankfurt and had prepared the opening of all the other universities in the American zone but one.

Hartshorne’s anti-Nazi convictions aroused the hostility of the US military government’s Counter-Intelligence Corps, the CIC, which was smuggling Nazi war criminals out of Soviet-occupied Austria and eastern Europe to Italy and thence South America, to be questioned about their knowledge of the Soviets for use in the looming cold war. Informed of these activities, Hartshorne was outraged and passed on information about this “ratline” to Moscow. He had become a serious inconvenience to the CIC. On 28 August 1946, on the Munich-to-Erlangen autobahn, his car was overtaken by a Jeep, which suddenly slowed down in front of him, forcing him to overtake it in turn. As he passed, a single shot was fired from the jeep, hitting him in the head. He died two days later. The murderer was never identified.”[38]

Erich Fromm, Kim Philby & the British Cambridge Spy Ring


Double Spy Agents Belfrage & Kim Philby

In 1934, Fromm turned up in New York associated with the Institute of Social Research at Columbia University. The institute was funded by the wealthy Jewish Weil Family of Nazified Argentina. The FBI took a good look at Fromm when he met with English film critic, journalist, writer, and political activist  Cedric Henning Belfrage just after WWII. During the war, he had worked as a Press Control Officer for SHAEF (Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force). SHAEF  was the headquarters of the Commander of Allied forces in north west Europe, General Dwight D. Eisenhower.

Belfrage was referenced as a Soviet agent in the US intelligence Venona project, although it appears that he had been working for British Security Co- ordination as a double-agent. Belfrage was linked to Lord Victor Rothschild, who was a top man in MI5 and MI6. Belfrage is seen as being as important as the other Cambridge spies, whose leader was reportedly Lord Victor Rothschild and whose members included Kim Philby, Donald Maclean, Anthony Blunt and Guy Burgess. From 1942-44, Belfrage was employed by MI6 as the right-hand man of William Stephenson, who was the most senior British intelligence officer in the western hemisphere.

VENONA was a top secret and highly classified operation of the U.S. Army Signal Intelligence Service, the precursor of the National Security Agency. The mission of this small program was to examine and exploit Soviet diplomatic communications but after the program began, the message traffic included espionage efforts as well. Although it took almost two years before American cryptologists were able to break the KGB encryption, the information gained through these transactions provided U.S. leadership insight into Soviet intentions and treasonous activities of government employees until the program was canceled in 1980.The VENONA files are most famous for exposing Julius (code named LIBERAL) and Ethel Rosenberg and help give indisputable evidence of their involvement with the Soviet spy ring. The first of six public releases of translated VENONA messages was made in July 1995 and included 49 messages about the Soviets’ efforts to gain information on the U.S. atomic bomb research and the Manhattan Project.

In VENONA, Belrage worked with the infamous British master spy officer Kim Philby. He was assigned to work with the FBI in tracking down the Soviet spies whose cryptonyms appeared in the traffic was Kim Philby. In 1949, Philby was sent to Washington as the M16 representative “for the specific purpose of liaising with the Bureau on the cases arising from these intercepts,” a CIA officer said. Philby’s assignment was a logical one, since he had once been in charge of British counterintelligence operations against the Soviet Union. According to FBI files, Fromm was given a Guggenheim Fellowship to write the book, Escape to Freedom, published in 1941 by Farrar & Rinehart. CIA agent E. Howard Hunt, and Operation PAPERCLIP Peenemünde rocket scientists got Guggenheim Fellowships to further the interests of the deep state.

The chairman of the Board of Farrar & Rinehart was John Chipman Farrar a member of the 1918 cell of the Order of Skull & Bones. The class that had been tapped by Prescott Bush’s Bones cell. Farrar during WW II was a member of the Psychological Warfare Branch in the Office of War Information and was an editor for some of the OWI propaganda publications.

In 1962, Belfrage settled in Cuernavaca, Mexico with Fromm and Dr. Maccoby. The bottom line is that Fromm was a secret part of OSS, and the Deep State before the formation of the CIA. He  was part of the deep web absorbed by the CIA that they may not have known just how deep Fromm’s rabbit hole ran. The FBI didn’t know.




Fromm appears to have been recruited into a far more clandestine and deep web group than the CIA. He mysteriously showed up in the line of chain of Mafioso CIA Manchurian Candidate John M. Espirito aka Francois Spirito born in Sicily.

Gelhen SS- CIA Murder, Inc.


During WWII, Espirito was a Nazi-SS collaborator and assassin that showed up in Colombia, South America among the fascist (Phalanx) Falangists (National Patriotic Falange of Colombia) .


The Falange were taken over after the war by the most dangerous man in Europe,  the infamous Knight of the Black Sun- SS Sturmbannfuher, Otto “Scarface” Skorzeny, and his Standard Oil-funded and Madridbased ADSAP organization of Waffen SS


In 1933, the Falange came to prominence under the leadership of Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera in 1933 (the son of the Spanish dictator Prima de Rivera) in Spain. A fascist party, they had links to Hitler’s Nazi party, the SS, and Mussolini’s black shirts. John M. Espirito was subsequently recruited as an OSS assassin. Sometime in 1946, he entered the U.S., and subsequently arose when the CIA was formed in 1947 as part of the drug trafficking French Connection, and CIA Artichoke Assassination Program in New York. He carried a  false NY state drivers license- a tell-tale signature of the CIA Technical Services Division. Did Espirito assassinate Harvard’s Hartshorne in Germany?

In January 5, 1959, he showed up in Cuba as one of Fidel Castro’s Army Chiefs. On March 26, 1959, Espirito was arrested by Castro for assassinating a member of the revolutionary forces. Then, he showed up in Mexico with Dr. Guillermo Davila of the Center for Psychological Services at the National Autonomous University (NAU).


Dr. Maccoby taught psychoanalysis at the NAU, and then at the Mexican Society of Psychoanalysis (MSP) from 1949 to 1974.[39]


The promoter of MSP was Erich Fromm, the founder of the Mexican Psychoanalytic Society. Fromm began teaching at the NAU of Mexico in 1949 and continued to work there until he retired in 1965.[40] Dr. Guillermo Davila was also an official of a governmental organization of Mexico, the Mexican Social Security Institute. During the early 1950s, Davila had worked in the circle of Dr. Werner Wolff of the Tavistock Institute’s  World Congress (Federation) of Mental Health (WFMH).


Tavistock’s Agenda… is used to create and topple governments. Tavistock’s objective is to eventually control entire populations between the use of drugs and sophisticated mind control techniques, including group dynamics. Its range of disciplines include anthropology, economics, organizational behavior, political science, psychoanalysis, psychology and sociology.”


CIA Dr. Wayne H. Holtzman

Fromm and Wolff’s deep web in Mexico included Dr. Wayne H. Holtzman, research consultant of the Menninger Institute and the University of Texas in Austin. He had CIA written all over him. The Menninger Institute and Clinic were longtime MK ULTRA/MONARCH contractors.[41] Holtzman was a former U.S. Navy, Lieutenant. He was a Goat Rider, Phi Delta Kappa; Sigma Xi; Phi Kappa Phi; and the Philosophical Society of Texas.


Dr. Jolly West, CIA Maestro of Mind Control, Dr. Savage- Project CHATTER

Dr. Holtzman was a 1962-63 Stanford Research Institute (SRI) Fellow, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences. The center was home to CIA Dr. Louis Jolyon West, the Maestro of the MK ULTRA/MONARCH Mind Control.[42] It was also home to Dr. Charles Savage, head of the (Nazi) Project CHATTER.[43]



In Mexico, Dr. Wayne H. Holtzman worked closely with Dr. Guillermo Davila and Dr. Wolff in setting up local tentacles and branches of Tavistock’s WFMH in South America. According to Holtzman, Dr. Wolff of the Tavistock Institute had escaped the Nazis through Spain then ended up at Bard College, Annandale-On-Hudson, NY. He had a valid Nazi Passport. So, it seems he was world traveling under the authority of Himmler SS-1, instead of running from the Nazi SS.


Dr. Werner Wolff

Wolff was born in Germany and completed his doctorate under Max Wertheimer at the University of Berlin in 1930. Max Wertheimer (b. April 15, 1880 – d. October 12, 1943) was born in the Czech Republic. He was one of the trio of psychologists who founded the Gestalt school of psychology (his collaborators were Wolfgang Kohler and Kurt Koffka).[44] Dr. Wolff was a Lecturer of Psychology at the University of Barcelona and Madrid from 1933-1936, before coming to the United States in 1939. In 1948, he became part of WFMH.



The first president of WFMH was John Rawlings Rees of the infamous British Tavistock Institute.[45]


Tavistock’s John Rawlngs Rees

“Rees was involved with the Tavistock Institute and in 1948 was President of the World Federation of Mental Health. Tavistock is a key root of mind control and psychiatric subversion as developed by the Frankfurt School which researched ways of destroying western Christian cultures by means of psychological attack on families and society.”[46]

The WFMH was one of the central bodies of the ILLUMINATI New World Order responsible for the oversight of the establishment of a diabolical global mind-control network of the London-based Tavistock Institute. Founded as a clinic in 1922 to serve the psychological warfare needs of the British military and Secret Service, its first director was Brigadier-General John Rawlings Rees. WFMH was an instrument of the Aquarian Conspiracy to destroy traditional families and society with new age religions, drugs, sex and music.[47]

Tavistock’s global mind-control network strategy had been influenced by the Great BEAST 666 Aleister Crowley. Bertram Russell, H.G. Wells, Rees and the Huxleys were initiated into a secret elite Satanic British homosexual and drug cult sometimes referred to as the “Children of the Sun.” In 1929, under the influence of Satanist Aleister Crowley. Aldous Huxley was initiated into the Isis Urania Temple of Hermetic Students of the Golden Dawn– a secret cult tracing back to the Scottish Rites of the Freemasons. At the same time, Crowley introduced Huxley to hallucinogenic drugs.[48]


Werner Wolff taught at Bard College from 1942 until his death in 1957. He dropped death not too long after making contact on 2/27/57 with Richard Nixon at the White House, VP to President Eisenhower.


Margaret Mead

From 1956- 1957, CIA agent Margaret Mead, wife of CIA MK ULTRA British Godfather, Dr. Gregory Bateson, was the President of WFMH when Wolff was  most possibly assassinated.[49],[50],[51] After Mead, WFMH was taken over by Frank Fremont-Smith, the medical director of the CIA front, the Josiah Macy Foundation. The Macy Foundation Funded CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH Psycho-Social Control in the United States. Behind the veil, Fremont-Smith of Harvard University would be the permanent co-director of WFMH with John Rawlings Rees. In connection with the founding of the WFMH, covertly headed by Rawlings Rees, a New York agent of Montagu Norman named Clarence G. Michalis had been made chairman of the board of the CIAMacy Foundation. Rees, along with Margaret Mead, Lawrence K. Frank, Fremont-Smith and Frankfurt School director Max Horkheimer, who were all in Paris together in the summer of 1948 to launch the WFMH, formed the core of the Cybernetics Group. Conference attendees also included the Tavistock Institute’s Kurt Lewin.


Well, the story is that before Espirito was sent out for an assassination hit in Colombia. Dr. Davila had to call up the deep webErich Fromm. That would have also included “Fromm’s student, analysand, apprentice, and colleague …” Dr. Michael Maccoby. We have known for some time that CIA Manchurian Candidates were being programmed and trained in secret assassin schools in Mexico. Before the JKF assassination in November 1963, Lee Harvey Oswald had been in Mexico traveling along the same CIA secret paths that Espirito had gone through most likely as FBI investigative agent probing MURDER, INC. secret deep web Mexican webs.

When arrested for the JFK Assassination, Oswald had FBI Agent James Hosty’s home phone and office phone numbers and car license number in his possession.  Oswald had been an undercover agent for the FBI since September 1962 and had been paid $200 a month from an account designated as No. 179.


 Lee Oswald in Mexico, But Two Completely Different Men

It is clear from government files declassified in recent decades that Oswald’s six-day trip inside Mexico was never adequately investigated by the CIA, the FBI and the State Department, or the Warren Commission. One thing is certain is that links to Erich Fromm, and Dr. Michael Maccoby along Oswald’s secret FBI/CIA trail in Mexico was covered-up.[52]




Through out my life, Katherine Dunham had been so special to my heart and soul. Since childhood, she had been one of most beautiful, inspiring and graceful women of color that I ever laid my eyes on. I loved  Katherine Dunham. 


After my trip to Brazil, I fell so much more in love with her,  and celebrated the DIVA that she was as a true revolutionary heroine spirit of the people. 


During my time in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil during the late 1970s, Katherine Dunham was still universality celebrated as the Black Civil Rights heroine of people of color in South America. It started in Buenos Aries, Argentina that she resisted as a human rights issue segregated accommodations for her and her dance troupe. Her courageous resistance to racial hatred, discrimination and segregation  spread across the continent.


Katherine Dunham & Erich Fromm

It’s a matter of Truth and Justice. If the truth about her and Fromm were known and exposed, personally, I could deal with it and still love her. But now when I look at Katherine Dunham with love to implement the ends of Justice, she should have told the people that she had been ritually abused and used by secret Satanic intelligence forces.


In 1950, Katherine Dunham & Company gave a benefit performance for Eva Peron’sAyuda Social“ Foundation  (Fundación de Ayuda Social María Eva Duarte de Perón). [Fabre, Genevieve, History & Memory in African-American Culture, Oxford University Press, NY 1994, pg. 198]


Eva Peron and Spain’s Fascist Francisco Franco

My Lord! In 1947, Eva Peron left Argentina for post-war Europe. A secret purpose of her first major overseas trip apparently was pulling together the many loose ends of the Nazi ratlines. Her first stop on her European tour was Spain with the Fascist Generalissimo Francisco Franco.


Eva Peron and Die Spinne Scarface Otto Skorzeny

While in Spain, Eva Peron reportedly met secretly with Nazis who were part of the entourage of Obersturmbannführer SS Otto Skorzeny, Hitler’s favorite General.  SS Skorzeny was the leader of the clandestine organization, Die Spinne or The Spider, which used millions of dollars looted from the Reichsbank to smuggle Nazis from Europe to Argentina. During her European tour, she stopped in Switzerland to meet with bankers that handled Argentina secret Swiss accounts. She also had secret meetings with Swiss businessmen that coordinated an underground Nazi immigration service to Argentina.


Hauptsturmführer SS Erich Priebke

One of the first Nazis to reach Buenos Aires via the “ratlines” was Erich Priebke, an SS officer accused of a mass execution of Italian civilians. Another was Ustashi leader Ante Pavelic. They were followed by concentration camp commander Joseph Schwamberger and the Auschwitz doctor, the Demon of Death, Josef Mengele.


 Hauptsturmführer SS Josef Mengele

In 1950, Katherine Dunham & Company were entertaining Juan and Eva Peron & a ring of Nazis helping raise money for Eva’s front charity foundation for the Third Reich’s Underground. It broke my heart when I discovered that she had been a mind control sex slave and espionage mule of Erich Fromm. She was a beautiful, graceful and an inspiration to many, but she no revolutionary heroine of the people. In South America, she wined, dined and danced with the DEVIL, and some of most sinister forces known to mankind, Lucifer’s Servants. Fromm had Katherine Dunham under hypnotic spell and possibly drug induced mind control from sometime before 1937 under the veil that he was helping her dance performances. Before and after WWII, Dunham and her dance group were warmly welcomed and celebrated throughout South America, and the world. Before 1940, Dunham was taken into the home of Fromm’s colleague and fellow handler, Henry Stack Sullivan, for continuing mind control programming.[53]


Stack Sullivan, was also a close colleague of the Masonic Scottish Rite Master- former OSS psychiatrist Dr. Winfred Overholser of St. Elizabeth’s  Mental Hospital in Washington DC. He was at the heart of clandestine Projects- PAPERCLIP, CHATTER, and CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH.[61],[62] In 1940, Fromm was wiring Durham money at Sullivan’s estate. In 1965 and 1966, Durham had been harbored at Sullivan’s house, where as part of her recovery plan- Fromm told her to terminate use of CIALSD, and supplied her with antidepressant medications.[63] The subject of her use of LSD came up in 1965, but it isn’t certain how long she had been under it.

aaamaccobyhuxley Aldous Huxley, Notable Member of the Tavistock Group

From 1960- 62, the Harvard Psilocybin Project (LSD) was a series of experiments in psychology conducted by Dr. Timothy Leary, and Dr. Richard Alpert. British Godfather of MK ULTRA, Satanic Aldous Huxley, was a founding board member.[64] The mushrooms that formed the basis for Leary’s 1960-62 Harvard LSD experiments came from Cuernavaca, Mexico. Huxley had visited the city in 1933, and British Elite Intelligence officer Graham Greene visited the city in 1938.  So, it appears to me that Huxley set him there to collect the mushrooms from Harvard’s associate, Michael Maccoby and Erich Fromm


CIA LSD Guru Timothy Leary & Erich Fromm

“…In August 1960, Leary traveled to the Mexican city of Cuernavaca with Russo and tried psilocybin mushrooms for the first time, an experience that drastically altered the course of his life.”

In 1956, Erich Fromm founded the Sociedad Mexicana de Psicoanálisis (Mexican Society of Psychoanalysis), and his house was in Cuernavaca.  undoubtedly, Maccoby and Fromm had been Leary’s welcoming committee in Cuernavaca.[65]Psychiatrist Dr. Robert S. Hartman out of Nazi Germany was also in Cuernavaca.[66] Dr. Robert Hartman was a Research Professor of Philosophy at the National University of Mexico, and University of Tennessee. Fromm and Dr. Hartman were neighbors in Cuernavaca.[67]


Ask her about her long, intellectually rich friendship with Erich Fromm, “We were very much in love,” Dunham begins languidly, with a faraway look and a beatific smile.[68] She was under the spell of LSD and MIND CONTROL! Fromm had turned Durham and Eartha Kitt into international mind controlled sex slaves, espionage spies, Nazi jewel, art and money smuggling mules.




SS Dr. Arnold Hutschnecker & U.S. President Richard M. Nixon

Another reason that I connect Fromm, Maccoby and their secret ring of mind controllers in Mexico to an Underground SS circle is because they are linked directly to President Richard Nixon’s German psychoanalyst and psychotherapist in New York City, SS Dr. Arnold Hutschnecker.[69]


Before he entered the U.S., Dr. Hutschnecker had been a guard/worker at one of Himmler’s concentration camps in Nazi Germany. In a NY Times article, he was quoted, “When I talked about camps for young people,“TO RETAIN”, like the camps I worked in when I came here from Germany in 1936.[70] Concentration camp guards-workers were the exclusive domain of Reichsfuhrer SS 1 Heinrich Himmler, and the SS-TotenkopfverbändeDEATH HEADS.[71]

In 1970s, Dr. Hutschnecker and a secret circle tied into the underground Third Reich and the Tavistock Institute almost pulled it off. Dr. Hutschnecker nearly executed a secret plan to break up traditional black and brown families by alienating them from their children. They nearly setup the U.S. government as a farmer of black and brown children. Dr. Hutschnecker and the underground Third Reich wanted to put children, particularly Black, in special concentration camps.


Violent crime in cities stem disproportionately from the ghetto slum, where most Negroes live.” Dr. Arnold Hutschnecker, October 2, 1970 [72]


Be very careful, leery, and vigilant with President Select Donald J. Drumpf, Steve Bannon and their circle of dark forces. Drumpf and Bannon trumpets virtually the same poison and sentiments about Black and Brown communities as Dr. Hutschnecker and the underground SS.  Dr. Hutschnecker’s Plan could very well be back in the secret implementation stages. Who are “WE”?

Dr. Hutschnecker sent a confidential memo to Nixon that quickly became immediately and notoriously suspect of the Touch of Buchenwald. Dr. Hutschnecker urged the government to immediately psychologically test All 7- and 8-year-olds in the United States for undesirable “violent and homicidal tendencies.” All children suspected of undesirable tendencies were to be placed in re-education concentration camps. U.S. Health, Education and Welfare Secretary Robert Finch was told by John Erlichman, Chief of Staff for the Nixon White House, to implement the program.[73] The memo was leaked from the Finch’s department to the public, and all hell broke loose in the country. Dr. Hutschnecker’s Plan was set aside for a secret Jonestown, Guyana.


“I … went to Mexico to meet with Dr. Robert Hartman … who had developed a method of measurement testing values, claims to predict delinquency for intelligent children from the age of ten upward and all children from the age of twelve upward.” Dr. Arnold Hutschnecker, October 2, 1970 [74] Hutschnecker and Dr. Hartman concurred that tests that they were developing could detect the tendency or proneness to delinquent behavior. “It can, moreover, indicate the need for therapy, and the kind of therapy needed.”[75]


Hutschnecker and Erich Fromm also concurred as far back as 1968 that violent acts are a common outcome of a sense of hopelessness and a “hardened heart” (or lack of willingness to hope). It was coded language to box in the feelings and sense of “hopelessness of ghetto life” into Hutschnecker’s Plan to force black and brown youth into re-education “special” concentration camps for treatment and therapy for undesirable values and tendencies to violence under the ruse of national security. In Mexico, SS Hutschnecker had also been in secret counsel with Fromm’s Deep Web of Secrecy that included Dr. Michael Maccoby.[76]


He also consulted with Dr. Wayne H. Holtzman; Jesuit Priest Ivan Illich, and U.S. Congresswoman Barbara Lee’s spiritual counselor, J. Alfred Smith, Senior, pastor emeritus of Allen Temple Baptist Church in Oakland.

Jesuit Priest Ivan Illich, DESCHOOLING SOCIETY:

Rather than calling equal schooling temporarily unfeasible, we must recognize that it is, in principle, economically absurd, and that to attempt it is intellectually emasculating, socially polarizing, and destructive of the credibility of the political system which promotes it. The ideology of obligatory schooling admits of no logical limits. The White House recently provided a good example. Dr. Hutschnecker, the “psychiatrist” who treated Mr. Nixon before he was qualified as a candidate, recommended to the President that all children between six and eight be professionally examined to ferret out those who have destructive tendencies, and that obligatory treatment be provided for them. If necessary, their re-education in special institutions should be required. This memorandum from his doctor the President sent for evaluation to HEW. Indeed, preventive concentration camps for predelinquents would be a logical improvement over the school system.

Cuernavaca, Mexico, November, 1970

Illich is very clear in DESCHOOLING SOCIETY with the overall Tavistock and Nazi Underground objective to close down schools, and retain undesirables in government concentration camps and prisons under the cloak of U.S. National Security. While SS Dr. Hutschnecker was in Washington DC pushing his diabolical plan down the throat of the U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare for secret immediately implementation, his secret circle of linked Satanic WFMH operatives in and about Cuernavaca were hampering out the nuts and bolts of the plan without any public input or scrutiny.

In all fairness, 18 years later, Dr. Arnold Hutschnecker responded Oct. 3, 1988 to the uproar about his controversial plan. He said that his references to camps were benevolent  Nazi Germany summer camps not “Nazilike concentration camps seemed meant to discredit me and, by association.” 


However in 1970, he said that the camps he worked in Nazi Germany in 1936-children had been retained. Excuse my English, but retain means “to keep.” At that time, the people doing the keeping and retaining of children because of race, ethnicity, health, handicap and mental illness on the ground of threat to national security were Hitler, Himmler and the SSHe didn’t mention why his plan had to be secret or why the plan’s nuts and bolts had to be developed in secret in and around Cuernavaca, Mexico by CIATavistock Institute associated psychiatrists, psychologists, and behavior scientists. From Dr. Hartman’s neighbor, associate and colleague in Cuernavaca that Dr. Hutschnecker admitted worked and concurred on the plan,  IVAN ILLICH, said it clearly in DESCHOOLING. Dr. Hutschnecker’s Plan, they were secretly working on  concentration camps for predelinquentsthat he was in total cold heart agreement with.




I have always been curious about the symbolism behind James Alefantis (jimmycomet) posting his picture of Marina Abramovic carrying wood, and “Marina and Faggot”I believe it’s related to something that I heard John Podesta say in TRANCE, “You will call me, FAGAN!” Fagan (Medieval Latin: Faganus; Welsh: Ffagan), also known by other names including Fugatius, was a possibly legendary 2nd-century bishop and saint, said to have been sent by the pope to answer King (Lucifer) Lucius’ request for baptism and conversion to Christianity.In French, Fagan is- faguin (“faggoter, wood gatherer“). Fagan in Latin is paganus (“rural, pagan“). In 423 AD, Eastern Roman Emperor Theodosius II said “pagan” (“irom/faganus, the dweller in a pagus or village”) came to indicate a follower of the ancient idolatry.


Faquin and Faganus is very similar to the ancient Roman horned god, “Faunus“. Faunus was worshipped across the Roman Empire. In 1979, a set of thirty-two 4th-century spoons engraved with the name “Faunus” was discovered in Thetford, England. Each spoon had a different epithet after the god’s name.The spoons also bore Christian symbols, and it has been suggested that these were initially Christian but later taken and devoted to Faunus by pagans. Or, they were initially devoted to Faunus and later turned into Christian symbols. The 4th century was a time of large scale Christianization and the discovery provides us with evidence that even during the decline of traditional Roman religion, the god Faunus was still worshipped.


Pan was a Greek goat pagan nature god of the woods. Pan was the son of the messenger of the gods, Hermes. His mother was a wood nymph. James Achilles Alefantis call himself, Pan.


What is the glue that hold together and link Fromm and Maccoby to a Luciferian Nazi connected intelligence ring of blood oath secrecy? Part of the glue that binds PIZZAGATE together is buried in John Podesta’s WikiLeaks emails. Its in an email that came from Yale University Historian John Putnam Demos asking for a “Thelema Favor” to meet President Obama. A “Thelema Favor” could be interpreted as a communication of one’s will to another within a Thelemic (Thelemites) community. It could also be a communication of one’s will to a prophet of the Law of Thelema. The religion known as Thelema was founded in 1904 by the Satanist, the Great BEAST 666 Aleister Crowley, who is regarded as its prophet. Those who follow the Path of Thelema are called Thelemites.

The International Secret Satanic BLACK CIRCLE


Aleister Crowley was the tutor of Tavistock’s Aldous Huxley, but its goes back further beyond Crowley and Huxley to a Satanic underworld- an international subculture homosexual/occult spy gate that they have taken over.  


Viscount Tredegar

During the 1930s in Britain, Crowley and Huxley are linked to the coven of British bi-sexual/homosexual Devil Worshiper, Lord Evan Frederic Morgan, 2nd Viscount Tredegar that the Great BEAST hailed as the Adept of Adepts. Crowley said that his family was descended from King Arthur.


The legendary city of Camelot was supposed to have been at the nearby Roman site of Caerleon. Crowley even described his lordship as “The Rightful Heir to Excalibur”. Queen Mary of England, the present queen’s grandmother, called Lord Tredegar “My favourite bohemian”. Tregedar had converted as a young man to Catholicism, and even served as a chamberlain to two popes, and was a Knight of Malta Lord Tredegar’s elite British underground homosexual Satanic coven and cult was called, “THE BLACK CIRCLE.”

The BLACK CIRCLE included Nazi Germany’s Deputy-Fuehrer Rudolf Hess of the ThuleGesellschaft (Thule Society), one of Hitler’s closest confidants. Lord Tregedar had also visited the German home of Ernst Rohm (Thule Society), the head of the SA, and they shared a male lover.


Evan Morgan’s reputation as practitioner of the dark arts may have been the reason he ended up dining with Rudolph Hess, Ernst Röhm and other top Nazis one night in 1932. The location was Bad Weissee outside Munich, notorious two years later as one of the sites of the Night of the Long Knives which claimed Röhm and many of his fellow SA members (see Visconti’s The Damned). The Black Circle coven included British spy, Kim Philby, and most likely the Cambridge Spy Ring that included Fromm’s Super Spy Chief in Cuernavaca , Cedric Belfrage. During WWII, the BLACK CIRCLE  underground society led most of WW II’s intelligence branches, both Atlas (Germany, Italy, etc.) and Allied Forces (United States, Britain, etc.).

In 1942, Philby informed his Russian masters that MI6 were investigating a blackmailing racket linking Royal Air Force officers and members of British high society to drug smuggling, orgies (heterosexual and homosexual) and “black magic rites”. It was believed this racket was being run by operatives of the Nazi Secret Service based in their embassy in neutral Dublin, Ireland.

Aldous Huxley of Tavistock was one of the initiates in the “Children of the Sun,” a Dionysian cult comprised of the children of Britain’s Roundtable elite. Among the other initiates were T.S. Eliot, W.H. Auden, Sir Oswald Mosley, and D.H. Lawrence, Huxley’s homosexual lover. However, I believe that Werner Wolff, Knight of the Black Sun Dr. Hutschnecker, Fromm, and Dr. Maccoby and James Achilles Alefantis’ Comet Ping Pong Pizza were/are layered in blood oath secrecy to the wider international SATANIC BLACK CIRCLE that includes the underground KNIGHTS OF THE BLACK SUN SS- THIRD REICH.

Today, right now. Is the Satanic fiend, ERICH FROMM, still irrelevant?

Judge for Yourself. His Seeds is still being PLANTED- IMPLANTED. 

To be continued.






















[22] Id.









[31] Id.

[32] Id.




[36] Burton, June K, Essays in European History: Selected from the Annual Meeting of the Southern Historical Association , 1986-87, University Press of America, Lanham, MD, pg. 33


[38] Id.















[53] Freidman, Lawrence J., The Lives of Erich Fromm, Love’s Prophet, Columbia University Press, NY (2013), pg. 359










[63] Freidman, Lawrence J., The Lives of Erich Fromm, Love’s Prophet, Columbia University Press, NY (2013), pg. 359







[70] NYT, A Plea for Experiment, October 2, 1970, page 35





[75] Id.






22 07 2013


You Einsatzgruppen [SS Racial Mass Murder Task Forces] are called upon to fulfill a repulsive duty. But you are soldiers who have to carry out every order unconditionally. You have a responsibility before GOD and Hitler for everything that is happening. I myself hate this bloody business and I have been moved to the depths of my soul. But I am obeying the highest law by doing my duty. Man must defend himself against bedbugs and rats– against vermin. -Heinrich Himmler, in a speech to the SS guards, (Hitler’s Elite, Shocking Profiles of the Reich’s Most Notorious Henchmen,” Berkley Books, 1990)


You may not be willing to accept it. But, it is official U.S. policy that Reichsfuhrer SS-1 Heinrich Himmler is a true initiate and Son of Satan. It is also true that U.S. Military Intelligence resurrected his Soul in the “Wewelsburg Workings” or the “Wewelsburg Rituals” at the Gate of the Dead at “Mittelpunkt der Welt” (Middle of the World).[1]


The Satanic Himmler Resurrection Rituals were conducted by U.S. Special Forces Officer, Army Lt. Col. Michael A. Aquino, Psychological Warfare Division (PYSCOPS).[2]

“You are travelling to another dimension, the fifth dimension. It is beyond that known to ordinary men and women. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man’s fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension whose door you unlock with the key of imagination. “That’s THE SIGN POST up ahead. Your Next Stop[3]

The Slaying of Trayvon Martin, the First 48 Hours

The HUNTER, Blueprint for a “One Man ILLUMINATI Einsatzgruppen”


February 26, 2012

On Sunday at approximately 6:24:18 PM, a store video shows Trayvon Martin purchasing a bag of Skittles and an Arizona Watermelon Fruit Juice Cocktail.

At approximately 7:09:34 – 7:13:41 PM, the HUNTER spots his prey on his way home from the store.

The HUNTER calls the Sanford Police Department (SPD) from his truck; total time of the call is 4 minutes 7 seconds.

At this point, Zimmerman, the Hunter, spots on Trayvon on his way home from the store. Zimmerman stalks his prey and tells the 9-11 operator,

Yeah, now he’s coming toward me. He’s got his hands in his waist band. And he’s a black male.Then,

Something’s wrong with him. Yep, he’s coming to check me out. He’s got something in his hands. I don’t know what his deal is.”[4]

The HUNTER was armed with a Kel-Tec PF-9 mm primed to use deadly force against his human prey.

In 2009, a neighborhood pit bull named Big Boi began menacing George and his wife Shellie Zimmerman. He was advised to get a permit to carry a concealed weapon to protect the family from Big Boi.[5]


George Zimmerman received a gun safety certificate from a local Masonic Lodge, but nobody names the lodge.[6] Once George obtained the concealed weapons permit, a Federal Air Marshal (U.S. Homeland Security Agent) and former Seminole County Sheriff and strange character, Mark Osterman, taught George how to patrol and target humans not dogs. He gave George law enforcement weapons training. He taught the U.S. government philosophy of KILLING. He taught George how to disable the gun’s safety lock permanently to kill humans more coldly, effectively and quickly.[7]


In 2010, George Zimmerman began training in Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) “No Holds Barred Fighting” with an another unusual and violent individual, Adam Pollock, at the Kokopelli Gym near Sanford.[8]

Undoubtedly, someone or some agency was really interested in providing George Zimmerman with “Urban Terrorist” training under the VEIL, instead of fighting off Big Boi.

It seems that some entity intended to create in George Zimmerman a blueprint for a “One Man Einsatzgruppen” (Executioner).

At approximately 7:11:59 PM — In reply to the dispatcher’s question, “Are you following him?” Zimmerman says, “Yes.” Dispatcher states, “OK, we don’t need you to do that.”

7:16:11 — First 911 call from witness about a fight, calls for help heard.

7:16:55 — Gunshot heard on 911 call. The HUNTER-Urban Terrorist slew his human prey, 17 year old Trayvon Martin.

Within the “First 48 Hours” in the slaughter of Trayvon Martin, the hunter and Urban Terrorist executioner, was questioned by SPD then sent home to his family no later than 1:00 AM the evening of February 26, 2012.

It appears that Trayvon’s cell phone found at the scene of the slaying was bagged up with the Skittles and Arizona Fruit Juice Cocktail then placed on the evidence shelf marked “JOHN DOE”.

February 27, 2012


Trayvon Martin’s body was delivered to the Seminole County Coroner’s Office toe-tagged “JOHN DOE”.

At approximately 8:39 AM, Tracy Martin finally reported Trayvon missing then called 9-11.


The Luciferian/ILLUMINATI Brotherhood Hand Symbol, APOSTLES OF HELLGeorge Zimmerman & Tracy Martin

What is extremely odd is that Brandi Green had a 14 year old son at home with Trayvon at the time of the murder while Tracy and Brandi attended Black Masonic-ILLUMINATI rituals. He told state attorney’s investigators that he waited for his mom and Tracy Martin to return home that evening and told them both that Trayvon had not returned from the 7-11 store. He said that Trayvon wanted to go to the store to get snacks, yet he had asked Trayvon to get the Skittles for him. There were no Trayvon’s snacks recovered from the murder scene. He said that Tracy and his mom went to bed. He went to school the next day. Trayvon missing the night before hadn’t seemed to be no big deal to Tracy or his mom.[9]

At approximately 9:20 AM, Tracy called 911. SPD asked Tracy to describe Trayvon, after which they sent officers to Brandi Green’s condo. SPD showed Tracy a picture of Trayvon with blood coming out of his mouth.SPD informed Tracy Martin that his son was dead.

February 28, 2012


Approximately 12:30 PM, SPD finally faxed the medical examiners’ office a memo that “JOHN DOE” had been identified as Trayvon Martin.

Within the “First 48 Hours”, SPD also did not check George Zimmerman’s vehicle or impound it. SPD didn’t bother to ask neighbors if they recognized Trayvon, who had been staying with his father and Brandi Green in the condo complex.[10]

The slaughtered, 17 year old Trayvon Martin and everything he represented as a human being had been put on the shelf marked “JOHN DOE” young black male within The First 48 hours.”

ABC News was correct when it reported that Trayvon Martin’s body sat in the medical examiners’ morgue for 3 days marked “JOHN DOE”. [11]

Rachel Jeantel was also absolutely correct. Within the “First 48 Hours”, the SPD homicide investigators never did call the last person Trayvon talked to in an attempt to identify the slaughtered teen-aged black male (Himmler’s Bedbugs and Rats—Vermin) .

Law enforcement analysts tell ABC News that George Zimmerman sounded intoxicated (under the influence-TRANCE of a drug or substance) in his call to police that night, SPD never gave him a toxicology test, which is standard in most homicide cases.[12]

With the “First 48 Hours”, SPD literally entertained, wined and dined the HUNTER and released him. Toxicology evidence for HUNTER-Urban Terrorist- Einsatzgruppen) was wiped clean.

“That’s THE SIGN POST up ahead. Your Next Stop

George Zimmerman & Iatrogenic Multi-Personality Disorder


There are four pathways to multiple personality disorder (1) childhood abuse; (2) childhood neglect; (3) factitious; and, (4) iatrogenic. Iatrogenic means created unwittingly by the therapist or doctor.[13]


Also, SPD didn’t record and ask about the HUNTER’s rather unique theatre tattoo.[14] George Zimmerman carries the Masks of JANUS commonly referred as “Theater Masks” or “Comedy Tragedy Masks” on his left arm (Left-Hand Path).[15]

During the Golden Age of Greece (500- 300 BC), the two masks were the symbols for THEATER. They are the comedy and tragedy masks that were worn in ancient Greece. Plays were written in honor of the god Dionysus, the god of fertility and procreation, and were either Comedies or Tragedies.


“The actors played multiple roles, so a mask was used to show the change in character.”[16]

Zimmerman’s marks are absolutely consistent with Heinrich Himmler’s Satanic Principle of Dualism– the two-faced Janus Face of master deception. Himmler conditioned the SS to be multi-personalities and two-faced, one kind and decent gentleman, while the opposite- dissociated, cruel, evil and homicidal.

George Zimmerman had been scientifically implanted with “Himmler’s Classic Satanic Dualism.”

“That’s THE SIGN POST up ahead. Your Next Stop

George Zimmerman & CIA- MK ULTRA Mind Control


After the slaying of Trayvon, you should notice that the HUNTER, George Zimmerman, appeared at times under somewhat of a TRANCE. We now understand that the Urban Terrorist had indeed been SPELLBOUND by military intelligence MK ULTRA mind altering drugs. He was under the influence of two powerful prescription drugs TEMAZEPAM also known as Restoril, and Aderall.[17]


Adderall is amphetamine mixed salts that is generally used for the treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy, a sleeping disorder.[18] Adderall is highly addictive. It is known to cause “worsening mental or mood problems (e.g., aggression, anxiety, delusions, depression, hallucination, hostility).”[19]

TEMAZEPAM is of particular interest to and tool of military intelligence mind controllers. Its effects on the mind were secretly medically researched and experimented with by the CIA. Temazepam was used under the top secret code name Project MK SEARCH – a continuation of CIA/MK ULTRA.

The CIA’s ARTICHOKE and BLUEBIRD assassination programs were administratively rolled over into Project MK ULTRA, which was created by CIA Chief Allen Dulles on April 3, 1953.[20]

Project MK ULTRA was in turn rolled over into Project MK SEARCH on June 7, 1964. Project MK SEARCH then ran until June 1972, at which time extensive shredding of MK ULTRA and MK SEARCH files was ordered by the Director of the CIA, Richard Helms.[21]

Among other things known, these CIA programs were searching for the ultimate truth drug;[22] and most importantly clandestinely developing Manchurian Candidates and MONARCH assassins and operatives. [23]

The Monarch mind control program most likely evolved out of MK-SEARCH secret subprojects such as SPELLBINDER, which was a program to create the Manchurian Candidate or sleeper assassins that, could be activated with triggers and code words.[24]

Temazepam is a powerful sedative. Its amnesic effects got the attention of several Secret Intelligence agencies. The drug has strong hypnotic properties. Given to the subject, Temazepam weakens the resolve of the subject and makes him or her more compliant to pressure.[25]

Temazepam was also one of several drugs used in the research of mind control, brainwashing, and mass-scale social engineering by secret layers within U.S. Intelligence Agencies.[26]

Temazepam is also used by military-intelligence to maintain subjects in semi-vegetable states of consciousness.[27]

“That’s THE SIGN POST up ahead. Your Next Stop

RACIAL MURDER and CORPSES, to Have Stuck it Out & Remain a DECENT CATHOLIC 


One principle must be absolute for the SS man: we must be honest, decent, loyal, and comradely to members of our own blood and to no one else. What happens to the Russians, what happens to the Czechs, is a matter of utter indifference to me… We shall never be rough or heartless where it is not necessary; that is clear. We Germans, who are the only people in the world who have a decent attitude to animals, will also adopt a decent attitude to these human animals, but it is a crime against our own blood to worry about them and to bring them ideals. I shall speak to you here with all frankness of a very grave matter. Among ourselves it should be mentioned quite frankly, and yet we will never speak of it publicly. I mean the evacuation of the Jews, the extermination of the Jewish people… Most of you know what it means to see a hundred corpses lying together, five hundred, or a thousand. To have stuck it out and at the same time–apart from exceptions caused by human weakness–to have remained decent fellows, that is what has made us hard. This is a page of glory in our history which has never been written and shall never be written.SS-I Reichsfuhrer Heinrich Himmler, October 4, 1943 to the SS Group Leaders in Poznan


In SPD custody directly after the slaying, Zimmerman appeared to be under no unusual dismay or stress. He was uncannily cool, collected, calm and “utterly indifferent” to have just killed a human being, an unarmed teenager.


He demonstrated no sense of remorse for the homicide, but showed a sense of comfort and eases so much so that he developed idle theoretical religious conversations with police officers. SPD Officer Singleton testified that Zimmerman asked if she was catholic after noticing a cross around her neck. He reflected philosophically, “In the Catholic religion, it’s always wrong to kill somebody,” [28]

We know that to have been a self-serving Deception of mind control programming that was fed to the jury and the masses of the people by SPD and the prosecution as evidence of George Zimmerman’s state of mind at the time of slaying Trayvon Martin.

The “always wrong to kill somebody” Roman Catholic was one of Zimmerman’s “Alter Personalities”; and a classic example of Himmler’s classic JANUS two-faced- decent fellow dualism.


Under the Nazis, many Roman Catholics had developed a classic deprived and ghoulish preoccupation with “Divine Providence” at work with satanic principled dualism in madness, torture and mass murder.


There seemed to be more Roman Catholics in the SS, the world’s greatness racial mass murderers; and in local militias that worked with the SS than there were religious conscious objectors to mass murder. Among the many Nazi leaders who were Roman Catholics, in addition to the Fuhrer Adolf Hitler, were Josef Goebbels, SS-1 Heinrich Himmler, Reinhard Heydrich, Heinrich Mullery and SS Rudolf Hoess that ran the concentration and extermination camps.[29]


Some of the most sensational depraved and utterly ghoulish murderers of the THIRD REICH had been Roman Catholics, Ante Pavelic, middle below, and the above Ustashi of Croatia.[30]


“These were not isolated instances.  The Ustashi more often than not massacred all the inhabitants of Serb villages, callously torturing and killing even children, and then setting the villages on fire.  In the village of Susnjari, for instance, the Ustashi, after having killed most of the inhabitants, led away about twenty surviving children, whom they tied to the threshold of a big barn, which was then set on fire.  Most of the children, of an average age of about ten, were burned alive.  The few who survived, horribly scorched, were eventually killed.  Eye-witnesses testified to similar occurrences:

In the village of Gorevac, on September 13, 194i, children of about 3 years of age were impaled.  In some places mothers threw themselves down with children in their arms, and one stake perforated mother and child.  Some young girls had their breasts tied or cut, others had their hands made to pass through them.  Men had their ears and noses sawn away, and eyes had been uprooted from their sockets.”[31]


The war criminal SS Satanic Knights of the Black Sun had been constituted by Himmler, according to the principles of the Jesuit Order. The SS’ entire structure was a close imitation of the Catholic Church’s hierarchical order. Himmler’s Wewelburg’s castle was the SS monastery.

In Classic DUALITY under the Providence of God, Catholics do and continue to kill under the most fiendish and demonic circumstances.

On the night of February 26, 2012, George Zimmerman under the influence of CIA/ MK ULTRA experimental mind control drugs had been turned him into a classic satanic multi-personality Manchurian Candidate.

He said that the slaying of Trayvon had been God’s Plan.[32] The Manchurian Candidate’s GOD THAT MADE ME DO IT always turns out to be a high level Ultra Top Secret military intelligence project and objective.

“That’s THE SIGN POST up ahead. Your Next Stop

CIA & Robert Walter Zimmerman, BEHOLDEN TO LUCIFER


In 1947, the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) was born out of  the depths and traps of HELL. They were officially formed out of the slime and bowels of the Satanic Mysticism and Magick of the Son of Lucifer, Reichsfuhrer SS-1 Heinrich Himmler, and Lucifer’s Servants, Knights of the Black Sun. They became the keepers and preservers of the secret ancient arcane arts of Babylonia.  They weren’t  just fascinated and in awe of Fuhrer Adolf Himmler, Josef Goebbels, Commando Otto Skorzeny and Heinrich Himmler,  they became BEHOLDEN to them, their symbols, legends, myths and their PATH.

Robert Walter Zimmerman is not a name found among some of the CIA’s most common and infamous cast of “self righteous” amoral German cousins like Allen Dulles, Richard Helms, Frank G. Wisner, James Angleton, George G. W. Bush, Dr. James Alexander Hamilton, Dr. Louis Jolyon West, Dr. Martin Orne or Dr. Ewen Cameron that became beholden to Lucifer and its servants. 

In 1947, Robert Walter Zimmerman, another German cousin. , became a witting and essential clog in the wheel that made the CIA the outlaw, murdering devil worshipping and satanic agency that it became. Behind the veil for decades, CIA Agent Robert W. Zimmerman was, individually, just as criminal, vile, and demonic as the others that had reserved their places in HELL for their individual crimes and outrages against GOD and Humanity.

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Robert Walter Zimmerman, the Gehlen Org & the Old Boy CIA


George Zimmerman’s paternal grandfather was Big Papa Robert Walter Zimmerman (February 5, 1919 – March 5, 1999), son of Clemence R. Zimmerman (born 1879) and Meta Becker (born 1881) of Peoria, IL. They were most likely born of German immigrants.

George’ family background in espionage and intelligence seem to begin with Big Papa Zimmerman of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). In the U.S. Intelligence circles, he was far from being a junior CIA officer.

“Allen Dulles, Richard Helms, Carmel Office and Frank G. Wisner were the grand masters. If you were in a room with them you were in a room full of people that you had to believe would deservedly end up in hell. I guess I will see them there soon.” –James Angleton, CIA Chief of Counter Intelligence[33]

During WWII, Big Papa worked with U.S. Naval Intelligence attached to the U.S. State Department special operations most likely with the notorious Frank G. Wisner.[34] When the CIA became official in 1947, Big Papa was poured over into the intelligence network with Nazi Generalmajor Reinhard Gehlen and Reichsfuhrer Heinrich Himmler’s SS (Knights of the Black Sun), the World’s Greatest Racial Mass Murderers.

Big Papa had been part of the “old boy network of political-military people” involved in WWII, many from the Foreign Service, people who think the same way. That means he was among the “Old Boy Network” of John Foster and Allen Dulles, William (Wild Bill) Donovan, Frank Wisner, Carmel Office, James Angleton, and Richard Helms that ran the Nazi Ratlines, USA Murder, Inc, Global Drug Trafficking and Mind Control Projects- MK ULTRA.

The founding fathers of the CIA William “Wild Bill” Donovan, Allen Dulles along with Hitler’s spy chief, Generalmajor Reinhard Gehlen, were Knights of Malta. The Sovereign Military Order of Malta, also known as the original Sovereign Military Order of St. John of Jerusalem, is a closed fraternity of the  Roman Catholic Church.[35]

Most of the CIA hierarchy of the “Old Boy Network” was also Roman Catholic, knights and freemasons.[36] Likewise, Big Papa Zimmerman was also a Roman Catholic fanatic passed down through the bloodlines of the family.

In 1947, the CIA ran like an extension of the closed fraternity of Roman Catholic Jesuits and Knights out of Harvard University and the Ivy League Colleges. In 1942, Big Papa graduated out of Harvard with a Masters of Business Administration (MBA) to become part of the network of U.S. Foreign Service Anglo Saxon Aristocrats as a “CIA Bagman”.[37]

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Big Papa Zimmerman & the Ancient Samarians

In December 1947, Big Papa married Roman Catholic Silvia Brull out of the Cuban Mission in Washington DC at St. Joseph’s Church in Ottawa, Canada [].

George’s grandmother, Silva Brull, also worked Foreign Service (CIA) deep cover out of the U.S. State Department. Silvia was no Cuban. She was part of the Spaniard colonial occupation of Cuba.

Silvia Brull was a Catalan Spaniard. Catalonia is an autonomous community of Spain with the official status of a nationality. Catalonia has a long and complicated history connected to the Ancient Iberians that traded with the Greeks to the Roman – Carthaginian Wars of the 2nd Century BC. During the Middle Ages, Byzantine chroniclers claimed that Catalania derives from the local medley of Goths with Alans, initially constituting a Goth-Alania.[38]

This is an important connection to the Samarian High Priest and followers of Ba’al Moloch ran out of Biblical Judea (Canaan) by the Holy Roman Empire in the 6th Century A.D. covered in Trayvon Martin, The Shadow of Caliban.

The Alans was the name for Iranian-speaking East Sarmarian (Samarin) nomad tribes. Old sources also describe them as an “untamable and brave” people who lived in the lower reach of the Danube, Northern Black Sea region, Fore-Caucasus and Central Caucasus. Their territory, which was known as Sarmatia to Greco-Roman ethnographers, correspond to the western part of greater Scythia (mostly modern Ukraine and Southern Russia, also to a smaller extent north eastern Balkans and Moldova).[39]

The territory inhabited by Sarmatians or Savromatians gradually became known as Alania, while at the same time ancient historians stopped mentioning other Sarmarian tribes in their works. They are generally considered the predecessors of the European Knights (King Arthur’s Knights of the Round Table and Roman Catholic Knights Templar). [40]

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Big Papa Zimmerman, Allen Dulles & Operation SS- BERNARD

“No one knows what is really going on.  If they ever did, it would make Watergate look like Alice in Wonderland.”

— Lester Coleman, ex U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency[41]

In 1947, Big Papa’s first official CIA assignment was to cover Ambassador Prentice Cooper in Lima, Peru. He said that the Peruvian military was still wearing Nazi war helmets and goose stepping.[42]

Cooper wasn’t a junior ambassador. He was out of Princeton University, and had been the former governor of Tennessee. During his administration as governor, the U.S. government began the ultra secret Oak Ridge Tennessee Manhattan Project to build America’s first atomic bomb.

In 1944, he trailed only Freemason of the 33 degree, Harry S. Truman, for the vice presidency of the United States. In 1946, President Truman appointed Cooper as the Peruvian Ambassador.[43]

Mason Sturmbannführer SS Friedrich Schwend

The CIA had a big ultra secret asset and operation concealed in Lima, Sturmbannführer SS Friedrich Schwendof Himmler’s ultra secret SS counterfeiting Operation BERNARD.

In 1945, OSS Chief Allen Dulles had recruited SS Schwend as an agent in the Reinhard Gehlen Org. Through him, Dulles recovered millions in SS gold, American and British counterfeit dollars and pounds. However, the U.S. discovered that Schwend and the SS continued its counterfeiting operation under deep cover.[44]

In 1947, when things got too hot for Schwend in Europe, the CIA and the Gehlen Org packed him up and sent him off to Cooper and Big Papa in Lima.[45]

Schwend’s partner in business’ affairs in Lima was the “Devil’s Agent”  SS war criminal and CIA agent Hauptsturmführer SS Klaus Barbie. With SS Barbie at his side, Schwend became minister of finance of Nazi funds smuggled out of Germany and used to finance the German exile network’s often illegal ventures, including assassinations, political coups, cocaine trafficking, and weapons running.[46]

Out of Lima, Schwend and Barbie also ran Otto Skorzeny Die Spinne (The Spider), which was also known as the “Swastika Syndicate” that was the clandestine operations arm of ODESSA, the SS-Nazi Ratline.[47]

In 1949, George’s alleged father, Roberto J. Zimmerman, was born in Lima. In 1950, Big Papa went to Bangkok, Thailand as an “economic officer”.[48]

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Big Papa Zimmerman, Heroin & the Golden Triangle

During the 1950’s, U.S. efforts to contain the spread of Communism in Asia involved forging alliances with tribes and warlords inhabiting the areas of the Golden Triangle, (an expanse covering Laos, Thailand and Burma), thus providing accessibility and protection along the southeast border of China. In order to maintain their relationship with the warlords while continuing to fund the struggle against communism, the U.S. and France supply the drug warlords and their armies with ammunition, arms and air transport for the production and sale of opium. The result: an explosion in the availability and illegal flow of heroin into the United States and into the hands of drug dealers and addicts.[49]

According to CIA official sources, in August 1950, the Agency secretly purchased the assets of Civil Air Transport (CAT), an airline that had been started in China after World War II by Gen. Claire L. Chennault and Whiting Willauer. CAT would continue to fly commercial routes throughout Asia, acting in every way as a privately owned commercial airline. At the same time, under the corporate guise of CAT Incorporated, it provided airplanes and crews for secret intelligence operations.[50]

The CIA’s alliance with the opium armies in the Burma-Thai borderlands lasted for a decade. The Agency delivered arms to their forces in Burma and then loaded opium aboard Civil Air Transport (CAT) planes for the return flight to Big Papa’s Bangkok Station.[51]

Big Papa called his CIA Thailand operation, the “BANGKOK MAFIA.”[52] There should be little doubt in your mind that Big Papa Zimmerman was a CIA bagman directly involved in financing Civil Air Transport (CAT); and part of the CIA’s ultra secret illegal Golden Triangle drug trafficking operation with the Sicilian Mafia.


“It is ironic, to say the least, that America’s heroin plague is of its own making.” — Fred W. McCoy[53]

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Big Papa Zimmerman, Dictator Francisco Franco, Obersturmbannführer SS Otto Skorzeny, the Satanic Knight of the Black Sun

Spain’s Fascist Dictator Francisco Franco and Fuhrer Adolf Hitler

In 1960, Big Papa Zimmerman landed in Madrid, Spain to work with Spain’s Dictator Francisco Franco; and clandestinely with Basques and Catalan separatist.[54]


It is important to note that Basque separatism is thus an outgrowth of Benedictine CATALAN separatism.[55] Like Lima, Peru, the Gehlen Org was running a major clandestine operation in Spain led by Hitler’s Commando Obersturmbannführer SS Otto Skorzeny.

SS “Scarface”Skorzeny postwar career advanced to another level after he resettled in Madrid in 1950 with a passport and free pass from General Francisco Franco.

SS Skorzeny, Roman Catholic, entered Spain under an alias to begin collaboration with Franco’s top military leaders, ex-SS generals and officers, and even the highest levels of the Vatican to plan the formation of a secret army of ex-Nazis and Spanish military in Spain and North Africa, prepared at any time to counter a Russian attack from East Germany.[56]

In Spain, SS Skorzeny married Nazi Finance Mastermind Hjalmar Schacht’s niece, Ilse von Finkenstein; Schacht himself also made frequent visits to Madrid. It is estimated that all told, by 1950, about 16,000 Nazi emigrants were living in Spain.[57]

SS Skorzeny lived in Madrid and had a floor apartment in Mallorca (CATALAN) a fishing lodge.[58] It was no secret at all that Spain became a well-known “resting place” for ex-Nazis on the run while en route to South America and the Middle East. As a matter of fact, it is believed that a wide swath of coastline owned by Skorzeny near Majorca (CATALAN) was used to smuggle his comrades in and out of Spain.[59]

In 1960, SS Skorzeny founded the neo-Nazi movement CEDADE (Círculo Español de Amigos de Europa).[60]

In the 1960s, SS Skorzeny also set up the Paladin Group, which he envisioned as “an international directorship of strategic assault personnel [that would] straddle the watershed between paramilitary operations carried out by troops in uniforms and the political warfare which is conducted by civilian agents”.[61]

The city of Alacant/ Alicante has two official names. Alacant is the original Catalan one. The Spanish name Alicante was given by Franco.[62] .Based near Alicante, Spain, the Paladin Group specialized in arming and training guerrillas and their clients included the South African Bureau of State Security. They also carried out work for the Greek military junta of 1967-1974 and some of their operatives were recruited by the Spanish Interior Ministry to wage clandestine war against Basque separatists.[63]

SS Skorzeny was a major link between the Basque-CATALAN forces that Big Papa was officially assigned to in Spain. SS Skorzeny was the middle man, the international gun and weapons merchant. As above, the Paladin Group provided specialized military training bases in Spain for Basque-CATALAN separatists and international counterintelligence and terrorist groups.[64]

The Soviet news agency TASS alleged that Paladin was involved in training US Green Berets for Vietnam missions during the 1960s.[65] The U.S. Army Special Force Green Berets were officially established in 1961.[66] The Green Berets was established within a year of Big Papa Zimmerman and the CIA pocketbook arriving in Madrid, Spain.

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SS Otto Skorzeny & the Keeper of the Flame

Himmler’s Ahnenerbe (Bureau for the Study of Ancestral Heritage) did not overlook the Ancient Iberians of Spain in its pseudo mystical race theories.

Generally, the Nazi view is that the Iberians were the bloodlines of the “Aryan-Teutons,” the “Fifth Root-Race” of the Lost Continent of Atlantis”.[67]

Recall. The Greek Historian, Herodotus, link the bloodlines of AlansScythians to the ancient Amazons of Atlantis that settled among the Atlas Mountains in North Africa.[68]


As noted above, the Alans were the predecessors of the European Knights that includes the Order of Teutonic Knights; and the SS-Knights of the Black Sun. SS Skorzeny’s choice of Catalonia as the place to recruit and reorganize Nazi forces was not a random choice. Apparently, Catalan separatists that Big Papa worked with certainty identified with Aryans and Nazism.

The Alans were also the “Keeper of the Flames” of ancient Babylonia arcane knowledge; and secretly maintained secret high priests and schools of Ba’al Moloch.

Reichsfuhrer SS-1 Heinrich Himmler and the SS were among some of the greatest collectors of arcane knowledge and artifacts. He was also a great believer and practitioner of the esoteric and satanic arts. Himmler was the high priest and grand master of his own coven (Round Table) of twelve at the Wewelsburg Castle. Himmler was always the 13th member.[69]

In 1935, Himmler setup Special Unit H (Sonderkommando H) within Archive Department 7 of the Reich Security Main Office (RSHA) to discover any traces of Germanic magic that survived the great witch-hunts of the Middle Ages.

Special Unit H looted more than 140,000 books on the subject of the occult from libraries across Nazi occupied Europe, and among the manuscripts they found a copy of Necronomicon (Book of the Dead) written in ancient Gothic that told of a race much older than mankind: the nightmarish Ancient Ones.[70]


Wicked and demonic Scarface was a prominent and infamous member of Himmler’s Ahnenerbe, and Satanic Order of Knights of the Black Sun. To the Occulted and Satanic Hitler and Himmler, he also had been their most celebrated knight warrior and preserver of ancient arcane artifacts and knowledge.[71] SS Commando Skorzeny and Himmler’s Ahnenerbe archives are as we speak still classified ULTRA TOP SECRET.

I certainly believe that Robert Walter Zimmerman maintained a close and well guarded working relationship with Francisco Franco’s favorite mystic warriors in Spain, SS Otto Skorzeny. From Allen Dulles down through the ranks of the knightly order of the CIA, they were all fascinated with Hitler’s favorite commando and “the Most Dangerous Man in Europe.”[72]

In Spain, SS Skorzeny was one of the most important and essential links to Basque and CATALAN separatists and international terrorist groups. He would have been of primary and the focal interest to the CIA.

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Big Papa Zimmerman, Nazis & Operation CONDOR


It appears that Robert Walter Zimmerman was not only a CIA bagman for the Mafia’s Golden Triangle Heroin trafficking, but a bagman for the Reinhard Gehlen Org, Operation CONDOR; and Hitler’s Commando Obersturmbannführer SS Otto Skorzeny’s clandestine CIA counterintelligence and assassination operations out of Lima, Peru and Fascist Spain.


Robert Walter Zimmerman was also activity involved in Operation CONDOR in Chile and Paraguay. Condor was a South America terror campaign of political repression and terror involving intelligence operations and assassination of opponents, officially implemented in 1975 by the right-wing dictatorships like General Alfredo Stroessner of Paraguay and General Augusto Pinochet of Chile. CONDOR was intended to eradicate communist or Soviet influence and ideas, and to suppress active or potential opposition movements against the participating governments. [73]


In 1976 under CIA Chief G.H. W. Bush, Zimmerman met directly with Paraguay Ambassador George P. Landau that provided two CONDOR assassins with false passports to travel to the United States to assassinate Orlando Letelier and Ronni Moffitt with a car bomb in Washington, DC.[74] I suspect that he was also the CIA bagman for that operation.

In Paraguay, Robert Zimmerman met several times with General Stroessner. The general was of German descent and recruited Nazis and the Gehlen Org to help run and develop the country. General Stroessner also provided safe havens for wanted SS war criminals like Big Papa’s fellow demonic Gehlen Org/CIA agent Hauptsturmführer SS Josef Mengele. [75]

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Roberto J. Zimmerman, the Keeper of the Flame- Old School CIA and Lucifer


George’s alleged biological father, Roberto Zimmerman, Sr. was a U.S. Army veteran who served in Vietnam in 1970, and was stationed at Fort Myer in Arlington, Virginia, in 1975 with Gladys Mesa’s brother George.

Roberto Zimmerman, Sr. also served two tours in Korea, and spent the final 10 years of his 22-year military career in the Pentagon, working for the Department of Defense (DoD), a family member said.[76]

If you count from Roberto’s 1970 Vietnam tour of duty allegedly with Gladys’ brother to 2000 when he retired from the DoD, it covers over 30 years not 22 years of military career and involvement.


Skull and Bones- CIA Director George H.W. Bush & the Sign of BAPHOMET

Roberto likely began working for the DoD in 1988 around the beginning of the presidential reign of Big Papa’s Knights Templar- Knight of Malta- CIA Chief, George H. W. Bush.[77]


Roberto says that he worked at the Office of Secretary of Defense, Executive Support Service.[78] That would put him in bed with another of Big Papa’s extremely dangerous and evil “Old Boy Network” of former CIA Chiefs, Frank Charles Carlucci III, above, CIA Director (February 5, 1978 – February 4, 1981) ; U.S. Secretary of Defense (1987-1989).[79]

Frank Carlucci is one of world’s most dangerous people. Carlucci, Princeton University, Class of 1952, was born of classic Italian Freemason immigrants. Like Big Papa, he was also primed for the CIA at Harvard Business School.[80]

He was a “Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret” of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta (Knights of Malta) with CIA Chief Allen Dulles and Nazi Generalmajor Reinhard Gehlen.[81]

Carlucci is a member of Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), and Le Cercle. In 1961, he was directly involved in the overthrow and assassination of Congo President, Patrice Lumumba. In 1964, he is said to have been involved in the other throw of Brazilian President João Goulart. He is linked to the Sicilian Mafia and the Japanese Mob, Yakuza. He is Chairman emeritus of the Carlyle Group. He was a member of the Project for a New American Century, architects of the 9-11 Deception, and so on, and so forth.[82]

In 2000, Roberto became a powerful full-time Virginia Supreme Court Magistrate.[83] Like his brother-in-law, Jorge Mesa, for a man of his educational background and experience, the lofty rewards, positions and privileges he has held within the U.S. Government just don’t add up unless he was a high ranking clandestine Psychological Warfare (PSYOPs) “CIA Spook”.

Furthermore, at the time that Roberto was attached to the Pentagon, Big Papa was working by contract to the DoD under CIA Chief Robert Gates.[84] Big Papa and some of his “Old Intelligence Community Staff” [85] were working on a DoD component of the CIA’s Human Intelligence (HUMINT) Control System.[86] This is not what I say, but it is exactly what Robert Walter Zimmerman admitted that he was involved in.

After the arrest of Aldrich Ames, the CIA developed a new special information handling system to protect its most sensitive human intelligence sources. The system, called the Human Intelligence (HUMINT) Control System, or HCS, requires special handling procedures that limit the dissemination of, and control access to, sensitive source information.[87]

In other words, the “CIA Old Boy Cells” were teaching government agencies and departments how to develop Gestapo Gruppenführer SS Heinrich Müller and Himmler’s double and triple layers of compartmentalized secrecy and security.

The bottom line is that Roberto was a “spook” working U.S. Intelligence just like Big Papa. He also appeared to have been working some of the same intelligence- counterintelligence “Basque” and “Catalonian” networks and contacts in Lima, Peru and Spain.

Roberto also married a “Catalonian” woman. It also appears that George’s mother, Gladys Zimmerman, is actually Ines Tell de Palleja. According to George’s family tree, Roberto J. Zimmerman Brull married Ines TELL DE PALLEJA, daughter of TELL and Mercedes de PALLEJA FABRA, on June 21, 1975 in San Miquel D’olerdola, Barcelona, España.[88]

Sant Miquel D’olerdola is a municipality in the district of Upper Penedes, Barcelona province, autonomous community of Catalonia, Spain.[89] Gladys is the same as George’s alleged grandmother, Silvia Brull, she is not a Peruvian but a CATALAN Spaniard.

At least a couple of sources allege that Roberto and Gladys have only one child, Beatriz Zimmerman, born April 8, 1976 in Chicago, IL. On May 22, 2004, Beatriz married Panayotis LIANOS PROTAGORAS in Athens, Greece. [90] CIA?


If Gladys is really Ines Tell de Palleja then tell me who is George Zimmerman’s uncle, U.S. Army Medic Command Sergeant Major Jorge Mesa?

If Gladys was born in Lima, Peru, then it highly likely that Jorge is a Peruvian National. If Jorge is a Peruvian then how did this foreign national end up in the ranks of the U.S. Army in Vietnam? Why did the U.S. Military establishment reward him with the highest rank, Command Sergeant Major, and pay scale possible with his education and background? Just in base salary, they kicked Jorge down almost $50,000 a year.[91]

What makes sense is that Jorge was part of SS Skorzeny’s CATALONIAN Paladin Group cells that Big Papa recruited; and SS Skorzeny specially trained him to terrorize and murder the Vietnamese People.

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CIA, SS Otto Skorzeny and Luciferian Bloodlines


Pauline & Barbara Pierce

Socialite Pauline Robinson Pierce was former First Lady Barbara Pierce-Bush’s mother. During the 1940s, she was rumored to have had wild affairs with very powerful and prominent men in politics even the President of the United States, General Dwight Eisenhower.[92]

Pauline Pierce is linked to a man that was considered to be “Hitler’s Guru.” She was an OTO initiate of the Great BEAST 666 Aleister Crowley linked to Nazi, American and British secret intelligence circles.


The BEAST and 39 year old Barbara Bush

It’s been reported that she and Crowley were in France together around September/October of 1924 performing Grade of Ipsissimus- “Satanic Sex Magick Rituals.” Upon return to America, Pauline gave birth to Barbara Pierce. [93] There is a high probability that Barbara Pierce’s biological father was “the Wickedness Man in the World.” Most people will agree that Ms. Pierce and the BEAST were in France together while the BEAST at the time was performing rituals and ceremonies to advance in OTO levels of demonic and satanic possession through sex magick rituals. Most people will agree that it is his nature, and THAT IS WHAT THE MAN DOES- SATANIC SEX MAGICK RITUALS.

Wall Street Banker and Financer, Prescott Sheldon Bush, had been in bed with Hitler, Himmler and National Socialism from the start. Also from the start, he had been a very “Special Friend” of America’s officially recognized “Son of Satan” Reichsfuhrer Heinrich Himmler. Prescott Bush had also been an Initiate of Ancient Arcane Knowledge and Practices. Prescott Bush had been a member of Yale University’s multi-generational Blood Oath “Skull and Bones”, an Ancient German Occult Lodge of the Brotherhood of Death.


Skull and Bones of the Yale University and Himmler’s SS

Himmler’s SS (Knights of the Black Sun) was also part of the Ancient German Occult Lodge of the Brotherhood of Death.


Luciferian Prescott Bush Overlooking U.S. President Dwight D. Eisenhower

Prescott Bush had been one of Eisenhower’s closest political manipulators and controllers. If Pauline Pierce was having an affair with President Eisenhower, Prescott Bush was well aware of it and probably setup the affair as a tool of wicked advantage and White- Mail.


Prescott Bush was well aware of Pauline’s daughter, Barbara Pierce, being a Satanic “Moon Child.” Prescott Bush deliberately setup his son, George H. W. Bush (Skull and Bones-Brotherhood of DEATH), to marry a “Moon Child” to harness the Power of Lucifer through the Bush Bloodlines.


As noted above, Big Papa’sOld Boy Network” included his former extremely demonic, satanic and pedophile boss, CIA Chief George H. W. Bush (January 30, 1976 – January 20, 1977).[94]

Were the Zimmermans really marrying CATALONIAN High Priestess and maidens of a secret SS Satanic Cult developed by Otto Skorzeny to also harness Luciferian Magick and Power through their bloodlines?


George Michael Zimmerman, The HUNTER, and his brother, Robert Zimmerman are alleged to be adopted children out of Lima, Peru. They were really the children of Gladys’ sister.[95] They look like biological brothers. However, they don’t seem to resemble the multi-generational “CIA Spook,” Roberto Zimmerman Brull


They also don’t seem to resemble the CATALONIAN WITCH, Gladys Mesa-Zimmerman aka Ines TELL DE PALLEJA or  Uncle George (Jorge) Mesa aka ?


George Michael Zimmerman’s birth certificate hasn’t appeared in the public domain and most likely will not. At the very least, George Zimmerman could actually be at least 50% CATALONIAN and only God knows out of what U.S. CATALONIAN terrorist and Luciferian cells linked to the Legend of CIA Bagman Robert Walter Zimmerman and Obersturmbannführer SS Otto Skorzeny.

WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE! Without a free and independent press (4th Estate), there really isn’t any “SIGN POSTS.”

Your Next Stop


What will the social order of the future be like? Comrade, I will tell you. There will be a class of overlords, after them the rank and file of the party members in hierarchical order, and then the great mass of anonymous followers, servants and workers in perpetuity, and beneath them again all the conquered foreign races, the modern slaves. And over and above all these will reign a new and exalted nobility of whom I cannot speak. But of all these plans the militant members will know nothing. The new man is living amongst us now! He is here. Isn’t that enough for you? I will tell you a secret. I have seen the new man. He is intrepid and cruel. I was afraid of him” –Adolf Hitler













[13] Ross, Colin, Bluebird, Deliberate Creation of Multiple Personality By Psychiatrists, Manitou Communications, Richardson, TX (2000) pg. 255































[44] Breitman, Richard, U.S. Intelligence and the Nazis, Cambridge University Press (2009) pgs. 125-127

[45] Breitman, Richard, U.S. Intelligence and the Nazis, Cambridge University Press (2009) pgs. 125-127




















































29 06 2011

BUNGA BUNGA, The Rise of Lucifer, Ruling Oligarchies & the Imperium, Genocide and Terrorism

To most Black Folk of conventional wisdom that have absolutely no idea what or how important the Imperium may be historically, I will call them by another name that most commonly identifies the Imperium, the ILLUMINATI.

It may have slid under the radar of the free press and investigative journalism if there still is such a thing, but Italian Prime Minister Silivo Berlusconi and this BUNGA BUNGA stuff is worth exploring. It leads down the “Rabbit Hole”to the Libyan Aggression.

“THE GRAND ILLUSION” The Libyan Terrorism

Billioniare Italian Prime Minister Sivilo Berlusconi, along with President Barack Obama and French President Nicolas Sarkozy, has been one of the prime movers behind National Atlantic Treaty Organization’s (NATO) unholy war of aggression and terrorism against the African People’s Republic of Libya under the grand illusion that it was due to a “Humanitarian Threat” to save innocent civilians.[1]

NATO has carried out about 12,000 terrorist missions over Libya. One air strike hit a Libyan Down’s Syndrome Society for children of whom western press has been silent on and government’s commission for children. The school was home to children with Down’s Syndrome up to the age of 6 teaching them to go to normal schools, giving speech therapy, handicrafts and sports sessions and teaching them to read and write. It handled 50 to 60 children a day.[2]

Within the week of June 19, 2011, NATO air strikes deliberately targeted civilians. They slaughtered at least 5 Libyan children and 24 adult civilians.[3] 

The unholy alliance, Obama, Sarkozy and Berlusconi,  have demonstrated an incredible ungodly indifference and an absolute sick reckless disregard for soveriegn independence, and the lives and humanity of Africans and People of Color.

“THE ILLUSION DESTROYED” The Libyan Aggression

On Friday, June 25, 2011, the U.S. House of Representatives destroyed the illusion that the war crimes and terrorism perpetrated against the Libyan people was in our name. The House delivered a rare rebuke of President over his involvement in the Libyan aggression by rejecting a resolution to authorise his war of aggression and terrorism in Libya in “OUR NAME.”[4]

To carry on this senseless racial and blatant illegal war of terrorism against the Libyian people, President Obama rejected the advise of his own key advisors that he needed to win congressional approval for the American involvement in the NATO-Libyan air assault.[5]

If this terrible waste of America’s valuable resources to murder and slaughter Africans is “NOT IN OUR NAME”, then the veil has been lifted that the Libyan Agresssion is in realty in the name of the racialist Sadomasochistic ILLUMINATI that created Barack Hussein Obama.

Lust’s Passions will be Served. –Marquis de Sade, the Illuminati

The passionate boyish clowning around of U.S. President Barack Obama, PM Berlusconi, and Nicolas Sarkozi of France appears as illusions of harmlessness. PM Berlusconi and President Sarkozi are very dangerous and little vain men.

They may appear to be passionate and playful with President Obama and First Lady Michele Obama, but be very careful of what it is that you perceive. It may very well be “mockery” of the President and First Lady and the American People and its form of government.

SARKOZI and Berlusconi, they are real LUCIFERIANS and ILLUMINATI, Masters of Illusions. 

“I bring greetings from a man, what’s his name? Some tanned guy—Barack Obama… You won’t believe it, but the two of them sunbathe together because even his wife is tanned.” PM Berlusconi, 2008. [6]

The name Lucifer actually means Morning Star or The Illuminated One. Thus, the various Mystery Religions taught that it is Lucifer (or Satan) who gives us light and shows us that we are God and have no need of repentance, but that we need only realize the “God within” and bring it to its full potential.[7]

Various Secret Societies throughout the Ages have taught this Babylonian Mysticism, because they knew that these Mysteries were based upon the doctrine of Luciferianism. They were known for centuries as “The Illuminati“. Their name was derived from Lucifer’s name: “The Illuminated One”.[8]

The “The Illuminated Ones” maintain an exalted status over ordinary mortals, a place closer to GOD in the “Hierarchy of the Universe.” 

Lust’s passion will be served; it demands, it militates, “IT TYRANNIZES” –Marquis de Sade, the Illuminati

In 1777, the Illuminati began to cooperate with all Masonic lodges in order to infiltrate them. Adam Weishaupt became a member of the Grand Orient; the lodge was backed financially by Mayer Amschel Rothschild to conspire against the establishment.[9]


It is also believed that Weishaupt formed an inner council of members (the “law of five”), which included: himself, Sir Francis Dashwood (Hellfire Club), Kolmer, Alphonse Donatien De Sade (Marquis de Sade) and Mayer Amschel Rothschild.[10] Keep a mental note of MARQUIS de SADA and MAYER AMSCHEL ROTHSCHILD. 


“I [PM Berlusconi] told the president that [Obama] has everything needed in order to reach deals with him: He’s young, handsome and even tanned….”[11]

In other words, Obama was a wonderful ILLUMINATI-MK ULTRA male sex toy. Within elite circles, Berlusconi is often compared to the Roman Emperor Tiberius.[12] Tiberius is a code word for an “elite” sadistic ILLUMINATI pedophile.

“When he went for a swim, gangs of little boys (his ‘minnows’, as he used to call them) would join him in the water; they had been trained to chase him and nibble between his legs. On other occasions, the elderly emperor preferred the pleasures of voyeurism. According to his Roman biographer Suetonius, ‘Bevies of girls and young men, collected from all over the place, used to have sex in threesomes in front of him, to excite his waning appetites.’”[13]

Tiberius was a not only a notorious “elite” pedophile that took intense pleasure in having sex with children under 10 years of age, but he also enjoying throwing them to their death off a sea cliff during his private escapades.

Sadism is the sexual or social pleasure of gratification in the infliction of pain and suffering upon another person. The world is derived from the name of the Marquis de Sade of the ILLUMINATI, a French nobleman philosopher-writer; and serial sadistic criminal and pedophile.

Marquis de Sade is famous for writing novels and plays of “Sadomasochism.” De Sade championed the inception and reception of extreme pain as an art form that to him was both sublime and beautiful.[14] 

Berlusconi’s waning sadistic appetite is for underage girls, trauma based-multiple personality disordered (MPD) ILLUMINATI-MK ULTRA-MONARCH “butterflies” consciously and unconsciously immune to pain.

PM Berlusconi’s former wife, Veronica Lario, told the world of Berlusconi and the ILLUMINATI that, “Many parents are willing to close their eyes and offer their virgins to the dragon.”[15]

In the New Testament, Lucifer-Satan has many names. In the Book of Revelation, he is known as the “great dragon” (Rev. 12:9). Don’t tell me that there is no such thing as the ILLUMINATI or LUCIFERIANS.

Recently as of April 2011, Berlusconi has been embroiled in a national scandal and criminal trial involving the sadistic sexual exploitation of underage girls.[16]

At the heart of the scandal is the African-Moroccan-born Karima El Mahroug AKA Ruby the Heart Stealer. Obviously, Karima also has a disturbing MK ULTRA-MONARCH ritual child sexual abuse background and history.

“When I was nine years old, I was raped by two of my uncles – my father’s brothers.” -Karima El Mahroug [17] 

Above, Ms. Mahroug in classic MK-ULTRA SEX KITTEN animal pattern blouse flashing Baphomet  hand symbol.

Here, Ms. Mahroug in the classic SEX KITTEN leopard spots and wild animal posture.

Here, Ms. Mahroug (SEX KITTEN alter) is centrally sexually exploited by a group including men muzzled like k-9’s. Karima first coined the secret group LUCIFERIAN-ILLUMINATI sex rituals, the BUNGA BUNGA. Below, no speculation is necessary. Ms. Mahroug in objectification SEX KITTEN alter.

“All the girls were naked during the bunga bunga and I had the feeling that they were competing with each other to make Berlusconi notice them by performing more and more daring sexual acts.”-Karima Mahroug [18] 

BUNGA BUNGA, “The sound of it is crude and infantile. It is almost like a racist Africanism – some kind of colonial imagined tribal ritual of sexual abandon. It has a racist, imperialist quality to it – like a phoney African word, like ‘wonga’”.[19]

As for PM Berlusconi, he hasn’t denied the existence of BUNGA BUNGA. In true sadistic arrogance, he reportedly said that ‘bunga bunga’ parties where merely civilized [Illuminati Ones] dinner parties.[20] In other words, it is within a domain of an exalted status over ordinary mortals. Suck my you know what!



The illusionary playful Silivo Berlusconi is/was a member of P2. Propaganda Due (P2) is a 2400 member secret neo fascist Masonic Lodge in Italythat caters only to the elite. It was led by Luicio Gelli.[21]

During WWII, Oberleutnant (Italian) SS Licio Gelli was said to have derived his wealth from his presence in the Italian town of Cattaro, where the seized national treasures of Yugoslavia stolen by the Croatian Ustashi fascist were hidden.[22]

A significant portion of these hidden treasures were never recovered and returned to Yugoslavia “but were stolen by Gelli”. Furthermore, as the war ended, and with the help of the Vatican, he helped organize the “Rat-lines” to get Nazi war criminals to South America for a fee of 40%. In collaboration with notorious pro-Nazi Catholic priest from Croatia, Father Krujoslav Dragonovic, Gelli, for example, helped Klaus Barbie, the “Butcher of Lyon” escape, with his costs borne by the US taxpyers, the U.S. Army Counter Intelligence Corps.[23]

In 1998, Gelli was charged and convicted for fraud linked to the 1982 collapse of Banco Ambrosiano. During the arrest, police found gold bars, valued at more than $1.76 million, buried in terra-cotta pots brimming with flowers that decorated the terrace of Gelli’s mansion in Tuscany.  Reports said some of the gold might come from a cache that Italian fascists stole from Yugoslavi aduring World War II.[24] 

Gelli, the ILLUMINATI KING, of Himmler’s SS was also a CIA asset. As part of Reinhard Gehlen’s CIA/Nazi Intelligence team (Gehlen Org), Gelli was the go between for the CIA and the Vatican through his P2 Lodge. Gelli and P2 are further connected to an ultra shadow figure, Heinrich Rupp. Rupp was part of the Martin Bormann secret post WWII Nazi ODESSA network.[25] Below, Bormann and Hitler within days of the fall of Berlin.

Rupp was part of Operation PAPERCLIP Nazis secretly brought into the United States to either work clandestinely in the new Military-Industrial Complex or work for US intelligence and Special Forces. Even today little is still known or exposed about Heinrich Rupp, but Rupp suddenly popped up in the “October Surprise” that propelled Ronald Reagan into the White House.

In 1980, Rupp surfaced as a longtime pilot for the CIA, including Air America. Rupp flew Reagan-Bush campaign manager and former CIA director, William Casey, from Washington National Airport to Le Bourget in Paris for secret meetings with Iranian officials. At three meetings on October 19 and 20, 1980 with representatives of Khomeini’s government at the Waldorf Florida and Crillon Hotels in Paris, it became the basis for the “October Surprise” that deliberately delayed the release of 52 Americans being held hostage in Iran since November 4, 1979 until after the election of Republican Ronald Reagan over incumbent President Jimmy Carter.[26] In fact, Gelli was a guest
of honor at the 1981 inauguration of President Ronald Reagan.[27] Up you’ll you know what!

Rupp of the Bormann Org along with Reinhard Gehlen, General Walter Dornberger, General Walter Schreiber, Otto Skorzeny, Klaus Barbie, Franz Six, Emil Augsburg, Willi Krichbaum, Walter Rauff, Kurt Blome, Prince Valerio Borghese, Stephano Delle Chiaie, and many others were ultimately controlled and connected by the aristocratic and fascist CEPIC/Cercle des Nations leadership (Opus Dei and SMOM-linked).[28]

P2’s membership is totally secret and not even available to its Mother Lodge in England. He was a double agent for the CIA and the KGB. Gelli also had close ties with the Italian Mafia. Gelli was a close associate of Benito Mussolini’s fascist elite. He was also closely affiliated with Roberto Calvi, head of the scandal-ridden Vatican Bank.[29]

The P-2 operated beyond democratic control, like the SS, a “state within a state secret”. They were the most powerful Italians, including high-ranking officers of the secret services and the army, influential industrialists and bankers, incumbent and former ministers.[30]

Berlusconi, P2, CIA and SMOM 


PM Berlusconi’s relationship with the Bush Crime Family is opposite to the personal and public relationship with President Obama and First Lady Michele Obama. It is a matter of race, blood, power, noble pedigree of the “elite” and the aristocracy of the ILLUMINATI. Part of this world of blood, power and pedigree is the hierarchy of the SMOM. President Obama and Michele Obama operate outside of that hierarchy.

The SMOM (Sovereign Military Order of Malta) of the New World Order is a military order of the aristocratic ruling “elite” based on the Middle Age crusader Knights Hospitaller of Jerusalem and is most interwoven with Freemasonry. The Jesuit Order rules SMOM, and the Papacy. SMOM governs the CIA. It rules the secret Luciferian Masonic orders such as the P2. It heavily influenced and collaborated with Reichsfuhrer SS Heinrich Himmler and his Middle Age crusader SS Teutonic Knights.[31] 

Himmler had been a high-ranking member of SMOM along with the head of the U.S. Office of Strategic Services (OSS), Bill Donovan. SMOM members of the CIA were Allen Dulles, James Jesus Angelton, John McCone, George H.W Bush, William Casey, General Vernon A. Walters, and William F. Buckley, Jr.[32]

FBI SMOM members were J. Edgar Hoover and Cartha DeLoach. Nazis SMOM members included Himmler, Reinhard Gehlen, Fritz Thyssen, Licio Gelli, Kurt Waldheim, and Franz von Papen.[33]

SMOM members also included Former Prime Minister of Great Britain Tony Blair; Elmer Bobst; George W. Bush; Jeb Bush, Prescott Bush, Jr., Frank Charles Carlucci III; Former President Bill Clinton; and so many others including Henry Kissinger. It also included Italian PM Berlusconi.[34]   

NATO, The Secret Arm of P2

In addition, Gelli and P-2 were linked to a covert CIA operation in Italy code-named, Gladio. Project Gladio ran under cover of NATO by the Italian military secret service, SIFAR. NATO secretly provided Gladio operatives with SS training, weapons and explosives, storage.

Obersturmbannführer ( Lieutenant Colonel) SS Otto Skorzeny trained Gladio specialists carried out covert domestic and international false flag operations (9-11), counterintelligence and terrorist actions including bombings, murders and assassinations.[35]



“The more we do to you, the less you seem to believe we are doing it.” -Hauptsturmführer SS Dr. Josef Mengele

MK-ULTRA was another secret umbrella mind control project that was spawned from the secret network and spider web of Operation PAPERCLIP nazis that escaped Germany through Nazi-Vatican Ratlines, ODESSA.

InItaly, P2’s Heinrich Rupp worked with Martin Bormann’s right hand man and former chief of the German Nazi intelligence in Northern Italy, Standartenführer (Colonel) SS Walter Rauff, Father Krunoslav Draganovic and Monsignor Karlo Petranović, based in Genoa to smuggle secret ODESSA SS war criminals and collaborators on ships out of Europe for South America.

Reichsleiter Martin Bormann, the Third Reich Genius of Finance and Administration, was one of the Nazi Germany’s most powerful men behind Hitler and Himmer. Bormann was Party Chancellery (Parteikanzlei) and the private secretary to Adolf Hitler.[36]

During the fall of Berlin in May 1945, Bormann most likely escaped from the Salzburg airport into Spain and then to South America. Bormann was the Reichsleiter in exile. He did not consider himself a war criminal, but a legally appointed head of state that kept the loyal strings of Nazi Party and Blood Covenant SS together in exile as Hitler, Himmler and Bormann had planned all along since the Nazi defeat at Stalingrad in 1942.[37] 

From 1945 to 1949, the Bormann Nazi-Vatican Ratline helped approximately 5,000 SS war criminals and collaborators escape through Rauff’s secret emigration bureau in Genoa. Bormann’s Blood Covenant SS ODESSA network includes one of the world’s most wanted sadistic SS doctors of WWII, Hauptsturmführer (Captain) SS Dr. Josef Mengele, the Angel of Death of Auschwitz-Birkenau.[38]

SS Mengele has to be one of the world’s greatest sadomasochist of all time. At Auschwitz, Dr. Mengele conducted some of the most inhumane, barbaric, and savage experiments on human beings with that crazy Satanic grin.

Dr. Mengele reportedly developed a drug to keep a victim/subject conscious to deliberately inflict far greater pain than the human body and mind could normally endure. He was responsible for the deaths of thousands which earned him the name, “The Angel of Death”. Mengele was personally responsible for the death of about 400,000 people. He may well have been the “World’s Greatest Mass Murderer.”

On paper, MK-ULTRA had been designed to defeat the “enemy” in its brain-washing techniques. Clandestinely, MK ULTRA was Hauptsturmführer SS Dr. Mengele’s blood covenanted trauma-based mind control research and development.

One of the most important and well published projects of MK-ULTRA was a secret laboratory established and funded by CIA director, Allen Dulles, in Montreal, Canada at McGill University in the Allen Memorial Institute headed by ILLUMINTI network psychiatrist, Dr. Ewen Cameron. Dr. Cameron had served as a member of the Nuremberg tribunal that heard and studied secret case study experiments of the Nazi-SS doctors.

Dr. Cameron, Director of the Allan Memorial Institute in Montreal from 1943 to 1967, and Head of the World Psychiatry Association, participated in a psychiatric evaluation of the occultist Deputy Fuhrer Rudolf Walter Richard Hess, Hitler’s Second in Command, on behalf of the Nuremberg Prosecution team.

Dr. Cameron also participated in discussions being held at the time (believed to have occurred at Columbia University), in the US, regarding the “social reintegration of Operation PAPERCLIP Nazis”.[39]

From 1956 to 1962, numerous eye witnesses reported Dr. Mengele’s presence AKA Father Joseph in Montreal and at Allan Memorial Institute eventually leading to the 1985 Deschene’s Commission: A Commission of Inquiry on Nazi War Criminals in Canada.[40]

It is generally believed that in Canada, Dr. Mengele and Cameron worked in secret setting up MK ULTRA MIND CONTROL experiments and protocols at the Alan Memorial branch of McGill University in Canada.[41]

Under Dr. Mengele, MK ULTRA became an umbrella for Project ARTICHOKE (Unconscious Manchurian Candidate-Mind Control Assassins), MK SEARCH (Dr. James A. Hamilton’s Stanford/Vacaville Prison Mind Control/Black Assassins), MK DELTA (Dr. Alton Ochsner-New Orleans) and the MONARCH Program (Sex Kitten Mind Control Programming).[42] 

Dr. Cameron AKA Dr. White and Dr. Mengele AKA Dr. Green were the master ILLUMINTI mind control MONARCH programmers. The testimony of a U.S. MK ULTRA test subject linked Dr. Mengele to electo-shock, LSD, radiation, rape, dislocation of joints, chemical and drug experimentation of children.[43]

Dr. Mengele’s MONARCHS were sent to special schools with many other children and taught how to sexually (Sex Kitten) please men and women as ILLUMINATI assets, spies, counterintelligence operatives, assassins and sexual whtemailers. According to one of the children, Monarch Sex Kitten children were used to entrap and whitemail politicians in order for Richard Helms, Sidney Gottlieb, Martin Orne, L. Wilson Green, and others to secure permanent funding for MK ULTRA, experiments and operations that continue to this day.[44]

Dr. Mengele’s ritually abused- trauma based Monarch Children are also at the disposable of sadistic wanings of Sivilo Berlusconi and ILLUMINITIBUNGA BUNGA  

Nicolas Sarkozy, Lucky Luciana, French Connection & the BUNGA BUNGA

Sarkozy has his genesis in the Charles Lucky Luciana, Allen Dulles and Frank Wisner, Sr. underworld Mafia-CIA network going back to WWII. The Office of Strategic Services (OSS-Dulles) and the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI-Wisner) clandestinely recruited heavily from New York and Chicago underworlds to help U.S. intelligence keep in touch with Sicilian Mafia leaders exiled by Italian dictator Benito Mussolini. It included America’s most notorious and criminal syndicates and figures, Charles ‘Lucky’ Luciano, Meyer Lansky, Joe Adonis and Frank Costello.[45]

The public aim of this most unholy alliance was to prevent sabotage on East Coast ports and gain intelligence on Sicily prior to secret allied army invasions. It was also designed covertly to suppress the Italian Communist Party. While in prison, Luciano earned a pardon for his wartime U.S.intelligence collaboration. He was deported back to Italy where the secret collaborations with U.S. Intelligence continued in the international drug trade. In Italy, Luciano built an international heroin empire, while the OSS and ONI worked with Chinese triads to control opium, morphine and heroin of the Golden Triangle.[46] Luciana’s Corsican Ambassador was Frenchman Erienne Leandri.

Nicolas Sarkozy is the son of Catholic Hungarian Nobleman Pal Sarkösy of Nagi-Bosca and Andree Mallah, Jewish commoner from Thessalonica, Greece. Sarkosy is a descendant of the noble Corsican (Italian) House of Charles (Carlo) Bonaparte, the father of Napolean.

Ahead of the Russian Red Army invading Hungry, Sarkösy fled into France. Pal Sarkösy was part of the fleeing Nazi collaborator Arrow Cross Party. He played a prominent part in deporting the Jews of Budapest between May and October of 1944.  Sarkösy subsequently divorced Mallah and married a French aristocrat, Christine de Ganay. [47] 

In France after WWII, infamous General and President Charles de Gaulle betrayed and angered the New World Order (NWO) by freeing Algeria and its other African colonial states.[48]

De Gaulle refused to be a pawn of the secret international ring of Luciferians after the fall of the Nazi war state. He opposed the entry of the United Kingdom into the European common market (1961 and 1967); refused the deployment of UN helmets into Congo (1961); encouraged the Latin American states to become free of US imperialism (speech of Mexico, 1964); kicked NATO out of France and withdrew from the Atlantic Alliance’s integrated command (1966); he condemned Israeli expansionism during the Six Day war (1967); and supported independence of Quebec (Speech of Montreal 1967).[49]

The Luciferians of the CIA and NATO initiated and supported about 40 unsuccessful attempts to assassinate President de Gaulle. De Gaulle had a superior and dedicated intelligence apparatus around him. SAC (Civic action services), a militia also formed around de Gaulle for additional protection. The militia was led by Charles Pasqua and Achille Peretti, one of de Gaulle’s bodyguards.[50]

Pasqua and Peretti were Corsicans linked to the underworld of Lucky Luciana’s Mafia-CIA network. In fact, Pasqua had secretly turned to Luciana’s Ambassador, Étienne Léandri, to recruit forces to constitute the Gaullist militia.[51]

Pasqua became a principal of Ricard Company, a liquor society of Canada. He subsequently married a daughter of the Canadian bootlegger that started Ricard. Peretti became an influential and powerful French politician. Pal Sarkosy’s second wife, Christine de Ganay, became Peretti’s secretary.[52] 

In 1972, Time Magazine revealed the existence of a secret criminal organization, the Corsican Union, which controlled a large part of the drug trade between Europeand America, the infamous French Connection.[53]

Time named the Mafia boss of French Connection, Jean Venturi. He had been arrested a few years earlier in Canada. Venturi was Charles Pasqua’s commercial delegate at Ricard. The names of several families headed by the “Corsican Union” were also cited by Time; among them was Achille Peretti’s Family.[54]

The Wisners, father like son, CIA-New World Order Mass Mind Control, Assassinations, Covert Operations and Secret International Terrorism. In 1977, Pal Sarkösy separated from Christine de Ganay. Christine then marries the infamous FRANK WISNER, JR., right, of the CIA and U.S. Department. Nicolas, who remained close to his mother in law “benefits” from special training programs of the U.S. State Department courtesy and influence of Wisner, Jr.[55]

In France, Nicolas joined the leadership of the Gaullist party with Charles Pasqua as a party national leader. In 1982, Nicolas finished law school and joined the French Bar Association then marries the niece of Achille Peretti, the French Connection Mafia Family. Nicolas’ best man was none other than Charles Pasqua also of the French Connection. As a lawyer, Sarkozy defended the interests of his mentor Corsican Mafia friends and benefactors. He bought a property on the Island of Beauty, in Vico, and went as far as envisaging making his name more “Corsican” of “Mafia”, he replaced the “y” in his surname by an “i” becoming Nicolas Sarkozi.[56]

In 1993, Charles Pasqua became the French Interior Minister. Pasqua controlled the Moroccan marijuana trade and used his position of power to legalize his other activities taking control of casinos, gambling and horse races in francophone (French-speaking) Africa. Pasqua wove ties with Saudi Arabiaand Israeland became an officer of honour to the Mossad. Nicolas Sarkozy on his part in the mob ring became French Minister of Budget and spokesman for the government.[57]

In WashingtonD.C., another of Sarkozy’s god-fathers, Big Frank, also quietly moved in more position of power and influence. Wisner became the successor of Paul Wolfowitz as head of the Political Planning department of the U.S. Department of Defense.[58] 

The rest is history. The CIA and the Mafia got the Luciferian French President that they created. Sarkozi’s half brother of Christine de Ganay, Pierre Olivier, under the American name of Oliver, was named by SMOM Frank Carlucci as the director of the new investment fund of the Carlyle Group (common investment firm of the Bush and Ben Laden Families). Oliver handles the main assets of the sovereign funds of Kuwait and Singapore.[59]

French President Sarkozy is an infamous Luciferian womanizer involved in the international “Objectification” and exploitation of women.

In his third marriage, he was rewarded with a former top BUNGA BUNGAPresidential Model” MK ULTRA Monarch Sex Slave model, Carla Bruni.[60]

Garla Bruni. From the excellent work of Pseudo-Occult Media: “This would be a good point to cover some of Carla Bruni’s programming as it seems obvious she is a Monarch programmed kitten (sex-slave), the epitome of a ‘Presidential Model’ as she is currently “married” to the French President (an award for his work as an “elite” pawn serving the global Illuminists’ agenda); and previously being used by countless wealthy/connected individuals. Here are a few images of Carla to illustrate her Monarch sex-slave kitten programming (and usual symbolic ones [split mind/checkerboards/mirrors/bird-cage veil/dollhouse/masks/etc]).”[61] Sadly below, Carla Bruni in SEX KITTEN alter.

Carla Bruni in MK ULTRA Mindless Barbie Doll Alter.

Carla Bruni in Masonic Checkerboard Pattern Alter.

Carla Bruni with Dr. Mengele’s signature MK ULTRA MONARCH BUTTERFLY tag.

Carla Bruni in PUSSY CAT ALTER.

Carla Bruni, below, at bottom roll of a classic Dr. Mengele “Presidental Model” SEX KITTEN TWINNING.

Finally, Carla Bruni dressed and primed for the ILLUMINATI Luciferian Sex Magkic Ritual, BUNGA BUNGA.

BUNGA BUNGA & Eyes Wide Shut

Prosecutors described the BUNGA BUNGA parties in a three-phase sequence. “The first phase consisted of a dinner; the second was the ‘bunga bunga’ phase which took place in a room used as a discotheque, where the participants appeared in masks, performing striptease and erotic dances … and being touched on their intimate parts by Mr Berlusconi.” In the third phase, “one or more young women spend the night with Berlusconi for payments above those received by the other participants”.[62] 

Yes, it sounds just like the infamous Satanic-Luciferian “elite” sex magkic ritual in Stanley Kubrick’s “Eyes Wide Shut.” It wasn’t just “nonfiction” stuff after all.

Stanley Kubrick & The House of Harlan

Eyes Wide Shut is a 1999 drama film based upon the 1926 novella Traumnovelle (Dream Story), which was written by Arthur Schnitzler. The film was directed, produced and co-written by Stanley Kubrick; and was his last film before his sudden death. The story, set in and around New York City, follows the sexually charged adventures of Dr. Bill Harford, who is shocked when his wife, Alice, reveals that she had contemplated an affair a year earlier. He embarks on a night-long, sexually charged adventure, during which he infiltrates a massive masked orgy of an underground cult.[63]

During the Third Reich, Josef Goebbels’ top director and favorite filmmaker was Veit Harlan. In 1957, Stanley Kubrick went to Munich, Germanyto film Paths of Glory. In Munich, he met and eventually married a German actress Susanne Christian. She was in fact, Christiane Harlan, from the Third Reich’s infamous House of Harlan.[64]

As a girl, she had been a member of the Bund deutscher Mädel, the Nazi organization for girls that paralleled the Hitler Youth for boys. She liked parading about in her uniform. She had worked as members of the Hitler Youth in the fields alongside French prisoners of war and Ukrainian slave laborers.[65]

In 1957, Kubrick also met Christiane’s uncle, Goebbel’s favorite filmmaker, Veit Harlan (1899-1964) and wanted to make a film about him and, in Christiane’s words, “the absolutely normal life under the protection of Joseph Goebbels”.[66] Right.

Veit Harlan made JUD SUSS, “The most successful anti-Semitic film the Nazi’s ever made.”[67] On September 30, 1940, Reichsfuhrer SS Heinrich Himmler ordered all SS and police members to see the film. It was shown to SS units, and Einsatzgruppen about to be sent east on their murderous assignment, and was also sent to non-Jewish populations of areas where Jews were about to be deported, by 1943 viewer ship of the film was reported as over 20.3 million people.[68]

Veit Harlan received the 1943 Universum Film Archiv award. Harlan was the only film director of the Third Reich to be tried for crimes against humanity. The prosecutors focused on his use of the SS to recruit (persuade) ghetto Jews to perform as extras.[69]

However, Goebbels and Harlan produced and released Third Reich propaganda films to the very last weeks of WWII. On January 30, 1945, Goebbels and Harlan released the film, Kolberg. It offered propaganda to fight Nazi Germany’s enemies until the very end.[70] At Nuremberg, Harlan was later acquitted on all counts.[71]

It appears that Harlan was an ardent Nazi that lived in close secret collaboration with the Nazi cultural and political elite, [72] the Thule, SS and the ODESSA.

I suspect that Kubrick’s infamous orgy scene in Eyes Wide Shut was not based on Schnitzler’s obscure 1926 novella Traumnovelle as the ILLUMINATI would like you to believe. Stanley Kubrick risked his life and deliberately publicly exposed from the House of Harlan current secret “elite” Luciferian-SS sex magkic, the ILLUMINATI BUNGA BUNGA rituals.

Furthermore, Kubrick’s sex magkic ritual was filmed in England at the Mentmore Towers, Mentmore, Buckinghamshire near London.

Mentmore and the Castle was built between 1852-1854 in reality by the High Sheriff of Buckinghamshire, Baron Mayer Amschel de Rothschild.[73] Baron Rothschild is a direct descendent of the ILLUMINATI, Mayer Amschel Rothschild.[74]


I believe that there is convincing argument that Adolf Hitler was also a descendant of the Rothschilds, Salomon Mayer Rothschild of Vienna.[75]

Salomon Mayer von Rothschild (September 9, 1774, Frankfurt/Main – July 28, 1855, Paris) was a German born banker in the Austrian Empire and the founder of the Viennese branch of the prominent Mayer Amschel Rothschild family. He was the second son of Mayer Amschel Rothschild of the ILLUMINATI.[76]  

Finally, lets bring it home to Brother MYSTIKAL & the ILLUMINATI.


Brother Mystikal (Michael Lawrence Tyler) with the sign of Baphomet. Mystikal was someone that I immediately took notice of. Mystikal’s work of art is not just rhymes and raps, but a cool blend of African shouts, hollers, and work songs, jazz, rhythm & blues and spirituals. I feared that his unique art form wouldn’t last because it wasn’t the direction the ILLUMINATI music industry was moving toward, but I am certain that Mystikal entered the Luciferian Blood Covenant for Fame and Fortune.

When I first saw Mystikal’s video version of “Shake It Fast“, I was divided. I was mesmerized by the music with an interesting blend of jazz, rhythm and African shouts, but it was the theme that disturbed me, Stanley Kubrick’s secret Satanic Sex Magkic Ritual in Eyes Wide Shut” featuring the “Objectification” of Black Women and it appears underage sisters.

Above, Mystikal with ILLUMINATI Pyramid hand symbol. Pseudo-Occult Media did a small thing on its ILLUMINATI-occulted links, but nothing really deep. It deserves more critical attention and detail, which I reserve for a latter more detailed post.

Shake Ya Ass“, also known by its clean title, “Shake It Fast“, is the second single released from Mystikal’s fourth album, Let’s Get Ready. It also featured Pharrell. It was released on July 18, 2000 and was produced by The Neptunes. The single was a huge success for Mystikal, peaking at number 13 on the Billboard Hot 100, number three on the Hot R&B/Hip-Hop Singles & Tracks and number seven on the Hot Rap Singles. Both the song and music video (directed by Little X) received heavy airplay and it has arguably become Mystikal’s most well-known song.[77]

There is little and why a Black imitation of a secret ILLUMINATI Luciferian Sex Magkic Ritual was necessary and appropriate for mass media youth consumption, but according to Mystikal, he got a call from Little X (Julien Christian Lutz of Toronto), a music video director, to check out “Eyes Wide Shut” as a possible music video theme production. Mystikal saw the movie and liked the idea. Little X set everything up.[78]  End of story. I don’t believe so.

Eric Dubay’s Famous Freemasons Exposed, author of the “Atlantean Conspiracy”, follows the Michelangelo Mystery at the Vatican’s Sistine Chapel which may have been built in the same proportions to Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem. Dubay argues convincingly to follow the hands to unleash Michelangelo’s Freemason and ILLUMINATI secrets hidden in his art at the Sistine Chapel.


“Take careful notice of the way God and Adam’s hands are positioned. The middle and ring fingers are held together while the pointer and pinky fingers are separated. This makes an “M” and as you will see represents Masonry – the oldest, most wide spread secret society in existence, operating in almost every country in the world with 5+ million members. For centuries, the Vatican and world Royalty have conspired using the vehicle of Freemasonry to place initiates into key power positions of politics, business, banking,and media in an effort to control populations.”

 Follow the HANDS, Queen Elizabeth I, King James of England, and Christopher Columbus.

Follow the HANDS, King Ferdnand, Queen Isabella I, and Lorenzo de Medici, Ruler of Florentine Republic.

 The HANDS of Francois I, King of France, Catherine de Medici, Queen of France, and Mary Queen of Scots.

Aleister Crowley, The Great Beast 666.
HANDS  of First Lady Michelle Obama, Director of the Rockefeller Bloodline Chicago Council of Foreign Relations. Follow Mystikal’s HANDS, he’ll shows what he was working with when he made an imitation of a secret ILLUMINATI Luciferian Sex Magkic Ritual featuring the continued “objectification” and exploitation of Black Women.
Below, Mystikal’s video producer, Little X, with ILLUMINATI Masonic Pyramid Hand Symbol. Even his studio chair displays the sacred masonic pyramid. He features a New Age Metal for Jesus “Sacred Warrior” uniform with patches of a pair of white wings and red sword. Their Jesus is a Michelangleo FREEMASON/ILLUMINATI re-imaging.

Not too after Mystikal’s Luciferian sex ritual video, he was arrested and charged with a sadistic gang rape and extortion of a female acquaintance. In theDeltaState, rape can be punishable by life in prison. In the case, Mystikal reached a deal and pleaded guilty to sexual battery. He was sentenced to 6 years in prison and did every moment of it with 5 years parole to boot. What is really odd about Mystikal’s sex case is that the victim, his 40 year old hairdresser, has never been identified or surfaced in 6 years.

It’s hard to say what happened. Whether Mystikal grew to believe that he was among the elite “Do What Thou Wilt” ILLUMINATI-Luciferian, free beyond the law, to sadistically sexual exploit and brutalize Black women, I can’t say for sure. Did Mystikal get away with his life unlike Stanley Kubrick for mass public exposure and publicizing secret Luciferian Sex Magkic Rituals? I believe that it may have been a factor.  

Nevertheless, Negroes in the rap game seem to come to believe that a little money and fame entitles them to real Luciferian-ILLUMINATI unnatural and ungodly power and privilege which is by its very nature historically have been restricted to race, blood, nobility and pedigree.  

“War is not the Answer!”- Marvin Gaye

In conclusion, I am lost in the musical genius and poetic justice and of Marvin Gaye left 40 years ago,

What’s Going On, Brother?

War is hell, when will it end,
When will people start gettin’ together again
Are things really gettin’ better, like the newspaper said
What else is new my friend, besides what I read
Can’t find no work, can’t find no job my friend
Money is tighter than it’s ever been
Say man, I just don’t understand

What’s going on across this land!

The United States has no legitimate governmental interest or congressional mandate across this land to assault and mass murder the Libyan people, yet in Libya, the U.S.military continues to be NATO’s primary force and the U.S. Taxpayers its chief financial benefactor.

Military operations in Libya have already cost U.S. taxpayers $664M as of May. It  is costing U.S. taxpayers $2M a day and $60M to carry on NATO’s illegal war of aggression in Libya.

The “IN OUR NAME” veil has been lifted from the Libyan Aggression. Through President Obama, the ILLUMINATI of  NATO  continue to plunge the U.S. government and people into moral, political, constitutional, financial collapse. ILLUMINATI puppet masters control President Obama, and across this land he is rapidly becoming an absolute mind controlled little tyrannical dictator of American democracy.

Yet across this land, most of the so-called peace activists, white liberal progressive communities and reactionary Black Folk and so-call Hip Hop Generation continue to act as the ILLUMINATI’s “MOCKINGBIRDS”.

They continue to yap on KPFA with the exception of “Guns and Butter” and Democracy Now, etc., the false and insidious storyline that Muammar Gaddafi is some kind of a demented brutal dictator killing his own people as a “justification” for the ILLUMINATI’s senseless, racial, costly and inhumane war of aggression against a sovereign and independent African nation on the other side of midnight.

The little ugly creepy sadistic-terrorist ogres, Berlusconi and Sarkozi, know very well what Obama really is, a Cyborg-part human-part machine. They created him. They pull his strings and push the buttons. He is a virtual cyber puppet at the absolute disposal of the puppet masters, the ILLUMINATI, not the American people.

When NATO attacked Libya, I went into a state of depression and reflection for a couple of weeks. I lamented over and over, how was it possible that this small African nation going to defend themselves against the might and power of the U.S. military. As I reflected back, I was reminded of profound wisdom from Brother Huey P. Newton before “Clockwork Orange”, Huey often said, “The Will of the People will Defeat the Man’s Technology.”   



[13] Id.       

[15] Id. At footnote 10


[24]Orlando Sentinel,September 11, 1998

[28]Id. At footnote 5





[40] Id.


[46] Id.














[65] Id.

[66] Id.

[68] Id. At footnote 1

[69] id.

[71] Id. At footnote 1

[72] Id.