21 10 2017



The American Civil War was fought from 1861 to 1865. To preserve the Institution of African Human Bondage, Confederates attacked Fort Sumter in South Carolina in 1861, shortly after President Abraham Lincoln was inaugurated. The nationalists of the Union proclaimed loyalty to the U.S. Constitution.  In the Great Civil War, the nationalists faced secessionists of the Confederate States of America, who advocated for state’s rights to expand African Human Bondage.

Four years of intense combat left 620,000 to 750,000 soldiers dead, a higher number than the number of American military deaths in all other wars combined. Much of the South’s infrastructure was destroyed, especially the transportation systems, railroads, mills and houses. The Confederacy collapsed, slavery was abolished, and 4 million Africans and their descendants were freed, but left to the wind, rain and snow.

Now, they want to start the destruction of the nation all over again. Play close attention to the secret Luciferian Masonic Brotherhood forces that Donald J. Drumpf are empowering under the veil and cloud of the U.S. government of America to try to divide and destroy it once again.



The new NFL ILLUMINATI spokesman continue to implant notions that the Black NFL players protests are causing the decline in viewership. It is an absolute falsehood. On Sunday evening, I was in one of my delusional states when I sat down to watch NFL Sunday Night Football expecting to watch a good game. My three grandchildren were in and about the house doing chores. It opened with Country and Western star, Dixie Land Carrie Underwood.  The NFL ILLUMINATI promotes in nausea and feed red meat to a Country and Western basejust like the October 1, 2017 False Flag Las Vegas Shooting. However, what struck and somewhat traumatized me about Carrie Underwood’s flaming red attire was the allusion to fire.

Hot Stuff, Harvey Cartoon Character

I wasn’t crazy. On the internet, Underwood, her attire and appearance are being described as “SO HOT” and “SHE’S ON FIRE.

It seemed as if Underwood was making a shocking mocking remark about the ongoing firestorms here in California traumatizing, scaring, harming and killing so many people. Flowered pants!

Then, it was the dress that shocked and traumatized me, again. I got the impression and illusion of her nakedness. The Red Nut or Cherry and lines on her dress boldly directed our eyes to her VAGINA. I suddenly, but quietly looked around to see if the kids were watching, particularly my 7 (seven) year old grandson. He asks a lot questions about what he sees. The kids were busy doing other things. Needless to say, I was so relieved. Watching NFL games and the Super Bowl was once a family affair.

Lady Gaga & Satanic Blood Rite

In 2017, there was a shark decline in ratings and viewers of the Super Bowl featuring the blatant Masonic/Satanic Lady Ga Ga. It’s the clandestine U.S. Military now led by Jesuit Priest General Dunford, and NFL Masonic/Satanic circles killing our love of the sport, not Black players on their knees. In addition, too many of us have come to the conclusion that the games are rigged.

The NFL ILLUMINATI have turned the game that so many of us loved into a bunch of conniving fake crisis actor football players on the take in Dixie Land.



“Donald Trump is a white supremacist who has surrounded himself with other white supremacists,” ESPN Sports Journalist Jemele Hill wrote on Sept 11, 2017.

Thursday, October 5, 2017, President select Donald J. Drumpf posed for a formal photo with his very pleased and comfortable all Lily-White confederacy of top military commanders of the U.S. Pentagon, and their spouses in the State Dining Room at the White House. Yes, these are the very people that should be on the ground in the front lines in PUERTO RICO, and the Virgin Islands with their sleeves rolled up working for all the people- Citizens of the United States earning their pay, rank and high honors. But, Old Angel Heart pointed to his dark circle of military leaders gathered around him and asked the small group of reporters standing before him: “You guys know what this represents?”[1] Tell us,” [what this represents?] shouted out one of the reporters unexpectedly summoned to witness this photo session. I say LUCIFER!

Maybe it’s the Calm Before the Storm,” the president replied. Reporters asked the president what he was talking about, WHAT STORM IS COMING?Could be the Calm Before the Storm,” he said a second time. One of the reporters again asked: “What storm, Mr. President?” He responded: “YOU’LL FIND OUT.”[2]

Those in attendance included to Drumpf’s right was General Joseph Dunford, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and his wife, and to his left, General Paul Joseph Selva, Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, U.S. Air Force. Selva was born September 27, 1958 (age 59) in Biloxi, Mississippi.[3]

Fervent Catholic Jesuit Priest (Army of the Pope)General Joseph F. Dunford, is in charge of the U.S. Republic (United States), Pentagon and the U.S. MilitaryU.S. Marine Corps Deputy Commandant General Joseph F. Dunford, Jr., the 19th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, is the nation’s highest-ranking military officer, and the principal military adviser to the President select Donald J. DrumpfSecretary of Defense, and National Security Council.

General Dunford also served as the Assistant Division Commander of the 1st Marine Division, Marine Corps Director of Operations, and Marine Corps Deputy Commandant for Plans, Policies and Operations. He commanded I Marine Expeditionary Force and served as the Commander, Marine Forces U.S. Central Command.[4]

The very scary dude with the white “Mr. Clean” flat top haircut, Dixie General Selva, standing directly behind Drumpf is a puzzle warped inside an enigma. His background before he joined the U.S. Air Force is deliberately veiled and shrouded in mystery. Born in Biloxi, MS, he appears to have been born in 1958 on WWII Keesler Air Force Base in the city. Part of his early youth, he was located in Indonesia (224 Jennings Street, 22919). There are no U.S. military bases in Indonesia.  However, there is a long persistent covert undercover military/intelligence CIA outpost and secret history of extensive U.S. involvement, interference, and operations in the country.[5]  General John Paul Selva, multi-generational CIA Knight? I certainly think that he is.

He attended Abilene Christian University (ACU), a private, non-profit university in Abilene, Texas, affiliated with Churches of Christ. Among their system of global missionaries in strategic countries of U.S. interest, they work clandestinely with the CIA.[6]  Selva also went to Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama. His wife, Ricki Smith, was most likely born in the farm/plantation country of West St. Louis, Missouri. She is also a graduate of the U.S. Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, Colorado. I would say that both were born of the Gone with the Wind “Dixie Land Cult”.


La Selva is a name associated with the word “wood.” Its origin lies within the ancient pagan German Goths that took down Rome in the 5th century AD. (History of the Ancient Germans; Cambri, Sueri, Alemanni, Franks, Saxons, Goths, Vandals, and other Northern Nations, London and Westminster (1738), pg. 442) The Goths were an East Germanic people, two of whose branches, the Visigoths and the Ostrogoths, played an important role in the fall of the Western Roman Empire, and the emergence of Medieval Dark Age Europe.[7] Selva’s family, whoever they may be, retained their warlike- warrior culture and identity in their name. Some of these people in the pentagon should be required to be examined by a team of psychiatrists and psychologists before they put their hands on the nuclear bomb,  and the U.S. Air Force HAARP- Weather Modification Warfare switches.

Do I believe that Angel Heart and his Dark Circle of military leaders were talking about the weather warfare “CALM BEFORE THE FIRESTORMS IN CALIFORNIA? Yes, Yes and YES! These people are not normal. In the next video, don’t worry if you do not see the sudden reflection of light in the first instance. I didn’t see it until a third or fourth time, but adjust your eyes for a sudden wide splash of light that ends in the northern California area around the starts of the firestorms. Someone suggested that it was the results of an electromagnetic impulse.

Two years ago in February and March of 2015, former senior national security officials of the Reagan and Clinton administrations warned that North Korea should be regarded as capable of delivering by satellite a small nuclear warhead, specially designed to make a high-altitude electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack against the U.S. According to the Congressional EMP Commissiona single warhead delivered by North Korean satellite could blackout the national electric grid and other life-sustaining critical infrastructures for over a year—killing 9 of 10 Americans by starvation and societal collapse. Two (2) North Korean satellites, the KMS-3 and KMS-4, presently orbit over the U.S. on trajectories consistent with defensive retaliatory EMP attacks.

Don’t get it twisted. I am in no way saying or implying that North Koreans are in anyway, shape or form complicit in the firestorms in Northern California. What I am saying is that there are a number of countries including the U.S. involved in Sky War high-altitude electromagnetic pulse (EMP) development and deployment.  If we can observe possible EMP coming from satellites, then other high technology nations know it, too.  With Drumpf and the Dark Circle in the White House with theirs hands on this technology, the entire world is on edge. We should be on edge and vigilant. Question everything! These people in the people’s White House are far more Sinister, Evil and Demonic than anyone can ever believe or even imagine.

Old Angel Heart has no plans to visit the firestorm areas or take any investigative or leadership role in restoring public order in California. If the North Koreans were suspected of complicity in any attacks on America, Drumpf wouldn’t be golfing while Puerto Rico drowned, and Northern California BURNED! 



Old Angel Heart and the Satanic Dark Circle have suddenly thrust global society into a sudden serious consideration of the ongoing covert research, development and clandestine applications of weather warfare technologies in the persistent sudden freakish catastrophic events that we face. He expects the world to kiss his Satanic ass, or face his evil wrath– all on the U.S. taxpayers’dime, and cloud of authority.

Adherents of weather warfare prefer to call it environmental modification techniques, ­or ENMOD. Corporate mass media has reported almost nothing about these secret aerospace and defense programs, or the technologies involved. Due to the mental illness and self-confessed wickedness of the leaders occupying the highest civil and military offices of this country, and the irresponsible catastrophic direction in which we currently find ourselves, society at large must take solemn concern of the clandestine weather warfare technologies in their hands.

“At an international symposium held in Ghent, Belgium May 28-30, 2010, scientists asserted that “manipulation of climate through modification of Cirrus clouds is neither a hoax nor a conspiracy theory.” It is “fully operational” with a solid sixty-year history. Though “hostile” environmental modification was banned by UN Convention in 1978, its “friendly” use today is being hailed as the new savior to climate change and to water and food shortages. The military-industrial complex stands poised to capitalize on controlling the world’s weather.”[8] 

 “In recent years there has been a decline in the support for weather modification research, and a tendency to move directly into operational projects.” World Meteorological Organization, 2007 [9]

For whatever reasons, at frame 22:04, aplanetruth  of the video above breaks out with Atlanta Is Burning. Suddenly, he came to me about a possible motive behind weather warfare being turned against its own civilians. The song is based in part on an event during the Great Civil War. It was written by Aubrey Holt of the Boys from Indiana. “I wrote (the song) in 1974 after watching the movie Gone With The Wind for the first time. I had heard so much about the movie and it certainly lived up to everything I had heard about it. It hit me really hard and the next morning I wrote Atlanta Is Burning.”[10]

Generally. On November 15, 1864Union forces led by General William Tecumseh Sherman depopulated and burned nearly all of the captured city of Atlanta, Georgia. More than 3,000 buildings (including businesses, hospitals, homes, and schools) were destroyed. The Atlanta Campaign aimed to cut off Atlanta’s vital supply lines that provided Confederate troops with reinforcements, ammunition, and goods such as clothes, first-aid medicines, and equipment. As Atlanta lay smoldering, Sherman and his troops began their audacious, infamous “March to the Sea,” a massive scorched-earth campaign that ended in the port city of Savannah, Georgia, on December 21, 1864.


Stephen Craig Paddock, the Gambler, law enforcement agencies can’t figure out a motive for the Las Vegas shootings, because there isn’t one. He was just a PATSY. As Jemele Hill said, the answer to the enigma of the puzzle of Paddock and the so called Las Vegas Massacre lies with General Dunford- General Selva’s U.S. DoD, and people that surrounds him. The Dixie Southern Belle, Tiffani Hill- Patterson, the professional sports journalist that setup Jemele on Twitter to be suspended from ESPN out of the University of Alabama said that RHETT BUTLER is the man- the South’s Legendary MASTER MASON.



Angel Heart’s White House Press Secretary, Daughter of the Confederacy, Dixie Sarah Huckabee Sanders, agrees with her. Sanders, “The last book I read was: Gone with the Wind.”[11] At an official May 10, 2017 WH Press Conference, she lauded the book. During the press conference, she informed the world that she named her daughter Scarlett in honor of Scarlett O’Hara, the heroine and Rhett Butler’s damsel of the book.[12] It was very deliberate and no coincidence, and these aren’t playing.

Sarah’s father and close associate of Angel Heart, Dixie Michael Huckabee, former Governor of Arkansas, is a notable and official member of the Masonic Sons of Confederate Veterans (SCV). The SCV is the direct heir of the United Confederate Veterans, and the oldest hereditary organization for male descendants of Confederate soldiers. Organized at Richmond, Virginia in 1896, the SCV continues to serve as a historical, patriotic, and non-political organization dedicated to insuring that a true history of the 1861-1865 period is preservedAFRICAN SLAVERY!

Dixie General Jefferson [Davis] [Confederate General] Beauregard Sessions III born in Selma, Alabama is the U.S. Attorney General. 


Dixie Christopher Wray, FBI Director of ATLANTA is a son-in-law of the Confederacy. He married into Atlanta’s powerful African enslaving and Confederate bloodline, the Howells. In 1861, Evan Park Howell (1839 – 1905) joined the infantry, enlisting in Georgia’s First Regiment. Within 2 years, Howell was promoted to first lieutenant.  He fought under Masonic Military Lodge member, Stonewall Jackson in Virginia. He fought in the Battle of Chickamauga and the Atlanta Campaign, in which he defended the city as a captain of artillery. On July 28, 1864, during the battle for Atlanta, he wrote his wife that one of grandfather’s slaves had joined him, to take care of him. He ended the war in Hardee’s Corps as captain of Howell’s Battery, Georgia Light Artillery. According to legend, he was there when General Robert E. Lee surrendered at the Masonic gathering at Appomattox Court House, VA. Upon his return, Howell farmed for two years, clearing and selling lumber on his father’s land near Atlanta, and bought a controlling interest in the Atlanta Constitution newspaper. On January 19, 1879, he personally interviewed General William Sherman. He asked General Sherman, why did he destroy [burn] Atlanta? (Frederick Allen, Atlanta Rising, Longstreet Press, Inc., Marietta, GA (1996), pg. VII)

Wray worked for large firm of King & Spalding in Atlanta. The firm’s founders, Alexander Campbell King, and Jack Johnson Spalding, are linked to Atlanta’s Gone with the Wind” prominent slave owning and Confederate families. Under Wray, the FBI has turned substantially to the dark side. Just 9 (nine) days before the Charlottesville Nazi and Ku Klux Klan March for Confederate General Robert E. Lee, Wray declared war on black people in America, the FBI’s Counter-terrorism Division has concluded that the real public threat in this country comes from the “black identity extremist” movement as if it was the secret Masonic Luciferian Confederacy assault on Reconstruction and African descendants all over again. Except this time, it’s done under the name, power and authority of the U.S. Government.

Louise Catherine Wooster (1842-1913) was the wealthy madam of an exclusive house of prostitution in Birmingham in the last quarter of the nineteenth century. Louise Wooster claimed to be the inspiration for Belle Watling, a character in Margaret Mitchell’sGone with the Wind” that was in love with Rhett Butler. While living in Montgomery, Wooster claims to have had a passionate romantic relationship with John Wilkes Booth during the first years of the Civil War.[13] Booth performed in Montgomery, AL during the time Wooster lived and worked there, so it’s possible their lives overlapped beginning around 1860.[14] She connects directly to President Abraham Lincoln’s assassin, John Booth, of Albert Pike’s secret Masonic Knights of the Golden Circle, Ku Klux Klan and the Underground Confederacy.[15] At least one source says that her sister, Maggie Wooster Bracken, that owned a brothel on the same block in Birmingham as her more-famous sister was a Confederate spy.[16], [17]

During the American Civil War, Rhett Butler was a gunrunner, gambler and international (world) traveller just the same as Stephen Craig Paddock. Scarlett O’Hara is a model for the post-feminist model of the 21st century. It was Rhett Butler that fed, financed, enabled and developed Scarlett. He saved her, dressed her and enabled her to move into another era of post-slavery America.[18]During his own time, he was known as the best man to bring order out of CHAOS- MASTER MASON.

There is a great deal of mystery surrounding the character, Rhett Butler, in Margaret Mitchell’s 1936 novel, Gone with the Wind. However, it is generally believed that the character of Rhett Butler was based on George Alfred Trenholm.

Order of Knights of the Golden Circle

She didn’t and wouldn’t reference him in the book because of secret billions of Lost Gold, British Secret Intelligence Service (SIS), , Scottish Rite Masons, the dreaded Masonic Knights of the Golden Circle,  and the Ku Klux Klan of the Confederacy were all still very much active in national and international espionage during the 1930s. George Trenholm (1807 – 1876) was an extremely wealthy prominent – powerful shipping and banking magnate, politician of the Confederacy, and served as its Secretary of the Treasury during the final year of the Civil War.[19] He subjected at least a 1,000 Africans in human bondage.[20] Trenholm’s amazingly successful, blockade running ventures had earned him today’s equivalent of well over one billion dollars in gold, making him both fabulously wealthy and enormously powerful. His ships sailed out of the ports of Charleston, Wilmington, Savannah, and even New York City.[21]

James Dunwoody Bulloch, who headed the Confederate Secret Service in Europe, actually worked out of Trenholm’s British Intelligence Liverpool London’s offices of Fraser, Trenholm, and Co. Mitchell mentions him in her book, saying that Scarlett’s husband had contempt for Rhettfor holding on to the Confederate gold, when honest men like Admiral Bulloch” had turned in thousands of dollars to the Federal treasury. Trenholm and Admiral Bulloch were infamous Confederate blockade gun runners.[22]

Judah P. Benjamin (1811 – 1884) was a powerful and wealthy Jewish strategist (House of Rothschild). He was a Confederacy cabinet member (Secretary of War and State) in the Civil War. He was a spokesman for African Bondage, and second in command of the Confederacy. Benjamin supervised the financial and supply relations to the British Empire (Royal House of Queen Victoria) and its ally, Napoleon III of France, and ran the Confederacy’s international network of Masonic spies and saboteurs. Family legend in Europe,  Trenholm moved in the circle and company of Empress Eugenie, Queen of France; and Empress Victoria, Queen of England that supported the Confederacy.  Benjamin’s secret service liaison man in England’s British Intelligence, and the Confederacy’s chief arms procurer there was James Bulloch.

The Lost Cause Rebellion of the Southern slave owners, which brought on the Civil War, was a British Empire-sponsored insurrection. The British supplied the arms used by the anti-U.S. insurgents, and coordinated the Confederate secret service activities in North America and Europe. They also commanded the irregular military operations of the Masonic Scottish Rite led by the great Luciferian Albert Pike. For the final three years of the four-year Civil War. James Bulloch worked under George Alfred Trenholm, Trenholm worked closely with Benjamin.[23]

August Belmont

They coordinated across the Canadian border with the Masonic Knights of the Golden Circle networks in Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, and Wisconsin, and with the Jewish Rothschild Banking and financing agent, August Belmont, leader of Democratic Party machine in New York.[24] Agents led by Jacob Thompson planned prison breaks, tried to burn down northern cities, and instigated anti-draft riots in which drunken mobs lynched black people and burned orphanages.

Chapter 322 Code 13-Mystick Krewe of Comus

The Confederate secret service operators accused of participation in the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln. Belmont, Pike, Benjamin, and Louisiana Senator John Slidell were initiated into the 33rd degree of an ultra-secret New Orleans’ Masonic society called The Mystick Krewe of Comus involved in ritual assassinations of U.S. leaders. ” “Killing of the King” is secret rite of passage into 33rd degreeIlluminati-Skull and Bones Chapter 322 Code 13-Mystick Krewe of Comus.[25],[26]

Albert Pike escaped and took refuge in Canada. Judah Benjamin fled to England, joining the exiled Robert Toombs and James Bulloch. The Confederate secret service bank (Royal Ontario Bank) in Montreal, Canada where gold from Britain was deposited for Benjamin’s crew, was the same bank in which Lincoln’s assassin John Wilkes Booth had made his deposits six months before the killing. The war was over, but the defeated Confederacy was transformed into the romantic [Lost Cause], an object of cultist reverence by author Margaret Mitchell, and Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the White House Press Secretary. Again, it was no coincidence.

During Reconstruction Anti-slavery congressmen pressed ahead with plans for Reconstruction, designed to break up the power of what was called the “chivalry,” the feudalist lords of the prewar South. In Tennessee, the pro-Union faction tried to increase its political strength by putting through a law, granting the right to vote to the newly freed blacks. The Knights of the Ku Klux Klan was a terrorist counterattack, beginning in Tennessee, designed to block Reconstruction and reverse the outcome of the Civil War. The Knights of the Golden Circle, Klan and the Scottish Rite were one and the same enterprise, continuing the imperial effort behind the slave owners’ rebellion. Pike, Benjamin, Toombs, Bulloch, Thompson and others of the Confederacy’s Masonic international network of Masonic spies, saboteurs, assassins and criminals were financed by Trenholm were all in exile at war’s end.[27]

At the end of the war, Trenholm and the Confederate cabinet were arrested for treason. But by November 16, 1865, Trenholm was released from prison in Georgia.[28]   Confederate gold refers to hidden caches of gold lost after the Civil War that Trenholm had control over, along with vast number of jewels that were collected for the war effort as shown in the film, Gone with the Wind. Millions of dollars’ worth of gold was lost or unaccounted for after the war and has been the speculation of many historians and treasure hunters. Allegedly, some of the Confederate treasury was hidden in order to finance a covert war (Knights of the Golden Circle) against the government, rise again of the South, and the Lost CauseSecond Civil War that is going on today.[29]

Both Rhett and Trenholm were Charlestonians and attended the Episcopal Church. Both lost daughters they loved. Both were branded as speculators and profiteers, and both owned hotels and invested in railroads associated with scandal. Many of Trenholm’s magnificent antebellum plantations and stately commercial buildings still stand. His opulent Charleston mansion, Ashley Hall, with its beautiful flying staircase, is now a private school for girls. Just as in the book, Trenholm’s home surpassed that of the Governor.[30]

Many slave plantation mansions of the Antebellum South were saved from burning and pillage by Masonic signs flashed to brotherhood Union soldiers and officers.  Trenholm’s Ashley Hall was one of those Big Plantation Houses saved by the Luciferian Masonic Sign“Rhett Butler” and “Gone with the Wind” are code words for the Rise of the South thru the secret Masonic Brotherhood of Fraternal Orders, and Greek Societies. 



World Traveler- Dixie Scott Edmisten

Dixie Scott Edmisten

Stephen Paddock of was/is a CIA gun runner. Within his circle, he had accomplices. Federal agents are trying to determine why a man pulled over for speeding in Tennessee was carrying a cache of weapons including two sub machine guns and 900 rounds of ammunition. Deputies found Dixie Scott Edmisten, 43, of Johnson City, Tennessee, carrying a .357-caliber Magnum, a loaded .45-caliber semi-automatic, a .223-caliber fully automatic assault rifle, a .308-caliber fully automatic assault rifle, more than 900 rounds of ammunition, and survival equipment, Washington County Sheriff Ed Graybeal said.[31] Edmisten’s arrest came a day after Paddock allegedly opened fire on a music festival from a high-rise hotel suite in Las Vegas. Many believe that there is a connection between Edmisten and Paddock. Edmisten has the hallmarks of a deep cover CIA agent.

Edminsten is also a world traveler like Paddock. He appears to be a Multi- Craft (Electrical Engineering Technician) Maintenance Technician for U.S. domestic NN Ball and Roller, Inc. Ervin, TN. NN’s global reach includes Geo- logistic sensitive countries, Germany, France, Poland, China and Brazil.[32],[33] His father Mack Edminsten was a highly decorated Vietnam U.S. Army Sgt. veteran. Scott appears to be a multi-generational U.S. military intelligence asset.[34] Reportedly, he won’t disclose anything to the police just like a highly trained military CIA intelligence operative (name, rank and serial number). Some believe that Edminsten had been in Las Vegas. They may have taken him out of circulation to protect him as an asset.

World Traveler- Marilou Dantley

Marilou Dantley Australian Passport

Marilou Dantley was double agent for the Australian Secret Intelligence Service, and CIA. Associated with Dantley of the Philippines, Paddock worked the Philippines CIA Station Desk running guns, and PIZZAGATE children. Dionne Waltrip of Fayetteville, AR said that her father, the former husband of Marilou, Dixie Geary DantleyTRAVELED THE WORLD” as an auditor for FedEx and met her overseas. In the Philippines, Marilou allegedly worked as tour guide.[35]

Lockheed Martin

Paddock was an also an auditorLOCKHEED MARTIN. Dantley worked for FedEx and Paddock worked for the U.S. Postal Service. A spokeswoman for the Office of Personnel Management told The Associated Press that Paddock then worked as an agent for the IRS for six years until 1984. Paddock then was employed as an auditor focused on defense contracts for the U.S. Defense Department for a little over a year, federal personnel records showed. Paddock worked in the 1980s for one of the companies that later combined to form aerospace contractor Lockheed Martin, according to the NY Times.[36] Lockheed Martin is an American global aerospace, defense, security and advanced technologies company with worldwide interests. It was formed by the merger of Lockheed Corporation with Martin Maretta in March 1995.[37]

Beating out Raytheon, Lockheed Martin was awarded a $914,699,474 contract on June 2, 2014 by the US Air Force to develop its Space Fence system design and deliver the first site, consisting of a radar and (Tesla Star War) Space Fence operations center. In addition to the radar arrays and on-site operations center, the Kwajalein Atoll in the Marshall Islands installation will also include an annex to the island’s current power plant to ensure continuous operation.[38]

In 2016, Lockheed Martin built a scaled-down version of the U.S. Air Force’s next-generation Star War space surveillance system in New Jersey as a way to test hardware and software for the Space Fence.[39]

According to multiple mainstream reports, Paddock graduated from Cal State Northridge in the late 1970s — a university based in the middle of the CA Aerospace Contracting Belt (read: next to Skunk Works and the Jet Propulsion Lab) that features strong, above-board recruitment and funding links to NASA and JPL dating back 40+ years.[40]

Defense Contract Audit Agency

Paddock was part of the covenant of secrecy of a blood oath secret brotherhood of freemasons and Scottish Rite of the U.S. Department of Defense (Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA) as well as Lockheed Martin, the U.S. Government’s largest military contractor. That’s the way they roll.

The Department of Defense DCAA division is one of a group of nebulous and multi-purpose investigative and enforcement agencies lumped together in the same department and budget heading, with reporting responsibilities directly to DOD Director Level. Alongside the DCAA exist sister agencies of the same classification, including the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), and the National Security Agency (NSA). From the DCAA, Paddock was a licensed pilot with at least two planes  that progressed to an internal auditing role inside a classified Lockheed Martinpredecessor company”, where he worked from 1985–89 on an undisclosed project.[41]

DCAA would include secret monitoring the funding for HAARP. The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) is an ionospheric control and weather modification research program jointly funded by the U.S. Air Force, Navy, and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), designed and built by BAE Advanced Technologies (BAEAT).[42] It is reasonable to assume that Paddock had top secret, classified military, FBI and CIA intelligence clearances. He had access to top secret black budgets, classified funding sources and spending categories that the U.S. President and Congress have no power to even see.  So, it isn’t unreasonable to assume that the people that surrounded him also had top secret military intelligence/CIA clearances including his alleged girlfriend, Marilou Dantley.

Central Intelligence Agency

Marilou Danley” immigrated to the United States under the name “Marilou Ocampo Natividad” in 1986, married Geary Danley in 1990 and took his surname. Prior to immigrating, Marilou was a known Muay Thai and Eskrina martial arts fighter under the alias, “Marilou Ocampo.Eskrima is a weapon-based Filipino martial art that has been around since at least the 15th century. It makes sense. Her first husband was known as an Australian boxer, Leslie Darcey. He was a former welterweight boxer and well-regarded local businessman. His wife, Marilou, was 25 years his junior and had become an Australian citizen after migrating from the Philippines.[43]

But one thing is extremely “SPOOKY“, the legendary Australian boxer Leslie “Les” Darcy died in 1917. Leslie Darcy has been dead for a 100 years. [44] Marilou became politically active in the late 1970s. As an elected local official in the mid-1980s, she became embroiled in the controversy over American development aid (U.S. AID) covertly provided by the CIA to promote pro American sentiment during the lead up to and in the wake of President Marcos resignation.[45]  The Philippines is the top recipient of American foreign aid among Southeast Asian countries, receiving $236.9 million in 2015. Unlike other donors, U.S. development assistance is channeled in the form of grants as opposed to loans.[46]

Dixie Carl W. Ford, Jr.

Researchers say they found Marilou Danley’s immigration records and she was sponsored by a CIA agent.  When she immigrated, she was sponsored by Carl W. Ford, Jr.  According to official U.S. State Department archives,

Dixie Carl W. Ford, Jr. was sworn in as Assistant Secretary of State for Intelligence and Research on May 31, 2001. Born in 1943 in Hot Springs, Arkansas, Mr. Ford graduated from Hot Springs High School in 1960, and after 2 years at Florida State University in Tallahassee, joined the U.S. Army. He graduated from Infantry OCS in December 1963 and a month later from the Airborne School. After a tour with the 29th Infantry Battalion, 197th Infantry Brigade, in Fort Benning, Georgia, Mr. Ford served in Vietnam with MACV from 1965 to 1966.

Having completed his tour in Vietnam, Mr. Ford returned to university and in 1968 received a B.A. in Asian Studies and in 1969 and M.A. in East Asian Studies. He rejoined the U.S. Army as Military Intelligence Officer and after graduating from the Area Intelligence Officer Course at Fort Holabird, Maryland, he served with the 525th MI Group in the Central Highlands of South Vietnam from 1970 to 1971. Upon his return to the United States, he was assigned to the Defense Intelligence Agency as China Strategic Intelligence Officer. Mr. Ford resigned his Regular Army commission in 1974 to accept a position as China analyst with the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). He also briefly followed developments in North Korea before being selected in 1978 as CIA Congressional Foreign Affairs Fellow. He served in the office of Senator John Glenn as legislative assistant for arms control and foreign policy.

In 1979, Mr. Ford left the CIA to become the professional staff member responsible for East Asia on the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations. In 1981, he was concurrently appointed as Senator Glenn’s Foreign Policy and Defense Issues Director. During Senator Glenn’s Presidential Campaign in 1984 he served as the candidate’s foreign policy and defense advisor. He returned to the CIA as the National Intelligence Officer for East Asia in 1985.

In April 1989, Ford was sent to the Department of Defense on loan from the CIA to serve as the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs (ISA) and concurrently Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for East Asia and the Pacific. He served as Acting Assistant Secretary of Defense for ISA from May 1989 until August 1989. In August 1991, Mr. Ford was again appointed Acting Assistant Secretary of Defense and served in that capacity until December 1991, when he assumed the concurrent duties of Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Near East and South Asian Affairs, while retaining his Principal Deputy portfolio until February 1993. Mr. Ford retired from the CIA in May 1993 after almost 28 years of government service to establish his own international strategic consulting firm, Ford and Associates, in Washington, DC.”[47]

Mr. Ford specialized in providing strategic and tactical advice to American companies such as LOCKHEED MARTIN, Boeing, and Raytheon doing business with the militaries in Japan, South Korea, and Taiwan.[48]

Everybody that surrounds Stephen Paddock is military intelligence and CIASPOOKS!” The Defense Contract Audit Agency (DCAA) has to be one of the most powerful agencies of the federal government. This is where they conceal the covert white budgets financing CIA and U.S. Pentagon secret armies, covert operations and projects like the 9-11 Inside Job, HAARP, Weather Modification Research and Warfare, and MK ULTRA- MONARCH Mind Control and Assassination Projects. This is where taxpayers’ dollars by the trillions drop into a virtual bottomless pit of graft, theft, corruption, and criminal fraud. The U.S. Defense Department’s budget is nearly $600 billion, but accounting malfeasances and missing funds run into the trillions of dollars. Nobody knows where the money is or went. Nobody is supposed to know! That’s the way the Masonic Brotherhood of Death and Secrecy rolls.[49]

Stephen Craig Paddock is one of the U.S. Defense Department and Pentagon’s key best friends, and most valuable trusted assets. He will be taken care of. And, whatever went down in Las Vegas needed Paddock’s longstanding creditability with the Defense Department and CIA as bait, carrot on a stick, to draw some very high level operatives into a trap.



Clintons, Route 91 Harvest & the Dixie Music Festival

The Dixie Route 91 Harvest is a country music festival that is held annually at Las Vegas Village in Paradise, NV.[50] The festival is promoted by Live Nation Entertainment. The president and CEO of Live Nation is the Royal Canadian MI-5 or MI- 6 Michael J. Rapino (Ashkenazi Jew) .

Rapino is a major donor to the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton FoundationRapino was also a major democratic donor to Barack Obama and friend of Obama’s White House Adviser Valerie Jarrett PIZZAGATE’s John Podesta, former chief of staff for President Bill Clinton, and Valerie Jarrett were key Obama White House advisers.

Bill Clinton & Jacques de Molay, 23rd- last Grand Master of the Knights Templar

At 15 years old, Dixie Bill Clinton walked into the York Rite Masonic Temple at 311 West Grand Hot Springs, Arkansas to sell his soul to the Baphomet.

He was initiated into the Confederate  Luciferian Masonic Order of Albert Pike.  Under Pike, Arkansas became the major South Branch of the secret Masonic Scottish Rite Knights of the Golden Circle, and the Ku Klux Klan. The Albert Pike Highway runs from Hot SpringsArkansas to Colorado Springs, Colorado.  Bill Clinton was initiated into the Hot Springs Chapter of DeMolay in Hot Springs, in 1961, where he served as Master Councilor. He received the Chevalier in 1964, and the Legion of Honor in 1979. Clinton was inducted into the DeMolay Hall of Fame on May 1, 1988. It may not be a per se Masonic Temple, but nevertheless, it is a secret demonic Masonic Order of the York Rite and Knights Templar.

Dixie Mafia and Carlos Marcello of Italian Mob

Dan Lasater of the Dixie Mafia was a convicted major cocaine distributor and a longtime good friend and associate of Bill Clinton. The Dixie Mafia is well beyond a handful of 1960s racist criminals in Biloxi, MS. It may go back to the 1920s and Carlos Marcello of the Italian Mafia linking his national/international criminal enterprises with what he called “Confederates” in New Orleans, Louisiana.

The Clintons are attractive on the surface. As Yale Law School graduates they have mastered the language and style of the mandarin class. It is only when you walk through the mirrors into the Arkansas underworld whence they came that you begin to realize that something is wrong. You learn that Bill Clinton grew up in the Dixie Mafia stronghold of Hot Springs, and that his brother was a drug dealer with ties to the Medilin Cartel. You learn that a cocaine distributor named Dan Lasater was an intimate friend, and that Lasater’s top aide would later be given a post in charge of administration (and drug testing) at the White House. You learn that Arkansas was a mini-Colombia within the United States, infested by narco-corruption.”

The Route 91 Harvest country music festival with the hand-prints of the Clintons all over it filed with the Dixie sons, daughters and sympathizers of the Lost Cause Confederacy was the perfect venue to attempt to pull off the Stephen Paddock False Flag Operation in PARADISE,  NV.

From Shamballa to Paradise

Agartha (sometimes Agartta, Agharti or Agarttha) is a legendary city that is said to reside in the Earth’s core. It is related to the Hollow Earth theory and is a popular subject in Esotericism. Agartha is one of the most common names cited for the society of underground dwellers.  Shamballa (also known as Shambalah or Shangri-La) is sometimes said to be its capital city. The mythical PARADISE of Shamballa is known under many different names: It has been called the Forbidden Land, the Land of White Waters, the Land of Radiant Spirits, the Land of Living Fire, the Land of the Living Gods and the Land of Wonders. Hindus have known it as Aryavartha (literally : The Land or Realm of The Aryans ; the Land of the Noble/Worthy Ones”) – the land from which the Vedas come; the Chinese as Hsi Tien, the Western Paradise of Hsi Wang Mu, the Royal Mother of the West; the Russian Old Believers, a nineteenth-century Christian sect, knew it as Belovodye and the Kirghiz people as Janaidar. But throughout Asia it is best known by its Sanskrit name, Shambhala, meaning ‘the place of peace, of tranquility. It is a paradise of tranquility only for the Aryan kings, nobles and worthy ones.

In their secret underground bases they have created sexual traumas to many women with horrible rapes, thus blocking the flow of sexual energy on planet Earth. They also created traumas to produce multiple personality disorders, using victims of this process as slaves.”

Stephen Paddock & Paradise Ranch

Paddock’s employer is listed as Paradise Ranch 21, LLC. He ran some type of office business out of the building listed as Paradise Ranch 21. It appears to be a joint venture of some kind for tax purposes. Each of these LLCs owns a portion of a conglomerate that developed a condo complex in Henderson, NV.[51]

Stephen Paddock owns a business right across from my building. It’s called “Paradise Ranch”. I always had a suspicion he may have sold hookers or something like that. Very high class business men with very cocky guards (never seen any guns on the guards) would enter in and out of there.”[52]

Cameron Freeman writes: ‘When we start to dig deeper into the background of the Las Vegas patsy, things start to get very dark. Given that he stopped working in the 1980’s after leaving the deep state defense contractor Thiokol, the most obvious question is how did Steven Paddock make his millions? We know he owned two planes and had a pilots license. And we also know that his main company since 2004 is called Paradise Ranch, a joint venture with the Philippine Children’s Fund of America, a CA charity that “”Provides a transitional home for American children we fly from the Philippines”. Now, strangely enough, there is also a Paradise Ranch in the Philippines, his partners home country.  And this Paradise Ranch is right next to a former US Air Force base in the Clark Freeport Zone in Angeles City – a very well-known site of large-scale sex trafficking, So the obvious question is, did Paddock make his millions as an ex-CIA pilot running a human sex trafficking ring out of the Phillipines? A Pedogate connection would explain a lot of the weirdness and evasiveness surrounding the official story here, hey?’ — Cameron Freeman I personally have not verified the above. There has been rampant speculation & rumor that Paddock may have been running guns for the FBI or CIA to ISIS, who has a stronghold in the Philippines. The observations above by Cameron suggest he may have also been running something else. #Pizzagate / #Pedogate / #ChildTrafficking[53]

Paradise Ranch in the Philippines not Paddock’s Paradise Ranch 21 LCC is a joint venture with Philippine Children of America. However, the name, “Paradise Ranch” is the important and significant detail to take note of. However, one of Paddock’s plane subsequently came under the ownership of John W. Rogers, 6544 Fairway Forest Drive, Roanoke, VA 24018 that also house Eternal Cry Youth Ministries.[54],[55],[56]

Dixie U.S. Air Force Lt. Col. Dr. John Rogers

Dixie Dr. John Rogers is a native of Mystick Krewe of Comus’ New Orleans, Louisiana.  His background is also veiled and shrouded in mystery. In 1997, Rogers married “Frances C” a listed resident of  6544 Fairway Forest Drive, in New Orleans. He attended Hobart College and earned his bachelor’s degree in physics. He then received his M.D. from the Louisiana State University School of Medicine in 1999. Dr. Rogers completed his internship in internal medicine at the Ochsner Foundation Hospital and Clinic in New Orleans.  He completed his residency in radiation oncology at Wake Forest University Baptist Medical Center in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, where he also served as chief resident. He received board certification in radiation oncology in 2006.

King of the Albert Pike’s Confederate Brotherhood Mardi Gras, Dr. Alton Oschner

Ochsner Clinic in New Orleans is a notorious CIA MK DELTA (Louisiana/Oschner), a sub project of MK ULTRA/MONARCH, facility founded by the former high level government, military intelligence/CIA- FBI operative, Dr. Alton Oschner, Sr. linked to the Assassination of JFK.  In 1948, he was named Rex, King of Mardi Gras Rex, the Mardi Gras krewe.

Dr. Rogers may be a U.S. Air Force pilot. He serves as a Lieutenant Colonel in the reserves of the US Air ForceLieutenant Colonel (Lt Col) is the second Field Officer rank in the U.S. Air Force. It ranks just above Major and below Colonel.  Dr. Rogers participated in basic science and clinical research related to multiple cancer sites with results published in several journals. He is an active member of the American Society of Radiation Oncology, the American Society of Clinical Oncology, and the Association of Military Surgeons of the United States.[57] Frank B. Vivian is listed as administrator, principal and owner of Eternal Cry Youth Ministries, 6544 Fairway Forest Dr., Roanoke, VA (vivianfrank.com).[58],[59] It is very likely that with Paddock’s former plane, covert runs through Paradise Ranch in the Philippines picking up PIZZAGATE children continued through Eternal Cry.

Marilou Dantley’s LinkedIn lists her as working as a “high limit hostess” at “Club Paradise”, Atlantis Casino in Reno between 2010 and 2013.[60] Most of the Las Vegas Strip is in “Paradise, Clark County” – including the Mandalay Bay, Luxor, Excalibur, and Circus Circus, all owned by Mandalay Resort Group.[61]

ZOOCOBIA- Paradise Ranch- Philippines- Similar 3 Powerpuff Characters

The specific name “PARADISE RANCH” is directly attached to a former section of U.S. Clark Air Force Base in the Philippines. Clark Air Base is a Philippine Air Force base on Luzon Island about 40 miles northwest of Metro Manila. The base covered 14.3 square miles with a military reservation extending north that covered another 230 square miles. The base was a stronghold of the combined Filipino and American forces during the final months of WW II and a backbone of logistical support during the Vietnam Aggression until 1975.  Following the departure of American forces in 1991, the base eventually became the site of Clark International Airport, the Clark Freeport Zone, and Air Force City of the Philippine Air Force.[62]

The U.S. Air Force facility commonly known as Area 51 is a highly classified remote detachment of Edwards Air Force Base in Nevada is also referred to as “PARADISE RANCH”.[63] Nevertheless, Paradise Ranch is a joint venture with the Philippine Children’s Fund of America, a Sacramento, CA charity with an office in Clark Field which looks after some 52,000 children of American fathers abandoned after the closure of US military bases. Provides transitional home for American children we fly from the Philippines.”[64],[65]



Eric and Stephen Paddock Transfixed Watching The Powerpuff Girls

Philippines? Stephen Paddock- Looks Like Tropical Shorts or Pants

Paddock is directly associated with the internet handle “pwrpuff78”. The Powerpuff Girls is an American superhero animated television series created by animator Craig McCracken for Cartoon Network over 20 (twenty) years ago. The series officially premiered on November 18, 1998, lasting 6 seasons until 2005 with 78 (Seventy Eight) episodes total- pwrpuff78. That means that both Eric and Stephen have both been in the clandestine CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH trafficking of children, and the mind control game a long time. I suspect that they used The Powerpuff Girls not only as a teaching guide, but also a ritual sexual trauma abuse sex slave programming guide for PIZZAGATE Philippine children that they flew out of islands.

Not much is really known about McCracken. His father died when he was 7 (seven) years old in Charleori, PA. Charleroi was named after Charleroi, Belgium. The family moved to California. Tellingly. He teamed up very tightly with the Russian Jew Genndy Tartakovsky, a fellow well known animator.  Is McCracken a Belgium Kabbalah Jew?

Genndy’s interesting. Tartakovsky was born in 1970, in Moscow, when Russia was still a Communist country. His father, Boris, was a government dentist who took care of the Russian hockey team at a clinic where he supervised dozens of other dentists. Tartakovsky recalled that one time his father had to work on a Russian Cabinet member while soldiers stood guard outside. Because of Boris Tartakovsky’s position within the government, the Tartakovsky family lived well—they had a three–bedroom apartment and ate caviar.  for breakfast. In 1977, Genndy  also at 7 (seven) years old moved to the U.S., the same age as McCracken when he moved to California. CoincidenceBoris and his family were granted political asylum in the U.S. by the CIA and U.S. Military Intelligence! Read more: http://www.notablebiographies.com/newsmakers2/2004-Q-Z/Tartakovsky-Genndy.html#ixzz4vvIeqvqM

The show centers on HannaBarbera Productions’ Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup, 3 (three) girls with superpowers, as well as their father, the brainy scientist Professor Utonium, who all lived in the city of Townsville. The girls are frequently called upon by the town’s childlike and naive mayor to help fight nearby criminals using their powers.[66]

McCracken is married to Lauren Johanna FAUST (born July 25, 1974) is an animator, screenwriter, director, and producer. She worked frequently with her husband as an animator on The Powerpuff Girls. She has worked with Cartoon Network Studios, Warner Bros., Hasbro, and Disney.[67] Is Faust a Kabbalah Jew? Her first husband Siberfein is a Jewish surname.

Mephistopheles, HIM, and Faust

In Medieval Germany, FAUST called on the Devil for further knowledge and magic powers with which to indulge all the pleasure and knowledge of the world. In response, the Devil’s representative, Mephistopheles, appears. He makes a bargain with Faust: Mephistopheles will serve Faust with his magic powers for a set number of years, but at the end of the term, the Devil will claim Faust’s soul, and Faust will be eternally enslaved.[68]

If FAUST didn’t matter, then HIM (Lucifer- the DEVIL) wouldn’t have made HIS appearance in the children’s series, The Powerpuff Girls, whose core target audience saw ages 6 (six) to 14 years old.[69]

HIM is a sinister, cross-dresser transsexual demonic villain who loves nothing more than CHAOS and DESTRUCTION. He is #3 in The Powerpuff Girls Top 10 list of archenemies. His first appearance was in season one of the 1998 version of the series in the episode Octi (October) EVIL.[70]

Professor Utonium (plutonium) created The Powerpuff Girls with Chemical X is a mysterious black substance that grants freakish supernatural powers. The professor’s lab coat represents Iatrogenic (doctor- medical technician) CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH chemical and trauma mind control programs.

Plutonium was injected into a comatose patient in Boston by the CIA MK ULTRA Neurosurgeon Dr. William H. Sweet, a member of the Harvard brain electrode team; plutonium was placed in the cereal of mentally handicapped children at the Fernald School in New England; 751 pregnant women were injected with plutonium at Vanderbilt University.[71] I discovered that plutonium may have been covertly fed to Black children in the Oakland United School District’s “SHANS”-School, Health and Nutrition Services project. The federal government has refused to respond to any of my numerous FOIA requests about OUSD and the SHANS’ program. [72]

Whatever happened in Las Vegas October 1, 2017 at Mandalay Bay Casino was real heavy stuff (weapons and PIZZAGATE children) that needed Stephen Paddock’s face and his established long term trust and credibility with the CIA and DoD for the deal to go down, or it seems sting or entrap a number of people- a criminal ring.  There was a firefight and busts at what appears to be several casino locations in PARADISE.

The guy with the white shirt and shorts carrying 2.5- 3 million dollars in casino chips looks like Eric Paddock. Don’t get it twisted. This is going on at the Tropicana while the alleged shootings at the Mandalay Bay are active.

Notice that one of members of the FBI team is carrying a large Yellow Ambulance Plastic Stretcher for somebody injured or dead. The false flag shootings at Mandalay Bay was a cruel cover for whatever large scale firefight, take-down or assassinations that went down in other casinos and Las Vegas while the Mandalay Bay Chaos took place at the same time. FBI causalities were moved out of casinos and Las Vegas under cover the mass 21,000 people diversion.

Whoever the FBI setup, took down and betrayed must have their own intelligence teams. Because, Paddock appears to be still alive.

Even a CIA CNN shrill like Tucker Carlson can’t make up a story to cover this S.H.I.T! If Paddock didn’t die in Las Vegas on October 1, 2017, he is certainly dead, now. Donald J. Drumpf is pushing America, and the entire world to the edge of Demonic Global Warfare, and Destruction.

[1] https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-politics/wp/2017/10/06/trump-gathers-with-military-leaders-says-maybe-its-the-calm-before-the-storm/

[2] Id.

[3] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_J._Selva

[4] https://mindcontrolblackassassins.com/tag/joseph-f-dunford/

[5] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CIA_activities_in_Indonesia

[6] https://www.intelligence.senate.gov/sites/default/files/hearings/ciasuseofjournal00unit.pdf, pg. 33

[7] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goths

[8] https://www.globalresearch.ca/atmospheric-geoengineering-weather-manipulation-contrails-and-chemtrails/20369

[9] Id.

[10] https://bluegrasstoday.com/the-story-behind-the-song-atlanta-is-burning/

[11] http://www.arkansasonline.com/news/2017/oct/15/sarah-huckabee-sanders-20171015-1/

[12] https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2017/05/10/daily-press-briefing-principal-deputy-press-secretary-sarah-sanders

[13] https://www.bhamwiki.com/w/Louise_Wooster

[14] http://www.al.com/entertainment/index.ssf/2016/04/meet_birminghams_madam_through.html

[15] http://www.bhamwiki.com/w/Louise_Wooster

[16] http://www.al.com/entertainment/index.ssf/2016/04/meet_birminghams_madam_through.html

[17] http://www.al.com/living/index.ssf/2014/11/confederate_spy_one-legged_gov.html

[18] Sheridan, Jayne, Fashion, Media, Promotion, the new black magic, Wiley-Blackwell, Oxford, England,(2010), pg. 42

[19] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Trenholm

[20] http:/ http://www.chab-belgium.com/pdf/english/Trenholm.pdf

[21] http://shipwrecks.com/the-real-rhett-butler-revealed/

[22] https://www.facebook.com/notes/e-lee-spence/the-real-rhett-butler/169051032511/

[23] http://www.genealogy.com/forum/surnames/topics/james/27889/

[24] http://theinfounderground.com/smf/index.php?topic=12227.0

[25] http://www.truedemocracy.net/hj33/04.html

[26] http://www.rense.com/general76/maa1k.htm

[27] http://www.genealogy.com/forum/surnames/topics/james/27889/

[28] http://www.chab-belgium.com/pdf/english/Trenholm.pdf

[29] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confederate_gold

[30] http://shipwrecks.com/the-real-rhett-butler-revealed/

[31] https://www.cbsnews.com/news/tennessee-traffic-stop-man-arrested-fully-automatic-weapons-ammunition/

[32] https://www.slideshare.net/ScottEdmisten/scott-edmisten-resume-2016

[33] http://www.nninc.com/about/locations/

[34] http://militarytributes.com/tribute/26#.WeLmNFtSyUk

[35] https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/04/us/marilou-danley-stephen-paddock.html

[36] http://www.foxnews.com/us/2017/10/04/las-vegas-shooter-stephen-paddock-had-government-jobs-bought-33-weapons-last-year.html

[37] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lockheed_Martin

[38] https://www.dutchsinse.com/12122015-large-pulse-of-radio-frequency-detected-coming-from-alaska-haarp-caught-in-action/

[39] https://www.facebook.com/GlobalMarchAgainstChemtrailsAndGeoengineering/posts/525417397666716

[40] https://medium.com/@hul10/las-vegas-shooter-linked-to-nasa-8ab3733ef991

[41] https://medium.com/@hul10/las-vegas-shooter-linked-to-nasa-8ab3733ef991

[42] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/High_Frequency_Active_Auroral_Research_Program

[43] http://www.couriermail.com.au/news/queensland/las-vegas-shooting-marilou-danleys-previous-life-explored/news-story/0db60577daa5dd297aa9e0e19294305c

[44] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Les_Darcy

[45] http://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/143944525/marilou-danley-update

[46] https://www.devex.com/news/top-development-aid-donors-to-the-philippines-2015-89091

[47] https://2001-2009.state.gov/outofdate/bios/f/3425.htm

[48] htthttp://www.cnn.com/2016/08/23/politics/us-army-audit-accounting-errors/index.htmlps://www.understandingdc.com/page-3/

[49] https://www.activistpost.com/2017/03/10-trillion-missing-pentagon-no-one-not-even-dod-knows.html

[50] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Route_91_Harvest

[51] http://boards.4chan.org/pol/thread/143900319/steven-paddocks-llc#p143904617

[52] http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message3660001/pg7?regp=bm9fMTUwODE3NjgwNA==

[53] https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2177474

[54] http://www.thedailysheeple.com/the-vegas-plot-thickens-the-connection-between-the-shooter-and-an-intelligence-agency_102017

[55] https://bizindex.pub-dat.org/Browse/Entity/1732354

[56] http://www.directionus.com/va/roanoke/eternal-cry-youth-ministries.html

[57] http://blueridgecancercare.com/physicians/john-rogers-md/


[58] http://kalystath.com/state.php?s=VA&p=497-20315055-20315104

[59] https://bizstanding.com/directory/VA/ET/16/

[60] http://www.sacbee.com/news/nation-world/national/article176519766.html

[61] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradise,_Nevada

[62] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clark_Air_Base

[63] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Area_51

[64] http://www.pinoykids.org/about_us




[67] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lauren_Faust

[68] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Faust

[69] http://www.retail-merchandiser.com/7-print/featured-content/575-cartoon-network-enterprises

[70] http://powerpuffgirls.wikia.com/wiki/HIM

[71] http://www.cchrnewengland.org/2009/09/11/the-cia-mind-control-doctors-from-harvard-to-guantanamo/

[72] https://mindcontrolblackassassins.com/2012/10/26/the-anatomy-of-an-oakland-political-assassination-the-bilderberg-group-trojan-horse-dr-marcus-a-foster/

[73] http://www.derechos.org/nizkor/filipinas/doc/cia.html

[74] Id.

[75] http://variety.com/exec/michael-rapino/

[76] https://www.therussophile.org/vegas-genocide-brought-to-you-by-the-deep-state-and-individuals-with-ties-to-globalists-communists-islamic-anti-gun-anti-american-sympathizer.html/#forward

[77] https://voat.co/v/Conspiracy/2170361


24 09 2017



On Tuesday, September 19, 2017, Old Angel Heart– U.S. President select Donald J. Drumpf addressed the United Nations, and the reviews are mixed. He talked about doomsday, groom; and the U.S. blatant slaughter and overkill of a significant number of people of color, the Asian Korean people, for a second time!  Why? The Korean people refused to be an American Colony.  They refuse to be dominated by White Satanic Nationalism warped inside an enigma of American Imperialism.

The first time, U.S. Air Force estimated that North Korea’s destruction during the U.S. war invasion, and aggression in the country from 1950- 1953 was proportionately greater than that of Japan in the Second World War, where the U.S. had turned 64 major cities to rubble and used the atomic bomb to destroy two others. American planes dropped 635,000 tons of bombs on Korea—that is, essentially on North Korea—including 32,557 tons of napalm, compared to 503,000 tons of bombs dropped in the entire Pacific theater of World War II.

The number of Korean dead, injured or missing by war’s end approached three million, ten percent of the overall population. The majority of those slaughtered were in the North, which had half of the population of the South; and possibly twelve to fifteen percent of the Korean population was killed, a figure close to or surpassing the proportion of Soviet citizens slaughtered by Nazis in World War II. And, they still came by one, by two, and the dozens, hundreds, thousands and fought over, and over again to drive their American aggressors across the 38th parallel military zone in Korea that they now call South Korea. 

My gentle and beautiful uncle, Chester, as a manchild had been constricted in the U.S. Army for the great slaughter of the Korean people to force them into American colonization.  The Korean Aggression had been his secret dark side that neither he or my family ever talked about it. But, he reportedly killed so many people in Korea citizens that he broke down mentally, and had to come home. At home, one evening confronted by just moments of human fear, he slaughtered at least three (3) people in Oakland- lost in trance combat flashback. As much as I loved Uncle Chester, he paid dearly for his crime against humanity, the Korean People. He lost his SOUL early in his life in Korea, and we lost part of ours for not speaking truth to ourselves, our families and to power about America’s aggression and injustice in Korea.

Why did America mass slaughter the Asian Korean people on the other side of the world and midnight following WW II?  They demanded to be free after the fall of Imperial Japan. From 1910, Korea had been a colony of Japanese Imperialism. The bottom line of the entire U.S. Korean Aggression was that the Korean people demanded to be free to determine their “own destiny” after being dominated by the Imperial Japanese for 35 years.   21st century Donald J. Drumpf is an extension of Imperious White Nationalist Colonialism that they will not bow down to.

Now, the world is beginning to take long serious notice of White Satanic Nationalism and Imperialism, Donald J. Drumpf, and his bombastic global rhetoric that threatens the future and ideals of free societies of the world. Jemele Hill may have spoke too much truth to power. Because, Drumpf is slowly and clandestinely putting in place secret dark societies to rule over the American people and the world tantamount to the Thule Gesellschaft and the Vril Society of Nazi Germany

Donald J. Drumpf and the Triangle of SATAN


A careful analysis of more than 100 photographs of President select Donald Drumpf sitting with various world leaders, celebrities, and journalists conclusively shows that the American leader often and indiscriminately uses the “TRIANGLE OF SATAN” hand gesture.[1] Four highly-regarded body language experts, including Dr. Lola Somatis of Duke University and Dr. Frank Caldaver of UCLA, examined the photographs of President Drumpf taken over a three-year period from June 2014 to May 2017.[2]

Look closely. He puts his fingertips together with thumbs touching, forming a perfect triangle. It’s startlingly blatant and so chilling Satanic. (Credit: DDP USA/REX/Shutterstock)

The results of their analysis have many political observers, as well as Christian religious scholars, worried and paying closer attention.

We observed Mr. Trump using the ‘Reverse Steeple’ or ‘Downward Prayer Position’ hand symbol in virtually every photo we analyzed,” said Dr. Somatis. “There is simply no other conclusion we can make other than that he is indicating his allegiance to Satan and signaling a vast global network of fellow devil worshipers, telling them that he is in position and ready to rain hellfire down on earth.”[3]

The Reverse Steeple and Downward Prayer Position are familiar to religious scholars because they take classic Christian symbols — a church steeple and the traditional upward position of the hands during worshipful prayer — and flips them over, placing them in the reverse direction. Downward.

Clearly sending Satan worshipers the signal while sitting with Prime Minister Theresa May of Britain. (Credit: VOANews.com)

Still others point out that the downward position of the pointed hands forms an arrow, indicating the direction that the fallen angel, the rebellious LUCIFER, took during his descent into HELL.[4]

President select Drumpf secretly directs his demon followers to put a hex on all the G20 world leaders last week in Hamburg. (Credit: Mirror.com.uk)

We Will Not Let Them Know About Wotan

We will of course not let them know about WOTAN.”  Paul Josef Goebbels

Chancellor of Germany, and the leader of the Reich Plenipotentiary for Total War,  Paul Josef Goebbels, said that the German people will not be told about WOTAN. Most scholars believe and maintain that Goebbels was one of the sane opponents of Hitler, Himmler, and Rudolf Hess’ fanatic Germanic Mysticism and Occult. That’s not necessarily true of Goebbels if he was in combination with HitlerHimmler and the elite inner circle Nazis hiding WOTAN from public view. What am I talking about?

Guido von List (1848-1919) was the first to combine German national socialism with the occult teachings of Theosophy.  List discovered Wotanism as a young teenager. Worship of Wotan, Wodan, or Odin, an ancient German god who is still memorialized in the USA as Wednesday or Wodan’s Day. According to his later account, he developed an early interest in the pre-Christian religions of Austria, coming to believe that the catacombs beneath St. Stephen’s Cathedral in Vienna had once been a shrine devoted to a pagan deity. He claimed that on an 1862 visit to the catacombs with his father, he knelt before a ruined altar and swore that when an adult he would construct a temple to the ancient god WOTAN.

List became known as a national socialist guru guiding a renaissance of the glorious Aryan past in Germany. He was also a self-styled master of occult socialism, claiming to be “the last of the Armanist magicians who had formerly wielded authority in the old Aryan world“. In 1908, List formed the Guido von List Society in part to promote his Ariosophist research and writings on the Armanen Order. List was fascinated by the Rune alphabet and wrote books on the subject. He was particularly infatuated with Alphabetic S-symbolism of the dual lightning-bolts that would later become the designation for Himmler’s SS. Two of his closest associates were Jorg Lanz von Liebenfels and Harald Gravelle. Gravelle was a leading Theosophist in Germany.

Lanz- Rule Over Dark Skinned Beastmen

In 1905, Jorg Lanz von Liebenfels  published his book Theozoölogie oder die Kunde von den Sodoms-Äfflingen und dem Götter-Elektron (Theozoology) or the Science of the Sodomite-Apelings and the Divine Electron) in which he advocated sterilization of the sick and the “lower races” as well as forced labour for, “castrated chandals” and glorified the “Aryan race” as “Gottmenschen” (“god-men“). Lanz justified his esoteric racial ideology by attempting to give it a biblical foundation; according to him, EVE, whom he described as initially being divine, involved herself with a   demon and gave birth to the “lower races” in the process. Furthermore, he claimed that this led to blonde women being attracted primarily to “dark men“, something that only could be stopped by “racial demixing” so that the “Aryan-Christian master humans” could “once again rule the dark-skinned beastmen” and ultimately achieve divinity. One year later, in 1905, he founded the magazine Ostara, Briefbücherei der Blonden und Mannesrechtler, of which he became the sole author and editor in 1908. Lanz himself claimed to have up to 100,000 subscribers, but it is generally agreed that this figure is grossly exaggerated. Readers of this publication included Adolf Hitler, Dietrich Eckart and the British Field Marshal Herbert Kitchener among others. Lanz claimed he was visited by the young Hitler in 1909, whom he supplied with two missing issues of the magazine.  in 1907 he founded the “Ordo novi templi” (Order of the New Templars).

List and Lanz were Masters of Thule Gesellschaft. Baron Rudolf von Sebottendorft was the Grand Master of the secret society. Hitler, Himmler, Goring, Albert Rosenberg, Dr. Karl Haushofer, Dietrict Eckart, Rudolf Steiner, and Dr. W. O. Schumann were among its major members that clandestinely took over highest public offices of the nation of Germany. The Thule Society was actually a secret Temple of WOTAN.

I often go on bitter nights
To WOTAN’s oak in the quiet glade
With dark powers to weave a union –
The runic letter the moon makes with its magic spell
And all who are full of impudence during the day
Are made small by the magic formula!

Above poem by Adolf Hitler, written in 1915 while Hitler was serving in the German Army on the Western Front. The same thing apples to Drumpf and his Dark Circle, they won’t tell you about WOTAN, either.

Closer to home, if by any chance, you may believe that this stuff is remote and irrelevant. Today, right this moment. The people closest to Donald J. Drumpf in the White House is Princess Ivanka and Jared Kushner. They are cult members of the late Seventh and Last Lubavitcher Rebbe Menachem M. Schneerson.

Soon after arriving in America on June 23, 1941 during WW II, Rabbi Menachem Mendel out of Italy was cleared by the FBI, OSS and Naval Intelligence to be hired by the U.S. Navy as an electrical engineer for an ultra secret project at the Brooklyn Naval Yard. The ultra top secret Project Rainbow started in the Brooklyn Naval Yard. It was a Nikola Tesla project involving Scalar Fields, or what is referred to as a Scalar Value of Zero or the Zero point energy of the vacuumVRIL ENERGY, and TECHNOLOGY. It was the infamous Philadelphia Experiment to make U.S. Naval warships invisible.  VRIL technology specialist Rebbe Menachem’s disciples are in the White House.


As president, Drumpf not only have his fingers on the button of nuclear weapons, but he plays the HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program). HAARP  describes an entirely new class of weapons. The U.S. Navy and Air Force joined with the University of Alaska, Fairbanks, to build a prototype for a ground based “Star Wars” [Weather- Earthquake/Mind Control] weapon system in the remote bush country of Alaska. The “Star Wars” weapon system is based on the original secret works of Nicolas Tesla. Let world renown and respected scientist, Micho Kako, tell you something about HAARP.

Only recently it has been exposed, if it is true, TeslaMaria Orsic ,Vril Society and the Thule Gesellschaft collaborated in developing VRIL technologies. America’s weapon of mass destruction is a VRIL Technology.  HAARP is a ground-based “Star Wars” weapon which has the capability to manipulate the environment in such a way as to change weather patterns, disrupt global communications systems, disrupt human mental processes, negatively affect health, and impact the Earth’s upper atmosphere in an unnatural and damaging way.

It can also create hurricanes that caused mass deaths, misery, displacement of ten of thousands, and destruction in Texas, Florida, Puerto Rico, and across the Caribbean. The entire island of Puerto Rico of 3.4 million people may be flooded, without running water and electrical magnetic power that may last for months. It is absolutely unusual and odd. It seems as if there is an electrical magnetic shield hovering over the island.  It is uncorporated territory of the U.S of primarily people of color. In its moments of human suffering, tragedy and peril, Donald J. Drumpf has deliberately failed to step up as this country’s commander and chief to aid its citizens. HAARP can cause earthquakes such as Mexico’s most recent human tragedy. Yes, I believe that Drumpf and his racialist dark circle are playing the HAARP.  For further study, I suggest reading Nick Begich’s Angels Don’t Play This Haarp, Advances in Tesla Technology (1995).

Oakland, CA, HAARP, MK ULTRA and the Jedi Killer

1988 Seabron Flenaugh, Jedi Killer

For the record, slain Black Death Angel [Zebra] Assassin, Ronnie Flenaugh, had an older brother, Seabron Flenuagh, Jr.  Seabron went to Oakland Technical High School with my older sister, and brother Huey P. Newton. He wasn’t radical. He appeared to be just another regular hard working brother of the community. He was a U.S. veteran that served his country with honor, but he was turned into a Monster- a black CIA MK ULTRA Manchurian Candidate by the U.S. shadow government as a tool to continually divide and polarize the races.

On June 24, 1988, Seabron, a security guard,  killed two (2), and gunned down four (4) people, all white, with a 357 magnum for no substantial reasons. Seabron had served in the U.S. Air Force for four years from 1961 to 1965, and worked for the U.S. Navy in San Diego as a civilian housekeeper for 12 years. Recall, the U.S. Air Force and Navy developed HAARP in Alaska. Following his arrest by the Oakland Police Department (OPD)Officer Gary Premavera testified in People v. Flenaugh (Case No. 890224) that from out of nowhere Flenaugh bellowed, “May the Force Be With You”,  then there was a long pause, and heavy breathing and release. The officers were rather stunned and dumbfounded by Flenaugh’s appeal to “The Force.”  He was without doubt deranged, but his reference to “The Force” was undoubtedly linked to George Lucas’ Star War Trilogy, and “The Force”. Jedi Knights were endowed with “the Force “. Jedi Knights were the heroes and guardians of the universe. Jedi Knights represented all that was justice, and righteous. For four (4) years, Seabron had disappeared inside Alaska. Just before Ronnie was shot and killed in Oakland in 1971, he had also disappeared someplace inside Alaska.  Yes, I believe that they were related to early HAARP mind control experiments.

In a civil lawsuit for damages against Flenaugh, workplace and his security firm, a couple of attorneys for victims wanted to know what Seabron did for the U.S. Air Force, Navy, and trace his mysterious whereabouts in Alaska.  When I got his civil case file, somebody had cleared all military and Alaskan references and links from the entire case file before they turned it over to me. Plus, San Francisco’s high profile- HollyWeird celebrity attorney, Melvin Belli, entered the case representing one of the victims. I knew Belli would block any of the victim’s attorneys from going in that direction.

In the infamous Star Trek TV series, Melvin Belli was the friendly Angel, Gorgan, in the 1968 episode “And the Children Shall Lead.” The newly orphaned space kids see Gorgan as their beneficent beneficiary until Kirk exposes him for what he is. The legendary Melvin Belli was one of the CIA’s most trusted courtroom wonders (Alex Constantine, The Covert War Against Rock, pg. 54). Belli got a personal Christmas note from the Zodiac Killer. He represented Sirhan Sirhan, Jack Rudy, and Jim Jones/Peoples Temple. In civil proceedings in the Peoples Temple’s bankruptcy, he argued that the relatives of the CIA Jonestown medical/mind control experimental victims shouldn’t get anything because they committed suicide.

CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH never surfaced in any of these cases. Belli represented HollyWeird’s suspected Nazi SS Gestapo spy, Errol Flynn, and the Estate of Emma Goering, wife of Herman Goering- Nazi military leader, Commander of the Luftwaffe, President of the Reichstag, Prime Minister of Prussia and Hitler’s designated successor. The Nazi-SS Underground used Emma’s yacht in Germany, Carin II, to meet. Goering was also an early member of Thule-Gesellschaft (Thule Society) and the Vril Society.



Right now, Drumpf and his dark circle are attacking legislative enactments and executive orders issued during the Obama era as if it was Reconstruction 21st Century. There have been very loud and vocal protests and unrest in St. Louis, MO after the acquittal of former St. Louis police officer Jason Stockley, who had been charged with murder in the shooting of a Black driver, Anthony Lamar Smith, and President Drumpf still hasn’t said anything about the racial divide in this nation.[5],[6]

Stockley told his partner of Smith, “we’re killing this motherfucker, don’t you know,” minutes before killing Smith. Stockley’s conduct immediately after making that statement was to instruct his partner to ram Smith’s vehicle, approach Smith’s car, and almost immediately fire five shots into Smith’s body, including one that forensic analysts described as a “kill shot” likely fired within six inches of Smith.[7]

State Prosecutors alleged that Stockley planted a throwaway gun that was found in Smith’s car. Judge Wilson of Missouri must have been sleep, drunk or just didn’t gave a damn. Stockley’s DNA was found on the gun while Smith’s was not. In a video, Stockley could be seen rifling through a bag in his police vehicle after the shooting, and he was seen returning to search Smith’s car before the gun appeared.[8]

Jeff Session Wannabe 2nd Civil War Confederate General 

Within hours of Stockley’ acquittal on Friday, September 15, 2017, U.S. Attorney General Jefferson [Davis] [Confederate General] Beauregard Sessions III of Deep South Alabama announced that the DOJ will be distinctly move in the “law and order” direction that President select Drumpf campaigned on. The DOJ’s new policy is designed to give local fraternal orders of police greater assistance and wide leverage (proactive policing) even if it resembles the old Black Codes, than critique and reform the police nevertheless citizens’ constitutional and civil rights.[9]

On Sunday, Drumpfthe Maniac, found time to retweet a GIF of him assaulting Hilary Clinton from the rear with a golf ball. A GIF is a digital image, static or animated in a standard format that your followers will be able to view from whatever device they access Twitter. That is a real crazy lasting image of a world leader gloating about a battery on a defenseless female from the back that is about to address the United Nations in a couple of days.

But, Jason Stockley, Police crimes and constitutional rights of citizens, execution of Anthony Lamar Smith, the racial-civil unrest and divide in St. Louis; just like his war crimes in Afghanistan, they can eat cake as far as the Mad Satanic Donald J. Drumpf and the dark circle is concerned.



September 17, 2017, Sunday evening, HollyWeird and the Emmys’ Awards show rolled out Donald J. Drumpf’s former White House Press Secretary, Sean Spicer, on the global red carpet.

Stephen Colbert, as if he had a license, brought him out on stage during the televised Emmys Awards ceremony for a laugh out. The studio audience clapped and laughed.


Sean Spicer & HollyWeird’s Kiss of Approval 

CBS Late Late Show host English actor, comedian James Corden planted Spicer with a brand of HollyWeird approval with peck on the cheek. If you hear people laughing and you’re not, you start to question if maybe there’s something wrong with you for not getting it. You might even impulsively start laughing just to fit in, not because you think anything is funny. In fact that’s exactly how this works — PSYCOPS. One person initiates a clap on cue and suddenly everyone thinks there’s something universally approving to clap for. And then everyone fall in line clapping together on the global stage.[10]

It’s was slick mass population propaganda trick. The entire Spicer-Emmys scenario was manufactured  to re-image and re-define Donald J. DrumpfsDark Karma” war criminal regime. Spicer belongs in Hague along with Donald J. Drumpf and his Nazi dark force-black sun band as global criminal suspects in the International Criminal Court for war crimes, and crimes against humanity.

Adolf Hitler, Antichrist– THE DARK MESSIAH

On April 11, 2017, Spicer talked about the Nazis, The Dark Messiah Adolf Hitler and mass population murder holocaust centers- concentration camps, while he was gloating in sheer arrogance of what the “dark force” of the White House had schemed to demonically use in Afghanistan just like the Dark Messiah and the SS secretly used on the Russians on the eastern front during WW II

On April 13, 2017 at 7:32 pm local time, U.S. Forces in Afghanistan struck an alleged ISIS tunnel complex in the Nangahar Province. What made this strike more newsworthy than most was the use of a GBU-43 (MOAB) known as the “Mother of All Bombs” in a civilian occupied province.[11] Corporate mass media news, the White House, Pentagon, and congress will not tell you the truth about the “Mother of All Bombs.” True, it isn’t necessarily called a nuclear bomb. However, you can call it a “race based (Untermensch Non Aryan) mass murder weapon” developed by the Nazi-SS that’s the next best thing to an ATOMIC BOMBThe MOAB also called the “Witch’s Cauldron” is a classified top secret project “Wunderwaffe” for “Wonder Weapon”. Wunderwaffe was a term assigned during WWII by the Nazi German propaganda ministry (Josef Goebbels) to a few revolutionary Nazi-SS “Super weapons” of mass human and environmental destruction.[12]

Sean Spicer, Little Goebbels, introduced the MOAB to the public like it was a butter spread across a piece of toast. He tossed it around our breakfast tables as easy as the day’s weather. Well, Little Goebbels didn’t misspeak the when he glorified Adolf Hitler as a WWII humanitarian that didn’t use chemical “Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD)” on his own people. Hitler did resist using WMD’s on his own people- Anglo/Aryan Europeans and their American and British Anglo-Saxon cousins. Jews and people of color don’t account for nothing.

September 17, 2017, Sunday evening, HollyWeird and the Emmys’ Awards clandestinely went dancing with a former White House “dark karmalittle Nazi, and his master, LUCIFER. Immediately when Stephen Colbert said, SEAN and I saw him coming from offstage, I turned the idiot box OFF as fast as I could get to the remote.



September 18, 2017, Monday afternoon, I couldn’t believe my lying eyes. Drumpf’s former Little Dark Figure White House Communication Director, Anthony Scaramucci (Mooch) of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), was also being normalized on mass media HollyWeird’s  TMZ adding his Satanicdeception” and “darkness” to popular culture.

On or about August 2, 2017, Mooch said that he will “Go DARK before re-emerging as me” following his dramatic resignation from the White House.[13] Normally, going dark means going incognito, in hiding, non-communicative. Going dark also describes a psychological feeling of severance with spirit or identity. But going dark and “re-emerging as me” indicates some type of transformation. Within the White House secret inner circle, “Darkness is good”, like going back to the DEVIL to reload and re-image himself for mass population consumption.[14]

Leonardo da Vinci’s (Apr 15, 1452 – May 02, 1519) use of the up-pointed (Disciple Thomas) finger challenge Christ Lord Our Savior in the infamous painting, The Last Supper (1495-1498). Da Vinci’s finger gesture pointing to heaven refer to the John Gesture, that is proposed to denote the universal Hermetic Motto, as above; so below”.

The Da Vinci Code claims that Christ married Mary Magdalene and had a family whose descendants are the Merovingian Bloodlines. Da Vinci’s works are often clandestinely symbolic – associated with ancient Rosicrucianism, Alchemy, and the heresy around John the Baptist. The pointing gesture of St. John toward the heavens suggests the importance of salvation through baptism (by blood) that John the Baptist secretly represents. Knights Temple were secretly connected to the Johannite Cult and Heresy that consider that John the Baptist was the “true Christ” and that Jesus was a Usurper of his true role and authority. Some argue, even the Baphomet of the Knights Templar is said to be directly related to the name, John the Baptist.[15]  The earliest Freemasons adopted Saint John the Baptist as their patron. It is worthy of note that the Grand Lodge of England was revived on Saint John the Baptist’s Day, in 1717 (Constitutions, 1738, page 109). The Scottish Freemasons always kept the “Festival of the Baptist” until 1737, when the Grand Lodge changed the time of the annual election to Saint Andrew’s Day.[16]



Gone with the Wind, Infamous PRISSY & BITCH SLAP 

On Friday morning, September 16, 2017, President Donald J. Drumpf tweeted this: “ESPN is paying a really big price for its politics (and bad programming). People are dumping it in RECORD numbers. Apologize for untruth!

On September 23, 2017, Drumpf attacked black people in general, and singled out Black professional athletes exercising their first amendment rights to protest racism peacefully, particularly, for insult and indignation. He called them out as a “Son of Bitch“- MANBEASTS, SONS OF FEMALE DOGS!

Bitch Slap from Miss Sarah in the White House

Southern Belle- Miss Sarah and Plantation White House 

Drumpf didn’t mention Jemele’s name, but the White House press secretary, Miss Sarah-  Huckabee Sanders, singled her and called for a Prissy Bitch Slap. When the folksy slow speaking Miss Sarah, a native of Hope, Arkansas with her southern ascent was asked about Jemele Hill, she said,I think that is one of the more outrageous comments that anyone could make,” Sanders said. “It is certainly something that I think would be a “fireable” [Bitch Slap] offense by ESPN.”[17]

Prissy- Oh Miss Scarlett, “I don’t nothing bout birthin babies

In May, 2017, a reporter mistakenly referred to Sarah’s daughter as “Charlotte.” It’s Scarlett. “Gone With the Wind”, she exclaimed, suggesting that her daughter’s name was inspired by the HollyWeird movie’s heroine Scarlett O’Hara (Actress Vivian Leigh), before gently chiding the reporter: “Come on, John.”[18] When it came to Scarlett, any offense against white supremacy on or off the plantation was dealt with fist and fury to keep enslaved Africans blindly subservient, even if their only offense was a desire to be FREE. And, exercise their God given rights of human dignity and FREEDOM.

ESPN is owned by some of the most vicious racist and dangerous people on the planet, Disney and Hearst. Walt Disney was a Bohemian paganWorshiper of the Owl and Molech. He adored the Dark Messiah, Adolf Hitler. According to the New York Times, in 1938, a month after the Nazi assault on German Jews known as Kristallnacht, Walt Disney gave Hitler’s personal filmmaker, Leni Riefenstahl, a tour of his studio. After the war, other than the U.S. military, he was a primary private corporate employer of Operation PAPERCLIP ardent Nazis-SS, namely SS- Sturmbannfuhrer (Major) Wernher von Braun, and Heinz Haber.

St. John Finger Gesture- One God- LUCIFER

At the symposium, Heinz Haber, PhD., presented a paper on Astronomy and Space Medicine. “Heinz Haber was a German Luftwaffe reconnaissance aviator until 1942. He worked for the Luftwaffe Institute for Aviation Medicine; In order to assess the risks faced by German air force pilots, the institute performed experiments on hundreds of inmates at the Dachau concentration camp near Munich. The inmates who survived these experiments were usually killed and then dissected.” During the 1950s and 1960sthe CIA loaned Heinz Haber to Walt Disney for secret mass media psychological warfare (pysops) projects. The Nazi Haber may have been the inspiration for the Disney character, Ludwig Von Drake

Hearst is also a Bohemian pagan organization. William Randolph Hearst was a member of the Bohemian Grove Oligarchy. Rest assure, the dragon snapped its tail to Bitch Slap Jemele Hill.

Recently 9/21/17 , Jemele Hill posted on Facebook with that MK ULTRA glare- nonsense insulting and demeaning her base of strong black men, “Some high heat from Very Smart Brothers. Worth reading and thinking about it“, Straight Black Men Are the White People of Black People, by Damon Young. So, homosexual and transgender black men are the heart, soul, backbone and future of black community! INSANE S.H.I.T. Don’t go there, down that rabbit hole with Jemele and Damon Young. Stay focus globally on Donald J. Drumpf, and the Dark Karma Circle silently taking over the reigns of the U.S. Government!

Damon Young– the Negro graduated from the private Canisius College in Buffalo, NY founded in 1870 by members of the Roman Catholic Society of Jesus (Jesuits) from GERMANY. It is one of 28 Jesuit institutions in the nation. He is a lost ritual black Jesuit that sold his soul to Lucifer.

Subliminal Implantation of Thule Black Racial Inferiority Complex

Zoologie is French for Zoology (animal biology). As for Jemele, if she hasn’t sold her soul to the DEVIL, she will, or go to the sullen place to be CLONED! THAT’S THE WAY THEY ROLL!


The Huckabees of Drumpf’s dark karma inner circle are full of pride for this country’s enslaving, and mass murdering Africans. That’s exactly what Jemele is talking about Drumpf surrounding himself in the White House with ardent white supremacists! The sharp and narrow focus on Drumpf and his dark circle is out there, and they can’t take it back. Jemele can’t take it back.

In the 21st Century in America- Miss Sarah’s Daddy is Proud to be a Son of the Confederacy

 Confederate Rebel Pride- Former Republican Governor of Arkansas, and 2016 Presidential Candidate, Michael Dale Huckabe

To you, Sons of Confederate Veterans, we will commit the vindication of the cause for which we fought. To your strength will be given the defense of the Confederate soldier’s good name, the guardianship of his history, the emulation of his virtues, the perpetuation of those principles which he loved and which you love also, and those ideals which made him glorious and which you also cherish.”

Lt. General Stephen Dill Lee, Commander General,
United Confederate Veterans,
New Orleans, Louisiana, April 25, 1906

Sarah’s [Miss Scarlett O’Hara], father, Michael Huckabee, is a notable member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans (SCV).[20] The SCV is the direct heir of the United Confederate Veterans, and the oldest hereditary organization for male descendants of Confederate soldiers. Organized at Richmond, Virginia in 1896, the SCV continues to serve as a historical, patriotic, and non-political organization dedicated to insuring that a true history of the 1861-1865 period is preserved. AFRICAN SLAVERY![21]

In March 2017, the alleged multi-million dollar federal bank (robber) defrauder, the Zionist Mystic, Zohar of the KabbalahU.S. Senator Bernie Sanders, called Drumpf a “Pathological Liar” with authoritarian ambitions. [22],[23] There doesn’t appear to have been a whimper about Sander’s outrageous comments from the White House Scarlett O’Hara or Donald J. Drumpf.

In June 2017, CNN conservative pundit, Ana Navarro called president select, Donald J. Drumpf, a crazy LUNATIC, “Listen, you ‘crazy’, ‘lunatic’, 70-year-old man-baby, stop it. You are now the president of the United States.”[24] Well, it appears as though being called a LUNATIC isn’t as offensive as being called a “white supremacist”, nor is it a “fireable offense by CNNIn Correia v. Santos (1961) 191 Cal.App.2d 844, the defendant called the plaintiff a liar, “insane in command” and so forth. The court held that the imputation of a want of integrity in one holding a private office of confidence or trust is slander per se (damages are presumed). Civ. Code § 46 is not restricted to those holding public office. 191 Cal.App.2d at 854.



Maxine Brown

At some point in 1963, Maxine Brown, a black registered nurse with impeccable credit, applied for an apartment at the Wilshire Apartments in Jamaica Estates constructed with taxpayers’ money.  Stanley Leibowitz, now 88, managed several Trump buildings in the 1960s and 1970s, including the Wilshire Apartments in Jamaica Estates. At some point in 1963, Maxine Brown, a black registered nurse with impeccable credit, applied for an apartment at the Wilshire.

She was calling me on a daily basis, wanted to know the status of the application. I had her checked out and she should have been accepted,” Leibowitz recalled. Leibowitz described what happened when he showed Brown’s application to Fred Drumpf while Donald was standing alongside his father. “I asked him, ‘What do you want me to do with this application?’ He said, “You know I don’t rent to niggers. Put it in your desk drawerDonald was alongside of him. He was maybe 16, 17 years old at the time. He was learning the business of his father. He was right at his side.” [25]

Brown and her friend Mae Wiggins filed a complaint with the New York City Commission on Human Rights, protesting the Trump practices. At this point, Donald Drumpf was working as part of the Trump Management Company, “touring construction sites in his father’s Cadillac, driven by a black chauffeur” as the New York Times reports. After the complaint, all of a sudden Brown was offered an apartment in the complex. Yet, the prejudice at Drumpf continued. State investigators in 1967 found that of the 3,700 apartments in Trump Village, only 7 (seven) were occupied by black families.[26]

In 2017, the FBI has released nearly 400 pages of records on an investigation the bureau conducted in the 1970s into alleged racial discrimination in the rental of apartments from President select Fred and Donald Drumpf’s real estate company. The files detail dozens of interviews the bureau conducted with Drumpf building tenants, management and employees, seeking indications that minority tenants were steered away from housing complexes. Records recount the stories of black rental applicants who said they were told no apartments were available, while whites sent to check on the same apartments were offered leases.[27]

On Memorial Day 1927, brawls erupted in New York led by sympathizers of the Italian fascist movement and the Luciferian Ku Klux Klan. In the fascist brawl, which took place in the Bronx, 2 (two) Italian men were killed by anti-fascists. In Queens, 1,000 white-robed Klansmen marched through the Jamaica neighborhood, eventually spurring an all-out brawl in which 7 (seven) men were arrested.

One of those arrested was Fred C. Drumpf (Trump) of 175-24 Devonshire Road in Jamaica for refusal to disperse. When news of the old report surfaced in 2016, Donald Drumpf vehemently denied his father’s arrest. “He was never arrested. He has nothing to do with this. This never happened. This is nonsense and it never happened,” he said to the Daily Mail. “This never happened. Never took place. He was never arrested, never convicted, never even charged. It’s a completely false, ridiculous story. He was never there! It never happened. Never took place.”[28] How does he know so certain about his father’s activities in 1927? He was even born! He doesn’t know.

Overt “white supremacy” and extreme racism would be consistent with Scandalous Fred’s character. It was even enough to hide his son behind the veil of it.



Steven Miller, Goebbels and the Fuhrer

It has been ordained by the Karma of the Germanic world that he (Hitler) should wage war against the East and save the Germanic peoples—a figure of the greatest brilliance has become incarnate in his person…whom men would regard in centuries to come with the same reverence that they had accorded to Christ.”—Heinrich Himmler

In a rather unusual heated argument with CNN’s Jim Acosta, Senior White House aide Stephen Miller told reporters the poem written by Emma Lazarus about the “huddled masses” was not part of the original Statue of Liberty. Miller said the statue was a “symbol of American liberty lighting the world” and suggested it had little to do with immigrants.[29]

Stephen Miller- Satanic White Nationalist Circle Hands Symbol

Stephen Miller is a white nationalist, and has been described as a rightwing troll. Miller grew up in a Jewish family in Santa Monica, California. He is the second of three children born to Michael Darrow Miller, a real estate investor, and Miriam (Glosser) Miller. On his mother’s side, he is descended from the Glosser (originally Glotzer) family of the “Hebrew German Society (Rodeph Shalom)” which arrived in the United States in the early 1900s, fleeing from Antopol in Belarus.[30],[31]

Antopol or Antipolia as it was known among the Jews regarded it highly because of its rabbis, famous for Torah and Kabbalah. In town lived the famous Kabalist Reb Moshe Zvi for forty-four years, from 1818 to 1862.[32] The Zohar (Hebrew, Splendor, radiance) is widely considered the most important work of Kabbalah, Jewish mysticism. It is a mystical commentary on the Torah (five books of Moses), written in medieval Aramaic and medieval Hebrew.[33] Undoubtedly, the Statue of Liberty undoubtedly meant only the “huddled masses” for Stephen Miller’s Kabalist Jewish Mystic ancestors fleeing Eastern Europe.

Michael Darrow Miller and Miriam Glosser, above, are reformists – liberal Jews of the Judaic faith. Michael D is board member of the Hebrew Union College, founded in 1883 founded by Rabbi Isaac Mayer Wise of the “Hebrew German Society (Rodeph Shalom)”.

“… [F]ormative ideas about universal ethics and social concern as the basis for religious practice were also reflected in the Pittsburgh Platform, which two of Wise’s students, Kaufman Kohler and Emil Hirsch, drafted in 1885. This authoritative platform for Reform congregations for half a century was unequivocally anti-Zionist and regarded most established Jewish ritual practices as coming out of an age that was ‘under the influence of ideas altogether foreign to our present moral and spiritual state.” What Jews were expected to draw from the “Mosaic law”—and by implication, its later Rabbinic glosses—was the “God-idea as the central religious truth for the human race.’ ”[34]

Politically, they are conservative racialist Republicans. Michael D. is a member of the conservative think tank, Claremont Institute. One of infamous staff and fellows of the institute is William John BennettBill J. Bennett.[35]

Bennett, who held prominent posts in the administrations of former presidents Ronald Reagan and George Bush, told a caller to his syndicated radio talk show Wednesday: “If you wanted to reduce crime, you could — if that were your sole purpose — you could abort every black baby in this country and your crime rate would go down.”[36] White supremacy or white supremacism is a racist ideology based upon the belief that white people are superior in many ways to people of other races and that therefore white people should be dominant over, and control other races. Don’t get it twisted. Bennett’s racialist ideology is far beyond domination and control of other races. It calls for the literal criminal extermination of black people in this country.

Apparently, the Claremont Institute and the Millers were/are in combination with Bennett’s pseudo racialist beliefs in black annihilation.

Columbia in an 1865, Asking the U.S. Government to Allow Black U.S. Soldiers to Vote not Enlightenment


Columbia (representing the American people) reaches out to oppressed Cuba not Enlightenment with blindfolded Uncle Sam in background; Judge Feb. 6, 1897; cartoon by Grant E. Hamilton

The Masonic Goddess Columbia is – Justitia Virtutum Regina (Latin) “Justice, the Queen of Virtues” (Latin) “Justice, the Queen of Virtues”.[37] French Grand Oriental Temple Masons brought her over to preside over these shores the veil andTorch of Reasonof Pallas Athena (Cybele) – the Statue of Liberty. In celebration of the centenary of the first Masonic Republic in 1884, the Statue of Liberty was presented to the Masons of America, as a gift from the French Grand Orient Temple Masons (Lodge Alsace-Lorraine, Paris).[38]

On July 4th, 1884, the finished statue was presented to the American Ambassador in Paris, Levi Morton. On August 5th, 1884, the then Grand Master of Masons in New York, William A. Brodie laid the cornerstone of the pedestal of the statue of “Liberty Enlightening the World” with full Masonic ceremony. Brodie (1841-1917) was a Scots-American businessman.[39]

The Masonic “Torch of Enlightenment” was also referred to as the “Flaming Torch of Reason“, by the Illuminati Masons in the 1700’s and in 1884, the cornerstone for the Statue of Liberty was placed in a solemn ceremony, by the Masonic Lodges of New York.[40]

Naturally, Stephen Miller’s view of the Statue of Liberty is that of the New York Columbian Masonic Order. “Fred Trump’s biggest contracts came from the federal government, but his political clout was more pronounced at home. He lunched with a downtown Brooklyn power-crowd known as the “Knights of the Round Table” and was a VIP at the Madison Democratic Club, the nerve-center of Brooklyn politics.”[41]

Fred and his son Donald Drumpf were political insiders of [Masonic] Tammany Hall through Brooklyn’s Madison Democratic Club. Tammany Hall, also known as the Society of St. Tammany, the Sons of St. Tammany, or the Masonic Columbian Order entangled and mired in racketeering, corruption, graft and patronage.



Early this month, September 2017, President select Donald J. Drumpf nominated Eric Dreiband, an attorney at Jones Day law firm, to take over as head of the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division, which was founded 60 years ago this week. Dreiband previously served at the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission under former President George W. Bush. Dreiband’s nomination  is opposed by civil rights groups that say he’s unfit for the job.[42]

Eric Stefan Dreiband is yet another scary figure of strange and mysterious dark karma of the Drumpf White House. I became rather uneasy and concerned when I first saw an image of him and a cold posture and distant demeanor in a news photo. He remained me of someone. But, I couldn’t figure out who until it woke me up in the middle of the night with dream images of Rudolf Hess.

Not much is actually exposed about Dreiband. He was born 9/23/63 in Indianapolis IN, son of Patricia (O’Connell) and Lawrence Theodore Dreiband. He is most likely a catholic. Eric attended the Catholic Cathedral High School in Indianapolis, received his undergraduate degree from Princeton University, Masters of Theological Studies Degree from the Harvard University Divinity School, and JD from Northwestern University School of Law.[43]

Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, is the oldest and most prestigious university in the United States. It was founded by Puritan settlers in the Massachusetts Bay Colony in 1636 as a college to train up a learned clergy. The separate institution of the Divinity School dates from 1816. During the 1800s, the theological department went Unitarian.[44]

Unitarians believe that Jesus was inspired by God in his moral teachings and is a savior, but a human being rather than a deity.[45] Undoubtedly, Dreiband was raised a Catholic and had been retained by the Archbishop of Washington, and Roman Catholic Church in a case against the Obama Administration.[46] The origin of the Dreiband surname is unknown, but it does appear to be of German- Eastern European origin.[47]

In 2008, Lawrence Theodore Dreiband, 68 years old, was associated with a (Iranian based?) Shema LL (Shema Stringer, NY) in Alexandria, VA when he was busted by the FBI for the illegal sales of 50 weapons after the revocation of his federal firearms license. He pled guilty, and came up dead in Maryland in 2009. [48],[49]

On this narrow focus, I am like Jemele Hill– WHO ARE THESE PEOPLE!


[1] https://extranewsfeed.com/body-language-experts-say-trump-often-flashes-triangle-of-satan-hand-gesture-5b592002c1e8

[2] Id.

[3] Id.

[4] Id.


[6] Id.

[7] Id.

[8] Id.

[9] http://www.stltoday.com/news/local/govt-and-politics/doj-shifts-from-collaborative-reform-doctrine-toward-trump-s-law/article_c3b1daa7-7dbb-5607-82d8-55ff0660460d.html

[10] https://medium.com/more-or-less/this-is-psychological-warfare-dc5beb8dde54

[11] http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2017/04/13/mother-all-bombs-moab-has-been-dropped-on-afghanistan-heres-what-it-does-and-doesnt-mean.html

[12] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wunderwaffe

[13] http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2017/08/02/anthony-scaramucci-says-going-dark-will-re-emergeas/

[14] https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2016/11/18/1601619/-Steve-Bannon-Darkness-is-good-Dick-Cheney-Darth-Vader-Satan-That-s-power

[15] http://www.whale.to/b/v_s.html

[16] http://masonicdictionary.com/stjohnb.html

[17] http://variety.com/2017/politics/news/espn-anchor-sarah-huckabee-sanders-1202557103/

[18] https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-politics/wp/2017/05/10/meet-sean-spicers-deputy-white-houses-sarah-huckabee-sanders-aims-to-charm-disarm-the-press/?utm_term=.9082246d8215

[19] http://www.scv.org/new/

[20] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_members_of_the_Sons_of_Confederate_Veterans


[22] http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/heres-why-the-feds-are-investigating-bernie-sanders-wife-jane/article/2627530


[24] https://www.yahoo.com/news/cnns-ana-navarro-calls-trump-crazy-lunatic-70-year-old-man-baby-181038919.html

[25] http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/donald-trump-dad-don-rent-n-s-1963-article-1.2774947

[26] http://newcenturytimes.com/2016/08/27/woman-exposes-how-trump-denied-her-housing-because-she-was-black-video/

[27] http://www.politico.com/blogs/under-the-radar/2017/02/trump-fbi-files-discrimination-case-235067


[29] http://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-08-03/trump-adviser-says-statue-of-liberty-poem-not-about-immigration/8770556

[30] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stephen_Miller_(political_advisor)

[31] https://rodephshalom.org/about/our-history

[32] https://www.jewishgen.org/yizkor/antopol1/ant001.html

[33] http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/the-zohar

[34] http://www.theamericanconservative.com/articles/jews-against-israel/

[35] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Claremont_Institute

[36] http://www.cnn.com/2005/POLITICS/09/30/bennett.comments/

[37] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Columbia,_South_Carolina

[38] http://www.sabbathcovenant.com/christianitythegreatdeception/TheHecateTrinity.htm

[39] http://www.phoenixmasonry.org/masonicmuseum/statue_of_liberty.htm

[40] Id.

[41] http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/05/donald-trump-2016-father-artifice-of-the-deal-213888

[42] http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/eric-dreiband-doj-civil-rights-trump_us_59b0230be4b0b5e53102fb4a

[43] http://www.jewett.org/jfa_backissues/jfa_quarterly_2001_2.pdf

[44] https://www.thenewamerican.com/reviews/opinion/item/10759-how-harvard-went-from-calvinism-to-unitarianism

[45] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unitarianism

[46] http://www.christianpost.com/news/trumps-justice-department-civil-rights-division-nominee-eric-dreiband-5-things-to-know-198177/

[47] http://www.zolynia.org/data/passenger-list-total-december-2008-acrobat.pdf

[48] https://alexandrianews.org/2008/courts-and-crime/alexandria-man-pleads-guilty-to-gun-charges/2172/

[49] http://www.genealogybank.com/explore/ssdi/all?lname=dreiband


5 02 2016



One day during the school year of 1998-1999, the principal of Fremont High School in Oakland suddenly cut in front of me with her car as I was walking to the cafeteria for lunch. I was working at the school as a long term sub. She rolled down the car window. She looked perplexed as she asked me a question, “WHO ARE YOU?”


After we argued for what seemed like hours, my dear elder, Dr. Marcus Foster, Superintendent of the Oakland Unified Public Schools confessed almost in tears that he had no power to overrule a ban out of Washington DC that prohibited me from becoming a teacher within the system. It wasn’t just that that frightened me the most, it was Dr. Foster’s face behind the mirror that I really faced. It was a face that I couldn’t see.


The Assassination of Dr. Marcus A. Foster

On November 6, 1973, Dr. Marcus A. Foster’s face was blown off his head, and heart blown out of his body by shotgun blasts by CROSSFIRE from a team of extremely high levelNATO (Gladio) assassins.


Revolutionaries not even Pretend Revolutionaries Wear COWBOY HATS

At times when the Oakland school district was in a push for teachers, I could slip through their secret White List Ban and earn an income as a sub for a least a year or so. I have never been fired from any job in Oakland. I have not been disciplined for any reason. I have not forged or faked any of my credentials. I have always obeyed and respected all laws. I have not been alleged to have been involved in any criminal conduct in over four decades. Yet, I am one of the few people that have an Alameda County Superior Court permanent injunction issued against me that prohibits me from ever applying for a job with the Oakland Unified School District.


Reporter Chauncey Bailey, I had known my dear brother and he knew me far longer than anyone realized. Chauncey was a different kind of brother. I often passed him on the street. He resisted making any eye contact paranormal communications with me as brothers of our era often did. He resisted even saying hello as if I didn’t exist or ever had existed. In Chauncey’s world, I existed yet I didn’t exist. Chauncey’s lack of acknowledgment of my very being (nothingness) didn’t bother me because it was only confirmation that we lived in two totally different realities and worlds. We couldn’t co-exist in the same time and space. Chauncey understood that as well as I. I knew the circles that groomed him. The people of that special inner circle all had (CIA, FBI, etc.) faces behind the mirror. Chauncey had a face hidden behind the mirror.


Luciferian Alameda County Superior Court Judge, Cecilia P. Castellanos

I also have an odd 2007 Alameda County Superior Court permanent injunction with the force of a million bayonets issued against me by a Luciferian Catholic/Jesuit? Judge that prohibits me from ever coveting the name, MOUNT ZION. She was evil, lowdown and vicious enough to direct county deputy sheriffs to attack me right there in the courtroom. She did it before to the brother of Charles Alex Gregory in the proceedings of his probate case. I wouldn’t cross the threshold of her courtroom. If they wanted me. They would have to come and get me. Her injunction is still broad enough to drive a fleet of trucks through and nobody will touch the case.[1] I had to meet this BEAST when I quietly, at the request of church elders, began to legally under the letter of the law activate, reorganize and manage a Black California Religious Corporation that may have had up to a billion dollars in hidden and stolen assets in and out of the country. The forces involved in the plunder and a pedophile ring of the church promised me DEATH.

This particular Black religious corporation turned out to be far sinister than I could have expected. It was linked directly to the Masonic order, and one of Oakland’s most elite ultra secret Masonic Homosexual/Pedophile rings. While I was working inside this demonic den to try to clean it up and recover some of the assets that belong to the people, Chauncey Bailey showed up in my office with a key to the front door. I shared my office space with a black activist preacher that turned out to be a FBI Ghetto Informant. He was a rare expert in railroad charters, tidal land acts, and public land trusts from a black and people’s perspective. I needed some of his expertise to hypothesize one theory behind the high level assassination of the “Man Nobody Knows”, Oakland’s Black Millionaire and Real Estate Genius Charles Alex Gregory.

The informant gave Chauncey a key to my office. I immediately picked up what I could carry and left. Chauncey wanted to know my office hours, so I started working in the office only on extremely odd hours like 1 or 2 am to the break of dawn.



A U.S. government MK DELTA black angel female assassin out of New Orleans directly linked to the zombie circle of Vacaville Little Prison of Horror and CIA MK ULTRA doctor, James A. Hamilton, and his Black Culture Association (BCA) mind control cohort group, gave me a tangled and cryptic warning about Chauncey. Chauncey was in serious trouble within his deep cover intelligence/counterintelligence inner circle. They were setting him up and they were planning to tie me up in the middle of it as a cover. I’m sure she figured out that I knew what and who she was. I certainty should have been had reasons to be fearful, but I was never afraid of my lost and abused sister. I had not given up hope for her.

Whatever resources, she had and depended upon to support left her in the middle of a river without a paddle with a legal case that nobody would touch. It involved a man that she appeared to have fallen in love with for the first time in her life. They had plans to be husband and wife for life. From listening carefully to her, she had to have been one of most unspeakable MK ULTRA demonic ritually abused child victims that I had ever heard of involving black people. She was reared in and around Voodoo New Orleans. She was extremely intelligent far greater than I understood. She had been attached to some federal agency in New Orleans that she would not specify.

The particular Black religious corporation that I was working on also had its origins in New Orleans and directly involved her very same surname and secret culture. The man that she had loved had been one of Dr. Hamilton’s MK ULTRA’s black zombies in Vacaville’s experimental behavior modification/mind control prison program. In fact, he had been the president of Colston Westbrook and Dr. Hamilton’s BCA. Part of the indirect funding of the cohort group may have come from the U.S. Navy through Stanford Research Institute (SRI) in Menlo Park, CA.[2] Dr. Hamilton‘s group was directly linked to Clique and the SLA– the public consumption pasties for the Assassination of Dr. Marcus Foster.[3]


It was Colston Westbrook , CIA Counter intelligence Agent of the Phoenix Assassination Program in Vietnam and Southeast Asia, that  designed the SLA’s logo (seven headed cobra), This cobra is also known as the Hydra in the secret societies. It was also a secret symbol of counterintelligence operation of the OSS.

The Assassination of Ronald T. Tsukamoto


On that evening of October 1, 1969,  I had been lured to the student union at UC Berkeley on the night that Japanese Berkeley Police Officer, Ronald T. Tsukamoto, was assassinated by black assassins.


Before it hit the news, state and federal black counterintelligence agents attached to undercover CIA Agent Colston Westbrook, chairman of the U.C. black studies department, told me that it had been people very close to me that assassinated Tsukamoto to tie me up in that crime.  I decried the assassination of my brother then and NOW. Even if our elders had granted us approval to step-up the struggle to an open armed offensiveBrother Tsukamoto would have been one to try to bring home to our side, not slaughter in the street in cold blood.

It was extremely hard to believe that anyone close to me murdered Tsukamoto. I was suspect from the very beginning, because everybody close to me knew that our mission was to build bridges and unity between the Black Nationalist Movement and our Yellow Brothers and Sisters, not destroy them. I had absolutely no idea of the extent and degree of federal and state counterintelligence infiltration within the ranks of the movement and personally surrounding myself. I just couldn’t believe that our own people would cold-bloodedly betray the people and go to that extent of murdering Brother  Tsukamoto to destroy the credibility and unity of Black Nationalist Movement.

Female Black Angel Assassin, Human Radiation Medical Experiments  & Colston Westbrook’s Black Cultural Association

To this day, I can’t recall how or why I met that black female government assassin. For cover, she ran a county funded prison reform program in Oakland. But, one day, she was there and I have always been loving and supporting of our sisters. Her one love had died under extremely odd and unusual medical conditions that nobody could figure out. I read and studied most all his medical records on public record. He died from massive internal bleeding, tissue and organ breakdown. All of his internal organs and tissues had turned into oceans of blood. It was like he had been bitten a thousand times by hemotoxin venomous snakes. Hematotoxins are toxins that destroy red blood (that is, cause hemolysis ), disrupt blood clotting, and/or cause organ degeneration and generalized tissue damage.[4]

I took the lead in her pro-se wrongful death and medical malpractice lawsuit against his doctors. I helped her respond immediately to numerous defense demurrers and summary judgment motions. We responded to every single defense pleading. I never asked for a single dime and didn’t expect one. That’s WHO AM I. Subsequently, I understood exactly what he had died from- massive radiation poisoning at Vacaville California Prison Medical Facility.

In response to the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments, Document 3 is a letter dated March 30, 1965, from Dr. James A. Hamilton concerning research under MKULTRA Subproject 140 (at that time renamed MKSEARCH # 3). The letter is requesting a grant to continue research on the “Measurement of Thyroid Function in the Puerperium.” 2 [The “puerperium” is defined as the state of a woman while bearing a child or the period immediately thereafter — i.e., the post-partum period.] The letter notes that the funding will also support “a new series of experiments on 100 prisoner-subjects, in which radio-active iodine uptake of the thyroid and T-4 uptake of red-cells, and several other measures which we have developed, are being related to previously studied variables.”

“… Dr. Hamilton has informed staff that the CIA provided him funds to set up and operate a laboratory Dr. Hamilton stated that he therefore set up a lab in the Vacaville California Prison Medical Facility and did radioisotope studies to measure thyroid uptake in male prisoners as part of his own research in understanding the effects of the thyroid on post-partum depression… He states that he did, however, provide information to the CIA on the effects of LSD and other drugs based on his clinical experience as a psychiatrist.”[5]

She began to realize that the real parties behind her love’s death was her maker, the CIA. I would have helped her go after the proper parties as a matter of public record, but she would had to reveal what she really knew about him, Dr. Hamilton, BCA and the CIA. It also involved an extremely large and dangerous West Coast [Oakland] Drug Ring linked to the Gambino Mob in New York. In the Black Community, Dr. Hamilton’s Boys operated as a secret Black Mafia.

The web of Dr. Hamilton and Vacaville also involved an in house Operation BLOODSTONE CIA/FBI intelligence/counterintelligence deep cover security specialist, Polish emigrant and SS Nazi, Dr. WILLIAM W. HERRMANN.[6] It was a deep rabbit hole that I had a slim chance if any of coming out alive. She would have broken her blood oath covenant of secrecy, and also lost her life if she told me a little of what she actually knew.

One day at an afternoon public outdoor music festival near my home, she crept upon my back then whispered in my ear that she can take me out anything she get ready. It was another tangled and cryptic warning to be careful. I was in far greater danger from a number of secret unseen forces than I could possibly realize. She had no intent to lift a hand against me.

The Assassination of Chauncey Bailey


On August 2, 2007, while walking up street from my office, Chauncey Bailey’s face was blown off his head, and heart blown out of his body by shotgun blasts by CROSSFIRE from a team of extremely high level seasoned assassins.


Chauncey was executed on one of Oakland’s main business thoroughfares  at 7:30 am during the morning rush hour. They say that Chauncey was killed by a lone 19 year old crackhead, Devaughndre Broussard. He was  so full of crack cocaine that morning, he couldn’t tell his ass from a hole in the ground. Yet, he allegedly pulled off the crime driving a BIG WHITE VAN with NO LICENSE PLATES in the middle of downtown Oakland during morning rush hour. THAT DOG WON’T HUNT.  It’s a giant RABBIT HOLE that needs a further investigation from the people. For further indepth information on the Chauncey Bailey Assassination, please read my series on Brother Chauncey under Princeray.


However, every Negro in Oakland that confessed to have been his friend knew that Chauncey always carried his brown leather briefcase with straps. Chauncey kept his closely guarded information on three or four 3 inch floppy drives that he kept neatly in pockets in his briefcase. I witnessed it firsthand, myself.He was working on sometime very sensitive involving people in high places, much-much higher and important, than the Black Muslim Bakery. He may have working on a story to bail himself out of trouble and ran out of time, AND FRIENDS. Not one of this so-called former friends and associates have shown any guts and the heart to demand to know from the power structure and police, WHERE’s THE BRIEFCASE? A witness said that he had it when he left McDonalds that morning just moments before he was assassinated. Some entity or the assassins removed his briefcase from the crime scene, and the Oakland Police Department didn’t account for it being missing, and wasn’t and still aren’t interested in finding it.

I have some other county injunctions  that prohibit me from attending to Black Folks’ business, but I am not sure or not if they have lapsed or not, but it will not take much to revive any of them against me. I virtually got a top brass police escort out of the city of Oakland, CA.

Well, I didn’t know how to answer the high school principal’s question, WHO ARE YOU. I figured that she had just been specially briefed about me before they could move/laundry millions through the school by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Maybe, I should have asked her or them, “WHO I AM?”



A couple of weeks ago, I discovered that my beautiful elder sister, Dr. Frances Cress Welsing, passed to the other side. Philosophers say that it is better to have loved, than never to have loved at all. What’s love got to do with it? Since the beginning of time, philosophers have known that true LOVE is the glue that holds the stars and universe together. In my eyes for decades, she had been a harbinger of TRUTH. I had loved her as a sister like nobody knows. As the bluesmen say, losing a love, sometimes- we have to walk the backstreets and cry in order to get by. However, fate took a strange twist this time. Again, there was a person behind the mirror that I didn’t see or refused to see. I have discovered that Dr. Frances Cress Welsing and the secret House of the Third Reich that she was associated with- had a great deal to do with making me WHO I AM.


I had first met Dr. Welsing during the 1970s in Los Angeles. I met her through Attorney Legrand H. Clegg II. Brother Clegg is one of the few Kemetic scholars that has attempted to connect and enlighten the masses with the wonders and splendor of Kemet from a Black Perspective. Clegg produced the fantastic and profound “The Clegg Series,” that featured lectures and videos, “When Black Men Ruled the World”.[7]

During that time, Sister Welsing made regular visits to the Los Angeles area to meet with various Kemetic and Melanin scholars like Brother Clegg to further the interest and discussion of Kemetology in the elite scholarly Black Community. At that time, I was only a law student grunt– a Field Hand as Who I am today. I didn’t have any House Negro credentials, family pedigree or professorship to any university to be among these exceptional black scholars. I in no way was on any first or last name basis with any of them except Brother Clegg. I worked with him at a criminal justice legal aid office in the heart of Watts– deep Southeast Los Angeles.


Outstanding African Scholars, Brother Clegg, Ivan Sertima, Majied Mahdi, Runoko Rashidi, Compton College, CA, 1982

Brother Clegg was a lawyer and an outstanding African scholar. I learned a great deal from him. He tried to convince the elite predominantly pedigree House Negro Lawyers in the office to pay attention to the contributions of Black people to civilizations of remote antiquity. He constantly invited them to Black Melanin and Civilizations group meetings led by some of the country’s most elite black scholars in the field like the Late Great Ivan Van Sertima. When Brother Clegg spoke about the meetings, my ears were always open. I always invited myself in on the meetings.


I was always excited when I heard my beautiful sister, DC Psychiatrist Frances Cress Welsing, was in town. I loved my beautiful elder sister so much- maybe a little too much. It was always a THRILL to ride alone with her and pioneer in new frontiers that unchained our minds and lift, lessen the burdens of the hearts of the people.  In In her early lectures, Dr. Welsing was the first person that opened my eyes to the secret U.S. government’s AIDS [Green Velvet Monkey] virus genetic and biological warfare program against people of color. From that day on, I followed her closely. I bought her lecture tapes, and all her books. Unfortunately, she didn’t further develop the AIDS genetic and biological warfare paradigm. Yet, I had surmised that she would be out of job and possibly lose her life if she ventured too far into the ultra top secrets of the government in the heart of the BEAST– Washington DC.


Usually WHO AM I, I always sat in the back of the group soaking up the knowledge. During one of the meetings, I did stand up to interject a question to Dr. Welsing about the Cress Theory, Ramses II and the Sea People invasion of Kemet during the 19th Dynasty. The great pharaoh and his armies killed the invaders by the tens of thousands. The pharaoh’s texts identified some as “white skinned, blond, blue eyed people” –Europeans from the Aegean Area, Anatolia, Central/North Europe and Italy. It is interesting that these people wore DEVIL horned helmets whenever they attacked, invaded and tried to conquer Kemet.[8]


I told my sister that the white genetic annihilation theory had to be adjusted somewhat. If white people were afraid of genetic annihilation by the Blood and DNA of black people, it didn’t make any sense for Europeans to keep trying to invade Canaan, Kemet and Africa throughout the period of remote antiquity. It didn’t support the Black Civilization Paradigm or her universal “Cress Theory” model. Don’t get it twisted, I in no way attempted to challenge my much-loved sister. I supported the Cress Theory, wholeheartedly. It wasn’t like a point of reference from one scholar to another scholar. It wasn’t anything like that. That wasn’t WHO I AM. Being a student of Huey and Bobby, I just inserted myself into the middle of the conversation as a field hand and member of the Black Community trying to naturally expand the study and discussion of her theory to make complete sense of it among the masses.


That evening, she didn’t have an answer, but she did subsequently try to adjust the theory somewhat to try to address the Black Civilizations antiquity issue and the issue of white fear of black genetic annihilation during early civilizations-“When Black Men [and Women] Ruled the World”.

WHO AM I & the Queen’s Bar

In about 1976, I lost access to this inner circle of exceeding and outstanding Black Scholars when I was quietly eased out of my job at the criminal justice center. The justice center had dedicated a majority of its resources to address police brutality and misconduct issues in Watts.


“Without slavery there would be no cotton, without cotton there would be no modern industry.” Karl Marx [9]

The center’s model of addressing police executions, brutality, violence and misconduct was based on a National Lawyers Guild (NLG) model. The NLG was a Communist Party front dedicated to building and expanding its power base among the masses. Don’t get it twisted, we weren’t afraid of the Communist Party. But, as Karl Marx insinuated, “without inferior black people, there would be no white supremacy and a new world order” whether communist or capitalist.

The guild had developed a great deal of influence over the policies of the center. My model of fighting police brutality and misconduct was based on a Black Nationalist Perspective. I fought to organize the people around resistance; criminal prosecutions of police officers; forming a real citizen review board and place the entire LAPD under federal court receivership to immediately guarantee the protection of the constitutional rights of citizens of color.

The president of the NLG worked at the justice center. I worked very closely with him, mainly because despite the threats, he seemed to have had no fear in working with me and going toe to toe with the LAPD. However, his overall view was that Black people could have a revolution in this country, but they (Communist Party) had to control it. A vital tenet of Black Nationalism is that “We Determine Our Own Destiny”. We welcomed their help, support, resources and expertise, but not on condition that they determine our destiny or control the struggle.

The justice center was primarily financed by the city of Los Angeles. The mayor, former police chief Tom Bradley (1973-1993), told our program director that the city would no longer fund the center to lead a Black struggle against its police department. The NLG could and did stay, but I had to go. The secretary staff was shocked and upset at what went down. They told me that it was the first time in program history that a law student had been eased out of job like what happened to me. I had graduated from law school. Graduating law students within the center were always as a matter of policy reclassified into a paid office associate while studying for the bar exam. The associate then moved into a staff attorney position after passing the state bar exam.

The sisters had tears in their eyes as they said farewell, but the house Negroes in the office hid their faces. I was somewhat disappointed but not disheartened. The LAPD had to be one of most atrocious, repressive and deadly police forces in the country. There was no doubt. I had been very afraid for everyone on the street involved in the front line against the city and law enforcement terror in the community. These people didn’t play games. We didn’t play games, either. I had black helicopters flying over my home, and over our community meetings to constantly intimidate and terrorize us.

We lost one good brother that we loved. After he passed, his family members were afraid to talk about it or reveal any details of his death. He died under some very suspicious circumstances as I was told from the street. He had been a former heroin addict and police informer. He crossed over to our side. I know that his Love for the People was genuine. They killed him for betraying them, when they pushed him to betray us. That’s the way they roll. But our love for this courageous brother and his example shall never die.

In the struggle, you must expect the dragon to roar. If you don’t make that dragon scream, rise up and snap its tail, you’re not being effective. However, I must say that in Los Angeles, it didn’t take too much for the dragon of repression to snap its tail when the people rise up against the establishment on any level. I also virtually got another lonely police state one-way ticket out of the city of Los Angeles, CA.

WHO AM I, The Welsing AIDS Paradigm & Henrietta Lacks


Since the 1970s, I had diligently pursued the Cress Welsing’s AIDS [Green Velvet Monkey] virus genetic and biological warfare paradigm. From among one of the country’s leading AIDS virus genetic and biological warfare public advocates, Dr. Alan Cantwell, I discovered an important postulate about He-La Cells [Henrietta Lacks] that had the potential to be a game changer that could move the conscious of the global masses, as long as we controlled the narrative from a basic Black Perspective.

In late 1993 or early 1994, I packaged and formed the postulate along with detailed references to the book, Michael Gold’s “Conspiracy of Cells: One Woman’s Immortal Legacy and the Medical Scandal It Caused”, and a copy of Alan Cantwell’s book, “Aids and the Doctor’s of Death”. I had postulated that the Lacks’ family had no interest or patent rights to the He-La Cells [Henrietta Lacks] that could be worth millions if not billions of dollars in the 1990s. I sent out two packages. One was sent to Washington DC asking that my dear sister, Dr. Frances Cress Welsing, be ever so kind enough to just inquire into status of the Lacks’ family in nearby Baltimore. Once, I got back some basic answers, then the planning and strategy could begin.

Again, WHO AM I? I was not and never have been on a name-to-name basis with Dr. Welsing. Don’t get it twisted, I loved my wise sister and it would have been a great honor if it had been so. But, it wasn’t. She knew me no more than a man on the moon. Of course, I introduced myself and my past association in Los Angeles with brother Legrand H. Clegg II where I first met her. Nevertheless, I didn’t receive even an acknowledgement of receipt or thank you note at the very least. As one of our beloved MA’AT scholars and professionals, I expected but should have demanded an accountability to the PEOPLE.

In October 1994, I was walking pass an Oakland city newsstand. I spotted it. “Henrietta Lacks: An Unsung Hero,” Emerge Magazine 6, no. 1 (October 1994) by Harriet A. Washington of Harvard University featured very prominently in a street window. My package had been turned over to the Medical Ethics Department at Harvard University Medical School. The Harvard Medical School is a CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH institution.[10]

Since WWII, the CIA and Pentagon have secretly funneled special interest medical research materials from the Nazis (SS and Gestapo Dachau Mescaline Interrogation Experiments) to the Harvard Medical School for classified analysis and special operational planning through MK ULTRA/MONARCH programs.[11] Henrietta Lacks became the center subject of two landmark books, Harriet A. Washington’s Medical Apartheid: The Dark History of Medical Experimentation on Black Americans from Colonial Times to the Present (2006); and Rebecca Skloot’s The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks (2010).

Harriet Washington had a fellowship from the Harvard School of Public Health. In 1997, she won a John S. Knight Fellowship at Stanford University, and 2002 was named a Research Fellow in Medical Ethics at Harvard Medical School. Medical Apartheid won the 2007 National Book Critics Circle Award for non fiction.[12]

Rebecca L. Skloot is a freelance science writer who specializes in science and medicine. Her first book, The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks was one of the best-selling new books of 2010, staying on the New York Times Bestseller List  for over 2 years, eventually reaching #1 and optioned to be made into a movie by Oprah Winfrey.[13]

According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH) director Francis S. Collins and deputy director Kathy L. Hudson, they developed an unusual landmark agreement with Henrietta Lacks’ descendants in 2013. After several discussions with the family, the NIH agreed to control access to the full HeLa sequence data and to include two members of the Lacks family on the HeLa Genome Data Access Working Group at NIH. The agreement does not provide the Lacks family with proceeds from any commercial products that may be developed from research on the HeLa genome. But, from what I understand, they did receive some form of compensation from the state of Maryland or other sources prior to the agreement.[14]

However, my plan was for the family to meet with a team of concerned professionals, copyright, patent lawyers and experts before going public or contacting John Hopkins. They don’t even have any copyright protections to the Henrietta Lacks’ story or image. They still have no interest in the HeLa patent worth costless millions in past and future profits. As you see, the Henrietta Lacks story had been a potential game changer worth millions and so much more to her family and Black community that has continually been victimized and targeted for clandestine and unwitting human medical experimentation violating the Nuremberg Code, if we had controlled the narrative. Part of the Black narrative of the Henrietta Lacks story left out is that she was part of the U.S. government’s secret mass human guinea pig human radiation experimental program of the 1950s. Her human rights were violated three-fold. They shot her up with what seemed to be a massive experimental amount of radioactive material. They killed her, then harvested her cells for vast profits when they in turn became radioactive and began to split and multiple on its own (immortally) after the death of its host for the first time in history.

I have no proof that Dr. Welsing turned the materials over to Harvard. I loved her so that I never questioned her. WHO WAS I to question her. So LOVELY on an island have I been since October 2, 2010 when my THRILL and love for my sister was publicly declared- GONE (see The Commercial Exploitation of Henrietta Lacks: MK ULTRA & Revision of U.S. Human Radiation Experimentation History).  But in this case, the hurt became very special and personal, AND SO CLOSE TO MY HEART AND SOUL THAT BECAME A PART OF WHO I AM.

You know I’m free, free now …
I’m free from your spell
Oh I’m free, free, free now
I’m free from your spell
And now that it’s all over
All I can do is wish you well.


The Buchenwald Touch, Frances Cress Welshing & the DC Children’s Hospital


The bottom line is that Dr. Welsing was a [Anna] Freudian/Marxist U.S. government (Tavistock) psychiatrist like the vast majority of her colleagues.[15] She was trained at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital in Washington DC from 1963 to 1966. From 1966 to 1969, she was on staff at DC Children’s Hospital.


They Just Walked Away From Forest Haven

“[DC Children’s Hospital] They’re killed one day at a time because people don’t pay attention and then no one finds out the real cause of death.”[16] Sadly, part of the DC Children’s Hospital was the D.C. Training School in Laurel, Maryland, called Forest Haven. “This place seems like the saddest version of Hotel California because mentally disabled children and adults were checked in, but could only check out by dying. Forest Haven history is dark and demented, full of epic abuses, criminal neglect and atrocities like rape.”[17]

Children at DC Children’s Center were used as human guinea pigs for both private industry and the U.S. government. Forest Haven Children were injected with radioactive iodine. Seventeen (17) Laurel Center children were used to study thyroid hormone metabolism in children.  The children were injected with thyroxin mixed with radioactive iodine to aid doctors in tracing a body process.[18]

Among the experiments at the center was the testing of NeoBazine, a diet pill, commonly referred to as “rainbow pills.” They contained thyroxin, which caused tremors, nervousness, insomnia, and tachycardia. Children were used to test diseases, and test a drug for skin diseases, which doctors strongly suspected caused serious side effects to the human liver. More than half the children tested suffered some liver dysfunction. Eight were admitted to D.C. General Hospital for intensive care.[19] That’s only a small part of the horror story at DC Children’s Hospital. It was also a MK ULTRA/MONARCH mind control experimental site that nobody seems to care about.[20]

Frances Cress Welshing & St. Elizabeths Hospital


They Just Walked Away and Abandoned St. Elizabeths, Too

Dr. Welsing said that she began writing about racism while training in psychiatry at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital. In taking down the medical histories of patients, Dr. Welsing said she found that among Black patients at St. Elizabeth’s racism always played a pivotal role in their malaise.[21] St. Elizabeths was a Federal Hospital Facility for the insane in Washington DC. It was created in August 1852 when the U.S. Congress appropriated $100,000 for the construction of a mental hospital in Washington, D.C.; to provide care for indigent, mentally ill residents of the District of Columbia, as well as for the insane of the U.S. Army and Navy.[22]

Secret U.S. Government Ritual Trauma Abuse Based Mind Control programs were directly developed under the direction, control, influence and collaboration of NAZIS. The programs included Project CHATTER (established 1947), and BLUEBIRD (also established 1947), which operated for about two years, 1949 through summer 1951. Joining the CIA in Project BLUEBIRD was the U.S. Army, Navy, and Air Force. Since WWII, St. Elizabeths Hospital in Washington DC had been used as one of the U.S. government’s most notorious secret underground Nazi Ritual Trauma Abuse Based Mind Control Houses.[23]


 St. Elizabeths Hospital: Den of Luciferian Freemasonry and Mind Control


Since the 1930’s, St. Elizabeth Hospital had been run by Luciferian Dr. Winfred Overholser. Overholser was a Mason; received 33°, honorary (SJ) in 1957. He was awarded the coveted Gourgas Medal, highest decoration of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Northern Jurisdiction. He was raised in Siloam Lodge, Westborough, Massachusetts in January 1918. He was a member of Aleppo Shrine Temple, Boston, and National Sojourners at Bethesda, Md. He was demitted (honorable withdrawal) from Jerusalem Chapter No. 8, Royal Arm Masons, N.Y.C., and Boston Commandery No. 1, Boston, Mass.[24]

Dr. Overholser was an OSS agent, fluent in the German language. He was an inner circle family member of the secret House of the Third Reich. He was the overall leader of MASONIC secret research into mind-control. He was the Scottish Rite Strategist of mind control. In 1938, they financed expatriated Nazi Jew, Psychiatrist Franz J. Kallmann’s schizophrenia studies. Kallmann’s so-called scholarly American study was used by the Nazi government’s T4 unit as a part of its pretext to begin in 1939- the murder of mental patients and various otherDEFECTIVEpeople, many or most of them children. Lethal gas and lethal injections were used to kill 200-250,000 under this program, in which the T4 staff were desensitized and trained for a broader program of mass murder.[25]

Dr. Overholser & the Dachau Experiments


In 1943, cold blood ardent Nazis, Luftwaffe Physiologist Hubertus Strughold and SS-Sturmbannführer Dr. Kurt Plötner began conducting secret mescaline experiments at Dachau Concentration Camp to develop a “Truth Interrogation Drug” for Himmler and the SS.[26] OSS or military intelligence agents received classified information about their secret “Truth Drug” experiments on prisoners in Dachau. In that same year, at St. Elizabeth’s Hospital, Dr. Overholser, was assigned the OSS chairmanship of the agency’s own “truth drug” committee to explore the Nazi’s secret program. Dr. Overholser’s team executed their own clandestine mescaline “truth drug” interrogation trials in association with Mafioso Meyer Lansky. Overholser’s team secretly administered mescaline to various unwitting test subjects and victims.[27]

Dr. Overholser & Operation PAPERCLIP Nazis


In the fall of 1945, Dr. Overholser and an another inner circle family member of the House of the Third Reich, Dr. Webb Haymaker, above, (also fluent in the German language), at the Army Institute of Pathology (later the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology) began their study of Mussolini and Nazi gray matter.[28]


In 1947, Strughold, out of Dachau Concentration Camp, and almost his entire Nazi brain trust were smuggled into the U.S. under Operation PAPERCLIP. He became a close friend and colleague of Dr. Haymaker. They co-authored a book and co-developed the Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT) from CIA ideas to use radiation to affect brain centers. They consulted with Dr. Haymaker on this. Boron is injected, and a neutron beam aimed at it in the brain set off a “tiny nuclear explosion.” Most of the patients of the Boron experiment died- their brains were fried.[29]

In America, Dr. Strughold continued to murder people and carry out highly classified grisly and barbaric experiments on unwitting human beings. He continued to turn people into his medical research guinea pigs. In one such radiation experiment, a 43-year-old comatose man received eight injections to the brain of radioactive titrated thymidine (a crystalline nucleoside, CHNO, one of the basic components of DNA: used chiefly in biochemical research) over a six month period with the last injection being given four hours before he died.[30]


The Unknown Man is Boris T. Pash
Dr. Haymaker had also been an early deep cover U.S. National Security Advisor. He was an associate of Boris Pash, head of CIA assassination teams.[31] In 1948, Pash was an official army representative to Operation BLOODSTONE. The operation involved recruiting the SS and Nazis, East European Nazi émigrés and fascist collaborators to be smuggled into the country to become highly classified deep cover clandestine intelligence/counterintelligence CIA agents of paramilitary operations, murders, kidnapping, dirty tricks, wars and assassinations.[32]   One of the creatures created by the CIA was a unit called the Health Alteration Committee, which was directed by Dr. Sidney Gottlieb and Pash. This group conducted experiments with mind-altering drugs, lethal viruses and exotic poisons that could kill without detection. In an interview with the New York Times in 1975, E. Howard Hunt claimed that the head of the CIA assassination unit was Boris T. Pash.
The Man Without a Face, Sturmbannführer SS Kurt Plötner 
Dr. Strughold’s partner in war crimes and human rights violations at Dachau, Kurt Friedrich Plötner (1905 –1984), was another extremely dangerous fervent Nazi that joined the SS as a physician in the 1930s, reaching the SS rank of Sturmbannführer (Major). And even though he was a notoriously dangerous vicious racist and homicidal SS officer war criminal placed on the taxpayers’ payroll, there doesn’t seem to be any pictures of him in the public domain.


In 1944, he was given Nuremberg Tribunal condemned war criminal Dachau physician Sigmund Rascher’s role as head of the “Department R” of the ultra secret Ahnenerbe project for carrying out experimental work on living subjects. Plötner’s work in the concentration camps came to the attention of Boris Pash.[33] OSS agent Pash and U.S. Naval intelligence officers like Lieutenant Charles Savage, discussed below, as early as 1945 recruited him, and permitted him to continue his secret interrogation research for the U.S. Government.[34]


Nazi Luftwaffe Physiologist Dr. Theodor Benzinger

Both Haymaker and Overholser were Operation PAPERCLIP recruiters of Nazi and Japanese war criminal physicians, neuropathologists, physiologists, neurologist, and psychiatrists.[35],[36] Dr. Strughold was also a clandestine Operation PAPERCLIP recruiter. One of his associates was physiologist Dr. Theodor Hannes Benzinger. In 1945, he was among the first Nazis smuggled into America.[37]


Herman Goering’s Luftwaffe Air Ministry Inspectorate office was headed by Surgeon General Erich Hippke. Under the air ministry, Dr. Strughold headed the Aero medical Research Institute in Berlin. Dr. Benzinger was in charge of the air ministry Experimental Station of the Air Force Research Center in Rechlin just outside of Berlin.[38] In Dachau Concentration Camp, Strughold and Benzinger conducted secret experimental terminal human guinea pig medical high altitude and interrogation drug tests for both the Luftwaffe and the SS. In some instances, it was shown that Benzinger had collaborated directly with Himmler on some specific experiments and tests on human subjects.[39]


 The Thule in America



Eighteen days before the Russians stormed into Berlin in pursuit of Adolf Hitler and start the final assault on the Nazi State, President Delano Roosevelt was pronounced dead April 12, 1945 from poisoning in Warm Springs, Georgia. Violating Georgia state law, no autopsy was performed on the President, as his body was rushed back to Washington DC for a quick funeral service, and then burial in Hyde Park, New York.[40]

As early as 1944, the OSS had pushed President Roosevelt to sign on to a clandestine program code-named ‘National Interest’ to bring Nazi scientists, including a convicted Nazi war criminal, and East Europeans involved in covert operations into the U.S. as a safe haven. President Roosevelt refused to authorize the program.[41]

Operation PAPERCLIP and no other program that allowed Lucifer’s Servants safe passage, haven and a secret base to operate in America didn’t have a chance to be pushed through or by the Roosevelt Administration, and particularly Eleanor Roosevelt, if she had discovered it. When Eleanor Roosevelt found out about the program in 1946, she LOUDLY publicly objected and decried the program.[42]


President Truman & the HIDDEN HAND Behind the White House

32° degree Freemason Harry S. Truman was sworn in as U.S. President. He was the Grand Master of Masons of Missouri. Within months of Roosevelt‘s death, President Truman was promoted to a Sovereign Grand Inspector General, 33°, and made a Honorary Member, Supreme Council on October 19, 1945 at the Supreme Council A.A.S.R. Southern Jurisdiction Headquarters in Washington D.C.[43] President Truman was subordinate to the Knights of the Teutonic Order, and mostly a subordinate in the Masonic hierarchy to Operation PAPERCLIP operative Dr. Winfred Overholser. The Teutonic Knights of the Black Sun put one of their own secret society freemason subordinates into the White House.

Before April 30, 1945, Adolf Hitler, Dr. Goebbels, Himmler and ultra elite members of the SS- Knights of Black Sun escaped Berlin behind U.S. forces’ lines while the Russians advanced on the city. For unexplained reasons, U.S. and British Allied Forces were sent away from Berlin instead of sealing off the city. In fact, General Dwight Eisenhower prohibited General George C. Patton from taking Berlin before the Russians. After the Fall of Nazi Germany, General Patton remained extremely agitated and vocal about that.[44]


Two key obstacles to Operation PAPERCLIP were liquidated within months of each other, April 12, 1945President Delano Roosevelt; December 21, 1945 General George S. Patton, above.[45] Under their subordinate Freemason Cult member, Harry S. Truman, Lucifer’s Servants with all their ROTTEN GUTS changed venue to set up Houses of the Third Reich in America.

The Office of Naval Research (ONR) was authorized by an Act of Congress, Public Law 588, and subsequently approved by President Truman on August 1, 1946, with the stated mission of “planning, fostering, and encouraging scientific research in recognition of its paramount importance as related to the maintenance of future naval power and the preservation of national security.”[46]


One of the first things that Truman’s ONR financed was to bring Austrian physicist Heinz von Foerster of Vienna, Austria to America. He was an ardent Nazi that had worked for GEMAthe developer of Nazi Revolutionary Radar Systems.[47] German Radar Systems are interconnected with Nicola Tesla; and Vril Particle Beam (Death Ray) Technology.[48]


 Marie Lang of Vienna

Von Foerster was the grandson and Mystic Initiate of MARIE Lang of Vienna (1858- 1934. Keep in mind that Marie is the French version of the Latin, MARIA, while MARY (Mary, Mary Magdalene) is the English version.[49] The significance of Marie’s Satanic Magkic Circle and its background in the development the German Thule Society can be seen most clearly through young Rudolph Steiner.[50]


In Vienna in the 1880’s, Rudolph Steiner developed contacts with various literary, progressive, and cultic mystical groups. The Cult Circle of the Theosophist Marie Lang attracted artists, literati, and social reformers. They took in Steiner as an initiate.[51]


It was here that Steiner first met Rosicrucian and Satanist Franz Hartmann. Hartmann (1838- 1912) was a German medical doctor, theosophist, occultist, geomancer, astrologer, and author. He was at one time a co-worker of Helena Blavatsky at Adyar. In 1896, he founded a German Theosophical Society. He also supported the Guido-von- List- Society (Guido-von-List-GesellschaftTHULE). According to Theodor Reuss, he was one of the original founders of the magickal order that would later be known as Ordo Templi Orientis, the OTO of the Great BEAST 666, Aleister Crowley.[52] Hartmann had introduced Marie to Steiner. MARIE (MARIA) introduced Steiner to Madame Blavatsky’s Theosophy, the Secret Doctrine, Ariosophy and Vrilology: The Secret Science of the Ancient Aryans.[53]


Marie’s occult circle also contained Friedrich Eckstein, whose knowledge of ancient esoteric texts Steiner found impressive, but he was insistence on keeping his knowledge secret.[54] Eckstein (1861- 1939) was an Austrian polymath, theosophist and a friend and temporary co-worker of Sigmund Freud.[55] Eckstein had a serious penchant for occultism: the doctrines of Pythagoras and Neo- Platonists, German and Spanish mysticism, the legends surrounding the Templars, Freemasons, Wagnerian (Aryan) mythology and oriental religions.[56]

Rudolf Steiner was the founder of anthroposophy.[57] “Anthroposophy is a human oriented spiritual philosophy that reflects and speaks to the basic deep spiritual questions of humanity, to our basic artistic needs, to the need to relate to the world out of a scientific attitude of mind, and to the need to develop a relation to the world in complete freedom and based on completely individual judgments and decisions… developed on the basis of EUROPEAN idealistic philosophy, rooted in the philosophies of Aristotle, Plato, and Thomas Aquinas.”[58]

These are some pretty lofty words that means absolutely nothing to non-Aryans, and progressives will fight tooth and nail to throw a veil over Steiner to tell you otherwise that he was a great progressive intellectual of our time. It is an ILLUSION. Anthroposophy is secret mystery school and veiled word for “pseudo race science.” Far too many people in America and around the world continue to hide behind ILLUSIONS that conceal their true racist motives. Steiner’s philosophical roots lies behind Marie (Maria) and Madame Blavatsky’s Theosophy, Secret Doctrine, Ariosophy and Vrilology.


Rudolph Steiner & the Claw Hand- Secret Cult of the Dragon

In the Oslo lectures Steiner presented his theory of “folk souls” or “national souls” (Volksseelen in German, Steiner’s native tongue) and paid particular attention to the mysterious wonders of the ‘Nordic spirit.’  The ‘national souls’ of Northern and Central Europe belonged, Steiner explained, to the ‘Germanic-Nordic’ peoples, the world’s most spiritually advanced ethnic group, which was in turn the vanguard of the highest of five historical ‘root races.’  This superior fifth root race, Steiner told his Oslo audience, was naturally the ‘Aryan” race.’[59]

“The similarity of Steiner and Hitler was unintentionally revealed in the anti-nazi book The Spear of Destiny, mentioned. Ravenscroft portraits Hitler as a ‘dark genius’ of black magic with ‘open centers in his astral body,’ and as a kind of satanic saint with ‘magical charisma of personality’ and the power of age old esoteric wisdom, ‘a figure of almost superhuman power’ and with “the most arrogant face and demonical eyes (one) has ever seen.’ This ‘mad genius’ had ‘superhuman power of will and self-discipline’ and ‘super-personal strength and resolution. Moreover Hitler was backed by the beyond and thus was ‘counseled’ by spiritual beings … The perfect twin of Steiner![60]


“Everything is here and now,” that’s a magic saying for me, which I learned from my grandmother, MARIE LANG.- -Heinz von Foerster[61]

It was MARIE and you know who else. Von Foerster was the chief editor and director of the proceedings of the landmark CIA Josiah Macy Foundation conferences on cybernetics (biological Computer). Von Foerster ‘s Biological Computer Laboratory (BCL) at the University of Illinois was established on the basis of grants from the Truman’s ONR. The original Macy Cybernetic Group included initiates Dr. Gregory Bateson, Margaret Mead among many other key figures in the tight circle of global secret mass population mind manipulators.[62] The Cybernetics Group, sponsored by the Macy Foundation, was the umbrella, under which the CIA and British intelligence advanced their secret MK ULTRA projects, and mass population experimentation with mind-altering psychedelic drugs testing, including LSD-25.[63]


Tractatus: Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent. -Heinz von Foester[64]

The Ouroboros is an extremely mysterious and very complex symbol of antiquity. It lies in the thought of devouring oneself and turning oneself into a circulatory process, self contained.[65]


The first known appearance of the ouroboros motif is in the Enigmatic Book of the Netherworld, an ancient Kemetic funerary text in KV62, the tomb of Nebkheperure (“Lord of Manifestations is Re”) known as Tutankhamun of the 18th Dynasty. The text concerns the actions of God RA and his union with Aset (Osiris) in the underworld.[66] The Ouroboros is a symbol that has been manipulated for generations for whatever reasons by some of the most elite secret occult societies and satanic cabals. It is speculated that the book, Enigmatic Book of the Netherworld, covers the creation and rebirth of the sun; however, the true meaning of the book is not known due to the use of cryptographic illustrations to preserve the secrecy of the formulae.[67]


The Ouroboros also represents the continuum of birth, death and rebirth of the Grail, Dragon and Serpent Bloodlines.[68]


The Ouroboros bastardized by Western Secret and Satanic Societies I believe is completely and directly opposite of MA’AT (Rule of law and Moral Justice) OPEN: Truth, Justice, Righteousness, Balance and Order for all of GOD’S CHILDREN. To the Knights Templars, Knights of the Teutonic Order and Freemasonry, the Ouroboros is secretly related to Joseph’s Superman Dream in Genesis 37:9,

“And he dreamed yet another dream, and told it his brethren, and said, Behold, I have dreamed a dream more; and, behold, the sun and the moon and the eleven stars made obeisance to me.”

Obeisancethe verb denotes the prostrate posture of the worshipper in the presence of Deity, and is generally rendered, “to worship” in the King James Version.[69] Until the middle of the first millennium BC, the Zodiac consisted of only eleven constellations. The biblical reference to “the eleven stars” (Genesis 37:9) is more accurately “the eleven asterisms/constellations (of the Zodiac).”[70] Yes, these are taught that they are the Masters and Gods of the Universe. They know not right or wrong.


The medium MARIA ORSIC was leader of the “Vrilerinnen”, the beautiful young ladies of the Vril Gesellschaft. Characteristically, they all wore their hair in long horse-tails, claiming their long hair acted (Samson- Tribe of Dan) as cosmic antennas that helped facilitate their contact with extraterrestrials beings from beyond.

aaaawelsingvril1 According to the legend of the German Vril society, a fateful meeting was held in 1919 at an old hunting lodge near Berchtesgaden, where MARIA ORSIC presented to a small group assembled from the Thule, Vril and Black Sun Societies, telepathic messages she claimed to have received from an extraterrestrial civilization existing in the distant Aldebaran Solar System, sixty-eight light years away, in the Constellation of Taurus – a constellation of the ZODIAC.[71], [72]


Early Thule Symbols represented Snakes and Serpents (Brotherhood of the Serpent or Dragons) in the form of the Ouroboros- within the continuum (circle) of Immortality. The Nazi Heinz von Forester was brought primarily into America to setup a House of the Third Reich, and to introduce, initiate and root the powerful Macy Group into Ariosophy: (Wotanism) white supremacy ideological systems of an esoteric nature pioneered by Jörg Lanz von Liebenfels and Guido von List; and an elite Blood Covenant secrecy Thule, Vril, Black Sun Society Cult and Guild.



Too many of the Nazi Thule Masters/Gods of the Universe, knowing neither wrong or right, packed up and changed venue to America. President Truman agreed in September 1946 to officially authorize “Project PAPERCLIP.”[73] In December 1946, President Truman replaced/demoted former President Roosevelt’s personal physician and very qualified and efficient Surgeon General of the Navy, Vice Admiral Russ T. McIntire.[74] Truman replaced Vice Admiral McIntire with Admiral Clifford A. Swanson in front of 158 highly qualified senior officers.[75]


Truman’s Operation PAPERCLIP Pasty Naval Rear Adm. Clifford A. Swanson

Surgeon General of the Navy is the commanding officer of the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery (BUMED). BUMED is an agency of the  U.S. Navy that manages health care activities for the Navy and Marine Corps. BUMED operates hospitals and other health care facilities as well as laboratories for BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH, and trains and manages the Navy’s many staff corps  related to medicine.[76]


The Naval Medical Research Center (NMRC) was originally the Naval Medical Research Institute (NMRI), founded in 1942, and was located on the campus of the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland. Besides researching health and safety issues for shipboard (submarines) environments, in early radiobiology research after the development of atomic weapons, astronaut training during the 1960s Space Race. It is an agency that performs basic and applied biomedical research to MEET THE NEEDS, whatsoever that may mean, of the U.S. Navy and U.S. Marine Corps. NMRI is under BUMED.[77]


In 1947 within months of Vice Admiral Swanson’s appointment and takeover of BUMED, Nuremberg Tribunal Luftwaffe Oberst (Colonel) Nazi War Criminal, Theodor Benzinger, was slipped into the states under Operation PAPERCLIP to take over as the Scientific Director of the NMRI in Bethesda, MD, and he was given a key position at the National Bureau of Standards (NIST).[78]

NMRI, Dr. Benzinger, Dr. Savage & Project CHATTER


In 1947, at Bethesda, NMRI Lieutenant Marine Corp Dr. Charles Savage was made an apprentice to Dr. Benzinger not vista versa. Dr. Savage was the paper director of the U.S. Navy’s ultra Top Secret Project CHATTER (Dachau Concentration Camp Experiments) that was ran out of NMRI under Dachau’s Luftwaffe Nazi War Criminal Scientist, Dr. Benzinger.[79]

Dr. Overholser & the JKF Assassination


Dr. Overholser retired from St. Elizabeth Hospital the year preceding the 1963 assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Some suspect that the doctor had been busy in the background of the JFK assassination setting things up.

“One of the overlooked characters you can find in Lee Harvey Oswald’s Cold WarOverholser was a Unitarian and active member of the Unitarian Service Committee (USC) — a popular cover for intelligence work. Under the USC, Overholser had worked with Percival Brundage on European refugee projects. Brundage – who had been Ike’s head of the Bureau of the Budget, was also head of the American Friends of Albert Schweitzer College – another Unitarian project. Brundage escaped any scrutiny at all post-assassination. Lastly, Overholser was secretly employed by the Warren Commission as a consultant on the lives of Oswald and Ruby. Overholser died of natural causes 9 days after the release of the Warren Commission Report.[80]


Dr. Frances Cress Welsing moved into St. Elizabeths Hospital, DC in 1963 under Dr. Dale C. Cameron, above, most likely before the November 22, 1963 JFK assassination.[81] . Her immediate boss, Dr. Cameron, also helped the Warren Commission develop the lying basis for a mass public deception- false psychological profile to label Lee Harvey Oswald as the lone wolf assassin.[82] He described Lee Oswald in the beginning as a Walt Disney character, Oswald the Rabbit, that assassinated President Kennedy as a lone wolf as a stand-in for killing a hated overpowering and domineering mother.[83]

aaaawelsinghowdyFolks, Dr. Welsing moved inside what had to be among the top tiers and circles of people that plotted and carried out the assassination of the President of the United States. She didn’t talk about the JFK Assassination. She didn’t talk about MK ULTRA and she didn’t speak about the THIRD REICH, and all she says that she knew about was black people with mental defects whining about white supremacy inside St. Elizabeths Hospital. THAT DOG WON’T HUNT.

Ozzie Rabbit was absolutely no joke from the people inside the JFK Assassination. Captured U2 spy pilot Gary Powers testified that he had associated Oswald with the nickname “Ozzie Rabbit.”[84] In occult symbolism, white rabbits lead the subjects to an alternate reality. The White Rabbit of Alice in Wonderland, a fairy tale commonly used in Mind Control programming , leads Alice through the Looking Glass. In The Matrix, Neo is told to “follow the white rabbit” in order to discover the Matrix.[85]


Nuremberg Code Criminals, Dr. Felix and Isbell Harris

Dr. Cameron was a CIA psychiatrist also inside the secret circle of the House of the Third Reich. At the militarized U.S. Public Health Service, he had been the understudy and close fiend of General Dr. Robert Hanna Felix, 33rd degree mason, who directly with Dr. Isbell Harris conducted absolutely hideous and ghoulish medical experiments on predominately black people at the Addiction Research Center at the huge federal drug hospital in Lexington, Kentucky.[86] 


Dr. Felix was a director of the Scottish Rite’s psychiatric research that worked with Scottish Rite strategist, Dr. Overholser, who had provided overall leadership for the Rite’s psychiatric research and clandestine mind control programs, and the systemic medical abuse of Black people.[87]

Drs. Felix, Harris and Cameron were all part of the abominable homicidal  Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment.



Out of all the people in the world, Dr. Joy DeGruy-Leary was allowed to join her elder sister, Dr. Frances Cress Welsing to be universally puffed as psychological experts on what is essentially called, “Post-Traumatic SLAVE Syndrome (PTSS)”. At late as July 11, 2015, you could spend the day with Dr. Welsing and Dr. DeGruy as a team to push the paradigm that the malaise (discomfort) that particularly American Black People universally mentally suffer from, like short circuits in the brain, resulted from dealing with White Supremacy & Slavery for over four hundred (400) years.[88] They maintain that black folk’s malaise (discomfort) with slavery and white supremacy constitutes a newly scientifically defined inherited mental DEFECT, pathology and disease called PTSS.[89]


I loved my sister Dr. Welsing, but that was another paradigm that is ILLUSIONARY and don’t make any sense. I’m free, free, free now I’m free from her spell. The paradigm ignores Denmark Vesey, Nat Turner and an overwhelming amount of individual and organized acts of persistent overt and armed resistance to White Supremacy & Slavery that brought that Damn system down.


By the end of the Civil War, roughly 179,000 black men (10% of the Union Army) served as soldiers in the U.S. Army and another 19,000 served in the Navy. Black soldiers served in artillery and infantry and performed all non-combat support functions that sustain an army, as well. Black farmers, carpenters, chaplains, cooks, guards, laborers, nurses, scouts, spies, saboteurs, assassins, steamboat pilots, surgeons, and teamsters also contributed to the war cause. Black women, who could not formally join the Army, nonetheless served as nurses, cooks, spies, saboteurs, assassins, and scouts, the most famous being Sister Harriet Tubman, who was a courageous and imperative scout for the Union Army, the 2nd South Carolina Volunteers.[90] The 2nd Regiment was an African infantry regiment that had been savagely brutalized and enslaved. They showed up courageous in the Union Army during the Civil War to deal with White Supremacy.[91]


54th Massachusetts Volunteer Black Infantry

You can believe all that non-sense if you would like too. But, the Great Frederick Douglass even during that time when Africans lived under one of most demonic, inhumane, brutal, barbaric and repressive SLAVE STATES that ever to have been known to mankind, told you exactly what it was/iswhen it is right and just; we’ll run to do battle.


This PTSS non-sense don’t apply to brother Malcolm X, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and Huey and Bobby and the Black Panther Party for Self Defense. When Brother Huey called for Black People to stand up and DEFEND, young brothers and sisters came out of the walls all over this nation, and the world. WE ARE NOT AFRAID OF WHITE SUPREMACY. The losses and malaise (discomfort) that we as a people suffer from the battle against white supremacy, caulk it up as battle wounds as result of battling the persistent assaults of clandestine warfare and constant psychological assaults; not an inherited mental DEFECT.


Dr. Degruy Hugged up with the Satanic High Priestess of LILITH, Oprah Winfrey 

However, PTSS involves much greater demonic issues and a NEW WORLD ORDER hidden agenda. In 2007, she showed up at the Aspen Institute, Lucifer’s Network tucked away in the Colorado Mountains to school and TRAIN Satan’s servants on RACE: POWER OF AN ILLUSION. Our late brother, Bruce Lee, taught us that our enemies hide their true motives behind ILLUSIONS, break the ILLUSIONS, you can destroy the enemy. Dr. DeGruy is an apostle of the FALSE PROPHET and the ANTICHRIST. She is a fanatical and faithful follower of the BAHA’I FAITH.[92]

Baha’i Faith, False Prophets & New World Order


Siyyid `Alí Muḥammad Shírází (1819-1850)

The BAHA’I concept of “ONE WORLD” religious unity and government, is closely linked to the clandestine “New Age” Satanic/ILLUMINATI movement. Siyyid `Alí Muḥammad Shírází (October 20, 1819 – July 9, 1850) was the founder of Bábism, and one of three central figures of the Baha’i Faith. He was a merchant from Shiraz, Persia.[93] In 1847, Shírází asserted a claim to be the Shi’i ‘promised one’ or Mahdi. After his declaration, he took the title of Báb (meaning “Gate” or “Door“). The faith claim that the Báb is the spiritual return of Elijah and John the Baptist.[94]  He composed numerous letters and books in which he stated his messianic claims and defined his teachings, which constituted a new sharí’ah or religious law.[95]


Bahá’u’lláh (1817 – 1892), born Mírzá Ḥusayn-`Alí Núrí

 After Báb’s death by execution by firing squad on July 9, 1850 in Iran for proclaiming himself to be the Islamic Mahdi, his successor, Baha’u’llah, 1817-1892, (the glory of Allah) claimed that he was the “Promised One”.[96]


`Abdu’l-Bahá (1844 – 1921), born ‘Abbás Effendí ‘ was the eldest son of Baha’u’llah. In 1892, `Abdu’l-Bahá was appointed in his father’s will to be his successor and head of the Bahá’í Faith.[97] He is also known as Sir ‘Abdu’l-Bahá Abbás, K.B.E.. A knighthood of the British Empire was conferred on ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, the ceremony taking place in the garden of the Military Governor of Haifa on the 27th day of April, 1920.[98] Shírází, Bahá’u’lláh and `Abdu’l-Bahá were the three central figures of the Baha’i Faith.



Dr. Joy DeGruy is taught that the very purpose of the Baha’i Faith is to bring “World Peace and Race Unity” and that the 3rd Báb ‘Abdu’l-Baha, the son of Baha’u’llah, was the most anti-racist and loving Man (not a “man” but a “Man”) on Earth, that He (not “he” but “He“) had a “unique station” between the Manifestations of God (super humans like the Aryans) and humans (i.e. “He” was not a Manifestation of God but not an ordinary human being either). Baha’is are taught, and teach others, that the Baha’i Faith is the world’s first “racist free” religion, and that the very purpose of Baha’i Faith is “Race Unity“; to bring the races together in harmony and love.[99]


From the text of a tablet of ‘Abdu’l-Baha praising Masonic Theosophical Society President Annie Besant that succeeded Helena Petrovna Blavatsky:

“The ideal of Mrs. Besant, I say truly is very lofty. She is working and laboring most valiantly, and her utmost hope is to render a service to the world of humanity, and to be the means of the establishment of good-fellowship and love between all of the communities of the earth. At all times I am praying in her behalf … Consider how many important women have come into this world! How many queens have lied upon this earth! How many distinguished ladies have become the presidents of societies! But neither have their names nor any great account of their deeds been left behind! Yet Mary Magdalene, who was only a peasant woman — because she became inspired to serve the Kingdom of Christ and to scatter his seeds in productive ground — what a great crop she gathered![100]

German biologist Ernst Heinrich Philipp August Haeckel (1834-1919) suggested that the Hottentots, the Caffres, the Negroes, and the Papuans were the closest living representatives of his APE-MAN, and he had even fantasized about what his Lemurian would have looked like on this basis. This meets with Annie Besant, and in particular Blavatsky’s rare approval: “Professor Haeckel must also have dreamt a dream and seen for once a true vision![101]


They Intend to Claim the Pyramids As Their Own

This is what ‘Abdu’l-Baha had to say about native AFRICANS consistent with the racial views of Madame Blavatsky:

The inhabitants of a country life Africa are all as wandering savages and wild animals. They lack intelligence and knowledge; all are uncivilized; not one civilized and a wise man is not to be found among them. These are the proofs of the wise men. The prophets also acknowledge this opinion, towit: That education hath a great effect upon the human race, but they declare that minds and comprehensions are originally different. And this matter is self-evident; it cannot be refuted… One advanceth rapidly, another is slow in catching the rays of culture, still another remaineth in the lowest degree of stupidity. No matter how much the shell is educated (or polished), it can never become a radiant pearl. The black stone will not become the world-illumined gem. (Tablets of ‘Abdu’l-Baha p.567 vv.3-4)[102]


‘Abdu’l-Baha wrote a tablet to August Forel; whom He considered to be a ‘wise man’. Forel believed that Negroes were “inherently inferior” to Caucasians, and could never ever be equal to them in intelligence. Forel was an early Western Bahá‘í. Forel wrote:

“…the brain of the Negro is weaker than that of the white… Even for their own good the blacks must be treated as what they are, an absolutely subordinate, inferior, lower type of man, incapable themselves of culture. That must once and for all be clearly and openly stated. (August Forel, quoted in Houston S. Chamberlain’s _The Foundations of the Nineteenth Century_)[103]

The 1st Báb, Siyyid `Alí Muḥammad Shírází, the infallible “Manifestation of God” was a slave merchant who bought and sold the blood and flesh of our African forefathers and mothers. He was a vicious enslaver of our people.[104]

The 2nd Báb, Baha’u’llah, imported enslaved black people to Shiraz, Iran, from Arab merchants from Zanzibar (a major center of the Arab slave trade). Baha’u’llah held black people in human bondage.

Don’t get it twisted. The Baha’i Faith is exclusively an Abrahamic Religion. An Abrahamic religion is any religion whose prophet can be traced back to the lineage of Abraham. This includes Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and the Baha’i Faith. Bahá’u’lláh (Founder of the Baha’i Faith) was a descendent of Abraham through Abraham’s third wife, KeturahIslam descended from Hagar (Abraham’s handmaiden). Judaism and Christianity both descended from Abraham’s first wife Sarah.[105]

The goal of the Baha’i Faith and its leadership is for the world to become a single global super-state with the Baha’i Faith as its religion, an One World Religion. Inclusive in their beliefs and under their umbrella are all the major religions of the world “Islam, Judaism, Christianity, Indigenous, Buddhism, Baha’i, Sikhism, Taoism, Jainism, Pagan/Wicca, Unitarian and Hinduism”.[106]

Their One World Religion and New World Order totally excludes all that came before them, especially, the children of Asur (Osiris) and Aset (Isis) or Wasir & Aset. The Baha’i Faith peace plan calls for the world to be ruled over by a Covenant of Supreme Tribunal from New Jerusalem that includes members from all the governments and peoples of the world. Well, what type of credibility within the Baha’i Faith’s NWO are black people expected to receive if they are universally disabled by an incurable social and mental DEFECT “Post-Traumatic SLAVE Syndrome (PTSS)”? Very little or none, just what the racist faith want.


 Why is that the Baha’i Faith will not sponsor Dr. DeGruy  to identify and tag one of the greatest purveyors of violence in human history, and racial mass murderers with a badge of having major mental health issues, illnesses, pathologies, and inherited mental DEFECTS and DELUSIONS that continue to threaten World Peace?


Why don’t the Baha’I Faith and Dr. DeGruy tag the Jews with a badge that single them out suffering  “Post-Traumatic HOLOCAUST Syndrome (PTHS)”?


During the Lynching Era in America, of those that could be counted, 51 (fifty-one) black Americans are known to have been savagely lynched by white mobs in 1913. In that same year, ‘Abdu’l-Baha said that BLACK PEOPLE should ever be grateful to white people:

The black man must ever be grateful to the white man, for he has manifested great courage and self-sacrifice in behalf of the black race. Four [for] years he fought their cause, enduring severe hardships, sacrificing life, family, treasure, all for his black brother until the great war ended in the proclamation of freedom. By this effort and accomplishment the black race throughout the world was influenced and benefited. Had this not been accomplished, the black man in Africa would still be bound by the chains of slavery. Therefore, his race should everywhere be grateful, for no greater evidence of humanism and courageous devotion could be shown than the white man has displayed. If the blacks of the United States forget this sacrifice, zeal and manhood on the part of the whites, no ingratitude could be greater or more censurable. If they could see the wretched conditions and surroundings of the black people of Africa today, the contrast would be apparent and the fact clearly evident that the black race in America enjoys incomparable advantages. The comfort and civilization under which they live here are due to the white man’s effort and sacrifice. Had this sacrifice not been made, they would still be in the bonds and chains of slavery, scarcely lifted out of an aboriginal condition. Therefore, always show forth your gratitude to the white man.” (The Promulgation of Universal Peace, p.12)

The Pleiades, Baha’I Faith & Nordic Aliens



No matter how much the shell is educated (or polished), it can never become a radiant pearl. The black stone will not become the world-illumined gem. (Tablets of ‘Abdu’l-Baha p.567 vv.3-4)

The Pleiades or Seven Sisters is an open star cluster located in the constellation of TAURUS. Actually, the Pleiades consist of nine (9) named stars, some of them are small stars, the seven sisters; and to these have been added the parents, Atlas and Pleione. It is among the nearest star clusters to Earth and is the cluster most obvious to the naked eye in the night sky.

Baha’i Faith Temple & the Pleiades


 The Baha’i Temple in Haifa, Israel mimic the star pattern of the Pleiades. The Haifa Temple has a garden consisting of three (3) large circles for Orion’s Belt on the left side and nine (9) smaller magnificent circular terraces for Pleiades as a string of stars on right side- featuring the Baha’i Temple for Sun-like star in the middle.The faith’s third founder, ‘Abdu’l-Baha, mentioned Pleiades two times in connection with God in their sacred texts.

“Praise be to God! that ye are gathered in one assembly like unto the stars of the Pleiades, are illumined with the light of the knowledge of God …” ‘ABDU’L-BAHA

It is incumbent on you to have union and harmony. It is incumbent upon you to have affinity and accord, so that ye may become united in body and soul as the Pleiades, and as strings of brilliant pearls. ‘ABDU’L-BAHA

The Pleiades, Nordic Aliens & the Thule

Well, this is extremely interesting that the Baha’i Faith’s proposed “One World Government” and “One World Religion” will be ruled from a temple complex that mimic the Pleiades and Seven Sisters in the Taurus Constellation. The Pleiades form the Inner Core of the beliefs of Thule and the Vril- Gesellschaft. In and around Germany, these very complicated and extremely powerful secret societies including Himmler’s SS gravely believe stories of alien life forms and societies surrounding the Pleiades. They call the constellation aliens, Pleiadians– the Nordic aliens.

“The solar system Aldebaran has a sun around which revolve two inhabited planets that form the empire SUMERAN. The population of the Aldebaran system is divided into the master race of “light God people” (Aryans) and several other human races that had developed by negative mutation from the “God people …”


Pleiades Mystic Maria Orsic

“Thule found its true purpose through the joining of societies in 1919 with the Vril Gesellschaft and DHvSS which also believed in worship of the Black Sun; but it was the psychic mediums of Vril and Thule’s own resident psychic Maria Orsic that convinced them that the Aryan race didn’t originate from earth but from Aldebaran in Alpha Tauri – 64 light years away. Vril also convinced the DHvSS (Men of the Black Stone) that their mountain goddess Isias was the queen of Aldebaran.”


Secretly, the Baha’i Faith is a toss-up between Madame Blavatsky’s Theosophy Society and Maria Orsic’s THULE SOCIETY. Their proposed “One World Government” and “One World Religion” will ruled over by the Master Race– “the Light God People”. White Supremacy shall be their HALLMARK, and Set, Seth, SATAN is their guiding light and LORD OF LORDS.


“The ultimate deception of the end times will involve the worldwide worship of the Antichrist. But the Antichrist will not rise to power alone. His success will result from a worldwide spiritual deception perpetrated by his sidekick, the False Prophet. The Antichrist will not appear until after the falling away (2 Thess. 2:3), but the spirit of Antichrist is already at work perverting the gospel and corrupting the church. The False Prophet will look religious, sound religious and use religious terms, but his message will be straight from Satan (Rev. 13:11). The final phase of apostasy before the Antichrist arrives on the scene will introduce a religious system to be led by the False Prophet. It will be an ecumenical, interfaith religion much like the BAHA’I FAITH.”[107]



My sister said that one of father’s favorite record BLUES’ artist was JIMMY REED.


I never heard my father play any records or enjoy any music, or laugh very often after the U.S. Navy Dachau Experiments. I love the BLUES, and stories they tell.

I can imagine that my father and I sitting a room together would truly enjoyed the tales of the south, his youth and family; JIMMY REED’s music and stories behind the Blues. But as a child, I often sat alone in a small room for hours in silence with my father. Many times, he seemed lost in time, zone or another dimension. Whether it may have been winter, spring, summer, or fall, hour of day or night, it didn’t seem to matter with him. Whether I was the man in the moon or a monster in the room, that didn’t matter to him, either. I thought it was the result of his own individual weakness and mind defect that had suddenly plunged our family in a state of permanent dire poverty, depression and hunger. I always felt so ashamed of my beloved father. Before they kidnapped him, he had been just an original, regular and normal sort of man and father. But in my impressionate infant stages, I must have loved this man and father like there were no tomorrows (For further background details, see Project CHATTER & the American Betrayal of My Father).

As if he was at Dachau under the Air Ministry of Hermann Wilhelm Göring, Commander of the Luftwaffe, my father had recently been transferred to the aviation department or division of the U.S. Navy Air Base in Alameda, CA. On Thursday or Friday, October 4 or the 5 of October 1948, my father didn’t come home from his civilian workday as an “airplane parts cleaner” at the base. My family, particularly his brother and 1st cousin, searched for him high and low, and found him not.

On Saturday, October 6, 1948, the Navy finally told them that he had been taken to Highland County Hospital, but they found him not at Highland. Subsequently, they found that he was confined to a place not unlike St. Elizabeths Hospital that housed a remote, quiet as kept, Naval Mental Hospital annex in remote Napa County, CA, over 60 miles away. My father had instantly become schizophrenicpoisoned substantially with a hallucinogenMescaline or LSD.

As far as I know, my father didn’t smoke or drink, let alone take any illegal drugs. And if he had access to hallucinogen drugs and overdosed, he certainty would have been fired from his job, and faced criminal charges for being under the influence of illegal drugs. At that time, the only entity with open access to Mescaline and LSD was the CIA.

Everything that happened at the Naval Base and Napa State Hospital in 1948 is secret and highly classified Project CHATTER out of Luftwaffe Nazi Dr. Benzinger’s NMRI in Bethesda, MD. In fact, they maintain that ALL RECORDS pertaining to that involuntary confinement period were and have been destroyed. Project CHATTER is still classified and TOP SECRET U.S. government informationMy father’s primary lead doctor was a very secretive U.S. Naval Reserve Officer, Commander Dr. Wrenshall Oliver, of the U.S. Mare Island Navy Base, Vallejo, CA. He had been the former president of the base officer’s club.[108] Mare Island contained the U.S. Pacific Fleet of submarines including highly classified and ultra top secret nuclear subs built on the base that were directly connected to NMRI’s mission statement. It had its own Mare Island mental hospital, but my father was a civilian.[109]

You can find very little in the public domain about Dr. Oliver (UC Berkeley 1930, Stanford 1938), but he was also the Director of Clinical Services, and a clinical instructor of Medical Neurology Psychiatry at Stanford University with MK ULTRA Dr. James A. Hamilton, the notorious CIA Station Chief of Vacaville Men’s Medical Facility. There is some information that Dr. Oliver was also one of the founders of the World Psychiatry Association with the notorious CIA Dr. Donald Ewen Cameron.[110]


Another of my father’s doctors was U.S. Army Captain Dr. Joseph E. Lifschutz of Madigan Army Hospital, Tacoma, WA; Letterman Army Hospital, San Francisco, CA had been an intern in psychiatrics at St. Elizabeths Hospital, Washington D.C. from 1949 to 1951 with OSS and Operation PAPERCLIP Dr. Winfred Overholser that mirrored the Dachau Mescaline Experiments of Dr. Strughold and SS Gestapo Sturmbannführer Dr. Kurt Plötner.


Honorary Aryan Dr. Erikson & Dr. Gregory Bateson

Dr. Lifschutz was a close associate of Erik Homburger Erikson (1902 – 1994).[111] Erikson was a Stanford Research Institute (SRI) German-born American developmental psychologist and psychoanalyst closely associated with Dr. Gregory Bateson. Both Lifschutz and Erikson were Ashkenazi Jews.[112] Erikson had been one of original core members of the Macy Foundation Group, the AMERICAN THULE under the Nazi Occultist Heinz von Foester. Being an Ashkenazi Jew, Dr. Gregory Bateson had to lobby for Erikson to be included in the group in 1947.[113]


Early in 1971 after Huey P. Newton was released from prison, Erikson tested the success of the CIA’s secret prison thought reform (brainwashing) conversion/behavior modification/mind control program in a series of billed confrontations (In Search of Common Ground) with Brother Huey. When Huey was railroaded into prison, they had an entire medical clinic setup with this country’s most dangerous secret CIA Luciferian mind bending psychiatrists, psychologists, socialists and technicians just waiting for him. Their conclusion, Huey had been successfully systematically pacified through the covert use of trauma, drugs and psychiatry-IN THE MEANWHILE. [114]


One day at the L.A. International Airport, faith gave me a rare and brief moment to greet Brother Huey once again alone without the bodyguards, handlers and watchers. In those brief moments, he instantly recognized me. We greeted each other as brothers during the movements often did through our eyes and display of comfort and security  among each other. My first wife also knew Brother Huey from the Oakland streets. She was also glad to see Brother Huey with or without his watchers and handlers. She was talkative while I spanned the area for his people to see if I could talk to him further without interference. Soon a watcher rushed over to interfere with our lines of communications. The watcher wanted to know Who I WAS and kept scanning me while my wife continued her buttery conversational discourse as I eased away. In those brief seconds, he reassured me that some of the old HUEY P. NEWTON was still very much alive and well. They had spent millions, but they had not completely broken him.

In 1948, my father was held involuntarily at the Naval Mental Facility at Napa State Hospital under President Truman’s pasty Surgeon General of the Navy, Vice Admiral Clifford A. Swanson. Under Project CHATTER, after the drug testing trials to MEET THE NEEDS of the U.S. Navy, he was tortured by a series of sessions of insulin electrical shocks, up to 35 times per session, to deliberately totally DEPATTERN him. In other words, the continuous series of  electroconvulsive shocks reduced him to a vegetable state that made him forget all that he had ever known in life. He would no longer function as a human being, recognize me or his family, let along remember what they had did to him. The continuous high voltage electrical shock treatments fried his heart. For the rest of his life, he would only work sparingly. The bottom line goals of Project CHATTER was aimed at the elimination of free will in subjects through the use of drugs and psychology.[115]

In 1953, MK ULTRA replaced Project CHATTER, BLUEBIRD and ARTICHOKE, my father was released from Napa, but it couldn’t come home. They say that my mother was afraid of him. But, my mother was most afraid of them, the U.S. Navy. Dr. Savage also retired from the Navy in 1953 then joined CIA/MK ULTRA.[116]

Throughout my life, I had a recurring flashback memories in the dream state when I was no more than 2 (two) or 3 (three) years old. The U.S. Navy was at the door. There were 2 (two) of them. One was dressed in the classic sailor uniform. When my mother opened the door, they tried to force themselves into our apartment, but she blocked the door from swinging open. She attached the door safety latch, then spoke to them from behind the door.

In 1960, they took my oldest and youngest sisters away from us. They were involuntarily taken to a county TB sanitarium tucked away along the rural isolated hills in Livermore, CA. It confirmed that my father had indeed been Project CHATTER, there at the sanitarium with my sisters were the DEVIL’S APPRENTICE, DR. CHARLES SAVAGE, former HEAD OF PROJECT CHATTER, and in toll, American THULE, DR. GREGORY BATESON.

Dr. Savage, CIA Doctor and Thule Mind Manipulator, had been one of my sisters’ staff doctors. He had been an official associate psychiatrist at the facility since 1958. At the sanitarium, he was continuing his research with hallucinogenics, particularly LSD, allegedly for therapeutic purposes.[117] My older sister couldn’t remember Dr. Savage, or if she had been given LSD or Mescaline. However, she has various memory voids and did suffer a mental or nervous breakdown that I believe was related to that confinement and separation from her family. At least by 1957, the CIA MK ULTRA doctors were actively manipulating “Psychic Driving” to veil their crimes against humanity, and violations of the Nuremberg Code.[118] The topic of psychic driving is dealt with in some detail in the docudrama entitled, The Sleep Room (1998).  The psychic driving procedure was a chronological precursor to CIA MK ULTRA Dr. Ewen Cameron’s DEPATTERNING, the latter involving massive doses of electroconvulsive (ECT) combined with similarly large doses of psychedelic drugs (such as LSD). The intent was to break down the subject’s personality — theoretically psychic driving could then be used with some efficacy in establishing a new personality or memory void.[119]

More About the Devil’s Apprentice, Dr. Savage

Dr. Savage had been the medical director of the International Federation for Advanced Study (IFAS) in Menlo Park, CA founded by a shady intelligence figure, Captain Alfred Matthew Hubbard, known as the Johnny Appleseed of LSD.[120] Dr. Savage was also a pipe piper of LSD. He was among the first, most likely for the CIA, to use LSD for research in the United States.[121]

In 1957, Dr. Savage left Georgetown University for Stanford Research Institute’s Center for Advanced Study in Behavior Sciences in Palo Alto, CA, with Dr. André Muller Weitzenhoffer (1921 – 2004), a Stanford University renown master hypnotist that did early work in particularly interest to the CIA’s Bluebird, and Artichoke assassination program, “The Production of Anti-Social Acts Under Hypnosis” (Weitzenhoffer, 1949), published in the Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology.[122],[123],[124],[125] Dr. Weitzenhoffer was an associate at the University of Oklahoma, and Oklahoma Veterans Administration with one of the military industrial-medical complexes most notorious mind controllers, the late CIA Maestro of Mind Control, Dr. Louis Joylon West.[126]

In 1959, Dr. Savage was a consultant at the Palo Alto Mental Health Research Institute (MHRI).[127]  The MHRI was funded by the American THULE, Josiah Macy Foundation, a front for the CIA’s MK ULTRA mind control program.[128]  One of Dr. Savage’s colleagues at MHRI was the notorious British Godfather of MK ULTRA, mind binder psycho-anthropologist DR. GREGORY BATESON.[129]

In 1959 along with Dr. Savage at a Macy/CIA sponsored LSD conference at Princeton University, Dr. Bateson said, “one of my interests is in something which I call “schizophrenia,” in particular, in the formal patterns, the formal characteristics of experience of members of families containing schizophrenics.” [130][11] In fact, Dr. Bateson’s post at MHRI was described: “…to continue its family research program in schizo-phrenia under the direction of Gregory Bateson and to enlarge this program to include delinquent and apparently normal families.”[131]

In other words, Drs. Savage and Bateson intended to drive my entire family INSANE as a cohort model for future multi-generational mind manipulation and control. That’s the way they roll. However, Black Liberation suddenly broke wide open on the continent of Africa. They suddenly had to change the their priorities to address Africa, and that was the only thing that saved my family from further certain and everlasting harm at their hands.



My Name is Ray- RE,

In the Name

Great Sun God- KEMET 

I blossomed in the Mist and Spirit of the GREAT AFRICAN LIBERATION.

 WHO AM I. Part of me was molded and shaped by constant combat and resistance to the THULE and Dr. Welsing’s House of the Third Reich from the time of my most tender and impressive years. At the age of toddler milestone childhood development, my original self was lost in another dimension of pure CHAOS when they abused and took my father away. I had desperately clung to his ankles until I was flung aside like a rag doll. The trauma that my original self suffered along beside my father in his greatest moment of trepidation and peril was so grievous that it blacked-out and fell into a coma. It is a wound that was so painful and terrible that it still can’t recover from or face. Even today whenever, I come into being with my original self, I BLACK-OUT. Most all of me is a protector self that had to separate as an entity in itself from the original self to bring me back to a conscious self, again.


 It was a warm summer evening in 1968 as we met for one of the most remarkable political education classes that I had ever experienced in my life at Downs Memorial United Methodist Church at 6026 Idaho St, Emeryville, CA. The Crowning Prince of the Civil Rights Era, Black Power Movement, and Honorary Prime Minister” of the Black Panther Party for Self Defense, Kwame Turé (Stokely Carmichael) awarded those assembled the title, the VANGUARD OF THE PEOPLE. He said, you’re the VANGUARD, ACT LIKE IT! That was quite a honor coming from a Timeless Universal Hero of the People, Brother Kwame Turé .


It was ALSO an exceeding innermost HONOR to me when some of the BBP Sisters began to call me, LITTLE STOKELY.


[1] http://princeraychronicles.blogspot.com/2007/12/prophetic-justice-destruction-of.html

[2] http://www.whale.to/b/constantine6.html

[3] http://www.whale.to/b/brussell12.html

[4] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hemotoxin

[5] http://nsarchive.gwu.edu/radiation/dir/mstreet/commeet/meet11/brief11/tab_i/br11i3.txt

[6] http://www.leopoldreport.com/LRsajt73.html

[7] http://www.melanet.com/clegg_series/page1.html

[8] http://www.salimbeti.com/micenei/sea.htm


[10] http://www.thecrimson.com/article/1977/9/28/cia-papers-link-harvard-to-mind-control/

[11] http://operation-gladio.net/henry-knowles-beecher

[12] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harriet_A._Washington

[13] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rebecca_Skloot

[14] http://www.nytimes.com/2013/08/08/science/after-decades-of-research-henrietta-lacks-family-is-asked-for-consent.html?_r=0

[15] http://urbanintellectuals.com/UIWiki/wiki/frances-cress-welsing/

[16] http://www.lovethesepics.com/2014/05/abandoned-asylum-horrors-of-forest-haven-44-pics/

[17] http://www.lovethesepics.com/2014/05/abandoned-asylum-horrors-of-forest-haven-44-pics/

[18] http://childabuserecovery.com/history-of-cia-mind-control-experimentation/

[19] Id.

[20] https://sites.google.com/site/thecatbirdsnest3/cia-mk-ultra-experiments-on-mind-controlled-children

[21] http://www.afro.com/welsing-talks-supremacy-at-womens-conference/

[22] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/St._Elizabeths_Hospital

[23] http://truth-out.org/archive/component/k2/item/89725:cries-from-the-past-tortures-ugly-echoes


[25] http://www.actionlyme.org/BRITISH_PSYCHIATRY.htm

[26] http://www.whale.to/b/caul.html#Dachau_concentration_camp

[27] http://aangirfan.blogspot.com/2011/08/people-who-brainwash-you.html

[28] http://blogs.weta.org/boundarystones/2015/07/28/mussolini%E2%80%99s-mysterious-stay-st-elizabeths

[29] http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread488381/pg10

[30] Albarelli, H. P., A Terrible Mistake, Independent Publishers Group, Chicago, IL (2009), pg. 295

[31] https://deeppoliticsforum.com/forums/showthread.php?1095-Boris-Pash#.Vp7tESorKUk

[32] http://www.thirdworldtraveler.com/Fascism/Guerrillas_B_CS.html

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[35] http://leveritanascoste.forumfree.it/?t=32984213

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[37] https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theodor_Benzinger

[38] http://netteandme.blogspot.com/2015/02/part-5-of-15-secret-agenda-project.html

[39] http://netteandme.blogspot.com/2015/02/part-5-of-15-secret-agenda-project.html

[40] http://www.fdrassassination.50megs.com/

[41] http://www.t0.or.at/scl/scl1/msg03333.html

[42] http://nypost.com/2014/02/01/behind-the-secret-plan-to-smuggle-nazi-scientists-to-america/

[43] http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/hardtruth/uspresidentasmasonspt3.htm

[44] http://www.mujahidkamran.com/articles.php?id=33

[45] Id.

[46] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Office_of_Naval_Research

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[48] http://www.livescience.com/435-radar-death-ray.html

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[50] http://www.southerncrossreview.org/48/steiner-bio9.htm

[51] Id.

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[54] http://greyfalcon.us/Hitler%20and%20Paganism.htm

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[56] Id.

[57] http://social-ecology.org/wp/2009/01/anthroposophy-and-ecofascism-2/


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[65] http://www.moses-egypt.net/book-series/ovs_related-articles-a_en.asp

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[68] http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/esp_sociopol_dragoncourt02.htm

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[73] http://www.unitedstatesgovernment.net/operationpaperclip.htm



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[79] http://www.topsecretwriters.com/2012/02/project-chatter-navy-lsd-experiments/

[80] http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=22031

[81] http://www.users.interport.net/s/t/st.elizabeths/history.html


[83] http://vigilantcitizen.com/musicbusiness/kerliss-creepy-mind-control-video/

[84] http://www.archives.gov/research/jfk/warren-commission-report/appendix-13.html

[85] http://vigilantcitizen.com/musicbusiness/kerliss-creepy-mind-control-video/

[86] http://www.alternet.org/drugs/how-cias-lsd-mind-control-experiments-destroyed-my-healthy-high-functioning-fathers-brilliant

[87] http://www.hartford-hwp.com/archives/27a/247.html

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[98] http://reference.bahai.org/en/t/o/BNE/bne-53.html

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[101] http://www.world-news-research.com/uebatlantis.html

[102] http://www.angelfire.com/mo/baha/AFRICANS.html

[103] Id.

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[105] https://www.quora.com/Why-is-the-Bahai-faith-considered-an-Abrahamic-religion

[106] http://www.nwotoday.com/the-new-world-orders-history/the-new-age-occult-and-secret-societies/the-baha-i-faith-and-the-united-nations

[107] http://www.contenderministries.org/UN/bahaiun.php

[108] https://www.newspapers.com/newspage/24540283/

[109] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mare_Island_Naval_Shipyard#World_War_II

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[111] http://oasis.lib.harvard.edu/oasis/deliver/~hou00342#hou000342f580

[112] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erik_Erikson

[113] http://www.asc-cybernetics.org/foundations/history/MacySummary.htm

[114] https://www.nytimes.com/books/99/08/22/specials/erikson-common.html

[115] http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/cienciareal/invisible_eagle/invisible_eagle08.htm

[116] http://www.topsecretwriters.com/2012/02/project-chatter-navy-lsd-experiments/

[117] Abramson, H.A., The Use of LSD in Psychotherapy, Transactions of a Conference of LSD-25, Princeton University, April 22, 23 & 24, 1959

[118] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Donald_Ewen_Cameron

[119] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychic_driving

[120] http://www.erowid.org/culture/characters/hubbard_al/hubbard_al.shtml

[121] http://www.alb2c3.com/drugs/lsd02.htm

[122] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Andr%C3%A9_Muller_Weitzenhoffer

[123] http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/00207140490961269

[124] http://digitalcollections.library.cmu.edu/awweb/awarchive?type=file&item=51343

[125] http://coevolving.com/blogs/index.php/archive/systems-sciences-and-the-1957-58-fellows-of-the-center-for-advanced-study-in-the-behavioral-sciences/

[126] http://www.freedommag.org/english/LA/issue02/page12.htm

[127] Abramson, H.A., The Use of LSD in Psychotherapy, Transactions of a Conference of LSD-25, Princeton University, April 22, 23 & 24, 1959

[128] http://www.hartford-hwp.com/archives/27a/247.html

[129] http://www.newswithviews.com/Cuddy/dennis33.htm

[130] Abramson, H.A., The Use of LSD in Psychotherapy, Transactions of a Conference of LSD-25, Princeton University, April 22, 23 & 24, 1959

[131] Id.


7 01 2015



This picture is so arrogant and blatantly Satanic that it doesn’t really need an explanation and the mouthy Donald Trump doesn’t seem to have attempted to create a Smoked Mirror or ILLUSION to explain it away. I accept it for what it is worth- A SATANIC STATEMENT by an elite Diabolical EVIL Cabal. The man pictured with Donald Trump is Jesse James, the husband of popular HollyWeird screen actress Sandra Bullock. He is a distant ILLUMINATI BLOODLINE of the infamous 19th century racialist and vile criminal, Jesse James.[1]


Outlaws Jesse and Frank James with the CLAW Hand Sign of the Knights of the Golden Circle (Dawn)

The outlaw Jesse James was a 33rd Freemason and a clandestine high ranking Satanic Knight of the Golden Circle linked to the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln and the re-institution of African Human Bondage- Slavery in America.[2]


Bloodline Jesse James- Hail HITLER

Not only is Jesse James, above, a blatant Bloodline Satanic High Priest in HollyWeird’s secret Satanic Cult Underground that undoubtedly Sandra Bullock also belong to, he is a NAZI. The Nazi female shown with Jesse is his Satanic lover, Michele McGee. In child custody documents filed January 2010, her ex-husband says she “makes the Nazi salute“, and has a swastika tattooed on her stomach.[3] A photographer who reportedly worked with McGee on a raunchy photo shoot accused the model of having a split (Classic Dual Satanic Principle) personality that “flips instantly” from angel to DEVIL.[4]


This image of Donald Trump and the drawing of a hooded member of Ancient Germanic Brotherhood of Death displacing the hand gesture of the Satanic “inverted pyramid also doesn’t require a great deal of explanation.

Donald Trump & the ILLUMINATI National Humiliation of Rudy Huxtable

Most recently on primetime Sunday night, Celebrity Apprentice show host, Donald Trump, used his national television show to deliberately humiliate a MK ULTRA traumatized Keshia Knight Pulliam. As an impressionable child actress, Keshia starred as Rudy Huxtable on the Bill Cosby Show.[5]


 Trump asked Keshia if she had contacted Bill Cosby to ask him for a donation in a Celebrity Apprentice team challenge. Notice that she immediate went into an instance temporary POST HYPNOTIC  Trance Formation” when confronted with his name.

Trump: “Did you call Bill?


Keshia Crying in Tears: “I did not. I have not talked to Bill Cosby on the phone in I don’t know how long. So for me to pick up the phone, having not talked to you for five years, except for when we run into each other for a Cosby event- I feel that’s not my place to do.”[6]

Trump immediately fired her from show. He says that he had advised Keshia to contact Cosby before the recent Cosby Sex Scandal exploded. Trump said the show was taped before the recent scandal.[7] Later Keshia Knight Pulliam tried to defend Bill Cosby on a national televised morning program, “What I can say is this: I wasn’t there. No one was there except for the two people who know exactly what happened. All I can speak to is the man that I know and I love.”[8]

Does the very mention of the name of the man that she know and love immediately draw SHOCK and TEARS? No. It doesn’t.

For Keisha, the very mention of his name exploded into some subconscious HORROR that she experienced in the past and couldn’t explain. Donald Trump of the ILLUMINATI was well aware that she had allegedly been drugged and sexually abused by Cosby.  Trump demanding that Keisha contact Cosby was  like some kind of sick and demented inside MK ULTRA joke, an act of absolute Diabolical EVIL.


Destroy the images and ILLUSIONS, look beyond the trick and smoked mirrors, in the rear of the LOOKING GLASS; just behind the shadows lurk the absolute diabolical EVIL of the Bloodlines of WOTAN.


Anna Nicole Smith in POST HYPNOTIC dissociated “Trance Formation

Just a rare peek behind Bill Cosby, Hugh Hefner, the Playboy Mansion and the tragic picture of former Playboy Bunny Anna Nicole Smith (November 28, 1967- February 8, 2007), you will discover that same diabolical EVIL exist.

Anna Nicole Smith, Mexia & the Satanic Cult of the Dark Messiah

Mexia, Limestone County is a small town that sits approximately 164 miles outside of Houston, Texas. During WWII, the town held a prisoner of war camp for members of General Field Marshal Erwin Rommel’s Afrika Korps.[9] Rommel had been Hitler’s favorite general.[10]


It is generally believed that the Afrika Korps were part of the Wehrmacht– regular German soldiers. Some may have been. However, their identified insignias also show them to have been primarily the dreaded blood oath Waffen- SS forces led by Generalfieldmarshal Rommel of the elite Allgemeine SS- Knights of the Black Sun.

At the Nuremberg Tribunal, the Waffen-SS was condemned as a criminal organization due to its connection to the Nazi Party and involvement in numerous war crimes and Crimes against Humanity.[11]

The Waffen-SS is a circle of blood oath covenant crusading BLACK KNIGHTS of the VRIL and the DARK MESSIAH. Their covenant is to do the will of their master and father, they are LUCIFER’S SERVANTS.  After WW II, they should have been taken to Nuremberg Prison and prosecuted for Crimes Against Humanity instead of vacationing in Texas. Naturally or unholy, the people of Mexia and Limestone County developed a lot of love, affection, trans-generational links and Hidden Bloodlines with their Luciferian Nazi cousins.[12]


Heil to the Same Lord- LUCIFER

These grand lords, Knights of the Black Sun, masters of deception, were expected by their EVIL CREED to develop and setup clandestine networks with local chapters of their hierarchical subservient blood oath secret freemasons and Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. They developed covert Lebensborn liaisons with local Aryan women to carry their demonic seeds in America. That’s the way they roll under the veil of Inner Circle of the VRIL and the DARK MESSIAH. Why could it be any different in America that they intended from the very beginning to win by CONQUEST.

After the Fall of Nazi Germany in May 1945, members of Himmler’s elite Allgemeine SS rocket team including Sturmbannführer (Major) SS Werhner von Braun moved into Fort Bliss, El Paso, Texas. Dr. Hubertus Strughold of Reichsminister Hermann Wilhelm Göring’s Luftwaffe Air Force and his Inner Circle of the VRIL and the DARK MESSIAH” setup station at the U.S. Air Force’s School of Aviation Medicine (SAM) at Brooks Air Force Base in San Antonio- just miles outside of Mexia.


From the ninth grade, Anna Nichole Smith was raised by an aunt in Mexia whose primary industry from 1943 had been looking after 3000 to 4000 foot soldiers and officers of Reichsführer Heinrich Himmler’s elite blood covenant Schutzstaffel (SS). From 1943 to the early 1950s, Mexia to El Paso running down to Houston and San Antonio became a SS Nazi corridor in Texas. It stand reason to assume that Anna Nichole Smith’s family bloodline roots; and her sudden mysterious rise to international fame and fortune within a Satanic Circle of the Dark Messiah and the BLOODLINES OF WOTAN lies within the  SS Nazi Texas corridor.

Prince von Anhalt, SECOND & THIRD REICH  cosbyprinceanhalt

Prince von Anhalt & Hungarian Wife, HollyWeird Actress Zsa Zsa Gabor

Enter Prince Frédéric Prinz von Anhalt born Hans Robert Lichtenberg on June 18, 1943 in Bad Kreuznach, Germany to the Chief of Police of Frankfurt, Nazi Germany.[13] On June 17, 1936, Hitler decreed the unification of all police forces in the Reich and named Himmler as Chief of German Police. This action effectively merged the police into the SS.[14] If Prince von Anhalt’s father wasn’t SS or Gestapo, he was certainly under Himmler and a high collaborating Nazi Party official.[15]

Herman Goering, Hitler and Kaiser Wilhelm II

Whatever the case, Prince von Anhalts family ties had enough wealth, influence and power after WW II to buy his royal title from inside the House of the last German Emperor of the SECOND REICH (Kaiser) and King of Prussia, Kaiser Wilhelm II or William II, the foundation of the 1000 Year THIRD REICH.[16]

Wilhelm’s mother was Victoria, Princess Royal, the eldest daughter of Britain’s Queen Victoria.[17] Prince von Anhalt’s royal title attached to Kaiser and King of Prussia, Wilhelm II and the Queen of England, was extremely important in that it arguable immediately put him within the hierarchy of hidden power and influence of the ultra clandestine, influential and powerful German and English Freemason Lodges.[18]Anna Nicole Smith & HughHefner’s MK ULTRA Factory


In 1992, Anna Nicole Smith, stripper of that absurd place in Texas called Mexia, started her so-called modeling career at Hugh Hefner’s Playboy Mansion. Out of all the beautiful women of HollyWeird and the World, Hugh Hefner sent Anna Nicole Smith a plane ticket out of town to join his stable of blood oath covenant guest playmates at the mansion. The Playboy Mansion is a state of the art CIA MK ULTRA Factory.


“The “White Rabbit”in Disney’s primary MK Prog’mg film “Alice In Wonderland” reinforces MK Prog’mg (ALTERS) or mind files as does Playboy bunny logo for Hugh Hefner’s MK factory, Playboy Enterprises …”[19] 


Anna Nicole Smith in Classic Sex Kitten- Leopard Pattern Background

Hefner’s Sex Kittens are raised in communal type environments to centralize programmers/handlers’ supervision of individuals, group sessions and rituals. It also provides a centralized location for sex trade– twinning- among the women, and a place for clients of Hefner’s inner circle orgies that reinforce Sex Kitten/Slave programming and training.


Within a year, out of Hefner’s stable of women, it was Anna Nicole Smith of Mexia that rose to a high level ultra secret multiple personality disorder (MPD) mind controlled Presidential Model. In 1993, Hefner anointed her as the PLAYMATE OF THE YEAR.[20]

J. Howard Marshall, the Cult of the Dark Messiah


 In August 1994, Smith’s Playboy Mansion handlers married her off to wheelchair bound 89 year old Texas oil tycoon, J. Howard Marshall, believed to worth $500 million.[21] Marshall was described as a fascist oil tycoon and a Hitler devotee.[22]


Germany has been transformed into a great house of the Lord where the Fuhrer as our mediator stands before the throne of God.” Josef Goebbels, 1936[23]

“His [Adolf Hitler] quality is Messianic; his spiritual trend is ascetic; his reaction is medieval …” Phillips: Germany Today and Tomorrow[24]

Hitler envisioned that, once he had cleansed the earth, he would institute a Reich that would last for 1,000 years. He called this kingdom his “1,000 Year Reich”. This period was a Satanic duality of Jesus’ Millennial Reign, which Christ will set up after he has cleansed the earth of sinners. (Revelation 20:7)[25]

In other words, as a devotee, Marshall looked at Hitler as the Nazis viewed him as the Satanic “Messiah of the 1,000 Year Reich.” More importantly, Prince von Anhalt was part of Marshall‘s Nazi inner circle where he said that he met Anna Nicole Smith. Prince von Anhalt considered adopting Smith to place her within the German House of the King of Prussia, Wilhelm II, the Second Reich. Then, he decided to impregnate her with an heir to something hidden within the NAZI Underground inner circle.

Anna Nicole Smith, Prince von Anhalt & the Dr. Clauberg Factor

On September 7, 2006, Smith gave birth to Dannielynn Hope Marshall Stern in Nassau, Bahamas. J. Howard Marshall died August 4, 1995. Smith died February 8, 2007.[26] After the birth of Dannielynn and the death of Smith, Prince von Anhalt stepped forward to claim her as his natural child. He claimed to have had a secret ten-year sexual relationship with Smith.

The Little Diabolical EVIL Genius SS Gruppenführer Clauberg

In Freeman’s Perspective, his theory is that Prince von Anhalt is a secret Nazi genetic clone product of SS Gruppenführer (colonel general) Dr. Carl Clauberg.[27] In other words, he was one of those “Boys From Brazil.” Where or how Freeman developed this particularly theory linking Prince von Anhalt with Dr. Clauberg is unknown, but it is an extremely interesting hypothesis to say the least.

From my background and education, some of these subjects are like spinning free in the Twilight Zone. However, let’s get one thing straight, Dr. Clauberg was extremely legit and is a important factor in the secret future racialist plans of the THIRD REICH that is often overlooked. Professor Dr. Clauberg was the SS doctor most germane to the Nazi’s revolutionary pioneering breakthrough experiments in artificial insemination.

Dr. Clauberg was widely accepted as an accomplished scientific medical genius and specialist on his merits. He was an internationally renowned university professor. He had published numerous peer review papers and books on the subjects of gynecology under his name. However, his medical research and development in artificial insemination for the SS was Blood Oath Secrecy. In this regard, Himmler played no games. Himmler maintained in most instances a triple layer or more of state security. Violate Himmler’s SS secrecy code, you’re a dead man!1

In 1941, two years before the birth of Prince von Anhalt, Dr. Clauberg desperately sought and subsequently received Himmler’s permission to gain access to human material at Auschwitz to conduct human experiments in the Satanic duality principled science of artificial insemination, in vitro fertilization (positive eugenics); and its opposite- sterilization (negative eugenics).

At Auschwitz with Himmler’s special clearance, he worked with SS Dr. Josef Mengele in positive and negative eugenic live human experiments, but it was really Mengele working along beside Dr. Clauberg to keep a keen eye on him and his experiments for Himmler and the SS. Dr. Clauberg also opened an university in vitro fertilization (positive eugenics) research clinic focused on female infertility just outside of Auschwitz.

At the Fall of Nazi Germany, Russian intelligence were well aware of reports of Dr. Clauberg’s secret work for the SS in positive eugenics- artificial insemination. A special Russian classified security and investigate team was sent out to get him, and they brought him in on June 8, 1945.

For 10 years, Dr. Clauberg had disappeared behind the Soviet Union. In October 1955, Dr. Clauberg suddenly re-appeared in Germany among a massive German- Russian prisoner of war exchange. On November 21, 1955, a little more than a month after Dr. Clauberg was mysteriously released possibly as a double agent by Russians, German officials (SS Gehlen Org) picked him up. Dr. Clauberg tried to open an institute to continue his artificial insemination practice in Germany for a profit.


On August 9, 1957, almost two years later, Dr. Clauberg was dead. Dr. Mengele was now the exclusive CIA/SS top secret artificial insemination expert. The Boys From Brazil, it all came from the secret foundational work of Dr. Clauberg of the SS.

Dr. Clauberg fits within the timeline to have covertly cloned a Prince von Anhalt.  It also appears apparent that his family had the resources and power to hire Dr. Clauberg’s special services. Also lets be perfectly clear. Dr. Clauberg expertise and work in pioneering research and development in female infertility is still widely referenced even today in the medical field. Whether or not, Dr. Clauberg was successfully able to clone the human species is a tightly guarded secret of Germany intelligence, CIA and the Russians.

However, one thing is clear in that whatever success that Dr. Mengele developed in cloning the human species lies at the feet of that mad little SATANIC genius, Gruppenführer (colonel general) SS Dr. Carl Clauberg .

Himmler’s Wewelsberg Castle, Empire House of the Gruppenführer- Carl Clauberg


Reichsführer Himmler conducted numerous black magick rituals at Wewelsburg Castle. These rituals were conducted in the utmost secrecy. They included necromancy [communication with the dead]. Wewelsburg had many powerful Satanic symbols, most of these were white-washed and removed from walls and pillars in early 1945.[28] In 1945, under orders from Himmler, Wewelsburg was blown up to keep it from the invading armies. True Paganism which is synonymous with Satanism is known for its emphasis on the Sun -666– the number of the BEAST.[29]

Himmler stayed quite often – alone or with guests – in the castle. He wanted to hold annual meetings with the highest SS officers in Wewelsburg, along with initiation ceremonies. Even towards the end of the war, Himmler was trying to make Wewelsburg the ‘Empire House of the SS-Gruppenführer’.[30]


Black Sun Symbol on the floor of the “Obergruppenführersaal” (SS Generals’ Hall) This one of the last photos of Anna Nichole Smith  collapsed but still alive inside a swirl at the Seminole Hard knock Hotel and Casino in Hollywood, FL. The spiral is occult symbolism for the Black Sun 666. Anna Nicole Smith either suffered a fatal flashback to a Nazi Satanic Ritual or someone triggered a “termination alter” locked inside the Black Sun. What is so special about Anna Nicole Smith and her offspring, Dannielynn, to the Underground THIRD REICH? – Hidden SS Bloodlines of WOTAN implanted in America. One thing is certain is that Anna Nicole Smith and her oldest son, David Wayne Smith (1/22/1986- 9/10/2006) had been sacrificed to pave the way for Dannielynn to ascend as a heir apparent to some Diabolical Horror and EVIL of the Cult of the Dark Messiah.

cosbyanna October 30, 2004, Hugh Hefner (the DEVIL) and Anna Nicole Smith– Halloween Party at the Playboy Mansion. I suspect that a very select group of Hefner’s Guest Playmates (Presidential Models)- ultra secret MK ULTRA/MONARCH “Sex Toys” like Anna Nicole Smith come packaged with preset codes, keys and triggers programmed special to served a very select elite and powerful Satanic circle.

Anna Nicole Smith & the Secret Dark Messiah MONARCH  Code

On August 12, 2006, Attorney Howard K. Stern, Smith’s domestic partner and business manager along with a character named Ford Shelley, a Myrtle Beach, South Carolina Real Estate Developer, deliberately triggered and keyed Smith’s 4 year old MK ULTRA/MONARCH alter and videotaped her because the DEMO was worth a lot of money among the ILLUMINATI.[31]

Within six (6) months of Smith’s MONARCH DEMO tape, she would be found dead in February 2007. After her death, Stern’s secret DEMO video tape of Smith in a multiple personality disorder (MPD) alter was thereafter covertly removed from her home in the Bahamas by Shelley, who allegedly held title to the home.

It was Shelley that exposed MK ULTRA/MONARCH Anna Nicole Smith in mind controlled “trance formation” to the worldwide internet as a possible insurance policy to keep he and his family alive.[32] Smith’s DEMO video tape was reportedly recorded in his home. His wife, Gina Shelley, painted Smith’s face with lipstick. After Smith’s death, Shelley also removed computers, hard drives and other video tape evidence. Shelley claims to have broke Smith’s secret MK ULTRA/MONARCH codes and triggers.[33]

It stands to reason that Smith’s Satanic ritual abuse began around the age of 4 years old, and Shelley by evidence of the DEMO video tape was able to open Smith’sprotective” original personality. It is unknown whether he broke through to any of her other alters protected by the original personality. It also stands to reason that Smith had a wide variety of alters that included ultra secret presidential and executive mission alters. That’s the way they roll.

In November 2011, Stancil Ford Shelley, Jr., age 47, was disposed of by feds. He pled guilty in federal court in Florence, South Carolina to mail fraud in regards to shady real estate transactions. He is serving time at Bennettsville Federal Correctional Institution.[34]

Anna Nicole Smith & MK ULTRA Hypnotic Chemicals


Smith’s autopsy established that her body contained large amounts of MK ULTRA experimental hypnotic drug- Chloral Hydrate.[35] Presidential MONARCH Sex Slave Marilyn Monroe’s body was also found to contain large amounts of Chloral Hydrate.[36] During the 1950s, SATANIST Anton LaVey found and promoted Monroe career out of a strip club. LaVey was an early MK ULTRA Occult Bureau programmer and handler.[37],[38]



Marilyn Monroe opened Hefner’s first issue of Playboy Magazine in December 1953, the year MK ULTRA began.[39]

Large supplies of Chloral Hydrate was also discovered at Jonestown, a secret CIA Medical Mind Control Experiment and Concentration Camp at an isolated offshore site in Guyana, South America.[40]


Hugh Hefner and Bill Cosby– is it at all possible that one would be more absolutely diabolical EVIL than the other?

“MK-Ultra Monarch Programmer/Handler … Hugh Hefner has enriched himself as America’s # 1 MK Pimp for over 50yrs, supplying Global Mgt. Team and whoever else has codes “triggers” and enough money to afford “state of the art”  Oz-Dorothy, Jewel prog’md  DID (MPD) lovelies. This NSA-CIA asset w/his degree in psychology (read Mind Control Prog’mr) controls an army of BETA-trained Sex Slaves available for blackmail, espionage (honeypots), underground porn and whatever else their ”ALTERS” (mind files) are Prog’md for. Hefner works closely w/MK Prog’mr/handler Heinz (Henry) Kissinger, and operates under full protection of NSA/CIA military-apparatus.”[41]


 Hefner and a very close ultra secret inner circle held the overriding backdoor keys to Anna Nicole Smith and the women coming out of the Playboy MK ULTRA Factory. In my opinion, Bill Cosby, attached to Hefner, would be one of few people cleared since the 1950s to be in this type of highly classified Korean War MANCHURICAN CANDIDATE- trauma based mind control business straight from the SS- Knights of the Dark Messiah right out of Dachau and Auschwitz.

Smooth Criminal & the Magical Drug


In 1969, Bill Cosby joked and bragged about poisoning women with Spanish Fly. Spanish Fly acts as an enhancer of the female libido and is taken by females to help them achieve better arousal levels and better orgasms. It also may be used as medicine in some occasions.[42]

At a 2008 Hugh Hefner Playboy Mansion Party, Cosby allegedly fixed 18 year old aspiring model and dancer, Cloe Goins, a drink on the side, then she said, “everything kind of went a little foggy … dizzy.” Cosby escorted her to a bedroom; she doesn’t remember entering the bedroom. Goins said her next memory was waking up “butt naked.”


Goins: “I came to remember seeing this big man crouched over me, and he was at my feet, kind of licking and kissing them and I think he bit my toe that’s what woke me up.”[43]

Most of Cosby’s victims associate chemicals with rape and sexual abuse that produce clear definitive dissociated states, decades long memory loss and amnesia barriers. Many of these incidents of narco rape and sexual abuse involving Cosby go back to the late 1960s.[44],[45]

Spanish Fly is not a natural chemical associated with dissociated states, memory loss and amnesia barriers. Yet, what he said above definitely represents his man’s state of mind from a very early period to callously use chemicals clandestinely to overcome and violate individual free will. Nevertheless, it is not evidence that Cosby in fact used Spanish Fly to violate anyone’s rights or the laws of society.

However, no matter how compelling Goins’ story is, she like the other women have absolutely no corroborating physical evidence other than their controversial repressed memories that any wrongdoing between them and Cosby ever took place. Repressed memories are hypothesized memories having been unconsciously blocked, due to the memory being associated with a high level of stress or trauma. The theory postulates that even though the individual cannot recall the memory, it may still be affecting them consciously.[46]

According to the American Psychological Association, it is not possible to distinguish repressed memories from false ones without corroborating evidence. The term repressed memory is derived from the term dissociative amnesia, which is defined in the DSM-IV as “an inability to recall important personal information, usually of a traumatic or stressful nature, that is too extensive to be explained by ordinary forgetfulness.”[47]

It is almost unbelievable that in over six (6) decades of allegations of rape and sexual abuse that not one of Cosby’s victims can come forward with corroborating physical evidence that he committed any offenses against them. There are no witnesses that saw Cosby spike anyone’s drinks. There is no chemical evidence of any drugs that Cosby could have used to commit any crimes. There are no rape kits- DNA. There is no evidence of any blood, bruises, scarred or torn tissues to tie him to criminal activity.

For these women’s stories of rape and sexual abuse against Cosby to be true, he would have to be a revolutionary new, powerful, smooth and magical criminal that has access to an equally new and magical miracle drug that causes in itself prolonged memory and amnesia blocks- long enough to allow physical evidence of any wrongdoing to naturally lapse.

In fact, I believe that there isn’t a chemical drug alone that can cause dissociated states; memory loss and amnesia barriers without some forms of subliminal suggestions and hypnotism. However, the quest for such a magical chemical/drug and science to destroy individual free will points only in one direction. It’s called Narco-hypnosis.

The CIA & the Magical TRUTH Drug


Since 1953, the CIA, U.S. Navy and the U.S. Army Chemical Corps through Project CHATTER, BLUEBIRD, ARTICHOKE rolled into MK ULTRA have been in search of such a miracle and magical drug to obliterate individual free will with amnesia blocks.

Again going back to the Navy’s ultra secret Project CHATTER, it duplicated and expanded the SS’ Dachau Concentration Campaviation series” terminal experiments that also involved “mind control” experiments by hypnosis and narco-hypnosis using experimental chemicals and drugs, particularly mescaline, on victims.

Additional mind control/behavior modification research was conducted at the Auschwitz Concentration Camp under Dr. Josef Mengele, using a range of chemicals including various barbiturates, morphine derivatives and electrical shock torture.[48]

Expanding on the Dachau Narco-hypnosis Experiments, CIA psychiatrists attempted to induce a trance state after administering a mild sedative. A second technique involved a combination of two different drugs with contradictory effects. A heavy dose of barbiturates was given to knock the subject out, and then the subject got an injection of a stimulant, usually some type of amphetamine. As the subject started to come out of a somnambulant state, the subject would reach a certain ineffable point prior to becoming fully conscious. Described in CIA documents as “the twilight zone“, this groggy or “foggy- dizzy” condition as described by Goins above was considered optimal for interrogation, suggestions and hypnotism.[49]


Bill Cosby’s MODUS OPERANDI producing dissociated states, memory loss and amnesia barriers in women that he violates is an advanced and sophisticated form of experimental CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH trauma based Narco-hypnosis straight out of DACHAU and Auschwitz.

The DEVIL’s Playmate Body Count


Highly unusual automobile accidents, drug overdoses, homicides, a plane crash all have claimed the lives of at least 17 of Hefner’s young Playmates including the infamous Marilyn Monroe, Jayne Mansfield and Anna Nicole Smith.[50]


The 1974 death of 1968 Playmate of the Month, Paige Young, is linked to Hugh Hefner and Bill Cosby who used her as a personal “Sex Toy.” When Paige took her life on a Palm Sunday, she wanted to make a STATEMENT and stir an investigation into Hefner’s Satanic Playboy Circle, she left pictures of Hefner labeled the DEVIL, and a large PENTAGRAM that had nothing to do with the five wounds of Christ on the floor of her Hollywood apartment. Undoubtedly, she was trying to tell us about repressed memories of a PENTAGRAM being a central part of a Ritual to indoctrinate her into the Cult of the DARK MESSIAH.


Paige wasn’t far off. Look at Madonna’s odd PENTAGRAM showing a HollyWeird mind control Satanic Cult Ritual with Diabolical EVIL and DEMONIC anchors at each of the five points.


Paige Young and the Satanic PENTAGRAM

In HollyWeird, Paige’s STATEMENT was as it is today a forbidden subject. Palm Sunday was originally to commemorate Christ’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Later on it was combined with pagan activities; today the palm and willow are blessed and carried in the procession. It is ascribed to a pagan holiday where olive and willow are blessed. Powers attributed to the palm are exorcising evil spirits, and warding off DEVILS.[51]


Hugh Hefner and Bill Cosby’s Narco-hypnosis Sex Kitten Programming- trauma based MK ULTRA/MONARCH multiple alters are undoubtedly anchored in the occult- SATANISM. That is one of the messages that the tragic Paige Young was trying to tell us.


[1] http://www.smh.com.au/lifestyle/celebrity/sandra-bullocks-husband-jesse-james-apologises-asks-for-forgiveness-20100318-qiur.html

[2] http://henrymakow.com/john_wilkes_booth_killed_by_je.html

[3] http://www.tmz.com/2010/03/20/jesse-james-sandra-bullock-michelle-mcgee-nazi-swastika-mistress-photos/

[4] http://www.smh.com.au/lifestyle/celebrity/sandra-bullocks-husband-jesse-james-apologises-asks-for-forgiveness-20100318-qiur.html

[5] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Cosby_Show


[7] http://www.thesuperficial.com/keshia-knight-pullam-celebrity-apprentice-bill-cosby-rape-fired-donald-trump-01-2015

[8] http://www.thesuperficial.com/keshia-knight-pullam-celebrity-apprentice-bill-cosby-rape-fired-donald-trump-01-2015

[9] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mexia,_Texas

[10] http://www.eyewitnesstohistory.com/rommel.htm

[11] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waffen-SS

[12] http://www.tshaonline.org/handbook/online/articles/qug01

[13] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fr%C3%A9d%C3%A9ric_Prinz_von_Anhalt

[14] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gestapo

[15] Id.

[16] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fr%C3%A9d%C3%A9ric_Prinz_von_Anhalt

[17] http://aangirfan.blogspot.com/2014/01/kaiser-wilhelm-ii-gays-freemasons-jews.html

[18] http://davidmeyerson.net/the-myth-of-freemasonic-conspiracy/

[19] http://intheknow7.wordpress.com/2010/05/24/50yrs-of-mk-ultra-beta-sex-slaves-graphic-wvideos/

[20] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anna_Nicole_Smith

[21] http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,1536410_20011436,00.html

[22] http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message342517/pg1

[23] http://net-abbey.org/hitler-as-god.htm

[24] http://www.nizkor.org/hweb/people/h/hitler-adolf/oss-papers/text/oss-profile-02.html

[25] http://www.cuttingedge.org/news/n2246.cfm

[26] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anna_Nicole_Smith

[27] http://thefreemanperspective.blogspot.com/2007/02/httpwww2bloggercomimggllinkgifanna.html

[28] http://spiritualwarfare666.webs.com/Reichsf%C3%BChrer_SS.htm

[29] Id.

[30] http://www.wewelsburg.de/en/wewelsburg-1933-1945/historischer-hintergrund.php

[31] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Howard_K._Stern

[32] http://thefreemanperspective.blogspot.com/2007/02/httpwww2bloggercomimggllinkgifanna.html

[33] http://www.artharris.com/2007/12/08/bald-truth-flashback-ford-shelley-locked-out-was-he-friends-with-anna-when-she-died/

[34] http://www.myrtlebeachonline.com/2013/07/18/3591643_court-denies-myrtle-beach-developer.html?rh=1

[35] http://abcnews.go.com/Health/story?id=2982406

[36] http://www.davidicke.com/forum/showthread.php?t=147710

[37] http://www.whale.to/b/lavey_q.html

[38] http://www.thetruthseeker.co.uk/?p=71446

[39] http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/playboy-re-releases-iconic-marilyn-monroe-issue-60-years-gallery-1.1758786

[40] http://www.truedemocracy.net/hj37/36a.html

[41] http://intheknow7.wordpress.com/2010/05/24/50yrs-of-mk-ultra-beta-sex-slaves-graphic-wvideos/

[42] http://health.blurtit.com/46946/what-effect-does-spanish-fly-has-on-women-and-how-is-it-to-be-used-to-be-effective-if-it

[43] http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/woman-claims-bill-cosby-drugged-758243

[44] http://www.tmz.com/2014/11/24/bill-cosby-accuser-class-action-lawsuit-rape-louisa-moritz/

[45] http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/gossip/woman-sues-bill-cosby-claiming-molested-article-1.2031073

[46] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Repressed_memory

[47] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Repressed_memory

[48] http://artificialtelepathy.blogspot.com/2006/06/telepathy-and-technology-of-mind.html

[49] http://robertscourt.blogspot.com/2008/02/effexor-withdrawal.html

[50] http://listoftheday.blogspot.com/2010/08/17-dead-centerfolds-of-day.html

[51] http://www.demonbuster.com/holiday.html



23 01 2013

In the late evening of January 8, 2013, Katt Williams was released from jail on a $100.000 bail bond on a Sacramento, CA arrest warrant issued for missing his court appearance. He was captured on a TMZ video being led away from jail by a white security team.[1] Usually anything regarding Katt Williams, TMZ  will spread it all over the world. However in this one case, this particular video of Williams being led away from a Yolo County Jail in California by a special security team has limited circulation for whatever reasons.  The TMZ video can be reviewed at UPDATE: Katt Williams Release from Jail on 100K for Missing Court Date


One guy in a green shirt is seen wearing a U.S. Army or Navy “Special Forces” cap similar to the one below.


The guy in green also has a surveillance earpiece designed for military, police, secret service, first responders and security personnel.[2] It has a Bluetooth pairing with a fast push-to-talk design microphone to communicate with band radio frequencies.[3]

So, why are U.S. Army Special Forces, former members of the Special Forces or an advanced professional security team connected to a secure central command station extracting Katt Williams from jail, but to deliver him to secure secret cybernetic mind control laboratory to repair a blown circuit, the Human Will and Compassion to be FREE. Nevertheless, I pray that I am wrong and they were his bail bondsmen. I also fear that it may be one of the last times we may see or hear from Katt close to his original conscious self.

Comedian Katt Williams was the first to coin the world, Niggadom (Kingdom). I don’t subscribe to such degrading terminology or jargon regarding African Descendants so I call it, Negrodom. But it isn’t really a physical place with borders and boundaries, Katt Williams must be making reference to a imprisoned state of consciousness; Delusional State of Mind, or an particular insanity among Black People of HollyWeird, CA.


Criticism of Django Unchained: “American Slavery Was Not A Sergio Leone Spaghetti Western. It Was A Holocaust. My Ancestors Are Slaves. Stolen From Africa. I Will Honor Them,” –Director Spike Lee[4]

HollyWeird’s House Negroes and attack dogs are all over Spike Lee for his mere expression of opinion and criticism of Django Unchained as if he committed a crime against humanity, democracy or like Katt Williams violated a scared Luciferian oath or pact of secrecy.


The Luciferian HollyWeird elite Implant-Conceal many Satanic images and ILLUSIONS that isn’t easy to recognize in films to subliminal traumatize the masses . Red represents the color of the “Blood Sacrifice.”


In the Django Unchained Poster, above, there are at least four (4) Ancient Double Crosses of Loraine, Emblem of the Royal Secret

“When various members of the House of Anjou plotted to topple the Valois dynasty of France, the symbol of the conspirators was the Cross of Lorraine, the heraldic emblem of René d’Anjou, said by Charles Peguy to represent the “arms of Christ”, “the arms of Satan”, and, strangely, the blood of both. René was the Angevin monarch who, at the time of the renaissance, single-handedly spearheaded a Hermetic revival in Europe. It was he who personally convinced Cosimo de Medici to translate many ancient texts such as the Corpus Hermeticum into various European tongues for the first time ever. And when Corpus Hermeticum was first published in France, the dedication it bore was to Marie de Guise, wife of James Stuart V, mother of Mary Queen of Scots, and a descendant of René who also adopted the Cross of Lorraine as a personal symbol.

That the Cross of Lorraine is a symbol embodying the Hermetic ideal is fairly obvious. The Angevins were primarily advocates of the Regia, or Royal Art, of hermeticism; a tradition which according to legend was passed down to man by a race of fallen angels. This isn’t at all inconsistent with the perennially Luciferian overtones associated with the entire Angevin saga.

Interestingly, the Cross of Lorraine bears an uncanny resemblance to the sigil of Baphomet employed by British Magus Aleister Crowley, and the meaning of the two symbols would appear to be virtually synonymous. Baphomet is, after all, the penultimate hermetic symbol, whether depicted by Crowley in the form of a cross, or by Eliphas Levi as a goat-headed hermaphrodite. And the sigil used by Crowley was also employed by ancient alchemists as a device whose meaning was literally “very poisonous.” In fact, the symbol was commonly affixed to containers of toxic substances in Europe as recently as the mid-twentieth century. To the alchemists, of course, the symbol and its very meaning had far more esoteric connotations. To them, poison represented an agent of transformation, a vehicle for the reconciliation of opposites. And there is an alchemical myth about a poison which for most men is extremely deadly, while for the elect it confers mastership and absolute power. Echoes of this idea recur as a motif in various aspects of the Grail lore. It would seem that the alchemists accorded this symbol very much the same meaning attributed it by Crowley, which in turn echoes what the Cross of Lorraine embodied for Rene d’Anjou. It is little known, but the Cross of Lorraine was also the official emblem of the Knights Templar

Though they are more frequently associated with the symbol of the red equilateral cross, their true symbol first and foremost was the Cross of Lorraine, and many Templars awaiting death at the stake pursuant to the Friday the 13th persecutions drew the emblem on the walls of their cells. There is still a degree in certain rites of Freemasonry called the Knights Templar, whose symbol is the Cross of Lorraine. It is interesting to note that even the less esoteric-looking equilateral cross used by the Templars had essentially the same meaning: that of the union of opposites, the intersection of creative force and destructive force, or the union of male and female principles. It was a fundamental occult symbol, and it was in deference to the idea which it embodied that medieval occult rituals were often held at crossroads.

The Cross of Lorraine is far more explicit in it’s iconography: the bar above mirroring the bar below, both of which are symmetrically affixed to a central pillar that provides balance and equilibrium. As above, so below is, after all, a Hermetic maxim. And the three bars of which the cross is composed echo Eliphas Levi’s concept of the true trinity. Levi posited that the world is governed by two primordial forces, one creative, the other destructive. The equilibrium between these two forces constitutes a third force, and the union of the three constitutes what some might refer to as… God.

The central role of the principle of equilibrium in various occult arts cannot be overstressed. For Master Mason Albert Pike, equilibrium represented the Royal Secret, the pivotal principle upon which the universe is ordered. And Pike’s specific designation of equilibrium as a royal secret is of particular significance because, as previously mentioned, Hermeticism has traditionally been known as the Royal Art, and its central tenet is essentially that of equilibrium. And too, when Pike calls it a Royal secret, he isn’t speaking figuratively, but strictly in literal terms. Hermes, according to legend, was the sole receptacle of the secret doctrine of the antediluvian world, which he revived after the flood and passed down to the Kings. As you’ll recall, this secret knowledge was thought to have been taught to man by a race of Gods or fallen angels. This knowledge was kept secret because it was probably recognized that for all but an elect few, such thought would no doubt bring about their ruin. This brings to mind the concept of the alchemical poison. Kings and aristocrats would understand how to wield and apply the secret doctrine because it was believed that they were in fact flesh and blood descendants of the Forgotten Race which had come down to take the wives of men.

References to this Forgotten Race occur repeatedly in numerous religions and mythologies throughout the world, and should most likely be known to readers of this magazine. Their doctrines have been enshrined in myth, legend, and many religious symbols, in which they are looked upon by many, and recognized by but a few. They are, and shall remain, the Royal Secret. The Cross of Lorraine is a sigil of that Royal Secret, the doctrine of the Forgotten Ones.”

The Satanic Cross

In the Satanic Bible in LaVeyan Satanism, the Satanic Cross can also be interpreted as a combination of the Lorraine crossand the mathematical symbol for infinity, or a phallic re-imagining of the cross, with the infinity symbol representing a scrotum. It is often interpreted as a symbol of Satanism, because Anton LaVey adopted it from the Cross of Lorraine or even the Patriarchal, which is also a symbol of Christianity and Hermeticism. Hermetic alchemists of the Renaissance used the emblem as a symbol of earth and spirit by combining the square earth cross with the cross of Christ. When drawn symmetrically, it symbolized the hermetic maxim, “As above, so below”.


Baphomet & WICKED Tarantino, “As above, so below”

In the Django Unchained Deception, Legendary Black Comedian and Civil Rights  Activist, Dick Gregory, has been making news around the internet. Dick Gregory publicly singled out and attacked Spike Lee for criticizing Quentin Tarantino and Django Unchained. In defense of the Tarantino film, Gregory called Spike Lee a “Thug” and “Punk.”[5] In Spike Lee’s line of profession in the community, Gregory’s chosen words spread across the world constitute insulting “fighting words.”[6]


Dick Gregory & President Barack Obama, Look for the ILLUMINATI “Hidden Hand of Power” Gesture

“I’ve seen Django Unchained, I’ve seen that 12 times. Never in the history of Hollywood, have they ever made anything that freed the inside of me. The inside. I’m 80 years-old, I saw cowboy movies, wasn’t no Black folks in cowboy movies. I’m looking at a Western, plus a love story. To those of you all that see it, you’ll never see a love story about a Black man and a Black woman where it wasn’t some foul sex and foul language, huh. And Spike Lee can’t appreciate that. That little thug ain’t even seen the movie, he’s acting like he’s White.”[7]


If you multiple 12 times 176, the number of times that Katt Williams said the script contained the word “N**ger” with damning adjectives (An adjective is a word that describes, identifies, modifies, or quantifies something [a noun or a pronoun] like f**king, it means that Dick Gregory subjected himself to 2112 scientific subliminal self inflicted mental head wounds from the “n word” determined by the highest court of the land to injure the Black Psyche [Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire, 315 U.S. 568 (1942)]. Dick Gregory may be immune to being called the “n word”, but it negatively affects and hurt our children and many other of us just don’t play that.


I am quite sure that each time Chicago Mafioso Frankie “One Ear” Fratto[8] pulled the trigger, it was preceded by the “n word” with adjectives like f**king, no good, dirty, stinking and useless, etc. It’s Russian roulette and it’s a physical form and method of scientific “Ritual Abuse and Trauma-Based Mind Control.”[9]


This is a subliminal hypnotic self (alternative personality) inflicted form of scientific traumatic torture that Brandy and Wicked Tarantino appears to be well aware of.

Out of Negrodom, Gregory also said he’d never seen a black man and a black woman ride off into the sunset in a movie, and that’s part of the beauty of Django Unchained.[10]

Beauty or ILLUSION? I wouldn’t call riding off in the middle of the Deep South in the 1850s during universal inhumane and vicious enslavement of (4) four million Africans exactly beautiful, unless, I am delusional or fed a grand ILLUSION of the actual barbaric racist affairs and attitudes of the country during this period.

Anyhow, Wicked Tarantino made it loud and clear to Negrodom early in the film that the storyline is about the Wagnerian Germanic Folktale of Broomhilda and Siegfried, a tale beloved by Adolf Hitler and Paul Josef Goebbels and the THRID REICH.[11]

Broomhilda (Brunhilde) is one of WOTAN’s (Odin) daughters. She is a Valkyrie.”[12] That’s exactly what a Valkyrie does. She rides off into the sunset with the chosen hero to Valhalla, WOTAN’s castle in the sky.[13]


Wicked Tarantino & The Kiss of the Luciferian Brotherhood

This is a very secret and ancient reflection of patriarchal bonding going back to the days of the war state societies of Greece and Rome. During these ancient empires, homosexual male bonding in the militaries of ancient Greece was regarded as contributing to morale. The Sacred Band of Thebes (Greece), a unit said to have been formed of same-sex couples, and the Spartan tradition of military heroism has been explained as being fostered by strong emotional bonds resulting from homosexual relationships. Various ancient Greek sources record incidents of courage in battle and interpret them as motivated by homoerotic bonds. You would also be surprised to know that this ancient tradition and practice of male bonding lay at the birth of the Nazi Nationalist War State. (See Pink Swastika: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party, 5th Edition for Internet)


Danny Glover & Harry Belafonte, The Kiss of Luciferian Brotherhood in HollyWeird


L’ll Wayne & Birdman-Steve J, The Kiss of Luciferian Brotherhood in Hip Hop

Nevertheless what Tarantino says, out of Negrodom, Dick Gregory (House Negro Role) claims that the real inspiration of Django is Dangerfield Newby.[14] THAT DOG WON’T HUNT!

During the John Brown raid in October 1859, the first raider killed was a black man by the name of Dangerfield Newby. Dangerfield had been freed by his white father, but he had a wife and seven children held in slavery in Warrenton, Virginia. His wife’s master had told him that for the sum of $1,500 he could buy his wife and his youngest baby, who had just started to crawl. Dangerfield earned that amount of money and went back to Warrenton to purchase his wife and baby, only to have his wife’s master raise the price. The free black man then joined John Brown in the hope of freeing not only his wife and youngest baby, but his entire family.[15]

During the assault on Harpers Ferry to raid an armory to supply weapons for a rebellion, one man defending the armory was shooting 6 inch spikes from his powder loaded gun. One of those spikes hit the throat of Newby. He was killed instantly. The people of Harpers Ferry took the body of Newby and savagely stabbed it repeatedly with their rusty knives. They left the mutilated body in the alley to be eaten by hungry hogs.[16]

I suppose that Dick Gregory want us to be delusional, caught in the DOUBLE BIND and believe an ILLUSION that this act of a courageous and desperate man with all his God given human loving compassion stoke out to free his beloved wife and seven children from the horror of slavery; and the absolute horrible and barbaric reprisals against the body of this man can somehow be visualized as “beauty” and “riding off in the sunset” is absolutely insane. It is deliberate absolute mass DECEPTION in its broadest terms.

As far as credits for the film are concerned, Quentin Tarantino is the screenwriter. He credits the character development, Django, to a Italian spaghetti western based on no known slavery historical facts. Tarantino later explained the genesis of the idea: “I was writing a book about Sergio Cobucci when I came up with a way to tell the story. One of the things that’s fun when you write about subtextual criticism …”[17] Sergio Corbucci (December 6, 1927 – December 1, 1990) was an Italian film director. He is best known for his very violent spaghetti westerns.[18] Negrodom, Tarantino doesn’t  doesn’t possess the Godly human capacity to care or have any compassion about the true heroic struggles, tribulations or issues of enslaved Africans.


According to Wicked Tarantino, I want to do movies that deal with America’s horrible past with slavery and stuff but do them like spaghetti westerns, not like big issue movies.”[19] “Slavery and stuff,” he just wanted to play around with it like an Italian spaghetti western, play games with the hearts and minds of the masses. Does Quentin Tarantino even know Dick Gregory in any cinematic sense of production or have any independent historical knowledge whatsoever of Dangerfield or his wife Harriet Newby? I doubt it.

Straight from Negrodom, Gregory continues:

So it must be something personal because when I look and all them Black entertainers that know Spike Lee, how you gone attack this man [Quentin Tarantino]and don’t be attacking them? Are you saying everyone’s a fool but me? ‘Well, it offended my ancestors,’ but when you did She’s Got To Have It and some of those other thug movies you did, you took Malcolm X and put a Zoot suit on him — did that offend your ancestors, punk?[20]


Good Old Uncle Luke, ILLUMINATI Silence is Golden & Mark of the BEAST 666


Also out of Negrodom, the dissectible Uncle [Real Tom] Luther Campbell of 2 Live Crew fame that happens to call himself “Uncle” [21] Luke was also sent on the attack. He called Spike Lee a resident house Negro…conniving and scheming Uncle Tom”.[22]


Luther Campbell has to be the nation’s leading Hip Hop artist to openly promote desecration and the exploitation of African descendent female flesh. Uncle (Tom) Luke will place young black females on the sexual slavery(MONARCH/MK ULTRA MIND CONTROL) auction block for only a few pieces of silver with a big grin and a slap on his ass by the ILLIMUNTI and the New World Order.


Comedian-Actor- Black Luciferian Jamie Foxx called Spike Lee “Shady…Irresponsible” for criticizing Tarantino’s artistic works. [23] Yet, Jamie Foxx is another dissectible House Negro that has done his fair share to desecrate the image, negatively impact and undermine the worldview of African Destiny, Manhood and Fatherhood for the New Luciferian World Order.


Samuel L. Jackson & Eye of Lucifer

One of the leading actors in Django Unchained, Satanic and ILLUMINATI House Negro, Samuel L. Jackson, added his two cents to the mix. He suggested that Spike Lee may be jealous of Quentin Tarantino’s film making success- “I don’t know if it’s jealousy”.[24]

Also, House Negro director of the film “Training Day” starting Denzil Washington, another ILUMINATI House Negro, also rode to Tarantino’s rescue to defend him publicly. Antoine Fugua admonished Spike Lee,

“That’s just not the way you do things,” said Fuqua, who admitted to not seeing the film yet himself, at the Capri event. “If you disagree with the way a colleague did something, call him up, invite him out for a coffee, talk about it. But don’t do it publicly.”[25]

In other words, we criticize HollyWeird’s Luciferian-Satanic powerful and elite, Quentin Tarantino, in secrecy, behind the scenes- closed doors. That’s the way it’s done by House Negroes in HollyWeird, CA.

Yet, there is my underlining suspicious that this will all play out to be a trick of mass deception. They create the false flag controversy between Spike Lee and Quentin Tarantino to lure unsuspecting masses to the film. Django Unchained has nothing to do with our true African Ancestors’ struggle and heroics during human bondage in America.

The film is a crude and vicious “red herring” designed to suck the masses into experimental cinematic subliminal mass hypnotics of self inflicted torture; and polarize the races. Django Unchained is a retelling of tales of Wagnerian Gods, Goddesses and the Mythology of the Germanic Pagan WOTAN played out with black faces.

In regards to Katt Williams and his criticism of the film and Wicked Tarantino seem to have fallen by the wayside, I suspect that the ILLUMINATI entertainment industry knows that everything is already in the works to neutralize him, and that he will be clandestinely dealt with by the highest levels of the ILLUMINATI and the (FEDS) U.S. Military-Industrial-Congressional System.


Still, the most wickedness attack on Spike Lee for discouraging the masses of people of color from being subjected to self-inflicted torture and abuse, ILLUSIONS and historic re-imaging of events close to their heart, soul and spirit, came from the Eye of Lucifer, Dick Gregory.


During the late 1990s, I had a rare opportunity to meet with a small group with the Late Great Steve Cokely in Oakland. As an Oak Town Field Negro, I wasn’t particularly invited. I found out about the time and place of the meeting, and went. Part of Cokely’s discussion was regarding Spike Lee’s 1992 film, Malcolm X.[26] Even at that time; it was common knowledge among brothers and sisters that half of movie involving Malcolm in a zoot suit, crime and chasing the blue eyed blond goddess was a tradeoff. It was the work of CIA Project MOCKINGBIRD originally established in 1947 on Lookout Mountain in Laurel Canyon, HollyWeird, CA.[27]

The HollyWeird film industry regularly clear scripts directed toward targeted audiences, particularly the Black and Brown masses, through the CIA and FBI. They have their own psychiatrists, psychologists and social scientists to mode cinema to control the mass psyche. They have script-screen writers, producers and directors in their back pocket with the power to revise film scripts and control film narratives.[28]


During the 1950s, it is documented that the CIA influenced HollyWeird’s film producers to plant negroes” who were “well-dressed” (Sidney Poitier and Harry Belafonte, for example) in movies, as Cold War propaganda to manipulate and control mass world opinion and ILLUSIONS involving race relations in America.[29]

During this particular session with Cokely, he said that he knew Spike Lee well enough to command an audience. He asked us to help finance a trip to meet privately with Spike on the West Coast regarding further exploring the FBI/CIA’s role in developing, controlling and influencing the film Malcolm X and Black Cinema in general.

Cokely promised to keep the group, particularly the people that helped finance the trip, informed of the Spike Lee meeting. I intentionally gave Cokely a check with my name, address and phone number so there would be no excuse not to include me on the contact list, but as usual I was left out of the loop. I never heard from the group or Cokely again. However, it was generally understood among brothers and sisters, including Dick Gregory, of CIA/FBI involvement in the final film production of Malcolm X. In Chicago Gregory had been a close research protégée and friend of Steve Cokely.[30] He knew very that Malcolm X in that zoot suit chasing that blue eyed blond wasn’t his work.

R.I.P Steve Cokely passed from congestive heart failure April 11, 2011 in Chicago, IL. Cokely gained widespread notoriety when he served as special assistant to the former mayor of Chicago, Eugene Sawyer. He was also assistant to the special committee on rules under the late then Mayor Harold Washington.[31]

In Chicago, Cokely watched and befriended Barack Obama as he rose from a community organizer to a U.S. Senator which put this astute and highly intelligent, very vocal nationalist researcher and lecturer in a great deal of danger.

After several years of silence, Cokely finally promised to reveal all he knew about Chicago Politics and the “Obama Team.” Some entity and hidden hand forces in Chicago had gift wrapped Obama and delivered him to the masses like a Christmas gift, but Brother Cokely never lived long enough out of a coma to tell the story.[32]

It is disingenuous and an act of deception for Dick Gregory to single out Spike Lee for portraying Malcolm X as a slick zoot suit criminal chasing a blue eyed blond throughout half of the film knowing that it was the work of Project MOCKINGBIRD.

The CIA project is a MOCKINGBIRD of Reichsfuhrer Paul Josef Goebbels’ Ministry of Public Enlightenment and Propaganda that surreptitiously controlled the content of the THIRD REICH’s cinema and entertainment industry.[33]


The Late Great Mae Brussell worked with a circle of lawyers, writers, journalist and researchers pursuing the “TRUTHS” behind the Assassinations of the Beloved, Malcolm X, U.S. President John F. Kennedy, Civil Rights Leader, Martin Luther King, Jr., and U.S. Senator Robert F. Kennedy.

Among these circles Brussell discovered what she called an elite “Power Control Group” that had a secret license from the government to control public access to real TRUTHS, and steer research and public exposures away from inconvenient Truths like the SS-REINHART GEHLEN ORG deeply imbedded in the deep cover (shadow) government, and the clandestine political assassinations of Malcolm X, the Kennedys, Dr. King and many-many others.


Dick Gregory, Author Robert Groden and Attorney Mark Lane had been among this elite “Power Control Group.”Lane and Gregory co-authored, Murder in Memphis: The FBI and the Assassination of Martin Luther King. Gregory became a leading outspoken critic of the Warren Commission findings that President JFK was assassinated by the lone wolf assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald.[34]

On March 6, 1975, Gregory and assassination researcher Robert Groden appeared on Geraldo Rivera’s late night ABC talk show Goodnight America. An important historical event happened that night when the famous Zapruder film of JFK’s assassination was shown to the public on TV for the first time in history. The public’s response and outrage to that showing led to the forming of the Hart-Schweiker investigation, which contributed to the Church Committee Investigation on Intelligence Activities by the United States, which resulted in the House Select Committee on Assassination investigation.[35]

Hitler’s General Reinhart Gehlen’s Org, SS Baron Otto von Bolschwing, and Operation PAPERCLIP Nazis in America and their clandestine involvement in shadow government political assassinations in America was completely veiled from any public or congressional inquiry.

During the 1970s, Gregory became grossly entangled as some sort of personal assistant to Millionaire Larry Flynt of Hustler Magazine.[36] On March 6, 1978, while leaving a court room in Georgia an attempt was made on Flynt’s life that left him partially paralyzed from the waist down, and with permanent spinal damage. He had been targeted by a sniper, believed to have been white supremacist serial killer, Joseph Paul Franklin.[37]

During the 1980s, Flynt became actively involved with financing a political assassination research group that included Mae Brussell. He financed a short-lived revolutionary classic publication, The Rebel. In January 1984, The Rebel published Mae Brussell’s classic article, The Nazi Connection to the John F. Kennedy Assassination: Evidence of link between Nazis still in operation after World War II to the still unsolved murder of John F. Kennedy.[38]


CIA/Gehlen Spooks Mitchell Werbell III, Gordon Novel & G. Gordon Liddy are Enough to Scare the Pants off of Anyone.

Merchant of Death, Mitchell Werbell, Richard Nixon White House Plumber operatives G. Gordon Liddy and Gordon Novel was dispatched into Flynt’s publishing enterprise and into his mansion as “house quests” to fix it, shut down Rebel, Mae Brussell and forcible turn Flynt, and in turn his close friend Dick Gregory who also had been residing at Flynt’s mansion in Beverly Hills-HollyWeird, CA.[39]

These were extremely dangerous people to say the least. In 1942, WerBell joined the Office of Strategic Services (OSS) and served in China, Burma, and French Indochina. As a guerrilla operative during World War II, he carried out a secret mission for the OSS under the command of Paul Helliwell in China with assassins E. Howard Hunt, Lucien Conein, John K. Singlaub, and Ray Cline that became major players in the world opium trade out of Southeast Asia. Werbell worked for Batista in pre-Castro Cuba. He was involved in political assassinations all across the Caribbean. He worked with U.S. Mercenary Gerry Patrick Hemmings on the Anti-Castro CIA training camps in Operation MONGOOSE to topple Castro in Cuba. He specialized in developing assassination weapons and silencers for the Gehlen/CIA. He was a major general of the U.S. Army. He is also linked to the JFK assassination team in Dallas.[40]

Gordon Novel is linked with the international assassination network linked with ardent Nazi Gruppenführer (Major General) SS Dr. Walter Robert Dohrnberger of Bell Helicopter and Permindex.[41] White House Plumber G. Gordon Liddy worshiped Adolf Hitler and Heinrich Himmler’s SS.[42]

WerBell, was put on Flynt’s payroll as his million dollar bodyguard.[43] Mae Brussell said they had given Flynt painkillers that fucked his judgment up and made him want to jump from an airplane to his death to protest the New York Times’ refusal to let him buy a full page carrying his view of the KAL 007 disaster that killed U.S. Congressman Larry McDonald of the John Birch Society.[44]

After Werbell, Liddy and Novel departed, Flynt was left in almost a vegetable state, his wife was dead from AIDS, and his prized Hustler Magazine was purged of its investigative articles and writing team and by early 1984 Rebel Magazine had been eliminated from existence altogether.[45] By 1988, R.I.P. Mae Brussell turned up dead.


“The stone-age Negro denizens of Africa, Haiti, New Guinea and the southern Philippines are fascinated by clocks, radios and even sails.” –Willis Carto, The IMPERIUM [46]

Did they turn Dick Gregory? Judge it for yourself. Gregory and his buddy Mark Lane became part of the quasi-Nazi far right wing Liberty Lobby created by Willis A. Carto.[47] Gregory is alleged to have been a board director.[48]

In 1955, Carto founded the Liberty Lobby, an American political advocacy organization. He also ran an organization called Youth for [George] Wallace, which later became the White Nationalist organization the National Alliance. He also was involved in the Populist Party until political opponents took control over the party.[49]


“All we know for certain about the Egyptians is that they were Caucasian, and that they, like all slavemasters, mingled their blood with that of their Negro slaves. As for the so-called Amerindian civilizations, we now know without doubt that civilization was superimposed upon the Indian savages by a White racial stock.” -Willis Carto, The IMPERIUM [50]


Carto had founded Western Destiny, a magazine which during the 1960s produced racist, Nazi-tinged articles; and Noontide Press, which continues to publish and offer for sale anti-Jewish and pro-Nazi books. One such book was Francis Parker Yockey’s 600-page Imperium, which was dedicated to Adolf Hitler and featured a 35-page introduction written by Carto. Yockey, an outspoken admirer of Hitler and Nazi SS Collaborator, was arrested in Oakland, CA across the street from Lake Merritt in 1960 on passport fraud charges; and subsequently committed suicide in a San Francisco jail. His book offers a rehash of Nazi doctrine — it denounced, for example, “the Church-State-Nation-People-Race of the Jew” as “distorters of culture.”[51]

Carto was a vicious racist as well as an anti-Semite. During the 1950s, Carto complained that “only a few Americans are concerned about the inevitable niggerfication of America.” In October 1966, the late columnist Drew Pearson published the contents of a letter written by Carto which stated:


“Hitler’s defeat was the defeat of Europe. And of America. How could we have been so blind? The blame, it seems, must be laid at the door of the international Jews. It was their propaganda, lies and demands which blinded the West to what Germany was doing. . . . If Satan himself, with all of his superhuman genius and diabolical ingenuity at his command had tried to create a permanent disintegration and force for the destruction of the nations, he could have done no better than to invent the Jews.”

In a subsequent memo, Carto elaborated on these beliefs:

Who is using who [sic]? Who is calling the shots? History supplies the answer to this. History tells us plainly who our Enemy is. Our Enemy today is the same Enemy of 50 years ago and before — and that was before Communism. The Communists are ‘using’ the Jews we are told. . . . [W]ho was ‘using the Jews 50 years ago –100 or 1,000 years ago. History supplies the answer. The Jews came first and remain Public Enemy No. 1.”[52]

I said all of this to say that Dick Gregory has been a scared running dog controlled by the SS-Knights of Black Sun and the Luciferian ILLUMINATI elite for quite some time. Yet, we have continued to love and respect the brother.


However, he has become far too comfortable in Negrodom acting as an ILLUMINATI black Goon attacking and calling his pathetically powerless ILLUMINATI  brother Spike Lee out of his name in the world spotlight, and selling out the masses of people with grand ILLUSIONS and False Images of Quentin Tarantino’s Django Unchained for a few pieces of silver, a big grin on his face and pat on his ass for a job well done by the Luciferian New World Order. This is game.


The little evil genius, Reichsminister Paul Josef Goebbels, and the Wickedness Man on Earth, the Great BEAST 666, Aleister Crowley wouldn’t have done a better job with Django Unchained at designing a more diabolical and sinister project that clandestinely destroy the mind, heart, spirit and unity of a people under the veil of their own racial history, entertainment and enjoyment for a New Luciferian World Order.

Especially for my Dear Brother,  Katt Williams, I pray that you come HOME and your CHILDREN are returned without further harm,

The LORD is my shepherd I shall not want.

He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters.

He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.

Yea, though I walk through the valley of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I will dwell in the LORD for ever. 

(Psalm 23, The Original African Heritage Study Bible)

[1] http://allhiphop.com/2013/01/09/katt-williams-held-on-100k-bail-for-missing-court-date/

[2] http://www.pilotstuff.com/as.surveillance_earpiece.html

[3] http://www.gizmag.com/motorola-unveils-mission-critical-products/16019/

[4] http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/tv-movies/antoine-fuqua-calls-spike-lee-tarentino-film-article-1.1230298


[6] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fighting_words


[8] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Louis_Fratto

[9] http://www.we-are-survivors.webs.com/ritualabuse.htm

[10] http://www.kulturekritic.com/2013/01/news/dck-gregory-calls-spike-lee-a-punk-and-a-thug-for-his-criticism-of-django-unchained/

[11] http://www.ferdyonfilms.com/2012/die-nibelungen-siegfried-kriemhilds-revenge-1924/15114/

[12] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brynhildr

[13] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valkyrie

[14] http://www.gamehunterfilmz.biz/gamehunter-filmz-blog/dick-gregory-on-django-unchained-spike-lee-is-a-thug-a-punk-audio-interview-

[15] http://wesclark.com/jw/newby.html

[16] http://wesclark.com/jw/newby.html

[17] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Django_Unchained#Development

[18] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sergio_Corbucci

[19] http://www.firstshowing.net/2010/quentin-tarantino-reveals-more-about-his-slavery-western/


[21] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luther_Campbell

[22] http://www.eurweb.com/2013/01/luke-calls-spike-lee-uncle-tom-house-negro-for-django-bashing/

[23] http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/01/18/jamie-foxx-spike-lee-django-unchained-criticism_n_2505894.html

[24] http://www.entertainmentwise.com/photos/101488/1/Samuel-L-Jackson-Defends-Quentin-Tarantino-From-Criticism-Of-Django-Unchaineds-Racist-Language

[25] http://www.nydailynews.com/entertainment/tv-movies/antoine-fuqua-calls-spike-lee-tarentino-film-article-1.1230298

[26] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malcolm_X_(film)

[27] http://www.mail-archive.com/cia-drugs@yahoogroups.com/msg12919.html

[28] http://www.guardian.co.uk/film/2008/nov/14/thriller-ridley-scott

[29] http://www.guardian.co.uk/film/2008/nov/14/thriller-ridley-scott

[30] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xiOq85bLFnE

[31] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steve_Cokely

[32] http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread416856/pg1

[33] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ministry_of_Public_Enlightenment_and_Propaganda

[34] http://www.firstpost.com/topic/person/robert-f-kennedy-mae-brussell-power-control-group-mark-lane-robert-groden-11578-video-iQLH8GS_U0o-14883-1.html

[35] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dick_Gregory

[36] http://www.people.com/people/archive/article/0,,20085591,00.html

[37] http://african.howzit.msn.com/Africa-Gallery.aspx?cp-documentid=251859690&page=7&ocid=LastSlide&tcid=LastSlide

[38] http://www.whale.to/b/brussell_nazi.html

[39] https://deeppoliticsforum.com/forums/showthread.php?471-Larry-Flynt-deserves-his-own-thread-here

[40] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mitchell_WerBell

[41] http://www.bilderberg-mirror.org.uk/kennedy/index.htm


[43] http://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/profiles/larry-flynt-the-trouble-with-larry-570430.html

[44] http://www.lycaeum.org/drugs/abstracts/L4.cgi?mode=keys&kwand=intoxication

[45] https://deeppoliticsforum.com/forums/showthread.php?471-Larry-Flynt-deserves-his-own-thread-here

[46] http://www.barnesreview.org/page.html?chapter=1&id=3

[47] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mark_Lane_(author)

[48] http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=10074&st=45

[49] http://www.the-savoisien.com/wawa-conspi/viewtopic.php?id=2009

[50] http://www.barnesreview.org/page.html?chapter=1&id=3

[51] http://www.adl.org/holocaust/carto.asp

[52] Id.


11 01 2013

The Little Mad Genius and the Wilderness of Mirrors


“Remember: the enemy has only images and ILLUSIONS behind which he hides his true motive. Destroy the images and you will break the enemy.”Shaolin Abbott to Bruce Lee, Enter the Dragon[1]

Katt Williams opens a rare window into the struggle of a CIA MONARCH/MK ULTRA child victim to break free. It is rare to see it all playing out in the public domain like a Bourne Identity.

The Bourne Identity is a 2002 HollyWeird American-German action spy film loosely based on Robert Ludlum’s novel of the same name. Manchurian Candidate Jason Bourne was rescued from the ocean suffering from two bullet wounds. He recovered, but suffered from post-hypnotic amnesia barriers implanted by the CIA as cover for its clandestine assassination operations. Bourne struggles in an attempt to discover his true identity to break free from mind control programming amidst a clandestine conspiracy within the CIA to stop him from blowing cover.[2]


It appears that Katt Williams has some recall, but not total recall. In distress, he seems to have some recall that his programming and distress has something to do with events and people surrounding the late American musician and artist, Kurt Cobain, best known as the lead singer, guitarist and primary songwriter of the grunge band Nirvana. Cobain committed suicide in 1994. Yet, many maintain that his death is related to the CIA and MONARCH/MK ULTRA mind control programming from an early impressionate age from infancy to 6 years.[3]

Katt doesn’t openly express anything about MK-ULTRA whether it is fear or amnesia blocks, barriers and layers. I can’t be sure, but his symbolic or metaphoric expressions can’t be any clearer.

He doesn’t talk about what happened to him after forced into the South Carolina State Mental Health System for at least two weeks even though he was not a resident of the state and his net worth was at least $20 millions, which means that he had the resources to have had his own lawyers, psychiatrists, psychologists, social-mental health workers and physicians. What is odd is that he was forced into an antiquated public mental health system from the early 19th Century in the Post Ante-Bellum-Civil War South and not anyone lifted a hand to help him or protest.

In the recent TMZ video, above, Katt Williams revealed that his IQ was tested and measured at 163. There are three (3) generally accepted gradients within the gifted range: gifted, from 130-145 IQ; highly gifted, 140-160 IQ; and exceptionally gifted above 160 IQ.[4] A measured IQ score of 163 would certainty put Katt in the genius range. But, he went on to divulge that he was being tested every six months. So, who and what entity is messing with Katt Williams’ brain every six months?

The extremely troubling and truly frightening part of what Katt revealed in the video (frames 128-136) was the statement, “I have been with Mensa since I was 10.” He doesn’t say that he was a member of MENSA, but after some recall he says that he was associated with some aspects of the society whether seen or unseen since about 1983. I wouldn’t necessarily write off anything that Katt Williams says. He is not necessarily an “evil little genius gone mad,” but a possible popularized “BOURNE LEGACY” with recall of events and circumstances surrounding CIA MONARCH/MK ULTRA programs longing to be free of harassment.

Mensa is the largest and oldest high IQ society in the world. Mensa’s requirement for membership is a score at or above the 98th percentile on certain standardized IQ or other approved intelligence tests, such as the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales. The minimum accepted score on the Stanford-Binet is 132, while for the Cattell it is 148. Most IQ tests are designed to yield a mean score of 100 with a standard deviation of 15; the 98th-percentile score under these conditions is 130.82. [5]

Mensa’s constitution lists three purposes: “to identify and to foster human intelligence for the benefit of humanity; to encourage research into the nature, characteristics, and uses of intelligence; and to provide a stimulating intellectual and social environment for its members”. To this end, the organization is also involved with programs for gifted children, literacy and scholarships, and it also hold numerous gatherings.[6]

MENSA, Aquarian Conspiracy and LEBENSBORN


One of the founding fathers of MENSA was the eminent British Educational Psychologist and Race Scientist, Sir Cyril Burt (1883-1971). Sir Burt became the most prestigious, powerful, and influential psychologist since the American genius William James. He held the chair of psychology at London’s University College, was knighted in 1946 by King George VI, and received the Thorndike award from the American Psychological Association. Most of Burt’s career was based upon his statistical studies of the intelligence of identical twins, showing that poverty was due to inferior intelligence of the working class. In the 1940s, Burt was involved in setting up the British school (tracking) system which segregated students on the basis of an IQ test they took at age eleven.[7]


AQUARIANS, Eugenists Sir Burt and Sir Julian Huxley, brother of Aldous Huxley, led the British Eugenics Society. Sir Julian Huxley, first head of the United Nations’ UNESCO, changed the name of their program for enforced birth control, zero economic growth, and the technology of mass mind control, and continued to apply the principles which created Nazi Germany’s mass murder programs against the “mentally deficient,” the “racially unfit,” the politically undesirable.[8]

“The career of the venerated Julian Huxley is a classic of conspiratorial activity. Huxley was a director of the Abortion Law Reform Association in Britain from its inception; an Executive Committee member of the Euthanasia Society; an officer of the Eugenics Society; a leading member of the British National Association for Mental Health; and of the WFMH, and so on. Think again of Aldous Huxley’s book Brave New World. Julian Huxley was committed, all his life, to that “brave new world.”


Anyone who ever read that book remembers very clearly one curious thing about it. The population is divided, genetically and for enforcement, into Alphas, Betas, and so on all the way down to the synthetically produced ‘Epsilon morons.’

These divisions are accomplished by applied eugenics, or Nazi breeding laws. Different synthetically produced “I.Q. groups” are predetermined to perform different tasks for the society, and are kept happy in their pre-fixed places by mind-altering drugs. Every agency Julian Huxley worked with is committed to such a society.”[9]

The AQUARIANS took over after the Fall of Nazi Germany to form the nucleus of a conspiracy of Global Aryan Dominance that maybe more powerful, dangerous, widespread, and clandestine than the THIRD REICH.

MENSA is veiled and shrouded in the ultimate secret global extermination of the “untermensch” (sub-man, sub-humans);[10] lebensunwerte leben” [useless eaters- life unworthy of life];[11] and the universal racial dominance the Bloodlines of WOTAN.[12]

Around 1948, MENSA was formed – the first international organization for the intellectually ‘gifted.’ Sir Burt was its founding father and first president. Another founding father was Victor Serebriakoff, a White Russian émigré recruited by British and American intelligence services who was credited with greatly expanding membership in the organization, instituting the IQ test as a prerequisite of membership, and establishing American MENSA. Another founder, and the man who claimed to have come up with the idea for MENSA, was Dr. Lance Ware, a biochemist who had worked during World War II at Porton Down, Britain’s ultra-secret biological and chemical warfare facility.[13]

1948 was also the year that Franz Kallman, who had been an associate of Ernst Rudin, founded a new eugenics institute, dubbed the American Society of Human Genetics. Around that same time, Dr. Otmar von Verschuer, who had served as the mentor of the notorious Demon of Death, Dr. Josef Mengele, founded the Institute of Human Genetics in Munster, Germany.[14]

In 1950, Cyril Burt published the results of some of his twin studies, purportedly showing data that supported his eugenics views. His studies claimed to prove that poverty was due to the intellectual inferiority of the working class. In 1952, John Foster Dulles established the Population Council in conjunction with John D. Rockefeller III. Tens of millions of dollars of Rockefeller grant money were pumped in as the American Eugenics Society moved its headquarters into the offices of – and assumed the name of – the newly created Population Council.[15]

The Pio­neer Fund has been involved in the his­tory of race sci­ence since its estab­lish­ment in 1937. One of its founders, Harry Laugh­lin wrote a model ster­il­iza­tion law widely used in both the United States and Europe. Many of the key aca­d­e­mic racists in both Right Now! and Amer­i­can Renais­sance have been funded by the Pio­neer and the Pio­neer was directly involved in fund­ing the par­ent orga­ni­za­tion of Amer­i­can Renais­sance, the New Cen­tury Foun­da­tion. Most of the lead­ing Anglo-American aca­d­e­mic race-scientists of the last sev­eral decades have been funded by the Pio­neer, includ­ing William Shock­ley, Hans J. Eysenck, Arthur Jensen, Roger Pear­son, Richard Lynn, J. Philippe Rush­ton, R. Travis Osborne, Linda Got­tfred­son, Robert Gor­don, Daniel R. Vin­ing, Jr., Michael Levin, and Sey­mour Itzkoff.[16]


Hans Jürgen Eysenck (1916 – 1997) of Nazi Germany was an eminent psychologist, most remembered for his work on intelligence and personality. Eysenck was trained under and was a disciple of Sir Burt. The Pioneer Fund openly espoused the Racial Science of Sir Burt.[17]

Henry Garrett ’72-3 was a director of the Pioneer Fund, whose fundamental objective, stated in their corporate rationale was based on the SS-1 Heimlich Himmler’s Lebensborn.[18]

One of the first American members of MENSA is alleged to have been the felonious pedophile, Walter Breen, that I discussed in brief detail in the previous post “Over the Rainbow” Katt Williams…” During the 1960s around San Francisco, UC Berkeley and Stanford University, Breen had one of the leading protagonists’ for THE CHILDREN OF THE ATOM, a special society and boarding schools for high IQ children. This group of people opened the San Francisco MENSA Chapter. [19]

Eldon Byrd was a member of MENSA. Byrd who worked for Naval Surface Weapons, Office of Non-Lethal Weapons, White Oaks Laboratory, Silver Springs, Maryland was commissioned in 1981 to develop electromagnetic devices for purposes including ‘riot control’, clandestine operations and hostage removal. Byrd and Uri Geller of “Space Kids” are good friends, from back in the 70s.[20]

MENSA is a veiled LEBENSBORN’s program and a prime recruiting ground for CIA-MONARCH/MK ULTRA “Whiz Kids.”

Inglorious Bastards, A Shrouded Teutonic Lore of the SS


I respectfully disagree with Spike Lee. Quentin Tarantino’s Django Unchained does not rise to the occasion to be disrespectful of the heroics of my ancestors during slavery. There is a big difference between films expressing artistic freedom and instruments of deceptions. Halle Berry’s film Frankie & Alice from the Boys of Lookout Mountain is an instrument of deception and fraud veiling the MONARCH/MK ULTRA programs.

I also respectfully disagree with Katt Williams. Quentin Tarantino’s doesn’t want to be “Black.” He believes that he is cleverer than the Masses of the People. However, if Katt actually means that he desires to secretly command the energy, master the spirit and control the mass Black Psyche through LUCIFERIAN magkic, trickery, images, ILLUSIONS and deceptions than I agree wholeheartedly with him. Django has nothing to do with an artistic expression of American Slavery and “STUFF.” Django Unchained is an instrument of mass deception from the pits of HELL.


Satanic Quentin Tarantino and the Devil’s Horns hand gesture. Don’t believe your lying eyes. He does it twice. Yet, it may be the symbol of the Nazi Satanic Principle-Janus Faced Dualism. The right hand-Satan, the left hand-Love.

One evening, I sat down and watched Tarantino’s 2009 film, Inglorious Bastards.[21] I had absolutely no idea what the film was about. One of my in-laws thought that I would enjoy the film. I had no idea of alternate history or alternative history genre. It is a genre of fiction consisting of stories that are set worlds in which history has diverged from the actual history of the world. It is “allohistory” (literally “other history”).[22]

It is smoke and mirrors, ILLUMIONARY; and the re-imaging of history. Basically, Inglorious Bastards was a False Romanic Teutonic Lore of the SS and THRID REICH.


    • “Most of you know what it means when a hundred corpses are lying side by side, or five hundred, or a thousand. To have stuck it out, and at the same time — apart from exceptions caused by human weakness — to have remained decent fellows that is what has made us hard. This is a page of glory in our history, which has never been written and is never to be written….” -Reichsfuhrer SS-1 Heinrich Himmler, The Posen Speech to SS officers (6 October 1943)

The main character of the film is Standartenführer (Colonel) SS Hans Landa, the Jew Hunter. Nevertheless, SS Landa is really a great guy- one of Himmler’s decent fellows. He is not a true believer in Nazi ideology; “he admits that he has no personal animus toward Jews.”[23]

Compare SS Landa to California’s Resident SS Officer and Occulted Knight of the Black Sun, Hauptsturmführer SS Baron Otto von Bolschwing, the BEAST of Bucharest, Romania. He was the charming “David Niven of the SS.” SS Baron Bolschwing also didn’t really believe in Nazism, but was willingly part of the occulted SS declared by the Nuremberg Tribunal to be a human rights and war criminal organization against humanity responsible for the mass murder of millions in Eastern Europe and Africa. It is a bunch of HollyWeird propaganda and Romanized Bullshit and Mass Deception!

  • I also want to mention a very difficult subject before you here, completely openly. It should be discussed among us, and yet, nevertheless, we will never speak about it in public. Just as we did not hesitate on 30 June to carry out our duty, as ordered, and stand comrades who had failed against the wall and shoot them. About which we have never spoken, and will never speak. That was, thank God, a kind of tact natural to us, a foregone conclusion of that fact, that we have never conversed about it amongst ourselves, never spoken about it, everyone shuddered and everyone was clear that the next time he would do the same thing again, if it were commanded and necessary. I am talking about the “Jewish evacuation”; the extermination of the Jewish people. It is one of those things that is easily said. “The Jewish people are being exterminated,” every party member will tell you, “perfectly clear, it’s part of our plans, we’re eliminating the Jews, exterminating them, Ha! A small matter.” -Reichsfuhrer SS-1 Heinrich Himmler, The Posen Speech to SS officers (6 October 1943)

Inglorious Bastards was described by its producer, Lawrence Bender, to have been a Jew’s “Wet Dream” revenge movie.[24] It was an ILLUMINATI tradeoff of the Jews and powerful, murderous GERMAN interests.

Tarantino and Bender also found it necessary to cast the right German “to play the charming polyglot Landa …”[25] Heinrich Himmler and Josef Goebbels couldn’t have done a better job to “re-image” the SS, the World’s Greatest Racial Mass Murderers, as charming and decent fellows to the Masses of the People.

For the job well done of veiling the Janus Face-Satanic Principled SS, the HollyWeird elite gave that right Teutonic Pagan Legatee and Bloodline, Christoph Waltz, an Academy Award.

Tarantino’s close friend and his major film producer, Bender, was nominated for a 2010 Academy Award for Best Motion Picture of the Year. Bender produced Lost in Oz. It was a 2002 television pilot for a planned series, an original sequel to The Wizard of Oz, inspired by the books of Oz of L. Frank Baum.[26]

L. Frank Baum was a member of the Theosophical Society, which is an organization based on global occult research among civilizations. Baum had a deep understanding of Theosophy and, consciously created an allegory of Theosophical teachings when he wrote the Wizard of Oz.[27]

The Theosophical Society is an occulted and notorious LUCIFERIAN organization, mainly based on the teachings of Madame Helena P. Blavatsky. She espoused the New Age of LUCIFER and the glorification of the GREAT ARYAN BROTHERHOOD given domain of everything on earth.[28] See the excellent Occult Roots of the Wizard of Oz.

For me, Inglorious Bastards had been a living nightmare. My father had been among the first victims of one of the most secretive and classified collaborative between the Nazis and the U.S. Navy, Project CHATTER.

In 1948, they kidnapped him from his job at the U.S. Naval Base in Alameda, CA. They took him to Napa State-Navy Hospital and subjected him to SS Dr. Josef Mengele’s tortuous experimental electrical shock procedures (depatterning) developed at Austerlitz Concentration Camp. In just one session, he was subjected to a series of electrical shocks up to 35 times that damaged his heart and turned him into a human vegetable.

For decades, I had been dumbfounded by my father’s odd ravings recorded in his medical reports. Suffering under the duress of delusions created by mescaline or LSD, he constantly ranted about “silver slippers” and “floating in the air.” I subsequently found that I had been a victim of my own folly and didn’t factor in the rapid advances in 20th Century Technicolor film productions.

The original and early production of the Wizard of Oz (1939) had been in black and white. Dorothy’s original slippers were “silver slippers.” Someplace in the deep recesses of my mind, I recall my father raving about the “silver slippers” as he turned our lives upside down in absolute horror.

Click your heels, you can literally fly to other dimension and from one alter to another “Somewhere Over the Rainbow.” The Nazis didn’t die in Nuremberg or in any Tarantino and Bender fantasy fire in Nazi Germany. They were ran out of Eastern Europe by the Russians. They were smuggled into America to bring about a New World Order and once again prey primarily upon the “untermensch” (sub-man, sub-humans); lebensunwerte leben” [useless eaters- life unworthy of life] under the cloak of U.S. National Security and the HollyWeird ILLUMINATI elite.

Bender is a Zionist.[29] He is a member of the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR) and the globalist group, the Pacific Council on International Policy.[30]


Bender and Tarantino are a key part of HollyWeird’s powerful LUCIFERIAN-ILLUMINTI. The theatre fire in Inglorious Bastards that consumed the Nazis was a vicious metaphor. It was the ceremonial burning of Valhalla, the Castle of the Wagnerian Aryan Gods. The fire consumed Wotan and other ancient pagan gods. They didn’t literally die, but entered into the “Dust and Twilight of the Gods” to make way for the coming of a New Age of LUCIFER.

Black People and the masses will not get a free “FEEL GOOD” pass from these ILLUMINISTS-MASTERS OF DECEPTIONS. They desire to penetrate the sub consciousness via mass media scientific “entrainment” of our brains. They are bent on extinguishing our minds and souls, our very BEING.

Django Unchained, another Shrouded Teutonic Lore

Tarantino didn’t consult with Black scholars or historians to create a meaningful script or plot for Django Unchained. It wasn’t created out of any dialogue or genuine concern for the aspirations of Black People that would validate and provide fuel and empowerment to Black Identity and their BEING. Tarantino’s pet Hip Hop Satanic Cult Negroes like Jamie Foxx or Samuel L. Jackson didn’t add to the script either.

As pointed out by Katt Williams, the name, Django, has absolutely nothing to do with the African Spirit and Experience in America. The name Django is an allusion to the hero of an obscure Italian spaghetti western film called Django played by Franco Nero.[31]

The people of Germany immediately recognized what Django Unchained really was metaphorically about. The movie plot was another Tarantino veiled teutonic lore of Germanic Mythology, Culture and Experience. Tarantino invited Standartenführer SS Hans Landa (Christoph Waltz) to add his special native Volkisch-Teutonic Love to the movie script. Waltz and Tarantino deceptively paralleled the plot of the movie to Richard Wagner’s “Ring of the Nibelung.”[32]

This is not my conclusion. They tell you from the very beginning of the movie that the Germanic personas and Occulted Mythology of Siegfried and Broomhilda from Wagner’s Ring Series are at the basis of Django Unchained.[33] It is long and complicated with many variations, so please bare with my brief summaries to the Wagnerian Folktale of Siegfried and Broomhilda.

Django Unchained and the German Folktale Siegfried and Broomhilda


Though the cycle of Richard Wagner’s four operas titled Der Ring des Nibelungen, Brünnhilde (Broomhilda) appears in the latter three operas (Die Walkure, Siegfried, and Gotterdammerung), playing a central role in the overall story of Wotan’s downfall. In Wagner’s tale, Brünnhilde is one of the valkyries, who are born out of a union between Wotan and Erda, the personification of the wisest woman of the earth.[34]

In Norse mythology, a valkyrie (from Old Norse valkyrja “chooser of the slain”) is one of a host of female figures who decide which soldiers die in battle. Selecting among half of those who die in battle (the other half go to the goddess Freyja’s afterlife field Fólkvangr), the valkyries bring their chosen to the afterlife hall of the slain, Valhalla, ruled over by the god Wotan (Odin). There, the deceased warriors become einherjar (lone fighters) that in particular to Wagner’s Ring Series that will help the gods in the great battle with the Nibelungs. When the einherjar are not preparing for the events of Ragnarök, the valkyries bear them mead (honey wine). Valkyries also appear as lovers of heroes and other mortals, where they are sometimes described as the daughters of royalty, sometimes accompanied by ravens, and sometimes connected to swans or horses.[35]

Broomhilda play a major role in Wagner’s “Die Walkure” (1870), Wotan’s favorite daughter, the second of the four operas that comprise Der Ring des Nibelungen, in which the “Ride of the Valkyries” begins Act III. The heroine of the cycle, Brünnhilde is stripped of her immortality for defying the god Wotan (Odin).[36]


In Wagner’s Die Walkure, Wotan initially commissions Broomhilda to protect Siegmund, his son by a mortal mother. When Fricka forces Wotan to have Siegmund die, Brünnhilde disobeys her father’s change of orders and takes away Siegmund’s wife (and sister) Siegline and the shards of Siegmund’s divine sword, Nothung. She manages to hide them, but must then face the wrath of her father who is determined to make her mortal and put her into an enchanted sleep to be claimed by any man who happens across her. Brünnhilde argues that what she did was in abeyance of the god’s true will and does not deserve such a fate. Wotan is eventually persuaded to protect her sleep with magical fire, sentencing her to await awakening by a hero who does not know fear.[37]


Mime the Nibelung finds Siegmund and Siegline dying and pieces of the Nothung broken by Wotan. Siegline dies giving birth to Siegfried. Siegfried, the hero, is Wotan’s grandson, the son of Wotan’s twins, Siegmund and Siegline, who were slain by Fricka, Goddess of Youth and Beauty, because Wotan had given them the Enchanted (Dragonslaying) Sword Nothung.


Mime raised Siegfried from infancy hoping that he would be able to betray him to reforge his father’s Nothung to slay the dragon to steal the Rhinegold and the Ring back.  [38]

In the movie, Django-Persona of Siegfried (Jamie Foxx) is focused not on freeing his people from the horrors of human bondage, but on one goal as set by King Schultz: finding and rescuing Broomhilda (Kerry Washington), the wife he lost to the slave trade (Wotan’s ring of fire). Broomhilda was named by her GERMAN mistress. Broomhilda speaks fluent German.

Django’s enslaver and mentor is Dr. King Schultz (Christoph Waltz), a GERMAN dentist-cum-bounty-hunter who like the Janus-Faced Standartenführer SS Hans Landa, has an ILLUSIONARY healthy hatred of racism and slavery. In fact, King Schultz tells Django about the pagan folktale of Broomhilda, a woman who is imprisoned on a rock by her father until the hero, Siegfried, slays the dragon (Fafner) with a reforged Nothung and walks through hellfire to rescue her.[39]

So, what does the Nazi beloved pagan tale and the Wagnerian Gods of Richard Wagner (1813-1883) and his Der Ring des Nibelungens Operas truthfully have to do with the empowerment of Black People, the ancestors and human bondage in this country?

Peel away the veneer of Richard Wagner’s German-Aryan pagan fairy tales; Tarantino and Waltz’s Smoke and Mirrors and Teutonic Lore, you will be troubled at what you will discover and why Katt Williams, the Not So Little Mad Genius, is truly incensed about- promising (symbolically) to beat Tarantino’s Inglorious Bastard Ass for the Django Unchained Deception.


“Whoever wants to understand National Socialist Germany must first know Wagner.” -Fuhrer Adolf Hitler

Wagner’s, above, with the hidden hand gesture, friend was Arthur de Gobineau (1816-1882), the French racial theorist and author of The Inequality of the Races, which gained widespread acceptance in European communities, thanks to Wagner’s assiduous promotion. Gobineau’s theories corroborated what he himself had already decided about the “noble and ignoble” races.[40]


“…there is nothing to show that, in the view of the first compilers of the Adamite genealogies, those outside the white race were counted as part of the species at all.” –Count Arthur de Gobineau[41]

Count de Gobineau is the Father of Modern European Racism.” All of his so-called race science experiments and theories concluded that “Caucausoids” were intellectually and physically superior to “Negroids,” “Mongoloids,” and other supposed racial categories,

“… We often hear of negroes who have learnt music, who are clerks in banking-houses, and who know how to read, write, count, dance, and speak, like white men. People are astonished at this, and conclude that the negro is capable of everything! And then, in the same breath, they will express surprise at the contrast between the Slav civilization and our own. The Russians, Poles, and Serbians (they will say), even though they are far nearer to us than the negroes, are only civilized on the surface; the higher classes alone participate in our ideas, owing to the continual admixture of English, French, and German blood. The masses, on the other hand, are invincibly ignorant of the Western world and its movements, although they have been Christian for so many centuries—in many cases before we were converted ourselves! The solution is simple. There is a great difference between imitation and conviction. Imitation does not necessarily imply a serious breach with hereditary instincts; but no one has a real part in any civilization until he is able to make progress by himself, without direction from others. What is the use of telling me how clever some particular savages are in guiding the plough, in spelling, or reading, when they are only repeating the lessons they have learnt ? Show me rather, among the many regions in which savages have lived for ages in contact with Europeans, one single place where the religious doctrines, the ideas, customs, and institutions of even one European people have been so completely assimilated that progress in them is made as naturally and spontaneously as among ourselves.” (Count) Joseph Arthur de Gobineau, Essay on the Inequality of the Human Races (1853), extracts.[42]

In defense of the American Institution of Slavery and the Confederacy during the Civil War, the confederacy translated Count de Gobineau’s racial science, theories, agenda and works to justify and support human bondage of Africans in America.[43]

Wagner’s Ride of The Valkyries is frequently used in HollyWeird movie productions. In the overt racist film, Birth of a Nation (1915), D. W. Griffith used the Ride of the Valkyries in the climactic scene of the third act, when “The former enemies of North and South are united again in defense of their Aryan birthright” against liberated African Descendants after the end of the Civil War. In the movie, a white group-white women are rescued by the Ku Klux Klan to the sound of Wagner’s Aryan chest beating music.[44]

Wagner cited de Gobineau to support his views about the heroic superiority of the Aryans and the extreme cultural inferiority of the Jewish “race.” Wagner’s English son-in-law and biographer, Houston Stewart Chamberlain, characterized the Aryans as culture-builders and sustainers and the Jews as destroyers (Chamberlain, 1899). Fuhrer Adolf Hitler was heavily influenced by the views of Wagner and Chamberlain. Chamberlain inspired a vast literature on “racial purity.”[45]

In fact, Adolf Hitler had been a devotee of Wagner, de Gobineau, and particularly British-born writer and occulted mystic Houston Stewart Chamberlain(1855-1927). They were all early proponents of Nordic (Imperium) supremacy and anti-Semitism. It was Chamberlain that “hails Hitler as the new leader of Germany in 1923.”  Chamberlain “told a mass society, at the mercy of impersonal forces which was crushing it, that the Teutons were indomitable master builders, that in mysticism was freedom, and ‘every mystic’ is, whether he will or not, a Anti-Semite, and Darwin’s theory of natural selection justifies the structure against mingling of the races.” (Dusty Sklar, The Nazis and the Occult, Dorset Press, NY (1977), pg. 11)

Wagner, Gobineau and Chamberlain’s Aryan Agenda and race science theories are veiled in Wagner’s music and theatrical dramas and plays, particularly Der Ring des Nibelungens. Besonders gelte dies für die Rolle des entfesselten Titelhelden – dieser habe allerlei Prüfungen zu bestehen, um seine versklavte Frau zu befreien. Whereas, Wagner and Gobineau’s Aryan Agenda and race science theories are metaphorically veiled in Django Unchained.


In Django Unchained, Dr. King Schultz, with the hidden hand gesture, is the Wanderer. KING Schultz, the Native German Volk– Christoph Waltz, is Wotan, King of the Gods. The name Shultz (German) is a status name for a village headman, from a contracted form of Middle High German Schultheize (Old High German is Sculdheizo). The term originally denoted a man responsible for collecting dues and paying them to the lord of the manor. It is a compound of sculd(a), meaning “debt” or “due,” plus a derivative of heiz(z)an, meaning “to command.”

In Wagner’s Das Rheingold, Fafner is a giant/dragon that Wotan, the Wanderer, influenced Siegfried to slay with the enchanted dragonslaying sword. Wotan owed Fafner payment for the work of building Walhalla, Castle of the Gods.[46] Fafner transformed into a dragon to guard the hoard of Rhinegold, including the “Ring of Power” taken from Alberich made from the Rhinegold that Wotan truly covets.[47]


Alberich rules the Nibelungs in land of Nibelheim. Nibelheim is inhabited by a race of evil dark dwarves (creatures) down in the lower region of earth.[48] Alberich had cursed love, stole the hoard of gold from the Rhinedmaidens (water nymphs) and forged the Ring of Worldly Power from mythical precious Rhinegold.

In Wagner’s Ring Series, Wotan is disguised as the Wanderer, symbolic of his self-deception, thinking he’s uninvolved with Siegfried’s life and efforts to retrieve the ring. His desire to control events conflicts with his need for a free agent to accomplish what he by law cannot: obtain the ring.[49]

At the end of the movie, Dr. King Schultz dies at the Candyland Mansion that held Broomhilda in bondage. Django plants dynamite in the mansion. He kills most of the residents of Candyland, frees the house slaves than lights the dynamite’s fuse.


King Schultz is consumed by the explosion and fire just as Wotan had died in the burning Walhalla, Castle of the Wagnerian Gods.


Amidst the burning mansion, Django, the hero, rides away on a horse along with Wotan’s daughter, the Valkyrie, Broomhilda.[50] It parallels Wagner’s Ride of the Valkyries.

It’s interesting that there is little critical analysis of the patent degradation and margination of Black Motherhood in the film. They don’t seem to reproduce, have husbands or family relationships. Even during bondage, it would have an important role of Black Motherhood to relinquish the stock, but their treatment in the film is unsettlingly consistent with Nazi racial theories and goals and policies of experimentation of the lower races. It also seems important that the right Black Women were casted in the film to go along with the film’s agenda of the patent degradation of sisters in a conspiracy of silence, like the use of MONARCH/MK ULTRA HollyWeird black Sex Kittens.


Broonhidla (Kerry Washington), [Spike Lee’s She Hate Me,] may do and show anything for a few pieces of silver, triggers or keys.


Black women in Django are essentially Candyland (Nibelheim) “Sex Slaves-Sex Kittens” except for Wotan’s daughter, Broomhilda. Recall her mission is to deliver heroes to Walhalla to battle the evil lower races (creatures) from the bottom layers of earth- the Nieblungs.


Candyland’s main candy-whore, Sheba (Kingdom of Sheba), is played by Nicole Galicia. Below, she appears in her “Alice Persona.” Alice in Wonderland is a commonly used theme to developed little girls into MONARCH/MK ULTRA mind controlled  “Sex Kittens”.


Well, am I going off on the deep end? Look at HollyWeird Sex Kitten Halle Berry. Is it or is not overtly sexually persuasive and unnecessarily animal-analytic suggestive?


Below is Nicole Galicia and MONARCH/MK ULTRA Bunga-Bunga Ruby the Heart Stealer in their Sex Kitten Personas.


Django’s ceremonial so-called (Einherjar-Lone Fighter) revenge against the evil enslavers of the South is a “Seigfried Persona.” It is but another one of Tarantino’s ILLUSIONS. It is a crude metaphor of Siegfried slaying Niebelungs in chilling cold blood like the SS.


Alberich (Leonardo de Caprio) ruler of Candyland is slain. Django last and interesting battle takes place when he slays Stephen, Alberich’s brother Mime (Samuel L. Jackson).


Alberich and Mime are brothers, Nibelungs. I have not viewed Django Unchained and have no intention to look at it. But, I understand that Django’s most vicious fight in the film is with Stephen, the most despised and vile character in the film. It’s not my conclusion. In fact, it is exactly what Samuel L. Jackson admitted, ‘Oh, you really want me to be the most despised Negro in cinematic history?’   “Mime fares even worse, depicted as a stinking ghetto Jew. Siegfried, the Ring’s hero, who knows no fear and is free of conscience, hates him merely for his appearance and smell: “. . . that shuffling and slinking, those eyelids blinking — how long must I endure this sight? When shall I be rid of this fool? I’d like to catch you and end your shrinking and stop your blinking! So deeply, Mime, do I loathe you.” After being nearly choked to death, Siegfried brutally murders Mime with the sword, Nothung. This is Mime’s reward for having raised Siegfried, like a father, from birth. Since Siegfried represents the conscience-free, fearless Teuton, he feels no remorse. Wagner’s music would have us justify Siegfried’s form of personal vengeance. He is glorified as the warrior hero of the Ring, the archtypal proto-Nazi. It is absolutely consistent with Wagner’s racial agenda and the two-faced Janus Face of deception of Himmler’s SS. Himmler conditioned the SS to be two-faced, one kind and decent gentleman, while the opposite- mean, cruel, evil and homicidal.


Leonardo de Caprio’s 666 and the All-Seeing Eve of LUCIIFER and Quentin Tarantino’s  SILENCE (SECRECY) IS GOLDEN Symbol of the ILLUMINATI. Wagner’s racist Ring Series is clandestinely played out with the collaboration of HollyWeird’s ILLUMINATI Black Goons. Django (Jamie Foxx) is also the metaphor for Siegfried’s struggle with Wotan (Dr. King Schultz), who is ready for his own doom to make way for a coming of a New World Order and the New Age of LUCIFIER and his servants.


Here is Fuhrer Adolf Hitler in the Seigfried Lone Standard Bearer Persona

For Hitler and the Nazis, GERMAN history was symbolized Wagner’s Der Ring des Nibelungen. Both Hitler and Josef Goebbels proclaimed that the tale of Siegfried and Broomhilda were their favorites.[51]

Siegfried’s reforging of the enchanted sword became a metaphor German rearmament. Hitler’s final hour of symbolized defeat was the conclusion of his vast reenactment of the Ring, like Siegfried, Hitler’s body was consumed in a funeral pyre and both Brumhide and Eva Braun (symbolically) closely followed their lovers in death.[52]

Django Unchained, the N Word and the Black Psyche

If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.” Reichsminister Paul Josef Goebbels, [53]

According to the Supreme Court of the United States, there are certain well-defined and narrowly limited classes of speech, the prevention and punishment of which have never been thought to raise any constitutional problem. These include the lewd and obscene, the profane, the libelous, and the insulting or “fighting words” those that by their very utterance inflict injury or tend to incite an immediate breach of the peace. It has been well observed that such utterances are no essential part of any exposition of ideas, and are of such slight social value as a step to truth that any benefit that may be derived from them is clearly outweighed by the social interest in order and morality. Chaplinski v. New Hampshire, 315 U.S. 568, 62 S.Ct. 766, 86 L.Ed. 1031 (1942). The N word is one of those fighting words that come within the profane and insulting that by its very utterance inflict injury. It is a badge of degradation and has no other connotation to society.

During and after the Civil War, Southern whites would commonly use the word “nigger” instead of “Negro” in order to represent superiority over the blacks. This was especially common for slave owners to refer to their slaves as “niggers” in order to both debase Africans below human beings [“untermensch” (sub-man, sub-humans)]; and to show ownership over their lives. The N word also signifies worthlessness lebensunwerte leben” [useless eaters- life unworthy of life].[54]

Katt Williams discovered and then exposed to the general public that there are 176 instances of “F**k You Ni**ger” in Django Unchained,

“Everyone’s all ‘oh my god, Quentin’s written ‘nigger’ 176 times on a script again’… Django Unchained is essentially a spaghetti western exploitation movie with some Hong Kong overtones. He knows the movies that we like.”[55]

The ILLUMINATI have carefully studied the films that Black People, particularly, tend to watch and enjoy. I suspect like Josef Goebbels Propaganda Ministry would had their psychiatrists, psychologists and social scientists test, measure, experiment then develop a formula based on the number of times the N-word need to be repeated to penetrate, internalize, subliminally affect and injure the Black Psyche; and also polarize the races by mass media vehicles.

“I was called a nigger almost every day in Texas.”
Jamie Foxx, Oscar-winning actor (Ray) born in 1967

I grew up with the healing melodies and the Genius of Ray Charles. One evening, I sat down to enjoy the 2005 feature film, Ray, starting Jamie Foxx. At first, I thought it odd that the movie was just called “Ray,” and Jamie Foxx, a despicable satanic, cross dressing Negro comedian got the leading role.


However, I put down my guard. I had so many warm, comfortable feelings and memories in regards to the beloved Ray Charles. I thought the movie would delight in his life and music. In the very opening scene, he was called out of name. He was both a ni**ger (untermensch) and useless blind (libensunwerte leben). It wasn’t necessary at all.

From the movie script,

Southern White Bus Driver: “Boy, I can’t take responsibility for some blind ni**ger traveling…miles alone.”[56]

I turned off the television. I was mentally deeply hurt and betrayed. For me, the N Word is still a vicious “Fighting Word.” I had been suckered in to watch the movie believing it was a sincere “Feel Good” ticket about a man, legend and his music that healed our souls and settled our spirits. I was hit in the blindside again by the HollyWeird ILLUMINATI that only intended to assert command over my very BEING and reinforce a sense of worthlessness and powerlessness among the masses. I am presently unable to watch the movie. You can’t trust HollyWeird and its black goons.They gave Jamie Foxx an Academy Award for in 2005 being a loyal Negro ILLUMINATI Goon.

In Katt Williams’ denunciation of Django Unchained, he personally exposed and singled out Jamie Foxx, in particular, for condemnation. Katt Williams said that he knows a lot about HollyWeird behind the scenes. He is ready telling the public, WATCH JAMIE FOXX.


In Jamie Foxx’s 2009 music video, Blame It, featuring Satanic T-Pain in a Masonic-ILLUMINATI checkerboard pattern vest, it shows that Jamie Foxx had been initiated as a High Priest of some type of HollyWeird Satanic Cult with an animal deity coven with a Panda talisman. The Panda, subliminally, appears to be soft, sweet and gentle like a Teddy Bear,


T-Pain 666, Sign of the BEAST

“This brings us back to the secret occult meaning behind the teddy bear. The teddy bear symbolizes only the nice side of the actual bear’s duality. It is cuddly, adorable and non-threatening. We give children a toy that represents the safe side of life’s duality. It is meant to be reassuring.”[57]

Yet, the bear, particularly the Panda, is a deadly animal with a nasty disposition that will attack humans without provocation. It is also symbolically patently dual (dualism); it is significantly black and white.

Blame It opens with the musical version of the black mass music played backwards in Stanley Kubrick’s classic satanic thriller, “Eyes Wide Shut.” It can’t be denied or explained away, the black mass music in the video denotes the start of a satanic ritual.[58]


I had often related these gestures to the OSIRIS-ISIS-HORUS Mysteries of Kemet, All Seeing Eye of Horus. However, these people have absolutely nothing to do with Kemet.  They are Two-Faced Janus Personalities, Deceivers and Masters of Deceptions and Disguises. This is what it is, the All-Seeing Eye of LUCIFER.

Appearing as satanic ritual coven members are Ron Howard, Forest Whitaker, Samuel L. Jackson, Jack Gyllenhall, Quincy Jones, Cedric the Entertainer, Morris Chestnut, Clifton Powell, Alex Thomas, DeRay Davis, Joe, Mos Def, Tatyana Alie, Jalen Rose, Bill Bellany, Ashley Scott, Electrik Red, Dawn Richard, Keshia Knight Pullman, and LeToya. BET named “Blame It” their No. 1 music video for 2009 on their year-end Notarized countdown.[59]

Subsequent to posting an excellent video in PRECIOUS & DECEPTION: THE ROAD BACK TO NAZI SPIRITUAL SCIENCE AND MK ULTRA on May 4, 2010 analyzing its patent Satanic content, the original official “Blame It” musical video was pulled, and the highly edited video below took its place.

However, some very significant satanic content of the video had not been removed. At frame 1:26, there is the caged woman in dark, than at frames 1:37-2:41, Jamie toys with a woman in a leopard skin print. Jamie says that he can feel their but she don’t care- mind controlled Sex Kitten, then it flashes to the woman (Sex Kitten) moving in the dark (animal) cage. At frames 1:31, spades with symbols, death calling cards appear on alcohol bottles.


At frame 2:35, skulls appear at the bottom of two cocktail glasses. At frame 2:41, the Panda Deity Talisman dance and a woman wearing an animal print scarf begins to dance in trance flashing the devil’s horns hand symbol from frames 2:42-2:52; then the frame switch briefly back to the woman in the cage, linking the woman in the cage with the dancing women in trance with animal skin prints.

What is missing from the original video is that the Panda Deity Talisman’s dance with women in a ritualized dance that invoke and conjure up a demon patron-spirit. Some of the most chilling, disturbing and significant satanic scenes begins at this point in this video and its satanic and demonic nature can’t be denied for what it is.


From frames 3:32-3:56, a young woman (demonic patron) with strange dark-black fixed eyes who appears to be in a zombie zone with the devil’s horns finger symbol in her mouth began to dance in trance. Her moves are distorted, bizarre and possessed like the possession dance scene of the demonic patron in the 1987 Santeria cult film, The Believers.[60]

The video is significantly red with flashes of blue and purple. In illuminati symbology, red is the color of fire, blood, danger, chaos; and often symbolizes sin. In Wiccan, blue is associated with the God Zephyrus. Zephyrus is associated with fertility and love, and the hour of twilight. Blue is also associated with “blue bloods,” and LUCIFER. Purple is associated with royalty but likely privilege in this instance. Samuel L. Jackson appears to be trance throughout the video.

some guy in a panda head

At the end of the video at frames 6:51-7:00, Jamie Foxx exposes himself as receiving the Panda Deity Talisman becoming the High Priest of the Satanic Coven. The Little Mad Genius turns out to be not too mad after all.

Finally, the Seigfried Persona is extremely dangerous and frightening prospect if it has not already been done (Jamie Foxx). Imagine MONARCH/MK ULTRA programmers and handlers using Siegfried Persona Alters to develop Black Manchurian Candidates to slaughter their own people to protect Walhalla and the Bloodlines of Wotan.


“We will of course not let them know about Wotan.” –Reichsminister Paul Josef Goebbels

Yesterday, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences nominated Django Unchained for 4 academy awards including Best Picture and Best Original Screen Play. Of course, the Volkisct –Blood of Wotan Christoph Waltz got the nod from the academy for the 2013 Best Supporting Actor for clandestinely-subliminally WOTANIZING the entertainment film industry for the New Word Order and the Age of LUCIFER. 

As I speak, Katt Williams has been taken off the street again by the Los Angeles Police Department on an outstanding $100,000 arrest warrant out of Sacramento.[61] I pray that they don’t suicide him or lobotomize his brain to keep him from smashing mirrors, images and ILLUSIONS of the ILLUMINATI, permanently!

[1] http://www.great-quotes.com/quotes/movie/Enter+the+Dragon

[2] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Bourne_Identity_(2002_film)

[3] http://hyperspacecafe.com/showthread.php?tid=8424

[4] http://www.davidsongifted.org/db/Articles_id_10062.aspx

[5] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mensa_International

[6] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mensa_International

[7] http://www.davesweb.cnchost.com/fwordpreview.htm

[8] https://sites.google.com/site/thecampaignerunbound/home/the-british-origins-of-nazi-eugenics

[9] https://sites.google.com/site/thecampaignerunbound/home/the-british-origins-of-nazi-eugenics

[10] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Untermensch

[11] http://www.conspiracyplanet.com/channel.cfm?channelid=67&contentid=6258&page=2

[12] http://www.american-buddha.com/nazi.wotancarljung.htm

[13] http://www.davesweb.cnchost.com/fwordpreview.htm

[14] http://www.davesweb.cnchost.com/fwordpreview.htm

[15] ht http://www.davesweb.cnchost.com/fwordpreview

[16] http://spitfirelist.com/news/race-science-and-the-pioneer-fund/

[17] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hans_Eysenck

[18] http://holocaustnews.wordpress.com/category/uncategorized/page/8/

[19] http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/ItalianPhysicsCenter/message/32

[20] http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/hambone_info/people.html

[21] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inglourious_Basterds

[22] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alternate_history

[23] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hans_Landa

[24] http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2009/09/hollywoods-jewish-avenger/307619/

[25] http://www.reviewstl.com/christoph-waltz-win-academy-award-best-supporting-actor-inglorious-basterds-0307/

[26] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lawrence_Bender

[27] http://vigilantcitizen.com/moviesandtv/the-occult-roots-of-the-wizard-of-oz/

[28] http://www.detoxorcist.com/satanism-and-the-far-right.html

[29] http://www.judeofascism.com/2009/12/in-touch-with-their-zionist-sides.html

[30] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lawrence_Bender

[31] http://www.cinemablend.com/new/Why-Silent-Django-Unchained-34925.html

[32] http://www.post-gazette.com/stories/ae/movies/actor-christoph-waltz-says-bounty-hunter-role-makes-sense-667754/

[33] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brynhildr

[34] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brynhildr

[35] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valkyrie

[36] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valkyrie

[37] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brynhildr

[38] http://larryavisbrown.homestead.com/files/ring/ring2_valkyrie.htm

[39] http://www.columbiaspectator.com/2013/01/04/django-unchained-brings-tarantino-verse-antebellum-south

[40] http://solomonsmusic.net/WagHit.htm

[41] http://www.noanswersingenesis.org.au/cg_science_of_racism.htm

[42] http://www.indiana.edu/~hist104/sources/Gobineau.html

[43] http://opinionator.blogs.nytimes.com/2012/11/20/the-souths-man-in-london/

[44] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ride_of_the_Valkyries

[45] http://english.illinoisstate http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ride_of_the_Valkyries.edu/strickland/rsvtxt/davis2.htm



[48] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nibelheim

[49] http://larryavisbrown.homestead.com/files/ring/ring3_siegfried.htm

[50] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Django_Unchained

[51] http://movies.nytimes.com/movie/44604/Die-Nibelungen-Siegfried/overview

[52] Richardson, Herbert, New Studies in Richard Wagner’s The Ring of the Nibelung, The Edwin Mellen Press, Lewiston, NY (1991) pgs. 162-195)

[53] http://thinkexist.com/quotes/joseph_goebbels/

[54] http://www.studymode.com/essays/Use-Nigger-Meanings-Word-95483.html

[55] http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Hollywood/2012/12/30/django-stars-rush-defend-movie-violence

[56] http://www.script-o-rama.com/movie_scripts/r/ray-script-transcript-jamie-foxx.html

[57] http://occultview.com/2012/10/21/the-teddy-bear-as-an-occult-talisman-2/

[58] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blame_It

[59] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blame_It

[60] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Believers

[61] http://www.eonline.com/news/376939/katt-williams-arrested-in-los-angeles-after-failing-to-appear-in-sacramento-court?cmpid=rss-000000-rssfeed-365-celebritynews&utm_source=eonline&utm_medium=rssfeeds&utm_campaign=rss_celebritynews


17 07 2012


Thule-VRIL Mystic, Maria Orsic, a Haunting Face out of the Past. Is this the future Face and State of New Babylon and Imperial Rule in America? Unfortunately, Minister Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam may come to think so, whether they know it or not.

In the Oakland-San Francisco Bay Area, Your Black Muslim Bakery (YBMB) had been one of the last visible old guards and guardians of the Black Nationalism in the community. Black Nationalism fundamentally translates to “Self Determination.”

The bakery had been a mainstay in the Bay Area community for decades providing community advocacy, leadership; and dedicated unique naturally nutritious and trustworthily bakery products that can’t be obtained from any other source. For decades, I lived about 10 blocks from the bakery.

When I had been poisoned within inches of my life by a Black Female Death Angel, I learned firsthand what the community had said for a long time. YBMB’s products were all essential and vital to the health and well-being of our community. It had been essential and vital to my long recovery. My weekly bakery staples had been its incredible Wheat-Honey Breads, Prune and Carrot Cakes.

On one sunny afternoon, I had made my weekly walking trek to the bakery. I stopped for a moment to reflect of what I was witnessing; almost the entire block of 58th Street on San Pablo Avenue in Oakland was filed at every storefront with the bakery’s black-red-green banners. At the end of the block was a school filled with children.


I looked across the street and almost that entire block was also emblazoned with the bakery’s black-red-white banners. San Pablo Avenue is one of the county’s oldest, most active and busy thoroughfares.

The brothers and sisters of YBMB, Inc. had done a remarkable job of investing and establishing its footprint in the community. I thought to myself nevertheless the scandals surrounding the founder, CEO and President, Dr. Yusuf Bey, YBMB is incorporated. It’s a legal creature with a life of its own,” It’ll be here for a 100 years,” I said to myself as I marveled at this “Jewel” in our community.

Little did I know as I spoke, smoke and mirrors, and a web of espionage was closing in on our beloved bakery. Little did I know that the Paradigm of America’s unique brand of Black Nationalism was being shifted at the highest levels of the “Deep State”, the shadow government. Chauncey Bailey and YBMB was right smack in the middle of it. The rabbit hole to the destruction of the bakery and paradigm shift runs far deeper than your lying eyes, education, intellectual and spiritual background will allow you to believe.



Our work is therefore historically authentic; the rediscovery of the Sumerian Tradition” –Great BEAST 666, Aleister Crowley

For whatever reasons, Minister Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam’s quiet conversion to SCIENTOLOGY and DIANETICS had slipped right under the radar. I hadn’t been aware of it until recently.


  • Above in September 2009, Minister Louis Farrakhan and ILLUMINATI Rev. Al Sharpton greet fellow Scientologists after being audited. As revealed by the CIA Maestro of Mind Control, Dr. Louis Jolyon West, Scientologist auditing involves NARCO-HYPONISM. High profile figures such as Farrakhan and Sharpton are recruited as New Babylon Priests then subjected to classic MK ULTRA Trauma Based Mind Control Programming.  It’s no secret. The Nation of Islam will tell you that in the Scientology audit that they search for repressed and subconscious TRAUMAS-DEMONS to program.

To say the least, I was dumbfounded and shocked when I found out that SCIENTOLOGY and DIANETICS had penetrated so far inside the Black Community like a thief in the night without any warning flags, opposition or words of caution from Black intellectuals or organized Christianity.


I talked about Dr. Aldous Huxley, Dr. Gregory Bateson, CIA, ruling classes, elite and powerful oligarchies quietly ushering in a New Imperial Babylon right under our collected noses, and that they were devoted to the recruitment and training of an ever-expanding PRIESTHOOD dedicated to the principles of Imperial Rule.

I also talked a little about how the Nazi Mystic Maria Orsic had been important in forming the pseudo theoretical historical, racialist and spiritual blueprint and foundation of the National Socialist (Nazis), and for a New Babylon and World Imperial Rule by a Super Aryan- Blue-Eyed, Blond Hair Master Race.

As I stood on 58th and San Pablo Avenue marveling at the bakery’s wonders and accomplishments, I didn’t know at the time that the Spirit and Ghost of Maria Orsic was moving right before me in the Black Community, and haunting our beloved YBMB for a NEW BABYLON.



Notice the similarity between the symbol of VRIL and SCIENTOLOGY Management Structure.

During the early 20th Century, there was a quest among the rich and powerful elite in Germany to open secret “Stargate Technologies” to awaken the Aryan Superman.

At the lead of Germany’s early Stargate Technologies was the Vril Society (Vril Gesellschaft). Adolf Hitler’s “Guiding Brain” Karl Haushofer was believed to have been the head of society.[1]


The Vril Society known as “The All German Society for Metaphysics “was formed in 1921 to explore the origins of the Aryan race. The Vril was primarily composed by a group of female psychic mediums, above, (VRIL SOCIETY MAIDENS) led by the Thule Gesellschaft medium Maria Orsitsch (Orsic) of Zagreb, who claimed to have received communication from Aryan aliens living on Alpha Tauri, in the Aldebaran system in the Tarsus Constellation sixty-five light years away.[2]


Members of the Vril Society are said to have included Adolf Hitler, Alfred Rosenberg, Heinrich Himmler, Hermann Goering, and Hitler’s personal physician, Dr. Theodor Morell. They were original members of the Thule Society which supposedly joined Vril in 1919. The NSDAP (Nazi Party) was created by Thule in 1920, one year later. Dr. Krohn, who created the Nazi flag, was also a Thulist.[3]


According to the VRIL SOCIETY MAIDENS, the aliens of the Aldebaran Solar System had visited Earth and settled in Sumeria, and the word Vril was formed from the ancient Sumerian word “Vri-Il” (“like god”). A second medium of the group was known only as Sigrun, a name etymologically related to Sigrune, a Valkyrie and one of Wotan’s nine daughters in Norse legend. [4]

In Norse mythology, a valkyrie (from Old Norse valkyrja “chooser of the slain”) is one of a host of female figures who decide who dies and wins in battle.[5]

The Vril Society also taught concentration exercises designed to awaken the Forces of VRIL, and their main goal was to achieve Raumflug (Spaceflight-Astral Projections-Remote Viewing) to reach Aldebaran.

In December 1919, a small circle of persons from Thule, Vril and the DHvSS [Die Herren vom Schwarzen Stein (German: Lords of the Black Stone)] met in a specially rented forester’s lodge near Berchtesgaden (Germany).[6]


Above, Nazi Mystic SIGRUN with VRIL Flying Disc. 

They were accompanied by the medium Maria Orsic and Sigrun. Maria had mediumistically received transmission in a secret Templar script – a language unknown to her – with the technical data for the construction of a flying machine. The AldebaranTemplar script was translated by Sigrun.[7]

To construct the flying machine, the Vril Society joined the Thule Gesellschaft and DHvSS (Men of the Black Stone) to fund an ambitious program involving an inter-dimensional flight machine based on psychic revelations from the Aldebaran aliens.[8]


In 1922, Thule and Vril constructed Germany’s first flight disc, the JFM (Jenseitsflugmaschine) or “Other World Flight Machine”, in Munich, for channeled flight testing that lasted two years.[9]

The project was led by Vril-Thule member and physics professor Dr. Winfred Otto (W.O.) Schumann of the Technical University of Munich. After WWII, Schumann had been prominent on America’s Wish List of Nazi Stargate Technology Rocket Scientist to be secretly brought into the country under Project PAPERCLIP.[10] Below, a decent historical VRIL video tutorial.

Maria Orsic and the Secret Forces of VRIL

Incredibly in the middle of WWII, W.O. Schumann was granted a U.S. Patent on September 29, 1942, Patent No. 2,297, 256 – – entitled “Tube Control.” The patent application was filed in April of 1939 in Germany. Joseph Farrell’s research on the SS Nazi “Brotherhood of the Bell” secret UFO technology, Schumann’s “Tube Control” patent pointedly has to do with vacuum-arc electrical discharges within a mercury plasma contained within a tube.[11]

In Munich, W.O. Schumann gave a chilling lecture at the Faculty of Sciences in which he revealed, “THE VRIL SATANIC PRINCIPLE”,

In all areas, there are two principles that determine events, light and darkness, good and evil, creation and destruction, as the positive and negative in electricity. This is always one way or another! These two principles designated concretely how the creative and destructive principles determine also our technical means […]

The destructive principle is the work of the devil, the creative principle, the work of God […]

Any technique based on the principle of explosion or combustion can be satanic technology. The new era that will be the age of a new technique, positive and divine! […] (Excerpt from the secret archives of the SS).[12]



Above, notice the similarity between the symbol of Thule Gesellschaft and the SCIENTOLOGY Crossed-Out Cross.

The Vril Society and its “Stargate Technologies” link directly back to Lt. Robert Heinlein, L. Ron Hubbard and the secret U.S. Military Science Fiction Think Tank’s liaison with Germany immigrant Dr. Willi Ley in 1939. At that time, Dr. Ley had to have been America’s primary source on the secret Vril Society and the secret flying disc technology inside Nazi Germany.

Above, SS Wernher von Braun, VRIL Physicist Dr. Willi Ley, Walt Disney and Dr. E. Heinz Haber, Another Project PAPERCLIP Nazi-VRIL Rocket Physicist secretly brought into the country along with SS von Braun.

We can only conclude that Dr. Ley had been a Vril-Thule member. He certainly maintained confidential and friendly relations with the Nazi-VRIL Rocket Scientists and their collaborators such as Walt Disney. In 1926, Ley published his first book, Die Fahrt ins Weltall (The Journey into Space). The next year he helped found the German VfR (Society for Spaceship Travel).[13]

Over the next several years, Dr. Ley published several books promoting spaceflight while also editing the VfR’s journal, Die Rakete (The Rocket). When Wernher Magnus Maximilian Freiherr von Braun joined the Society for Spaceship Travel in 1931, his first rocket tutor was Dr. Willi Ley.

This also links back to SS Dr. Wernher Von Braun, Weird Jack Whiteside Parsons, the BEAST 666 Aleister Crowley and their U.S. based Pasadena Lodge of the Ordo Tempil Orientis (OTO).

In the 1920¹s and 30¹s, Aleister Crowley and OTO were involved in world political events of the 20th Century through spying for the British Secret Intelligence Service (SIS) on members of the Thule and Vril Societies. During WW2, Crowley led an MI5 secret mission involving a magic ritual to send a psychic message to lure Hitler’s Deputy Fuhrer Rudolph Hess to Britain. [14]

Wernher von Braun belonged to an oligarchic, aristocratic German family, inheriting the German title of Freiherr (equivalent to Baron). His father, conservative civil servant Magnus Freiherr von Braun (1878–1972), served as a Minister of Agriculture in the Federal Cabinet during the Weimar Republic. [15] The von Braun Family was undoubtedly one of Germany’s old knightly families of the Holy Roman Empire associated with the Teutonic Knights.

REF: M62-1343-3 & same as 995988The Von Braun Brothers (MIX FILE)

His mother, Emmy von Quistorp (1886–1959), could trace her ancestry through both parents to medieval European royalty, a descendant of Philip III of France, Valdemar I of Denmark, Robert III of Scotland, and Edward III of England. Through Edward III, Von Braun would be a descendant of Mieszko I of Poland and King Charlemagne. Von Braun had a younger brother, also named Magnus Freiherr von Braun and an older brother named Sigismund.[16]


Really Weird Satanic Jack Whiteside Parsons

As a teenager, the aristocratic Wernher von Braun of Germany was allowed to develop a close working relationship and exchange of ideas with Weird Jack Parsons, above, in Pasadena.[17]

It appears that Weird Jack had also been an early member of the Vril-Thule and the Society for Spaceflight Travel. The BEAST 666 Aleister Crowley had personally chosen Weird Jack to head the O.T.O. Temple in Pasadena.[18]

From 1939, Wernher von Braun was a high ranking Nazi SS Officer. He was head of the team that designed the German V-2 rockets which bombed London and Antwerp in 1944 and 1945. At the end of WW2 von Braun hid the V2 plans in an abandoned mine shaft in Bad Sachsa in Germany. In 1945 through the US initiated ‘Operation Paperclip’ von Braun was taken to the States where he became father of the US space program, NASA.


Oddly enough, SS von Braun claimed that his mentor and friend Weird Jack was the true father of the American space program. Weird Jack had been the principal innovator of “Stargate Technology” and “Satanic Principle” liquid rocket fuel cells that were essential to space and rocket programs.[19]

It should also be crystal clear that Lt. Robert Heinlein and ONI did not send LRH from Lookout Mountain inside Jack Parson’s O.T.O in 1945 to break it up, but as a cold war infiltrator into an international ring of influencial, powerful elite Nazis and Vril-Thule LUCIFERIANS set on clandestine world domination.

In 1945, there was a mad race between Russia, England and America to snap up everything associated with Nazi Germany’s secret alien “Stargate Technologies.” ONI needed one of their own in the international Satanic Loop.



In March 1945 just before the siege of Berlin and the fall of Nazi Germany, Maria Orsitsch (Orsic), Sigrun and the VRIL SOCIETY MAIDENS disappeared as did their and SS von Braun’s superior, SS General Dr. Ing. Hans Friedrich Karl Franz Kammler. SS Dr. Kammler, above, held the secret computer system and files of Nazi Germany’s secret Stargate Technology flying machines, Wonder Weapons that also included the atomic bomb.[20]

To this date, the faith of Maria Orsic , Sigrun, VRIL SOCIETY MAIDENS and SS Hans Kammler remains TOP SECRET and CLASSIFIED by Britain and the U.S. Government.

Undoubtedly, it would have been in America’s secret Luciferian ruling classes and oligarchies to recruit, harbor and conceal Maria Orsic , VRIL SOCIETY MAIDENS and SS Hans Kammler in its developing interest in mastering the occult and alien Stargate Technologies to overpower the world.


MK ULTRA Mind Control? Minister Louis Farrakhan and VRIL Flying Discs

“When the spaceships start hovering over your cities and towns, there will be nowhere to hide. There is no cave to shield you nor any underground bunker to conceal you. The technology we have of forcing us out of your bodies is far more compassionate than the methods you use to butcher your animals or even put to death your prisoners.LEUCEDENDRA[21]

It looks as if Minister Farrakhan and the mystersous LEUCEDENDRA were/are on the same page with spaceships and flying discs.  After March 1945, the trail to the maidens grew virtually cold as if they had been all along been a figment of an over reactive imagination. On the internet, I found an extremely interesting reference to L. Ron Hubbard, Scientology and one of the secret VRIL SOCIETY MAIDENS,

“L. Ron Hubbard learned a great deal about life from an Antarean woman named SCARABINE who was with us on the ship and landed with us in Roswell, New Mexico. She lived in Los Angeles and Mr. Hubbard befriended her in 1948; having met her through a woman named Sarah Northrup who Mr. Hubbard later married. Mr. Hubbard learned a great deal about telepathy and moving out of the body, and there is a lot of useful and very practical Antarean knowledge within his writings which he repackaged as a religion known as Scientology which was first known as a science of the mind called Dianetics. Mr. Hubbard fully understood that the soul or spiritual entity operates the genetic body. He easily grasped Antarean wisdom.”[22]

The information was posted September 23, 2009 on the Forum Project Avalon by an elderly Antarean named Lucy or LEUCEDENDRA.[23] How old she was is unknown?

It is interesting that LEUCEDENDRA appeared not soon after it was widely reported that Minister Louis Farrakhan and ILLUMINATI Negro Rev. Al Sharpton had been Scientology-DIANETIC [CIA-MK ULTRED] auitored.[24]

LEUCEDENDRA claims that she came to earth at Roswell July 4th, 1947. Interestingly a side note to Lucy, she claims that the Antareans demand the people of Earth denounce JESUIT CHRIST.[25]


She claims that her husband Hyaluronidon built the Georgia Guidestones, an alien monument in a small park which calls for the death of 6,200,000,000 people in the world because only 500,000,000 “eligibles” [clears] are allowed to inherit the earth.[26] She appears to have a large following in New Zealand.[27] Her website at www.betweendeath.com is gone-taken down. As suddenly as she appeared, LEUCEDENDRA disappeared.


The ship she refers to above that carried her, LRH and SCARABINE to Roswell has to be one of the maiden’s VRIL FLYING DISKS. Lucy’s background information on LRH, Antareans and America’s Top Secret VRIL flying machine projectappears to be too extremely sensitive, compartmented and classified to be fairly tales, totally made up and false.

LRH befriended SCARABINE in 1948 is extremely significant. It is within (3) years of the VRIL SOCIETY MAIDENS sudden disappearance out of Nazi Germany. It is highly likely that SCARABINE had been recruited by ONI as an asset shortly after being secreted out of Nazi Germany before its fall.

She most likely was officially debriefed sometime in 1945 by ONI Nazi Occult Expert, LRH. LRH’s contact with the VRIL SOCIETY MAIDEN would have predated the secret blood oath covenant of the CIA. The CIA wasn’t formed until 1947.

LEUCEDENDRA reveals that SCARABINE had been introduced or re-introduced to LRH through Sara Northrup, one of BEAST 666’s female magicians out of Weird Jack’s O.T.O Temple. Aleister Crowley’s O.T.O would have been an idea place for the SS and CIA to harbor the maidens. It had a strict blood covenant code of secrecy. It was Satanic.  It had secret vast covert elite powerful resources  and influences that spanned the planet. It was a place that the maidens would continue to practice the occult, teach, train and recruit initiates like Sara Northrup in  relative blood oath secrecy.

LEUCEDENDRA reveals that SCARABINE travelled with LRH and Sara Northrup to Roswell, New Mexico. Rosweill was the infamous UFO crash site.The Roswell UFO Incident was a report of an object that crashed in the general vicinity of Roswell in June or July 1947, allegedly, an extra-terrestrial spacecraft and its alien occupants.[28]

Now, the Roswell UFO Incident is generally believed to have been an ONI and U.S. Air Force failed secret experimental Stargate Technology UFO flight crash.[29]

Reportedly, SS Wernher von Braun and Project PAPERCLIP Nazi VRIL scientists were at the Roswell UFO crash site.[30] Why wouldn’t Maria or Sigrun, and even both be flown also to the Roswell UFO crash site with an official debriefing occult expert like ONI’s LRH? Again, the Roswell Incident was before the official formation of the CIA when the Gehlen-Bolschwing SS took over.

LEUCEDENDRA, LRH, Sara and SCARABINE’s trip to Rowell appears to be very consistent with being at the heart of U.S. government secret experimentation with the Forces of VRIL developed by the VRIL SOCIETY MAIDENS from Antarean wisdom just before the official formation of the CIA.

Would SCARABINE and LEUCEDENDRA have been VRIL SOCIETY MAIDENS- Maria Orsic and Sigrun under ONI and the U.S. Air Force’s Project PAPERCLIP?


LRH’s O.T.O. wife Sara Elizabeth Bruce Northrup Hollister also played a significant role in the development of DIANETICS, Hubbard’s “modern science of mental health”, between 1948 and 1951, during which time she was LRH’s personal auditor and one of the seven members of the Dianetics Foundation’s Board of Directors.[31]

In 1939, Weird Jack Parsons and wife Helen Crowley-Northrup, Sara’s sister, joined the Pasadena branch of the Ordo Templi Orientis (OTO). When Parsons’ father died, the couple moved into his old home at 1003 South Orange Avenue, Pasadena, with sixteen-year-old Sara moving in with them while she finished high school. [32]

Sara joined OTO in 1941. She was given the title of Soror [Sister] Cassap. She rose to the rank of a second degree member, or “Magician”, of the OTO. In June 1941, at the age of seventeen, she began a passionate affair with Weird Jack while her sister Helen was away on vacation. [33]

In 1948, LRH told his friend Forrest J. Ackerman that he had acquired a Dictaphone machine which Sara was “beating out her wits on” transcribing not only fiction but his book on the “cause and cure of nervous tension”. This eventually became the first draft of Hubbard’s book Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health, which marked the foundation of Dianetics and ultimately of Scientology.[34]



We have nothing to do with the outcast and the unfit; let them die in their misery. For they feel not. Compassion is the vice of kings; stamp down the wretched and the weak; this is the law of the strong; this is our law and the joy of the world…” -Great BEAST Aleister Crowley[35]

Undoubtedly, DIANETICS is a compilation of Crowley’s satanic wisdom channeled through one of his OTO magicians and initiates; and of Antarean Wisdom (Forces of VRIL) from a Top Secret VRIL SOCIETY MAIDEN, all designed for a great dying, mass population control and extermination of the weak and racially inferior masses of the world. Dianetics also include secret SS Mind Control Science LRH gathered while involved in ONI’s classified and Top Secret Project CHATTER.

 ”[Baron Bolschwing] Too Big for My Boots”Sturmhauptfuhrer SS Dr. Wilhelm Hoettl, Head of Intelligence and Counter Espionage in Central and South-East Europe

Add to the mix, HAUPTSTURMFÜHRER SS BARON OTT VON BOLSCHWING. Before the fall of Nazi Germany, SS Baron Bolschwing was already deeply imbedded in the U.S. Army Counterintelligence Unit (CIC) 44th Division in Innsbruck, Austria. The cover story is that SS Wernher von Braun’s brother, Magnus, rode by bicycle into 44th CIC and arranged the VRIL Peenemunde Rocket Team surrender. I don’t think it was so easy as a tip toe through the tulips in a heavily militarized war zone in Austria. It was SS Baron von Bolschwing’s clandestine and classified operation to move SS-Nazi VRIL scientists and maidens into the U.S. through the 44th CIC under cover of Project PAPERCLIP. It was SS Baron von Bolschwing and SS Intelligence that secretly controlled the surrender of SS Wernher von Braun’s VRIL Rocket Team; and the guarded VRIL SOCIETY MAIDENS.

SS Baron von Bolschwing was one of the few people in a position to know the entire story about LRH, DIANETICS and the SS secret Stargate Technologies. Baron von Bolschwing was the real Granddaddy of Project PAPERCLIP. Baron SS von Bolschwing arrived in the U.S. in 1953 or 1954 under the veil of U.S. National Security. By 1968, Baron SS von Bolschwing was running the “DEEP STATE” CIA. He wanted the SS-Stargate Technologies-Raumflug (Remote Viewing} back and bring LRH and Scientology under strict control. The rest is history.

The Great BEAST 666Aleister Crowley claimed The Book of the Law was channeled to him on April 8, 9, and 10th in 1904 by a being, spirit and Egyptian God named Aiwass. The book is the central sacred text of Thelema and O.T.O.[36]

John Symond reported this happening in his book about Aleister Crowley: “He had caught a glimpse of the Devil. Aiwass was the messenger of Hoor-Paar-Kraat, that is to say Set, the destroyer god, the brother and murderer of Osiris. Set was also called Sheraton, and Sheraton is the prototype of the Christian Satan”.[37]


Oprah Winfred’s text of A Course in Miracles was “channeled” by Helen Schucman, above. She also said that she heard from a spiritual “Christ” entity and wrote down words that her conscious mind did not produce. Dr. William Thetford of the CIA-MK ULTRA, above,  recorded it for the good of humanity. A Course in Miracles was obtained through the use of drugs and hypnosis. A Course in Miracles had been an official experimental sub-project of MK ULTRA mind control.[38]


Stacey Francis and Scientologist Grant Cardone

Brand management expert Grant Cardone added: “Whitney’s ‘brand’ could be sold right now for $100 million. The buyer could then develop movies, plays, Cirque du Soleil-type shows and even a theme park using her name. In the end, Whitney could be a billion-dollar brand!” –Grant Cardone, Scientology[39]


Above, New Babylon Priests Rev. Alfreddie Johnson and Minister Louis Farrakhan with former X-Factor contestant Stacy Francis at a Scientology Celebrity Centre event from a few years ago.

Stacey Francis and Tom Cruise Singing at his Birthday Celebration in 2004

It appears that Stacey Francis had been seriously intimately associated with Scientology, David Miscavige, and Tom Cruise before 2004.[40]

Remember, this is the same Stacey Francis that brought out for the world stage, the “DEMONS & DEVILS” in Whitney Houston infamously coining her, “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde.”[41] It set the pretext for Whitney Houston’s assassination.

Cardone manages the career of Stacey through a Scientology Front Group called Project 30 USA Foundation.[42] Before Whitney Houston was dead, Cardone and Ms. Francis had been plotting to portray and star Stacey as Whitney.[43]

Poor Whitney was surrounded by a large number of ILLUMINTI Negroes that all planned to see her dead. A lot of very powerful and elite New Babylon forces planned to profit from the Assassination of Whitney Houston. Unless something happens, there may never be another Black Mega Superstar like Whitney and Michael Jackson that will survive to reach their full potential.

Finally, where do we go from here? Members of the Nation of Islam are our family, our brothers, sisters and cousins. New Babylon Priest Minister Louis Farrakhan is pushing all of its members to submit unconditionally to DIANETICS & SCIENTOLOGY auditis into their past and subconscious minds for programming to “CLEAR” for a New Babylon and World Order- MODERN SLAVERY!

“What will the social order of the future be like? Comrade, I will tell you. There will be a class of overlords, after them the rank and file of the party members in hierarchical order, and then the great mass of anonymous followers, servants and workers in perpetuity, and beneath them again all the conquered foreign races, the modern slaves. And over and above all these will reign a new and exalted nobility of whom I cannot speak. But of all these plans the militant members will know nothing. The new man is living amongst us now! He is here. Isn’t that enough for you? I will tell you a secret. I have seen the new man. He is intrepid and cruel. I was afraid of him” –Adolf Hitler[44]

A Scientology and the Nation of Islam collective also setup a very dangerous situation in the Black Community. Within the nation is the Fruit of Islam which is for all facts and purposes, an operational black Paramilitary Unit. Jim Jones and the Peoples Temple did the same thing to its members of color. They were terrorized by a Paramilitary Force within the Peoples Temple with a CIA license to kill. They submitted to auditing and in-depth probing into their past and minds for CIA-MK ULTRA mind control programming, human medical experimentation and then mass extermination.


As the Ghosts of Maria Orsic and Sigrun, the VRIL SOCIETY MAIDENS, move among us, I am very afraid that the CHICKENS HAVE COME HOME TO ROOST right in our own backyard.

[1] http://www.intelinet.org/swastika/swas_haushofer.html

[2] http://black.greyfalcon.us/

[3] Id.

[4] id

[5] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Valkyrie

[6] http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sociopolitica/sociopol_vril08.htm

[7] Id.

[8] Supra, Id at footnote 2

[9] Id.

[10] http://eventhorizonchronicle.blogspot.com/2011/12/vorticular-madness-of-dark-magicians.html

[11] Id.

[12] http://hyperboreanvibrations.blogspot.com/2011/04/vril-society-secret-societies-and-their.html

[13] http://www.nmspacemuseum.org/halloffame/detail.php?id=18

[14] http://ensemble.va.com.au/tableau/suzy/TT_ResearchProjects/Hexen2039/WvBraun/WvonBraun.html

[15] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wernher_von_Braun

[16] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wernher_von_Braun

[17] http://ensemble.va.com.au/tableau/suzy/TT_ResearchProjects/Hexen2039/WvBraun/WvonBraun.html

[18] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Whiteside_Parsons

[19] http://www.redicecreations.com/winterwonderland/jackparsons.html

[20] http://webfairy.org/missilegate/rfz/swaz/chapter6.htm

[21] http://www.davidicke.com/forum/showthread.php?t=80795

[22] http://projectavalon.net/forum/showthread.php?t=17092&page=3

[23] Id.

[24] http://www.starzlife.com/20090915/exclusive-al-sharpton-and-louis-farrakhan-are-being-audited-at-the-church-of-scientology/#ixzz0xXLUCbR4

[25] http://www.davidicke.com/forum/archive/index.php/t-80795.html

[26] http://stupidevilbastard.com/2008/10/death_is_difficult_to_imagine/

[27] http://www.extraterrestrialforum.com/index.php?topic=88.0

[28] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roswell_UFO_incident

[29] http://www.stevequayle.com/High.Jump/Vril.and.Andromeda.html

[30] http://www.rense.com/general77/vbraun.htm

[31] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sara_Northrup

[32] Id.

[33] Id.

[34] id

[35] http://www.cephasministry.com/aleister_crowley.html

[36] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aiwass

[37] http://www.cephasministry.com/aleister_crowley.html

[38] http://mindcontrol101.blogspot.com/2008/07/mind-control-mk-ultra-and-course-in.html

[39] http://stacyfrancisbabydaddy.wordpress.com/2012/03/27/how-and-why-stacy-francis-stalked-whitney-houston/

[40] http://www.themortonreport.com/entertainment/television/scientology-connections-is-x-factor-contestant-stacy-francis-telling-the-truth/

[41] Id. At footnote 33

[42] Id.

[43] Id.

[44] http://www.overlordsofchaos.com/html/new_world_order_quotes_1930-34.html


3 11 2011

Closing arguments began today in the ILLUMINATI v. Dr. Conrad Murray. In a matter of days, the window will close on Dr. Conrad Murray, the Most Worshipful Secret Servant of the Scottish Rite. If he is convicted, he is subject at most  4 (four) years of imprisonment. For the most part, Dr. Murray has honored his vow of Fidelity and Secrecy to the Brotherhood. For the masses, we have no Dog in the Hunt in the Fate of Dr. Conrad Murray. The Masters behind Michael’s Assassination weren’t called to answer. Philip Anschutz and AEG weren’t called to answer. We weren’t told the true cause of Michael’s death. Propofol! The ILLUMINATI’s  Propofol expert, Dr. Steven Shafer, was drinking Propofol for breakfast. That’s how much of a danger that was. Dr. Murray doesn’t belong to us. He sold his soul to the Luciferian Brotherhood.

We have lost, forever, the continued musical genius and humanity of Michael Jackson. He was not only an icon; he was an industry in himself. We grew up with Michael and loved him as a brother. He was loved by millions around the world that kind of understood what he been through, and the torture, perils, troubles and tribulations that he survived with some sense of love and commitment to Humanity, Fairness, Peace, Justice and TRUTH.

Remember, Michael Jackson wasn’t afraid to call them by their NAMES-DEVILS. Behind the ILLUSIONS and SMOKED MIRRORS of the case against Dr. Conrad Murray, Michael’s enemies are busy dismantling all that he represented to World. They were not only after his valuable Beatles-Music Catalogue.  They wanted his soul. They wanted to control his spirit, musical genius and capture his MESSAGE.  

In a way, Michael Jackson was like Donny Hathaway. They wanted to take his soul. They wanted to control his spirit, musical genius and capture the MESSAGE of his music. Donnie told us in no uncertain terms that they were trying to get inside his head to steal and capture the chemistry of his musical genius. Donnie RESISTED. On January 22, 1979, Donnie was thrown to his death from his 15th-floor room window at the Essex House Hotel in New York City.

In H.P. Albarelli’s, A Terrible Mistake, The Murder of Frank Olson and the CIA’s Secret Cold Experiments, we learn that the CIA and the Project Underworld maintained as a regular basis in New York  hotel employee assets and assassins with keys to rooms. It was an accepted CIA practice to liquidate people by tossing them from windows to their deaths. So, it didn’t matter much if Donny or Olson’s hotel room door had been locked from the inside. They had keys.  

The battle wages on with the forces that slew Michael Jackson and his genius. Michael told us in no uncertain terms that they were going to kill him. Their quest is to enslave the soul, spirit and chemistry of people through music. We battle a more evil, violent and ruthless then ever before Luciferian New Babylonian Pseudo Kingship over the World.  Janet Jackson is its MK ULTRA Cyborg ILLUMINATI High Priestess Poster Child; and WHORE OF BABYLON.             



Attending Day 2 of the Illuminati v. Dr. Conrad Murray trial in Los Angeles for the Assassination of Michael Jackson (MJ), Janet Jackson created a little buzz on the internet wearing v-neck dress and an ILLUMINATI-Luciferian symbol on her necklace, the All-Seeing Eye of Horus.[1] Janet Jackson was implanting a deliberate statement of Fidelity and Submission to Forces of Baphomet that slew MJ. She is also saying, WE’RE WATCHING YOU.


Janet’s inverted pyramid with the All-Seeing Eye is no accident. It suggests a Masonic Luciferian  hierarchical order from the bottom few elite up. It is the same inverted hierarchical order used by Albert Pike’s Scottish Rite Knights of Golden Circle (KGC). 


Above, Janet bonds with the waxing crescent moon of the KGC as shown above in a rare secret KGC ritual from the late 19th Century. The crescent waxing moon opens to a New Moon. It represents an initiation of the initiate to a higher NEW degree of revealed  wisdom, knowledge and secrets in the inverted pyramid hierarchical order. Don’t fool yourself. Janet Jackson’s plaything with the Occult is by far no passing fantasy. The ILLUMINATI  play no games.


It shouldn’t be of any surprise to those who have eyes that see and ears that hear. Under CIA/MK ULTRA-MONARCH, MJ and Janet Jackson since their most impressionistic years were early research trauma based mind control victims  by some of the Old Luciferian Masters. They were subjects of MK ULTRA when research, development and experimentation was still governmental Top Secret.

Since the late 1960s, Janet like MJ have been locked into a blood oath of secrecy inside an underground music industry Scottish Rite-Luciferian Cult. For some reason, MJ recovered WILL and RESISTED in ways that we yet fully understand. He had seen and heard it all. He had been among and knew the ways of the Old Masters of Mind Control.  Below, MJ’s interesting and coded tribute to one of his Old Luciferian Knight-Priest “Handlers, “You Were There.”

Michael Jackson’s Tribute to the Old Luciferian Master, Sammy Davis, Jr.

Notice a form of the Masonic Blazing Star or Star of Ishtar opening Michael’s performance, then look at the top stage spotlights forming the outline IMAGE of the HEAD of BAPHOMET. 

MJ tried to speak out, but was subjected to strict control under Demerol and other experimental hallucinogenic drugs until they liquidated him under deep cover of a Scottish Rite black Patsy, Dr. Conrad Murray. Janet has never developed the WILL to RESIST the Controllers.


Janet’s “Hand on Heart” is a secret Masonic Luciferian gesture as exhibited by a youthful Great BEAST 666, Aleister Crowley. It has several meanings mainly, depending on the exact location of the hand and positioning of the fingers, while the left hand on the heart, indicates relations with the occultism. The thumb extended upwards leaving the hand to square in the signals of position “L” the fidelity to the elite or the organization. The thumb upwards symbolizes the subjection to a group of powers superiors.


Above, Janet in a Baphomet Pose. Unlike MJ, Janet has found no inner strength or will to RESIST or SPEAK TRUTH TO POWER. She won’t talk about the people, forces and Wizard-Knights of the ILLUMINATI behind MJ’s death, Philip Anschutz of AEG, Al Malnik of the Mob (Project Underworld) and Gordon Novel of the CIA.


Philip Anschutz, left in a high level Scottish Rite gesture, you won’t hear his name mentioned in the Dr. Conrad Murray Case and the Assassination of Michael Jackson. He is one of the Richest Men in the World. He is one of those One (1) Percent-ers that intend to turn the World’s Sport and Entertainment industry into an “One World Government” domain for the ILLUMINATI. 


Janet Jackson, Lady GA GA and Nicki Minaj in BAPHOMET Trance Position

Out of the Luciferian Abyss, Anschutz has arisen among the world’s most powerful “Knight Protectors.” Circumstantial evidence in a prior post suggests that Philip Anschutz is the Wizard that lies at the apex of the Janet’s inverted pyramid of power that points to HELL. The 21st Century KGC has exchanged their crude costumes for Brook Brothers suits and ties. They have re-organized more powerful, deadly and secretive, and more demonic, dangerous and ruthless then its 19th Century twisted sister.


Philip Anschutz may count among his disciples of his New Age Christian fraud that you should be careful of, Prince, above with the Sign of ILLUMINATI-Masonic Heart Sign of the Left Hand Path of the Occult with complete submission.[2] 


The ILLUMINATIMasonic Heart Sign and Left Hand Sign of Path of the Occult is very real and old. It dates as far back as the Middle Ages. Left, Christopher Columbus (1451-1506) linked to the Knights of Christ (Knights Templar) gestures the Heart Sign with has hidden meaning even in the position of the fingers. Right, Jesuit Founder, Ignatius de Loyola, (1491-1556) before joining the Vatican, he led an Occult Group, “Alumbrados”, meaning the ILLUMINATI.

Baphomet’s High Priestesses, Janet Jackson  and Halle Berry, Sex Kittens & the Multiple Personality Disorder Deception

In 2004, Janet Jackson revealed that she has Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) as if it was no more serious than having a bag of popcorn. She acknowledged it to mass media that she was a Multiple Personality with different programmed alters.[3] Undoubtedly, she was referencing to CIA iatrogenic (psychiatrist) mind control programming. MPD is a not a bag of popcorn. It is an extraordinary serious ILLUMINATI/MK ULTRA mind control mental disorder.

Janet Jackson & Halle Berry, Off to See the Wizards of the Golden Circle

We’re off to see the Wizard
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz
We hear he is a Whiz of a Wiz
If ever a Wiz there was
If ever, oh ever, a Wiz there was
The Wizard of Oz is one because
Because, because, because, because, because
Because of the wonderful things he does
We’re off to see the wizard
The Wonderful Wizard of Oz!


Halle Berry AKA Halle Maria Berry, above in a classic MK ULTRA Animal Occulted-Gothic Implant Theme, was born August 14, 1966 in Cleveland, Ohio about four months after the birth of Janet Jackson in Gary, Indiana. She is a child of mixed parents. For whatever reasons, she is currently voluntarily estranged from her father’s humble Black family roots.[4]

Ms. Berry had the earmarks of a young lady driven by blind ambition to be a showcase. In fact, she was named after a downtown Cleveland store, Halle Brothers Department Store. In high school, she was president of the class, lead cheerleader and prom queen. She was a persistent showcase beauty pageant contestant.[5] In 1985, she won the Miss Teen All-American Beauty Pageant. In 1986, she was first runner-up in a national-international showcase, Miss U.S.A.[6]


For all of the Wonderful Things that the Wizard Does, she gave everything. She bore everything, holding nothing back and be washed (brainwashed) clean of human dignity. Monster Ball, I won’t go there.


Above, Masonic secret Heart and Fidelity Hand Symbol and Signal. It should be little surprise that the first acting role ever credited to Ms. Berry is a 1989 television series, “Living Dolls”.[7]

In NWO Luciferian MONARCH Iatrogenic (laboratory) Multiple Personality Disorders (MPD),[8] one of the popular alter personalities for women are the “Barbie Doll Complex.” It was supposed to be named after Klaus Barbie.” Like Barbie doll? MIND CONTROL SLAVERY & The NEW WORLD ORDER – by Uri Dowbenko [9] It is also rather iconic that “Living Dolls” was a spin-off of “Who’s the Boss”,[10] the Wizards.


Above, Halle Berry and Janet Jackson gesture the ILUMINATI/Masonic Heart Sign or Sign of Fidelity. Again, Janet gestures with left hand Occulted path.


Above, Popular Hollywood Movie Actor of the infamous classic movie ”Deer Hunter”, Christopher Walken, gestures the Masonic Sign of the Left Hand Path of the Occult.


Above, Popular Hollywood Movie Actor of the infamous movie series ‘”Da Vinci Code”, The Bloodline of the Holy Grail, Tom Hanks, gestures the Sign of the Left Hand Path of the Occult.


Rihanna, also, as we should be well aware of on the Left Hand Path of the Occult. According to the book, “Freemasonic signals in the press” written by Johannes Rothkranz, there are 12 main gestures used by public celebrity figures pertaining to the masonry, of which the hand in the chest or hand on chest or sometimes called “Hand on Heart” is one of them.

The UNSEEN, the Wizards behind the Curtains

During the late 1960s, a young lady entered behind the lines of RESISTANCE of the Black Panther Party for Self Defense. Her mother was the product of an illicit black-white sexual encounter in the Deep Old South. Her mother ran away out of the south during her early teens and found refuge in the San Francisco Bay Area. On the outside, Sheryl was a remarkably attractive and desirable young lady. She had also been high school head cheerleader, class president and prom queen. Since her early teens, the mother had persistently showcased her in bourgeois social clubs, debutante balls, modeling and beauty pageants. Mother wanted her among the bourgeois, rich and powerful no matter whom they had to step over and whatever she had to bare.

On the inside, Sheryl was honest, modest and a remarkable humble caring human being that was caught in a DOUBLE BIND. She was on the fringe of insanity and suicide. I was extremely young and didn’t understand what she talked about when she described the UNSEEN of blind ambition and a secret human flesh trade behind the Blink-Blink of the spotlight, clamor and pageantry.


She told me about that that was among the UNSEEN. She talked about rich and powerful men, Wizards, behind the curtains. She talked about how Black beauty pageant venues were selected to setup UNSEEN and restricted areas, mostly upstairs, for rich and powerful men-SPONSORS that if chosen by one of them, they would do Wonderful Things for Them such as secretly finance their education, create, control; and oversee careers and their bodies. It was a secret west coast form of a Plaçage.[11]

Plaçage, the term comes from the French placer meaning “to place with”. The women were not legally recognized as wives, but were known as placées; their relationships were recognized among the free people of color as mariages de la main gauche or left-handed marriages.[12] Sheryl’s time had come. She had been pre-chosen to win the big national Black “Miss Bronze” beauty showcase peagant. Her time had come to be among the UNSEEN “to place with”. She was going insane becoming fearful, nervous, paranoid and suicidal because of the secret Wizards behind the Curtains, and the Wonderful Things They Do.

One day, she stepped up to me at Merritt Jr. College in North Oakland. She said that she didn’t care what people among the bourgeois and powerful thought. She had developed an inner strength to finally determine and fight for her own destiny. She no longer cared what people whispered behind her back about being associated with a Panther. She stepped across the lines to protection and open RESISTANCE. She survived with dignity; free though, fruitfulness and independence.

Years later, I discovered that many of Oakland’s young Black (Miss Bronze [13]) beauty pageant winners went to Hollywood not as upcoming stars and models as promised among the SEEN; but to be among the UNSEEN, high level drug addicted (MK ULTRA) call girls, sex slaves to the rich, famous and powerful.

Northern California Miss Bronze Beauty Pageants in Oakland was created by Black Journalist Belva Davis.[14] Davis came out of Dr. Carlton Goodlett’s camp of journalists at Sun Publishing Group [15] along with Chauncey Bailey and U.S. Congressperson Barbara Lee.

Dr. Carlton Goodlett was Jim Jones’ personal San Francisco physician and CIA contact out of Jonestown, Guyana,[16] a CIA/MK ULTRA medical mind control experiment.[17] In fact, Davis had been among the Peoples Temple-Jonestown’s inner circle. Davis’ housekeeper was even suspected of being a secret Peoples Temple mind controlled member.[18]

During the late 1960s, as faith would have it, I had a long heated public classroom run-in with the well-respected Dr. Goodlett at Merritt College on social issues. At the time, I had no idea who he was. After class, I recalled a few students chased after me outside asking if I knew or understood who he was and what he actually presented. From the serious tone of the exchange with Dr. Goodlett, they expressed some concern over my future and personal safety. I tried to comfort their fears which were real. I wasn’t in denial. Being a Panther, my life and safety was always in peril. My fate and future had pretty much already been set in stone, DEATH or PRISON. The bottom line, we speak TRUTH TO POWER.

Halle Berry & the Frankie & Alice  MPD ILLUMINATI Mass Deception


Above, Halle Barry, SS-Brotherhood of Death-Walter Schellenberg and Will Smith gesture the Scottish Rite Masonic-ILLUMINATI DEVIL’S CLAW. Halle Berry will do their biddings no matter the Injustice.


Berry is complicit in a 2008 mass media movie fraud, “Frankie and Alice”, in a conspiracy to bastardize MPD from the ILLUMINATI and CIA/MK ULTRA. That Dog Won’t Hunt. The movie storyline is centered on a young Black woman “Frankie” in the early 1970s that developed MPD by random circumstances versus iatrogenic (psychiatrist-laboratory) from an auto accident in the1960s that killed her baby and white male lover in the Deep Old South.[19]


Above, Janet and Halle in a racial charged MK ULTRA Mind Control Sex Kitten Crawl, prone and submission position to the OZ.  However, Janet’s picture is covertly seethed in Scottish Rite Masonic Occultism, the figure in her background is MARBUK, the Winged State God of Babylon that will be discussed in detail later.

In “Frankie and Alice”, one of Berry’s alters is developed as a racist white woman personality to enforce the  implant, the N*GGER Complex, Alice. Berry’s movie psychiatrist just happens to be “Dr. OZ” out of the CIA/MK ULTRA LSD mind control research and experiments of the 1950s and 1960s.[20]

One of the most important and popular Hollywood theme scripts for trauma-based MONARCH mind control programming is “The Wizard of OZ” which is loosely based on Western conceptions of the Osiris Mysteries of Kemet.

The OZ also incorporates mysteries in Masonic (Scottish Rite) freemasonry and Chivalry of the Middle Ages, the Most Worshipful Master and Priest-Knight (Wizard). The author of the “OZ”, L. Frank Baum, was a Luciferian Occultist out of racialist Madame H. P. Blavatsky’s Theosophical Society.[21] “Frankie and Alice” alleged to be based on the true story of “Frankie Murdoch” a young black woman of Los Angeles, was and is absolutely FALSE. It is a BAPHOMET Project of Polarization, Divide and Conjure.


“Frankie and Alice” is actually a story developed by Dr. Oscar Janiger of Beverly Hills, above, a real Wizard and “Dr. OZ” of experimental LSD.[22] The exposure of Dr. Janiger blows the foot soldiers of the Forces of Baphomet, DR. GREGORY BATESON, Aldous Huxley, etc.., Project UNDERWORLD and CIA MK ULTRA right out of the woodwork.


The character Frankie is actually the white male bipolar and alcoholic 1960-70s artist named Frank Murdoch, above. Murdoch had been one of Dr. Janiger’s experimental LSD human guinea pigs of an alleged drug creativity study.[23]


Dr. Janiger’s supplier of the drug was the legendary Captain Albert M. Hubbard, above, the Johnny Appleseed of LSD. According to Janiger, “We waited for him like a little old lady for the Sears-Roebuck catalog. Waited for him to unlock his ever-present leather satchel loaded with pharmaceutically-pure psilocybin, mescaline or his personal favorite, Sandoz LSD-25.”[24]

During the early 1950s, Hubbard, a former OSS Officer, was receiving large shipments of LSD directly from Sandoz in Switzerland with CIA approval. Whatever Dr. Janiger was doing in the early LSD creativity studies, he followed in his close friend Dr. Aldous Huxley’s footsteps and the CIA was always around the corner.

Psychiatric reports suggested that LSD could break down familiar behavior patterns, for this raised the possibility of reprogramming or brainwashing.[25] In other words, MK ULTRA. During the 1950s, Dr. Huxley was instrumental in introducing the Luciferian Isis Cults into Los Angeles. Dr. Huxley was a British intelligence contact with the Great BEAST 666, Aleister Crowley.


Frankie is an ILLUSION and pure DECEPTION, but the important moral of the story is that the ILLUMINATI would like Black Women to begin and end as the Wizard’s “trophies” (objects), mindless split-personality Sex Kitten toys for the rich and powerful, submissive prototypes just like Janet Jackson and Halle Berry above. It is a BAPHOMET Project to subdue and control Womanhood, particularly bring Black Women under CONTROL.

Janet Jackson, MPD & MK ULTRA Mind Control


One of Janet Jackson’s alters, she called Strawberry. She said Strawberry expresses her more grown-up urges. Janet said, “She’s the most sexual of them all, the wildest.”


The other alter personality living inside her is Damita Jo, which is her middle name and the title of her latest album. Damita Jo, she says, is “a lot harsher, and quick to put you in your place”[26] and willing to do the WILL (killing) of the Controllers. Damita Jo sounds like a Beyonce’s MPD alter satanic personality, SASHA FIERCE.

Interestingly before Janet Jackson’s starling MPD revelation, Hollywood Television and Film Star Roseanne Barr claimed to have known that MJ also suffered from an iatrogenic mental disorder, Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID).[27] DID is the clinical name for MPD.

In 2001, Barr appeared on the Larry King show and spoke about DID/MPD and CIA trauma based mind control programs. Barr had reason to believe that she also had been a CIA/MK ULTRA/MONARCH child mind controlled victim.[28] She also exposed Joe Jackson as a MK ULTRA programmer.

Barr blogged:

“joe jackson is an mk ultra operative who’s abuse of his own children was used to profit the CIA’s programs that follow and study the effects of child abuse on the young, and how their minds can be controlled to such an extent, and with such abuse, that they can be forced to develop talent. jesus said ‘the truth will confound you in that day’. joe jackson is a child abuser, and catherine looked the other way while he beat their kids and tortured michael mentally. keep them both away from michael’s kids.”[29]


Joe Jackson, the Old Master “Handler” and Hip Hop Rapper Flo Rida gesture the Masonic Luciferian “Hand Pyramid Sign.”


The “Hand Pyramid Signs” aren’t accidents. Above, Ex-President of Egypt, Hosni Mubarak, One of the Ruling Classes’ (ILLUMINATI) Richest Men in the World send the same signal to the World. He is believed to be a Mason. However, Mubarak holds the “RANK of KNIGHT” (Military Medal Honor Knight).

Roseanne Barr is not the only person to link the Jacksons to MK ULTRA/MONARCH mind control programs. Former CIA Sex Slave, Susan Ford AKA Brice Taylor, claimed to have witnessed the Jacksons offered up by his father to be abused by powerful pedophiles and CIA sex slave handlers such as Bob Hope and Ed Sullivan in exchange for the Jacksons getting a chance at stardom.[30]

The late Capt. Gunther Russbacher, a highly substantiated CIA/Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) operative known for his role as a whistleblower in the October Surprise intrigue that facilitated Ronald Reagan and George Bush ascending to office,[31] had told his wife Rayelan that MJ’s father had done something awful to Michael in his childhood and that Michael was later recruited as an adult to assist in a covert sting operation to nab a ring of international pedophiles.[32]


Janet Damito Jo Jackson with MK ULTRA victim and old  master black “Handler” in the Bob Hope-Frank Sinatra, Ed Sullivan Hollywood Mind Control Network. Sammy Davis, Jr. was a notorious Satanist and KNIGHT of Malta. Janet was born May 16, 1966 in Gary, Indiana at a time when MK ULTRA was TOP SECRET operating governmental business.


Janet was three (3) years old, when the Jackson Five appeared on nationally television on the December 14, 1969 Ed Sullivan Show.


Above, Sammy Davis, Jr. with two of America’s most renowned Luciferians, MK ULTRA Satanic Specialist U.S. Army Col. Anthony Aquino and Anton Lavey. By that time the Jackson 5 appeared on the Ed Sullivan Show, the Jacksons were assumed to have been under MK ULTRA trauma based mind control of the Luciferian elite which would help explain Janet’s MPD according to Dr. Ralph B. Allison’s contemporary formula to create Cyborgs out of children as ILLUMINATI playthings and military intelligence tools. Dr. Allison is a man that should know how to create MPD and DID in innocent and unwitting children.


Dr. Allison is an S factor (Stanford University) psychiatrist trained by,  one of the above DR. GREGORY BATESON’s Luciferian protégés, Dr. Jay Haley (1923-2007), at CIA funded Mental Health Research Institute (MHRI) of Menlo Park, CA. DR. BATESON along with Aldous Huxley was one of the British Godfathers of MK ULTRA. Since the beginning of MK ULTRA in 1953,  DR. BATESON had run with an exclusive and very high level clandestine and powerful Company association. One associate was James Jesus Angleton, below, chief of the CIA counterintelligence (CI) staff from 1954 to 1975.[33]


Angleton’s official position within the Company was “Associate Deputy Director of Operations for Counterintelligence” (ADDOCI).[34]


Angleton also headed the Company’s Vatican and Israeli Desk. Angleton was also a Knight of Malta (SMON) along with the OSS/Nazi key co-founders of the CIA, William “Wild Bill” Donovan, Allen Dulles, William Casey, SS Walter Schellenberg and Adolf Hitler’s Spy Chief Reinhard Gehlen., above.[35] Sammy Davis, Jr. was also one of their contemporary KNIGHTS.


George Hunter White was another early BATESON MK ULTRA associate.[36] Bateson, White and Angleton went back to the Office of Strategic Service (OSS) during World War II.

In Rome, Italy, Angleton was chief of X2, the counterintelligence arm of the OSS.[37] In 1942, White was Branch Chief of Schools and Training for the OSS Counter-Espionage Division in Washington D.C, X2.[38] Among White’s OSS students that became prominent CIA officials were: Richard Helms, Frank Wisner, Jr., Angleton, Lyman B. Kirkpatrick, Jr., Thomas Karmessines and William Colby. Also among his espionage students had been Dr. James A. Hamilton, DR. BATESON  and Alfred M. Hubbard.[39]


Above, Frankie “One Ear” Fratto of the Chicago Outfit tortures Sammy Davis, Jr. with a trauma based MK ULTRA “Russian Roulette” terror tactic featured in the popular movie “Deer Hunter.” 


During WWII, White helped setup Fratto and his Chicago Mafia Outfit in Project UNDERWORLD led by Charlie “Lucky” Luciana as Top Secret OSS/CIA assets and agents in New York and Italy. in exchange, Mafia Rackets (Drug Trafficking, Prostitution, Loan Sharking, Murder, Inc., etc.) was shielded with U.S. government protection and cover-up.

White was a notorious lunatic U.S. Narcotic official and CIA assassin. On January 22, 1949, while shielding Mob drug smuggling and domestic trafficking, White kicked down the door of Lady Day, the Late Great Billie Holliday, to arrest her in San Francisco for opium possession.


Above, Lady Day Caught in a Luciferian Abyss with and her attorney, Jake Ehrlich, answering White’s drug possession charges in a court proceeding. The same Jack Ehrlich just happened to be Alvin Malnik’s mentor. Jake’s close friend was Mob lawyer and Australian drug cartel figure Harry Wainwright who was deeply involved in the Hugan Hand CIA Bank scandal and expanding international Mob drug struggling and trafficking  in San Francisco-Bay Area. Wainwright had been a confident of West Coast Mobster AladenaJimmy the Weasel” Fratianno.

In that much nationally publicized drug bust of Lady Day, White created a diversion to underhandedly implant a Black Face on national drug addiction and abuse. For reasons yet to be uncovered, White and Dr. Hamilton combined to oversee her drug treatment or torture. I doubt if  it had anything to do with their human Compassion as some have suggested. They hadn’t shown any  Compassion for their other victims. Lady Day would have been a key “Sex Kitten” and asset to conspire to introduce widespread drug use and addiction among people of color in the  blossoming Jazz & Blues music industry.  

As far as Compassion is concerned, White and Dr. Hamilton had capriciously tested hallucinogenic mind control/behavior modification experimental drugs, Mescaline and LSD, on dozens if not hundreds of unwitting citizens and friends driving some insane. White along with Dr. Hamilton operated among others MK ULTRA Operation Midnight Climax, a joint CIA/FBI blackmail project along with among others, Sidney Gottlieb, in which unwitting “johns” and subjects were given drinks spiked with LSD and other dangerous drugs by CIA-managed prostitutes, and whose sexual exploits and practices were then videotaped from behind two-way mirrors at posh hotels and safe houses in both New York and San Francisco. In fact, since WW II, Dr. Hamilton had developed a nasty habit in developing and using mind controlled “Sex Kittens” , in particular, for covert counterintelligence operations. (See H.P. Alberelli, Jr.,  A Terrible Mistake, The Murder of Frank Olson and the CIA’s Secret Cold War Experiments, Trine Day, Walterville, OR (2009))

Al Hubbard’s name “appeared in connection with the bizarre illegal activities of Gottlieb, Hamilton and White’s MK ULTRA operations, but the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) material was heavily redacted.[40] According to White, “It was fun, fun, fun.” White said, “Where else could a red-blooded American lie, kill, cheat, and rape with the sanction of the all-highest?”[41]


Dr. James Alexander Hamilton, above, in an extremely rare photograph. Dr. Hamilton of Stanford Medical School and U.C. Berkeley had been another early BATESON MK ULTRA associate.[42] Dr. Hamilton was the infamous psychologist and CIA Station Chief at the Little Prison of Horrors, Vacaville’s California Men Medical Facility. Dr. Hamilton was the CIA “Dr. Frankenstein” behind the Black mind control experiments at Vacaville, the Black Cultural Association (Black Assassins), Symbionese Liberation Army and Donald David Defreeze (Cinque) during the early 1970s.[43]

In fact, during the late 1960s and early 1970s, I had met and befriended several of Dr. Hamilton’s key Black “Sex Kittens” , so-called outside tutors, used to entice and lure Black Inmates into the Black Cultural Association (BCA) CIA behavior modification experiments at Vacaville. One of them married  and got one of Dr. Hamilton’s Boys out of Vacaville. What I had been told by them was that Dr. Hamilton’s Boys were to be the upcoming Black Revolutionaries to lead the struggle in our stead; like after they knocked us out. They said Dr. Hamilton Boys were the Real Revolutionaries. However, this one particular young lady that I had befriended discovered that this Hamilton Boy that she gotten out of prison and married suffered severe and uncontrollable MPD. At this time, MPD had been a clinically extremely rare and acknowledged occurrence.

On one hand, he was an upcoming Black Messiah of the Revolution, then the next moment, a woman. She often found him in bed dressed in her sexy lingerie going through personality changes. I saw the young man maybe once or twice. I checked for any public records of the marriage, dissolution and restraining orders that I knew some records had existed at the time, but I couldn’t find anything. It seemed the records  had been wiped clean.

In a round and about way, I had recently asked her about her activity in general with Dr. Hamilton’s BCA project at Vacaville for a personal study of the time.  She must have immediately concluded that I was after more than what I said. Subsequently to that question about BCA, our decades long friendship and contact suddenly ended. Generally, I stayed clear of anything coming out of Vacaville like a plague even before I heard that his “Sex Kittens” were covertly planning my “Revolutionary” funeral.  

DR. BATESON’s associate, Dr. Haley, was also a Stanford Research Institute (SRI) renowned Master Hypnotist at Stanford Medical School along with Dr. Hamilton.[44] Dr. Allison appeared in Santa Cruz at the same time that the city became the Deranged/Satanic Mass Murder Capital of the United States; [45] and Neuro-linguistic Programming was being developed commercially for mass consumption at the University of Santa Cruz by Dr. BATESON, Richard Bandler and John Grinder.[46]

If you believe your lying eyes, Dr. Allison just happened to be in the right position to diagnose and treat a sudden appearance of females suffering MPD and satanic possession in Santa Cruz. Dr. Allison expertise and specialties are DSM-IV MPD, DID, and Psychological (SATANIC-LUCIFERIAN) Exorcism.[47]

In 1995, Dr. Allison produced a very interesting and suspect abstract for several reasons. One, Dr. Allison admitted that dissociates such as what were being created by stress-trauma were usually “highly hypnotizable individuals”. Second, he proposed that if the first dissociation (sufficient trauma to dissociate) was before the age of seven, a condition that should be called MPD will be created. “MPD should be reserved for those dissociators who suffer their first major psycho-sexual-physical assault (emphasis. mine) before their seventh birthday…They feel too immature or untrained to defend themselves with physical means, so they resort to making defenders of their bodies within their minds.”[48]

Dr. Allison continued, “If the first dissociation occurred after the seventh birthday, a condition that should be called Dissociate Identity Disorder (DID) will be created…DID should be reserved for those who suffer the first assault to which they respond by a defensive dissociative after their seventh birthday.”[49]

Dr. Allison then made the following important observation, “Child development specialists have long considered that it takes an average of seven years for any child to develop the personality that will be theirs for life. The personality of a child less than seven is too fragile to absorb life threatening trauma without reacting in some fashion. Obviously not all children react to early trauma by dissociating, but those who do develop psychological entities which are different than those created at an older age.” [50]

Dr. Allison further explains of the role of the Inter Self Helper in the mind of a MPD, “In the younger group, which I call MPD multiples, the first entity to dissociate from the Birth Personality (BP) is the Inter Self Helper (ISH). The ‘Mind’ that is left I shall call the Original Personality (OP). The ISH is then the creator of all subsequent alter-personalities, no matter what type. The ISH creates them to assure the physical survival of the child, who is known to the ISH as his/her “charge”.[51]

Prior to the-this first source of inspiration, the “still small voice within” which I prefer to call the Essence of the patient. The ISH role is only a temporary “job assignment” for the essence, which desires to return to an original state of unity within the multiple’s mind. In the case of the MPD multiple, the second dissociate entity to form would be the False-Front alter personality. This must be created by the ISH to replace the (OP) which has been deemed by the ISH to be too inadequate to stay in social control of the body. This first False-Front is designed and manufactured by the ISH to present an image to the abusive parent which will assure survival. It may be made completely compliant, cooperative without crying, and able to absorb abuse without responding angrily. This will be the child the abusive parent can continue to abuse without any adverse reactions being created.”[52]

In other words, if a child’s first major psycho-sexual-physical assault take place before seven (7) years old (impressionistic stage), the Birth Personality (ISH) act as a monitor/conductor to split off alterative front personalities (dissociates) according to additional programmed stresses with sufficient trauma to dissociate, each of which are highly hypnotizable.

Whereas, Janet Jackson if her mind control traumas began before she was five (5) and I assume that to have been the case, then she may have a number of alternative alter dissociated personalities split off her ISH. One of the dissociated alter personalities is undoubtedly a SATANIC layer alter.

Janet Jackson & the Super Bowl Whore of Babylon Luciferian Ritual


I am not the only person that believe that Janet Jackson’s alleged wardrobe malfunction during the halftime performance of the February 1, 2004 NFL Super Bowl was linked to a clandestine occulted SATANIC RITE exposing her left breast adorned with a sun disk of Pagan Goddess ISHTAR, the Whore of Babylon.[53]


Above, Janet’s breast piece is undoubtedly ISHTAR’s Eight Pointed Star. Also, ISTHAR is shown identified with the very Crescent/Waxing Moon, below, adored by Janet and worshipped by the Scottish Rite KGC (Knights of the Golden Circle).


Super Bowl Sunday, February 1st, was also the traditional Pagan/Satanic holiday of Candlemass or Imboloc. The rites traditionally called for young women to parade around town naked invoking the spirit of Pagan saint Brighid or Brigit (pronounced BREE) in an effort to bring on lactation in farm animals. Brigit was also revered as the goddess of spring and represented by the sun. A close examination of the footage shows a bare breasted Janet Jackson with a strange sun ornament piercing her nipple, both clear references to this Satanic Occult ceremony. The public outcry seems to have largely missed the point. This act was not just about sex, it was about the Luciferian Doctrine, SATANISM.[54]


Above,  Luciferian J.K. Rowling, the author and creator of  the popular “Harry Potter” series gesture the ILLUMINATII-MASONIC “Sign of the Left Hand Path of the Occult”  and clutch an Old World winged “Horned God-Gargoyle” from a 13th Century Roman Catholic Church which from its origins can be identified with the “Legend of La Gargouille”  Dragon and Biblical Book of Revelation Dragon Devil-Lucifer.  A 10-Point (Number of MARDUK) Star of ISHTAR is symbolically prominent in Rowling’s background. Rowling was heavily influenced by Anschutz’s Golden Dawn C. S. Lewis and the Chronicles of Narnia.    


“Our work is therefore historically authentic; the rediscovery of the Sumerian Tradition” –Aleister Crowley


Above, Janet Jackson paying tribute to the winged bull body god of Babylon, MARDUK. MARDUK (Sumerian for “solar calf”; Biblical Merodach) is the name of a late generation god from ancient Mesopotamia and patron deity of the city of BABYLON. MARDUK is no idle FANATICISM. MARDUK is the Grand Wizard of MAGIC. It also isn’t a matter to be taken lightly. Janet is making another but a more extraordinary and powerful statement from her Controllers that may begin and end here. What is the crucial difference between Janet, Michael and Halle Berry?


People like Rosanne Barr, above,  dressed as a NAZI, are major mass media disinformation specialist. About 80% of what she say may be the TRUTH, but 20% is pure public disinformation. If she told 100% TRUTH, she would lose favor among the Controllers and be in fear of her life as Michael was. After circulating in and around Mind Control TRUTH circles gathering inside movement information, Rosanne is back at top of television and the mass media spotlight with her estimated net worth of $80 million talking about “Occupy Wall Street” and the “Fat Cats” Capitalist that control America.That Dog Won’t Hunt.

In mass media, she singled out a Black man, Joe Jackson, as a MK ULTRA operative, but she won’t talk about the elite CIA-MK ULTRA operatives like Richard Helms, Dr. Josef Mengele ,Dr. Louis Jolyon West, Dr. Aldous Huxley or DR. GREGORY BATESON, etc., or the core and inner  group of government scientific programmers.

MK ULTRA programming is the domain of elite executive office and congressional policy makers, scientists, psychiatrists and specialists. Joe Jackson is none of the above but one of their bottom feeders, a “Handler.” Barr’s statement was clear deception to lead you away and distract from the TRUTH and the real CIA operatives not unlike the trial of the black Patsy, Dr. Conrad Murray.

In this day and age, a computer comes from the factory already set with programs. A computer consumer handles the computer. The consumer do not build it or program it. A consumer turns it off and on, and is taught to handle programs. Joe Jackson to Michael and Janet Jackson is like Earl Woods to Tiger Woods, Frank Marshal Davis to Barack Obama, they are “Handlers”  of human cybernetic computer systems that come already made and programmed directly out of MK ULTRA laboratories and hospitals.

According to one MK ULTRA psychiatrist, Dr. Allison, Janet should be a true MPD Cyborg. Janet’s MK ULTRA programming took place before the age of SEVEN. Tiger Woods and Barack Obama would also be true MPD Cyborgs. True MPD Cyborgs are more reliable, malleable and manageable than DID human cybernetic computer systems. 

Rosanne Barr’s 20% TRUTH confirms that MJ was a DID meaning according to Dr. Allison, his MK ULTRA programming took place after the age of SEVEN as could be the case for Halle Berry as well. Michael started as the lead signer of the Jackson Five in Gary, Indiana at (5) Five. He was (11) eleven in 1969 when they signed their major recording contract with MOTOWN and appeared on the nationally televised Ed Sullivan Show.

The major difference between Janet, Michael and Halle Berry is that Janet is a true MK ULTRA MPD Cyborg. It would explain why Michael was so more unstable than Janet and found the WILL to RESIST.


Be commanded by MARDUK, the Great Magician (OZ) of the Gods!

Aleister Crowley, The Necronomicon Spell Book

In the case of MK ULTRA programming, the road never begin or end with the “Handlers”,  it always leads to a very select, dangerous and secretive ELITE GROUP that I call the BATESON Inner Circle of MK ULTRA programmers and social engineers. The cybernetic  human programmed systems developed by the BATESON Inner Circle are anchored and rooted in BLOOD OATH SECRECY of FREEMASONRY and the NEW BABYLON OCCULT.

BATESON, the Cult of Isis, Dionysus & MARDUK

The Biggest Secret, the ANUNNAKI


The Ancient WadjetAldous Huxley & Michael Jackson, An ancient myth of Kemet describes a battle between Horus and Set in which Horus’ Left Eye is torn out. The myth relates to the waxing and waning (crescent) of the moon during which the moon appears to have been torn out of the sky before being restored once every lunar month.


The Wadjet, Prince & Willow Smith.

According to the Isis Institute, Dr. BATESON was a leading adept of Ancient-Egyptian wisdom and Coptic tradition. BATESON was a principal apostil of Aldous Huxley. He was a leading principal in Huxley’s British Secret ISIS Occult Cult Circle in California. BATESON established his own core of “initiates” into the “psychedelic” ISIS Cult that included among others Timothy Leary and Alan Watts.


Halle Berry, the Wadjet & Right Eye, the Eye of Ra

Aldous Huxley, the grandson of Thomas H. Huxley, a founder of the Rhodes Roundtable group and a lifelong collaborator of Arnold Toynbee. Toynbee’s “theory” of history was that its determining culture has always been the rise and decline of grand imperial dynasties like BABYLON. Toynbee argued that this decline could be abated if the ruling oligarchy (like that of the British Roundtable) would devote itself to the recruitment and training of an ever-expanding PRIESTHOOD dedicated to the principles of imperial rule.

Trained at Toynbee’s Oxford University in London, Aldous Huxley was one of the initiates in the “Children of the Sun,” a DIONYSIAN CULT comprised of the children of Britain’s Roundtable elite. Among the other initiates were T.S. Eliot, W.H. Auden, Sir Oswald Mosley, and D.H. Lawrence, Huxley’s homosexual lover.


The Wadjet, Tyra Banks & Chris Brown

Aldous Huxley was tutored at Oxford by H.G. Wells, the head of British foreign intelligence during World War I… Under Wells’ tutelage, Huxley was first introduced to the Great BEAST 666, ALEISTER CROWLEY. CROWLEY was a product of the cultist circle that developed in Britain from the 1860s under the guiding influence of Edward Bulwer-Lytton whose racialist writings and books had an impact on the pseudo racial theories of the VRIL, NAZIS & ADOLF HITLER.

In 1886, Crowley, William Butler Yeats, and several other Bulwer-Lytton protégés formed the Isis-Urania Temple of Hermetic Students of the Golden Dawn that allegedly included C.S. Lewis, The Chronicles of Narnia, and J. R. Tolkien, The Lords of the Ring.

The ISIS Cult was organized around the 1877 manuscript Isis Unveiled by Madame Helena Blavatsky, in which the occultist called for the British aristocracy to organize itself into an ISIS PRIESTHOOD. Huxley founded a nest of secret elite ISIS Cults in Southern California and in San Francisco that consisted exclusively of several hundred worshipers of ISIS and other cult gods.

According to their Secret Doctrine, the Cult of ISIS of Kemet is the Cult of ISHTAR of Babylon and ISHTAR original name is INANNA of Sumer. INANNA is a member of the ANUNNAKI Pantheon.

According to their Secret Doctrine, HORUS translates as the “House of HATHOR.” HATHOR is INANNA, an ANUNNAKI.

W. H. D. Rouse in 1940 wrote an end note to Book 40 of his edition of Nonnus’ Dionysiaca about a hymn sung by Dionysus to Tyrian Heracles, Ba‘al Melqart whom DIONYSUS identifies with Belus on the Euphrates who is most likely MARDUK of the ANUNNAKI Pantheon.

The Mysteries of MARDUK & the ILLUMINATI


MARDUK (Hand Sign of Fidelity) Five Point Star & Horned Dragon (Satan-Lucifer Symbol)

MARDUK is very ancient and a complex mysterious deity from a race of beings that came to Planet Earth called the ANUNNAKI and mated with earth-women that date back to the ancient Land of Sumer. The ANUNNAKI  (Those Who From Heaven To Earth Came) is the subject of much serious debate and contention that have cost the lives of millions.

The Sumerians describe the ANUNNAKI  as being the founders of their civilization who brought them great knowledge and technology from a planet called NIBIRU. Mating with earth-women, the ANUNNAKI  created a hybrid race of humans.

MARDUK is the first born son of ENKI (Lord of Heaven and Sky) and the GODDESS DAMKINA. ENKI is the son of ANU (Supreme Lord of the Sky) of the ANUNNAKI. ENKI was the first to venture to Planet Earth. From a biblical perspective, ENKI and his half sister, NINKI created Adam and Eve. ENKI was the serpent in the Garden of Eden.

In Babylonian Mythology, TIAMAT is a sea serpent or dragon that represents CHAOS, a primordial goddess of the ocean. APUS (God of Fresh Water) brought forth with TIAMAT a set of younger gods and filled the cosmic abyss with primeval waters that created all things. ENKI learned of APUS’s conspiracy to kill his younger set of deities and imprisoned APUS beneath his temple where he died. The arrest and imprisonment of APUS angered his son, KINGU. KINGU took his case to TIAMAT that fashioned and assembled sea monsters to avenge the arrest and death of APUS.

MARDUK & The Battle of  ELDER GODS  for the Planet

“Ordo ab Chao, Order Out of Chaos”

The battle between the forces of ENKI and KINGU was described in “The Necronomicon Spell Book as a battle between the forces of “light” and “darkness” that took place long before man was created, before even the cosmos as we know it existed. It involved the Ancient Ones, led by the Serpent MUMMU-TIAMAT and her male counterpart APSU, against the ELDER GODS led by the Warrior MARDUK, son of the Sea God ENKI, Lord of Magicians of this Side. MARDUK won this battle – in much the same way that later St. George and St. Michael would defeat the Serpent again – the cosmos was created from the body of the slain Serpent, and man was created from the blood of the slain commander of the Ancient Army, KINGU, thereby making man a descendent of the Blood of the Enemy, as well as the “breath” of the Elder Gods; a close parallel to the “sons of God and daughters of men” reference in the Old Testament.

ANNUNAKI & Freemasonry

MARDUK is a central figure in Masonry and Religion. According to Freemasonry, the ruling god of BABYLON was MARDUK also known as Bel or Baal. In the Chaldean language, Bel or Baal, from the Akkadian root belu, means “he who possesses, subdues or rules,” and always refers to MARDUK, the state-god of Babylon. Bel is the Mesopotamian equivalent of the Canaanitish God, Baal, was the principal god of the indigenous Palestinians at the time of rebuilding the Temple of Yahweh. Due to religious and social connotations, the secret of MARDUK is unspoken. [56]

According to some Freemasonry beliefs, the original priesthood was founded by  MARDUK Ra in ancient times,  MARDUK being of the Merovingian/Frankish Bloodline, the “Bloodline of the Holy Grail”, which goes back to the time before the Sumerian era. The Holy Grail bloodlines descended from the Sumerian  ANUNNAKI, the originators of the secret societies on Earth in ancient time. [57]

ANUNNAKI & The Lords of the Ring

From around 4000 BC, the Ring was a primary device of the ANUNNAKI overlords, who were recorded as having been responsible for the establishment of municipal government and Kingly Practice in ancient Mesopotamia. In 1967, when Professor Tolkien was asked about the Middle-Earth environment of The Lord of the Rings, he wrote that he perceived its setting to be about 4000 BC. In this respect, the root of Tolkien’s popular tale was extracted directly from Saxon folklore and was not actually new in concept. Indeed, the early Saxon god WOTAN (the equivalent of the Sumerian Lord, ANU) was said to have ruled the Nine Worlds of the Rings – having the Ninth Ring (the One Ring) to govern eight others.

ANUNNAKI & The Bloodlines of WOTAN, the Nazis

The German researcher, Jan van Helsing, writes in his book, Secret Societies of the 20th Century, of how the Vril and Thule societies believed they were corresponding with extraterrestrials through two mediums known as Maria Orsic and Sigrun in a lodge near Berchtesgaden in December 1919.

According to Vril documents, he says, these channelings were transmitted from a solar system called ALDERBARN, light years away in the constellation of Taurus where two inhabited planets formed the Sumerian Empire.

The population of ALDEBARN is divided into a master race of blond-haired, blue-eyed, Aryans, known as Light God People and several other human-like races which had mutated to a lower genetic form due to climatic changes, the channelings said.

In excess of 500 million years the sun began ALDEBARN to expand so creating a tremendous increase in heat. The ‘lower’ races were evacuated and taken to other inhabitable planets. Then the Aryan Light God People began to colonize Earth-like planets after theirs became uninhabitable. In our solar system it was said that they first occupied the planet, Mallona, also known as MARDUK.

The Vril Society believed that later this race of blond-haired, blue-eyed colonized ALDEBARNS of Mars before landing on the Earth and starting the Sumerian civilization. The Vril channelers said that the Sumerian language was identical to that of the ALDEBARNS and sounded like “unintelligible German”. The language frequency of German and Sumerian- were almost ALDEBARNIANS identical, they believed.

The blond-haired, blue-eyed master race of extraterrestrials landed on the Earth from Mars and become the gods of ancient legend. They become the inspiration behind the advanced Sumerian culture and spawned the purest genetic stream on the planet. These same gods control the planet ever since from their underground cities.



MARDUK’S Temple Winged Lion God & Narnia’s Lion God

It is interesting that Philip Anschutz’s late guru, C.S. Lewis and his Chronicles of Narnia, displace Jesus Christ in the end-time as the Lion God named Aslan. Aslan is Salan, a name for Satan that leads the boys and girls in end time rituals that is best described as an ancient pagan Babylonian New Style Worship.[55]


MARDUK, the Winged Lion God

This New Style Babylon Worship of the ANUNNAKI and MARDUK, Sons and Daughters of Gods, is veiled all around us. It’s veiled in Halle Berry’s “Frankie and Alice”, Frankie MURDOCH=MARDUK.

ANUNNAKI Bloodlines & The Princess and the Frog

Above, poor, sad and hapless Tianna in Walt Disney’s The Princess and the Frog is subjected to miserable subservience to the privileges of a blond blue-eyed white girl.

How are Black Children supposed to feel time after time being implanted with subservient existence and 2nd class citizenship by mass media? Walt Disney Productions have been doing that covertly for a long time, yet parents continue to traumatize their children with its racialist and occulted layered productions.

In Princess and the Frog, millions have traumatized their children forcing them to be tricked by illusions and glaze into the smoked mirrors of the Occult. Eli La Bouff (EA/ENKI-BULL), a Perennial King, invites Prince Naveen (NABU-SON) of Maldonia (Mallonia-MARDUK) to the Mardi Gras (AKITU-Babylonian New Year Festival). An encounter takes place between Naveen and Dr. Faciller (APUS-God of Fresh Water) for ENKI’s Throne. APUS transform Naveen into a Fresh Water Frog. Naveen meets Tianna (TIAMAT-Chaos Monster). She deceives Naveen that she is of royal bloodline (ANUNNAKI). He kisses Tianna to break Dr. Faciller’s spell, but Tianna is exposed and also turns into a Fresh Water Frog. Tianna doesn’t have a drop of New Babylonian Royalty-MARDUK blood. To be restored, Naveen must kiss the Princess of EA/ENKI-BULL, the blond blue-eyed white girl.


Dr. Faciller, above, has the color purple which is the color of MARDUK and ISHTAR. The purple sphere is Planet-Earth under domain of ENKI and MARDUK. Also, he shares the Baphomet Pose, one hand down and the other in the sky. He wears the Skull and Bones on his hat like the Brotherhood of Death, the SS.. He has a deck of Tarot Cards. Tarot Cards are associated with mysticism and magic. During the 18th Century, the symbolism of the tarot cards lies in the Mysteries of ISIS and Thoth and the Royal Road to Wisdom.

The term Black Sun (German Schwarze Sonne), also referred to as the Sonnenrad (the German for “Sun Wheel”), is a symbol of esoteric or occult significance. Its design bases on a sun wheel incorporated in a floor of Wewelsburg Castle of Reichsfuhrer Heinrich Himmler’s SS. Today, it may also be used in occult currents of Germanic neopaganism, and in Irminenschaft or Armanenschaft-inspired esotericism.


In the end, Naveen miss the midnight deadline to kiss the Princess of the  Royal Bloodline. The two frogs, Naveen and Tianna, are married by Mama Odie, a Voodoo Priestess/Seer of the Bayou. Mama Odie’s “All Seeing Eye” of the ILLUMINATI is a Serpent called JUJU. Naveen and Tianna kiss and magically, they become hold. I suppose that Tiana has become a Princess of the UnderworldHELL, an heir to the Throne of 197 year old Mama Odie.


Tianna, Princess of the Moon, Dark Forces and Clouds with a Masonic Blazing Star in the background. Even Tianna’s Crown is Occulted. It has no jewels. It is made up of a waning crescent moon with Three Pyramids arising. Three represents the Pagan Trinity. The three pyramids conceal the numbers 333.

It is said that occultists often use the triple numbers 333 as a secret number representing the dreaded 666. But we have heard that the real reason is that this number, 333, is an occult symbol for Choronzon, the dreaded spirit of chaos. This entity also is known as the spirit of dissolution and Lord of Hallucinations. Everyone who comes in contact with Choronzon falls into ruin. The demon is said to create confusion of thought and turn people insane.

The ANUNNAKI Bloodlines & Scientology 

At about the same time in 1967 that Tolkien was forming Lords of the Rings, L. Ron Hubbard developed Church of Scientology based upon extraterrestrial LORD XENU. XENU was the dictator of the “Galactic Confederacy” who, 75 million years ago, brought billions of his overpopulated people to Earth. He dumped them around volcanoes and blew the people up with nitrogen bombs then trapped their spirits in electronic traps. The gathered spirits were assembled in cinemas than implanted with false realities. Million years later after human beings began to inhabit the earth, these “Galactic Confederacy” spirits and false realities attached themselves to humans.

The Loyal Officers of MARCAB overthrew LORD XENU and hold him captive in a mountain on one of the planets of “Galactic Confederacy”. The MARCABIAN Federation ruled Planet Earth until it lost control due to “losses in war and other things.” Well, isn’t this the very same MARDUK and the ancient battle with KINGU to rule Planet-Earth.

The Church of Scientology has an E-Meter to measure the amount of false realities from these extraterrestrial spirits that are attached to the body to become “Clear.” As far as Black people were concerned with “Galactic Confederacy” ancient extraterrestrial spirits, H.R. Hubbard said, Negroes don’t register on simple wheatstone bridges (that is, the Ohm meter the company sells as an E-Meter) because they’re too unintelligent.

Hubbard said that the purpose of the Theta Universe is “the conquest, change and ordering of MEST” (our physical universe). Hubbard felt that Black people had a tendency to personify the MEST universe by giving objects personalities. “Actually, have you notice how a Negro, in particular, down south, where they’re pretty close to the soil, personifies MEST? The gate post and the wagon and the whip and anything around there. A hat –they talk to ‘em you know. ‘Wassa madda wit you, hat?’ They imbue them with personality.”janet32

Finally, we come back to Janet Jackson prone and crawling on all four on the ground behind the OZMARDUK of the ANUNNAKI, personifying, An Animal! The elite ILLUMINATI claim to be direct descendants of MARDUK and the ANUNNAKI. Their claim to rule earth and over mankind is through the “Everlasting Kingship” of MARDUK called an imperial dynasty (Imperium) BABYLON. In the Imperium, Janet Jackson is a Woman of Color, a BEAST OF BURDEN and the WHORE OF NEW BABYLON.

[1] http://theurbandaily.com/music/theurbandailystaff2/jackson-illuminati-janet-jackson-photo-pics/

[2] http://chancellorfiles.wordpress.com/2008/12/01/soup-with-prince/

[3] http://www.illuminati-news.com/art-and-mc/janet-jackson-is-a-multiple.htm

[4] http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-1358727/Halle-Berry-cut-family-claims-estranged-sister.html

[5] http://www.nndb.com/people/487/000023418/

[6] Id.

[7] http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0096638/

[8] Ross, Colin A., Bluebird, Deliberate Creation of Multiple Personality By Psychiatrists, Manitou Communications, Inc., Richardson, TX (2000) pgs. 255-261

[9] http://www.whale.to/b/monarch_q.html

[10] Id.

[11] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pla%C3%A7age

[12] Id.

[13] http://msmagazine.com/blog/blog/2011/02/10/fighting-racism-one-swimsuit-at-a-time/

[14] Id.

[15] http://www.sunreporter.com/history.html

[16] http://jonestown.sdsu.edu/Jonestown_com/UN-SILENTNIGHT.htm

[17] http://aconstantineblacklist.blogspot.com/2008/11/jonestown-cia-mind-control.html

[18] http://www.speakersclearinghouse.org/wp/speakers/belva-davis

[19] http://www.ayushveda.com/frankie-and-alice-movie-review/

[20] Id.

[21] http://www.apfn.org/apfn/oz.htm

[22] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frankie_and_Alice

[23] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oscar_Janiger#cite_note-3

[24] http://www.rense.com/general28/dshwo.htm

[25] http://campaignfortruth.com/Eclub/180602/mindgamesecondarticle.htm

[26] Id. At footnote 2

[27] http://www.examiner.com/holistic-health-in-miami/outspoken-did-sufferer-roseanne-barr-shares-about-michael-jackson-s-psychiatric-issues

[28] http://www.davidicke.com/forum/archive/index.php/t-3763.html

[29] http://vigilantcitizen.com/boards/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=7133

[30] http://www.conspirazzi.com/?tag=joe-jackson

[31] http://www.rumormillnews.com/RUSSBACHER_DOCS.htm

[32] http://radio.rumormillnews.com/podcast/2009/08/25/michaeljackson-2/

[33] Albarelli, H.P. Jr., A Terrible Mistake, The Murder of Frank Olson and the CIA’s Secret Cold War Experiments, Trine Day, Walterville, OR (2009) p. 801

[34] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Jesus_Angleton

[35] http://revoltnow.wetpaint.com/page/James+Jesus+Angleton+-+CIA+Chief+of+Counterintelligence,+Head+of+the+%E2%80%98Vatican+Desk%E2%80%99+%26+%E2%80%98Israel+Desk

[36] Id at footnote 9

[37] 238 terrible

[38] 398 terrible

[39] 399 terrible

[40] http://www.rense.com/general28/dshwo.htm

[41] http://www.levity.com/aciddreams/whoswho.html

[42] Id at footnote 9

[43] http://www.gnosticliberationfront.com/cia_mind_control_experiments.htm

[44] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jay_Haley

[45] http://www.skcentral.com/news.php?readmore=725

[46] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Bandler

[47] http://www.dissociation.com/2007/publishedpapers.asp

[48] http://www.dissociation.com/index/published/MPDIDPAP.TXT

[49] Id.

[50] Id.

[51] Id.

[52] Id.

[53] https://mindcontrolblackassassins.wordpress.com/2010/04/14/tyler-perry-multiple-miggs-psycho-the-whore-of-babylon/

[54] http://www.enduringvision.com/features/spam_05.php

[55] http://www.piney-2.com/Aslan.html

[56] http://www.freemasonrywatch.org/jahbulon.html

[57] http://servicetoone.wordpress.com/2009/05/09/chapter2-2/


21 10 2011

Illuminati v. Dr. Conrad Murray, to Lynch a Black Patsy on National Television

The case against Dr. Conrad Murray for culpability as the “Patsy” in the death of Michael Jackson is among the “unseen” well beyond the rule of law of the courtroom. It is a clandestine Illuminati attack upon Dr. Murray to anchor and re-image him in the mind of the world public opinion as the Lone Nut killer of Michael Jackson through a slick mass media psychological warfare persuasion, manipulation, and mind control program.

“… I believe that the CIA controls the media system in the United States.” – Media Mogul, Ted Turner[1]

I suspect that Turner, above, with the Master “Hidden Hand” gesture had been a willing participant in Operation MOCKINGBIRD all along fronting for the CIA.

CNN’s very own daring candy man, Anderson Cooper, out of Yale University received his training with the CIA. The candyman sugar-coats American Imperialism, crimes and corruption and military-industrial transgressions around the globe.

According to CNN, he worked for the CIA at Langley headquarters following his sophomore and junior years at Yale, but declined full-time employment when he graduated from college. However, Anderson was found after graduating from Yale studying Vietnamese at the University of Hanoi, most likely for the Company.[2] That dog won’t hunt.

The CIA is Reichsfuhrer SS Heinrich Himmler’s SS (Schutzstaffel). After WWII, the secret 1945 Fort Hunt Treaty between the U.S. and Nazis formed the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) under the mold and control of the foreign intelligence division of the SS, AMT IV.[3] The CIA is an official citizen intelligence agency of the U.S. Government that is bound to an oath of secrecy, but also bound to allegiance to the U.S. Constitution, that is among the SEEN.[4]

Among the SEEN of the SS was an oath of allegiance to the Fuhrer Adolf Hitler, but among the UNSEEN was the more deadly and binding Blood Oath of  Secrecy to the New Order of Teutonic Knights aka the Knights of the Black Sun.[5]

The UNSEEN is also layered inside the CIA. The elite men at the genesis of the CIA with the SS (Allen Dulles, Frank Wisner) ran the Company like an order of Knights most often believed to have been Knights Templar,[6] but it was actually Himmler’s New Order of Teutonic Knights. However, both Knight Templars and Teutonic Knights of the Crusades of the Middle Ages stand at the pinnacle of Hierarchy of Freemasonry.[7]    

Billionaire Mass Media Mongol Ted Turner is an elite member of the Committee of 300. The Committee is the driving force behind the clandestine conspirator agenda to create a “New World Order”, under a “Totalitarian Global Government”.[8] He is generally believed to be a Knight of Malta. The Knights of Malta is an order of Knights Templar.[9] He is among the Master Elite of the 1% that control over 40% of America’s resources.

CNN, the CIA’s Network headquarters in Atlanta has set his sight on Dr. Murray.[10] Its psychological warfare specialists has packaged the nationally televised “In Session” program to spin and control public access and opinion; manipulate images and illusions in Dr. Murray’s televised manslaughter trial.[11]

CNN’s other darling and candyman, Vinnie Politan, long-time CourtTV and truTV host, is the point man in charge of the spin control machine and smoked mirrors program, “In Session”.

Above, Vinnie Politan, displaying one of the 12 (twelve) Masonic Hand Gestures used in mass media, the Heart Sign or Sign of Fidelity. The thumb (the “Thumbs Up”) upwards symbolizes the subjection to a group of powers superior (Hierarchy). From the Book “Masonic Signals in the Press” by Johannes Rothkranz

Michael Jackson with the ILLUMINATI Heart Sign or Sign of Fidelity without complete or partial subjection to hierarchy and corrupt power which maybe one of the causes of his assassination. The butterfly on shoulder suggests he was a CIA MK ULTRA/MONARCH Mind Control victim. The picture includes the Masonic Blazing Star (Knight Watch) and Crown. I read the Crown as the Holy Roman Empire. Michael is a MONARCH under watch by Knights of the Crown and under control of the Holy Roman Empire.

Compare these recording artists with MJ showing degrees of fidelity and subjection to the Occult and ILLUMINATI by the “Thumb’s Up”Prince (Disciple of Philip Anschutz)showing complete subjection,  Jennifer Lopez, Rihanna and the least possible subjection Eminem, probably because of race.

The Great BEAST 666 Aleister Crowley with the ILLUMINATI-Masonic Master Heart Gesture.

Above, Prominent Hollywood Actor Christopher Walken (Deerhunter) ILLUMINATI-Occulted Heart Gesture and Left Hand Path Mystic-Evil Facial Expression.

The other “In Sessions” host is Ryan Smith, above left, with a form of the ILLUMINATI Pyramid Hand Gesture. Notice, Ryan is Down while Philip Anschutz, of Anschutz Corporation is Above.  Ryan specializes in entertainment law and hosted a show on BET called and was worth no more than “My Two Cents” to the people.[12] 

Above, Bill Cosby, a Black High Level Luciferian ILLUMINATI exhibits the same ILLUMINATI Hand Gesture. Famed Hollywood actor Robert DeNiro, middle,  with ILLUMINATI Hand Gesture protrays “LUCIFER”.

“In Session” features illusionary and slanted reports out of Beth Karas, who has been with the network since 1994. The other two primary contributors to the show are Mike Brooks, the network’s front man for national security-law enforcement state, and legal illusionist Sunny Hostin, a former federal justice department prosecutor of the weak, oppressed and powerless.[13]

Above, Sunny and Dr. Murray share another form of the Masonic Gesture of Fidelity (Brotherhood-Sisterhood) and with Occulted Doctrine of Duality of the Unseen Hand, Light versus Dark, Good versus Evil, the Seen and UNSEEN. Dr. Murray’s Thumb extends upward leaving the Hand to Square in the Signal Position of “L” meaning-showing, ABSOLUTE and COMPLETE  Fidelity to the Elite or the Organization.

“In Session” Black Drama queens, Ryan Smith and Sunny Hostin, have as much backbone and spine of a snake. They create special illusions of racial justice. They pretend to be fair, just and balanced, but bend backyard-forward; up and down, side to side but always bend back around to the center squarely on the side of the prosecution, security state and the ILLUMINATI.

Dr. Conrad Murder & Involuntary Manslaughter-LET THE MASTER ANSWER

Respondeat superior (Latin: “let the master answer”; plural: respondeant superiores) is a legal doctrine which states that, in many circumstances, an employer is responsible for the actions of employees performed within the course of their employment. This rule is also called the “Master-Servant Rule”, recognized in both common law and civil law jurisdictions.[14]

Dr. Conrad Murray, the Big Black Brute but most secret servant of the Scottish Rite to the end with another Masonic Hand Sign. He shouldn’t be alone facing manslaughter charges.  Dr. Murray closed his independent medical practice and stepped in to become Michael Jackson’s (MJ) in-house personal physican for AEG’s (Anschutz Entertainment Group) Live London tour concerts.

MJ chose Dr. Murray to fill the position, but he was contractually employed through AEG Live. AEG’s defense to the “Master-Servant Rule” is that Dr. Murray’s contract was never formerly executed with signatures. That Dog won’t hunt. Dr. Murray seemed to have partually fulfilled his end of the bargain, while AEG deliberately delayed the preparation and execution of the contract until after MJ’s death as if they had expected MJ to be murdered and Dr. Murray setup as the “Patsy” for the assassination.

The Jackson family is pursuing AEG for the wrongful death of MJ under the doctrine of Respondeat superior-Let the Master Answer.[15] Why didn’t the Los Angeles Police Deparment pursue the BIG DOG in the hunt, AEG, for corporate medical gross neglience and the death of MJ?

Expert Witnesses for the ILLUMINATI, the Spin Machine Candyman & White Knights, Dr. Alon Steinberg and Dr. Nader Kamangar

Dr. Alon Steinberg, the SEEN 

In the Dr. Conrad Murray trial, I was rather struck with the appearance, image and assertive behavior of Dr. Alon Steinberg playing up to the jury like a Mass Media Sugar-Coated Candyman. Above, the Candyman work the magick of a mystic with his hands to sugar-coat ILLUMINATI setup of Dr. Murray. Below, the Mystic-Masonic Pointer takes place in the courtroom,  Candyman with Legendary Occulted -Mind Control Pointers  Adolf Hitler and Hitler’s Guru, the Great BEAST 666 Aleister Crowley -“You Must Go in this Direction”

“In Session” Legal Analyst/Illusionist Sunny Hostin suggested the bite into the Candyman illusion and the tension of duality of racial stereotypes; she called him “Attractive”. The Candyman appearance in Dr. Murray’s trial was a big hit among those that can see but won’t see and those that can hear but cover their ears. Some of the internet buzz is that the “charismatic” Candyman had  “set hearts racing[16] while Dr. Murray remains the Big Black Brute.

Dr. Alon Steinberg, the UNSEEN & the WILL   

Alon \a-lon\ as a boy’s name is pronounced AL-en. It is of Hebrew origin, and the meaning of Alon is Oak Tree.[17] The oak tree and its leaves are a staple of Druid Witchcraft and are popular as pagan symbols among nature followers of the forest Horned God Pan.[18] Freemasons commerce their mystic works underneath the Oak Tree.[19]

The Oak Tree is also sacred to the pagan mythology of the Bloodlines of Wotan. Above, Oak Leaves with Swords to the Knight’s Cross, the Nazi Iron Cross for Courage.

Above, Candyman Dr. Steinberg, displaying the very same Masonic Hand “Thumbs Up” Gestures used by Candyman Vinnie Politan in Mass Media, the Heart Sign or Sign of fidelity. The thumb upwards symbolizes the subjection to a group of powers superior (Hierarchy).

It is apparent that Dr. Steinberg is the Illuminati’sHero”, the White Knight, riding to the rescue to work the UNSEEN mythical magic of a wizard-priest and slay the dark and evil dragon played out in world mass media.

Dr. Steinberg is the hero out of the Old Deep South. He attended high school in Bellaire, Texas, a predominately white enclave carved out of the City of Houston. Houston is in Harris County, a former slave colony.[20]

Dr. Steiner received his medical degree from the University of Texas Galveston School of Medicine and interned further Old Deep South at Jackson Memorial Hospital, the University of Miami.[21]  Dr. Steinberg is one of the California Medical Board’s review board cardiologists that played up to the jury like a Candyman-White Knight and Snake in the Grass. He found 6 separate and distinct deviations of standard of care against Dr. Murray – each one amounting to in his opinion, “gross negligence.”[22]

Dr. Murray is charged in violation of California Penal Code 192(b) defines “involuntary manslaughter” as an unlawful killing that takes place… during the commission of a lawful act which involves a high risk of death or great bodily harm that is committed without due caution or circumspection.

The phrase “without due caution and circumspection” is basically synonymous with California’s legal definition of “criminal negligence.” It is an act which is “aggravated, reckless and flagrant and which is such a departure from what would be the conduct of an ordinary prudent, careful person under the same circumstances as to be in disregard for human life, or an indifference to the consequences of such an act.” Criminal negligence means that the death was not the result of inattention, mistaken judgment or misadventure. But rather it was a reasonably foreseeable consequence of the aggravated, reckless or negligent conduct.[23]

Dr. Conrad Murray, the Big Black Brute

Defense Attorney Michael Flanagan … he [Dr. Murray] is a doctor? Prosecutor Walgren, objection, assumes facts not in evidence. Judge Michael Pastor, objection sustained. Defense Attorney Flanagan, he’s not a doctor?

A Negro doctor? No such thing. The boy must be lying.  I believe that you can at least  find tail and feathers on uncle. Hes be good for something!

I was surprised when the court allowed Dr. Steinberg full range to ride herd into the case to pass judgment on Dr. Murray before the jury on the ultimate issue of “gross negligence” with ugly contempt. 

It didn’t appear that he was trying to help the jury decide the question with his expert opinion. Dr. Steinberg was dictating, commanding and implanting the jury and the national/international audience with the gross negligence of Dr. Murray with reckless utter deprived racial injustice. Black medical professionals should be up in arms by the way Dr. Murray is being unjustly and unprofessionally treated in the Courtroom and in the Public Domain. They wouldn’t treat a white medical profession with such reckless contempt on the air or in the courtroom. Dr. Steinberg was WILLING Dr. Murray’s “gross negligence” to be as thou.

Magick- “the art and science of causing change to occur in conformity with the will.” –Aleister Crowley[24]

On direct examination by the prosecution, Dr. Steinberg was allowed to testify to his six points where he concluded “gross negligence” in the treatment of Michael Jackson by Dr. Conrad.[25] One of his points of “gross negligence” was WILLED the lack of a backup battery for a pulsoximeter. Some of Dr. Steinberg’s other points of “gross negligence” were equally as trifle and spiteful. Dr. Murray didn’t have a crash cart. He waited more than 2 minutes to call 911.[26]

Dr. Steinberg lied when he testified to the jury that he had never heard of doctors using Propofol to treat insomnia. During cross-examination, defense counsel Michael Flanagan forced Dr. Steinberg to admit that he was well versed on a 2010 published study in China on the successful INNOVATED threatment of Propofol on patients with severe insomnia. Dr. Steinberg objection to the report was basically come down to being that it wasn’t Anglo-Saxon.[27] They didn’t go there.

The court allowed Dr. Steinberg to go on and on Dr. Murray’s “gross negligence” as a medical professional, which began to grow intensively to exhibit a certain amount of viciousness and arrogance. Dr. Murray’s “gross negligence” was because he WILLED it had been thou.

California Medical Board’s review of Dr. Murray’s medical practice was isolated from a LAPD investigative statement that appears to be suspect and a special “singling out” of Dr. Murray for special treatment.

Dr. Steinberg acquired a copy of Dr. Murray’s voluntary LAPD statement and kept improperly referring and WILLING it to be at trial as Dr. Murray’s “testimony” and WILLED it so that Dr. Murray fed Propofol into MJ by drip with an IV bag even though there was no evidence of such.[28]

Dr. Steinberg didn’t inform Dr. Murray of any charges. Dr. Murray wasn’t noticed with any charges against him. Dr. Steinberg didn’t ask Dr. Murray’s any questions and relied on innuendo, conclusions and unknown outside sources and factors to arbitrary form his findings. Additionally, Dr. Murray didn’t appear to have any review or appeal rights. Evidence of administrative (California Medical Association) findings can be admissible unless it fails the “constitution safeguard” smell test. In federal courts, administrative investigative findings and reports can be admissible in civil proceedings if they are “trustworthy.”[29]

Dr. Nader Kamangar, Associate Professor of Medicine, Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine of UCLA, was next on the stage aggressively WILLING “gross negligence” to the jury and public opinion. Dr. Kamangar is a sleep expert, an alter state (consciousness) specialist. On the national/international mass media stage, he viciously ripped into Murray’s treatment of MJ with Propofol to induce sleep as “unethical, disturbing and beyond comprehension”[30] because he like Dr. Steinberg WILLED it had been thou.

During cross-examination, defense counsel Michael Flanagan challenged Dr. Kamangar’s assertion that Propofol use for treatment for insomnia as “beyond comprehension”. He confronted Dr. Kamangar with 2010 published study in China on the successful INNOVATED use of Propofol on patients to threat severe insomnia. Dr. Kamangar response was equally condescending, argumentative and dismissive as Dr. Steinberg because it was published after MJ’s death and wasn’t Anglo-Saxon approved.[31] 

Dr. Kamangar’s mean-spirited attack on Dr. Murray was cold, chilling and disturbing. According to Kamangar, he wasn’t qualified to administer CPR even if a person fell out in distress at his feet. He insisted that Dr. Murray shouldn’t touch that person, but call 911 immediately and let paramedics attend to the situation nevertheless being a practicing cardiologist and licensed physician.[32]

People v. Olquin (1994) 31 Cal. App. 4th 1355, 1371, 37 Cal. Rptr. 2d 596. An expert may not use opinion testimony to improperly usurp the fact-finding function of the jury.

Another thing that struck me about Dr. Kamangar was his presistent display of the Illuminati Pyramid Hand Symbol. Below, Illuminati Pyramid Gesture among the Powerful- German Chancellor Angela Merkel with President Barack Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama. I believe her hand signal and facial expression among the the first Black U.S. President and First Lady is pretty clear.

It is used so often on television, mass media and among the so-called Hip Hop Generation that I suspect it is not only an Illuminati Communication Signal but a “Mass Media Illuminati Hypnotic” experimental tool. We Control.-Evil Rules.

Thomas Mesereau, above, with the ILLUMINATI Pyramid Hand Gesture. Mesereau has also been invited on CNN to poison public opinion around Dr. Murray. Mesereau was the lawyer who successfully defended MJ’s 2005 molestation criminal trial. Mesereau may be an excellent defense counsel, but this man is extremely scary and evil. He seemed to maintain the ILLUMINATI Triangle Hand Sign throughout his TV appearance and rant against Dr. Murray.

In the ILLUMINATI Spirit, Mesereau was hateful, mean spirited, overbearing and adamantly asserts sadistically in tone and mannerism that Dr. Murray “violated every ethical obligation he had as a doctor” when he gave MJ Propofol … and deserves to go to prison because he also WILLED it as thou.

Mesereau wants to make it clear to the world as far as the Big Black Brute is concerned, “I am on the side of the prosecution.”[33]And the ILLUMINATI! Finally, I had to mute the sound and turn away from him. It was terrifying to see a man so full of venom and EVIL.

Out of the Spin, Illusions and Smoked Mirrors, Back to Reality: a Doctor’s Real World in California

In 1998, Dr. Michael Sexton, a San Rafael emergency room doctor and a California Medical Association board member said that criminalizing the medical decision-making process is proper only in extraordinarily rare cases. “To the extent that we’re seeing over the last few years an increase in these kinds of filings, I think that’s inappropriate,” he said.[34]

Dr. Sexton couldn’t think of a single case that should have drawn criminal charges against a doctor in his 24 years in emergency medicine. He argued that the California Medical Board’s review of doctors and the civil law system, where malpractice is litigated, works well.[35]

“The criminal system is designed to punish people who do things wrongly with intent,” he said. “Who’s going to want to take care of someone who has a serious illness with a high potential for a bad outcome?” And fear of prosecution could scare doctors away from developing innovative new procedures that might be second-guessed, he said.[36]

Dr. Ronald Bangasser, medical director of the Redlands-based Beaver Medical Group, has been a physician more than 20 years and is involved in peer review of doctors’ work. Even in that capacity, he said, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen . . . anything that comes even close to being murder.” That includes cases in which doctors did things they should not have or went beyond their expertise.[37]

I don’t think anything has changed since 1998 with the overall physican views within the California Medical Association and doctor peer review on criminalizing medical decisions and innovation in medicine only in extraordinarily rare cases. The California Medical Association has never administratively reviewed CIA-MK ULTRA mind control doctors, prison medical abuse or doctors violating the Nuremberg Code using unwitting citizens as experimental guinea pigs.

What you see in ILLUMINATI v. Dr. Conrad Murray played out in the public domain are illusions and smoking mirrors, We’re through the looking-glass here, people… white is black and black is white.[38]

Let the Master Answer, The Big Dog in the CIRCLE

Dr. Murray (“Thumbs Up”) and Philip Anschutz with the Masonic Brotherhood and Hidden Hand Gesture. Anschutz’s Left Hand form the “the Claw”.  

Anschutz Entertainment Group (AEG) Live is a live entertainment promotion subsidiary of Anschutz Entertainment Group. It is the world’s second largest live show promoter.[39]

The Anschutz Entertainment Group (AEG) is a sporting and music entertainment presenter and a subsidiary of The Anschutz Corporation.[40] The Anschutz Corporation is a privately-held holding company headquartered in Denver, Colorado. It was started in 1958 by Fred Anschutz, an wildcatter (oil man), and the father of Philip F. Anschutz, who took over the company in 1962. The Anschutz Corporation, and affiliates Anschutz Company and Anschutz Investment Company, are vehicles for the diversified investments for Anschutz.[41]

A conglomerate is a combination of two or more corporations engaged in entirely different businesses that fall under one corporate structure (a corporate group), usually involving a parent company and several (or many) subsidiaries. Often, a conglomerate is a multi-national company.[42]

The Anschutz Corporation is a multi-national conglomerate. AEG is part of a powerful I.G. Farben like corporate intra-structure setup by the World’s Greatness Racial Mass Murderers, the New Order of Teutonic Knights, the (Schutzstaffel) SS and Totenkopf (Death Heads) out of Nazi Germany.

Philip Anschutz, The Big Dog of the CIRCLE 

The BBC described Philip Anschutz as having, “A reputation as one of the hungriest of US corporate vultures.”[43]

Philip Anschutz of Denver, CO is a man of legendary GREED. In 2006, he was ranked 89 among the World’s Richest People [44] and 33rd in the United States.[45]  He is the grandson of an aristocratic immigrant of Volga Germans from Russia that settled in Russell,Kansas with enough financial resources and political-social connections to open a bank.

In 1876, Volga Germans, mostly from the area around Saratov and Samara in Russia had  began settling in and around Russell, Kansas.[46] In 1762, Catherine the Great (1729-1796), a German native of Stettin, Pomerania, displaced her husband Peter III and took the vacant Russian imperial throne. In 1762 and 1763, Catherine published manifestos inviting Prussian-Europeans, (except Jews) to immigrate and farm Russian lands while maintaining their language and culture. Most of the Prussian-German immigrants settled along the River Volga in the region of southern Russia.[47]

The prominence of Freemasonry among the aristocratic circles of Russia that included the Volga Germans were described with these words: “so many prominent Russians were Freemasons in the second half of the 18th and beginning of the 19th centuries that it would be easier to number those who were not than those who were.”[48] I assume that Karl Anschutz’s Prussian-Russian linage and roots had been no exception.

Freemasonry did not find favor in the eyes of Catherine, the Great. She distrusted the “secret” nature of the lodges and feared they could be used for political purposes. In 1782, Catherine outlawed all secret organizations but nevertheless exempted Freemasonry.[49] Catherine’s son, Grand Duke Paul, was a Mason. On the foreign front, her principal foe was Emperor Frederick II of Prussia, also an active Scottish Rite Mason. The rituals used by the Russian lodges were according to the Scottish, Schroeder and Swedish rites.[50]

Kansas & the Knights of the Golden CIRCLE

During the Civil War and the late 1800s, Kansas had been a stronghold for one of the most corrupt, vile, obscene and subversive Confederate Underground forces in the war against the states, the Knights of the Golden Circle (KGC).

KGC was led by a terrorist and murderer, Colonel William Clarke Quantrill (July 31, 1837-?), above. Quantril had been a man among the most profane and obscene of the Civil War era. He had been described as “the bloodiest man in the annals of America.[51]

One of Quantrill’s Band of KGC was William T. “Bloody Bill” Anderson, above, with the KGC Masonic Left Hand Gesture above the Heart forming the Sign of Fidelity and “the CLAW” also known as the “DEVIL’S CLAW.” 

 Bloody Bill and his men were also among America’s most obscene, vile and deprived. They usually murdered their prisoners along with mutilating and scalping the dead. Anderson’s men adopted the practice of dangling the bloody scalps of their victims from their horse bridles.[52]

Above, John Wilkes Booth, the Assassin of President Abraham Lincoln. Booth was one of the most infamous members of the obscene KGC with Left Hand Fidelity Gesture and “the DEVIL’S CLAW” with Jesse James in the background.

Among the Obscene included Frank and Jesse James that savagely attacked Union forces, Unionist homes and businesses, and anti-slavery settlements in Kansas and Missouri.[53] Above, Frank and Jesse showing the KGC Left-Hand Masonic Sign of Fidelity with “the DEVIL’S CLAW” over the Heart.

The  Knights of the Golden Circle was a Masonic Blood Oath society. Above, a rare KGC poster and look from the era. It shows their sacred CIRCLE.

Above, note the KGC Blazing Star in the middle and above the group, and SKULL and BONES (Brotherhood of Death Affiliation).

Brotherhood of Death, Mass Murderer Major-General (Brigadeführer) SS Walter Schellenberg forming the “The DEVIL’S CLAW.” You can’t go any further in the ABYSS of corrupt, vile and obscene POWER than the SS, Knights of the Black Sun, the World’s Greatest Racial Mass Murderers.  Among the SS, Himmler also had his 12 (twelve) round table (CIRCLE) of profane Knights at Wewlesburg Castle. If you believe that the KGC-SS Brotherhood of Death’s “DEVIL’S CLAW” calling card is obscure and a thing of the past. Think again. It is being re-packaged and re-imaged in Mass Media.

Antonio “L.A.” Reid of “The X Factor” television show gesture “The DEVIL’S CLAW” in the current music entertainment industry. Reid is a mass media three-time Grammy Award-winning record executive, songwriter, and record producer. Best known as the co-founder of LaFace Records, he is responsible for signing and helping bring Mariah Carey, Pink, Justin Bieber, Rihanna, Kanye West, Avril Lavigne, Toni Braxton, TLC, Usher, Ciara, OutKast, and Dido to multi-platinum album sales. He currently serves as Chairman & CEO of Epic Records. Think that is just an innocent hand-fist gesture? Think again.

Here is Reid with the “DEVIL’S HORN” and the ILLUMINATI Brotherhood Gesture with popular Canadian Recording Artist and Actress Arvil Lavigne with a Masonic 5-Point Blazing Star.

Here is Reid’s entertainment industry associate, Arvil Lavigne, under the  Brotherhood of Death’s SKULL and BONES gesturing the “DEVIL’S HORNS.”

Entertainment Industry Mass Media Recording Artist and Movie Actor, Will Smith,  gesture “The DEVIL’S CLAW” for “Hip Hop Generation” mass public persuasion and re-imaging.

In Religion, Politics and Money, here is popular right-wing Televangelist Pat Robertson gesturing “The DEVIL’S CLAW” for Middle America, again, mass public persuasion and re-imaging.

The KGC was organized out of the rank and file of the Scottish Rite by Confederate Brigadier Generals Bedford Forrest and Albert Pike to continue an underground and covert war by banding together the DEMONIC, CORRUPT and OBSCENE forces in a sacred Masonic circle against Slave-Free United States to redeem the OLD SOUTH,

“Expediency makes strange allies. Knights of the Golden Circle – Pike and bigwigs of the Confederacy’s political and military – drew into their tight little midst thieves and terrorists James, Quantrill, Younger and the Daltons…”[54]

During and following the Civil War, the terrorist, outlaws and infamous bandits of the KGC amassed millions in gold, money and loot to fund its clandestine programs for a NWO that undoubtedly include a new and modern form of slavery led by Pike’s Scottish Rite. 

In 1884, KGC moved its headquarters into Colorado Springs, Colorado and reorganized more secretly than before. The Knights of the Ku Klux Klan is the most notable affiliate of KGC that is still visible today. Nevertheless, there are persistent stories that survive that the descendents and secret Scottish Rite affiliates of KGC still control billions of secret gold and blood money treasuries of loot from the 19th Century.[55] From a reliable source, the powerful and secret KGC exist and operate out of Colorado.

Anschutz‘s father was a land investor who had enough finanical resources to invest in ranches in Colorado, Utah and Wyoming, and eventually went into the oil-drilling business. Anschutz’s grandfather, Karl Anschütz (born November 10, 1859, in the largely German region of Samara) emigrated from Russia and started the Farmers State Bank in Russell, Kansas.[56]

Anschutz & the CIRCLE

Anschutz grew up in Hays, Kansas, with part of the family located in Wisconsin. Anschutz’s father’s oil-exploration business was called, Circle A Driling,[57] which I read “A CIRCLE.

Anschutz lived in Russell with a neighbor and friend, former powerful right wing Republican U.S. Senator Bob Dole.[58]  Another neighbor of Anschutz and Dole was former U.S. Senator (PA), Arlen Specter, inventor of the Magic Bullet Theory in the JFK Assassination.[59] Dole was a Scottish Rite Mason[60] along with Specter.[61]

In 1988, Santa Fe-Southern Pacific (SFSP), headquartered in Chicago was sold in large part to Philip Anschutz backed by Morgan Stanley. Clarity Media Group is the holding company for media properties owned by Philip Frederick Anschutz. These include the San Francisco Examiner and the Washington Examiner. On June 17, 2009, Clarity Media Group acquired The Weekly Standard, a conservative opinion journal, from Rupert Murdoch’s News Corporation.[62]

This year in 2011, Anschutz bought the parent company of the Oklahoman Newspaper. The Oklahoman, based in Oklahoma City, is the largest newspaper in the state with daily circulation of about 143,000 and Sunday circulation of about 201,000.[63]

Anschutz, the CIRCLE, Scottish Rite & the Luciferian Doctrine

Anschutz investments also include the control of numerous entertainment companies, and co-founding Major League Soccer as well as multiple teams, including the LA Galaxy, Chicago Fire, Houston Dynamo, San Jose Earthquakes, New York / New Jersey Metro Stars and the Kansas City Wizards. Anschutz owns stakes in the Los Angeles Lakers, Los Angeles Kings, and venues including the Staples Center, O2 Arena, and the Home Depot Center. Anschutz also invests in family films such as The Chronicles of Narnia. Forbes ranks him the 34th richest person in the U.S. with an estimated net worth of $7 billion as of October 2010.[64] I really don’t believe that you can get any closer to the elusive 1% that control 40% of America than Philip Frederick Anschutz.

Anschutz and the BAPHOMET Powers of Narnia, Lords of the Ring and Baphomet

Anschutz’s links to C.S. Lewis’ BAPHOMET, The Chronicles of Narnia, is revealing to say the least. Reportedly, he had pleaded with Lewis’s heirs to produce Lewis’ books of “Narnia” into family entertainment motion pictures. J. R. R. Tolkien, creator of Luciferian “Lords of the Ring” books and movies and C.S. Lewis were both London Oxford University professors and members of a society among the professors known as “The Inklings”.[65]

C. S. Lewis called Charles Williams “his dearest friend.” Williams was a fellow Inkling. He was a specialist in Tarot and Kabbalah. He was described as a man whose mind was steeped in occult rituals and demonic forces. Demonic Williams had a large impact on Lewis and his writings. C. S. Lewis wrote of Williams’ poems: ‘They seem to me… for their profound wisdom, to be among the two or three most valuable books of verse produced in the century.”[66]

Charles Williams was also a member of the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn. Many have reason to believe that both Tolkien and Lewis were secret Luciferian members of the Golden Dawn (Masters of Corrupt and Obsense Powers). The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn was an amalgamation of Freemasonry and Theosophy. Luciferian Madame H.P. Blavatsky was the founder of Theosophy. Theosophy is a Luciferian-Satanic/occult religious philosophy. The Golden Dawn was the domain of Baphomet and Luciferian Eliphas Levi’s Teachings of Enochian Magic.[67]

Levi’s Enochian Magic is an elaborate system of advanced Luciferian-Satanic ceremonial magic involving Kabbalah (The highest level of Jewish witchcraft) and medieval grimoire (a manual of black magic for invoking spirits and demons). Among the first initiates of the Order of the Golden Dawn was a coroner who allegedly performed necromantic rites and the World’s Most Renowned Luciferian, Aleister Crowley, the Great Beast 666.[68]

I certainly cannot prove that there is a definite connection between Anschutz and the Scottish Rite, BAPHOMET and KGS. Scottish Rite Freemasonry and KGS are by their very nature Blood Oath secret societies, but there is enough circumstantial evidence that tends more to suggest a connection than there isn’t.

The CIRCLE Revealed, O2 Arena

The O2 Arena in London where MJ was to perform the AEG Live tour was developed by Anschutz. I read the name of the arena as, CIRCLE Too; it is among the CIRCLE Also. O2 is a circle with (12) twelve golden pillars.[69]

The Golden Circle was run by thirteen of the best and wealthiest men in the Old South. The Master sat on the Throne of the East and gave out his wisdom and directions to twelve so-called Disciples, who in turn each had (12) twelve disciples. The only way one could get into the Inner Sanctum or Inner Circle was when one of the Master’s (12) Twelve died off or retired.[70]

Anschutz Corporation Logo Revealed, THE BAPHOMET TRIANGLE

Anschutz’s embolismic is an occulted inverted slanted triangle that is consistent with Baphomet’s inverted triangle or pyramid out of Aleister Crowley’s early profane Luciferian O.T.O, but may more likely represent the 3 stars that bracket Virgo Constellaton, discussed below.

Anschutz Entertainment Group (AEG) Live Logo Revealed, The Masonic Blazing Star

Anschutz’s embolismic 5-Point Star logo for AEG Live is the Masonic 5-Point Blazing Star. The masonry-stone star is taken from a Paris Lodge from the 19th Century. The Masonic Blazing Star is one of the most important symbols of Freemasonry. Like many other Freemason symbols, it undoubtedly derives this importance, first, from the repeated use that is made of it as a Masonic emblem; and second, from its great antiquity, as a symbol derived from older systems.[71]

Anschutz Chicago Fire Logo Revealed, The Knights Templar Rose Croix

Anschutz’s embolismic logo for the Chicago Fire is within the Masonic Rose Croix. Above, Chicago Fire Logo with Knight Templar Symbol and Rose Croix. According to Jean-Pierre Bayard, two Rosicrucian-inspired Masonic rites emerged towards the end of 18th century, the Rectified Scottish Rite, widespread in Central Europe where there was a strong presence of the “Golden and Rosy Cross“, and the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, first practiced in France, in which the 18th degree is called Knight of the Rose Croix.[72]

Anschutz Houston Dynamo, Masonic Blazing Star & 5-Point Star

“… the blazing star has been regard as the emblem of Ominiscience, or the All-Seeing Eye, which to the ancients was the Sun” -Albert Pike, Morals and Dogma, p. 506

Anschutz’s Los Angeles Galaxy, Masonic Blazing Star

Anschutz’s embolismic logo for the LA Galaxy is the Dog Star scared to Freemasonry. The first degree of Freemasonry mentions the Blazing Star as one of the ornaments of the Lodge. Sirius is the brightest star in the night sky and is located in the constellation Cannis Major, hence the name “Dog Star.”

“To find in the BLAZING STAR of five points an allusion to the Divine Providence, is also fanciful; and to make it commemorative of the Star that is said to have guided the Magi, is to give it a meaning comparatively modern… The Ancient Astronomers saw all the great Symbols of Masonry in the Stars. Sirius glitters in our lodges as the Blazing Star.” – Albert Pike from Morals and Dogma, page 14-15.

“The Ancient Astronomers saw all the great Symbols of Masonry in the Stars. Sirius glitters in our lodges as the Blazing Star.” – Albert Pike from Morals and Dogma, page 486

Staples Center is owned and operated by the L.A. Arena Company and Anschutz Entertainment Group. The arena is home to the Los Angeles Lakers and the Los Angeles Clippers of the National Basketball Association (NBA), the Los Angeles Kings of the National Hockey League (NHL), and the Los Angeles Sparks of the Women’s National Basketball Association (WNBA).

Anschutz’s embolismic logo for the Staples Center is 3 (three) 5-Point Masonic stars. The Zodiac is built into Masonic architecture. The 3 stars form the slanted triangle found in the Anschutz Corporation above. It is most likely represented the Virgo Constellation and the three stars that bracket Virgo, Arcturus, Spica, and Regulus.

Janet Jackson is resting on the very same KGC waxing (new moon to full) moon object of head dress, Initiation and Wisdom, below. Does it represent the horns and the obscene wisdom and power of BAPOMET? Is she a disciple or MONARCH victim of Anschutz?

I believe that Philip Anschutz’s grandfather, Karl Anschutz, was among an elite hierarchy of the Old Prussian Scottish Rite Grand Lodge under Frederick the Great, Luciferian Doctrine; and the ILLUMINATI when he came to America on a secret mission.

The ILLUMINATI helped secretly fund the Old South Seccession from the United States and Civil War to maintain a MASTER-SLAVE state of the Holy Roman Empire, the IMPERIUM (Frances Parker Yockey) of the Imperial Romans.

When the Old South was defeated, the ILLUMINATI moved in once more to help back and fund the clandestine war of resistance (Knights of the Golden Circle) against the United States; and the Assassination of President Abraham Lincoln under the leadership of Masonic Master and Confederate General, Albert Pike.

An important cell of the Old South’s violent war of clandestine resistence was centered in Kansas and Missouri under the legenary KGC profane racist demonic murderers and cut-throat bandits, William Quantrill, Jesse and Frank James, the Dalton and Younger Brothers. They have also been re-packaged and re-imaged as popular heroic figures in romantic books, novels and Hollywood movies and television programs.

I believe that Karl Anschutz moved into Kansas with money and resources fronted by the ILLUMINATI to open a bank among the SEEN to among the UNSEEN financially back the KGC and laundry the spoils for further and future deeper covert operations, infiltrations and subversion to undermine the U.S. Government, Constitution and the People for the establishment of a CORRUPT and OBSCENE POWER, an IMPERIUM in America.

Philip Anschulz is the secret descendant KGC MASTER that sit on the Throne of the East and give out his wisdom and directions to twelve, Disciples, who in turn each has (12) twelve disciples. The only way one could get into the Inner Sanctum or Inner Circle is when one of the Master’s (12) Twelve died off or retire.

Philip Anschutz is part an elite powerful Luciferian global group taking control of news, information and SUBJECTING the music-movie entertainment industry by the unseen CORRUPT and OBSCENE POWERS under BAPHOMET for a New World Order (NWO) and MODERN SLAVERY.

For the Assassination of Michael Jackson –LET THE MASTER ANSWER

Finally, Joe and Katherine Jackson sold Michael’s soul at an impressionate age to Lucifer for a Secret Blood Oath of Fortune and Fame. Before Michael had come of an age to protect himself, he had been beaten, abused, trauma-based MIND CONTROLLED with experimental drugs right out of the pages of CIA-MK ULTRA.

He had been Satan-ized by the ILLUMINATI. He had been hounded and persecuted for the sexual abuse of children through-out his adult life. He has been tricked, fooled, robbed, cheated and Demonized, but among all of that he has remained to be one of the most brilliant, best known and loved entertainers on the Globe even in death. Somehow surrounded by enemies, Michael found the strength, brilliance and fortitude to invest wisely to corner a market in the music industry with the valuable Beatles-Artist Musical Catalogue that would have rewarded him and his heirs wisely for decades.

Somehow against all odds, Michael gathered the strength and will to RESIST. He declared mind war and danced on BAPHOMET’s Houses of Mysteries and CORRUPT POWERS over the music industry. Michael wasn’t producing the mind numbing, polarizing and dumbing down music that subjects the music industry. Michael RESISTED and made music that tried to address some of the needs of the people. Michael tried to speak TRUTH TO POWER through the power of his God given talent. Around the World, Michael had developed UNCORRUPT POWER among the masses which is always a serious threat to the ILLUMINATI.

The MASTERS of the ILLUMINATI-NEW IMPERIUM  of CORRUPT and OBSCENE POWERS are a secret, violent and corrupt Oligarchy (Family-Social Groups) mixed into a Plutocracy (Rule by Wealthy Elite) for a New World Order. It is a racial hierarchy secretly following the Luciferian Doctrine of the Aryan Supremacy Myth laid out by Madame Helena Blavatsky and Nazi Germany.

National Socialism, as Deputy Fuhrer Rudolph Hess observed, was “nothing but applied biology” which we refuse to clearly understand. Mix that with the Myth of God’s MASTER RACE and Chosen People (Calvinism) that God endowed upon them the “EARTH” as the Sons and Daughters of God that can neither Sin, Break Law (Murder, Rape, Steal) or Pollute, “Do what thou Wilt shall be the whole of the Law”, we have Assassinations of our most prominent watchful and peace loving UNCORRUPT POWERFUL citizens like Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.; 9-11-the Inside Job; Wall Street Mortgage Plunder; Wars of Aggression in Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Yemen, Libya and the Continent of Africa; and Human Rights Violations across the Globe.

The ILLUMINATI/IMPERIUM assassinated Michael Jackson of UNCORRUPT POWER and redistributed almost all that he had accomplished among them. By virtue of his skin, he was not one of them to enjoy the even the simple fruits of his labor in peace and prosperity.

Dr. Conrad Murray hungry by simple GREED joined the ILLUMINATI (Scottish Rite) in a Luciferian Blood Oath of Secrecy for Fame and Fortune and CORRUPT POWER not knowing for him and his family by virtue of skin color there was no law or honor that protected him from them. He was “Goat Meat” to be consumed at will. Dr. Murray no longer belong to us. He sold his soul to the DEVIL. He is bound by a Blood Oath of Secrecy and they will kill him and all his family if he violates the oath.

Joe and LaToya Jackson will talk about the Conspiracy that Killed Michael, but they do not have the courage to name names behind the illusions and smoked mirrors for they too are bounded by the same Luciferian Blood Oath of Secrecy for Fame and Fortune.

From the Letters from the Birmingham Jail, I recall Dr. King saying that Civil Rights Laws were important not to make them love us but protect us from them.

Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal…

It is for us the living, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus far so nobly advanced. It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us — that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion — that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain — that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedomand that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”

–President Abraham Lincoln, the Gettysburg Address, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, November 19, 1863

It seems ironic that almost 146 years after the Assassination of President Abraham Lincoln that we come full CIRCLE to face the same demons that seek to destroy the “government of the people, by the people, for the people” to reign CORRUPT and OBSCENE POWER to redeem the way of the Old South to enslave the “All of the People” of this nation for the MASTERS of a New Imperium.  

For the Assassination of the Beloved Michael Jackson “LET THE MASTERS ANSWER.”    



[29] See Beech Aircraft Corp. v. Rainey, 488U.S. 153, 161-62 (1988) (describing

conflicting circuit court decisional law).


[35] Id.

[36] Id.

[37] Id.








8 10 2011


This won’t hurt you

Before I put it in

Close your eyes and count to ten

Don’t cry

I won’t convert you

There’s not need to dismay

Close your eyes and drift away



Oh God he’s taking Demerol



Oh God he’s taking Demerol

Michael Jackson, DEMEROL Song, 1997, Blood on the Dance Floor, The History of Mix[1]

The Past is Prologue

Jonestown, Oh God, They’re Drugging Them with Demerol


Jonestown was America’s version of Auschwitz Nazi Concentration Camp. It was also an important CIA-MK ULTRA mind control medical experiment.[2] The Jonestown Extended Care Center was a special medical isolation unit set aside from the mission clinic for troublemakers, dissidents and runaways where they were heavily tranquilized into stages of unconsciousness and rehabilitated- “re-socialized” -MIND CONTROLLED.[3]


On November 18, 1978, 914, predominately Black, people mostly women and CHILDREN that included Native American, brown, yellow and white were murdered and left in the South American rain forest to literally rot in the hot sun.


Jonestown Extended Care Center and mission clinic had been run by Dr. Lawrence (Larry) Eugene Schacht, age 30 (born 10/02/48) of Houston, TX. On December 15, 1978, allegedly, the U.S. military identified his body among the dead.[4] Hitler’s financer, Dr. Hjalmar Schacht, may have been his Nazi counterpart, but Dr. Larry Schacht and his background have been quickly erased from historical inquiry.

Contrary to common belief, Adolf Hitler, Reinhard Himmler and Josef Goebbels did not band all Masonic Lodges in Nazi Germany. The nationalist (Wotan) “Old Prussian Grand Lodges” freemason lodges which contained the German high command, industrialists, financers, and the royal houses were exempted from Nazi Germany’s 1942 law banning all secret societies.[5]

Among the “Old Prussian Grand Lodges” most likely included the Scottish Rite Lodges. In Nazi Germany, the “Old Prussian Grand Lodges” reorganized to distance themselves from “regular” humanitarian (racial neutral) freemasonry. The grand masters sent oaths of allegiance to the Third Reich and reorganized as “The Frederick the Great Association”.[6] In 1762, Frederick the Great of Prussia became the head of the Scottish Rite Freemasonry.[7]

mjscottriteAbove, Double Headed Eagle Scottish Rite Symbol with 32 degree inside a Pyramid, Secret Nazi Lapel Pendant with 32 degree inside a Pyramid atop the Nazi Swastika.


There are reports that Lucifer’s Servants Hauptsturmfuhrer SS Josef Mengele, Old Prussian-New Order of the Teutonic Knights, and Reichsleieter Martin Bormann, Nazi Party-Old Prussian-Thule Society-Brotherhood of Death, visited Jonestown and may have partially secretly help fund along with the CIA, the Jonestown Experiment.[8] On October 29, 1965, Operation PAPERCLIP/MK-ULTRA/BLOODSTONE/MOCKINGBIRD CIA Chief Frank Wisner had become so fearful and obsessed with Martin Bormann taking over the world that he blew his brains out with a shotgun. It is an over simplified cover story.

Frank Wisner was one of America’s most important post WWII OSS/CIA intelligence operatives. He had been bound by a blood oath far greater and deadlier than his oath of allegiance to America and U.S. Constitution. He belonged to the New Order of Teutonic Knights headed by Nazi intelligence operative Sturmhauptfuhrer SS Baron Otto Albrecht Alfred von Bolschwing, Chief of the Gehlen Org in America. Wisner is generally disguised as being a Knight Templar. Baron Bolschwing is U.S. National Security Top Secret, a layer of Top Secret then layered upon Top Secret and classified in America.

Martin Bormann is generally considered to have been far more powerful than the Fuhrer himself. Bormann is also top secret stuff of the likes of Baron Bolschwing. Wisner bleached National Security  and violated his blood oath by talking about Bormann’s secret quest for global dominance among the unauthorized. Bormann was supposed to be left dead in Germany in May 1945. Wisner was drugged out of his mind, institutionalized in a mental hospital, then liquidated in a gory-heinous fashion as a message. They play no games.

After the Jonestown Massacre, 20,000 doses of Demerol were found along with 1,150 doses of Talwin which is similar to Demerol in morphine-like actions. The drug has a history of creating psychological and physical dependence. They found 2,000 Valium tablets, along with 10,000 injectable doses and 1,000 tablets of Thorazine (chlorpromazine).[9] However, the drug of choice for experimental behavior modification and mind control purposes appears to have been Demerol[10] and Thorazine.[11]

All the medical experimental notes and charts from Dr. Schacht’s Jonestown Extended Care Center and mission clinic were secreted out of Jonestown.




Oh God he’s taking Demerol –Michael Jackson

Datura stramonium, known by the common names jimson weed, devil’s trumpet, devil’s weed, thorn apple, tolguacha, Jamestown weed, stinkweed, locoweed, datura, pricklyburr, devil’s cucumber, hell’s bells, moonflower appears to be the genesis of Dermerol.[12]

Scopolamine is among the secondary metabolites (organic compounds) of plants from Solanaceae (nightshade) family of plants. The family of plants informally known as the nightshade includes Datura stramonium.[13]

Datura stramonium was used as a mystical sacrament in both possible places of origin, North America and South Asia. In Hinduism, Lord Shiva was known to smoke Cannabis and Datura. Datura effects can be unpredictable and sometimes fatal.[14]

In the United States the plant is called jimson weed, or more rarely Jamestown weed; it got this name from the town of Jamestown, Virginia, where British soldiers were drugged with it while attempting to suppress Bacon’s Rebellion. They spent eleven days generally appearing to have gone insane.[15]

The plant is also the real world basis for the fictional plant “Devil Grass” in Stephen King’s The Dark Tower series, a drug which variably brings sweet dreams; or nightmares, and possibly death.[16]

The synthesis of Scopolamine and/or atropine in the 1930s and 1940s resulted in a subclass of drugs, called Pethidine, the first fully synthetic opioid analgesic, known as Dolatin and Demerol amongst many other trade names.[17] Demerol is the synthetic first cousin of Scopolamine out of the Nightshade Family.

Pethidine (Demerol) was the first synthetic opioid synthesized in 1932 as a potential anti-spasmodic agent by the chemist Otto Eislib. Its analgesic properties were first recognized by Otto Schaumann working for IG Farben in Nazi Germany.[18]

CIA-MK ULTRA drug experiments conducted by Victor H. Vogel and Harris Isbell of the U.S. Public Health Service Hospital, Lexington, KY, found that Demerol’s first cousin Scopolamine or hyoscine make patients psychotic.[19] Scopolamine intoxication can be used as a model of transient global amnesia.[20] From recent reports of the abuse of Scopolamine, the drug removes free will, effectively turning victims into suggestible human puppets.[21]

Michael Jackson-Trance Formation


Post-hypnotic suggestion is the induction, under hypnosis, of a person into a behavior or thinking pattern that makes itself manifest after he has come out of the hypnotic state.[22]

On May 10, 2009, Dr. Conrad Murray secretly recorded Michael Jackson (MJ) on his iPhone. During the trial of Dr. Murray for involuntary manslaughter, the prosecution played Dr. Murray’s four minute plus tape recording of MJ. MJ is heard in badly slurred speech and in an absolutely unrecognizable voice as if he was drugged, but reading, word from word, directly from a script speaking to a man in a mirror,

“When people leave this show, when people leave my show, I want them to say, `I’ve never seen nothing like this in my life. Go. Go. I’ve never seen nothing like this. Go. It’s amazing. He’s the greatest entertainer in the world.”[23]

MJ goes on to describe how he wants to use proceeds from the concerts to fund a “Michael Jackson’s Children’s Hospital.” he continues as if again, word to work, repetition,

“Gonna have a movie theater, game room,” he says on the recording. “Children are depressed. The — in those hospitals, no game room, no movie theater. They’re sick because they’re depressed. Their mind is depressing them. I want to give them that. I care about them, them angels. God wants me to do it. God wants me to do it. I’m gonna do it, Conrad.”[24]

In mind control programming, the programmer/handler is most often perceived as the “master” or “God.” At the end of the spoken script, SPEAKING FROM THE LAND OF THE DREAM WORLD, MJ said, “I am asleep”.


“I am asleep” -Michael Jackson

MJ’s speech wasn’t just markedly “slurred” and “drugged.” It wasn’t a “rambling.” MJ had been speaking to Dr. Murray from the dream world in trance formation. Sirhan Sirhan has to be one of best documented cases of automatic writing, hypnotic repetition and “POST-HYPNOTIC SUGGESTIONS.”

MJ’s speech from the dream world was like Sirhan Sirhan’s infamous “RFK MUST DIE, RFK MUST DIE.” It was actually hypnotic repetition, repeating, word to work, from a programmer/handler’s “POST-HYPNOTIC SUGGESTIONS”.

When Sirhan was asked who told him to do this (the assassination) he said “my mirror my mirror my mirror”.[25] Immediately after RFK’s assassination, Sirhan suffered post-hypnotic symptomatic “chills” in a hot Los Angeles police department station in June 1968.[26]

Kenneth Ortega, director of This Is It” Live testified for the prosecution in Dr. Murray’s manslaughter trial. Just days before MJ’s death, he said Michael seemed lost and was “incoherent.” Ortega said that he sat with Michael as he watched the rehearsals — rubbing Michael’s feet because the singer was symptomatically “freezing cold”.[27]

MJ had been programmed by his programmers/handlers to temporary perform at peak levels for musical rehearsals under “POST-HYPNOTIC SUGGESTIONS.” For his upcoming AEG Live This is It  tour in London, MJ was brought in and out of consciousness to perform in “TRANCE” to create an illusion that he would be able to carry out the concert tour. These remarkable post-hypnotic state performances are exhibited by filmed rehearsals which became the subject of the Sony Pictures, This Is It, the Movie.[28]

Just before his death on June 25, 2009, Michael Jackson, among some of the greatest and successful entertainers in modern history, was only an illusion. The decision had been made that MJ would be catatonic among the walking dead until the time was right to devour-outright kill him.

The genius of Michael Jackson was simply a deep hole, a cash cow to a lot of shady people including the underworld. It was in their interest to maintain MJ in a state of unconsciousness and confusion with drug protocols like something out of a CIA-MK ULTRA mind control program and the Jonestown Medical Experiment in Guyana.

According to a declaration of Dr. Steven Hoefflin, Dr. Arnold Klein “Dermatologist to the Stars” and Debbie Rowe, who worked as a nurse for Klein, injected as much as 1,850 mg of Demerol into Jackson during a three-day period in August 1993. MJ was stressed with the Chandler Molestation Case. It is alleged by Dr. Murray’s defense and others allege that Klein and Rowe kept MJ under a regiment of Demerol, a MK ULTRA Hypnotic,[29] until his death on June 25, 2009. [30]

MJ had been maintained under a regiment of Propofol for more than a decade before Dr. Murray came on the scene. Dr. Murray said that he had been instructed by Dr. Steven Adams how to administer Propofol to MJ at his office in Las Vegas. Police affidavits says that Dr. Murray told them that he was not the first doctor to introduce MJ to the drug, and that multiple doctors had done so, including Dr. Arnold Klein, Dr. Alan Metzeger, Dr. Cherilyn Lee and Dr. Adams, two unknown doctors in Germany.[31]

One of the paramedics responding to MJ’s medical crisis asked Dr. Murray if MJ was allergic to any drugs that he knew of, he responded, Thorazine. It suggests that MJ had been previously experimentally drugged with Jonestown’s second most used hypnotic drug, Thorazine, but developed an allergic reaction to it. Who told Dr. Murray about MJ’s Thorazine allergic reaction- Dr. Klein, Metzeger, Lee or Adams-DOCTORS IN GERMANY?

Michael Jackson & the Luciferians

“So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world; he was cast to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.” Revelation 12:9

It doesn’t take much reading between-the-lines to see from the early stages of Dr. Conrad Murray’s manslaughter trial that Michael Jackson had been liquidated…assassinated. What is also chillingly frightening in this case is that MJ appears to have been deliberately maintained by his enemies in a state of continuous confusion and unconsciousness with experimental drugs out of the pages of CIA-MK ULTRA.

In 2002, MJ had proclaimed that that he had outsmarted the shadowy-demonic figures revolving around Sony like Tommy Mottola, the chairman of the company. Jackson particularly singled out Mottola for being “mean … a racist … and very, very, very devilish.” On June 15, 2005, MJ told a crowd at a fan club event in London in no uncertain terms, “Tommy Mottola is a DEVIL.”[32]

mjrather Brett Rather and Al Malnik

The principals in line with Mottola to destroy him and steal his music catalogue included his so-called friend, film director Brett Ratner, MJ’s business attorney John Branca and Al Malnik, a wealthy Miami attorney who had been a “foot solider” for the infamous underworld Mafia Crime Boss, Meyer Lansky. In fact, it is generally believed that Malnik was Lansky’s “heir apparent” in the underworld; that is no small and insignificant matter to overlook.[33]

Al Malnik: Michael Jackson, Meyer Lansky & Murder, Inc.


“’It was a known fact among the criminal underworld that dealing with Al Malnik was the same as dealing with Meyer Lansky,’ [said] Vincent Teresa, ‘a convicted criminal and frequent government witness currently in the federal Witness Protection Program,’ …”[34]

Al Malnik of Miami is a successful restaurateur, a major consumer loan lender and an entertainment lawyer to the likes of late iconic entertainers Frank Sinatra, Sammy Davis, Jr., Dean Martin and Jackie Gleason.[35] Just the mention of a Meyer Lansky link is chilling and can never be any small and insignificant matter. Lansky was the right hand man of Mafioso Charles (Lucky) Luciano.


According to Lucky Luciano’s authorized biography, Lansky helped arrange a deal (Project UNDERWORLD) with the U.S. Government via a high-ranking Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) official, Frank Wisner and Wild Bill Donovan of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS).[36] This deal secured the release of Luciano and other major mafia mobsters from prison; in exchange the Italian Mafia provided security for the war ships that were being built along the docks in New York Harbor. German submarines were sinking allied shipping outside the coast on a daily basis and there was great fear of attack or sabotage by Nazis,[37] and if necessary, the mob provided strong-arm tactics needed to continue their international drug trafficking, prostitution rings, criminal enterprise (MURDER, Inc.); and win the war against incipient Communism in Italy.[38]


Meyer (Little Man) Lansky led the Mafia and Murder, Inc.[39] into a criminal unholy alliance with the U.S. intelligence sector, U.S. and Allied Military Forces during WW II, and loomed significantly inside U.S. covert operations and assassinations around the world until his death in 1983. Today, Lansky’s foot soldiers (Mafia-Murder, Inc.) march in step with Langley, the CIA.[40] The Lansky Gang was like an octopus with tentacles in a lot of powerful and dangerous places and circles within the government and around the globe.

Another second generation successor in Lansky’s unholy alliance with the CIA was a major Los Angeles (CIA & Cocaine Trafficking-DARK ALLIANCE) crime figure, Joey Ippolito, Jr.[41] His father, Joseph Ippolito, Sr., had been in the pay of Meyer Lansky’s criminal syndicate. In Los Angeles, Joey ran a major cocaine trafficking ring. Joey’s Nubian bodyguard and chauffer was A.C. Cowlings, O.J. Simpson’s right hand man.[42]

mjsimpson O.J., Cowlings, Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman were alleged to be part of Joey’s Hollywood cocaine distribution ring that owed him a lot of drug money.[43] The shadow of Joey Ippolito seeped into every crack and shadow in the O.J. Simpson murder case.


Yet, his name was seldom if ever mentioned by Simpson’s defense team like “Gatekeepers” to the TRUTH. Simpson’s successful “dream team” circle included Carl E. Douglas.


“Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour.” 1 Peter 5:8

In March 2005, MJ and some of his family alleged that Mottola and Malnik, above, had formed a conspiracy against him. The Jacksons believed their mother, Katherine, was being paid by them, who wanted to take control of his major economic asset, the Sony/ATV Music catalogue, which holds publishing rights to 251 Beatles songs and works by scores of other pop artists. The catalogue is held jointly by MJ and Sony, and MJ’s share was mortgaged for more than $200 million. If MJ defaulted, Sony had the first chance to buy his half [44]

They also believed that MJ had been framed for molestation of children by these same “racist-devilish” powerful agents. On April 21, 2004, MJ was indicted for four counts of molesting a minor, four counts of intoxicating a minor in order to molest him, one count of attempted child molestation, and one count of conspiring to hold the boy and his family captive at his 2,700-acre Neverland Ranch, as well as conspiring to commit extortion and child abduction. On June 13, 2005, the jury found MJ not guilty on all fourteen charges, plus four lesser-included misdemeanor counts.[45]

Principals like Al Malnik and the unholy-dark alliance just don’t go away. They’ll wait if necessary for decades to move. But all the while, they will put people in place. They will covertly surround you and by the time you realize what happened, it’s too late.

No one has said ‘he must die’. There’s been no vote, nothing on paper, it’s as old as the crucifixion. –X, JFK, the Movie[46]

Gordon Novel, The Clandestine CIA Fix it Man & Neverland Ranch


“According to [Gordon] Novel, Jackson said he was lured to Malnik’s house in Miami Beach by film director Brett Ratner to see a house so beautiful it would make him catatonic.” –Gordon Novel, Vanity Fair

Catatonic! Just now Gordon Novel of the CIA got inside the Jackson family and MJ’s Neverland Ranch is absolutely beyond me. Novel is an infamous CIA disinformation – electronic spy specialist from flying saucers to the assassination of JFK. Novel is an original Plumber out of the criminal neo-Nazi Nixon White House. He is a notorious clandestine U.S. government “FIX-IT” man that plugs public leaks by any means necessary. Novel has to be have been one of the most dangerous Luciferians left over from the CIA-MK ULTRA- JFK Assassination conspiracy era in America.[47]

Gordon Novel: “… I’m trying to get the word. Somnambulistic … where they’re subject to being hypnotized in a second and whatever you tell them to do, they’ll do…”

Interviewer: But this is MK-ULTRA we’re talking about?

Gordon Novel: “Yeah. MK-ULTRA had a major league play in all of this. So, you know who’s running MK-ULTRA type of research now? It’s anybody’s guess. It isn’t the CIA any more. I like to think I had a hand in causing that to go away from Langley.”[48]

Novel’s connection to MK-ULTRA is simply mind-blowing. He has access to Langley’s entire arsenal-stockpile of Top Secret U.S. National Security ungodly biological-CHEMICAL-ethic warfare, mind control and incapacitating drugs. In 1966, Novel had entered the vast clandestine U.S. National Security State with President Lyndon B. Johnson’s White House with the Office of Security and Intelligence linked to Top Secret and classified Nazi-SS (Teutonic Knights of the Black Sun) developmental research of OPERATION PAPERCLIP.[49]

According to Alan J. Weberman, Novel had been one of Lucifer’s Servants from an early age: “In his youth, Gordon Novel belonged to a neo-Nazi group and was arrested and charged with bombing a Metairie, Louisiana, theater that admitted blacks”.[50]


On March 23, 1967, New Orleans District Attorney, Jim Garrison, subject of JFK, the popular movie, had ordered the arrest of Novel as a material witness in the conspiracy to assassinate President John F. Kennedy. In New Orleans, Novel had secretly infiltrated Garrison’s staff as a “mole” as Chief of Security to spy and sabotage the JFK investigation.[51]


Garrison discovered that Novel secretly worked closely with David Ferrie, Guy Bannister, Lee Harvey Oswald, and the anti-Castro Cuban exiles. Gordon Novel’s wife testified to Garrison that Novel was the clean shaved person impersonating Oswald and fabricating evidence against him in advance of the murder. Novel was an absolute dead ringer for Lee Harvey Oswald and was in Dallas, Texas, as well as in Mexico and Fort Worth, in the six weeks prior to November 22nd, doing his part in the conspiracy.[52]

Novel also worked for the Evergreen Advertising Agency in New Orleans, a CIA front that alerted anti-Castro agents to the date of the Bay of Pigs invasion by placing coded messages in radio commercials for Christmas trees. Novel was a paid employee and secret operative of the CIA.[53]

When Novel fled New Orleans to avoid Garrison’s arrest, he fled to Columbus, Ohio and obtained the aid of the Columbus office of the Defense Industrial Security Command (DISC) to avoid extradition.[54] J. Edgar Hoover, Director of the FBI, was in charge of NASA’s Security Division and the DISC in his position as head of counter-espionage activities in the United States. His agents investigated every employee of the space agency as well as the employees of the pertinent contractors doing business with NASA and also prospective employees of every arms and munitions manufacturer.[55] Hoover had worked directly with Lucifer’s Servant Sturmbannführer SS Wernher Von Braun in connection with NASA’s security since his arrival in the United States from Nazi Germany in December 1945.[56]

Lyndon Johnson, as Vice-President behind JFK, was Chairman of NASA. Johnson and Bobby Baker worked diligently to obtain a nine billion dollar Apollo space rocket contract for SS von Braun (NASA) and his SS rocket team out of the Peenemünde Rocket base in Nazi Germany.[57]


Novel is also linked with the international assassination network linked with ardent Nazi Lucifer Servant Gruppenfuhrer (Major General) SS Dr. Walter Robert Dohrnberger of Bell Helicopter and Permindex, above with SS-1 Himmler.[58]


Novel was also part of President Richard Nixon’s infamous secret team of White House Plumbers. In 1984, the Late Great Mae Brussell began to work with Larry Flynt’s Rebel Magazine to produce some of her landmark exposes on government criminal conspiracies, assassinations and Murder, Inc. After her classic milestone piece, “The Nazi Connection to the John F. Kennedy Assassination”,[59] was published in Rebel nationally in January 1984, White House Plumber operatives G. Gordon Libby and Gordon Novel was dispatched into Flynt’s publishing enterprise and into his home to fix it, shut down Rebel, Mae Brussell and forcible turn Larry Flynt.[60]

After Liddy and Novel departed, Flynt was left in almost a vegetable state, his wife was dead from AIDS, and his prized Hustler Magazine was purged of its investigative articles and writing team and by early 1984 Rebel Magazine had been eliminated from existence altogether.[61]


Also, Novel’s housemate, the infamous OSS/CIA assassin and gun runner, Mitchell WerBell, was put on Flynt’s payroll as his million dollar bodyguard.[62] Mae said they’d given Flynt painkillers that fucked his judgment up and made him want to jump from an airplane to his death to protest the New York Times’ refusal to let him buy a full page carrying his view of the KAL 007 disaster that killed U.S. Congressman Larry McDonald of the John Birch Society.[63]

On March 17, 2005, the same infamous neo-Nazi CIA operative and disinformation specialist Gordon Novel, nearly a month into MJ’s molestation trial, entered Neverland Ranch to consult with MJ on the Branca-Mottola-Malnik Combination. Novel told Vanity Fair Magazine that he had been contacted by Jermaine Jackson and family to consult with MJ regarding the plot to steal his catalogue.[64]

With Novel’s appearance at Neverland, MJ’s fate had been sealed from the highest levels of the Underworld and the U.S. Government. Within a few years, MJ would also be found drugged into a virtual vegetable-comatose state. In the end, MJ did not have enough strength to recover his breath, his life forces, after being left with Propofol, DEMEROL and CIA-MK ULTRA drugs… catatonic!

Dr. Conrad Murray, the Perfect Pasty


Dr. Conrad Murray, the Most Faithful Secret Servant of the Scottish Rite with Masonic Chain Collar

Dr. Murray is a lodge member of the United Most Worshipful Scottish Rite Grand Lodge of Texas, A.F.& A.M out of Houston, Texas. It is true that the grand lodge is not necessarily, per se, a regular charter lodge out of the United Grand Lodge of England.[65]

mj13Double Headed Eagle- Symbol of the Scottish Rite

United Most Worshipful Scottish Rite Grand Lodge of Texas, A.F.& A.M is a Scottish Rite” lodge of the Southern Jurisdiction.[66] The symbol most commonly associated with the Scottish Rite is the double headed eagle. The origins of the Scottish Rite are hidden in mist dating back to 1742 in Berlin where there was talk of “higher or so-called Scottish Masonry.” In 1743 the Grand Lodge of France adopted a regulation limiting the privileges of “Scots Masters” in lodges.[67] These early “Scot Masters” were most likely linked to the Knight Templars that fled into Scotland during the Vatican 14th Century inquisitions.[68] In 1762, Frederick the Great of Prussia cemented the Scottish Rite in Germany when he joined and headed the society.

mjchar The Double Headed Eagle of Charlemagne, King of the Franks and Holy Emperor of the Roman Empire

The Scottish Rite did not formally come into being in the United States until the formation of the Mother Supreme Council at Charleston, South Carolina, in May 1801 declared its existence with a motto of “Ordo ab Chao” (Order from Chaos).[69] They were known as The Eleven Gentlemen of Charleston, the Founding Fathers of the Scottish Rite.[70] This new organization declared control of high-degree Masonry in America.[71]


Albert Pike is asserted within the Southern Jurisdiction as the man most responsible for the growth and success of the Scottish Rite from an obscure Masonic Rite in the mid-19th century to the international fraternity that it became.[72] During the Civil War, Pike became a Confederate General that was linked with the Assassination of President Abraham Lincoln;[73] the founding of the Ku Klux Klan;[74] and Luciferian Satanism.

On July 14, 1889, Pike explained the theological dogma of the Scottish Rite in the ‘Instructions’ issued by him, , to the 23 Supreme Councils of the world and have been recorded by A. C. De La Rive in La Femme et l’ Enfant dans la Franc-Maconnerie Universelle (page 588) from which book it was translated and quoted as follows : “To you, Sovereign Grand Inspectors General, we say this, that you may repeat it to the Brethren of the 32nd, 31st and 30th degreesThe Masonic religion should be, by all of us initiates of the high degrees, maintained in the purity of the Luciferian doctrine.”[75]

Dr. Murray is a blood oath Scottish Rite freemason from Frederick the Great and Old Prussia. He is a member of a sect of an ultra-secret powerful high-degree Freemasonry molded by Albert Pike in the Luciferian Doctrine. It is generally believed that his business and profession really took off when joined the Scottish Rite. He is subject to the command of a higher secret Luciferian hierarchical order that I doubt he seriously fully comprehend the nature of. He is enslaved and bound to a hierarchy of secrecy by his blood oath.

I suspect that Dr. Murray must have truly believed that once in a lifetime contact with MJ and the lucrative $150,000 a month exclusive contract with This is It” AEG Live concert tour to care for Michael Jackson was one his Luciferian perks. Whoever drew Dr. Murray into a ring of secrecy deliberately bounded him to it with a Luciferian blood oath. They knew of his background and his tendency to be easily distracted and fascinated by young beautiful women with a sugar daddy life style, and blinded by ambition and money. They knew that their perfect “Patsy” and fall guy smoke screen for MJ’s assassination had to be a hapless Black man.

Lloyds of London insured AEG Live’s MJ concerts at London’s O2 arena. It is seeking to nullify the policy through the Los Angeles courts. AEG Live took out the policy two months before Jackson’s death in 2009 under an alias name. The insurance policy covered the promoters up to the value of $17.5million if MJ failed to perform”. Lloyds claim that the promoter failed to supply vital medical details, including the ‘apparent prescription drug use and/or addiction’. They state that AEG Live should have provided full information on Jackson’s medical history. Lloyds had also sought information about Conrad Murray as MJ’s personal doctor. They claim that the information on Dr. Murray had been withheld from them since December 2009.[76]

In February 2009, Anschutz Entertainment Group (AEG) and Lloyds allegedly had MJ examined under an alias “Mark Jones” by Dr. David Slavitt, an ear-nose-and-throat specialist based in New York City, under that pseudonym insurance policy. Supposedly, Dr. Slavitt examined MJ and gave him a clean bill of health on the policy, but nobody appears to have a copy of that medical exam. AEG said that they don’t have it, and Dr. Slavitt isn’t talking.[77]


By June 25, 2009, it seems as if time was of the essence. It was only a matter of time before the real MJ had to be examined under the insurance policy, and his true medical condition had to be revealed to the insurer and investors.


Kenny Ortega, the renowned choreographer and director, director of MJ’s “This Is It” comeback concerts already had grave concerns about MJ’s health and his ability to perform. The week before MJ’s death, he observed that MJ showed up at rehearsals too ill to dance. Alarmed by what he saw, Ortega wrote to an e-mail to AEG raising questions about whether the shows should be canceled due to MJ’s health and mental condition. “Everything in me says he should be psychologically evaluated”.[78]

It was also only a matter of time before AEG had to release background information on Dr. Murray; and hire another Doctor and set of eyes to help Dr. Murray with MJ and a CRP machine as they had committed to do.

Conrad Murray, Tiger Woods & Sex Magick in the Public Domain


Conrad Murray’s Secret Masonic hand recognition signal[79] and the Hidden Hand. The Hidden Hand represents Duality- Good-Evil, Heaven-Hell, Light-Dark and the Seen-Unseen.
Dr. Conrad Murray is an elite Frederick the GreatAlbert Pike Scottish Rite freemason cultivated in the Luciferian Doctrine. The prosecution established Dr. Murray juggling at least six poor desperate young women of color between two cell phones within a couple hours of MJ’s death.[80] Exploiting young women is part of practice of the Ritual of Auto Erotic Sex Magick. Sex Magick is the art of utilizing the sexual act and sex acts auto-erotically to evoke a reality and/or expand consciousness and power of the Magickan; and obtain the divine union.[81] Sex Magick Ritual is taught among the highest degrees of the Luciferian Doctrine.

Ordo Templi Orientis & Sex Magick


Luciferian Aleister Crowley, the Great BEAST 666, is a founder of Ordo Templi Orientis and the Master of the Sex Magick Rituals

Our order possesses the key which opens up all Masonic and Hermetic secrets, namely, the teachings of sexual magic, and this teaching explains, without exception, all the secrets of Freemasonry and all systems of religion.[82]


Dr. Murray and Tiger Woods, men of color, exist only on the fringe by their fingernails to a powerful secret racialist elite Luciferian Hierarchy. The elite hierarchy’s Luciferian Sex Magick Rituals are unseen-hidden behind blood oaths, masks and a deadly veil of secrecy. Dr. Murray and Tiger Wood’s (auto-erotic) sex rituals are open subject to be exploited at will by their masters.


Mass media created quite a kick out of the appearance of Dr. Murray’s live-in paramour, Nicole Alvarez, in the Conrad Murray involuntary manslaughter trial. At first appearance, she is an attractive actress playing out a scene in the public domain. However, she may be another hapless programmed sex kitten suffering multiple personality disorder (MPD). When the prosecutor asked her what she meant by maintaining her “instrument” in her profession, she suddenly changed facial expressions, straightened her body and flipped her hand in front of herself as if saying, “presenting.” She flashed into an alternative dissociated state. The “instrument” she explained adamantly was “myself”.[83]

Dr. Murray, the faithful secret servant of the Scottish Rite, didn’t possess the millions of a Tiger Woods or the multi-million dollar criminal Nazi and mob network of his brother mason Italian President Silvio Berlusconi of Propaganda 2 (P2- Albert Pike-linked Masonic Grand Lodge of Italy) to support a gallery[84] and den of beautiful butterfly sex kittens[85] to satisfy his Luciferian auto-erotic lifestyle unseen-under the veil of absolute secrecy.

The secret hierarchy put Dr. Murray on a mission not unlike a Lee Harvey Oswald to save the day by secretly infiltrating MJ’s camp on a undertaking to save MJ from his enemies for the multi-million-billion dollar investment and potential from spin-off movies, television, books, magazines-merchandising opportunities in AEG’s Live This Is It London concert tour.

AEG Live‘s Co-CEO Paul Gongaware sweetened Dr. Murray’s deal to become MJ’s personal physician with $150,000 a month and the dream of opportunities, fortune and fame that awaited him in London. He told Dr. Murray even after selling out 50 shows, there were still 250,000 people waiting for tickets.[86]

The CIA-FBI hierarchy had put Oswald on a similar secret mission to infiltrate the mob-intelligence circles including Gordon Novel in New Orleans and Dallas conspiring to assassinate John F. Kennedy, the President of the United States. When JFK was assassinated in Dallas in front of the book depository where he worked, the net closed so quickly on Oswald that he didn’t know what happened. He looked up. He was isolated and alone. He soon realized that he had been setup from the beginning to be the “patsy” for the assassination of JFK.


But, it was too late to save the President of the United States or himself.

The Net Close in on Dr. Murray

On the evening of June 24, 2009, the good most faithful Dr. Murray had been lured to the Carolwood Drive in the afternoon by Michael Amir Williams. Williams told him that rehearsals had been cut short, allegedly, because of MJ’s business meetings. Dr. Murray took the bait and met MJ at the mansion at about 1:00 p.m. MJ couldn’t sleep. Dr. Murray and MJ were up all night. At approximately 10:40 a.m. June 25, Dr. Murray finally succumbed and had to administer Propofol to try to put MJ asleep.[87]

Dr. Murray was on high alert as he had been all night when he heard MJ coming through Propofol anesthesia heaving for breath at approximately 11:54 a.m. Speculation: He ran to aid MJ with oxygen. The oxygen tank was empty. He found the other two in the room rendered inoperative. Between 12:05-12:10 p.m., he screamed for the chef for help. “Get security”, he shouted.[88] At least 21 fresh oxygen tanks were locked in the security stack outside.[89] Security never arrived. She didn’t call security. There was no CPR machine to help MJ. Dr. Murray had requested one from AEG. It never arrived. Chief of Security, Faheem Muhammad had fortuitously left the premises.

At 12:13 p.m., Dr. Murray called MJ’s personal assistant on the phone, Michael Amir Williams. In a panic, he demanded. “Get here right away. Mr. Jackson had a bad reaction Get somebody here immediately”, Dr. Murray pleaded with Williams. Speculation: Williams knew exactly who that somebody was that he was talking about, Dr. Arnold Klein or Dr. Steven Adams, who drugged MJ with DEMEROL or other secret MK-ULTRA drug during the day of June 24.[90]

Williams called Faheem than Alberto Alvarez in the security trailer at approximately 12:17 p.m. At approximately 12:18 p.m., Alvarez rushed to house and upstairs finding Dr. Murray fanatic applying manual CPR to bring MJ back to life. Alvarez called 9-11 at 12:20 p.m.[91] Faheem Muhammad rushed into the room and began helping with chest compressions while Murray attempted mouth-to-mouth resuscitation.[92]

At approximately 12:27 p.m., paramedics arrive at the Carolwood Mansion. At 12:29 p.m., MJ had no pulse.[93] At 1:07 p.m., the singer was taken to Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center with Dr. Murray rode by MJ’s side in the ambulance, where doctors attempted a range of resuscitation techniques. Jackson was pronounced dead at 2:26 p.m.[94]

At sometime thereafter at the hospital after MJ had been pronounced dead, Dr. Murray had been up all night with MJ and should have been frantically exhausted from ordeal of MJ’s life and death struggle. He approached Muhammad, Chief of Security, for a ride to get something to eat. He refused. Dr. Murray soon thereafter approached Muhammad and Williams for a ride back to the Carolwood Mansion to get his car, they lied and refused to help him.


He looked around. MJ had died right in front of him which from his medical opinion had been a bad reaction to a drug that he didn’t administer. He had being isolated without help. He must have understood at that point that he had been setup from the beginning to be the “fall guy” for the death of the MJ.

But, it was far too late to save the World’s Best Loved and Greatest Entertainer, Michael Jackson or himself.

The Octopus Close it Tentacles on Dr. Murray


On August 31, 2009, two months after MJ’s death, three of his staff at the Carolwood Drive Mansion, Alberto Alvarez (Security), Faheem Muhammad (Chief of Security) and Michael Amir Williams (Personal Assistant) met at Carl Douglas’ law office in Beverly Hills and offered police damaging statements that suggested in the fanatic moments following MJ’s death, Dr. Murray had been preoccupied with concealing evidence (circumstantial evidence of a guilty conscious) than saving MJ.[95]

At trial, Dr. Murray’s defense counsel, Ed Chernoff, tried to establish if their statements were so important, why, they waited two months before going to police, and why they hadn’t offered their statements to police on the day of MJ’s death, June 25, 2009. Chernoff also wanted to know why they needed the assistance of counsel, Carl Douglas, to make their statements to police. Chernoff also attempted to establish why they met, together, on August 31 with Carl Douglas to get their facts straight before offering their statements to police.


Trial Judge Michael E. Pastor and the prosecutors blocked each and every of Chernoff’s attempts to establish and explore the true nature of Carl Douglas’ role in lining up key prosecution witness statements and trial testimony. Judge Pastor is a former Los Angeles City Attorney. He was appointed to the bench by Sturmhauptfuhrer SS Baron Otto Albrecht Alfred von Bolschwing’s Democrat Jesuit Priest Jerry Brown in 1983. Pastor also wrote a letter of recommendation for Dr. Murray’s lead prosecutor, David Walgren, who is looking to become a judge.[96] Interesting.

In fact, Carl Douglas had lobbied in the public domain to setup his clients as Dr. Murray’s key prosecution witnesses. On or about August 25, 2009, Carl Douglas told the Los Angeles Times, “Some of their information could shed new light on the timeline police have established covering Jackson’s final hours and the actions of his doctor.”[97] How did Douglas know about LAPD investigators’ working timelines and notes within two months of MJ’s death?

Douglas told the Times, “We arranged two separate occasions for LAPD investigators to meet with my clients. My clients came early wearing suits and ties. The first meeting was canceled and rescheduled. The second meeting I had to call them to inquire about the [detectives’] absence.”[98] Publicly, in all cases, Carl Douglas has declined further comment on his role in Dr. Murray’s prosecution and setup.[99]

Faheem Muhammad: Dummying the Jury Down, Does anyone know CPR?


At trial, Douglas’ client, Faheem Muhammad’s testimony was that Dr. Murray was in panic trying to conceal evidence. When Dr. Murray asked Faheem to return to Carolwood Drive Mansion to allegedly get some “cream”, he lied to him that he gave the keys to the police. When Dr. Murray asked for a ride to get some food, Faheem lied and refused assistance. When Dr. Murray asked to return to the mansion in Holmby Hills to retrieve his car, Faheem lied again and refused to assist him. The majority of Faheem’s responses to cross-examination were arrogant in tone and manner consistently saying, “I don’t recall” to simple defense questions.

At Dr. Murray’s preliminary hearing, Faheem Muhammad said that Dr. Conrad Murray seemed not to know how to administer cardiopulmonary resuscitation as he waited for paramedics to arrive at the house. Muhammad told the court that he and guard Alberto Alvarez saw Murray crouched next to Jackson’s bed “in a panicked state asking, ‘Does anyone know CPR?'” Muhammad told the court, “I looked at Alberto because we knew Dr. Murray was a heart surgeon, so we were shocked”.[100] Does anyone know CPR? Hmmm……!

Did Muhammad or Alvarez know CPR? If either knew CPR, it shows that they were, for some reason, markedly indifferent and incredibly dissociated from MJ’s fate as he was lying in bed desperately near death, or THEY WERE OUTRIGHT LYING. Strikingly by their trial testimony, they offered neither MJ nor Dr. Murray help, but were significantly anxious to help the police target Dr. Murray for homicide. Nevertheless, Muhammad admitted that he took MJ to Dr. Arnold Klein‘s office several times a week and MJ often came out “a bit tipsy” – MK ULTRA-DRUGGED.[101]

The 30 Second Man: Alberto Alvarez


Douglas’ client other client, Alberto Alvarez, told the jury that Conrad Murray asked him to gather drug vials and an IV bag before calling paramedics. But cross-examining Alvarez, defense counsel Chernoff established that phone records cast serious doubt on his chronology and timeline of events. Those records established a window of approximately 30 seconds long of what Alvarez had identified as 14 separate events that he performed in Jackson’s bedroom ranging from comforting of the singer’s children to his placing pill bottles in bags. On re-direct examination, the prosecution did not dispute or challenge the 30 second window within which Alvarez delivered up to 14 separate events that he testified that he had performed before calling 911. According to the prosecution, Alvarez was just “very efficient”.[102] Hmmm…….!

Somebody Call 911 Immediately: Michael Amir Williams


Douglas client Michael Amir William told the jury that Dr. Murray called him at 12:13 pm saying, “Call me right away.”  When he called back, Murray told him MJ had a “bad reaction” … and to “get somebody here immediately.” When he arrived at the mansion, the first thing he saw was MJ being brought out in a gurney. He said Murray seemed “frantic.”[103] What about MJ on that gurney?

Williams said after he learned of Michael’s death at the hospital, Murray came up to him and said there was “some cream Michael wouldn’t want the world to know about.” Murray asked him to drive him to the home so he could retrieve the “cream.” After checking with Faheem Muhammad, the two decided to deliberate lie to Dr. Murray, and not let Murray back into the house.[104]

On June 25, 2009 or soon thereafter, Williams did not mention to police Dr. Murray’s request to re-enter the house to get some cream, but suddenly two months later at or about August 31, 2009 at Carl Douglas’ Law Office in Beverly Hills decided this fact was relevant to Dr. Murray’s culpability for homicide.

When Chernoff asked Williams why he didn’t call 9-11 or demand Dr. Murray call 9-11 to save MJ, he said with utter cold indifference, Dr. Murray never asked him to call 9-11.[105] Nobody asked him to call 9-11. Hmmm ……!

Lunch as Usual?: Chef Kia Chase


Some of the most bizarre and chilling trial testimony came from MJ’s chef, Kia Chase. Ms. Chase claimed that almost ten minutes before anyone called 911, Dr. Murray frantically begged her for help.[106]

According to Chase, she was in the kitchen preparing lunch for Michael and his kids — and between 12:05 and 12:10 p.m., Murray ran downstairs, yelling for her to “get Prince, get help, get security.”[107] She recalled that Dr. Murray was “flustered” and “screaming.”[108] She said Dr. Murray appeared to be “frantic” and “in a panic”. She testified that “His energy was very nervous…”[109]

She calmly described immediately locating Prince and sending him upstairs to Dr. Murray. “I said, `Hurry. Dr. Murray needs you. There may be something wrong with your father,”‘ Chase said she told the boy. She didn’t call security or offer to help MJ or Dr. Murray. She went back to the kitchen to prepare “Lunch as Usual.”[110] Hmmm ……!

Kai Chase wasn’t one of Douglas clients, but exhibited at trial some of the very same strange patterns of utter indifference, impassionate and dissociated behavior to the fate of MJ or the plight of Dr. Murray on June 25, 2009. She had been fired by MJ in May. Who brought her back on June 2, 23 days before MJ’s death? She said it was 7-year-old Prince Michael II, known as Blanket, Malnik’s God-son. Hmmm ……!

Michael Jackson & the GATEKEEPERS to the TRUTH


The Snakes Are Hiding in the Grass

What stands out in the early stages of Conrad Murray’s trial for involuntary manslaughter is the overwhelming appearance of Black and Brown faces carrying the load for the prosecution. It is a deliberate deception and mass media illusion, re-imaging, to dispel MJ’s consistent complaints and the public perception that RACISM was/is at the base of the conspiracy against and assassination of Michael Jackson.

In 1993, Gatekeeper Carl Douglas was behind a combination that took MJ for a bundle in a false child molestation case. MJ had been accused of molesting a 12 year old boy, Jordan Chandler.[111]


Sixteen years ago Jordan Chandler and his father, Evan Chandler, took MJ for $22 million to settle the case and quash a criminal indictment. The Chandlers got $15,332,250 and lawyers got the remainder. Douglas represented Jackson and was behind the settlement in the infamous “800 pound Gorilla in the Room” referring to Jordan’s alleged accurate description of MJ’s genital parts.[112] It is unknown what Douglas got out of the case, but he though it worth joking about.

In the Transcript of “Frozen in Time: A Riveting Behind-the-Scenes View of the Michael Jackson Cases”, Part 3, Douglas joked about his spoils out of the Chandler case “driving in my car that I was able to buy after the Michael Jackson case, I had a little bit of money on the side (laughter!).[113] Douglas isn’t involved in anything in pursuit of TRUTH and JUSTICE.

Jordan Chandler: Oh God he’s taking Demerol –Michael Jackson

mjchan June and Evan Chandler

After MJ’s death, the Chandler case against MJ seemed to unravel. Reports surfaced that Jordan, 29 years old, confessed that he had been forced to lie about the molestation charges by his father as a sham.[114] In fact, Evan Chandler administered MK-ULTRA Truth Drug Sodium Pentathol (Scopolamine-Demerol), the CIA’s potent Truth Drug used in interrogations, to Jordan for his dream world accusation that MJ molested him.[115]

On or about November 5, 2009, Jordan’s father, dentist Evan Chandler, was found dead in his Jersey City luxury apartment with a bullet in his head, MK-ULTRA suicided.[116]


Douglas client, Alberto Alvarez, story may also be unraveling in the public domain as a pack of lies as well. Witness Richard Senneff said the IV, which Alberto Alvarez testified previously was removed by Dr. Conrad Murray, was still attached. Senneff was the firefighter and paramedic who was first on the scene on the Carolwood Mansion when the emergency assistance was called.[117]

County Coroner Investigator Elissa Fleak is suspected of making revisions to her original report on Jackson’s death from 2009. She is suspected of manufacturing evidence to help corroborate with Alberto Alvarez’s testimony. Alvarez testified that he was asked by Dr. Murray to help conceal evidence, a bottle of Propofol in a bag.

Fleak admitted that she didn’t note Alvarez’s bottle of Propofol. Fleak went on to admit that her original notes did not mention finding the Propofol bottle inside the IV bag, and that the first time she placed that in her notes was earlier this year, 2011. Chernoff implied that she did this to help corroborate with Alberto Alvarez’s testimony.[118]

Fleak said she photographed the IV bag and the Propofol bottle, after taking the bottle out of the bag, to show they were found together.[119] On the third day of Dr. Murray’s trial, Alvarez said he saw a “milky white substance” in the saline bag that Murray asked him to stash into a bag moments before the ambulance was called.[120]

“While I was standing at the foot of the bed he (Murray) reached over and grabbed a handful of vials and then he said ‘here put them in a bag’.” Alvarez, testifying for the prosecution, said Murray then pointed toward an IV stand by Jackson’s bed and told him to grab one of the saline bags hanging there and take it away. The bag had “what appeared to me like a milky white substance. I recall seeing it at the bottom of the (saline) bag,” Alvarez said. Prosecutors say the milky substance was the surgical anesthetic Propofol.[121]


MJ’s defense attorney Chernoff points out to the jury that there isn’t any “milky white substance” in Alvarez’s IV bag.[122] Dr. Murray’s defense is also correct from the powerful and demonic forces behind the case that it will take science to determine the true chemical warfare drug agent that actually caused the death of Michael Jackson.

It’s already apparent from the proceedings of the trial and the spin of mass media pundits, MK ULTRA and mind control won’t be touched even though the world heard MJ tape-recorded speaking in TRANCE FORMATION under POST HYPNOTIC SUGGESTION and that he was secretly being DRUGGED up and until the time of his death.

Michael Jackson’s Assassination & The Snakes Hidden in the Grass


Finally, the names of Al Malnik and Gordon Novel and Organized Crime won’t come up in the trial. Dr. Conrad Murray is a diversion, the lone-nut “Patsy” bounded by a Luciferian Blood Oath to Secrecy. He is the WILLIE HORTON, the black face that everyone in the world that loved MJ can hate.

Carl Douglas has again helped line up all the ducks in a roll in this case to divert our attention from economic hit-men Al Malnik, Gordon Novel and the absolute corruption of U.S. Government and its UNHOLY-DARK ALLIANCE of America’s National Security State with Organized Crime for a Luciferian NEW WORLD ORDER.


MJ’s enemies and snakes in the grass, Howard Weitzman and John Branca, right, have taken over his estate as the executors. Weitzman had been MJ’s attorney in the Chandler Child Molestation Sham. They control MJ’s entire Sony/ATV Music catalogue. They produced Sony’s This Is It movie of MJ’s TRANCE FORMATION rehearsals which has become one of the most successful music film documentaries in history.


In a court document, Katherine Jackson told the TRUTH about Branca, she said that her son told her “on more than one occasion that he did not like this man and did not trust him, he told me that John [Branca] had stolen from him.” She has been forced to retract the court declaration.[123] They play no games.

“And no wonder! For Satan himself transforms himself into an angel of light.” 2 Corinthians 11:14

Alvin Ira Malnik, the Smooth Criminal and Angel of Light


Michael Jackson, Too Much POWER, Success and Money for a Black Man

Since MJ death, Alvin Malnik has been getting a lot of re-imaging with positive spins from the press to make him look good like an angel of light after MJ’s assassination as if he had been an innocent benevolent and fatherly image to MJ and the Jackson family.


Recently, Malnik has been telling the public through the press that he signed a document in 2003 saying that he could take custody of Blanket if anything happened to Jackson and that he also agreed in writing to be the executor of Jackson’s estate. Malnik says that Jackson at the time became the godfather of Malnik’s then 11-year-old daughter, Spencer.[124] MJ and the Malniks were one big happy multi-racial family. That Dog won’t Hunt!

To make Alvin Ira  Malnik look like an angel in anybody’s book is a daunting task if ever there was one. Malnik is a major well known cut-throat organized crime figure and that won’t be ignored. Malnik was called Meyer Lansky‘s “fair-haired boy”. He is linked to some of the most notorious crime figures and political assassins in American history. He is linked along with Gordon Novel in the chain in the assassination of JFK and that cannot be washed away with his recent sense of love and charity and joy to the world.

Malnik is the proprietor of the super trendy Miami Beach hot spot The Forge, Malnik is also owner of Title Loans of America, a national chain that lends money legally at annual percentage rates reaching 264% – higher than most loan sharks, cheating the national working classes, poor and disadvantaged.[125]

The feds opened their first dossier on Malnik in 1963. It was two years after he graduated, first in his class, from Miami Law School. He had helped set up the Bank of World Commerce in Nassau (BWCN), the Bahamas, an alleged money laundering outfit that investigators said involved “some of the nation’s top gangsters.”[126] It so happens that the payoffs to the mafia in the conspiracy to assassinate JFK were linked through the syndicate Caribbean money structure partially represented by BWCN. On September 8, 1967, two of the individuals involved with BWCN were named by LIFE as “bagmen” for the Meyer Lansky crime syndicate. Alvin I. Malnik had been a director of BWCN. Acquitted on tax fraud charges in 1964, Malnik was heard discussing Lansky two years later on bugs placed by cops probing whether casino profits were invested overseas on the mobster’s behalf.[127]

Government agents have linked Malnik’s name to Lansky ever since. When the mobster died in 1983, Reader’s Digest labeled him the “heir apparent.” In 1964, he made his first venture into showbiz, organizing a video jukebox company, Scopitone (Scopolamine-MK ULTRA truth drug), which was touted as a music-industry revolution. Problem was, its stockholders included Vincent (Jimmy Blue Eyes) Alo, a convicted criminal and lifelong pal of Lansky, and Irving Kaye, who was denied a Nevada gaming license because of his questionable associations.[128]

In 1966, the U.S. attorney in New York secretly indicted Malnik on charges of using the mail to defraud Scopitone investors. In 1971, prosecutors quietly dropped the case. Meanwhile, after Malnik opened The Forge in 1969, it rose quickly to the top of Miami’s night scene, attracting regular celebrities such as Frank Sinatra, Judy Garland, Richard Burton and even Gordon Novel’s employer Richard Nixon, who came with his Florida mobster banker buddy, Bebe Rebozo AKA Charles Gregory Rebozo.[129]

Jay (Jesse) Weiss and Malnik were the best of friends. Weiss was a confident of Roy Cohn. Cohn, of course, was one of J. Edgar Hoover’s top confidents. Cohn and Weiss were mutual investors in Schenley Industries.[130] Cohn was a notorious New York mob lawyer of Carlos Gambino and John Gotti.[131] Carlos Gambino (Boss of the Bosses) is linked to the assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.[132]

In June 1977, Meyer Lansky’s stepson, Richard Schwartz, shot and killed the son of mobster Vincent Teriaca in a dispute that began at the bar of The Forge. In October of 1977, Richard Schwartz was shot gunned to death outside his Bay Harbor restaurant.[133]

Two years later, Malnik’s Rolls-Royce was blown up in the parking lot of the Cricket Club, a Miami high-rise he developed with Cal Covens, who served three years in prison after being convicted with Teamsters boss Jimmy Hoffa of conspiracy and fraud. No one was injured in the blast, and no suspects were arrested.[134]

With all of his history to organized crime, violence, corruption, fraud, loan sharking, murders and the assassinations of world leaders, is it really even conceivable that the leopards lost his spots and Malnik suddenly found the benevolence and goodness of an angel to protect the interests of a lonely and vulnerable young Black musical genius like Michael Jackson.


Gordon Dwayne Novel was friend of Michael Jackson or the Jackson family. He came out of Malnik’s snake pit. Novel is a messenger of entrapment, death, violence and threats.[135] Novel has been a CIA-Mafia (unholy alliance) fixer of murders, political assassinations, and MK ULTRA mind control operations from the early 1960s.

Novel was part of the operational group that helped setup Lee Harvey Oswald as a lone-nut “Patsy” for the assassination of JFK. Novel has been the secret strategist and intelligence operative of Ramsey Clark. Clark was the U.S. Attorney General that refused to pursue the conspiracy in the Assassination of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. setting up James Earl Ray as another lone-nut “Patsy.” Malnik sent the fixer in to arrange the death of MJ and setup Dr. Murray as a lone-nut “Patsy.”

MICHAEL JACKSON RESISTED! He spoke TRUTH to POWER. Even though, he had been abused, CIA-MK ULTRA-ed, and brainwashed in the Luciferian Doctrine since childhood, HE RESISTED. He had been maligned, abandoned, unjustly prosecuted, robbed and drugged out of his FREAKING mind. HE RESISTED.

What more can we do to bring JUSTICE to Michael Jackson’s true assassins and snakes in the grass; the governmental and national security state conspirators in 9-11;  and the forces behind the Mortgage-Banking Scandals that will cripple America for decades. SPEAK TRUTH TO POWER! RESIST!

[1] http://www.starpulse.com/news/index.php/2009/07/01/michael_jackson_s_morphine_song_lyrics_a

[2] http://www.karenlyster.com/minda.html

[3] http://www.maebrussell.com/Jonestown/How%20Jones%20Used%20Drugs.html

[4] http://jonestown.sdsu.edu/AboutJonestown/PrimarySources/autopsies/LawrenceSchacht.pdf

[5] http://freemasonrywatch.org/P2.html

[6] Id.

[7] Id.

[8] http://ratical.org/ratville/JFK/JohnJudge/Jonestown.html

[9] http://www.maebrussell.com/Jonestown/How%20Jones%20Used%20Drugs.html

[10] http://www.maebrussell.com/Jonestown/How%20Jones%20Used%20Drugs.html

[11] http://www.slaveryoffaith.com/files/Part_Three_FBI_Investigation.pdf

[12] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jimson_weed

[13] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solanaceae

[14] Id. At footnote 66

[15] Id.

[16] Id.

[17] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scopolamine

[18] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pethidine#Adverse_effects

[19] http://www.unodc.org/unodc/en/data-and-analysis/bulletin/bulletin_1950-01-01_4_page004.html

[20] http://www.lycaeum.org/drugs/abstracts/L4.cgi?mode=keys&kwand=intoxication

[21] http://www.disinfo.com/2011/06/burundanga-the-drug-against-free-will/

[22] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Post-hypnotic_suggestion

[23] http://www.myfoxla.com/dpp/jackson_dr_trial/case_file/jury-hears-michael-jackson-slurred-speech-in-recording-20111005

[24] Id.

[25] http://pseudoccultmedia.blogspot.com/2008/08/sirhan-sirhan-first-mind-controlled.html

[26] http://www.ctka.net/pr598-rfk.html

[27] http://www.tmz.com/2011/09/27/michael-jackson-doctor-conrad-murray-opening-statements-involuntary-manslaughter-trial-propofol-kenny-ortega/

[28] http://www.thisisitmovieondvd.com/

[29] http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/hardtruth/if_chapter3.htm

[30] http://www.wavenewspapers.com/news/local/Lawyers-for-Dermatologist-to-the-Stars-argue-against-defamation-case-124042899.html

[31] http://www.radaronline.com/exclusives/2009/11/judge-unsealed-dr-murray-search-warrant-michael-jackson-case

[32] http://www.mtv.com/news/articles/1455976/michael-jackson-calls-tommy-mottola-racist.jhtml

[33] http://aconstantineblacklist.blogspot.com/2009/07/michael-jackson-al-malnik-mafia.html

[34] Id.

[35] Id.

[36] http://www.ctka.net/pr700-ang.html

[37] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meyer_Lansky

[38] Id. At footnote 5


[40] http://www.raven1.net/mcf/hambone/oj.html

[41] Id.

[42] Id.

[43] http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread234852/pg1

[44] http://www.vanityfair.com/culture/features/2005/07/orth200507?currentPage=5#gotopage1

[45] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/People_v._Jackson#Jackson_complains_against_the_police

[46] http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0102138/quotes

[47] http://blockyourid.com/~gbpprorg/mil/mindcontrol/hambone/novel.html

[48] http://projectavalon.net/lang/en/gordon_novel_interview_transcript_en.html

[49] http://en.inforapid.org/index.php5?search=Gordon%20Novel

[50] http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=2810

[51] http://www.realityuncovered.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=460

[52] http://www.bilderberg-mirror.org.uk/kennedy/index.htm

[53] http://www.maebrussell.com/Garrison/Garrison%20Playboy%20Intvw%202.html

[54] http://www.bilderberg-mirror.org.uk/kennedy/index.htm

[55] Id.

[56] Id.

[57] Id.

[58] Id.


[60] https://deeppoliticsforum.com/forums/showthread.php?471-Larry-Flynt-deserves-his-own-thread-here

[61] Id.

[62] http://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/profiles/larry-flynt-the-trouble-with-larry-570430.html

[63] Id. At footnote 20

[64] http://www.vanityfair.com/culture/features/2005/07/orth200507?currentPage=5#gotopage1

[65] http://www.ugle.org.uk/

[66] http://www.grandlodgeoftexas.org/scottishrite

[67] http://scottishrite.org/about/history/

[68] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_the_Knights_Templar

[69] Id. Footnote at 28

[70] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scottish_Rite#Albert_Pike

[71] Id. At footnote 3

[72] Id. At footnote 5

[73] http://knights-of-the-golden-circle.blogspot.com/2010/10/gen-albert-pike-identifies-booth.html

[74] http://www.freemasonrywatch.org/albertpikeandkkk.html

[75] http://www.trosch.org/for/pike-albert.html

[76] http://www.lipstickalley.com/f227/lloyds-london-suing-aeg-live-307662/

[77] http://michaelsguardian.blogspot.com/2010/08/michael-jacksons-dr-slavit-and-aeg.html

[78] http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/lanow/2011/09/michael-jackson-conrad-murray-kenny-ortega.html

[79] http://freemasonry-watch.blogspot.com/2009/07/dr-conrad-murrary-secret-freemason.html

[80] http://www.zimbio.com/Dr.+Conrad+Robert+Murray/articles/cATyDx-n6FY/Sade+Anding+Nicole+Alvarez+Michelle+Bella

[81] http://www.magickalmind.com/crowleybio.htm

[82] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sex_magic

[83] http://www.examiner.com/addictions-in-lafayette-la/michael-jackson-2011-trial-on-hln-day-7

[84] http://www.adelaidenow.com.au/news/galleries/gallery-e6frechc-1225807580880?page=1

[85] http://pseudoccultmedia.blogspot.com/2009/06/berlusconis-harem.html

[86] http://www.tmz.com/2011/09/27/michael-jackson-doctor-conrad-murray-opening-statements-involuntary-manslaughter-trial-propofol-aeg-live-co-ceo-paul-gongaware/

[87] http://www.myfoxla.com/dpp/jackson_dr_trial/timelines/conrad-murray-the-day-michael-jackson-died-four

[88] http://www.firstcoastnews.com/news/usworld/article/221070/6/Day-3-of-Jackson-Doctors-Trial-More-Witnesses-to-Tragedy

[89] http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/music/michael-jackson/8795728/Conrad-Murray-trial-Michael-Jacksons-children-watched-as-doctor-tried-to-resuscitate-father.html

[90] http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/music/michael-jackson/8795728/Conrad-Murray-trial-Michael-Jacksons-children-watched-as-doctor-tried-to-resuscitate-father.html

[91] http://www.firstcoastnews.com/news/usworld/article/221070/6/Day-3-of-Jackson-Doctors-Trial-More-Witnesses-to-Tragedy

[92] http://www.michaeljackson.com/middle-east/node/721018

[93] Id.

[94] Id.

[95] http://www.billboard.com/news/witness-michael-jackson-doctor-interrupted-1004077535.story#/news/witness-michael-jackson-doctor-interrupted-1004077535.story

[96] http://entertainment.ca.msn.com/celebs/news/article.aspx?cp-documentid=23841598

[97] http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/lanow/2009/08/twostaffers-who-worked-formichael-jackson-and-were-with-the-pop-star-at-various-points-in-the-hours-before-his-death-have-yet.html

[98] Id.

[99] http://news.mobile.msn.com/en-us/article_ent.aspx?aid=35992541&afid=1&pg1=2501

[100] http://boards.library.trutv.com/archive/index.php/t-303647.html?s=29be9cd7a6675ac22824be2db1c14f6e

[101] http://www.tmz.com/2011/09/28/people-vs-dr-conrad-murray-aeg-michael-jackson-manslaughter-bodyguard-faheem-muhammad/3/

[102] http://articles.latimes.com/2011/sep/30/local/la-me-0930-conrad-murray-20110930

[103] http://www.tmz.com/2011/09/28/dr-conrad-murray-michael-jackson-michael-amir-williams-testimony-hearing-witness/

[104] Id.

[105] http://www.tmz.com/2011/09/28/dr-conrad-murray-michael-jackson-michael-amir-williams-testimony-hearing-witness/

[106] http://www.tmz.com/2011/09/29/people-vs-dr-conrad-murray-aeg-michael-jackson-manslaughter-chef-kai-chase/

[107] Id.

[108] http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/michael-jacksons-chef-says-conrad-242288

[109] http://www.myfoxla.com/dpp/jackson_dr_trial/case_file/kai-chase-jackson-chef-testifies-20110929

[110] Id.

[111] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1993_child_sexual_abuse_accusations_against_Michael_Jackson

[112] http://www.mj-777.com/?p=5544

[113] http://vindicatemj.wordpress.com/frozen-in-time-seminar-2/part-3-carl-douglas/

[114] http://current.com/community/90292625_jordan-chandler-admits-he-lied-about-michael-jackson.htm

[115] http://frederick-brand.suite101.com/michael-jackson-jordie-chandler-part-3-a211343

[116] http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/jacko_molest_rap_dad_kills_himself_k24b38q48hPRG58vjEK0dM

[117] http://www.examiner.com/celebrity-headlines-in-national/richard-senneff-contradicts-alberto-alvarez-testimony-says-iv-was-still-leg


[119] Id.

[120] http://www.buenosairesherald.com/article/80255/bodyguard-says-jackson-doctor-removed-medicine

[121] Id.

[122] http://insession.blogs.cnn.com/2011/10/06/gallery-day-8-in-the-conrad-murray-trial/#more-12747

[123] http://www.nj.com/entertainment/celebrities/index.ssf/2011/04/katherine_jackson_michael_didn.html

[124] http://aconstantineblacklist.blogspot.com/2009/07/michael-jackson-al-malnik-mafia.html

[125] http://www.nydailynews.com/archives/news/2003/12/07/2003-12-07_michael_s_sugar_baddie___mog.html

[126] Id.

[127] http://scribblguy.50megs.com/torbitt3.htm

[128] http://www.nydailynews.com/archives/news/2003/12/07/2003-12-07_michael_s_sugar_baddie___mog.html

[129] Id.

[130] North, Mark, Act of Treason, The Role of J. Edgar Hoover in the Assassination of JFK, pg.

[131] http://www.ipsn.org/gotti_dead.php

[132] http://coverthistory.blogspot.com/2009/01/new-york-post-racists-hired-mafia-to.html

[133] http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=19769458

[134] http://www.nydailynews.com/archives/news/2003/12/07/2003-12-07_michael_s_sugar_baddie___mog.html

[135] http://coverthistory.blogspot.com/2010_01_01_archive.html